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GPS提供了一种精密定时的方法,但接收机绝对时延的测量是一个难题,现有的测量方法成本高且难以操作,因而提出了一种GPS定时接收机时延测量的简单方法。这种方法根据国家授时中心保持的时间尺度UTC(NTSC)与GPS定时接收机输出的秒脉冲信号(1PPS)的比对结果,利用UTC(NTSC)的国际比对数据以及UTC与GPST的时差数据,可以测量GPS定时接收机时延,该方法简单易行。最后,对这种方法的测量误差进行了分析。  相似文献   

近几年,西安导航技术研究所生产了新型的GPS定时接收机,它在高频部件、线路结构、电源部件、防震装置和天线水平等方面进行了改进和更新。这种新接收机在上海天文台进行性能测量,并与老型接收机的性能进行比较,测量结果分析表明,新型接收机在信噪比、可靠性、接收缺损率和短期校频精度等方面都比老型接收机有较大提高,这种新型接收机适用于完成野外流动作业的高水平时间同步任务。  相似文献   

测量了综合原子时系统中各个长波接收系统的时延。对于利用长波实现高精度时间比对,这是不可忽视的实际问题  相似文献   

测量了综合原子时系统中各个长波接收系统的时延。对于利用长波实现高精度时间比对,这是不可忽视的实际问题。  相似文献   

GPS定位定时接收机定时误差与定位误差的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文提出了测量长波定时接收机系统(包括环形天线和同轴电缆)时延的方法,对其测量误差进行了分析,并给出了2000C型和PO20型两种长波定时接收机的时延实测值。  相似文献   

中国科学院国家授时中心BPL长波授时系统现代化技术改造的核心是用一部固态发射机替代两部电子管发射机.结合固态发射机工作原理和罗兰-C脉冲信号定时控制特点,提出了BPL长波授时发播信号时刻控制方法,并对发射机输出信号控制精度进行了初步估算.结果表明,该控制精度符合项目任务书中对定时控制精度在±100ns之内的要求.  相似文献   

无线电长波传播时延的测量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了在长波授时与导航系统中,进行传播时延的修正,研究电波传播时延修正的理论及方法,及通过传播时延的测量测定土地等效导电率等,必须对电波传播的时延进行精确的测量。利用飞机搬运原子钟方法就是一种高精度的测量长波传播时延的方法。一九七八年十月至十一月进行的3262工程电波传播搬运钟试验,采用飞机搬运铷原子钟测量了我国不同传播路径上许多地点长波天、地波传播的时延,测量的精度为±0.14μs。下面我们就这次实验中传播时延的测量问题进行分析讨论。  相似文献   

导航型GPS接收机定时精度的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“能提供廉价并满足准确度达到或优于1μs的产业需求的世界范围内的时号传播”仍然是CCIR第7研究组的研究课题.为此,我们测量了4种型号的13台导航星GPS接收机输出的1pps与陕西天文台主钟UTC(CSAOMC)的时间偏差.经电缆延迟和主钟相对子UTC(CSAO)的钟差改正,测量结果表明,单次(采样时间约30s)定时测量的精度约为0.2μs,准确度为1~3μs;不同型号的GPS接收机的硬件延时、测量偏倚误差和接收机噪声特性各不相同.只有测定这些接收机的时钟偏差并加以改正,才能达到准确度优于1μs的定时精度或时间同步精度。  相似文献   

周期修正项是长波授时信号的一个特征量,它通常与长波授时信号的跟踪点有关。在授时过程中,它是影响长波传播路径时延计算的重要因素。讨论了长波定时信号接收端感应电动势周期修正项与发射端电流信号周期修正项的不同,分析了磁天线和电天线对周期修正项的影响,计算了实际传播介质中周期修正项的大小。结果表明:当传播路径上的电参数恒定时,周期修正项与传播距离有关,传播距离越大,感应电动势的周期修正项也越大,并且两者呈线性关系。同时,周期修正项也受等效电导率等因素的影响,在恒定的距离上,等效电导率越小,周期修正项反而越大。授时用户可以利用感应电动势周期修正项的数值计算结果修正传播路径上的时延,有效地提高传播路径时延计算的精度,从而提高授时精度。  相似文献   

Power spectra of the timing noise observed in 18 southern pulsars have been derived using a novel technique, based on the CLEAN algorithm. Most of the spectra are well described by a single- or double-component power-law model. Some of these spectra can be interpreted in the context of one or more of the current timing noise models. The results combined with those obtained from the time-domain analyses of the timing activity in these pulsars are used to assess the viability of the various theoretical models of pulsar timing noise.  相似文献   

Consecutive collision orbits in the limiting case µ = 0 of the elliptic restricted three-body problem are investigated. in particular those in which the infinitesimal mass collides twice with the smaller (massless) primary. A timing condition is presented that allows the extension of previous results to the case of arbitrary relative orientation of the orbits of the infinitesimal mass and the smaller primary. The timing condition is expressed in two general forms - in terms of orbit parameters and eccentric (or hyperbolic) anomalies at the times of collision - for the specific cases of elliptic. parabolic or hyperbolic orbits of the infinitesimal mass. Some families of solutions are presented.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis of the residual pulsearrival times of pulsars is a useful tool in understanding the nature of the underlying processes that may be responsible for the timing noise observed from pulsars. Power spectra of pulsar timing residuals may be described by one or a combination of powerlaws. As these spectra are expected to be very steep, it is important to ensure a high dynamic range in the estimation of the spectrum. This is difficult in practice since one is, in general, dealing with timing measurements made at unevenly placed epochs. In this paper, we present a technique based on, ‘CLEAN’ to obtain high dynamic range spectra from unevenly sampled data. We compare the performance of this technique with other techniques including some that were used earlier for estimation of power spectra of pulsar timing residuals.  相似文献   

《Astroparticle Physics》2004,20(6):617-628
The mirrors of interferometric detectors of gravitational waves (GW) are suspended in order to be isolated from external disturbances. A local control system able to keep them correctly aligned and to damp the angular modes of the suspension is necessary. In this paper we present the solution adopted for Virgo based on a CCD camera sensor and on digital controls. With this solution the mirrors are kept aligned at the level of less than 1 μrad rms, enough to lock the interferometer and start the automatic alignment system.  相似文献   

Wave function of the universe in the superstring theory is discussed and using Vilenkin's boundary condition, the probability density of the scale factor a at a given value of the dilaton field, is obtained. It is shown that when the universe spontaneously nucleates, the minimum value of the scale factor of the classical universe is of the order of the Planck length, that is, quantum effects can prevent the universe from collapsing to a single point.  相似文献   

The kinetic approach is used to evaluate the dispersion relation and growth/damping rate of inertial Alfven wave (IAW) with density, temperature and velocity gradients in an inhomogeneous plasma. The effects of gradient terms are studied for both the regions kρi<1 and kρi>1, where k is the perpendicular wave number and ρi is the ion gyroradius. The relevance of theoretical results so obtained is predicted in accordance to the FAST observations in the cusp region. The results are interpreted for the space plasma parameters appropriate to the cusp region. This study elucidates a possible scenario to account for the particle acceleration and the wave dissipation in inhomogeneous plasmas. This model is also able to explain many features observed in plasma sheet boundary layer as well as to evaluate the dispersion relation, growth/damping rate and growth/damping length of inertial Alfven wave. It is found that density, temperature and velocity gradients control the wave frequency and effectively enhance the growth rate of inertial Alfven wave.  相似文献   

Kinetic Alfven waves (KAWs) driven by the diamagnetic drift instability that is excited by the density inhomogeneity in low-β plasmas, such as plasmas in the auroral region, are investigated by adopting the particle aspect analysis and loss-cone distribution function. The results obtained in this paper indicate that the propagation and evolution of kinetic Alfven waves decrease and the kinetic Alfven wave excitation becomes not easier with increasing loss-cone index J. But the spatial scales of the perpendicular perturbation driving kinetic Alfven waves have a decreasing tendency with the larger values of J, which perhaps is in relation with the decreasing width of loss-cone. A single hump appears in the plots of the growth rate of the instability when J=2. But the hump cannot emerge when J=0 or J=1. The density inhomogeneity of ions plays an important role in driving KAWs and it cannot be ignored. KAWs can be easier driven and KAWs can propagate and evolve faster with the increasing level of density inhomogeneity. However, the range of the perpendicular wave number of the wave instability decreases, namely, the longer the scale of perpendicular disturbance the easier the excitation of KAW. As the density inhomogeneity increases, the tendency of numerical solutions of the dispersion relation is similar to that obtained by the kinetic theory and Maxwellian distribution function (Duan and Li, 2004). But the profiles of the plots of numerical solutions are different. This means that the velocity distribution function of particles is important for KAW driven in magnetoplasmas, especially in the active regions of the magnetosphere, such as auroral region, and plasma sheet boundary.  相似文献   

This work presents a possible luminosity estimator for long γ-ray bursts (GRBs) based on their light curves. We use the method of variability analysis in the time domain to calculate the power density spectrum (PDS) for each of the 12 GRBs with known redshifts observed by CGRO/BATSE. The peak of the power density spectrum P is a measure of the intensity of variability of the given light curve and a strong correlation is found between P and the isotropic peak luminosity L of the GRB. It is a successor to the lag-luminosity relation of Norris et al. (2000) and the variability-luminosity relation of Reichart et al. (2001).  相似文献   

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