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中国控烟政策经历了30余年的变迁,控烟成效微弱。本文利用支持联盟框架分析了中国控烟政策变迁机制,认为控烟政策是支持控烟联盟和反对控烟联盟冲突、妥协的产物。控烟政策变迁主要发生在表层信仰层面,政策核心信仰冲突严重,难以调和;外部事件在推动中国控烟政策变迁中起到了重要的作用,但当前的控烟政策只是象征性的政策,不能产生实质性的控烟效果。应当从政策核心信仰层面入手,通过寻求高层支持,自上而下推行控烟;加快控烟立法;重组控烟履约工作小组;加强舆论宣传,扩大支持控烟联盟影响力等途径推进控烟政策变迁。  相似文献   

我国医务人员参与控烟工作的问题及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
烟草危害是当今世界最严重的公共卫生问题之一,控烟工作面临严峻的考验。医务人员在控烟工作中发挥着重要的作用。本文强调了我国医务人员参与控烟工作的重要性;分析控烟工作过程中存在的问题,如医务人员吸烟率高、控烟知识薄弱、控烟培训不足、不能主动提供戒烟帮助等;从政府、医疗机构及其医务人员自身等多种途径提出了促进医务人员参与控烟的对策,旨在进一步发挥医务人员在控烟工作中的表率作用,带动全社会积极参与控烟工作。  相似文献   

控烟工作中的难点与策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了控烟工作中存在的难点,提出了提高控烟工作效果的策略:(1)加强控烟的关键是扩大禁烟的场所和明确控烟法规的执行主体;(2)从宣传吸烟有害健康转变为宣传被动吸烟有害健康;(3)消除人们为吸烟所找的借口;(4)大力宣传不吸烟、不敬烟和不在他人面前吸烟;(5)控烟应从卫生工作者开始。  相似文献   

自2006年1月《烟草控制框架公约》在我国正式生效以来.我国卷烟的生产量和销售量不仅没有下降,反而分别增加了近20%。据有关资料显示.现阶段我国归因于烟草所致疾病消耗掉的医疗费用高达485.9亿元.医院和医生基本没有加入到控烟的行列,控烟工作任重道远。  相似文献   

《公约》框架下控烟支持环境的构建与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纵观我国"吸烟环境"的复杂程度和总体趋势,中国早已面临全球最大烟草生产国和消费国的严峻形式,并且存在烟草业长盛不衰的垄断经营格局、过分依赖"烟草经济增长模式"、烟品沦为社交触媒、助长吸烟行为的歪理邪说泛滥、吸烟行为几乎不受限制、戒烟缺乏支持环境等一系列问题。因此,必须通过立法控烟、建立政府主导机制、取缔"烟草经济增长模式"、锁定"禁烟目标人群、不断增强二手烟受害者的控烟意识和能力等综合手段,逐步构建社会控烟支持环境"。  相似文献   

运用政策循环分析和诊断树的方法,在文献收集、回顾和专家访谈的基础上,探询我国目前烟草控制工作的主要问题,及这些问题的根源,并在此基础上提出政策建议。  相似文献   

世卫组织驻华代表处日前表示,《2013年全球烟草流行报告》中的“应通过严格实施禁止烟草广告、促销和赞助等更严厉的控烟政策,来减少烟草使用和挽救生命”这一意见也适用于中国。  相似文献   

《公约》框架下控烟支持环境的构建探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目前,全球已有190多个国家参与了《烟草控制框架公约》[1]的谈判、签署和承诺,但各国履约力度和进展情况却大相径庭。究其原因,主要是因为社会"吸烟环境"的持续存在和"有效的控烟局面"尚未形成所致。然而,纵观我国"吸烟环境"的复杂程度和总体趋势,我国早已面临全球最大烟草生产国和消费国的严峻形势,并且存在烟草业长盛不衰的垄断经营格局、过分依赖"烟草经济增长模式"、烟品沦为社交触媒、助长吸烟行为的歪理邪说泛滥、吸烟行为几乎不受限制和戒烟缺乏支持环境等一系列问题。因此,必须通过立法控烟、建立政府主导机制、取缔"烟草经济增长模式"、锁定"禁烟目标人群、不断增强二手烟受害者的控烟意识和能力等综合手段,逐步构建社会控烟支持环境。  相似文献   

从2006年1月起世界卫生组织<烟草控制框架公约>在中国正式生效,"十一五"时期中国为履行该<公约>采取了一系列控烟行动,但是吸烟人数和烟草消费量仍在上升,烟草行业仍在不断"上水平",实际控烟效果甚微.烟草已成为威胁中国人群健康的最大"杀手",烟草业是中国最大的健康危害型产业.维护公众健康安全是中国政府履行公共安全服务...  相似文献   

目的:了解CHARTS对我国艾滋病防治政策环境的影响。方法:通过项目终期数据库,用文本分析法分析了国家级和省级艾滋病防治政策。结果:CHARTS在7年的时间里支持出台44项国家级和291项省级艾滋病防治政策。政策的颁布时间、颁布部门及政策内容涉及的领域,充分显示了项目对我国艾滋病防治环境的影响。结论:CHAR-TS为我国艾滋病防治政策环境的变化做出了贡献。  相似文献   

By raising the price of cigarettes through tobacco taxes, policymakers might only be delaying some smokers' initiation of smoking rather than permanently preventing them from smoking. This is one of several reasons for adopting a balanced tobacco control policy that relies only in part on cigarette taxation.  相似文献   

The latest generation of smokeless tobacco products encompasses a wide range of offerings, including what is commonly referred to as dissolvable tobacco. Designed to deliver nicotine upon dissolving or disintegrating in a user's mouth, dissolvable tobacco products currently appear in various United States markets as strips, orbs, sticks, and lozenges. The emergence of these new products poses distinct opportunities and challenges for social and behavioral science and public health research and raises important public policy questions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine the salience of tobacco marketing on postsecondary campuses and student support for tobacco control policies. METHODS: Face-to-face surveys were conducted with 1690 students at 3 universities in southwestern Ontario. RESULTS: Virtually all (97%) students reported noticing tobacco marketing in the past year, and 35% reported noticing marketing on campus. There was strong support for smoke-free restrictions on campus, including restaurants and bars (82%), and for prohibitions on campus marketing. The presence of campus policies was associated with reduced exposure to marketing and increased policy support. CONCLUSIONS: There is strong support among students to remove tobacco marketing from campus and to introduce comprehensive smoke-free restrictions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Because opinion leaders hold positions from which they may influence tobacco control efforts, this study examined their support for tobacco control policies and their involvement in tobacco control activities. METHODS: A telephone survey was administered to 712 California opinion leaders who were randomly selected from constructed lists representing 8 types of organizations: health, education, law enforcement, media, government, business, ethnic, and youth. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to identify predictors of support for and participation in tobacco control activities. RESULTS: Approximately one half to two thirds of opinion leaders supported the tobacco control policies queried; 60% reported involvement in tobacco control-related activities during the previous year. Organizational affiliation was a strong predictor of support and involvement, with leaders from health and educational organizations reporting the highest levels and business and media leaders reporting the lowest. Tobacco issue involvement variables (e.g., having a friend or family member with a smoking-related illness) were significantly associated with the outcomes, while sociodemographics, for the most part, were not. CONCLUSIONS: Study results can be used to mobilize opinion leaders' support for tobacco control more effectively.  相似文献   

IntroductionIn many countries, health advocates aim to increase public support for tobacco control policies by framing these policies in terms of child protection. We examined whether support for the protection of children is indeed associated with support for tobacco control policies, even among smokers, opponents of state intervention and opponents of a governmental role in tobacco control.MethodsWe used a survey on a representative sample of Dutch adults of 18 years and older (n = 1631). The survey measured respondents’ support for banning tobacco displays, raising the age of sale for tobacco to 21 years and limiting tobacco sales to specialized shops. Regression analyses were done to assess the association with respondents’ support for the protection of children against tobacco. In further analyses, subgroup interactions were added.ResultsRespondents’ support for the protection of children against tobacco with legislation was positively related to support for all three policies. Associations were weaker for smokers (except for raising the age of sale) but similar for opponents of state intervention and opponents of a governmental role in tobacco control.ConclusionThis is the first paper to empirically support the idea that emphasizing the need to protect children against tobacco enhances support for tobacco control policies. This ‘child effect’ is effective in all segments of the population, albeit somewhat weaker among smokers.  相似文献   

This article takes a snap-shot view of current tobacco control laws and where the nation is headed. Smoke-free workplace laws are highlighted, and the New York campaign experience is explained briefly. The article also creates a view into current trends in tobacco excise taxes; youth access laws, US Food and Drug Administration regulations of tobacco, tobacco control program funding, and other regulatory efforts in municipalities, individual states, and the nation as a whole.  相似文献   

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