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云南省东北部拱王山第四纪冰川遗迹研究   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
况明生  李吉均 《冰川冻土》1997,19(4):366-372
云南省东北部的拱王山海拔3100m以上的山地发生过第四纪冰川作用,典型的冰川遗迹集中分布在轿子山峰附近和妖精塘-牛洞坪两个地区,遗存的冰川地貌主要有冰斗,冰蚀岩盆和侧碛堤。根据冰川地貌的组合特征,以及它们生成的先后顺序,将拱王山第四纪冰川作用划分为末次冰期的倒数第二期冰期。  相似文献   

判断中国东部中低山地冰川作用遗迹的真伪,只能通过科学实践检验和学术争鸣加以解决。利用实地考察所测数据资料,证明山东蒙山确无第四纪冰川遗迹。包括蒙山在内的山东中低山丘陵,迄今为止没有发现符合判别标准的末次冰期冰川地貌三要素组合。蒙山兰溪峡谷的谷形指数(0.07~0.24)与世界各地真正的冰川槽谷不符,被当作冰川证据的蒙山兰溪峡谷谷壁擦痕和拦马墙巨砾堆积堤砾石擦痕,不具有作为冰川地貌证据的唯一性或专属性,而是砾石沿河谷滚动、拖拽摩擦和撞击的结果。不连续、不对称分布于兰溪下游凹岸的拦马墙巨砾堆积堤,沿流向延伸或呈流线构造,具有平行主流的平顶、陡坡砾石堆和立石等景观,砾石的圆度、分选和砾组构造均指向泥石流堆积堤或特大洪水巨石边滩。它可能是1668年7月25日郯城大地震保存下来的群发性灾害遗迹。  相似文献   

针对蒙山发育的第四纪冰川遗迹,采用光释光(Optic Stimulated Luminescence)的测年方法,对遗迹较新的冰碛垄进行了采样与测试,首次在我国东部中低山区获得了8.2ka BP与18.2~22.2ka BP两个时间段的冰期年龄值,对应于8.2ka BP早全新世全球冷事件与末次冰盛期。根据冰碛垄的特征与测定年龄值,结合我国以往其他地区冰期的对比研究,在蒙山建立了拦马冰期与蒙山冰期。本项研究,确认并发展了李四光关于我国东部第四纪冰川理论。  相似文献   

王照波著.2021.中国新生代冰川与环境演化.北京:地质出版社.本书以清晰的图片展示了在中国东部发现的冰川成因的平行擦痕、交叉擦痕、钉头鼠尾擦痕、磨光面、颤痕、新月形凿口、新月形断口、新月形裂纹、冰臼、河曲状冰川岩溶槽、鼓丘、巨型流线构造、终碛条带构造、冰碛垄、漂砾、冰筏坠石、冰石河、冰川袭夺、冰蚀夷平面、多成因U谷、冰斗等各类冰川遗迹;涵盖了山谷冰川、兴安冰帽、松辽冰盖、华北冰盖、云贵冰盖、青藏高原大冰盖等请多地貌;根据最新获得的冰碛堆积年龄,结合深海氧同位素气候演化曲线,从渐新世到全新世初步划分出13个冰期,建立了中国新生代冰期划分方案。重点论述了山体冰蚀过程与三角脊链、冰川滑动过程与各类擦痕、冰川堆积过程与垄槽序列、冰期气候过程与东亚冷槽、风成堆积过程与太行山隆起、青藏高原的降升与青藏高原大冰盖、冰期—间冰期对我国大陆架海陆变迁、古人类演化的影响、冰岛阀门效应与北极冰盖的形成等内容。这是一本极具探索趣味又引人思考的书,其中许多地貌现象的解释在地质、地理学术界尚存在相当尖锐的争论。  相似文献   

青藏高原第四纪大陆冰盖形成的野外证据   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
韩同林 《地质论评》1989,35(5):468-478
青藏高原第四纪大陆冰盖形成的各种各样冰川遗迹,分布十分广泛。是重建和研究古大陆冰盖最有力的证据。目前发现和比较肯定的冰蚀遗迹有:冰蚀平原、冰蚀丘陵、U形谷、冰蚀洼地、冰盆、冰阶、冰笕、冰坡和基岩鼓丘等。冰碛遗迹主要有:块砾碛、鳍碛(新类型)、漂砾碛(新类型)、冰水砂砾岩、和冰碛丘陵、冰台及侧碛堤等。从大陆冰盖遗迹分布连续和普遍发育,证明青藏高原在第四纪时期曾形成连绵一片的统一的大陆冰盖。大陆冰盖形成的时期为早更新世,形成时的古雪线的海拔高度最多在2000m左右,冰川类型属于海洋性统一大陆冰川。  相似文献   

第四纪冰川研究主要根据观察到的地貌学、沉积学特征和年代学结果,通过缜密的逻辑推理判断其成因、时代和环境意义。蒙山"冰川遗迹"的辨识是建立在不适当或错误的证据上,雪线重建和冰期划分是不能成立的;所谓第四纪冰川遗迹,完全可以用非冰川成因予以解释。通过对蒙山堆积和侵蚀地貌的调查,笔者等得知:①拦马墙砾石堆积堤不连续、不对称分布于兰溪下游凹岸,具有立石和叠石景观,砾石组构、叠瓦构造、底泥层和不规则擦痕等表明,拦马墙天然堤为泥石流堆积;②兰溪是典型的V形谷,其基岩谷壁没有擦面和颤痕,非冰蚀擦痕是砾石沿河谷滚动、拖拽摩擦和撞击的结果,主要是泥石流成因;③已报道的蒙山"颤痕",不符合颤痕的定义和形成机制,是无效的冰川遗迹证据。本文初步提出了微观尺度新月形冰蚀地貌的分类方案,并统一称为颤痕。"山东蒙山冰川遗迹的类型、特征和年代"一文存在多处逻辑错误,我们以之为例,主要讨论了该文6个方面的逻辑缪误及其产生的非理性因素。  相似文献   

台湾高山有无第四纪冰川之争,经历60a后终于得到澄清.此次查明台湾雪山主峰区有3套 不同时期的冰川遗迹.如冰斗湖、冰坎、大型磨光面和擦痕以及冰碛垄等,分别命名为山庄冰阶(末 次冰期早期.44.25±3.72ka BP)、黑森林冰阶(末次冰期最盛,18.26±1.52 ka BP)、雪山冰阶(末次冰 期晚期,10.68±0.84 ka BP)尤其以早期冰川规模大为特征.澄清了地学界近65a来的怀疑,将为 全球变化研究增添新内容.  相似文献   

王照波  王江月 《地质论评》2019,65(3):603-622
鉴于王乃昂教授、李吉均院士等否定了蒙山拦马墙等冰川遗迹的冰川成因,本着学术的辩论是接近科学真相的有效途径,故撰写本文。重点就王乃昂教授在其论文中采用人工采样坑作为地震撞击坑的证据问题、冰川擦痕认知的局限性问题进行了阐述。详细描述了蒙山存在的擦痕、颤痕、新月形裂纹、新月形裂口、新月形凿口、钉头鼠尾擦痕等类型丰富的冰川遗迹,并与四川海螺沟现代冰川槽谷各类擦痕、美国缅因州的颤痕等进行了对比。就争议较大的拦马墙巨石垄的组构特征、形成过程与形成时代进行了研究分析。在此基础上就冰川与洪水、泥石流之间的动力学差异进行了讨论。研究发现,脱离了"冰是固体"这一基本的认知范畴,必然导致泥石流论的泛滥。蒙山类型丰富、形迹清晰的冰川擦痕,为我国第四纪冰川遗迹的研究提供了实物样本。  相似文献   

玉龙雪山冰川沉积序列OSL定年   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
位于青藏高原东南缘的玉龙雪山分布有欧亚大陆纬度最低的海洋型冰川,其主峰及周边地区保存了大量清晰完整的第四纪冰川遗迹。研究该区第四纪冰川作用遗迹及其冰川作用史,具有重要的理论与实际价值。应用光释光(OSL)测年技术对玉龙雪山冰川沉积物进行了定年,结合前人研究资料,重建玉龙雪山冰川作用史。研究结果表明:玉龙雪山东麓的末次冰期冰碛物主要形成于晚更新世末次冰期最盛时期,其平均年代约在25ka,西麓末次冰期冰碛物形成年代约为50ka,对应于深海氧同位素3阶段中期(MIS3b)。而倒数第二次冰期的年代在240ka左右,处于中更新世晚期,对应于MIS8阶段,当时玉龙雪山存在多条复式山谷冰川。该研究可为玉龙雪山第四纪冰川作用历史的重新认识以及光释光测年技术在该区的应用提供基础资料。  相似文献   

新疆阿尔泰山哈纳斯河流域及其邻域第四纪冰川作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
根据新疆阿尔泰山哈纳斯河流域及其邻域第四纪冰川遗迹的类型和特征,哈纳斯河流域第四纪时期至少发生过5次明显的冰川事件,即倒数第三冰期,倒数第二冰期,倒数第一冰期(末次冰期),新冰期和小冰期。其中,更新世的3次冰川作用规模巨大,倒数第三冰期的冰川呈半覆盖式,倒数第二冰期和倒数第一冰期时发育了长达96km以上的大型山谷冰川。古冰川属于冰温高、活动性大和侵蚀能力强的温冰川。从新到老,每次冰期的雪线下降幅度一次比一次大。  相似文献   

Many moraines formed between Daduka and Chibai in the Tsangpo River valley since Middle Pleistocene. A prominent set of lacustrine and alluvial terraces on the valley margin along both the Tsangpo and Nyang Rivers formed during Quaternary glacial epoch demonstrate lakes were created by damming of the river. Research was conducted on the geological environment, contained sediments, spatial distribution, timing, and formation and destruction of these paleolakes. The lacustrine sediments 14C (10537±268 aBP at Linzhi Brick and Tile Factory, 22510±580 aBP and 13925±204 aBP at Bengga, 21096±1466 aBP at Yusong) and a series of ESR (electron spin resonance) ages at Linzhi town and previous data by other experts, paleolakes persisted for 691~505 kaBP middle Pleistocene ice age, 75–40 kaBP the early stage of last glacier, 27–8 kaBP Last Glacier Maximum (LGM), existence time of lakes gradually shorten represents glacial scale and dam moraine supply potential gradually cut down, paleolakes and dam scale also gradually diminished. This article calculated the average lacustrine sedimentary rate of Gega paleolake in LGM was 12.5 mm/a, demonstrates Mount Namjagbarwa uplifted strongly at the same time, the sedimentary rate of Gega paleolake is more larger than that of enclosed lakes of plateau inland shows the climatic variation of Mount Namjagbarwa is more larger and plateau margin uplifted more quicker than plateau inland. This article analyzed formation and decay cause about the Zelunglung glacier on the west flank of Mount Namjagbarwa got into the Tsangpo River valley and blocked it for tectonic and climatic factors. There is a site of blocking the valley from Gega to Chibai. This article according to moraines and lacustrine sediments yielded paleolakes scale: the lowest lake base altitude 2850 m, the highest lake surface altitude 3585 m, 3240 m and 3180 m, area 2885 km2, 820 km2 and 810 km2, lake maximum depth of 735 m, 390 m and 330 m. We disclose the reason that previous experts discovered there were different age moraines dividing line of altitude 3180 m at the entrance of the Tsangpo Grand Canyon is dammed lake erosive decay under altitude 3180 m moraines in the last glacier era covering moraines in the early ice age of late Pleistocene, top 3180 m in the last glacier moraine remained because ancient dammed lakes didn’t erode it under 3180 m moraines in the early ice age of late Pleistocene exposed. The reason of the top elevation 3585 m moraines in the middle Pleistocene ice age likes that of altitude 3180 m. There were three times dammed lakes by glacier blocking the Tsangpo River during Quaternary glacial period. During other glacial and interglacial period the Zelunglung glacier often extended the valley but moraine supplemental speed of the dam was smaller than that of fluvial erosion and moraine movement, dam quickly disappeared and didn’t form stable lake.  相似文献   

Randomisation tests on boulder weathering data distinguish moraines of four different ages in the Rongbuk Valley, all deposited by valley glaciers flowing northward into Tibet from the Himalaya. Lichenometry utilising subgenus Rhizocarpon distinguishes two groups of moraines, those <100 yr old and those older than several thousand years. The degree of soil development has a similar, limited utility in relative-age dating these moraines. The radiocarbon ages of calcium carbonate coatings in the lower horizons of moraine soils provide minimum-limiting ages of 1900 yr BP for the penultimate advance of the Rongbuk glacier (Samdopo moraine) and 9500 yr BP for the Rongbuk moraine, the moraine suggested by previous workers to represent the last glacial maximum. Equilibrium-line depression associated with the Rongbuk moraine probably was slight, <200 m. The small magnitude of this depression relative to glaciers in other mountain ranges could relate to a weakening of the monsoon in full glacial times, recent tectonic uplift, and/or to the insensitivity of these high-altitude glaciers to lowering temperatures in the rain shadow of Mount Everest.  相似文献   

Quaternary glaciation of Mount Everest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Quaternary glacial history of the Rongbuk valley on the northern slopes of Mount Everest is examined using field mapping, geomorphic and sedimentological methods, and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) dating. Six major sets of moraines are present representing significant glacier advances or still-stands. These date to >330 ka (Tingri moraine), >41 ka (Dzakar moraine), 24–27 ka (Jilong moraine), 14–17 ka (Rongbuk moraine), 8–2 ka (Samdupo moraines) and ~1.6 ka (Xarlungnama moraine), and each is assigned to a distinct glacial stage named after the moraine. The Samdupo glacial stage is subdivided into Samdupo I (6.8–7.7 ka) and Samdupo II (~2.4 ka). Comparison with OSL and TCN defined ages on moraines on the southern slopes of Mount Everest in the Khumbu Himal show that glaciations across the Everest massif were broadly synchronous. However, unlike the Khumbu Himal, no early Holocene glacier advance is recognized in the Rongbuk valley. This suggests that the Khumbu Himal may have received increased monsoon precipitation in the early Holocene to help increase positive glacier mass balances, while the Rongbuk valley was too sheltered to receive monsoon moisture during this time and glaciers could not advance. Comparison of equilibrium-line altitude depressions for glacial stages across Mount Everest reveals asymmetric patterns of glacier retreat that likely reflects greater glacier sensitivity to climate change on the northern slopes, possibly due to precipitation starvation.  相似文献   

贡巴冰川边缘冰碛垄特征与形成过程   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
康建成 《冰川冻土》1989,11(2):172-176

Lateral moraines constructed along west to east sloping outlet glaciers from mountain centred, pre-last glacial maximum (LGM) ice fields of limited extent remain largely preserved in the northern Swedish landscape despite overriding by continental ice sheets, most recently during the last glacial. From field evidence, including geomorphological relationships and a detailed weathering profile including a buried soil, we have identified seven such lateral moraines that were overridden by the expansion and growth of the Fennoscandian ice sheet. Cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al exposure ages of 19 boulders from the crests of these moraines, combined with the field evidence, are correlated to episodes of moraine stabilisation, Pleistocene surface weathering, and glacial overriding. The last deglaciation event dominates the exposure ages, with 10Be and 26Al data derived from 15 moraine boulders indicating regional deglaciation 9600 ± 200 yr ago. This is the most robust numerical age for the final deglaciation of the Fennoscandian ice sheet. The older apparent exposure ages of the remaining boulders (14,600-26,400 yr) can be explained by cosmogenic nuclide inheritance from previous exposure of the moraine crests during the last glacial cycle. Their potential exposure history, based on local glacial chronologies, indicates that the current moraine morphologies formed at the latest during marine oxygen isotope stage 5. Although numerous deglaciation ages were obtained, this study demonstrates that numerical ages need to be treated with caution and assessed in light of the geomorphological evidence indicating moraines are not necessarily formed by the event that dominates the cosmogenic nuclide data.  相似文献   

The Upper Garonne Basin included the largest glacial system in the Pyrenees during the last glacial cycle. Within the long-term glacial retreat during Termination-1 (T-1), glacier fluctuations left geomorphic evidence in the area. However, the chronology of T-1 glacial oscillations on the northern slopes of the Central Pyrenees is still poorly constrained. Here, we introduce new geomorphological observations and a 12-sample dataset of 10Be cosmic-ray exposure ages from the Ruda Valley. This U-shaped valley, surrounded by peaks exceeding 2800 m a.s.l., includes a sequence of moraines and polished surfaces that enabled a reconstruction of the chronology of the last deglaciation. Following the maximum ice extent, warmer conditions prevailing at ~15–14 ka, during the Bølling–Allerød (B–A) Interstadial, favoured glacial retreat in the Ruda Valley. Within the B–A, glaciers experienced two phases of advance/stillstand with moraine formation at 13.5 and 13.0 ka. During the early Younger Dryas (YD), glacial retreat exposed the highest surfaces of the Saboredo Cirque (~2300–2350 m) at 12.7 ka. Small glaciers persisted only inside the highest cirques (~2470 m), such as in Sendrosa Cirque, with moraines stabilising at 12.6 ka. The results of this work present the most complete chronology for Pyrenean glacial oscillations from the B–A to the YD.  相似文献   

The upper Enchantment Lakes basin in the North Cascade Range of Washington displays two moraine belts, each recording an episode of glacier advance after the end of the last glaciation. The inner belt, the Brynhild, 0.1 to 0.5 km beyond existing glaciers, postdates Mount St. Helens Wn tephra (~450 yr old), which lies only beyond the moraines. The morainal surface is only slightly weathered, is almost barren of lichens, and is devoid of soil, evidence suggesting that the Brynhild moraines are no more than a century old. The outer moraine, the Brisingamen, 0.3 to 0.7 km beyond existing glaciers, is weathered and is covered with large lichens. On and behind the Brisingamen moraine the Mazama ash (6900 yr old) is present beneath the Mount St. Helens Yn and Wn tephras. Despite more than 7 millennia of weathering, the rock surface behind the Brisingamen moraine is measurably less weathered than the surface beyond, which was last glaciated during the Rat Creek advance about 13,000 yr ago. The age of the Brisingamen moraine therefore is probably early Holocene. The Brisingamen moraine evidently correlates with moraines near Glacier Peak, near Mount Rainier, in northeastern and central Oregon, in the southern Canadian Rockies, and in the northern U.S. Rocky Mountains. These regional effects suggest that a climatic episode of cooling or increased snowfall affected the entire region some time during the early Holocene.  相似文献   

念青唐古拉山脉西段第四纪冰川作用   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
在念青唐古拉山脉西段南北两麓及切割山脉的各沟谷中,分布着3套更新世冰川沉积物。在本区最长的现代冰川———西布冰川的前端,也分布着3组全新世冰川沉积物。根据这些冰川沉积物的地层层序和冰川与湖泊沉积物的电子自旋共振(ESR)、U系等时线和光释光(OSL)年龄测定结果,本文将念青唐古拉山脉西段所发生的3次更新世冰川作用,分别命名为宁中冰期、爬然冰期和拉曲冰期,并与青藏高原的邻近地区进行了对比。各次冰期的冰川性质分别为大型山麓冰川、中小型山谷冰川和小型山谷冰川。全新世时期,现代冰川也有新冰期和小冰期的两次冰川前进。近期冰川则发生了明显的后退。本文还根据念青唐古拉山脉两麓冰前期、历次冰期和现代砾石层的砾石岩性及其与山脉各构造层岩性组成的对比,讨论了山脉的剥蚀与隆升问题  相似文献   

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