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姜大伟  张世民  李明 《地质科学》2020,55(2):537-557
本文在综合解译地质图、遥感影像及数字高程模型的基础上,沿着青衣江河谷对龙门山南段多条断裂进行了详细调查。将前第四纪大规模不整合边界作为断裂的分布范围,同时通过构造地貌标志确定最新的活动断裂位置,如断错山脊、断层槽谷、河道形态变化等。解译过程中也参考了前人研究成果,如开挖探槽位置信息,浅层地震剖面资料。调查结果显示,松潘—甘孜褶皱带与龙门山接触地带发育了中岗断裂、永富断裂,晚第四纪活动特征不明显。龙门山后山、中央、前山3条主干断裂在南段依次对应耿达—陇东断裂、岩井—五龙断裂、与双石—大川断裂,与北段具有相似的断块构造。3条断裂都有断错地貌特征但断裂分支较多,其中盐井—五龙断裂有一条分支为宝兴断裂,双石—大川断裂有小关子断裂一条分支。在前陆地区,基底滑脱带延伸至浅部盖层,断坡处发育了始阳断裂、新开店断裂等浅部分支断裂。通过这些断裂分布样式、断错地貌特征、与实测地质剖面发现,龙门山南段具有纯挤压特征,最新构造活动已经开始改造前陆地区,是扩展的边界。而龙门山北段具有和逆冲相当的走滑分量,表明青藏高原在推挤龙门山的过程中,龙门山北缘向西秦岭方向发生走滑逃逸,龙门山南段由于同时受川滇块体向东推挤作用而呈现纯挤压特征。高原推挤作用集中于松潘—甘孜褶皱带东缘的小金弧形构造,控制了龙门山断裂带南北构造差异。  相似文献   

龙门山因其关键的构造位置和典型的前陆冲断构造,历来受到国内外学者的广泛关注。由于其冲断推覆构造发育,地壳内存在多层次的推覆滑脱构造带,形成了良好的流体运移和聚集场所。而流体是盆山物质交换的最主要介质,与盆地内油气及金属矿床的形成分布密切相关。龙门山冲断带特殊的构造位置,多期次的构造活  相似文献   

龙门山南段五龙断裂带为一条200m~1000m宽的推覆韧性剪切带。断裂构造岩以糜棱岩和构造片岩为主;根据构造岩及其显微构造、超微构造特征,认为该断裂带为上盘相对向上剪切运动,自北西向南东推覆的产物;其形成深度为16km~20km,温度为450℃~550℃,压力为450MPa~530MPa,古差异应力值为100MPa~106MPa,应变速率为1.3×10-10m/s;为高温、高应变条件下形成。  相似文献   

2008年5月12日的汶川大地震表明龙门山断裂带仍然是一个构造活动带,为达到防震减灾的目的,对龙门山进行深入研究显得非常必要。作者通过龙门山南段的怀远和雅安两条实测构造地质剖面,应用传统的构造解析法,结合构造带的分带讨论思想,对野外实测的褶皱、节理和断层等构造变形要素进行综合分析,确定出各构造带的变形和应力序列。中央断裂带构造变形次数达10次以上,其中以NW-SE向逆冲最多,部分为左旋逆冲或右旋逆冲。滑覆体构造变形序列达5次左右。前山断裂带的构造变形序列较少,约5次以上。  相似文献   

龙门山南段二叠系热液白云岩特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二叠系白云岩与白云质灰岩、灰岩具有渐变过渡关系。白云岩中斑马状构造发育。白云石多为马鞍状白云石或异形白云石,较围岩显示出低碳、低氧和富锶特征,与典型构造热液成因白云岩一致,强度受构造控制明显,从造山带向盆地方向强度逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

龙门山南段飞来峰构造变形及形成演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龙门山前山构造带中分布着大量的飞来峰。为了解其构造演化过程,主要通过分析研究龙门山南段白石-苟家飞来峰和金台山飞来峰内部及下覆地层的构造变形特征,确定出其至少经历了5个构造变形序列,并结合前人资料讨论龙门山南段飞来峰的形成和演化。  相似文献   

龙门山南段大型飞来峰   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
最近1∶5×104区调查明的白石-苟家大型飞来峰,面积达320km2,其规模仅次于唐王寨飞来峰,由泥盆系养马坝组至三叠系嘉陵江组构成,准原地系统为上三叠统须家河组及侏罗系红层。飞来峰主体构造为向斜,两翼不对称,内部构造的规律性和运动学特征表明它是由NW方向滑来。飞来峰体具多层结构,在其就位后又受到晚期挤压的改造。其主要特征与唐王寨构造极为相似。飞来峰的成因研究对龙门山的构造演化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

四川省大邑地区地处龙门山南段,是有名的地震多发地区。文章基于现代构造地质学理论,通过地震解释及构造几何分析、断层相关褶皱原理与几何分析方法、运动学正演模拟方法,开展了对大邑地区断裂带活动多期性研究,结果表明大邑地区断裂带活动具有多期性的特点。自印支期以来主要经历了两期三次构造活动:印支晚期的低角度逆冲推覆过程,须家河组四段(T3x4)中上部形成生长地层;喜马拉雅期Ⅰ幕,隐伏断层再次活动,造成侏罗系与下伏三叠系的变形差异;喜马拉雅期Ⅱ幕,龙门山构造带区域应力场向前传递,大邑地区形成高角度逆冲断层,断层沿深部滑脱层在大邑地区向上逆冲直至地表,早期隐伏断层被错断,伴随次级断层、反冲断层产生。  相似文献   

龙门山造山带的早期活动及其对造山作用的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑勇  李海兵  王焕  张蕾  李成龙 《岩石学报》2017,33(12):3957-3972
2008年汶川地震后,在映秀-北川同震地表破裂带南段虹口乡八角庙地区发现有假玄武玻璃出露于~240m宽的断裂带内,代表了断裂带以往地震和断裂活动的直接产物。这套假玄武玻璃的高温熔融成因得到了元素地球化学和熔融结构的证实。玻璃基质、蚀变矿物和碎屑斑晶的化学分析显示假玄武玻璃继承了碎裂岩/超碎裂岩围岩的主要化学成分,除石英外,主要由长石和云母两种端员组分选择性熔融形成,并呈现出了化学组分分布的不均一性。假玄武玻璃的锆石U-Pb和玻璃基质~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar定年结果证实映秀-北川断裂的古地震发生于229~216Ma的中-晚三叠世,并具有11~14km的震源深度,表明映秀-北川断裂的早期活动始于印支期的造山运动。伴随着印支造山运动的发生,龙门山断裂带形成了其初始构造框架,并对之后的构造演化产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

龙门山古冰川作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
汶川地震中央区域龙门山主山九顶山海拔4 984 m,山脊北坡有三处成排分布不少规模较小的冰斗-冰川谷地形,恢复当时雪线高度在4 100 m高度。根据其形态保存程度、古今雪线高度差等情况判断,应当是2阶段冰川作用遗存。据气温和降水资料,现在九顶山雪线高度在5 000 m,刚好超出九顶山顶部。故而九顶山3 800 m以上目前处于冰缘环境,石冰川、石环、融冻泥流等冰缘现象比较突出。九顶山不存在更老的冰川作用及其地貌遗存,是青藏高原以东5 000 m上下的高山只是在末次冰期时抬升跨越冰期雪线而发育冰川这一新观点的又一证据,也是青藏高原第四纪晚期剧烈抬升的又一证据。  相似文献   

There is a massive amount of geomorphic evidence for active tectonics in the Longmen Shan at the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau. We have surveyed some typical geomorphic markers including the Wenchuan-Maowen, Beichuan-Yingxiu and Pengxian-Guanxian faults, terrace offsets, scarps, fault-controlled saddles, dextral shutter ridges, dextral channel offsets, graben, shatter belts, and pull-apart basins. Electron spin resonance (ESR) and thermoluminescence(TL) ages were obtained using silty sand taken from below the surface of the sediments. According to these data, we calculated the rates of thrusting and strike-slip, and the results indicate that Cenozoic tectonic shortening at the plateau margin is minor with the rate of thrusting less than 1.10 mm/a and the rate of strike-slipping less than 1.46 mm/a. The Longmen Shan is a zone of NNE-trending dextral shear with slip-dip ratio of 6:1-1.3:1. From NW to SE, the thrust component becomes smaller, whereas the strike-slip component becomes larger.  相似文献   

The Longmen Shan (LMS), which constitutes the eastern border of the Tibetan Plateau, is about 400 km in length and characterized by a steep topographic transition from the Sichuan Basin to the plateau. The 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake and 2013 Mw6.6 Lushan earthquake were associated with the central to northern segments and southern segment of the LMS fault belt, respectively. In this paper, zircon and apatite fission track (ZFT and AFT, respectively) dating in combination with previously published low temperature thermochronology studies are used to constrain both the exhumation history and fault activity along the LMS, with a special focus on the southern segment. In the southern segment of the LMS, the ZFT ages in the hanging wall of the Wulong-Yanjing fault 10–14 Ma, increasing to ca. 30 Ma to the northwest of the faults and to 100–200 Ma in the plateau region. The AFT ages are 3–5 Ma at the mountain front and increase to 8–26 Ma in the plateau. We show that these age distributions are controlled by fault geometry. Two stages of rapid exhumation were identified using apatite fission track length modeling and the age distributions in the southern segment of the LMS. The first stage is from ca. 30 Ma and the second stage is from 3–5 Ma to present. In contrast with the middle segment of the LMS, the Cenozoic exhumation rate is higher in the southern segment of the LMS, which may be due to the influence of the collision between the India and Eurasia plates and/or different faulting mechanisms in the different segments.  相似文献   

龙门山是由三条主要断裂组成的山体。汶川—茂县断裂,也称后山断裂,构成龙门山的西部边界;映秀—北川断裂为龙门山的中央断裂;灌县—安县断裂为龙门山的东部边界,也称前山断裂。龙门山断裂带以东为始自晚三叠世末的不同时期的前陆盆地。前陆盆地中从晚三叠世至2008年5月12日汶川地震(MS8.0),在不同年代地层中均有丰富的软沉积物变形构造(SSDS)记录,包括液化变形、重力作用变形、水塑性变形及其他相关的变形。这些变形层的地点紧邻龙门山的三条断裂,这些断裂在不同时期的活动诱发不同时期的强地震,导致当时尚未固结的沉积物变形(震积岩)。上三叠统小塘子组的软沉积的变形构造有液化角砾岩、液化滴状体、液化底辟、触变底辟、卷曲变形、拉伸布丁、负载、球-枕构造、枕状层及粒序断层等。侏罗系、白垩系主要为粗粒沉积物,除少数层位发现有液化变形外,主要的软沉积变形类型为各种形态、大尺度的砾岩负载构造。古近系为湖相沉积,沉积物粒度较细,软沉积物变形又出现大量液化变形构造,如液化混插、液化角砾岩等。2008年5月12日汶川地震(MS8.0)诱发大规模地表以下沙层液化,形成一系列液化变形构造与微地貌:液化沙堆、液化席状沙、沙火山、液化丘、坑状地形与混杂堆积。应用龙门山反射地震成果、古地震记录,结合区域构造可以给出龙门山断裂带发生的时间顺序与地震造山时期:(1)松潘—甘孜造山带与扬子板块的碰撞发生于晚三叠世早期,二者的边界即现在的汶川—茂县断裂;汶川—茂县断裂于晚三叠世末逆冲推覆造山,三叠纪末龙门山地区的山地可称松潘-甘孜山,在其东侧形成前陆盆地;晚三叠世印支造山旋回的大陆动力作用是龙门山诞生与孕育的阶段。(2)映秀—北川断裂与灌县—安县断裂的逆冲活动时间为侏罗纪—早白垩世,形成高山与前陆盆地。(3)早白垩世的龙门山已是一个由三条逆冲断裂组成的断裂带山体,可称古龙门山,山高约3 500m。(4)三条断裂在古近纪的活动诱发古近系软沉积物变形,但断裂未发生逆冲推覆造山,沉积物为湖相细粒沉积,古近纪是一个地震活动期,但不是造山的阶段。(5)中生代龙门山经历了多次瞬时地震造山与平静期山脉剥蚀降低的过程,现在的龙门山是晚新生代期间多次地震瞬时造山的产物。与众多的龙门山地学研究者不同,本文系采用另一种思维——软沉积物变形构造,即通过古地震途径讨论龙门山地区的构造演化。  相似文献   

Uplift of the Longmen Shan range and the Wenchuan earthquake   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (Ms=8.0) struck on the Longmen Shan foreland thrust zone. The event took place within the context of long-term uplift of the Longmen Shan range as a result of the extensive eastward-extrusion of crustal materials from the Tibetan plateau against the rheologically strong crust of the Sichuan Basin. The Longmen Shan range is charac- terized by a Pre-Sinian crystalline complex constrained by the Maoxian-Wenchuan-Kangding ductile detach- ment at the western margin and the Yingxiu-Beichuan- Luding ductile thrust at the eastern margin. The Long- men Shan uplift was initiated by intracontinental sub- duction between the Songpan-Ganzi terrane and the Yangtze block during the Pre-Cenozoic. The uplift rate was increased considerably by the collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates since -50 Ma. The Wenchuan earthquake resulted in two major NE-strik- ing coseismic ruptures (i.e., the -275 km long Yingxiu- Beichuan-Qingchuan fault and the -100 km long Anx- ian-Guanxian fault). Field investigations combined with focal solutions and seismic reflection profiles suggest that the coseismic ruptures are steeply dipping close-to- pure reverse or right reverse oblique slip faults in the -15 km thick upper crust. These faults are unfavorably oriented for frictional slip in the horizontally compres- sional regime, so that they need a long recurrence interval to accumulate the tectonic stress and fluid pres- sure to critically high levels for the formation of strong earthquakes at a given locality. It is also found that all the large earthquakes (Ms〉7.0) occurred in the fault zones across which the horizontal movement velocities measured by the GPS are markedly low (〈3 mm/yr). The faults, which constitute the northeastern fronts of the enlarging Tibetan plateau against the strong Sichuan Basin, Ala Shan and Ordos blocks, are very destructive, although their average recurrence intervals are generally long.  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带隆起造山独特性探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
龙门山断裂带位于四川盆地西缘;青藏高原东部;为四川盆地与松潘—甘孜地块的接触构造边界。龙门山地区海拔从东侧100 km外四川盆地的500 m突升至3 000 m高度;明显地标注了青藏高原的东部边界;其隆升机制也引起了国内外地质工作者的广泛兴趣;并且提出了多种隆升机制模型。在本次研究中;我们利用SinoProbe-02深反射地震剖面数据对龙门山地区的隆升机制进行研究;从而进一步探讨龙门山地区隆起造山的独特性;并讨论其与传统意义中的造山带的区别;认为龙门山断裂造山带为板块内部构造活动引起岩石圈隆起所形成的。本文的研究结果将使我们更深刻地了解龙门山地区的构造活动特点;并且有助于了解青藏高原东缘对印度—欧亚板块碰撞的构造响应。  相似文献   

The Longmen Shan region includes, from west to east, the northeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau, the Sichuan Basin, and the eastern part of the eastern Sichuan fold-and-thrust belt. In the northeast, it merges with the Micang Shan, a part of the Qinling Mountains. The Longmen Shan region can be divided into two major tectonic elements: (1) an autochthon/parautochthon, which underlies the easternmost part of the Tibetan Plateau, the Sichuan Basin, and the eastern Sichuan fold-and-thrust belt; and (2) a complex allochthon, which underlies the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau. The allochthon was emplaced toward the southeast during Late Triassic time, and it and the western part of the autochthon/parautochthon were modified by Cenozoic deformation.

The autochthon/parautochthon was formed from the western part of the Yangtze platform and consists of a Proterozoic basement covered by a thin, incomplete succession of Late Proterozoic to Middle Triassic shallow-marine and nonmarine sedimentary rocks interrupted by Permian extension and basic magmatism in the southwest. The platform is bounded by continental margins that formed in Silurian time to the west and in Late Proterozoic time to the north. Within the southwestern part of the platform is the narrow N-trending Kungdian high, a paleogeographic unit that was positive during part of Paleozoic time and whose crest is characterized by nonmarine Upper Triassic rocks unconformably overlying Proterozoic basement.

In the western part of the Longmen Shan region, the allochthon is composed mainly of a very thick succession of strongly folded Middle and Upper Triassic Songpan Ganzi flysch. Along the eastern side and at the base of the allochthon, pre-Upper Triassic rocks crop out, forming the only exposures of the western margin of the Yangtze platform. Here, Upper Proterozoic to Ordovician, mainly shallow-marine rocks unconformably overlie Yangtze-type Proterozic basement rocks, but in Silurian time a thick section of fine-grained clastic and carbonate rocks were deposited, marking the initial subsidence of the western Yangtze platform and formation of a continental margin. Similar deep-water rocks were deposited throughout Devonian to Middle Triassic time, when Songpan Ganzi flysch deposition began. Permian conglomerate and basic volcanic rocks in the southeastern part of the allochthon indicate a second period of extension along the continental margin. Evidence suggests that the deep-water region along and west of the Yangtze continental margin was underlain mostly by thin continental crust, but its westernmost part may have contained areas underlain by oceanic crust. In the northern part of the Longmen Shan allochthon, thick Devonian to Upper Triassic shallow-water deposits of the Xue Shan platform are flanked by deep-marine rocks and the platform is interpreted to be a fragment of the Qinling continental margin transported westward during early Mesozoic transpressive tectonism.

In the Longmen Shan region, the allochthon, carrying the western part of the Yangtze continental margin and Songpan Ganzi flysch, was emplaced to the southeast above rocks of the Yangtze platform autochthon. The eastern margin of the allochthon in the northern Longmen Shan is unconformably overlapped by both Lower and Middle Jurassic strata that are continuous with rocks of the autochthon. Folded rocks of the allochthon are unconformably overlapped by Lower and Middle Jurassic rocks in rare outcrops in the northern part of the region. They also are extensively intruded by a poorly dated, generally undeformed belt, of plutons whose ages (mostly K/Ar ages) range from Late Triassic to early Cenozoic, but most of the reliable ages are early Mesozoic. All evidence indicates that the major deformation within the allochthon is Late Triassic/Early Jurassic in age (Indosinian). The eastern front of the allochthon trends southwest across the present mountain front, so it lies along the mountain front in the northeast, but is located well to the west of the present mountain front on the south.

The Late Triassic deformation is characterized by upright to overturned folded and refolded Triassic flysch, with generally NW-trending axial traces in the western part of the region. Folds and thrust faults curve to the north when traced to the east, so that along the eastern front of the allochthon structures trend northeast, involve pre-Triassic rocks, and parallel the eastern boundary of the allochthon. The curvature of structural trends is interpreted as forming part of a left-lateral transpressive boundary developed during emplacement of the allochthon. Regionally, the Longmen Shan lies along a NE-trending transpressive margin of the Yangtze platform within a broad zone of generally N-S shortening. North of the Longmen Shan region, northward subduction led to collision of the South and North China continental fragments along the Qinling Mountains, but northwest of the Longmen Shan region, subduction led to shortening within the Songpan Ganzi flysch basin, forming a detached fold-and-thrust belt. South of the Longmen Shan region, the flysch basin is bounded by the Shaluli Shan/Chola Shan arc—an originally Sfacing arc that reversed polarity in Late Triassic time, leading to shortening along the southern margin of the Songpan Ganzi flysch belt. Shortening within the flysch belt was oblique to the Yangtze continental margin such that the allochthon in the Longmen Shan region was emplaced within a left-lateral transpressive environment. Possible clockwise rotation of the Yangtze platform (part of the South China continental fragment) also may have contributed to left-lateral transpression with SE-directed shortening. During left-lateral transpression, the Xue Shan platform was displaced southwestward from the Qinling orogen and incorporated into the Longmen Shan allochthon. Westward movement of the platform caused complex refolding in the northern part of the Longmen Shan region.

Emplacement of the allochthon flexurally loaded the western part of the Yangtze platform autochthon, forming a Late Triassic foredeep. Foredeep deposition, often involving thick conglomerate units derived from the west, continued from Middle Jurassic into Cretaceous time, although evidence for deformation of this age in the allochthon is generally lacking.

Folding in the eastern Sichuan fold-and-thrust belt along the eastern side of the Sichuan Basin can be dated as Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous in age, but only in areas 100 km east of the westernmost folds. Folding and thrusting was related to convergent activity far to the east along the eastern margin of South China. The westernmost folds trend southwest and merge to the south with folds and locally form refolded folds that involve Upper Cretaceous and lower Cenozoic rocks. The boundary between Cenozoic and late Mesozoic folding on the eastern and southern margins of the Sichuan Basin remains poorly determined.

The present mountainous eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau in the Longmen Shan region is a consequence of Cenozoic deformation. It rises within 100 km from 500–600 m in the Sichuan Basin to peaks in the west reaching 5500 m and 7500 m in the north and south, respectively. West of these high peaks is the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau, an area of low relief at an elevations of about 4000 m.

Cenozoic deformation can be demonstrated in the autochthon of the southern Longmen Shan, where the stratigraphic sequence is without an angular unconformity from Paleozoic to Eocene or Oligocene time. During Cenozoic deformation, the western part of the Yangtze platform (part of the autochthon for Late Triassic deformation) was deformed into a N- to NE-trending foldandthrust belt. In its eastern part the fold-thrust belt is detached near the base of the platform succession and affects rocks within and along the western and southern margin of the Sichuan Basin, but to the west and south the detachment is within Proterozoic basement rocks. The westernmost structures of the fold-thrust belt form a belt of exposed basement massifs. During the middle and later part of the Cenozoic deformation, strike-slip faulting became important; the fold-thrust belt became partly right-lateral transpressive in the central and northeastern Longmen Shan. The southern part of the fold-thrust belt has a more complex evolution. Early Nto NE-trending folds and thrust faults are deformed by NW-trending basementinvolved folds and thrust faults that intersect with the NE-trending right-lateral strike-slip faults. Youngest structures in this southern area are dominated by left-lateral transpression related to movement on the Xianshuihe fault system.

The extent of Cenozoic deformation within the area underlain by the early Mesozoic allochthon remains unknown, because of the absence of rocks of the appropriate age to date Cenozoic deformation. Klippen of the allochthon were emplaced above the Cenozoic fold-andthrust belt in the central part of the eastern Longmen Shan, indicating that the allochthon was at least partly reactivated during Cenozoic time. Only in the Min Shan in the northern part of the allochthon is Cenozoic deformation demonstrated along two active zones of E-W shortening and associated left-slip. These structures trend obliquely across early Mesozoic structures and are probably related to shortening transferred from a major zone of active left-slip faulting that trends through the western Qinling Mountains. Active deformation is along the left-slip transpressive NW-trending Xianshuihe fault zone in the south, right-slip transpression along several major NE-trending faults in the central and northeastern Longmen Shan, and E-W shortening with minor left-slip movement along the Min Jiang and Huya fault zones in the north.

Our estimates of Cenozoic shortening along the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau appear to be inadequate to account for the thick crust and high elevation of the plateau. We suggest here that the thick crust and high elevation is caused by lateral flow of the middle and lower crust eastward from the central part of the plateau and only minor crustal shortening in the upper crust. Upper crustal structure is largely controlled in the Longmen Shan region by older crustal anisotropics; thus shortening and eastward movement of upper crustal material is characterized by irregular deformation localized along older structural boundaries.  相似文献   

1933年8月25日四川叠溪发生MS7.5地震,一种代表性的观点认为松坪沟断层为此次地震的发震构造。而对于松坪沟断层的存在、发育分布以及其活动性,学者们至今仍存在一定的分歧。本文基于前人研究成果,对松坪沟中下游(松坪沟沟口至墨石寨)进行了详细的野外地质调查,并结合地球物理探测,证实了松坪沟断层的存在;松坪沟断层整体走向NW,沿松坪沟呈三段斜列式展布(NW段、中间段和SE段),其NW段倾向NE,中间段和SE段倾向SW,倾角约55°~80°;松坪沟断层以左旋走滑运动为主、兼逆冲性质,在距今两万年以来有过活动。最后通过对松坪沟流域地貌参数分析表明,该区地貌发育上处于幼年期晚期和壮年期,构造活动强烈,且松坪沟断层中间段和SE段的活动性较NW段强烈。  相似文献   

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