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牛初乳粉成人推荐口服量是4g/60kg·bw/d,试验分别设成人推荐口服量的10倍、20倍、30倍三个剂量组,给昆明种小鼠经口灌胃给予30d后,进行淋巴细胞转化试验、迟发型变态反应试验(耳肿胀法)、PFC试验、血清溶血素试验(半数溶血值HC50测定)、碳粒廓清试验、巨噬细胞吞噬鸡红细胞试验、NK细胞试验.试验结果细胞免疫、体液免疫、单核一巨噬细胞吞噬功能三个方面检测结果阳性,故可以判定牛初乳粉具有增强免疫力功能.  相似文献   

目的研究干酪乳杆菌Zhang(Lactobacillus casei Zhang,LcZhang)活菌制剂对小鼠肠粘膜免疫功能的影响。方法将分离自酸马奶的干酪乳杆菌Zhang,以活菌制剂的形式分三个剂量灌服小鼠11d,观察小鼠肠道局部免疫组织一派伊尔氏结(Payer’s Patches,PP)的数量及小肠粘膜CD3+、IgA+细胞数量及其阳性信号平均光密度值。结果干酪乳杆菌Zhang可使小鼠肠道粘膜相关淋巴组织中派伊尔氏结计数、计分值显著提高,并可显著提高肠粘膜内CD3+、IgA+细胞数量及表达强度。结论干酪乳杆菌Zhang对小鼠肠道粘膜免疫具有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨氨基甲酸乙酯对正常小鼠免疫功能的影响,为制订食品安全标准提供实验依据。方法设氨基甲酸乙酯0.17、0.83和1.67 mg/kg·bw 3个剂量组,同时设阴性对照组(蒸馏水),从细胞免疫、体液免疫、单核巨噬细胞吞噬作用及自然杀伤细胞的攻击作用和免疫器官的脏体比五方面观察氨基甲酸乙酯对正常小鼠免疫功能的影响。结果与阴性对照组比较,氨基甲酸乙酯1.67 mg/kg·bw剂量组能明显抑制Con A诱导的小鼠脾淋巴细胞的增殖能力、NK细胞活性和降低溶血空斑数(P0.05);氨基甲酸乙酯3个剂量组对小鼠单核巨噬细胞吞噬功能和胸腺/体重、脾脏/体重比值均无明显影响(P0.05)。结论氨基甲酸乙酯对正常小鼠免疫功能具有一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

亚硝酸钠对小鼠免疫功能的影响山东滨州医学院(256603)郝恩柱,高永,罗文海,万巧云,许金花亚硝酸钠是生产和生活环境中的重要污染物,其毒性在于对中枢神经系统的麻痹作用(1)。为探讨亚硝酸钠的致病机理,我们观察了其对小鼠免疫功能的影响。现将结果报告如...  相似文献   

鸡冠花对小鼠免疫功能的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
鸡冠花属无毒天然植物 ,含有丰富的蛋白质、不饱和脂肪酸、β -胡萝卜素、VB1、VB2 、VC及铜、铁、锌、钙等人体必需多种营养素和黄酮类生物活性物质〔1〕,并具有止血、降血脂等药理功能和抗疲劳等保健功能〔2〕。作为一种天然可食植物逐渐被人们所认识。本实验旨在探讨鸡冠花对小鼠免疫增强作用及环磷酰胺对小鼠免疫功能损伤的拮抗作用 ,为鸡冠花作为天然保健食品的进一步开发提供科学的实验依据。材料和方法  (1)材料 :①实验动物 :昆明种小白鼠 ,体重18~ 2 2g ,雌雄各半 ,由第一军医大学动物部提供。②鸡冠花 :紫红色普通型 ,本实验…  相似文献   

马拉硫磷是一种常用的杀虫剂,广泛使用于农业,随着免疫毒理学的发展,农药对机体免疫功能的影响引起了人们的关注。为评价马拉硫磷的免疫毒性,我们进行了马拉硫磷(工业品)对小鼠外周血T淋巴细胞数、血清溶血素水平、脾抗体生成细胞数和单核巨噬细胞炭粒廓清试验等免疫功能影响的研究。结果报告如下。材料与方法 实验动物为18~2 2 g昆明种小白鼠,随机分为低、中、高3个剂量组和1个对照组,每组小鼠2 0只,雌雄各半。药品剂量分别为2 0 ,84 ,16 8mg/kg ,对照组使用玉米油。腹腔注射染毒,每日一次,连续14d。染毒后第5d和第10d ,腹腔注射1×10 8…  相似文献   

红景天对小鼠免疫功能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谭枫  孟琳  段颖 《中国公共卫生》2004,20(6):728-729
红景天属植物,在我国华北地区有比较丰富的野生资源。理化研究表明,其具有广泛的药理作用。本试验测定其对小鼠免疫学效应的影响,以期为红景天的开发提供理论及实验数据。  相似文献   

咖啡因对小鼠免疫功能影响的研究尹武英,彭力,陈泳发我们对咖啡因进行了小鼠免疫功能方面的研究,现报告如下。一、材料与方法1.动物:雄性ICR小鼠,6~7周龄,体重24±4g。2.咖啡因:Sigma公司出品。实验分10、50和10Omg/kg三组,蒸馏水...  相似文献   

枸杞复合制剂对小鼠免疫功能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨枸杞复合制剂对免疫系统功能的影响.方法以小鼠为动物模型,观察不同剂量(1.67、3.33、10.00 ml/kg,体重)枸杞复合制剂对小鼠体重、免疫器官相对重量、细胞免疫功能、体液免疫功能、单核巨噬细胞功能及非特异免疫功能(NK细胞活性)的影响.结果与对照组相比,枸杞复合制剂3个剂量组小鼠DTH反应程度分别增加60%、84%和92%;ConA刺激的脾淋巴细胞增殖能力分别提高了31%、73%和76%;IgM-PFC数目明显增加(每5×106个脾细胞中PFC数目分别为:5145、5840、6455,对照仅为2600);碳粒廓清指数分别增加32%、41%和55%.但本研究中未发现枸杞复合制剂对腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬功能及NK细胞活性的影响.结论枸杞复合制剂具有增强小鼠免疫功能的作用.  相似文献   

要成分为美国花旗参、谷氨酸、精氨酸等。本实验主要目的是旨在观察花旗GH对小鼠免疫功能的作用 ,为产品的开发提供动物实验依据。1 材料和方法1 1 材料1 1 1 样品由四川超越生物工程有限公司提供的花旗GH ,样品为无色透明液体 ,比重为 1 0 ,人体每日推荐量为 4ml/ 6 0kg。1 1 2 动物 由华西医科大学实验动物中心提供的成年健康NIH雌性小鼠 16 0只 ,体重 18~ 2 2 g。1 1 3 主要仪器和试剂 绵羊红细胞 (SRBC)、Hanks液 ,SA缓冲液、Na2 CO3、RPMI16 40、酶联免疫检测仪等。1 2 方法 实验设 4个组 ,…  相似文献   

ObjectiveWe investigated whether oral administration of skimmed and concentrated bovine late colostrum (SCBLC) activates the immune system and protects against influenza virus (Flu) infection.MethodsMurine Peyer's patch (PP) cells (2.5 105) were cultured in 0.1 ml RPMI-1640 supplemented with SCBLC at a concentration of 0, 0.1 or 1.0 mg/ml. To determine the levels of IL-12 and IFN-, supernatants were collected on day 3. Mice were orally administered sterile saline solution (control group), or 400 g/g body weight (SCBLC 400 group) or 2,000 g/g body weight (SCBLC 2,000 group) of SCBLC for three weeks. These mice were measured for natural killer (NK) cells activity on PP cells, splenocytes and lung cells. Also, these mice in the control and SCBLC 2,000 groups were infected with Flu and were measured for the accumulated symptom rate.ResultsIn PP cells cultured with SCBLC, the levels of IL-12 and IFN- were significantly increased in vitro. Oral administration of SCBLC to mice significantly increased NK cell activity of PP cells, splenocytes and lung cells. The accumulated symptom rate of the SCBLC 2,000 group was significantly lower than that of the control group in a mouse model of Flu infection.ConclusionThese results indicate that oral administration of SCBLC activates not only systemic cellular immunity but also local cellular immunity, such as in the respiratory tract, and that activation of cellular immunity is one of the mechanisms of amelioration of Flu infection.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of 8 wk of bovine colostrum supplementation on body composition and exercise performance in active men and women. Subjects were randomly assigned to a placebo (whey protein) and colostrum group (20 g/d in powder form). Each subject participated in aerobic and heavy-resistance training at least three times per wk. Body composition was assessed via dual x-ray absorptiometry analysis. Treadmill time to exhaustion, one repetition maximum strength (bench press), and the total number of repetitions performed during one set to exhaustion at a submaximal load for the bench press (50% and 100% of body weight for women and men, respectively) were ascertained. The whey protein group experienced a significant increase (P < 0.05) in body weight (mean increase of 2.11 kg), whereas the colostrum group experienced a significant (P < 0.05) increase in bone-free lean body mass (mean increase of 1.49 kg). There were no changes in any of the other parameters measured. Thus, supplementation with bovine colostrum (20 g/d) in combination with exercise training for 8 wk may increase bone-free lean body mass in active men and women.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine whether bovine colostrum was able to prevent the NSAID induced small intestinal damage in animals. The animal model population of the study consisted of 4 groups: control group, diclofenac group, diclofenac with 10% low fat milk group and diclofenac with 5% colostrum group. The animals with milk or colostrum were fed with 10% low fat milk or 5% colostral solution for 5 days before the administration of diclofenac. Gut injuries were induced by administration of a single dose of diclofenac (100 mg/kg orally). Epithelial permeability values (24 hour urinary excretion of 51Cr-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid [51Cr-EDTA]), enteric aerobic bacterial counts, serum biochemical profiles and pathologic findings of distal ileum were measured. Diclofenac caused a marked increase in the intestinal permeability, enteric bacterial numbers and intestinal villous damage, and enteric protein and albumin loss. Combined administration of bovine colostrum reduced the increase in intestinal permeability, enteric bacterial overgrowth, protein losing enteropathy and mucosal villous damage of the small intestine induced by diclofenac. Bovine colostrum may have a beneficial effect in prevention of NSAID induced small intestinal injuries.  相似文献   

目的探讨甲单宁片对小鼠免疫功能的影响。方法 200只雌性ICR小鼠随机分为4组,即低、中、高剂量组和溶剂对照组。连续灌胃30d,采用二硝基氟苯诱导小鼠迟发性变态反应(耳肿胀法)、ConA诱导的小鼠脾淋巴细胞转化实验(噻唑蓝MTT法)进行细胞免疫功能测定;以抗体生成细胞检测(琼脂糖平板法)、血清溶血素的测定(半数溶血值HC50测定法)进行体液免疫功能测定;以小鼠碳廓清实验、小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬鸡红细胞实验(滴片法)进行单核-巨噬细胞功能测定;以乳酸脱氢酶测定法进行NK细胞活性测定。结果以甲单宁片灌胃30d,小鼠细胞免疫功能、体液免疫功能、单核-巨噬细胞功能、NK细胞活性测定实验结果均为阳性;各剂量组小鼠体重、脏器/体重与对照组差异均无统计学意义(P值均0.05)。结论实验条件下,甲单宁片可明显增强小鼠免疫力功能。  相似文献   

牛初乳提取物(BCE)对儿童免疫功能影响的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
90例反复呼吸道感染住院患儿按同年龄、性别、病程、病情 1:1配对,按常规抗感染治疗,试验组加服BCE(0.4g/天)。结果表明:反复呼吸道感染小儿存在免疫功能缺陷,试验组小儿服用BCE后血清免疫球蛋白IgG较前明显上升(P<0.01),T细胞亚群(CD3、CD4)水平上升,CD8下降(P<0.01),CD4/CD8比值提高(P<0.01),呼吸道感染率明显下降(P<0.01)。提示BCE可提高易感儿童免疫功能。  相似文献   

Secretory IgA in saliva (s-IgA) is a potential mucosal immune correlate of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) status. Nutritional supplements may improve mucosal immunity, and could be beneficial to athletes who are at increased risk of URTI. In this study, 35 distance runners (15 female, 20 male, age 35 to 58 y) consumed a supplement of either bovine colostrum or placebo for 12 wk. Saliva samples were taken prior to training at baseline, monthly during supplementation, and 2 wk post supplementation. Median levels of s-IgA increased by 79% in the colostrum group after 12 wk intervention, and the time-dependent change from baseline value was significant (P = 0.0291). This significance was still apparent after adjusting for training volume and self-reporting of upper respiratory symptoms. This study has demonstrated increased s-IgA levels among a cohort of athletes following colostrum supplementation. While this result is statistically significant, its physiological interpretation must be viewed with caution due to the small numbers in this study and the large variability in s-IgA levels.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The aim of this study was to examine whether the combined administration of bovine colostrum and glutamine was able to prevent the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-induced gut damage and bacterial translocation (BT) in the rats. METHODS: The animal model population of the study consisted of six groups; control group, diclofenac group, diclofenac with milk group, diclofenac with colostrum group, diclofenac with glutamine group and diclofenac with colostrum and glutamine group. The animals with milk, colostrum or glutamine were fed with low fat milk, liquid colostrum or glutamine by orogastric gavage for 5 days before the diclofenac administration. Intestinal permeability, serum biochemical profiles and intestinal adhesion for assessment of the gut damage, and enteric bacterial overgrowth and BT at the mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, spleen and systemic blood were measured. RESULTS: Diclofenac caused the increase in gut damage, enteric bacterial numbers and BT. Supplements with colostrum or glutamine reduced these changes induced by diclofenac, but this result was not seen for supplementation with low fat milk. Combined administration of colostrum and glutamine reduced diclofenac-induced gut damage and BT as compared to the use of bovine colostrum alone or glutamine alone. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggested that the combined administration of bovine colostrum and glutamine might effectively reduce NSAID-induced gut damage and BT in the rat.  相似文献   

目的 了解龟鹿口服液对小鼠免疫功能的影响。方法 采用雌性昆明种小鼠经口连续给予 2 5、5 0、15 0ml/kg·bw的龟鹿口服液 30d ,进行迟发型变态反应 (足跖厚度增加法 )、小鼠脾淋巴细胞转化试验、溶血素滴度测定、抗体生成细胞检测等试验。结果 受试物对小鼠的体重、脾脏和胸腺重量无明显影响 (P >0 0 5 ) ;对小鼠迟发型变态反应试验中 ,各剂量组足跖增厚值均高于对照组 ;对ConA诱导的小鼠脾淋巴细胞转化试验 ,低剂量组吸光度差值高于对照组 ;对受试动物血清溶血素抗体滴度水平的影响 ,中、高剂量组的抗体积数高于对照组 ;对受试动物脾细胞抗体生成水平的影响 ,各剂量组的脾细胞抗体生成水平 (空斑数 )均高于对照组 ,差异均有显著性 (均P <0 0 5 )。对小鼠碳廓清吞噬功能和对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬鸡红细胞吞噬功能以及NK细胞活性测定中 ,各剂量组与对照组比较 ,差异均无显著性 (均P >0 0 5 )。结论 龟鹿口服液具有增强小鼠细胞和体液免疫功能的作用。  相似文献   

被动吸烟对大鼠免疫功能及生长发育影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨被动吸烟对大鼠生长发育以及血清中生长激素(GH)、雌二醇(E2)、胆固醇、血糖水平和脏器质量的影响。方法 Wistar大鼠36只,随机分为正常对照组、低、高剂量被动吸烟组;烟熏35d后,取血清进行胆固醇、血糖、GH和E2检测,同时取心、肝、脾、肾、肺和脑称重。结果 高剂量被动吸烟组体重增长(36.383±8.238)g,明显低于正常对照组和低剂量被动吸烟组的(44.767±10.708),(46.145±9.121)g(P<0.05);高、低剂量被动吸烟组E2水平分别为(1.60±1.0),(1.43±0.8)pg/mL,与正常对照组的(2.40±0.7)pg/mL比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);高剂量组的胆固醇明显高于正常对照组(P<0.05);而各组大鼠血糖、GH及各器官重量之间比较差异无统计学意义。结论 高剂量被动吸烟可影响大鼠的生长发育,并且可导致脂类代谢异常。  相似文献   

牛初乳蛋白对大鼠股骨密度的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨牛初乳蛋白对去卵巢大鼠骨密度等指标的影响。方法将60只清洁级雌性SD大鼠随机分为假手术组、去卵巢对照组和喂食牛初乳蛋白的去卵巢低、中、高剂量共5组,其中3个剂量组每天分别给予牛初乳蛋白0.20、1.00和2.00g/kgbw连续灌胃12周。检测体重、股骨长度、股骨重量,股骨近心端、中段和远心端骨密度的变化。结果喂食牛初乳蛋白的各剂量组骨密度、股骨重/骨长、股骨重/体重均显著高于模型对照组。结论每天给予0.20mg/kgbw牛初乳蛋白能显著增加去势大鼠股骨近心端、中段和远心端的骨密度。  相似文献   

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