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The degQ and degS genes of Escherichia coli encode proteins of 455 and 355 residues, respectively, which are homologs of the DegP protease. The purified DegQ protein has the properties of a serine endoprotease and is processed by the removal of a 27-residue amino-terminal signal sequence. A plasmid expressing degQ rescues the temperature-sensitive phenotype of a strain bearing the degP41 deletion, implying that DegQ, like DegP, functions as a periplasmic protease in vivo. Deletions in the degQ gene cause no obvious growth defect, while those in the degS gene result in a small-colony phenotype. The latter phenotype is rescued by a plasmid expressing the degS gene but not by plasmids expressing the degQ or degP genes. This result and the inability of a plasmid expressing degS to rescue the temperature-sensitive degP41 phenotype indicate that the DegS protein is functionally different from the DegQ and DegP proteins.  相似文献   

DegP (HtrA) is a periplasmic heat shock serine protease of Escherichia coli that degrades misfolded proteins at high temperatures. Biochemical and biophysical experiments have indicated that the purified DegP exists as a hexamer. To examine whether the PDZ domains of DegP were required for oligomerization, we constructed a DegP variant lacking both PDZ domains. This truncated variant, DegPDelta, exhibited no proteolytic activity but exerted a dominant-negative effect on growth at high temperatures by interfering with the functional assembly of oligomeric DegP. Thus, the PDZ domains contain information necessary for proper assembly of the functional hexameric structure of DegP.  相似文献   

The DegP protein, a multifunctional chaperone and protease, is essential for clearance of denatured or aggregated proteins from the inner-membrane and periplasmic space in Escherichia coli. To date, four natural targets for DegP have been described: colicin A lysis protein, pilin subunits and MalS from E. coli, and high-molecular-weight adherence proteins from Haemophilus influenzae. In vitro, DegP has shown weak protease activity with casein and several other nonnative substrates. We report here the identification of the major pilin subunit of the Pap pilus, PapA, as a natural DegP substrate and demonstrate binding and proteolysis of this substrate in vitro. Using overlapping peptide arrays, we identified three regions in PapA that are preferentially cleaved by DegP. A 7-mer peptide was found to be a suitable substrate for cleavage by DegP in vitro. In vitro proteolysis of model peptide substrates revealed that cleavage is dependent upon the presence of paired hydrophobic amino acids; moreover, cleavage was found to occur between the hydrophobic residues. Finally, we demonstrate that the conserved carboxyl-terminal sequence in pilin subunits, although not a cleavage substrate for DegP, activates the protease and we propose that the activating peptide is recognized by DegP's PDZ domains.  相似文献   

PDZ domains are modular protein interaction domains that are present in metazoans and bacteria. These domains possess unique structural features that allow them to interact with the C-terminal residues of their ligands. The Escherichia coli essential periplasmic protein DegP contains two PDZ domains attached to the C-terminal end of the protease domain. In this study we examined the role of each PDZ domain in the protease and chaperone activities of this protein. Specifically, DegP mutants with either one or both PDZ domains deleted were generated and tested to determine their protease and chaperone activities, as well as their abilities to sequester unfolded substrates. We found that the PDZ domains in DegP have different roles; the PDZ1 domain is essential for protease activity and is responsible for recognizing and sequestering unfolded substrates through C-terminal tags, whereas the PDZ2 domain is mostly involved in maintaining the hexameric cage of DegP. Interestingly, neither of the PDZ domains was required for the chaperone activity of DegP. In addition, we found that the loops connecting the protease domain to PDZ1 and connecting PDZ1 to PDZ2 are also essential for the protease activity of the hexameric DegP protein. New insights into the roles of the PDZ domains in the structure and function of DegP are provided. These results imply that DegP recognizes substrate molecules targeted for degradation and substrate molecules targeted for refolding in different manners and suggest that the substrate recognition mechanisms may play a role in the protease-chaperone switch, dictating whether the substrate is degraded or refolded.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli arginine repressor (ArgR) controls expression of the arginine biosynthetic genes and acts as an accessory protein in Xer site-specific recombination at cer and related plasmid recombination sites. The hexameric wild-type protein shows L -arginine-dependent DNA binding. In this work, ArgR mutants that are defective in trimer–trimer interactions and bind DNA as trimers in an L -arginine-independent manner are isolated and characterized. Whereas the wild-type ArgR hexamer exhibits high-affinity binding to two repeated ARG boxes separated by 3 bp (each ARG box containing two identical dyad symmetrical 9 bp half-sites), the trimeric mutants bind to and footprint three adjacent half-sites of this 'idealized' substrate. Trimeric ArgR is impaired in its ability to repress the arginine biosynthetic genes and in Xer site-specific recombination. In the absence of L -arginine, residual wild-type ArgR-binding occurs as trimers. The binding of an N-terminal 77-amino-acid DNA-binding domain to idealized ARG boxes is also characterized.  相似文献   

The HtrA protein of Escherichia coli is a heat-shock inducible periplasmic protease, essential for bacterial survival at high temperatures. Expression of htrA gene depends on the alternative factor sigmaE and on the two-component regulatory system Cpx. These regulators systems respond, among others factors, to overproduction of misfolded proteins in the periplasm or to high level synthesis of various extracytoplasmic proteins. We describe in this report the osmoregulation of the expression of htrA gene. Low osmolarity conditions result in htrA repression. We report, as well, the role of the nucleoid associated proteins H-NS and Hha in the repression of htrA expression at low osmolarity.  相似文献   

The membrane subunit (IIGlc) of the glucose permease has been purified from overproducing Escherichia coli. About 2 mg of pure protein was obtained from 10 g (wet weight) of cells. IIGlc of E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium are functionally indistinguishable. A small difference was revealed, however, by a monoclonal antibody which neutralizes glucose phosphorylation activity of IIGlc from S. typhimurium, but does not cross-react with IIGlc of E. coli. A dimeric form of purified IIGlc can be detected by chemical cross-linking and by zonal sedimentation at 4 degrees C. Upon mild oxidation a disulfide bond is formed between the subunits of the dimer. Oxidized IIGlc is more stable than the reduced form but is inactive because it cannot be phosphorylated by the cytoplasmic subunit (IIIGlc) of the glucose permease. Cys-421 could be identified as the oxidation-sensitive residue, using a novel assay to detect IIIGlc-dependent phosphorylation of nitrocellulose-bound IIGlc that has been purified by gel electrophoresis. No dimeric form of phosphorylated IIGlc could be detected. Because phosphorylated IIGlc is a catalytic intermediate it is concluded that catalytically active IIGlc is a monomer and that the dimeric form is an artefact observed only with purified resting IIGlc. That IIGlc is active as a monomer is further supported by the observation that monomeric IIGlc catalyzes phosphoryl exchange between glucose and glucose 6-phosphate at equilibrium and that an excess of inactive IIGlc with a serine replacing Cys-421 does not interfere with the activity of wild-type IIGlc as would be expected if interaction between the subunits in a dimer were essential for activity.  相似文献   

Absence of oligomeric murein intermediates in Escherichia coli.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
The intermediates in the biosynthetic pathway of murein were examined in two strains of Escherichia coli to determine whether they synthesized oligomeric precursors in vivo. No oligomeric precursors could be detected; the only intermediates found were the previously described UDP-N-acetylmuramyl peptides, and the two lipid-linked compounds, N-acetylglucosamyl-N-acetylmuramyl-(pentapeptide)-pyrophosphoryl-undecaprenol and N-acetylmuramyl-(pentapeptide)-pyrophosphoryl-undecaprenol. It was concluded that lipid-linked monomers are directly incorporated into the murein sacculus in vivo and do not pass through an oligomeric stage.  相似文献   

Tn10 insertion in the galS (ultrainduction factor) gene of Escherichia coli allows the gal operon to be constitutively expressed at a very high level, equal to that seen in a delta galR strain in the presence of an inducer. The insertion has been mapped by criss-cross Hfr matings and by marker rescue into Kohara phages at 46 min on the E. coli chromosome.  相似文献   

The Kunitz type protease inhibitor aprotinin, containing three intramolecular disulfide bonds, was expressed on the surface of Escherichia coli by Autodisplay. For this purpose, the aprotinin gene was fused in-frame to the transporter domain encoding DNA region of the AIDA-I autotransporter protein. Culture of cells supplied with the artificial gene at reducing conditions resulted in the translocation of aprotinin to the cell surface. Correct folding of aprotinin was shown by high affinity to its target enzyme HLE. No surface translocation was detectable under non-reducing conditions, indicating the degradation of aprotinin in the periplasm. By the use of periplasmic-protease defective E. coli strains PW147, PW151, and PW152, under non-reducing conditions, significant amounts of aprotinin appeared in the periplasm but not at the surface. Our results indicate that aprotinin molecules, reaching stable conformation before transport across the outer membrane, are degraded in the periplasm due to proteolysis. In case folding can be prevented, i.e., by blocking disulfide bond formation in the periplasm, aprotinin is translocated and can adopt its active conformation at the cell surface.  相似文献   

High levels of expression of oligomeric proteins in heterologous systems are frequently associated with misfolding and accumulation of the polypeptides in inclusion bodies. This reflects aspects of the folding and assembly pathways of oligomeric proteins, which generally proceed from either folding intermediates or native-like metastable species that are not in their final conformation. Methods for optimizing the yield of correctly assembled oligomers are discussed.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli OmpP is an F episome-encoded outer membrane protease that exhibits 71% amino acid sequence identity with OmpT. These two enzymes cleave substrate polypeptides primarily between pairs of basic amino acids. We found that, like OmpT, purified OmpP is active only in the presence of lipopolysaccharide. With optimal peptide substrates, OmpP exhibits high catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m) = 3.0 x 10(6) M(-1)s(-1)). Analysis of the extended amino acid specificity of OmpP by substrate phage revealed that both Arg and Lys are strongly preferred at the P1 and P1' sites of the enzyme. In addition, Thr, Arg, or Ala is preferred at P2; Leu, Ala, or Glu is preferred at P4; and Arg is preferred at P3'. Notable differences in OmpP and OmpT specificities include the greater ability of OmpP to accept Lys at the P1 or P1', site as well as the prominence of Ser at P3 in OmpP substrates. Likewise, the OmpP P1 site could better accommodate Ser; as a result, OmpP was able to cleave a peptide substrate between Ser-Arg about 120 times more efficiently than was OmpT. Interestingly, OmpP and OmpT cleave peptides with three consecutive Arg residues at different sites, a difference in specificity that might be important in the inactivation of cationic antimicrobial peptides. Accordingly, we show that the presence of an F' episome results in increased resistance to the antimicrobial peptide protamine both in ompT mutants and in wild-type E. coli cells.  相似文献   

FtsH protease, the product of the essential ftsH gene, is a membrane-bound ATP-dependent metalloprotease of Escherichia coli that has been shown to be involved in the rapid turnover of key proteins, secretion of proteins into and through the membrane, and mRNA decay. The pleiotropic effects of ftsH mutants have led to the suggestion that FtsH possesses an ATP-dependent chaperone function that is independent of its protease function. When considering FtsH as a target for novel antibacterials, it is necessary to determine which of these functions is critical for the growth and survival of bacteria. To address this, we constructed the FtsH mutants E418Q, which retains significant ATPaseactivity but lacks protease activity, and K201N, which lacks both protease and ATPase activities. These mutants were introduced into an E. coli ftsH knockout strain which has wild-type FtsH supplied from a plasmid under control of the inducible araBAD promoter. Since neither mutant would complement the ftsH defect produced in the absence of arabinose, we conclude that the protease function of FtsH is required for bacterial growth.  相似文献   

Substrate specificity of the Escherichia coli outer membrane protease OmpT   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OmpT is a surface protease of gram-negative bacteria that has been shown to cleave antimicrobial peptides, activate human plasminogen, and degrade some recombinant heterologous proteins. We have analyzed the substrate specificity of OmpT by two complementary substrate filamentous phage display methods: (i) in situ cleavage of phage that display protease-susceptible peptides by Escherichia coli expressing OmpT and (ii) in vitro cleavage of phage-displayed peptides using purified enzyme. Consistent with previous reports, OmpT was found to exhibit a virtual requirement for Arg in the P1 position and a slightly less stringent preference for this residue in the P1' position (P1 and P1' are the residues immediately prior to and following the scissile bond). Lys, Gly, and Val were also found in the P1' position. The most common residues in the P2' position were Val or Ala, and the P3 and P4 positions exhibited a preference for Trp or Arg. Synthetic peptides based upon sequences selected by bacteriophage display were cleaved very efficiently, with kcat/Km values up to 7.3 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1). In contrast, a peptide corresponding to the cleavage site of human plasminogen was hydrolyzed with a kcat/Km almost 10(6)-fold lower. Overall, the results presented in this work indicate that in addition to the P1 and P1' positions, additional amino acids within a six-residue window (between P4 and P2') contribute to the binding of substrate polypeptides to the OmpT binding site.  相似文献   

A novel outer-membrane-associated protease in Escherichia coli.   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Human gamma interferon produced by recombinant Escherichia coli was degraded by endogenous protease after cell disruption. Specific cleavages took place at the center of two pairs of basic amino acids (Lys-131-Arg-132 and Arg-142-Arg-143) in the C-terminal region, giving rise to products with molecular weights of 17,500 and 16,000. The proteolytic activity was associated with the outer membrane of E. coli. It was insensitive to the protease inhibitors diisopropylfluorophosphate, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, tosyl-L-lysine chloro-methyl ketone, EDTA, and p-chloromercuribenzoate. Benzamidine and the bivalent cations Zn2+ and Cu2+ inhibited the activity. Dynorphin A(1-13) (Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-Arg-Arg-Ile-Arg-Pro-Lys-Leu-Lys) was a good substrate and was preferentially cleaved at the center of Arg-6-Arg-7. Neither the amino nor carboxyl sides of Arg-9 and Lys-11 were digested. These results indicate that the protease specifically cleaves the peptide bond between consecutive basic residues and therefore is different from the known membrane enzymes, proteases IV, V, and VI. We have designated this new enzyme protease VII.  相似文献   

Guanosine monophosphate kinases (GMPKs), which catalyze the phosphorylation of GMP and dGMP to their diphosphate form, have been characterized as monomeric enzymes in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Here, we report that GMPK from Escherichia coli (ecGMPK) assembles in solution and in the crystal as several different oligomers. Thermodynamic analysis of ecGMPK using differential scanning calorimetry shows that the enzyme is in equilibrium between a dimer and higher order oligomers, whose relative amounts depend on protein concentration, ionic strength, and the presence of ATP. Crystallographic structures of ecGMPK in the apo, GMP and GDP-bound forms were solved at 3.2A, 2.9A and 2.4A resolution, respectively. ecGMPK forms a hexamer with D3 symmetry in all crystal forms, in which the two nucleotide-binding domains are able to undergo closure comparable to that of monomeric GMPKs. The 2-fold and 3-fold interfaces involve a 20-residue C-terminal extension and a sequence signature, respectively, that are missing from monomeric eukaryotic GMPKs, explaining why ecGMPK forms oligomers. These signatures are found in GMPKs from proteobacteria, some of which are human pathogens. GMPKs from these bacteria are thus likely to form the same quaternary structures. The shift of the thermodynamic equilibrium towards the dimer at low ecGMPK concentration together with the observation that inter-subunit interactions partially occlude the ATP-binding site in the hexameric structure suggest that the dimer may be the active species at physiological enzyme concentration.  相似文献   

A multiple-component, ATP-dependent protease from Escherichia coli   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
A new ATP-dependent, casein-degrading proteolytic complex has been identified and partially purified from Escherichia coli. The proteolytic complex can be isolated from wild-type cells as well as from mutants in which the gene for the ATP-dependent Lon protease is deleted. The complex consists of at least two components (components I and II) that can be separated from each other (and from wild-type Lon protease) by phosphocellulose chromatography. Neither component has casein-degrading activity when added separately to assay solutions with or without ATP. Both components must be present simultaneously for casein degradation to occur. Of the nucleotides tested, only ATP activates the proteolytic complex, and the ATP must be present continuously for degradation to occur. Component II copurifies with an ATPase activity and binds to a Type 4 ATP affinity column. ATP protects component II from heat inactivation, suggesting that component II interacts with ATP. Proteolysis was not inhibited by any serine protease inhibitors but was inhibited by reagents such as the organomercurial Neohydrin and N-ethylmaleimide, which react with sulfhydryl groups. Our data provide convincing evidence that E. coli possesses a previously undescribed proteolytic system composed of at least two complementary components and absolutely dependent on ATP.  相似文献   

S Bass  Q Gu    A Christen 《Journal of bacteriology》1996,178(4):1154-1161
We have isolated three multicopy suppressors of the conditional lethal phenotype of a prc (tsp) null strain of Escherichia coli. One of these suppressors included two novel putative protease genes in tandem that map to 3400 kb or 72.5 centisomes on the chromosome. We propose the names hhoA and hhoB, for htrA homolog, to denote that these genes encode proteins that are 58 and 35% identical, respectively, to the HtrA (DegP) serine protease and 36% identical to each other. The HhoA and HhoB proteins are predicted to be 455 and 355 amino acids, respectively, in length. The mature HhoA protein is periplasmic in location, and amino-terminal sequencing shows that it arises following cleavage of a 27-amino-acid signal peptide. Searches of the protein and DNA databases reveal a rapidly growing family of homologous genes in a variety of other bacteria, including several which are required for virulence in their host. Deletion of the hhoAB genes shows that they are not required for viability at high temperatures like the homologous htrA but grow more slowly than wild-type strains. A second multicopy prc suppressor is the dksA (dnaK suppressor) gene, which is also a multicopy suppressor of defects in the heat shock genes dnaK, dnaJ, and grpE. The dksA gene was independently isolated as a multicopy suppressor of a mukB mutation, which is required for chromosomal partitioning. A third dosage-dependent prc suppressor includes a truncated rare lipoprotein A (rlpA) gene.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, adaptation to extra-cytoplasmic stress relies on sigma(E) activation to induce a rescue pathway. Under non-stressed conditions, sigma(E) is sequestered by the inner membrane protein RseA. Extra-cytoplasmic stress activates DegS-dependent cleavage of RseA, rendering RseA sensitive to further degradation by the YaeL protease. YaeL contains two motifs characteristic of a family of metallo-proteases, as well as a periplasmic PDZ domain. We report results of mutational analyses of the YaeL domains. Surprisingly, expression in a strain depleted for wild-type YaeL or YaeL variants having a 40 amino acid deletion of the PDZ domain or amino acid substitutions of conserved amino acids of the YaeL PDZ domain did not affect cell viability. The proteolytic activity against RseA of these YaeL variants became independent of DegS. These observations suggest that the YaeL PDZ domain exerts a negative control on YaeL activity. Rather than being involved in substrate recognition, the PDZ domain of YaeL is likely to act as an inhibitor of proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

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