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钙基烟气脱硫剂制备的实验研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
采用正交试验,研究了水合制备高效钙基烟气脱硫剂时各制备条件对产物的影响。结果表明,水合时间、水合温度Ca(OH)2/CaSO4的质量比,以及飞灰/(Ca(OH)2 CaSO4)质量比四个条件对脱硫剂比表面积的形成有显著的影响;从而由单因素实验得出一最佳钙基脱硫剂制备条件组合。此外,通过XDR分析,测定了脱硫剂的物相组成,扫描电镜观察显示飞灰和水合吸收剂具有不同的表面形态。  相似文献   

采用飞灰和水菱镁石水合搅拌制备飞灰/水菱镁石新型复合脱硫剂,模拟湿法烟气脱硫过程,采用正交实验分析法探讨了液固比(质量比)、反应温度、搅拌速度以及鼓泡深度4个因素对脱硫效率的影响。结果发现:复合脱硫剂的比表面积增大,这有利于该复合脱硫剂与气相SO2的接触和反应,因而提高了脱硫效率。复合脱硫剂的最佳反应组合:液固比为15.0∶1.0、反应温度为常温(20℃)、搅拌速度为150r/min、鼓泡深度为2.0cm,该条件下脱硫效率为98.58%。  相似文献   

为寻找经济适用且具有较高效率的烟气脱硫方法.研制了FeSO4/Ac脱硫剂。并对FeSO4/Ac脱硫剂的脱硫性能进行了实验研究。实验研究结果显示,烟气中O2、水蒸气含量的多少及脱硫温度的高低会影响FeSO4/Ac脱硫剂的脱硫性能。实验证明,当n(O2):n(SO2)=7~10、n(H2O):n(SO2)=3~5、脱硫温度取120℃时,FeSO4/Ac脱硫剂具有良好的脱硫性能,脱硫效率可达92.1%~96.8%。FeSO4/Ac脱硫剂能够再生重复使用。采用水蒸气加热再生法对FeSO4/Ac脱硫剂进行再生,实验结果显示,经4次加热法再生的FeSO4/Ac脱硫剂的脱硫效率仍能达到91%。  相似文献   

垃圾渗滤液烟气脱硫体系的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用垃圾渗滤液中较高的碱度吸收二氧化硫是垃圾渗滤液湿法烟气脱硫工艺的第一阶段。试验证明,垃圾渗滤液可高效吸收二氧化硫(去除率可达如%以上);同时垃圾渗滤液中氨氮浓度由133mmol/L降至78mmol/L。实验结果证实了所建立的垃圾渗滤液烟气脱疏体系的互补性。  相似文献   

为得到干法烟气脱硫较优的相对湿度,并验证钙基脱硫剂在干法烟气脱硫中的可行性,在模拟干法烟气脱硫实验台上,研究了钙基脱硫剂在不同相对湿度(0~45%)条件下,脱硫剂的出口浓度、脱硫效率和固硫量。结果表明,在相对湿度从0变化至45%时,可以稳定运行的穿透时间由160 min增加到720 min,可达100%脱硫效率的运行时间由0增至580 min,脱硫剂的固硫量从43.37 mg增加到332.09 mg;增加相对湿度能显著提高烟气脱硫效率,在保证烟气不穿透物料且不出现黏壁现象的条件下,较优的相对湿度为45%。研究明确了在低相对湿度条件下此种脱硫剂的可行性并确定了较优化的干法脱硫湿度,为干法脱硫条件的选择提供了参考。  相似文献   

烟气脱硫技术开发研究动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

烟气冷凝节能与脱硫装置是适用于燃油燃气锅炉的新装置。本文介绍了该装置节能及脱硫的基本原理,利用81.4KW天然气锅炉实验系统对装置 的传热和脱硫特性进行了研究。实验表明,该装置提高锅炉效率为3%-8%,脱硫效率为20%-40%。  相似文献   

锅炉烟气脱硫除尘一体化装置的开发与应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  

锅炉烟气脱硫除尘一体化装置的开发与应用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本文介绍了国内外已应用的锅炉脱硫除尘一体化装置,并结合国情,提出了应重点发展的锅炉烟气脱硫除尘一体化装置。  相似文献   

高活性吸收剂脱硫脱氮的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
针对目前干法脱硫工艺中吸收剂活性和钙利用率比较低的问题,开发了一种具有较高活性的吸收剂,用于烟道喷射脱硫脱氮。用实验设计方法研究了影响吸收剂活性的因素,得出高活性吸收剂的制备条件。并进行了脱除实验。  相似文献   

改性粉煤灰基吸附剂作为烟气脱汞吸附剂,具有成本低的特点。为进一步研究改性粉煤灰基吸附剂脱汞的工业运行状况,设计了最大烟气流量为2 000 Nm3/h的中试实验。首先通过数值模拟方法研究燃煤烟气过程中吸附剂脱汞性能,分别研究了吸附剂粒径、烟气流量以及吸附剂料层厚度对脱汞效率的影响。研究发现,随着烟气流量的增加脱汞效率降低,烟气流量为2 000 Nm3/h时脱汞效率为74.26%。在中试实验中采用三段式脱汞工艺,脱汞吸附剂为卤素元素浸渍改性的粉煤灰基吸附剂,根据模拟结果设计了吸附剂粒径为25 mm,料层厚度为400 mm的实验参数。实验结果表明,三段式脱汞工艺在烟气流量为2 000 Nm3/h,其脱汞效率为78.8%,其中吸附剂的脱汞效率为68.90%,证明了改性粉煤灰基吸附剂在工业烟气脱汞工艺中具有良好作用。  相似文献   

粉煤灰对染料废水的脱色研究   总被引:44,自引:1,他引:44  
研究了粉煤灰对活性染料、酸性染料、直接染料、阳离子染料、硫化染料和还原染料的脱色能力,确定了脱色率为91%-99%时的工艺条件,用粉煤灰处理实际废水既能降低色度又能除去大量COD。  相似文献   

This investigation was undertaken to determine the effect of amendment of two fly ashes [Kota and Inderprastha (IP)] on sorption behavior of metsulfuron-methyl in three Indian soil types. Kota fly ash (5%) did not show any effect on herbicide sorption while IP fly ash significantly enhanced the sorption. Further studies on metsulfuron-methyl sorption-desorption behavior in 0.5, 1, 2, and 5% IP fly ash-amended soils suggested that effect of fly ash varied with soil type and better effect was observed in low organic carbon content soils. The sorption-desorption isotherms fitted very well to the Freundlich sorption equation and, in general, slope (1/n) values less than unity were observed. Metsulfuron-methyl sorption in the IP fly ash-amended soils showed strong correlation with the fly ash content and compared to the Freundlich sorption constant (K f), K FA values (sorption normalized to fly ash content) showed less variation. Metsulfuron-methyl leaching studies suggested greater retention of herbicide in the application zone in IP fly ash-amended soils, but effect varied with soil type and no herbicide leaching was observed in 5% fly ash-amended soils. The study suggested that all coal fly ashes are not effective in enhancing the sorption of metsulfuron-methyl in soils. However, one which enhanced herbicide sorption, could play an important role in reducing its leaching losses.  相似文献   

粉煤灰/污泥烧结陶粒的研制与应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以粉煤灰和工业污水处理站的剩余污泥为主要原材料,采用烧结法研制复合陶粒.分析了不同配方和不同烧结温度对陶粒性能的影响,以陶粒吸水率、容重为评价指标确定最佳配比和最佳烧结温度,并对陶粒用于铺设景观水底、治理城市水体进行了可行性分析.粉煤灰/污泥陶粒的容重为0.79~0.90 g/m3,吸水率为68.95%~80.01%.陶粒对水中氨氮和总磷吸附容量分别为0.03~0.05 mg/g和0.01~0.02 mg/g.  相似文献   

Dechlorination of commercial mixtures of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) as well as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and dibenzofurans (PCDF) on extracted and non-extracted fly ash obtained from municipal waste incinerator (MWI) was studied in closed systems under nitrogen atmosphere at temperatures of 260°C and 340°C. Decomposition results (given as the difference between PCB or PCDD/F molar amounts before and after the experiment (in %) due predominantly to dechlorination reactions) and detoxification data (expressed similarly but related to toxic PCB and PCDD/F congeners only and given in I-TEQ units) are reported. Detoxification of Delor 105/80T at 260°C and 340°C at a loading of 0.65 wt% was 99.48% and 100%, respectively. The decomposition of Delor 103 at 340°C and for the loading of 0.75 wt% corresponded to 99.99%. The detoxification capability of PCDD/Fs on extracted and non-extracted fly ash for loading of 130 and 264 ng/0.4 g of fly ash at 340°C made 96 and 98%, respectively.  相似文献   

利用粉煤灰中活性炭的吸附能力治理含铬废水   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过实验研究指出,运用粉煤灰可同时治理含铬废水中Cr(Ⅲ)和Cr(Ⅵ)。结果表明,粉煤灰用量、废液酸度、振荡时间和温度等均对铬的去除效果存在一定影响。研究揭示,在常温(15~35℃)下,当粉煤灰的掺人比例为1:650、含铬废液pH为4.0~5.5、接触时间为40min时,粉煤灰可同时治理含铬废水中Cr(Ⅲ)和Cr(Ⅵ),其中Cr(Ⅵ)的去除率在88%左右,Cr(Ⅲ)的去除率可达99%以上。该方法工艺简单,成本低廉,效果优良,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Wang S  Liang K 《Chemosphere》2007,69(11):1798-1801
A new glass–ceramic was synthesized by crystal growth from a homogenous glass obtained by melting a mixture of fly ash collected from a power plant in Hebei province of China, titanium slag collected from a titanium factory in Sichuan province of China, and MgCO3 as an additive. According to the measurement results of differential thermal analysis, a thermal treatment of nucleating at 850 °C for 2 h and crystallizing at 985 °C for 1.5 h was used to obtain the crystallized glass. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy measurements showed that the main crystalline phase of this material was iron-ion substituted cordierite, (Mg,Fe)2Al4Si5O18, which is homogeneously dispersed within the parent glass matrix. The infrared radiance and thermal expansion coefficient of this material have been examined, and the results demonstrate that this glass–ceramic material has potential for application in a wide range of infrared heating and drying materials.  相似文献   

摘要重金属废水对环境的污染已经引起科研人员的广泛关注。以粉煤灰和水泥为原料、添加活性成分FeS,制备一种免烧陶粒用于含重金属Cu2+、Zn2+、Pb2+的废水处理。探讨了物料配比及蒸养时间对陶粒筒压强度及其比表面积的影响;研究了固液比、接触时间、pH、温度及初始溶液浓度等因素对Cu2+、Zn2+、Pb2+离子净化效果的影响规律,并对实验结果进行了等温线拟合。XRD分析显示,免烧陶粒中存在Ca(OH)2、C—D—H、FeS等矿物相,对重金属离子具有非常好的固定化作用。该免烧陶粒对重金属离子具有很好的去除效果,具备较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Sterling RO  Helble JJ 《Chemosphere》2003,51(10):1111-1119
In coal combustion systems, the partitioning of arsenic between the vapor and solid phases is determined by the interaction of arsenic vapors with fly ash compounds under post-combustion conditions. This partitioning is affected by gas–solid reactions between the calcium components of the ash particles and arsenic vapors. In this study, bench scale experiments were conducted with calcium compounds typical of coal-derived fly ash to determine product formation, the extent of reaction and reaction rates when contacted by arsenic oxide vapors. Experiments conducted with arsenic trioxide (As4O6(g)) vapors in contact with calcium oxide, di-calcium silicate and mono-calcium silicate over the temperature range 600–1000 °C indicated that these solids were capable of reacting with arsenic vapor species in both air and nitrogen. Calcium arsenate was the observed reaction product in all the samples analyzed. Maximum capture of arsenic occurred at 1000 °C with calcium oxide being the most effective of the three solids over the range of temperatures studied. Using a shrinking core model for a first order reaction and the results from intrinsic kinetic experiments conducted in air, the reaction rate constants were found to be 1.4×10−3exp(−2776/T) m/s for calcium oxide particles, 7.2×10−3exp(−3367/T) m/s for di-calcium silicate particles and 5.5×10−3exp(−3607/T) m/s for mono-calcium silicate particles. These results therefore suggest that any calcium present in fly ash can react with arsenic vapor and capture the metal in water-insoluble forms of the less hazardous As(V) oxidation state.  相似文献   

Wang J  Ban H  Teng X  Wang H  Ladwig K 《Chemosphere》2006,64(11):1892-1898
Many coal-fired power plants are implementing ammonia-based technologies to reduce NO(x) emissions. Excess ammonia in the flue gas often deposits on the coal fly ash. Ammonia can form complexes with many heavy metals and change the leaching characteristics of these metals. This research tends to develop a fundamental understanding of the ammonia impact on the leaching of some heavy metals, exemplified by Cu(II) and Cd(II), under different pH conditions. Batch results indicated that the adsorption is the main mechanism controlling Cu(II) and Cd(II) leaching, and high concentrations of ammonia (>5,000 mg/l) can increase the release of Cu(II) and Cd(II) in the alkaline pH range. Based on the chemical reactions among fly ash, ammonia, and heavy metal ion, a mathematical model was developed to quantify effects of pH and ammonia on metal adsorption. The adsorption constants (logK) of Cu(2+), Cu(OH)(+), Cu(OH)(2), and Cu(NH(3))(m)(2+) for the fly ash under investigation were respectively 6.0, 7.7, 9.6, and 2.9. For Cd(II), these constants were respectively 4.3, 6.9, 8.8, and 2.6. Metal speciation calculations indicated that the formation of less adsorbable metal-ammonia complexes decreased metal adsorption, therefore enhanced metal leaching.  相似文献   

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