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开发研制预防污染的绿色化学产品   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章叙述绿色化学在环境保护中的应用,绿色化学是一门从源头上彻底阻止污染的化学,简介了几种开发研制的对人类健康和环境安全的绿色化学产品及研究开发进展。  相似文献   

绿色化学绿色化学是 2 1世纪化学化工研究的重要发展方向 ,通过研究和改进化学化工反应及相关的工艺 ,从根本上减少以至消除副产物的生成 ,从源头上解决环境污染的问题 .(1 )发展高效、高选择性的催化剂以实现“原子经济性”反应 .催化的不对称合成反应 ,仍是获得单一手性分子的方法之一 ,应加强有关的新反应、新技术、新配体及催化剂的研究 ,加强绿色生物催化有机反应的研究 .(2 )开发符合绿色化学要求的新反应 ,如 :硝化反应、氧化反应等 ,以及相应的工艺 ,降低或避免使用对环境有害的原料 ,减少副产物的排放 ,甚至实现零排放 .(3 )无公害…  相似文献   

冯辉霞  张婷  王毅  雒和明 《生态环境》2007,16(5):1578-1582
通过阐述化学发展与自然和人的关系,认为追求人与自然的和谐是整个世界的自然观的最高目标。从生态学角度研究了化学发展史,认为化学发展过程可分为原始生态化学时期、非生态化学时期和生态化学时期,提出了生态化学的新概念,认为生态化学针对传统化学的资源利用率低、环境污染严重的缺陷,提出了废物的减量化、无害化和资源化,并使原料利用率最大化;生态化学是站在对环境友好的高度,使环境资源的化学变换体系成为一种更有效的运行模式,对环境系统有更小的破坏作用,进而对改善环境质量做出贡献。因此,生态化学融被动处理污染的环境化学及主动出击的绿色化学为一体,是更加关注生态的先进理论。  相似文献   

冯锋 《环境化学》2000,19(1):88-92
清洁工艺和绿色化学是九十年代以来化工技术与化学研究的热点和重要科技前沿,是环境战略由被动反应转向主动行动的一个转折点。本文概述了目前有机反应中比较成熟的清洁工艺和绿色合成的发展,并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

作为化肥施用的决策主体,农户绿色施肥技术采纳决策和采纳程度受内在感知和外部环境的双重影响。系统分析农户绿色施肥技术采纳行为对推动农业绿色高质量发展具有重要的理论和现实意义。基于山东省苹果种植户680份实地调研微观数据,运用Heckman模型实证分析了内在感知和外部环境对农户绿色施肥技术采纳决策和采纳程度的影响及差异。研究结果表明:(1)农户对绿色施肥技术的采纳决策存在“高意愿、低行动”现象,且平均采纳程度不高;(2)技术感知显著正向影响农户绿色施肥技术采纳行为,经济价值对农户绿色施肥技术采纳行为的影响明显大于社会价值和生态价值;(3)表征外部环境的指令性规范和示范性规范均显著正向影响农户绿色施肥技术采纳决策,生态补偿对其采纳程度具有显著影响。因此,为激励农户绿色施肥技术采纳行为的积极性和主动性,应加大绿色施肥技术的宣传教育,积极培育新型农业经营主体,提高农户采纳绿色施肥技术的内在动力。  相似文献   

内在的安全性,是一种利用没有毒性、可燃性或不稳定性的工艺与材料的方法,它通常被认为是化工厂设计的一个重要概念。受到清洁生产成功发展的鼓舞,进行了一项类似的有关内在安全生产的发展可行性研究。在1997-1998年进行的初步试验案例中,发展并检验了一个产生内在安全的技术选择的方法论,该研究表明,大部分选择的偿还时间少于两年,而且内在安全的生产是一个可行的概念,有可能同时产生巨大的安全与经济成效的改善,并且可以结合进清洁生产计划。  相似文献   

为探究地方行政规划是否深入贯彻绿色发展理念,使用2003—2023年5大国家级城市群共88个城市样本,通过政策文本分析及基尼系数分解方法,深入总结区域生态环境治理注意力的变化规律及其空间分异来源,并挖掘生态文明建设的内在逻辑及其发展趋势。研究结果表明:5大城市群总体生态环境治理注意力呈现连年上升趋势,在2008、2012、2015与2020年几个节点上出现了显著变化;城市群间生态环境治理注意力水平的总体差异逐年缩小,差异主要来源于超变密度的贡献与城市群间的发展差异;京津冀城市群、长三角城市群、长江中游城市群区域生态建设和绿色发展的协调性较强,相较而言成渝城市群内部协调性较弱。据此,提出了各地政府应深入贯彻绿色发展理念,加强相关制度供给和法律法规约束以及因地制宜、科学有效地推进治理策略等政策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,随着可持续发展战略正在迅速被世界各国所接受,以污染预防为主的一体化污染控制方式正在向取代过去的“管端”污染控制方向转变,污染控制化学的研究与技术开发也在发生相应的转变.国内外化学家以环境无害、发展经济为目标.提出和推动着环境无害化学(Environmental Benign Chemistry,又称绿色化学),在其基础上发展的技术称为环境友好技术(Environmental FriendlyTechnology),也即洁净技术(Clean Technolgy).其目的是从化学反应入手根本上减少环境污染,创造出生产单位产品的排污系数最低、而且资源及能源消耗最少的先进工艺技术,而不是开发对废水、废气、废渣等处理的环保终端处理技术.  相似文献   

贯彻化学物质的全生命周期环境风险管理理念,加强新污染物治理,深入打好污染防治攻坚战,是促进经济社会发展全面绿色转型的重要内容。以欧洲化学品可持续战略为主线,分析欧盟与化学品相关的环境管理战略与行动计划,从化学品的安全可持续设计、环境零化学污染、化学物质风险评估机制和风险管理方法等方面进行研究,通过问题总结、差距比对,分析提出对我国开展化学品环境管理工作的启示,对推动精准治污、科学治污、依法治污,促进生态文明建设,有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

《环境化学》(双月刊)是中国科学院生态环境研究中心主办的学术性刊物,国内核心期刊.自1982年创刊以来,为推动我国环境化学学科的发展,促进国际学术交流,发挥了重要作用.迄今为止,《环境化学》是我国环境化学学科的惟一科技期刊.《环境化学》主要刊登我国环境化学领域具有创新性的研究和技术成果以及国外环境化学研究趋势.范围涉及大气、水体、土壤、生态、工程等各个层面,包括大气、水和土壤环境化学、环境分析化学、环境与健康、污染生态化学、污染控制和绿色化学等方面.  相似文献   

Biodiesel as a renewable fuel has the potential to replace non-renewable fossil fuels and associated environmental pollution. The most commonly used method in biodiesel production is transesterification of virgin and used oil feedstock. However, the chemical reaction (transesterification) does not proceed spontaneously, which means excess reactants are required to move the reaction to completion. The biodiesel reaction efficiency can be improved by incorporating green chemistry principles and process intensification effects. Green chemistry principles can be used to design chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances. Microwave- and ultrasound-enhanced biodiesel synthesis can improve the reaction efficiency due to higher product recovery, low by-product formation, and reduced energy consumption. In addition, utilization of green metrics such as E-factor, atom economy (utilization), mass intensity or mass productivity, and reaction mass efficiency can help design safer and highly efficient biodiesel synthesis. Green chemistry principles have been analyzed for other processes in greater details, but they are rarely discussed in the context of biodiesel production. Process intensification by microwave- and ultrasound-mediated biodiesel production was never discussed from the perspective of green chemistry and sustainable process development. This research review article discusses the role of green chemistry and process intensification in biodiesel production followed by specific examples and illustrations on green metrics of microwave- and ultrasound-enhanced biodiesel synthesis and the effect of catalysts and solvents including discussions on reaction kinetics and activation energy in detail for the first time in the literature.  相似文献   

Software is a key factor in the functioning of today’s world. Software is supposed to have some characteristics such as: reliability, security, etc., but it is not at all easy to find energy efficiency considered as being one of software’s most important features. Aspects related to Green Software have begun to be considered vital and basic, due to pressure from a society which is becoming more and more aware of environmental problems. In this paper we want to explore whether software companies, responsible for developing software, are aligning their strategies with environmental concerns. To do so, we have checked the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies of the ten most important software companies and looked at these documents with reference to the UN’s sustainable development goals. A well-defined method for carrying out the analysis of the CSR policies led the authors to identify which of the sustainability actions proposed can be classified within any of the software sustainability dimensions. The analysis of these actions shows that sustainability is considered in most of the companies; nonetheless, most attention is currently devoted to hardware-based initiatives intended to reduce the carbon footprint of the hardware resources of the companies. In addition, green software initiatives are still not the priority, despite the influence of software on energy consumption, and in spite of its impact on the environment. Using the set of actions selected, a set of specific actions for software sustainability, to be included in the CSR of software companies, has been defined.  相似文献   

Green electricity products are increasingly made available to consumers in many countries in order to address a number of environmental and social concerns. Most of the literature on this green electricity market focuses on consumers’ characteristics and product attributes that could affect participation. However, the contribution of this environmental consumerism to the overall environmental good does not depend on participation alone. The real impact relies on market participation for green consumers (the proportion of green consumers) combined with the level of green consumption intensity – the commitment levels, or proportion of consumption that is green. We design an online interface that closely mimics the real market decision environment for electricity consumers in Western Australia and use an error component model to analyze consumers’ choice of green electricity products and their commitment levels. We show that product attributes have limited impact on the choice of green products; however, there is still great potential for better participation by improving the design of green electricity programs. When green products are selected, most respondents select the minimum commitment possible, and this is insensitive to the premium being charged on green power, suggesting that we are largely observing a buy-in ‘warm glow’ for carbon mitigation.  相似文献   

In this paper, emergy accounting (EA) and life cycle assessment (LCA) methods are employed to investigate a typical urban wetland park, the Green Lake Urban Wetland Park (GLUWP) of Beijing, in terms of its environmental and capital inputs, ecosystem services and organic matter yields, environmental support, and sustainability. The LCA method is also used to obtain a quantitative estimation of the environmental impact of discharges during the entire life cycle of the GLUWP. Various emergy-based indices, such as emergy yield ratio (EYR), environmental load ratio (ELR), emergy sustainability index (ESI), net economic benefit (Np), and environmental impacts of process-based LCA, including global warming potential (GWP), eutrophication (EU), nonrenewable resource depletion (RU), energy consumption (EN), acidification potential (AP), photochemical oxidant creation potential (POCP), particulate matter (PM) and wastes (W), are calculated. The results show that the GLUWP has higher proportions of renewable resource input, less pressure on the environment, more environmental support and better ecological and economic benefits, which can be considered as an environment-friendly and long-term sustainable ecological practice, compared with another constructed wetland in Beijing. Meanwhile, the dominant environmental impact is induced by POCP with the construction phase contributing the most on the entire life cycle. It is expected that increasing green area, extensively using environment-friendly materials, optimizing construction techniques and reducing power consumption can promote the sustainability of the GLUWP.  相似文献   

Based on the precautionary principles and the functional model of the environment, the meaning of the criterion of sustainability is explained and applied on organic chemicals and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). It is shown that the criterion permits the sustainability of an operationalization of the precautionary principle as interpreted strictly and the ecological component records the sustainability for the respective areas of environmental problems. Using examples from the field of chemistry, it has been demonstrated that problems have arisen through the substituted substances which are recognized as being ecologically harmful, since the sustainability was not applied as the central criterion for the environmental evaluation of organic materials. The conventions on ‘Persistent Organic Pollutants’ (POPs) which have been agreed upon provide a chance to revive the research on the sustainability of organic chemicals. Similar findings are seen for the GMOs, whose ecosystemic risks should not merely be defined based upon their human toxicological and already recognized ecological aspects.  相似文献   

绿肥可以解决有机肥源不足的困难,减少化肥用量,节省成本和能源消耗,改善土壤环境,提高土壤肥力和地力;提高作物产量和产品质量;促进畜牧业的发展。本文根据广东的实际,指出广东的现代化农业需要大种绿肥,也可以大种绿肥。要使广东的绿肥生产得到恢复和发展,必须抓好如下的措施:从战略高度来认识绿肥的重要性;加强领导,把它提到重要的议事日程上来;广泛开展试验示范,并加强宣传发动;增加经济投入,省、市、县各级要设立绿肥种子繁育和经营风险金。  相似文献   

Green chemistry is gaining increasing interest due to the growing awareness of the chemical community for sustainable development. Green chemistry solutions include synthesis without solvent and catalyst because many solvents and catalysts are toxic and expensive. Herein, we report the solvent and catalyst free method for the synthesis of N-substituted derivatives of β-aminobutyric acid by direct aza-Michael addition of amines to crotonic acid. The protocol involves simple mixing or grinding the reactants at room temperature. The β-amino acid derivatives were obtained in 82–100 % yield with a short reaction time without any tedious workup procedures. Our findings thus reveal a promising alternative to previously used procedures.  相似文献   

屋顶绿化是城市立体绿化的主要方式之一,能有效改善城市生态环境。本文以重庆市主城区办公楼屋顶绿化为研究对象,开展不同类型屋顶绿化的降温、增湿效应研究。研究结果表明:绿化屋顶较未绿化屋顶具有明显的降温、增湿效应,且花园式屋顶绿化降温、增湿效应高于简单式屋顶绿化类型;花园式屋顶绿化降温率(T%)为22.14%,增湿效应(R%)为81.16%,而简单式屋顶绿化降温率(T%)为3.71%,增湿效应(R%)为14.7%。本研究以期为改善城市环境,实现城市的可持续发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

“绿色贸易堡垒”是国际贸易中非关税贸易堡垒重要的组成部分,它从保护环境的目的出发,在国际贸易中发挥着越来越重要的作用。文章通过对天津市现实状况的研究,提出克服绿色贸易堡垒,为天津市经济在入世后获得“绿色通行证”的对策建议。  相似文献   

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