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食品添加剂在食品行业中占有重要地位,但其使用不当很有可能会对人体造成损害甚至对人的生命造成威胁,所以在食品添加剂的使用中应通过法律进行严格的监督和管理。食品添加剂的管理体制在整个社会法制体系中占有重要的地位。欧盟关于食品添加剂的相关法律制度及其他配套制度体系的规定十分详细,并且具有很高的实践价值与社会现实意义。本文主要综述了欧盟关于食品添加剂的法律法规及监管体系,其有效的管理措施对于我国食品添加剂管理法规和监管体系的完善具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

食品添加剂在食品行业中占有十分重要地位,它的使用直接关系着食品的性能与安全,因而应通过相关法律法规对食品添加剂的使用进行严格的监督和管理。尤其是2015年5月24日正式实施的GB 2760-2014标准,可以直接反映出我国相关部门对食品添加剂的重视。本文分别从概念、分类、编码、使用品种、范围和限量等方面对欧盟与中国食品添加剂的法规标准进行对比分析,发现我国相关法律制度的不足。欧盟食品添加剂的相关法律法规及其配套制度体系十分完善,其统一的食品添加剂清单、详细的添加剂清单编码、监管程序以及较为健全的监督机制,保障了食品的安全供应,从而保护了消费者的生命健康以及其他合法利益。这对于我国的食品添加剂的监管具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

欧盟食品法规的主体由食品法律法规框架构成。此框架代码为:Regulstion 178/2002。该法律框架提供了以下几点:1、食品的定义;2、欧盟关于食品法律和食品贸易的原则和要求;3、欧洲食品安全机构(EFSA)的设立;4、快速警报系统和在食品安全危机时的危机管理和紧急应对机制。本文将对欧盟食品法规中的各种要求提供一个简要的概述。  相似文献   

全称为《欧盟关于化学品注册、评估、授权与限制法规》,亦经欧盟仪会投票通过并于2007年6月1日正式起实施。  相似文献   

2007年6月1日,欧盟《关于化学品的注册、评估、许可办法》(简称REACH法规)正式实施,该法规的最高目标是在单一市场的框架内,通过确保对人类健康和环境的高水准的保护以及对化学品工业竞争性的高水准的保护来重视可持续发展。  相似文献   

<正>近日,欧盟委员会通过了两部有关食品添加剂的新法规,一部法规列出了某些添加剂的名单,此法规将从2013年6月起生效;另一部法规对食品成分中所含酶、调味剂等添加剂和营养成分作出了相关规定,该法规将在欧盟通过官方公报正式公布20天后生效。  相似文献   

欧盟委员会2011年11月14日表示,该委员会最近通过了两部有关食品添加剂的新法规,今后在欧盟国家使用食品添加剂将变得更加安全和透明。这一法规将从2013年6月起生效。新法规提出了食品添加剂名单与食品配料添加剂名单。一是规定了添加剂可被加入食品的特定情形。二是根据不同的食品类别分别列明可用添加剂清单,  相似文献   

汤春 《北京皮革》2008,(10):8-9
6月1日起,欧盟REACH法规预注册正式启动。按照这部法规,进入欧盟的所有化学品必须预先进行注册、检测、评估等一系列工作。据介绍,江苏至少有3万家相关企业受影响。对南京而言,直接受影响的化工企业为一百多家,间接受影响的企业如纺织、服装等则数以千计。  相似文献   

欧盟最新转基因食品、饲料法规浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈历程  万琦 《食品科学》2004,25(10):397-399
欧盟颁布并执行了最新的转基因食品、饲料管理法规,规定了转基因食品、饲料的标识和可追溯性生产的管理办法。对欧盟转基因食品的理解和认识,将有助于指导和促进我国非转基因农产品及其加工品的对外出口。  相似文献   

木子 《北京皮革》2007,(1):63-63
2006年12月13日,欧盟议会以529票赞成、98票反对、24票弃权的结果通过了《欧盟化学品注册、评估、许可和限制法规》(简称REACH法规)。法规于今年生效,并于2008年正式实施。根据规定,REACH法规实施后的3年~11年内,欧盟市场上约三万种化学物质均需要完成注册、评估和许可程序。  相似文献   

Trees of the genus Albizia have frequently been confused with Acacia species. The genus Albizia has been recommended for more extensive arid zone development; its species are sources of tannins and gum exudates, which are not included in any of the regulatory lists of permitted food additives. Analytical data permitting their identification are therefore required to allow food law compliance to be monitored. This paper presents data which serve to characterize the gums from seven Albizia species, making a total of eleven Albizia species for which data are available. The presence of tannins, and high proportions of aluminium and heavy metals, indicates that gum importers and food processors must be vigilant to ensure that Albizia gums do not enter human food chains as adulterants or contaminants.  相似文献   

欧盟REACH法规对中国纺织工业的挑战及应对措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
靳颖  陶希三  王铁东  刘江  王海琦 《纺织导报》2007,(6):54-56,58,60
编者按:REACH法规将于2007年6月1日实施,并替代欧盟现有的40多项有关化学品的指令和法规,成为欧盟一个庞大繁冗的新化学品管理体系.  相似文献   

EU assessment of enterococci as feed additives   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Particular micro-organisms such as enterococcal strains are used as probiotics in feed. Observations indicate a positive effect of such strains on the gut flora, especially for young animals or during feed transition phases. This favourable effect is perceived by the farmers as a means of maintenance of the health status of the animals (e.g. less diarrhoea) and results in significant improvement of animal performance. Micro-organisms have been used since the end of the 1980s in animal feeds and were strictly regulated in 1993, when they were introduced under the scope of Council Directive 70/524/EEC of 23 November 1970 on additives in animal nutrition on feed additives. After a transition period, which ended in the year 2000, every microbial strain must now be assessed by the EU bodies and authorised by a Commission Regulation, before it can be placed on the market for use in feedingstuffs. Council Directive 70/524/EEC on feed additives is based on three main principles: (1) pre-market authorisation, (2) positive list principle, and (3) thorough risk assessment of the effect of a particular strain on human and animal health as well as on the environment. Therefore, before introducing a new enterococcal strain preparation or promote a new use of an approved product, a dossier has to be submitted to the authorities, following the guidelines, as published in Commission Directive 94/40/EEC [Commission Directive 94/40/EC of 22 July 1994 amending Council Directive 87/153/EEC fixing guidelines for the assessment of additives in animal nutrition]. These guidelines contain detailed evaluation methods. The safety requirements refer to (1) the target animal categories, (2) the consumer and the environment (presence of toxins and virulence factors as well as antibiotic resistance and transferability are assessed), and (3) the workers, based on requirements of Council Directive 89/391/EEC.  相似文献   

随着食品行业的发展和进步,我国的食品添加剂也有了更加广泛的使用与发展,但在普及使用和发展的同时,公众对食品添加剂安全方面的认识却存在很多问题。本文详细阐述了目前社会对食品添加剂在认识上的误区,对食品添加剂安全性、在食品生产中的作用进行了说明,分析了公众对食品添加剂认识存在误区产生的具体原因,提出媒体应科学和客观地报道有关食品添加剂的事件,媒体及相关各方应该深入宣传食品添加剂在食品生产中的重要作用,在全社会宣传和普及食品添加剂知识。在加强对食品企业科学的使用食品添加剂进行培训与指导的同时,要严厉打击滥用食品添加剂的违法企业,依法解决食品添加剂在生产过程中超范围、超限量使用的问题,确保食品添加剂的安全使用。  相似文献   

本刊北京讯:2011年10月14日,中国食品添加剂和配料协会受卫生部委托在京召开加强食品添加剂新品种管理研讨会。卫生部卫生监督局食品标准处刘明,食品添加剂新品种许可审评专家委员会秘书处张俭波、张霁月,中国食品发酵工业研究院李惠宜教授级高工,行业骨干企业代表及协会相关人员共25  相似文献   

Within the framework of the AIR3-CT94-2360 EUproject, the stability of three plastics additives in three EU aqueous and fatty food simulants and in two alternative simulants was studied under various timetemperature conditions. The additives tested were bis(2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA), bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and octadecyl 3-(3,5-di- tert -butyl4-hydroxyphenyl) propionate (Irganox 1076). The various test conditions included exposures of 10 days at 40 o C, 1h at reflux temperature for all aqueous simulants, 10 days at 40 o C and 1h 175 o C for the olive oil and 2 days at 20 o C and 3h at 60 o C for the isooctane simulant. Following the exposure, the additive samples were extracted from aqueous simulants with hexane. A sonication step was necessary to ensure maximum extraction of control samples. In the case of the isooctane simulant, the samples were analysed directly from the simulant. The oil samples were extracted by acetonitrile. The extracts of samples exposed to various heat conditions as well as unexposed spiked controls and blanks were analysed by gas chromatography (GC) on a non-polar (5% -phenyl)-methylpolysiloxane capillary column with high temperature capabilities. The results showed that DEHA, DEHP and Irganox 1076 were stable at 40 o C and at reflux temperature in ethanolic or acidic aqueous simulants. The various additives were also stable in the organic isooctane simulant as well as in the fatty simulant olive oil. Studies on the stability of such additives used in food packaging are designed for regulatory purposes as an aid to decide whether the legislation should regulate limits for plasticizers based on a quantity in the food packaging itself or based on an ingested dose by the consumer.  相似文献   

Combretum gums, readily available at low prices in East and West Africa, may be offered for sale as 'gum arabic'. Vigilance is necessary to detect such misrepresentations because Combretum gums differ greatly from gum arabic (Acacia senegal (L.) Willd.) in terms of quality, solution properties and value. Moreover, because there is no toxicological evidence for their safety in use, Combretum gums are not included in any of the international lists of permitted food additives. Food manufacturers and regulatory authorities therefore require data that characterize Combretum gums so that their use in foodstuffs can be prevented. This paper presents such data for the gums from a further six Combretum species. All of these have negative optical rotations similar to that of food grade gum arabic. It is no longer sufficient, therefore, to rely solely on an optical rotation measurement to confirm the identity of gum arabic. The additional analyses necessary to differentiate between Combretum gums and gum arabic are discussed.  相似文献   

介绍了欧盟<化学品注册、评估、许可和限制制度>(简称REACH法规)的目的、适用范围、注册要求、评估要求、获得许可的条件及有害物质的限制,分析该法规对我国造纸行业的影响,提出应对的措施和建议.  相似文献   

食品添加剂在速冻面制品中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
速冻行业的竞争是如此激烈,如何树立品牌、满足消费者的要求,进一步提高产品质量,降低成本就成为各大厂家共同关注的焦点问题.本文主要探讨了添加剂在速冻面制品质量方面的影响因素,以及食品添加剂对整个速冻行业的发展所起的作用.  相似文献   

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