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在T=77K,测量了GaAs多量子阱的光电流,发现在v=1312cm^-1附近存在一个强电流峰,并且在这强电流峰附近的高波数区还有几个弱峰,强电流峰是量子阱中基态电子向第一激发态跃迁形成的,而弱峰与最子阱势垒以上的电子干涉有关。  相似文献   

该文使用传输矩阵法分析了GaInAsN/GaAs量子阱对电子的透射情况,并使用crosslight软件对GaInAsN/GaAs量子阱太阳能电池的伏安特性进行了数值模拟和分析。初步讨论了量子阱的阱宽和垒厚的变化对量子阱电池伏安特性的影响.模拟结果发现垒厚32nm、阱宽7nm的量子阱光伏性能表现良好。作为有源区,当将该量子阱加入到GaAs子电池中,InGaP/GaAs/Ge三结电池在AM0下的短路电流密度达到19.81mA/cm2,比未使用量子阱有源区的三结电池提高了20%。  相似文献   

设计并利用LP-MOCVD生长了InGaAsP/GaAs分别限制单量子阱结构,采用无铝的InGaP做光学包层。腔面未镀膜情况下,测试10支条宽100μm,腔长1mm的激光器样品,连续输出功率超过1W,阈值电流密度为330~490A/cm2,外微分量子效率为55%~78%,中心发射波长为(808±3)nm。  相似文献   

采用MOCVD实现了AlGaAs/GaAs量子阱结构,获得了连续输出20W激光二极管线列阵,线列阵长度1.0cm,激射波长808±4nm。  相似文献   

报导了在600℃生长温度下以三甲基镓(TMGa)和三甲基铟(TMIn)为Ⅲ族源,用低压金属有机气相沉积(LP-MOCVD)技术生长出的高质量1.60μm和1.3μmInGaAsP材料,以及在其分别限制量子讲结构生长的情况下,用质子轰击方法制得的条形结构量子阱激光器。该激光器在室温下直流阈值电流为100mA。  相似文献   

通过对50余只808nm的GaAs/GaAlAs高功率单量子阱远结半导体激光器的老化实验观测,在老化初期(前520h),阈值电流随老化时间的延长而下降,下降幅度高达57mA,从1000h多的恒流电老化结果可以看出,器件的输出光功率在老化初期有所上升,随后,表现出按指数规律缓慢下降的行为。初步实验结果表明器件具有长寿命的潜力。  相似文献   

报导了脊形波导InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs应变量子阱激光器的特性和实验结果,激光器阀值电流最低为9mA,典型值为15mA,线性输出光功率大地120mW,微分量子效率典型值为60%,50℃,80mW恒定功率条件下老化实验结果表明;该条件下激光器寿命超过1000小时。  相似文献   

研究了介电常数失配对InAs/GaAs应变量子阱中浅施主结合能的影响。在有效质量近似下,利用变分方法计算了结合能随阱宽和杂质位置的变化。计算结果表明,介电常数失配对结合能的影响很大,这与前人的工作相符合,但晶格常数失配产生的应变对结合能的影响很小,并可以忽略。  相似文献   

英特尔公司与QinetiQ公司在基于锑化铟(InSb)技术的量子阱(quantum-well)晶体管的预研领域取得重大突破,有望将摩尔定律(Moore’s Law)的效用拓展到下一个十年。  相似文献   


We report degenerate four-wave mixing experiments at room temperature, using a three-beam geometry and sub-picosecond laser to study GaAs/GaAlAs multiple quantum well material. Diffraction efficiencies and grating decay times for two samples of different carrier lifetimes have been measured in the spectral region corresponding to excitonic resonances. The measurements provide values of the nonlinear refractive index per carrier pair (n eh) deriving from the excitonic saturation, and also the recombination times and diffusion coefficients for the samples.  相似文献   

Ten layers of InGaMnAs/GaAs multiquantum wells (MQWs) structure were grown on high resistivity (100) p-type GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). A presence of the ferromagnetic structure was confirmed in the InGaMnAs/GaAs MQWs structure, and have ferromagnetic ordering with a Curie temperature, T C=50 K. It is likely that the ferromagnetic exchange coupling of the sample with T C=50 K is hole-mediated resulting in Mn substituting In or Ga sites. PL emission spectra of the InGaMnAs MQWs sample grown at a temperature of 170 °C show that an activation energy of the Mn ion on the first quantum confinement level in InGaAs QW is 32 meV and impurity Mn is partly ionized. The fact that the activation energy of 32 meV of Mn ion in the QW is lower than an activation energy of 110 meV for a substitutional Mn impurity in GaAs, indicating an impurity band existing in the bandgap due to substitutional Mn ions.  相似文献   

采用简单的两电极电化学沉积金属薄膜技术,在镀钼的钠钙玻璃衬底上共沉积Cu-Sn层后,再沉积Zn金属层,制备出Cu-Sn-Zn金属预制层。在不同的温度下进行低温退火后,以硫粉作为硫源高温硫化金属预制层,制备出晶体质量较好的Cu2ZnSnS4(CZTS)薄膜。通过X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)及能谱仪(EDS)对薄膜的晶体结构、表面形貌和薄膜组分进行分析表征,发现共沉积Cu-Sn层,再沉积Zn金属层得到的CZT预制层表面平整但晶粒尺寸较小,经过退火处理后晶粒尺寸得到改善,且硫化后所得到的CZTS薄膜不易从Mo衬底上脱落,粘附性较强。用其制备的CZTS薄膜太阳电池的开路电压Voc=569mV,短路电流密度Jsc=8.58mA/cm2,光电转换效率为1.40%。  相似文献   

Zero-magnetic-field spin splitting in InGaAs/GaAs and GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells was investigated theoretically. The sp3s* empirical tight-binding method has been employed. It has been found that the splitting is much larger in InGaAs wells than that in GaAs wells. The origin of the splitting due to the structure inversion asymmetry was briefly discussed.  相似文献   

It is shown that a homogeneous nonequlibrium spin polarization in semiconductor hetero- structures results in an electric current. The microscopic origin of the effect is an inherent asymmetry of spin-flip scattering in systems with lifted spin degeneracy caused by k-linear terms in the Hamiltonian.  相似文献   

Technical Physics Letters - A system of Kane’s equations has been derived and solved with allowance for elastic stresses and nonsphericity of the kP Hamiltonian. On this basis, analytic...  相似文献   

The influence of the concentration of silicon donors on the electron-transport properties of pseudomorphous Al0.25Ga0.75As/In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs quantum wells (QWs) in heterostructures with heavy unilateral δ-doping by Si atoms was studied in a broad temperature interval (2.1–300 K). High electron mobility (up to 35700 cm2/(V s)) at T = 4.2 K was observed at a 2D (sheet) electron density of 2 × 1012 cm–2 in the QW. A band mechanism limiting the ionization of donors at an increased level of doping is described. The nonmonotonic variation of electron mobility with increasing silicon concentration is explained. A growth in the mobility is related to increase in the Fermi momentum and screening, while the subsequent decay is caused by tunneling-induced degradation of the spacer layer with decreasing potential of the conduction band in the region of δ-Si layer. It is shown that the effect is not related to filling of the upper subband of dimensional quantization.  相似文献   

A new method is given to increase doping concentration of p-type ZnSe up to 1×1018 cm-3 through adding a little Te. This method gets over the difficulty of the high doping concentration of p-type ZnSe for many years. The external quantum efficiency (QE) of ZnSe p-n junction solar cell has been measured, and ZnSe is a good material of the top cell in the tandem solar cells. The solar cells made from ZnSe/GaAs/Ge can cover 94% of the total solar spectrum under AM (air mass) 1.5, and their theoretical efficiency is 56%.  相似文献   

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