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Results are presented from particle flux studies using sediment trap and current meter moorings along a transect at the European continental margin at 49°N within the EU-funded Ocean Margin Exchange (OMEX) project. Two moorings were placed, at the mid- and outer slope in water depths of 1500 and 3660 m, with traps at 600 and 1050 m and at 580, 1440 and 3220 m, respectively. Residual currents at the mid-slope follow the slope contour, whereas seasonal off-slope flow was registered at the outer slope. At 600 m on the slope fluxes are similar to those in the abyssal North Atlantic. The flux of all components (bulk dry weight, particulate organic and inorganic carbon, lithogenic matter and opal) increased with water depth. Highest fluxes were recorded at 1440 m at the outer slope, where off-slope residual currents mediate particle export. The injection of biogenic and lithogenic particles below the depth of winter mixing results in the export of particles from shallower waters. Calculated lateral fluxes of particulate organic carbon exceed the primary flux by over a factor of 2 at 1440 m on the outer slope. Estimated lateral fluxes of suspended particulate matter in the water column and intermediate nepheloid layers at the outer slope are potentially large compared to sinking fluxes measured by sediment traps. A comparison is made of particle flux at three continental margin sites and two sites in the adjacent open North Atlantic, from which it is seen that bulk and organic matter flux increases exponentially with proximity to the shelf break. The percentage contribution of particulate organic carbon to biogenic fluxes increases from a mean of 5.7% in the abyssal N. Atlantic to 13.9% at the continental margins.  相似文献   

Pleistocene glacial history of the NW European continental margin   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
In this paper new and previously published data on the Pleistocene glacial impact on the NW European margin from Ireland to Svalbard (between c. 48°N–80°N) are compiled. The morphology of the glaciated part of the European margin strongly reflects repeated occurrence of fast-moving ice streams, creating numerous glacial troughs/channels that are separated by shallow bank areas. End-moraines have been identified at several locations on the shelf, suggesting shelf-edge glaciation along the major part of the margin during the Last Glacial Maximum. Deposition of stacked units of glacigenic debris flows on the continental slope form fans at a number of locations from 55°N and northwards, whereas the margin to the south of this is characterised by the presence of submarine canyons. Glaciation curves, based primarily on information from the glacial fed fan systems, that depict the Pleistocene trends in extent of glaciations along the margin have been compiled. These curves suggest that extensive shelf glaciations started around Svalbard at 1.6–1.3 Ma, while repeated periods of shelf-edge glaciations on the UK margin started with MIS 12 (c. 0.45 Ma). The available evidence for MIS 2 suggest that shelf-edge glaciation for the whole margin was reached between c. 28 and 22 14C ka BP and maximum positions after this were more limited in some regions (North Sea and Lofoten). The last glacial advance on the margin has been dated to 15–13.5 14C ka BP, and by c. 13 14C ka BP the shelf areas were completely deglaciated. The Younger Dryas (Loch Lomond) advance reached the coastal areas in only a few regions.  相似文献   

G.F. Birch 《Marine Geology》1977,23(4):305-337
A combination of climatic and oceanic factors has resulted in slow sedimentation rates on the continental shelf off the west coast of South Africa since Tertiary times. This has enabled a study to be made of the residual Late Tertiary, relict Pleistocene and Holocene sediments.Sediments on the continental shelf form rough belts parallel to the coast. Most of the coarse sediment is confined to the littoral zone and Holocene mud is concentrated at the base of a rocky nearshore platform. A veneer of Quaternary quartzitic sand seawards of the Recent mud belt wedges out onto a Tertiary erosion surface on the mid shelf. Residual glauconite and phosphorite sands derived by erosion during Tertiary sea-level fluctuations cover large parts of the mid shelf in the south. Most of the slope and parts of the outer shelf in the north are draped by Recent foraminiferal and coccolithophorid debris.  相似文献   

Microzooplankton (heterotrophic microplankton and heterotrophic nanoflagellates) and their herbivorous activity were estimated from dilution experiments in August 1998 during two Lagrangian drift experiments that sampled contrasting conditions—an upwelling/relaxation event along the shelf edge and an oligotrophic offshore filament. During upwelling/relaxation, heterotrophic microplankton were present at mean surface concentrations between 15,000 and 48,000 cells l−1. Heterotrophic nanoflagellate concentrations were between 200 and 700 cells ml−1 and the most abundant component of the heterotrophic microplankton was the aloricate choreotrich ciliates which increased dramatically in concentration from 6,000 to 24,000 cells l−1 during the first 4 days of the study. Total microzooplankton biomass reached a maximum of 39mgC.m−3. In the filament, which developed from the upwelling, cell concentrations were lower and averaged 4,500 cells l−1 for heterotrophic microplankton and 250 cells ml−1 for heterotrophic nanoflagellates. Total microzooplankton biomass was about 10–12mgC.m−3. Microzooplankton turned over between 40 and 85% of the phytoplankton standing stock, thereby consuming between 5 and 78mg phytoplankton carbon.m−3.d−1. The magnitude of this activity was highest during upwelling/relaxation and was positively correlated to heterotrophic nanoflagellate biomass and chlorophyll-a concentration but not heterotrophic microplankton biomass. The proportion of primary production grazed decreased from 160 to 59% d−1 during upwelling/relaxation and ranged between 60 and 90% d−1 in the filament. Microzooplankton herbivory within the euphotic zone increased from 684 to >2000mgC.m−2.d−1 during upwelling/relaxation and was between 327 and 802mgC.m−2.d−1 in the filament. Although microzooplankton herbivory was lower and less variable during the filament study, microzooplankton consumed on average 60% of the phytoplankton standing stocks which was higher than found during upwelling/relaxation. Microzooplankton assimilation efficiency ranged between 3 and 33% during upwelling/relaxation and between 0 and 13% in the filament. Our data demonstrate a close coupling between phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton herbivory in surface waters off the Galician Coast and suggest that microzooplankton may have been a significant sink for phytogenic carbon during August 1998.  相似文献   

Sediment and porewater data of two sediment cores from offshore southeastern Taiwan show important effects of the complex sea floor topography upon carbonate and organic carbon deposition. The variations in carbonate and organic carbon contents are attributed to the effects of carbonate compensation depths, glacial-interglacial history, and condition of anoxia. The study is of significance for environmental reconstruction and petroleum source bed evaluation of ancient analogues.  相似文献   

ROV study of a giant pockmark on the Gabon continental margin   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
A giant, 800-m wide pockmark, called Regab, was discovered along the Equatorial African margin at 3160-m water depth and was explored by remote operated vehicle (ROV) as part of the Zaiango (1998–2000) and Biozaire (2001–2003) projects carried out conjointly by TOTAL and a number of French research institutes. A microbathymetric map obtained using the ROV sensors shows that the pockmark actually consists of a cluster of smaller pockmarks aligned N70 along a 15-m deep depression. Methane was recorded all over the pockmark, the highest values along the axis of the depression where massive carbonate crusts and dense seep communities were also found. Several faunal species belong to the Vesicomyidae and Mytilidae bivalve families, as well as to Siboglinidae (Vestimentifera) tubeworms. Preliminary analyses confirm their association with symbiotic bacteria, thus documenting their dependence on fluid seeps. The pockmark appears to be related to an infilled channel, visible on the seismic data 300 m below the seafloor, which may act as a reservoir for biogenic fluids supplied to the trap from the surrounding sediments.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic processes sort and redistribute organic matter (OM) and minerals on continental margins. Density fractionations were conducted on sediments from diverse margins (Mexico margin, Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River delta, Eel River margin) to investigate the nature, provenance and age of OM among density fractions. Mass, elemental (C and N), lignin, and surface area distributions, as well as stable carbon and radiocarbon isotopic compositions were measured. The lowest density fractions (< 1.6 g cm− 3) contained the highest organic carbon (OC) (up to 45%) and lignin concentrations (up to 8 mg g− 1) due to abundant woody debris, whereas high density fractions (> 2.5 g cm− 3) were OC-poor (%OC < 0.5) mineral material. Most sediment mass was found in the mesodensity fractions (1.6 to 2.5 g cm− 3) that contained the highest proportion of OC (up to ~ 75%) for each sediment. Stable carbon isotope compositions (δ13C − 25.5‰ to − 22.9‰) show terrigenous OC as a significant component of density isolates from the river-dominated sediments (Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River, and Eel margin), whereas the Mexico margin, least influenced by riverine input, was dominated by autochthonous marine OC (δ13C ~ − 21.5‰). Radiocarbon compositions of density fractions indicate significant pre-aged OC (Δ14C as low as − 900‰) in river-influenced sediments but not on the Mexico margin (Δ14C > − 200‰). Ratios of vanillic acid to vanillin (Ad/Al)v among lignin oxidation products increase with increasing particle density suggesting variable lignin sources or selective degradation of lignin among the different density fractions.  相似文献   

Bathymetric, magnetic, and gravity data obtained over a 2,464 m high seamount located in the Arabian Sea indicate that the seamount (inferred mean density=2.65 gm/cc) extends for 1 km beneath the seafloor and is locally isostatically compensated. With a reversely magnetized upper part and normally magnetized base, the seamount was probably formed by at least two volcanic episodes. The base was formed during the Late Paleocene (ca. 58 Ma) while the Indian Plate was moving over the Reunion hotspot. A renewed period of volcanism, contemporaneous with the major changes in direction of Indian Plate motion during the early Oligocene (ca. 36 Ma) probably formed the cap.  相似文献   

We report rate estimates for the horizontal transport of realized and potential “new” production across and along the Vancouver Island continental margin. Measurements consisted of three summer-season surveys (1993–1995) of water properties, chlorophyll and dissolved nutrient concentrations, zooplankton biomass and community composition. Sampling was done along paired 350-km station lines extending parallel to and approximately 25 km seaward of the shelf break. Horizontal transport of nutrients and plankton biomass was estimated from cross-products of concentration fields with cross-shore and alongshore geostrophic velocity fields and with space- and time-averaged estimates of Ekman volume transport. Because concentrations of nutrients and phytoplankton were low in the upper 30–50 m, their horizontal flux within the Ekman layer was relatively small (order 10% of geostrophic transport). Geostrophic transport was strongly localized and was correlated vertically with concentration gradients, and horizontally with eddies and meanders of the alongshore geostrophic currents. Net geostrophic transport was a small difference between larger localized seaward and shoreward components. Upper layer (0–50 m) transports of nutrients and phytoplankton biomass were of roughly similar magnitude. Both were much larger than transport of zooplankton biomass. Total cross-shore flux was a small fraction (<10%) of the estimated total productivity shoreward of the sampling lines. Direction and magnitude varied among survey periods, but for all 1990s surveys appear to have been weaker than in the mid-1980s, when summer-season averaged upwelling-favorable winds were stronger and the shelf-break current was faster.  相似文献   

本文综合国外有关资料,介绍了70年代以来南极大陆边缘地球物理调查、尤其是多道反射地震调查,深海钻探,地震地层研究,以及面积大、赋有油气远景的两个海区——威德尔海和罗斯海研究的进展情况。  相似文献   

In August 1998, a recurrent filament located near 42°N off Galicia was sampled as part of the OMEX-II project. Lagrangian and other observations were made on the shelf where the filament arose and offshore in the filament itself under upwelling favourable but fluctuating winds. The shelf drift experiment monitored a change from southward to weak northward net flow as the winds decreased to zero. Shipborne ADCP measurements showed that the shelf was supplying decreasing volumes of water to the filament as the wind speeds decreased. At the shelf edge the internal tide was larger than can be explained by local forcing and there were many unusually large high frequency internal waves with a quasi-sinusoidal form. Turbulence observations revealed enhanced dissipation rates and vertical eddy diffusion coefficients within the shelf thermocline (of order 1 cm2 s−1), which appeared to be caused by the breaking of internal wave. A second Lagrangian experiment was executed in the filament some 120 km offshore, which again coincided with a period of wind relaxation. Cross-sections revealed a double cold core and that the offshore flow was limited to a thin surface layer. Substantial onshore flow occurred below 50 m in the centre of the filament, while the strongest and deepest offshore flow coincided with its northern boundary. Turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate measurements showed very weak mixing below 15 m in the filament core, but enhanced mixing at its boundaries. Four mixed layer drifters released in the filament initially indicated convergence at its southern boundary, marked by strong temperature and salinity contrasts. After the wind became more favourable for upwelling, the drifters accelerated. One drifter traced the full extent of the filament, while the other three escaped from it and began to circulate cyclonically over 28 days in a 100 km diameter loop back towards their release point. Although strong mesoscale activity linked the shelf and ocean regimes, offshore transport in the filament was weak at the time of the experiment and vertical and horizontal re-circulations on a variety of time scales were important. There was sufficient vertical mixing in the thermocline to cause it to thicken and draw some heat into the lower layers during the summer months on the shelf. The amount of heat involved was too little to have a significant impact on the development of a filament over a typical lifetime of a week.  相似文献   

Continental shelves play a major role as transition zone during transport of multiply-sourced organic matter into the deep sea. In order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the origin and fractionation processes of organic matter at the NW Iberian margin, 40 surface sediment samples were analyzed for a structurally diverse range of lipid biomarkers, lignin phenols, grain size distribution, organic carbon content (TOC), its stable carbon isotopic composition (δ13CTOC), and the organic carbon to nitrogen ratio (TOC/TN). The biomarker inventory reflected a heterogeneous mixture of organic matter from various marine and terrestrial sources. Soil- and vascular plant-derived continental organic matter, indicated by lignin phenols and plant-derived triterpenoids, was primarily associated with the silt fraction and transported by river run-off. The spatial distribution patterns of higher plant-derived waxes, long-chain n-alkanes, n-alcohols, and n-fatty acids suggested distinct different transport mechanisms and/or sources. The branched tetraether index, a molecular proxy expressing the relative abundance of branched dialkyl tetraethers vs. crenarchaeol and considered to signal soil-derived organic matter, was not as sensitive as the other molecular indicators in detecting continental organic matter. Hydrodynamic sorting processes on the shelf resulted in a separation of different types of terrestrial organic matter; grass and leaf fragments and soil organic matter were preferentially transported offshore and deposited in areas of lower hydrodynamic energy. Algal lipid biomarker distributions indicated a complex community of marine plankton contributing to organic matter. Spatial and seasonal patterns of phytoplankton growth primarily controlled the distribution of algal organic matter components. The interplay of all of these processes controls production, distribution, and deposition of organic matter and results in three distinct provinces at the Galicia–Minho shelf: (I) fresh marine organic matter dominated the inner shelf region; (II) high inputs of terrestrial organic matter and high TOC content characterized the mid-shelf deposited mudbelt; (III) lower concentrations of relatively degraded organic matter with increased proportions of refractory terrestrial components dominated the outer shelf and continental slope.  相似文献   

A one year study of downward particle fluxes conducted in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea is presented. Two mooring lines equipped with sediment traps and current meters were deployed at around 1000 m depth on the northeastern continental slope of the Gulf of Lions, one inside the Grand-Rhône canyon and the other outside on the adjacent open slope. Mean total mass fluxes increased slightly with trap depth inside the canyon, a feature quite typical of fluxes in continental margin environments. The near-bottom trap inside the canyon collected more material than its counterpart deployed at equivalent depth on the open slope, indicating a preferential transport of material within the canyon. Major biogeochemical constituents (organic and inorganic carbon, opal, and siliciclastic residue) revealed a marked difference in particle composition between the sub-surface (80 m) and deeper traps, suggesting the existence of at least two sources of material. The two shallower traps showed a clear biological signal: flux peaks were related to periods of surface biological production, especially perceptible in summer and autumn. The particulate matter trapped at deeper levels in the canyon and on the open slope was characterized by a more stable composition with a major lithogenic contribution, originating from sedimentary material most probably resuspended on the upper- or mid-slope. The seasonal variability was dominated by the summer/winter alternation; the latter period was characterized by a weak stratification of the water column and an enhanced current variability favoring vertical exchanges. The present results are compared with those obtained previously in the Lacaze-Duthiers canyon on the southwestern side of the Gulf of Lions. The comparison shows strong differences between the NE entrance and the SW exit of the gulf, with respect to the general along-slope circulation of water masses, both in terms of intensity of particulate fluxes and transport processes.  相似文献   

The textural and compositional characteristics of the surficial shelf sediments north and south of the Orange River Delta are reviewed and compared. Sediments are fractionated and dispersed both north- and southwards of the Orange River mouth by wave action, longshore drift and subsurface currents. The mean grain size decreases both offshore and southwards in response to decreased wave influence at the seabed and the competence of the weak poleward undercurrent respectively. The increasing dominance of marine biogenic components in sediments south of the prodelta indicates a greater marine influence, modifying previous inferences that the Namaqualand mudbelt is primarily derived from the southward transport of Orange River sediments. A sharp distinction can be drawn between sediments of the Orange Shelf to the south and the Walvis Shelf to the north. Foraminiferarich deposits that dominate the Orange middle shelf and slope indicate that upwelling is an inner-shelf phenomenon. On the Walvis Shelf, foraminiferal sediments are confined to the slope and outer shelf. Fish debris is more common in Walvis Shelf sediments. Although phosphorite and glauconite sands often occur together in the same deposits on the Orange Shelf, the two minerals are concentrated in separate deposits on the Walvis Shelf.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate phytoplankton abundance, composition and vertical export in the highly stratified Krka estuary, Croatia. The estuary is stratified throughout the year, and an interface between fresh- and brackish water plays an important role in production and degradation of biogenic matter. Vertical export of particulate organic carbon (POC), phytoplankton carbon (PPC) and faecal pellet carbon (FPC) was studied by deploying sediment traps in the middle and lower reach of the estuary and in the adjacent coastal zone. Zooplankton faecal pellet (FP) production experiments were conducted to provide additional information on the potential contribution of FP to the total carbon flux. High suspended concentrations of POC, chlorophyll a and phytoplankton was found in the lower reaches of the Krka estuary, adjacent to a source of anthropogenic eutrophication. The fraction of organic detritus to the total POC flux was 61–69% inside the estuary but only 7% at the marine station. This indicates that the primary producers in the surface layer of the Krka estuary are decomposed in and below the interface and then settle as detritus to the bottom. Low sedimentation rates in the coastal zone outside the estuary revealed that the eutrophication does not spread out of the estuary. Mesozooplankton played a modest role in vertical flux regulation, due to their low abundance and dominance of smaller forms as well as low faecal pellet production rates. It is concluded that processes taking place at the freshwater-seawater interface are of major importance for the vertical carbon flux in the investigated area.  相似文献   

 Results of a detailed geophysical transect across the transform continental margin off Ghana, at the eastern end of the Romanche Fracture Zone in the Equatorial Atlantic, are presented. Seismic refraction, single-channel seismic reflection, gravity, and magnetic data were collected, and seismic, gravity, and magnetic models along the transect are shown. The 6- to 11-km-wide ocean–continent transition (OCT) is characterized by a high-velocity, high-density, high-magnetization crustal zone. The models show no evidence for any underplating of the continental crust adjacent to the margin but minor melting and intrusion of the continental crust may have occurred in the vicinity of the OCT. Received: 6 February 1995/Revision received: 24 July 1995  相似文献   

Pore water chemistry (total dissolved CO2, NH4, NO3, NO2, PO4, Si(OH)4, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, SO4, H2S and F, and titration alkalinity), solid phase chemistry (Corg, Porg, CTOT, NTOT, F, SiOPAL and SII), and sediment characteristics (porosity, dry bulk density and formation factors) were determined on a centimeter-scale spacing in the upper 20–40 cm of sediments under intense upwelling areas on the Peru continental shelf. These data demonstrate that carbonate fluorapatite (CFA) is precipitating from pore waters in the upper few centimeters of a gelatinous mud with high organic carbon content (up to 20% Corg), very high porosity ( > 0.96 ml cm−3) and very low dry bulk density (< 0.1 g cm−3). Dissolved phosphate concentrations at the sediment-water interface range from 20 to 100 μM, orders of magnitude higher than bottom-water concentrations, and much higher than predicted from regeneration of organic matter. The mechanism of this interfacial phosphate release is unclear, but is apparently uncoupled from carbon and nitrogen metabolism and thus may be linked either to dissolution of fish debris or to the presence of a microbial mat in surficial sediments. Fluoride is incorporated into CFA by diffusion from the overlying seawater, and carbonate ions are provided from pore-water alkalinity. Magnesium concentrations in this reaction zone are not significantly different from those of seawater, suggesting that magnesium depletion is not a necessary prerequisite for CFA precipitation.

The environment of precipitation is interface-linked rather than driven by organic diagenesis of phosphorus deeper in the sediment. Most of the cores display a wide range of diagenetic characteristics below the immediate interfacial region, but almost all show the precipitation signature near the interface. This interface-linked early diagenetic porewater environment for the precipitation of CFA explains many of the geochemical characteristics of phosphorites and provides a “testable” model to compare the modern phosphogenic analog with ancient phosphorite deposits. Two of the cores display very high solid phase phosphorus and fluoride contents reflecting the presence of apparently modern pelletal apatites.  相似文献   

In order to assess the possible environmental impact of oily cuttings discharged during oil exploration activities, we studied the benthic foraminiferal faunas in a five-station, 4-km-long sampling transect around a cuttings disposal site at about 670 m depth offshore Angola (W Africa), where drilling activities started 1.5 years before sampling. Living (Rose Bengal stained) and dead foraminiferal faunas were sampled in March 2006. The faunal patterns mirror the spatial distribution of hydrocarbons, which are dispersed into a southeastern direction. Four different areas can be distinguished on the basis of the investigated faunal parameters (density, diversity and species composition of the living fauna, and comparison with subrecent dead faunas). The fauna at station S31, 300 m SE of the oil cuttings disposal site, appears to be clearly impacted: the faunal density and diversity are maximal, but evenness is minimal. Taxa sensitive to organic enrichment, such as Uvigerina peregrina, Cancris auriculus and Cribrostomoides subglobosus, have largely disappeared, whereas the low-oxygen-resistant taxon Chilostomella oolina and opportunistic buliminids and bolivinids attain relatively high densities. At station S32, 500 m SE of the disposal site, environmental impact is still perceptible. The faunal density is slightly increased, and U. peregrina, apparently the most sensitive species, is still almost absent. The faunas found at 1 and 1.8 km SE of the disposal site are apparently no longer impacted by the drill mud disposal. Faunal density and diversity are low, and the faunal composition is typical for a mesotrophic to eutrophic upper slope environment. Finally, Station S35, 2 km NW of the disposal site, contains an intermediate fauna, where both the low-oxygen-resistant C. oolina and the more sensitive taxa (U. peregrina, C. auriculus and C. subglobosus) are present. All taxa live close to the sediment–water interface here, indicating a reduced oxygen penetration into the sediment. Since the hydrocarbon concentration is low at this station, it appears that the faunal characteristics are the consequence of a slightly different environmental setting, and not due to a contamination with drill cuttings. Our data underline the large potential of benthic foraminifera as bio-indicators of anthropogenic enrichment in open marine settings, such as caused by the disposal of oily drill cuttings. The foraminiferal faunas react essentially by a density increase of a number of tolerant and/or opportunistic taxa, and a progressive disappearance of more sensitive taxa in the most impacted area. Rather surprisingly, large-sized taxa appear to be more sensitive than small-sized foraminiferal taxa.  相似文献   

The North Atlantic margins are archetypally passive, yet they have experienced post-rift vertical movements of up to kilometre scale. The Cenozoic history of such movements along the NW European margin, from Ireland to mid-Norway, is examined by integrating published analyses of uplift and subsidence with higher resolution tectono-stratigraphic indicators of relative movements (including results from the STRATAGEM project). Three episodes of epeirogenic movement are identified, in the early, mid- and late Cenozoic, distinct from at least one phase of compressive tectonism. Two forms of epeirogenic movement are recognised, referred to as tilting (coeval subsidence and uplift, rotations <1° over distances of 100s of Kilometres) and sagging (strongly differential subsidence, rotations up to 4° over distances <100 km). Each epeirogenic episode involved relatively rapid (<10 Ma) km-scale tectonic movements that drove major changes in patterns of sedimentation to find expression in regional unconformity-bounded stratigraphic units. Early Cenozoic tilting (late Paleocene to early Eocene, c. 60–50 Ma) caused the basinward progradation of shelf-slope wedges from elongate uplifts along the inner continental margin and from offshore highs. Mid-Cenozoic sagging (late Eocene to early Oligocene, c. 35–25 Ma) ended wedge progradation and caused the onset of contourite deposition in deep-water basins. Late Cenozoic tilting (early Pliocene to present, <4±0.5 Ma) again caused the basinward progradation of shelf-slope wedges, from uplifts along the inner margin (including broad dome-like features) and from offshore highs. The early, mid- and late Cenozoic epeirogenic episodes coincided with Atlantic plate reorganisations, but the observed km-scale tectonic movements are too large to be accounted for as flexural deflections due to intra-plate stress variations. Mantle–lithosphere interactions are implied, but the succession of epeirogenic episodes, of differing form, are difficult to reconcile with the various syn-to post-rift mechanisms of permanent and/or transient movements proposed in the hypothetical context of a plume beneath Iceland. The epeirogenic movements can be explained as dynamic topographic responses to changing forms of small-scale convective flow in the upper mantle: tilting as coeval upwelling and downwelling above an edge-driven convection cell, sagging as a loss of dynamic support above a former upwelling. The inferred Cenozoic succession of epeirogenic tilting, sagging and tilting is proposed to record the episodic evolution of upper mantle convection during ocean opening, a process that may also be the underlying cause of plate reorganisations. The postulated episodes of flow reorganisation in the NE Atlantic region have testable implications for epeirogenic movements along the adjacent oceanic spreading ridge and conjugate continental margin, as well as on other Atlantic-type ‘passive’ margins.  相似文献   

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