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As the main load-bearing component of fish cages, the floating collar supports the whole cage and undergoes large deformations. In this paper, a mathematical method is developed to study the motions and elastic deformations of elastic floating collars in random waves. The irregular wave is simulated by the random phase method and the statistical approach and Fourier transfer are applied to analyze the elastic response in both time and frequency domains. The governing equations of motions are established by Newton’s second law, and the governing equations of deformations are obtained based on curved beam theory and modal superposition method. In order to validate the numerical model of the floating collar attacked by random waves, a series of physical model tests are conducted. Good relationship between numerical simulation and experimental observations is obtained. The numerical results indicate that the transfer function of out-of-plane and in-plane deformations increase with the increasing of wave frequency. In the frequency range between 0.6 Hz and 1.1 Hz, a linear relationship exists between the wave elevations and the deformations. The average phase difference between the wave elevation and out-of-plane deformation is 60° with waves leading and the phase between the wave elevation and in-plane deformation is 10° with waves lagging. In addition, the effect of fish net on the elastic response is analyzed. The results suggest that the deformation of the floating collar with fish net is a little larger than that without net.  相似文献   

为海洋监测设备实验水槽的设计和模型实验的开展提供动力环境方面的依据,分析了中国近海和各大洋典型海域浪、流、风等环境要素的特征,对中国近海给出环境要素特征量的平均值和最大观测值,对大洋给出统计的最大概率对应的要素值和1%概率大值;模拟能力评估显示,实验水槽对浪、流、风均具有很好的模拟能力,可满足今后对海洋监测设备开展的各类模型实验需要。  相似文献   

-The hydrodynamic coefficients C_d and C_m are not only dependent on the size of slender cylin-der,its location in water,KC number and Re number,but also vary with environmental conditions,i.e.,in regular waves or in irregular waves,in pure waves or in wave-current coexisting field.In this paper,thenormalization of hydrodynamic coefficients for various environmental conditions is discussed.When aproper definition of KC number and proper characteristic values of irregular waves are used,a unified re-lationship between C_d,C_m and KC number for regular waves,irregular waves,pure waves and wave-cur-rent coexisting field can be obtained.  相似文献   

网格锚定单体碟形网箱的水动力特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目前碟形网箱在我国并未得到广泛的推广应用,但其良好的抗流抗变形能力和可沉降特点使其在大风大浪水流湍急的深海水域有着不可替代的作用。如能在深水碟形网箱的基础上,开发出具有自主知识产权的深水网箱,必将对我国的养殖业产生重大的影响。本文基于凝集参数法,利用Orca Flex软件建立网格锚定的深水碟形网箱模型,并进行了多海况下的数值计算。结果表明,波流联合作用下,对锚绳张力影响最大的为海流流速,其次为波高,周期对张力的影响并不明显;锚绳最大张力并非出现在入射波与流速同向的情况下,而是发生在两者存在某一夹角时;浮环最大倾角随流速和波高线性增大,随着波浪周期增大而减小;此外,下沉能明显改善网箱系统和锚绳的受力。  相似文献   

针对半潜式超大型浮式结构中典型的移动式海上基地(Mobile Offshore Base,MOB)在高等级海况下的动力响应问题展开研究。在MOB结构"刚性模块-柔性连接构件(Rigid Modules and Flexible Connectors,RMFC)"模型的前提下,根据动力学基本原理,经理论推导并计算得到MOB分别在6、7、8级海况的随机波激励下,其上各模块的动力响应位移结果。详细分析了MOB结构同一模块在不同海况条件下的动力响应位移随浪向角及连接构件刚度的变化规律。研究成果可为半潜式超大型浮式结构动力响应研究及结构优化设计提供一定的技术支撑。  相似文献   

A tower hinged at the bottom was oscillated mechanically in a sinusoidal fashion in a plane in still water. An instrumented section in the tower measured the inline and transverse forces locally on the tower due to the hydrodynamic effects. These forces are analyzed for the added mass, drag and lift coefficients which are presented as functions of Keulegan-Carpenter and Reynolds number. The lift force frequencies are also investigated. The measured overall reactions on the tower are used to verify the values of the local coefficients. The results presented here are not only applicable to articulated towers but to other moving elements of an offshore structure, e.g. risers, tension-legs, etc.  相似文献   

A frame invariant linearisation method for three-dimensional drag force in random seas with current is presented. Numerical results are compared with those obtained from a commonly used linearisation method which is based on a non-frame invariant approximation to the drag force. Significant differences are discovered and the present method is found to show closer agreement with computed time histories of the true drag force.  相似文献   

张剑波 《海洋通报》2006,25(5):50-56
海洋等工程结构物在服役过程中的受载历程是一个随机过程。研究裂纹在谱载荷作用下的扩展规律对可靠预报平台等结构物的疲劳寿命具有十分重要的意义。提出了一个由应力比和裂纹尖端约束及塑性区尺寸为主要参数计算裂纹张开比,来考查载荷相互作用下疲劳裂纹扩展寿命的计算模型。用该模型对几种谱载荷作用下疲劳实验结果进行了预测,将预测结果与不考虑裂纹闭合的线性损伤模型及疲劳计算程序FASTRAN的预测结果进行了比较,表明本模型能较好地预测谱载荷作用下的疲劳裂纹扩展。  相似文献   

海洋生物遗传多样性研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述蛋白质(酶)多态性和DNA多态性在海洋生物种质鉴定、系统进化、及群体遗传结构分析等方面的研究成果  相似文献   

为解决地波雷达一阶海杂波内船只目标检测的难题,提出了一种利用风浪流等现场海态观测信息检测海杂波内目标的方法。该方法通过对比实测雷达回波谱和基于现场海态观测信息重构的无目标回波谱,发现实测雷达回波谱中一阶谱频率范围和左右峰值比等特征的异常变化,实现船只目标的检测。将该方法应用于实测地波雷达数据,并利用同步的船舶自动识别系统信息(AIS)对检测结果进行了验证,结果表明本文方法是一种有效的一阶海杂波内目标的检测方法。  相似文献   

During ice-breaking navigation, a massive amount of crushed ice blocks with different sizes is accumulated under the hull of an ice-going ship. This ice slides into the flow field in the forward side of the podded propulsor, affecting the surrounding flow field and aggravating the non-uniformity of the propeller wake. A pulsating load is formed on the propeller, which affects the hydrodynamic performance of the podded propulsor. To study the changes in the propeller hydrodynamic performance during the ice podded propulsor interaction, the overlapping grid technique is used to simulate the unsteady hydrodynamic performance of the podded propulsor at different propeller rotation angles and different ice block sizes. Hence, the hydrodynamic blade behavior during propeller rotation under the interaction between the ice and podded propulsor is discussed. The unsteady propeller loads and surrounding flow fields obtained for ice blocks with different sizes interacting with the podded propulsor are analyzed in detail. The variation in the hydrodynamic performance during the circular motion of a propeller and the influence of ice size variation on the propeller thrust and torque are determined. The calculation results have certain reference significance for experiment-based research, theoretical calculations and numerical simulation concerning ice podded propulsor interaction.  相似文献   

Radar altimetry, when corrected for tides, atmospheric forcing of the sea surface, and the effects of density variations and mean and time-variable currents, provides an along-track realization of the marine geoid. In this study we investigate whether and how such an ‘altimetric-hydrodynamic’ geoid over the North Sea can serve for validating satellite-gravimetric geoids. Our results indicate that, using ERS-2 and ENVISAT along-track altimetry and water levels from the high-resolution operational circulation model BSHcmod, we do find distinct differences in RMS fits for various state-of-the art satellite-only models (beyond degree 145 for GRACE-only, and beyond degree 185 for GOCE models) and for combined geoid models, very similar as seen in GPS-levelling validations over land areas. We find that, at spectral resolution of up to about 200, an RMS fit as low as about 7 cm can be obtained for the most recent GOCE-derived models such as GOCO05S. This is slightly above what we expect from budgeting individual errors. Key to the validation is a proper treatment of the spectral mismatch between satellite-gravimetric and altimetric-hydrodynamic geoids. Comparison of data fits and error budget suggests that geoid truncation errors residual to EGM2008 (i.e. EGM2008 commission and omission error) may amount up to few cm.  相似文献   

- Offshore platforms are always subjected to wave action which is random variable amplitude cyclic loading. In order to simulate the stressing condition at the 'hot spot' of the tubular joints and the marine environment, random variable amplitude fatigue tests have been carried out on welded plate joints in sea water. The tests have been conducted under the conditions of loading frequency of 0.2 Hz, stress ratio of -1, seawater temperature of about 20℃ and cathodic protection with the potential about -850 mV, SCE. The test results have been compared with the seawater corrosion fatigue life under constant amplitude loading. Miner's linear cumulative damage summation rule has been used to predict the corrosion fatigue life under variable amplitude loading. The predicted life is in good agreement with the test data.  相似文献   

利用青岛海洋大学海洋实验室现代化的大型水槽,设计进行了多种海浪强度下,由深水传入近岸不同坡度水底上的变浅随机海浪的模型实验。依据实验资料统计分析结果表明:对近岸变浅随机海浪而言,其波高分布不再符合Rayleigh分布,与Глуховский的经验分布也有差异,它不仅与参量H*=H/d有关,且与表征深水海浪的波形特征量H0/T20有关,并获得其经验关系,为实验应用变浅随机海浪的波高统计分布提供了可能。  相似文献   

Jason-1 and TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) measured sea-surface heights (SSHs) are compared for five regions during the verification tandem phase. The five regions are of similar latitude and spatial extent and include the Gulf of Mexico, Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and locations in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans away from land. In all five regions, a bias, defined as Jason SSH—TOPEX-B SSH, exists that is different for ascending and descending tracks. For example, in the Gulf of Mexico the bias for ascending tracks was -0.13 cm and the bias for descending tracks was 2.19 cm. In the Arabian Sea the bias for ascending tracks was -2.45 cm and the bias for descending tracks was -1.31 cm. The bias was found to depend on track orientation and significant wave height (SWH), indicating an error in the sea state bias (SSB) model for one or both altimeters. The bias in all five regions can be significantly reduced by calculating separate corrections for ascending and descending tracks in each region as a function of SWH. The correction is calculated by fitting a second-order polynomial to the bias as a function of SWH separately for ascending and descending tracks. An additional constraint is required to properly apply the correction, and we chose to minimize the sum of the TOPEX-B and Jason-1 root-mean-square (rms) crossover differences to be consistent with present SSB models. Application of this constraint shows that the correction, though consistent within each region, is different for each region and that each satellite contributes to the bias. One potential source that may account for a portion of the difference in bias is the leakage in the wave forms in TOPEX-B due to differing altitude rates for ascending and descending tracks. Global SSB models could be improved by separating the tracks into ascenders and descenders and calculating a separate SSB model for each track.  相似文献   

Jason-1 and TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) measured sea-surface heights (SSHs) are compared for five regions during the verification tandem phase. The five regions are of similar latitude and spatial extent and include the Gulf of Mexico, Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and locations in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans away from land. In all five regions, a bias, defined as Jason SSH—TOPEX-B SSH, exists that is different for ascending and descending tracks. For example, in the Gulf of Mexico the bias for ascending tracks was ?0.13 cm and the bias for descending tracks was 2.19 cm. In the Arabian Sea the bias for ascending tracks was ?2.45 cm and the bias for descending tracks was ?1.31 cm. The bias was found to depend on track orientation and significant wave height (SWH), indicating an error in the sea state bias (SSB) model for one or both altimeters. The bias in all five regions can be significantly reduced by calculating separate corrections for ascending and descending tracks in each region as a function of SWH. The correction is calculated by fitting a second-order polynomial to the bias as a function of SWH separately for ascending and descending tracks. An additional constraint is required to properly apply the correction, and we chose to minimize the sum of the TOPEX-B and Jason-1 root-mean-square (rms) crossover differences to be consistent with present SSB models. Application of this constraint shows that the correction, though consistent within each region, is different for each region and that each satellite contributes to the bias. One potential source that may account for a portion of the difference in bias is the leakage in the wave forms in TOPEX-B due to differing altitude rates for ascending and descending tracks. Global SSB models could be improved by separating the tracks into ascenders and descenders and calculating a separate SSB model for each track.  相似文献   

Efficient Simulation of Freak Waves in Random Oceanic Sea States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerical simulations of freak wave generation are studied in random oceanic sea states described by JONSWAP spectrum.The evolution of initial random wave trains is numerically carried out within the framework of the modified fourorder nonlinear Schruedinger equation (mNLSE),and some involved influence factors are also discussed.Results show that if the sideband instability is satisfied,a random wave train may evolve into a freak wave train,and simultaneously the setting of the Phillips parameter and enhancement coefficient of JONSWAP spectrum and initial random phases is very important for the formation of freak waves.The way to increase the generation efficiency of freak waves thsough changing the involved parameters is also presented.  相似文献   

The Jason-1 sea state bias (SSB) is analyzed in depth from the first year of GDR products. Compared to previous missions, this work benefits from two aspects of the empirical determination of the SSB from the altimetric data themselves. First, from a methodological point of view, a nonparametric technique (NP) has been developed and largely tested on TOPEX/Poseidon 1, GFO and Envisat data. The NP estimator has proven to be a useful tool in the SSB estimation, and it is now mature enough to be used for a refined analysis. On the other hand, the SSB can be extracted from three different data sets (crossovers, collinear data, and residuals) with different characteristics. It is then possible to cross calibrate various estimations of the SSB models and to determine the most accurate one. A systematic comparison is made between these different estimates for the Jason-1 altimeter. The collinear and crossover data sets yield very similar estimates despite their difference of spatial and temporal distributions. These SSB models assure consistency with the TOPEX mission when comparing Jason-1 and TOPEX residuals during the tandem phase. Thanks to the present work, the impact of the short wavelengths filtering on the SSB estimation is evidenced. More generally, our understanding of potential errors affecting the sea surface height and their impact onto the SSB estimation is also improved.  相似文献   

The Jason-1 sea state bias (SSB) is analyzed in depth from the first year of GDR products. Compared to previous missions, this work benefits from two aspects of the empirical determination of the SSB from the altimetric data themselves. First, from a methodological point of view, a nonparametric technique (NP) has been developed and largely tested on TOPEX/Poseidon 1, GFO and Envisat data. The NP estimator has proven to be a useful tool in the SSB estimation, and it is now mature enough to be used for a refined analysis. On the other hand, the SSB can be extracted from three different data sets (crossovers, collinear data, and residuals) with different characteristics. It is then possible to cross calibrate various estimations of the SSB models and to determine the most accurate one. A systematic comparison is made between these different estimates for the Jason-1 altimeter. The collinear and crossover data sets yield very similar estimates despite their difference of spatial and temporal distributions. These SSB models assure consistency with the TOPEX mission when comparing Jason-1 and TOPEX residuals during the tandem phase. Thanks to the present work, the impact of the short wavelengths filtering on the SSB estimation is evidenced. More generally, our understanding of potential errors affecting the sea surface height and their impact onto the SSB estimation is also improved.  相似文献   

Multi-directional irregular waves are simulated on the basis of the given directional spectrum using a double summation model, a single direction per frequency model and a single summation model. Their results are compared. It is shown that the single direction per frequency model proposed in this paper can generate a realistic wave field. The effects of the model parameters on the simulated results are also studied in this paper and corresponding suggestions are given.  相似文献   

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