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The International Geographical Union Reports

International geographical union regional conference on Asian Pacific countries  相似文献   

第四届亚洲湖泊钻探计划 (AsianLakeDrillingProgramme ,简称ALDP)国际学术研讨会2 0 0 2年 2月 2 5~ 2 8日在昆明召开。这是ALDP组织第一次在中国举办国际研讨会 ,来自德国 ,荷兰 ,波兰 ,瑞典 ,英国 ,俄罗斯 ,新西兰 ,美国和日本的 2 1名外国学者 ,以及来自中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所、古脊椎动物与古人类研究所、南京地理与湖泊研究所、西安地球环境研究所、贵阳地球化学研究所 ,中国社会科学院考古研究所、山东文物与考古研究所 ,国家气候中心 ,国土资源部广州海洋调查所 ,北京大学、中山大学、…  相似文献   

梁锋 《地质论评》2023,69(5):1858-1868
7月9日—12日,以“天山联通东西 中亚共聚海内”,“绿色、创新、合作、共享——驱动丝绸之路矿业高质量发展”为主题的“第一届中亚-天山青年地质论坛”在新疆乌鲁木齐成功召开。 本次论坛由中国地质学会主办,青年工作委员会、新疆地质学会和世界青年地球科学家联盟中国委员会等单位联合发起创办,旨在积极落实习近平总书记给山东省地矿局第六地质大队全体地质工作者的重要回信精神,深入贯彻新疆科技创新大会精神,聚焦社会发展重大需求和高质量发展目标,促进西部优势资源转化,推动丝绸之路经济带核心区建设,打造青年地质才俊交流成果、展现风采的区域性国际学术交流平台,推动我国同中亚国家地质事业进步和经济社会发展。  相似文献   

中亚古生代造山带成矿作用基本特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中亚成矿域是与环太平洋成矿域、特提斯成矿域媲美的巨型成矿域。其成矿作用带有鲜明的古生代造出带成矿作用特点,在中亚各古生代造山带发展的拉张型过渡壳-洋壳-汇聚型过渡壳-古生代新陆壳的各阶段,形成特定的矿床成矿系列类型。矿床成矿系列类型本身也随着地壳发展、地壳成熟度的提高而有规律地演化。  相似文献   

In the past two decades, several publications have been presented concerning the recent and active fault geometry, kinematics and geodynamics of the Aegean Region and particularly of the northern sector. Data and results are often contradictory and because of the complexity of the area most hypotheses and models should be considered carefully. The right-lateral movement of the North Anatolia Fault continues into some branches of the North Aegean fault system. There, strike-slip motion along NE–SW trending faults coexists with dip-slip E–W trending faults in the frame of an extensional regime related to N–S crustal stretching. If we take into account the geodynamic environment of the region, several mechanical problems arise. To the east, the Aegean is compressed by the westward convergence of Anatolia, while to the south and west along the Hellenic Arc, a hemiradial compression occurs due to subduction. Although the North Anatolia–North Aegean Trough fault system resembles a restraining bend, the whole area is in fact affected by pure extension and local transtension, along NE–SW trending structures. Accordingly, the major paradox of the area and especially in the western sector (fault termination?) is the occurrence of extension where compression should regionally, or at least locally, predominate.  相似文献   

以文献计量看中亚成矿域研究发展态势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凭借巨量矿产资源供给能力和资源通道的特殊功能,中亚成矿域构成了我国资源安全体系的不可缺失的重要组成部分和举足轻重的一翼.科技文献能够反映科学研究的发展动态,利用Thomson DataAnlyzer(TDA)和UCINET对SCIE文献数据库中收录的1990—2010年间的中亚成矿域研究论文进行数据挖掘和分析.结果表明...  相似文献   

中亚造山带东段位于西伯利亚和华北克拉通之间,经历了多构造体系叠加和多旋回洋陆转换的复杂演化过程,目前大量研究均以构造带为核心来限定区域构造格局,但一直争议较大。本文以构造单元的构造属性及其形成过程为主线,结合区域构造带演化,重新厘定了中国东北地区基本构造格局,建立了中国东北山弯构造演化模型。研究表明,古生代时期中国东北地区的主要构造单元由两个具前寒武纪基底的古老地块——额尔古纳地块和佳木斯地块及其张广才岭陆缘弧与两个古生代增生地体——兴安增生地体和松辽增生地体组成,其间由古亚洲洋分支新林- 喜桂图洋、贺根山- 嫩江洋、龙凤山洋和索伦洋分割。早古生代,西部额尔古纳地块东南部为西太平洋型活动陆缘,发育有嘎仙- 吉峰- 环宇洋内弧和头道桥等洋岛,~500 Ma随着新林- 喜桂图洋的关闭,这些洋内弧和洋岛拼贴增生至额尔古纳地块东南缘。随后贺根山- 嫩江洋的俯冲和后撤形成了一系列沟- 弧- 盆体系,持续的俯冲导致弧陆碰撞和陆缘增生,形成兴安增生地体的主体。同时,东部佳木斯地块西侧发育有龙凤山洋的安第斯型俯冲活动陆缘,形成了张广才岭陆缘弧。伴随着各大洋的俯冲和陆缘增生,额尔古纳地块和佳木斯地块以及它们的陆缘增生带构成了一个早古生代近东西向展布的地块链。南部以锡林浩特- 龙江微地块为核心发生陆缘俯冲,形成松辽增生地体雏形。索伦洋发生双向俯冲,并通过弧陆碰撞产生陆缘增生。晚古生代,伴随着古亚洲洋的北向俯冲和后撤,早期形成的地块链逐渐发生向南弯曲。二叠纪末期—中三叠世古亚洲洋俯冲消减闭合以及西北部蒙古- 鄂霍茨克洋和东部泛大洋的俯冲挤压,导致地块链进一步弯曲,同时,早期的古老地块、增生地体、弧岩浆岩、沉积建造等发生汇聚,最终形成一个以额尔古纳地块和兴安增生地体为西翼,佳木斯地块和张广才岭陆缘弧为东翼,松辽增生地体为核心的大规模山弯构造——中国东北山弯构造。  相似文献   

The paper reports data on the evolutionary history of magmatism, its conditions, and sources in the process of the development of the Southern Mongolian Hercynides during the pre-accretion, continental-margin, and rifting stages within the time span from the Silurian to Early Permian. The Hercynian continental crust in the southern Mongolian segment of the Central Asian Foldbelt (CAFB) was determined to have grown in the environment of ensimatic island arcs, backarc basins, spreading centers, and oceanic islands or plateaus, with material coming from the depleted and, perhaps, also enriched mantle sources in the open ocean that surrounded the Siberian paleocontinent on the side of the Caledonian margin. This made it possible to recognize the Early-Middle Paleozoic epoch of juvenile crustal growth in CAFB and the corresponding isotopic crustal province with a total area of more than 200 thousand km2. The principal differences between the composition and structure of the blocks surrounding the Hercynian regions (Caledonides in the Gobi Altai and Grenwillides in the South Gobi microcontinent) testify that the southern margin of the Caledonian Siberian continent and the Grenvillides of the South Gobi microcontinent had different geological histories and were spatially separated. The structural complex of the Paleoasian ocean, including the terranes of the South Gobi microcontinent, were transformed into a continental block in the latest Devonian-earliest Carboniferous, in relation with accretion processes, folding, metamorphism, and tectonic delamination along the boundaries of structurally heterogeneous domains. The subsequent recycling of the crust by magmatic processes was related to the development of an active continental margin (ACM). The development of an ACM in the Hercynides resulted from and was a continuation of the motions of the continental and oceanic lithospheric plates, i.e., processes that brought about the Hercynian accretion. The evolution history of the ACM was subdivided into two stages: early (a continental-margin stage proper) and late (rifting stage). The rocks of the early stage were produced at 350–330 Ma and compose a differentiated basalt-andesite-rhyodacite complex and related massifs of the granodiorite-plagiogranite and banatite (diorite-monzonite-granodiorite) associations. During the rifting stage at 320–290 Ma, a bimodal basalt-comendite-trachyrhyolite association was formed, along with accompanying alkali granite massifs. In the southern Mongolian segment of the Hercynides, the rocks of the rifting stage compose two subparallel rift zones: Gobi-Tien Shan, which extends along the boundaries of the South Gobi microcontinent, and the Main Mongolian lineament, which marks the boundaries between the Hercynides and Caledonides in the CAFB. The rift structures are made up of alkali granitoids and normal-alkalinity granitoids, which are atypical of rift zones. Their genesis is thought to have been related to crustal anatexis, a process that was triggered by rift-related magmas at an unusual combination of rifting and ACM tectonic setting. The basic rocks of the rift associations have geochemical signatures atypical of continental rifting. They show Ta and Nb minima and K and Pb maxima, as is typical of rocks generated at convergent plate boundaries. Nevertheless, the broad variations in the concentrations and ratios of some major and incompatible trace elements and in the Sr, Nd, and O isotopic composition of the rift basaltoids allowed us to distinguish their high-and low-Ti varieties, which were produced with the participation of three mantle sources: depleted mantle similar to the source of basalts in midoceanic ridges, enriched mantle like the source of basalts in oceanic islands, and the mantle material of the metasomatized mantle wedge. The origin of andesites in the rift zones is explained by the contamination of mantle basaltoid melts with sialic (predominantly sedimentary) material of the continental crust or the assimilation of anatectic partial granite melts.  相似文献   

Materials pertaining to Mesozoic granitoids in the Central Asian and Pacific Belts junction area and the adjacent platforms are summarized. Maps of the location of massifs, the extensiveness of granitoid magmatism, the manifestations of Mesozoic plumes, and the relief of the asthenosphere surface have been compiled. The locations of the major ore deposits are plotted on the maps. The distribution chart has been constructed for these deposits in the coordinates of the crust and lithosphere. The depth of the occurrence of the sources for large and superlarge gold, tin, polymetallic, molybdenum, tungsten, and uranium deposits has been estimated. Areas showing promise for the discovery of large deposits are defined.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of continental crust formation in the Central Asian Foldbelt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geological and isotopic study of rocks occurring in the Early and Late Baikalian, Caledonian, Hercynian, and Indosinian fold regions of Central Asia is carried out. The juvenile crust formation occurred in these fold regions have determined the systematic differences in isotopic compositions of the crust. In the course of the subsequent (postaccretion) evolution, the crust of these domains underwent multiple reworking. These processes were accompanied by variations in the Nd isotopic compositions of the crust, which, in turn, are recorded in the isotopic compositions of granites and felsic volcanics as products of crust melting. Three types of crust differing in Nd isotopic composition and structure and, as a consequence, in formation mechanisms, are distinguished. The isotopically homogeneous crust is a source of igneous rocks with constant model Nd isotopic age (TNd(DM2st)) irrespective of the age of the crustal igneous rocks. These are the isotopic provinces, the crust of which remained isolated from addition of alien materials during postaccretion evolution. The axial zone of the Hercynides in the Central Asian Foldbelt is an example. The isotopically heterogeneous layered crust consists of fragments differing in isotopic composition. The products of its melting are characterized by widely scattered ɛNd(T) and (TNd(DM2st). The appearance of alien sources of melt is considered in terms of underplating. This mechanism develops either due to subduction of the juvenile oceanic lithosphere beneath the mature continental lithosphere at convergent boundaries or as a result of plume-lithosphere interaction. The first mechanism operated during the formation of granitoids pertaining to the Tuva-Mongolia microcontinent. The second mechanism was responsible for the formation of batholiths in the zonal Hangay, Barguzin, and Mongolia-Transbaikalia magmatic fields. The isotopically heterogeneous mixed crust is composed of fragments differing in isotopic composition, which are tectonically mixed, resulting in the formation of an isotopically uniform reservoir in the domain of magma generation. As a result, the products of melting acquire isotopic parameters substantially distinct from the juvenile rocks of the corresponding structural zone. The formation of such a crust is related to the tectonic delamination, which provides for juxtaposition and a high degree of tectonic mingling of heterogeneous fragments at deep levels. The Caledonides of the Central Asian Foldbelt are characterized by such a mechanism of crust formation.  相似文献   

An "International Workshop on Central Asian Orogenesis and Metallogeny", sup- ported by Department of Science and Tech- nology of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the Geosciences Department of the Natural Science Foundation of China, the Bureau of Science and Technology for Resources and Environment, the Chinese Academy of Science, Xinjiang Petroleum Company, and China National Petroleum Corporation, was held in Urumqi, Xinjiang, from 18-24 September, 2007 (hosted by the National 305 Project Office).  相似文献   

New data testifying to Late Paleozoic tectonometamorphic processes at the West Transbaikalian segment of the Central Asian Fold Belt have been obtained. Zircon dating (SHRIMP-II) of highly metamorphosed rocks showed that the processes took place at 295.3 ± 1.6 Ma. Based on these data, the Late Paleozoic ages of granitoids of the Angara–Vitim areal pluton (340–280 Ma) and some dike complexes in Transbaikalia (300–280 Ma), and the Late Paleozoic age of some carbonate-terrigenous strata dated earlier to the Early Paleozoic, we have substantiated the significant role of Hercynian tectogenesis in the consolidation of the regional continental crust. We have also shown that the Late Paleozoic endogenous events and accompanying sedimentation processes were related to the geodynamic conditions governed by the changing parameters of the subsidence of the Mongol-Okhotsk oceanic subduction slab beneath the Siberian continent. Changes in the slope and rate of the slab subsidence resulted in A-subduction conditions in the distal part of the suprasubduction plate, which led to the formation of accretion-collisional orogen and the Angara–Vitim areal pluton.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,26(4):1429-1444
The architecture of accretionary orogens is a key to understand continental growth. Here we present an overview of the orogenic components and their amalgamation in the western Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The CAOB records the convergence and interactions among various types of orogenic components including the Japan-type, Mariana-type, and Alaska–Aleutian-type arc systems, as well as the active marginal sequences of the Siberia Craton, which incorporated wide accretionary complexes and accreted arcs and terranes. During construction of the CAOB, the Kazakhstan arc chain was characterized by multiple subduction, whereas the northern fringe of the Tarim Craton remained mostly as a passive margin. The multiple convergence and accretions among these various orogenic components generated huge orogenic collages in the late Paleozoic and even in the early Triassic, involving parallel amalgamation, circum-microcontinent amalgamation and oroclinal bending. The preservation of trapped basins played a significant role in orogenesis with some parts of the oceanic plate being subducted and others behaving as rigid units. The orogenesis in the CAOB was long-lived, lasting for more than 800 m.y., involving multiple-subduction and long, continuous accretion, and featuring the complexity of accretionary orogenesis and continent growth.  相似文献   

Conclusion This review must be seen alongside others which have attempted to explore the relationship between geography (and geographers) and the study of leisure and recreation (Coppock 1980, 1982a). It serves to confirm the wide-ranging and diverse contribution that geographers have made in this field and the ways in which the study of tourism has reflected developments in the wider discipline. It also confirms the very close and intimate connection between studies of tourism and social and economic policy in Britain and indicates the way in which geographers have attempted to shape policy and have in turn been influenced by the needs and demands of policymakers. The rewards of such interaction are clear and yet costs have also been incurred by the academic geographic community. Not the least of these costs is that tourism studies have been predominantly of an empirical nature and conceptual and theoretical advance has inevitably tended to lag behind these empirical investigations. It is to be hoped that the study of the geography of tourism, having now demonstrated its credentials to policymakers and decision-makers alike, can secure for itself a more central place within geographic teaching and research so that these lacunae can be remedied.  相似文献   

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