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本文是关于恐惧诉求的传播效果的ERP测定的分析报告。通过ERP实验我们确定和描述了恐怖启动信息与主信息的关系、被试的幸福感差异与恐怖启动信息加工的关系、三类恐怖启动信息的加工差异以及对于目标信息的加工特点进行了测定。  相似文献   

本文主要研究电网信息传播效果的评估,首先确立电网信息传播效果评估指标,并计算各指标的权重,然后给出电网信息传播效果的公式以及评判电网宣传效果的标准。为此,本文利用文献分析方法,并通过AISAS模型建立对传播效果进行评估的指标,利用AHP分析方法,判定每个指标对传播效果影响的权重,并根据权重建立传播效果评估的公式。  相似文献   

本文在吸取传统传播效果优点的基础上,对网络信息传播效果的内容、类型进行了分析,并提出了网络信息传播效果的制约因素。  相似文献   

档案是一种重要的信息资源,具有储存和传播信息的功能。作为档案的重要组成部分,声像档案以其载体的特殊性,在信息时代发挥着重要的作用。信息传播具有目的性,声像档案信息的传播效果,直接影响其开发与利用。如何获得良好的传播效果,是声像档案信息传播中应高度关注的问题。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]美国ACRL颁布《高等教育信息素养框架》,采用来自教育学的阈限概念理论与方法,构建新媒体环境下的信息素养教育。由于对阈限概念思维模式和教学方式的陌生感,阻碍了信息素养教育者对《框架》的深度认知。[方法/过程]针对上述问题,应开展以下工作:①阐述阈限概念的本意;②阐明阈限概念方法的操作原理;③勾稽信息素养教育引入阈限概念的背景;④分析《框架》阈限概念的实质含义和具体运用。[结果/结论]掌握《框架》阈限概念可以改变学习者的思维境界,对《框架》阈限概念思维的理解可以改变传统信息素养教育的教学模式。  相似文献   

建立灾害信息传播效果评价标准是政府改善危机管理的客观需要,是媒体进行良性竞争的必然选择,是公众参与灾害救助的理性诉求。灾害信息传播效果评价标准具体是指:是否有利于灾害救助的顺利开展,是否有利于满足受众的知情权,是否有利于正确引导社会舆论,是否有利于防灾减灾科普知识的宣传。该标准不是效果评价的必要条件,而是充分条件;不只是一个现实标准,也是一个历史标准;不仅是一个微观标准,还是一个中观标准、宏观标准;不是一个固化标准,而是一个动态标准。  相似文献   

论网络档案信息的传播效果   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着网络技术的发展,基于档案网站的网络档案信息的传播效果成为重要研究课题。网络环境中各传播要素的变化对档案信息传播效果产生了影响,各层次传播效果也有不同表现。尽管网络档案信息传播效果具有种种优势,但现状并不尽如人意,需要采取有效对策。  相似文献   

新闻情感信息对于新闻传播宏观效果与微观效果的取得均有作用,本文着重探讨的是微观效果。  相似文献   

当前,旅游摄影已成为旅游促销最基本、最主要的手段之一.本文基于传播视角来探讨旅游摄影的作用机理、传播过程和测定体系,力求为旅游摄影在实际工作中传播致效有所借鉴.  相似文献   

杨若文 《今传媒》2007,(8):20-22
新闻情感信息的传播,以新闻事实与其承载的新闻情感信息所形成的刺激为起点.其刺激的对象,既有媒体人,也有受众.对于新闻媒体人的刺激所引起他们的情感反应,又通过新闻产品与播发者的表情而作用于受众.  相似文献   

神经科学,特别是脑成像技术的引入,为广告传播效果研究带来了技术上的突破。通过研究消费者的脑部活动,可以对消费者如何回应广告刺激做出更为直接的观察和更为客观的解释。本文对广告传播效果研究技术手段的发展做了分析,介绍了最新的神经科学技术手段,并将近5年来神经科学在广告传播效果研究领域的应用成果选择性地加以回顾,并对存在的研究局限性及伦理问题进行了阐述和建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the memorable messages (N = 198) fathers transmit to sons about “being a man.” Five dominant themes emerged from fathers’ messages: work ethic, morality, strength, family provider, and other. Overall, our results suggest that fathers’ messages promote both traditional and contemporary gender ideologies. The prevalence of the work ethic and morality themes demonstrate fathers’ role in teaching sons about integrity, commitment, and fair treatment of others. Based on our findings, we suggest future researchers explore mothers’ gendered messages, fathers’ generativity, and father-son relational quality.  相似文献   

考察印象形成效果是探索网络媒介如何改变人的感知的关键。实验采用单因素组间设计及t检验比较了网络与面对面两种条件下印象形成效果的差异。结果表明,网络传播条件下所形成的印象在鲜明度、好感度和失真度上均要高于面对面传播,这种差异性可称之为网络正向晕轮效应。  相似文献   

The undergraduate Communication Research Methods course is a foundational course offered by a majority of departments across the country. Despite its ubiquity and importance, the course is often seen as a difficult pedagogical experience for students and instructors alike. To more completely understand student learning in this course, this study examined relationships between perceptions of course topic understanding, course topic difficulty, and their relationship with students’ level of math anxiety. Results revealed that statistical topics emerged as the most difficult for students to learn. Significant and strong negative correlations were observed between perceived difficulty and understanding for each of the 19 course topics. Self-reported math anxiety was positively related to both perceived difficulty and understanding of the topics. Suggestions are offered to enhance course instruction.  相似文献   

This study analyzed how clinically diagnosed women with eating disorders described the hurtful messages from parents, siblings, and peers that triggered eating disorder symptomology as well as the healing messages that assisted with coping and recovery. Three themes overlapping across all groups were revealed for hurtful messages: 1) critical, 2) social modeling, and 3) direct comparison. Our findings show that fathers, siblings, and peers similarly used teasing. Other points of distinction were uncovered for fathers: aggressive messages and denial of eating disorder. Competition with female siblings and friends was also a triggering factor for young females with eating disorders. Four distinct categories of healing messages were identified: 1) emotional, 2) instrumental, 3) informational, and 4) appraisal. Point of distinction for friends’ and siblings’ healing messages was absence of negative comments about weight and appearance. Results were able to encapsulate both helpful/supportive and hurtful/unsupportive messages, and these findings will be helpful for treatment centers who may incorporate them in recovery programs.  相似文献   

This essay introduces the special forum on funded research in communication. It briefly discusses the relationship of funded research with theoretical and methodological development in the communication discipline and the impact of receiving grant support on the professional life of an academic and on collegiality, resources, and university recognition for a department of communication. It also addresses the potential impact of funded research for strengthening the role and visibility of the communication discipline in the social sciences, and for increasing the impact of communication scholarship on policy.  相似文献   

This essay introduces the special forum on funded research in communication. It briefly discusses the relationship of funded research with theoretical and methodological development in the communication discipline and the impact of receiving grant support on the professional life of an academic and on collegiality, resources, and university recognition for a department of communication. It also addresses the potential impact of funded research for strengthening the role and visibility of the communication discipline in the social sciences, and for increasing the impact of communication scholarship on policy.  相似文献   


The identifiable victim effect is when people are more willing to help identified individuals than those who are unidentified, or statistical, victims. It has primarily been tested in experiments with humans as the victims. A lack of research exists testing whether animal victims could elicit the same level of help, or reactions, as human victims. This study tests the identifiable victim effect with both human and animal stimulus messages focused on the consequences of littering. A total of 198 undergraduate students were randomly assigned to view one of three messages (i.e., an identifiable human victim message, identifiable animal victim message, or a nonvictim control message). While the animal message elicited greater distress and empathy than the human message, the three messages did not differ on behavioral intention outcomes. This study fills a gap in the identifiable victim literature, and it provides insight about responses to risk messages aimed at increasing a prosocial behavior.  相似文献   

Cognitive-experiential self-theory suggests that individuals with different thinking styles may respond differently to various forms of support during times of stress or difficulty. This possibility was examined in an experiment in which 365 participants read a hypothetical scenario in which they were experiencing a problematic situation, and a friend offered one of three forms of support (advice, emotional support, or emotional support plus advice). The results of the study indicated that highly rational participants tended to respond to advice more positively than less rational participants. In addition, highly experiential participants tended to rate emotional support as higher in quality than less experiential participants.  相似文献   

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