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The properties and classification of IRAS 19111 2555 have so far not been well determined. We collect all the available information and data of this star, and take the data obtained by IRAS LRS and ISO SWS to discuss its properties and classification. The star is found to have a 3.1μm feature in absorption and a 10μm feature in emission, so it is possibly a new silicate carbon star.  相似文献   

The discovery of silicate carbon star poses a challenge to the theory of stellar evolution in the late stage, hence it is important to look for more silicate carbon stars. To this end we have carried out cross-identifications between the new IRAS Low-Resolution Spectrum (LRS) database and the new carbon star catalog, CGCS3. We have found nine new silicate carbon stars with silicate features around 10μm and/or 18μm. These newly identified stars are located in the Regions IIIa and VII in the IRAS two-color diagram, which means they indeed have typical far infrared colors of silicate carbon stars. The infrared properties of each of these sources are discussed.  相似文献   

The observational results of the Nobeyama 45-m SiO maser survey and the Arecibo 305-m OH maser survey are assembled for an analysis of the distribution and kinematics of late-type stars in the Galactic plane.It is found that neither SiO maser stars nor OH maser stars show any concentration to the spiral arms,which imply that they do not belong to the arm population and quite possibly they are low-mass stars in late stage of evolution.A rotational curve is also derived for these objects and a few features which may be real are discussed and compared with those derived from planetary nebulae and AGB stars.  相似文献   

Distributions of Neutron Exposures in AGB Stars and the Galaxy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the s-process nucleosynthesis model with the 13C(α,n)16O reaction oc- curring under radiative conditions in the interpulse phases, we investigate the characteristics of the distribution of neutron exposure in low-mass Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars. We introduce a new concept, the distribution of neutron exposures of the Galaxy (NEG), to study the chemical evolution characteristics of the Galaxy for s-process elements. Using a chemical evolution model of the Galaxy, we develop a model for the NEG and obtain the evolution results of the NEG in different epochs. The present results appear to reasonably re- produce the distribution of neutron exposures of the solar system (hereafter NES). The main component and the strong component in the NES are built up in different epochs. The strong component of the s-process is mainly synthesised in the low-mass and metal-poor AGB stars, and the main component is produced by the s-process in the low-mass AGB stars with higher metallicities.  相似文献   

A wide-field time-series CCD photometric survey of variable stars in the field of the open cluster NGC 2168 was carried out using the BATC Schmidt telescope. In total 13 new variable stars are discovered with three W UMa systems, one EA type and two EB type eclipsing binaries (one of them could be a W UMa system), and seven pulsating stars including three candidates of δScuti stars.  相似文献   

We present details of a work aiming at the overestimation of Lyapunov exponents defined by the geodesic deviation equations in the previous work. The geodesic deviation vector with post-stabilization is used to compute the fast Lyapunov indicator, considered to be a very sensitive tool for discrimination between ordered or weakly chaotic motions. We make a detailed study of the dynamics in the superposed Weyl field between a black hole and shell of octopoles by using the fast Lyapunov indicator with the Poincare surface of section. In particular, we examine the effects on the dynamics around the fixed points, of varying one of the three parameters (specific energy E, specific angular momentum L and octopolar moment O), while keeping the other two fixed, and identify the intervals of the varying parameter where the motion is regular or chaotic.  相似文献   

The Beijing Astronomical Observatory (BAO) 0.6 m telescope has been used for nearby supernova survey in more than 3000 fields, covering a total area of 235 deg2. More than 260000 CCD images have been collected since April 1996, with 45 supernovae discovered. We searched for variables in about 90000 images taken during 1996-1998. For the fields in which long period variables (LPVs) were discovered, we reduced further images taken from 1999 to 2000, for the period estimation. Among the 280000 stars selected from the survey fields, i.e., brighter than 18 mag, we discovered seven new LPVs and reconfirmed three known LPVs. Additionally, we found 146 variable star candidates, and reconfirmed about 20 previously known or suspected objects.  相似文献   

We have calculated the orbital parameters for 90 stars in Chen et al. and updated the kinematic data for stars in Edvardsson et al. by using the accurate Hipparcos parallaxes and proper motions, and recalculated the \\\\\\\\\\\\-element abundances in Edvardsson et al. in a way consistent with Chen et al. The two sets of data are combined in a study of stellar populations and characteristics of F & G stars in the solar neighborhood. We confirm the result of Chen et al. that a distinguishable group of stars may belong to the thick disk rather than the thin disk. The ages for the stars are determined using the theoretical isochrones of VandenBerg et al. The age-metallicity relation is investigated for different subgroups according to distance from the sun and galactic orbital parameters. It is found that a mixing of stars with different orbital parameters significantly affect the age-metallicity relation for the disk. Stars with orbits confined to the solar circle all have metallicities [Fe/H] > -0.3 irresp  相似文献   

We present the results of a time-series CCD photometric survey of variable stars in the field of the open cluster NGC 7789. In a field of about one degree centering on the cluster, a total of 28 new variable stars are discovered (14 W UMa systems, nine EA-type eclipsing binaries, one RR Lyr star, and four unclassified). In addition, we recovered 11 old variables previously discovered by other authors. Preliminary parameters are given for some of these variables.  相似文献   

The star I-I-42 (=vZ1390),a cluster member in M3,located near the red edge of the instability strip of the horizontal branch,was discovered by Roberts and Sandage as a low amplitude variable,it was designated as V204 in the "second catalogue of variable stars in globular clusters",but its coordinates given in all versions of this catalogue are wrong since 1955. We argue that V204 is indeed a low amplitude HB variable star,located near to the red edge of the instability strip,with a period of 0.74785d and an amplitude of about 0.04mag in V . We also find that the red cluster member star I-I-39 is a low amplitude variable with a period of 1.16d and amplitude of about 0.03mag in V which might be pulsating at the second overtone.  相似文献   

The chemical classification of IRAS 17515-2407 has been debated for a long time. Up to now there are two contenders, oxygen-rich or carbon-rich. We believe that IRAS 17515-2407 is an oxygen-rich source: because (ⅰ) it shows the silicate self-absorbed emission; (ⅱ) in the near infrared-IRAS diagram it is located in the oxygen-rich object region and (ⅲ) particularly, it has detected SiO maser emission.  相似文献   

We present the first results of analysis of infrared properties of the faint M and C type stars found on the FBS plates. By cross - correlating the subsample of FBS late - type stars with infrared catalogues, we have shown that several families of objects can be separated. It provides ways to better characterize the properties of these families, their nature and their typical distances.  相似文献   

蒋苏云 《天文学报》2005,46(4):380-397
建立了热脉动AGB星氦燃烧壳层源出现非稳定热核反应的判据,新判据包含 了丰富的物理信息,它不仅与热脉动AGB星氦燃烧壳层源的几何性质有关,而且与氦燃 烧壳层源的力学、热学和化学的性质都有关. 提出了热脉动AGB星氦燃烧壳层源非稳定热核反应的发生和消失的机理,它可表述 为:热脉动AGB星氦燃烧壳层源的局部区域出现对流不稳定区会触发非稳定热核反应的 发生,非稳定热核反应会促使氦燃烧壳层源急速膨胀,氦燃烧壳层源的急速几何形变会消 除非稳定热核反应. 用改进后的Kippenhahn恒星演化程序对5M(?)恒星进行了从主序星到热脉动AGB 星的演化模型计算,结果表明新判据能很好地反映5M(?)AGB星氦燃烧壳层源的热核反应 情况.并得出5M(?)热脉动AGB星在第6次热脉动周期阶段,被挖掘到热脉动AGB星 表面的元素主要是在温度lgT2/K<8.155和密度4.0相似文献   

中等质量恒星在赫罗图中由E-AGB星进入TP-AGB星的分界点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪雅芳  蒋苏云 《天文学报》2011,52(4):275-287
通过对3~10 M_☉恒星在赫罗图上演化轨迹的研究,分析恒星内部氦壳层燃烧峰值处能量、密度、温度、氦壳层表面光度与恒星表面光度比及恒星半径的变化,给出了中等质量恒星由早期AGB星演化至热脉冲AGB星阶段在赫罗图上的分界点,与119颗碳星的观测结果吻合得相当好.同时提出:在恒星演化至该分界点之后,其星风物质损失公式可能需要引入一个与表面光度无关的量以主导超星风的形成.在此基础上,通过对考虑湍流压效应下5 M_☉恒星的结构和演化及星风物质损失率的分析,发现湍流压在热脉冲AGB星阶段对星风物质损失影响较大,从而使得热脉冲AGB星的湍流压不可忽略,进而提出了影响热脉冲AGB星星风物质损失的可能的物理因素.  相似文献   

IRAS 01005+7910 is a cold IRAS source. We present its optical identification, photometric and spectroscopic observation results. Its optical counterpart is classified as a B2Ie star with V magnitude 10.85. Its Hα line shows the P Cygni profile.According to its location in the Galaxy (b=16.6), we consider it to be a post-AGB star or a proto-planetary nebula.  相似文献   

The mysterious 21 μm emission feature seen in sixteen C-rich proto-planetary nebulae (PPNe) remains unidentified since its discovery in 1989. Over a dozen of materials are suggested as the carrier candidates. In this work, we quantitatively investigate eight inorganic and one organic carrier candidates in terms of elemental abundance constraints, while previous studies mostly focus on their spectral profiles (which could be largely affected by grain size, shape and clustering effects). It is found that: (1) five candidates (TiC nanoclusters, fullerenes coordinated with Ti atoms, SiS2, doped-SiC and SiO2-coated SiC dust) violate the abundance constraints (i.e. they require too much Ti, S or Si to account for the emission power of the 21 μm band, (2) three candidates (carbon and silicon mixtures, Fe2O3 and Fe3O4), while satisfying the abundance constraints, exhibit secondary features which are not detected in the 21 μm sources and (3) nano FeO, neither exceeding the abundance budget nor producing undetected secondary features, seems to be a viable candidate, supporting the suggestions of Posch, Mutschke & Andersen.  相似文献   

The proper motions of stars in the main sequence and of luminosity class III giants are analyzed kinematically. A new method has been used for reliably separating all the parameters of the Ogorodnikov-Milne model based on representing the proper motions of the stars in coordinate systems whose poles lie on each of the three principal axes of the galactic trihedron. Solutions for stars in different spectral classes are obtained. The main sequence is found to subdivide into two zones (near and far stars) with a fairly sharp boundary at B-V=0.5. It is shown that the Parenago effect may be related to the different distances from the sun of the main sequence stars.  相似文献   

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