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Dairy cow mortality causes financial loss and is increasing over time; it indicates suboptimal herd health or welfare. To describe the herd-level and contextual factors affecting cow mortality, the French National Bovine Dataset Identification was used to create dairy, beef, or fattening units within farms, for 2005 and 2006. Mortality rate (MO-RA, outcome variable) and most variables were calculated at the unit level, whereas contextual variables were defined at the municipality level [cattle density, inhabitant density, agricultural land always with grass on overall agricultural land (ALWG/OAL)]. The localization (11 dairy production areas, representative of the farming systems) was also included. The statistical analysis was performed with a probit regression model (MO-RA = 0 or >0) and with a linear model corrected by the Heckman method for bias sample selection. For 2005 and 2006, 3.8 and 3.7 million dairy cow-years, 101,445 and 96,954 dairy units, and 141,677 and 143,424 deaths were recorded, respectively. Over one-third of the units had no dairy cow mortality in 2005 or 2006. Overall MO-RA was 3.7 and 3.8% for 2005 and 2006, respectively. Restricted MO-RA (farms without death excluded) was 5.8% for 2005 and 2006. The correlation of MO-RA among units between the 2 yr was 0.25. The same effects and close estimate values were reported for 2005 and 2006 with both models. Mortality rate was positively associated with the number of cow-years, having a beef unit in addition to a dairy unit, the proportion of purchased cows, the proportion of first-calving cows, the average calving interval, being a Milk Control Program member, inhabitant density, not being in dairy production area Grand-Ouest, and ALWG/OAL. Negative associations were reported for breed other than Holstein, being a Good Breeding Practices member, having a calving peak in autumn, culling rate, and municipal cattle density. This study reports an average mortality rate for the French dairy cows. It suggests that the farmer’s management style highly influences mortality. In addition, farming system has an effect on the mortality. A possible association between municipal intensification of production and decreased mortality was also reported.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine risk factors associated with milk fever (MF) occurrence in Costa Rican grazing dairy cattle. A total of 69,870 cows from 126 dairy herds were included in the study. Data were collected in the Veterinary Automated Management and Production Control Program software by the Population Medicine Research Program of the Veterinary Medicine School, National University of Costa Rica, from 1985 to 2014. To determine the risk factors for MF, 2 logistic regression mixed models were evaluated. The first model used breed, month of calving, ecological life zone, herd nested within ecological life zone, and parity as fixed effects. The second model excluded first-lactation animals and cows without production information, had the same fixed effects of the first model, and added previous MF case, previous lactation length, previous dry period length, previous corrected 305-d milk yield, and calving interval length as fixed effects. Both models used animal and year as random effects. Of the 235,971 recorded lactations, 4,312 (1.83%) reported MF event. The significantly associated risk factors for MF occurrence, ranked by their highest odds ratio (OR), were parity (OR = 52.59), previous dry period length (OR = 4.21), ecological life zone (OR = 3.20), breed (OR = 3.04), previous corrected 305-d milk yield (OR = 2.39), previous MF case (OR = 2.35), and month of calving (OR = 1.36). The findings of this study are the first data reported using an epidemiological approach to study risk factors for MF in Costa Rican dairy cattle. Some of these results might be used to improve preventive management practices at the farms to reduce the incidence of this metabolic disease in grazing dairy herds.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to estimate mortality rates in Norwegian dairy calves and young stock up to 1 yr of age, identify risk factors for calf mortality, and evaluate the etiology of calf mortality based on postmortem analyses. The material comprised 3 data sets. The first data set included information on 289,038 offspring in 14,474 dairy herds registered in the Norwegian Dairy Herd Recording System (NDHRS) in 2005. The second included recordings on 5,382 offspring in 125 Norwegian dairy herds participating in a survey on calf health, and the third included results from postmortem analyses of 65 calves from 37 of the survey herds. The calf mortality rate during the first year of life in all herds registered in the NDHRS was 7.8%, including abortion (0.7%) and stillbirth (3.4%). The overall calf mortality rate in liveborn calves in the survey herds was 4.6%. Cows with severe calving difficulties had an odds ratio (OR) of 38.7 of stillbirth compared with cows with no calving difficulties. Twins and triplets showed an increased risk of stillbirth compared with singletons (OR = 4.2 and 46.3, respectively), as did calves born in free stalls compared with tie stalls (OR = 1.9). Respiratory disease increased the risk of death in all age groups with hazard ratios (HR) of 6.4, 6.5, 7.4, and 5.6 during the first week of life, 8 to 30 d of age, 31 to 180 d of age, and 181 to 365 d of age, respectively. Diarrhea increased the risk of death among calves younger than 180 d of age, but the influence was only significant during the first week of life and between 8 to 31 d of age (HR = 2.4 and 2.9, respectively). Calves born during the winter were more likely to die during the first week of life than calves born during the summer (OR = 1.2), and were more likely to die during the first month of life than calves born during the autumn (OR = 1.2). Calf mortality rates in all age groups increased with increasing herd size. Calves housed in a group pen from 2 wk of age were more likely to die during the first month of life than calves housed individually (HR = 1.5). Bronchopneumonia and enteritis were the most frequent postmortem diagnoses, with proportional rates of 27.7 and 15.4%, respectively.  相似文献   

Cool-season annual forages provide high-quality herbage for up to 5 mo in the US Gulf Coast states, but their management in pasture-based dairy systems has received little attention. Objectives of this study were to evaluate pasture and animal responses when lactating Holstein cows (n = 32, mean DIM = 184 ± 21) grazed either N-fertilized rye (Secale cereale L.)-annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) mixed pastures or rye-annual ryegrass-crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.)-red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) pastures at 2 stocking rates (5 vs. 2.5 cows/ha) and 2 rates of concentrate supplementation [0.29 or 0.40 kg of supplement (as is)/kg of daily milk production]. Two cows paired by parity (one multiparous and one primiparous) were assigned randomly to each pasture. The 2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was replicated twice in a completely randomized design. Forage mixture and supplementation rate did not affect milk production during three 28-d periods. Greater milk production occurred at the low (19.7 kg/d) than the high (14.7 kg/d) stocking rate during periods 2 and 3, but production was similar during period 1. Despite lower production per cow, milk production per hectare was generally greater at the high stocking rate (81.6 vs. 49.5 kg/ha). Generally, greater pregraze herbage mass on pastures at the lower stocking rate (1,400 vs. 1,150 kg/ha) accounted for greater herbage allowance. Both forage (8.0 vs. 5.9 kg/d) and total (14.1 vs. 11.6) organic matter intake were greater at the low stocking rate. Cows fed less supplement had greater forage organic matter intake (8.0 vs. 6.1 kg/d). Greater herbage mass was associated with the greater intake and subsequent greater milk production. Differences in forage nutritive value, blood metabolites and milk composition, although showing some response to treatments, may not be of sufficient magnitude to affect choice of pasture species or other management practices. Animal performance was not improved by adding clovers to mixed cool-season grass pastures like those in this study. Stocking rate had a major effect on pasture and animal performance. During the cool season, supplementation with concentrates should be planned based on estimated energy intake from forages to achieve optimum milk production and ensure maintenance of body condition.  相似文献   

Dairy cow mortality levels in the United States are excessive and increasing over time. To better define cause and effect and combat rising mortality, clearer definitions of the reasons that cows die need to be acquired through thorough necropsy-based postmortem evaluations. The current study focused on organizing information generated from postmortem evaluations into a monitoring system that is based on the fundamentals of conceptual modeling and that will potentially be translatable into on-farm relational databases. This observational study was conducted on 3 high-producing, commercial dairies in northern Colorado. Throughout the study period a thorough postmortem evaluation was performed by veterinarians on cows that died on each dairy. Postmortem data included necropsy findings, life-history features (e.g., birth date, lactation number, lactational and reproductive status), clinical history and treatments, and pertinent aspects of operational management that were subject to change and considered integral to the poor outcome. During this study, 174 postmortem evaluations were performed. Postmortem evaluation results were conceptually modeled to view each death within the context of the web of factors influencing the dairy and the cow. Categories were formulated describing mortality in terms of functional characteristics potentially amenable to easy performance evaluation, management oversight, and research. In total, 21 death categories with 7 category themes were created. Themes included specific disease processes with variable etiologies, failure of disease recognition or treatment, traumatic events, multifactorial failures linked to transition or negative energy balance issues, problems with feed management, miscellaneous events not amenable to prevention or treatment, and undetermined causes. Although postmortem evaluations provide the relevant information necessary for framing a cow's death, a restructuring of on-farm databases is needed to integrate this level of detail into useful monitoring systems. Individual operations can focus on combating mortality through the use of employee training related to postmortem evaluations, detailed forms for capturing necropsy particulars and other relevant information related to deaths, and standardized nomenclature and categorization schemes. As much as anything, the simple act of recognizing mortality as a problem might be the most fundamental step toward controlling its progression.  相似文献   

The objective of this cross-sectional herd-level study was to assess the association of calf management practices on source dairy farms with mortality risk on veal farms. From April to October 2016, 52 source dairy farms supplying male calves to 2 veal operations were visited once. A questionnaire was administered that covered all areas of calf management, calves between 1 and 10 d of age were examined using a standardized health scoring system, and blood was taken to evaluate passive transfer of immunoglobulins. The mortality risk for calves from each dairy farm was calculated based on the number of male calves sold from the dairy farm and that died during 2016 at the veal operations. The mean mortality risk was calculated for both veal farms and, based on the veal facility-adjusted mortality risk, dairy farms were classified as high- or low-mortality source farms. Using the information gathered at the 52 source dairy farms, a logistic regression model was used to assess factors associated with being a high-mortality source farm. Suppliers to veal farm 1 had a mean mortality risk of 9.6% and suppliers to veal farm 2 had a mean mortality risk of 4.2%. The lower mortality risk at veal farm 2 was partially influenced by a shorter period of observation. Of the 182 calves examined during the single visit to the source dairy farms, 41% of male calves and 29% of female calves had at least one identifiable health abnormality. The risk of failure of passive transfer on source dairy farms was low, with only 13% of calves tested having <10 mg of IgG/mL of serum. The subset of calves examined at the source dairy farm was not followed prospectively to the veal farms. Using a tube feeder or pail to feed colostrum, bedding male calves on wood shavings or chopped straw at the source dairy farm, and the herd veterinarian not routinely and actively inquiring about the health and performance of calves during regular herd visits were significantly associated with the farm being classified as a high-mortality source dairy farm. Checking the calving pen at an interval of every 3 h or more during the day was associated with a lower probability of being classified as a high-mortality source dairy farm. The results of this study suggest that there are management practices on the source farm that contribute to the risk of mortality on veal farms.  相似文献   

Our study objectives were to evaluate the association of prepartum plasma Mg concentrations with subclinical hypocalcemia (SCH) classification at parturition and to evaluate the association of other cow-level risk factors with SCH classification at calving or at 2 d in milk (DIM). A total of 301 animals from 2 dairy herds located in New York were enrolled in a cohort study. Blood samples were collected at approximately 1 wk before the expected calving date, within 4 h of calving, and at 2 DIM. Prepartum samples had plasma macromineral concentrations (Ca, K, Mg, P), albumin, and β-hydroxybutyrate analyzed. Samples collected at calving were analyzed for Ca only, and samples from 2 DIM had macromineral and albumin concentrations determined. Postpartum SCH was defined as Ca concentrations ≤2.1 mmol/L. The prevalence of SCH at calving was 2, 40, and 66% for first, second, and third or greater parities, respectively. Only 4% of cows could be classified with prepartum subclinical hypomagnesemia (Mg concentrations <0.8 mmol/L), which did not provide enough power to appropriately determine the association of plasma Mg with postpartum Ca concentrations and its effect on SCH classification. Multiparous cows with Ca concentrations ≤2.4 mmol/L in the prepartum period and third or greater parity cows had a higher risk of being categorized as SCH at calving [relative risk (RR) = 1.4 and 1.7, respectively]. The risk of SCH at 2 DIM was associated with the interaction of Ca status at calving and lameness score. Nonlame cows with Ca concentrations ≤2.1 mmol/L (RR = 3.2) and normocalcemic lame cows at parturition (RR = 3.4) were more likely to be SCH at 2 DIM compared with nonlame normocalcemic cows. In conclusion, we identified a prepartum Ca cut-point for identification of cows that are more likely to be classified as SCH at calving. Different risk factors were associated with SCH depending on the timing of diagnosis relative to parturition.  相似文献   

The 2 studies described investigated seasonal variations of mortality and temperature-humidity index (THI)-mortality relationships in dairy cows. Mortality data were extracted from the Italian Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy databases, which contain records on cows older than 24 mo that died on a farm from all causes (98% of total records), were slaughtered in an emergency state, or were sent for normal slaughter but were sick in the preslaughter inspection (2% of total records). Both studies evaluated mortality data during a 6-yr period (2002 to 2007). The seasonal pattern study was conducted throughout Italy and was based on 320,120 deaths. An association between season and deaths was found for all 6 yr. Summer and spring were the seasons with the highest and lowest frequency of deaths (15,773.3 ± 2,861 and 11,619.3 ± 792.3), respectively, and within summer months, the number of deaths in July and August (5,435 ± 284 and 5,756 ± 676.2, respectively) was higher than in June (4,839 ± 344.8). The THI-mortality relationships study was carried out only for deaths (51,240) reported for the Lombardia and Emilia Romagna regions. For this study, the mortality databases were integrated with THI data, which were calculated by using data from 73 weather stations. Each farm where deaths were recorded was assigned the THI values (maximum and minimum) calculated at the closest weather station for each day the events (deaths) were reported. Analysis of data indicated that approximate THI values of 80 and 70 were the maximum and minimum THI, respectively, above which the number of deaths in dairy farms starts to increase. Maximum and minimum THI values of 87 and 77 were the upper critical THI above which the risk of death for dairy cows becomes maximum. This study defined quantitative relationships between mortality risk and THI in dairy cows and may help to provide emergency interventions and mitigation measures, which may ensure survival of dairy cows and reduce replacement costs associated with heat stress-related mortality.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the economic costs associated with different reasons for cow culling or on-farm mortality in a pasture-based seasonal system. A bioeconomic model was developed to quantify costs associated with the different farmer-recorded reasons and timing of cow wastage. The model accounted for the parity and stage of lactation at which the cows were removed as well as the consequent effect on the replacement rate and average age structure of the herd. The costs and benefits associated with the change were quantified, including animal replacement cost, cull salvage value, milk production loss, and the profitability of altered genetic merit based on industry genetic trends for each parity. The total cost of cow wastage was estimated to be NZ$23,628/100 cows per year (NZ$1 = US$0.69) in a pasture-based system. Of this total cost, NZ$14,300/100 cows worth of removals were for nonpregnancy and unknown reasons, and another NZ$3,631/100 cows was attributed to low milk production, mastitis, and udder problems. The total cost for cow removals due to farmer-recorded biological reasons (excluding unknown, production, and management-related causes) was estimated to be NZ$13,632/100 cows per year. Of this cost, an estimated NZ$10,286/100 cows was attributed to nonpregnancy, mastitis, udder problems, calving trouble, and injury or accident. There is a strong economic case for the pasture-based dairy industries to invest in genetic, herd health, and production management research focused on reducing animal wastage due to reproductive failure, mastitis, udder problems, injuries or accidents, and calving difficulties.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(12):12900-12911
Compared with clinical mastitis, the subclinical form of mastitis (SCM) is more common and thought to cause more economic losses to the dairy industry. The current study aimed to investigate the prevalence, risk factors of SCM, and effects on reproduction of dairy cows in major milk-producing areas of Sri Lanka. A total of 1,357 cows of selected farms in 3 regions were examined in the study. California Mastitis Test was conducted for individual cows, and a score of 2 or more for any quarter without any clinical symptoms and abnormalities in milk was considered as positive for SCM. Samples from infected animals were collected and subjected to bacteriological analysis. A pretested questionnaire was used to collect data on individual cows and herds. Risk factors associated with SCM were analyzed using binary logistic regression in generalized linear mixed models. The effect of SCM on calving to conception interval and days from calving to artificial insemination were analyzed by survival analysis using Cox's proportional hazards regression and Kaplan-Meier survival function estimates, respectively. A Poisson regression model was run to determine the effect of SCM on number of artificial inseminations per conception. The prevalence of SCM was 57.5, 11.8, and 45.5% in the regions A, B, and C, respectively. The most common pathogen was Staphylococcus aureus, with 87.1, 56.5, and 92.3% in the regions A, B, and C, respectively. Logistic regression analysis showed that parity, farming system, milking area, region, and herd significantly affect the prevalence of SCM. Subclinical mastitis during the pre-breeding period was associated with 14% increase in the chance of having a greater number of artificial inseminations per conception. Likewise, median days from calving to artificial insemination was longer in cows with SCM compared with normal cows (79 and 64 d, respectively). Therefore, SCM affected the inseminated proportion of studied cows. However, SCM was not associated with the calving to conception interval. The results revealed that the cow factors and milk hygiene play a significant role in the prevalence of SCM.  相似文献   

Dairy industries and individual farmers are concerned about mortality and culling of dairy animals. This is because the timing and fates of animals that exit dairy farms have important animal welfare and economic consequences that reflect the conditions under which they are farmed and the efficiency of their production systems. Reports from a few countries have indicated increased incidence of mortality, and occasionally culling, of dairy animals in recent decades, and these changes have been associated with intensification of production systems. Dairy industries and farmers need benchmarks for culling and mortality against which they can compare themselves, as well as improved understanding of the extent of any change and of any associated factors. We reasoned that a systematic literature review and meta-analysis of scientific articles published between 1989 and 2014 would allow us to determine whether these reports were universal, to quantify any change over time, and to investigate whether production systems or study factors were associated with culling and mortality. From 3,275 articles retrieved from databases and manual searching of cited articles, 118 articles were appraised independently by 2 assessors, and 51 articles representing 54 studies were determined to be eligible for review and meta-analysis. We estimated that both the annual incidence risk (IR) and incidence density of mortality of cows had increased significantly from 0.02 per cow and 2.32 per 100 cow-years, to 0.04 per cow and 3.75 per 100 cow-years, an increase per decade of 0.02 per cow and 1.42 per 100 cow-years, respectively. We also estimated that the annual IR of culling attributed to low production had declined significantly from 0.07 to 0.05 and that the IR of perinatal, but not neonatal, mortality had increased significantly from 0.04 to 0.06 per decade. We found no evidence of change in overall annual IR of culling of cows over time or any association between study design factors and the IR or incidence density of culling or mortality. These findings provide benchmarks for describing culling and mortality, and should encourage farmers and researchers in countries with modern dairy industries to discover and implement management strategies to reduce the animal welfare and economic costs associated with these changes.  相似文献   

Many cow-specific risk factors for clinical mastitis (CM) are known. Other studies have analyzed these risk factors separately or only analyzed a limited number of risk factors simultaneously. The goal of this study was to determine the influence of cow factors on the incidence rate of CM (IRCM) with all cow factors in one multivariate model. Also, using a similar approach, the probability of whether a CM case is caused by gram-positive or gram-negative pathogens was calculated. Data were used from 274 Dutch dairy herds that recorded CM over an 18-mo period. The final dataset contained information on 28,137 lactations of 22,860 cows of different parities. In total 5,363 CM cases were recorded, but only 2,525 CM cases could be classified as gram-positive or gram-negative. The cow factors parity, lactation stage, season of the year, information on SCC from monthly test-day records, and CM history were included in the logistic regression analysis. Separate analyses were performed for heifers and multiparous cows in both the first month of lactation and from the second month of lactation onward. For investigating whether CM was caused by gram-positive or gram-negative pathogens, quarter position was included in the logistic regression analysis as well. The IRCM differed considerably among cows, ranging between 0.0002 and 0.0074 per cow-day at risk for specific cows depending on cow factors. In particular, previous CM cases, SCC in the previous month, and mean SCC in the previous lactation increased the IRCM in the current month of lactation. Results indicate that it is difficult to distinguish between gram-positive and gram-negative CM cases based on cow factors alone.  相似文献   

On-farm death (OFD) of a dairy cow is always a financial loss for a farmer, and potentially a welfare issue that has to be addressed within the dairy industry. The aim of this study was to explore the associations between OFD of dairy cows, housing, and herd management in freestall barns. To achieve the goal, we followed 10,837 cows calving in 2011 in 82 herds. Data were gathered with observations and a structured interview during farm visits and from a national dairy herd improvement database. The hazard of OFD was modeled with a shared frailty survival model, with SAS 9.3 PHREG procedure (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). The study population was 58% Ayrshire and 42% Holstein cows. The median herd size and mean milk yield in the study herds were 116 cows and 9,151 kg of milk per cow per year. The overall probability of OFD was 6.0%; 1.8% of the cows died unassisted and 4.2% were euthanized. Variation in OFD percentage between individual herds was large, from 0 to 16%, accounting for 0 to 58% of all removals in the herds. Keeping close-up dry cows in their own group was associated with higher hazard of OFD [hazard ratio (HR) = 1.37] compared with keeping them in the same pen with far-off dry cows. Higher hazard on OFD was observed when barns had only one kind of calving pen; single (HR = 2.09) or group pens (HR = 1.72), compared with having both of those types. The hazard of OFD was lower if the whole herd was housed in barns or pens that had only 1 type of feed barrier at the feed bunk, namely post-and-rail (HR = 0.51) or a type with barriers between the cow's heads (HR = 0.49), compared with having 2 types. Lower OFD hazard was observed with wider than 340 cm of walking alley next to the feeding table (HR = 0.75), and with housing a whole herd in pens with only 1 type of walking alley surface, specifically slatted (HR = 0.53) or solid (HR = 0.48), compared with having both types. The hazard of OFD was higher with stalls wider than 120 cm (HR = 1.38) compared with narrower stalls. The hazard of OFD was also associated with breed, parity, and calving season. This study identified many factors that contribute to the incidence of OFD of dairy cows. The solutions for reducing on-farm mortality include housing, management, and breeding choices that are most probably herd specific.  相似文献   

Udder cleft dermatitis (UCD) is a skin lesion in dairy cattle mostly located at the anterior junction between the udder and the abdominal wall or between the front quarters. Relatively little is known about causative factors for UCD, and few studies have investigated prevalence and risk factors of UCD. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of UCD in a random sample of dairy herds with freestalls and milking parlors in a county of Sweden. Thirty dairy herds participated in the study. Each herd was visited once at milking, when every third cow was investigated for presence of UCD. Associations between UCD and milk production, breed, parity, days in milk, claw health, and udder health on the herd and cow levels were also investigated. In addition, a case-control study was performed in 6 herds with a high prevalence of UCD to investigate associations between udder conformation or mange and UCD. Udder cleft dermatitis was found in 18.4% of the 1,084 cows included in the study. The within-herd cow prevalence varied between zero and 39%, with an average of 18.5%. Risk factors for UCD at the herd level were a high proportion of Swedish Red cows and a high production level. At the cow level, breed, parity, and production level were identified as risk factors. The highest risk of having UCD was found in high-producing Swedish Red cows that had calved at least 3 times. Veterinary-treated clinical mastitis was associated with UCD, but cow composite somatic cell count was not. A strong anterior udder attachment was a protective factor, but signs of mange had no association with UCD. The primary cause of UCD is still unclear, and more research is needed to identify the best ways to prevent the development of this animal welfare problem.  相似文献   

Quarter and cow risk factors associated with the development of clinical mastitis (CM) during lactation were investigated during a 12-mo longitudinal study on 8 commercial Holstein-Friesian dairy farms in the southwest of England. The individual risk factors studied on 1,677 cows included assessments of udder and leg hygiene, teat-end callosity, and hyperkeratosis; body condition score; and measurements of monthly milk quality and yield. Several outcome variables for CM were used for statistical analysis, which included use of generalized linear mixed models. Significant covariates associated with an increased risk of CM were increasing parity, decreasing month of lactation, cows with very dirty udders, and quarters with only very severe hyperkeratosis of the teat-end. Thin and moderate smooth teat-end callosity scores were not associated with an increased risk for CM. Cows that recorded a somatic cell count >199,000 cells/mL and a milk protein percentage <3.2 at the first milk recording after calving were significantly more likely to develop CM after the first 30 d of lactation. There was no association between cow body condition score and incidence of CM. Of the cases of CM available for culture, 171 (26.7%) were confirmed as being caused by Escherichia coli and 121 (18.9%) confirmed as being caused by Streptococcus uberis. Quarters with moderate and very severe hyperkeratosis of the teat-end were at significantly increased risk of clinical E. coli mastitis before the next visit. Quarters with very severe hyperkeratosis of the teat-end were significantly more likely to develop clinical Strep. uberis mastitis before the next visit. There were strong trends within the data to suggest an association between very dirty udders (an increased risk of clinical E. coli mastitis) and teat-ends with no callosity ring present (an increased risk of clinical Strep. uberis mastitis). These results highlight the importance of individual quarter- and cow-level risk factors in determining the risk of CM associated with environmental pathogens during lactation.  相似文献   

The presence of hock injury was assessed in the milking herds of 80 dairy farms (40 organic, 40 nonorganic) across the United Kingdom. A wide range of information on farm management and husbandry was gathered via interview to assess the factors contributing to hock damage for all 80 farms, and a comprehensive building appraisal was conducted for 40 farms visited during the winter housing period. The prevalence of hock lesions was lower on organic compared with nonorganic farms (37.2 vs. 49.1%). Prevalence of hock damage was greater in the spring than fall (59.9 vs. 21.6%) and cows housed in free-stalls had a greater prevalence of hock lesions than those housed on straw (46.0 vs. 25.0%). Prevalence of hock damage increased with lactation number. In the analysis of fall/spring data, the age first mated, herd biosecurity, duration of summer grazing, and cow milk yield were significant factors relating to herd hock damage. Larger herds had a greater proportion of cows with hock swellings. Farms with a shorter calving interval had more cows with hock swellings. Factors relating to housing conditions that were positively associated with the prevalence of hock damage were low feed face space per cow, inferior passageway cleanliness, low total standing area per cow, and the type of bedding added to the free-stall. To assess whether free-stall versus straw-pen or organic versus nonorganic farms had different sets of risk factors, the data were reanalyzed for these types separately. For the straw-pen farms a high culling rate was associated with more hock damage. Within nonorganic farms, the length of summer grazing was significant, with longer periods meaning less hock injury. The prevalence of hock injuries on many UK farms, both organic and non-organic, exceeded levels that are deemed acceptable for cow comfort. Efforts are needed to improve housing standards to reduce the prevalence of hock injury and consequently improve cow welfare.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(2):1418-1431
Lameness in dairy cows is a major animal welfare concern and has substantial economic impact through reduced production and fertility. Previous risk factor analyses have focused on housed systems, rather than those where cows were grazed for the majority of the year and housed only for the winter period. Therefore, the aim of this observational study was to identify a robust set of cow-level and herd-level risk factors for lameness in a pasture-based system, based on predictors from the housing and grazing periods. Ninety-nine farms were visited during the grazing period (April 2019–September 2019), and 85 farms were revisited during the housing period (October 2019–February 2020). At each visit, all lactating cows were scored for lameness (0 = good mobility, 1 = imperfect mobility, 2 = impaired mobility, 3 = severely impaired mobility), and potential herd-level risk factors were recorded through questionnaires and infrastructure measurements. Routine cow-level management data were also collected. Important risk factors for lameness were derived though triangulation of results from elastic net regression, and from logistic regression model selection using modified Bayesian information criterion. Both selection methods were implemented using bootstrapping. This novel approach has not previously been used in a cow-level or herd-level risk factor analysis in dairy cows, to the authors' knowledge. The binary outcome variable was lameness status, whereby cows with a lameness score of 0 or 1 were classed as non-lame and cows with a score of 2 or 3 were classed as lame. Cow-level risk factors for increased lameness prevalence were age and genetic predicted transmitting ability for lameness. Herd-level risk factors included farm and herd size, stones in paddock gateways, slats on cow tracks near the collecting yard, a sharper turn at the parlor exit, presence of digital dermatitis on the farm, and the farmers' perception of whether lameness was a problem on the farm. This large-scale study identified the most important associations between risk factors and lameness, based on the entire year (grazing and housing periods), providing a focus for future randomized clinical trials.  相似文献   

Visits were made to 205 dairy farms in England and Wales between October 2006 and May 2007 by 1 or more of 4 researchers. At each visit, all milking cows were locomotion scored (lameness scored) using a 4-point scale (0 = sound locomotion, 1 = imperfect locomotion, 2 = lame, 3 = severely lame). The mean prevalence of lameness (scores 2 and 3) across the study farms was 36.8% (range = 0-79.2%). On each farm, the presence within the housing and grazing environments of commonly reported risks for increased lameness was recorded. Each farmer was interviewed to gauge the ability of the farm staff to detect and treat lameness. A multivariable linear regression model was fitted. Risk factors for increased lameness were the presence of damaged concrete in yards, cows pushing each other or turning sharply near the parlor entrance or exit, cattle grazing pasture also grazed by sheep, the use of automatic scrapers, not treating lame cows within 48 h of detection, and cows being housed for 61 d or longer at the time they were locomotion scored by the visiting researcher. Having a herd consisting entirely of a breed or breeds other than Holstein-Friesian was associated with a reduction in lameness prevalence compared with having a herd consisting entirely of Holstein-Friesians.  相似文献   

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