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A total of 22 quantitative trait loci (QTL) were detected on 19 chromosomes for direct and maternal calving traits in cattle using a genome-wide association study. Calving performance is affected by the genotypes of both the calf (direct effect) and dam (maternal effect). To identify the QTL contributing these effects to calving characteristics, we performed a genome-wide association study using a mixed-model analysis in Danish and Swedish Holstein cattle. The analysis incorporated 2,062 progeny-tested bulls, and 36,387 single nucleotide polymorphism markers on 29 bovine autosomes were analyzed for association with 14 calving traits. Strong evidence for the presence of QTL that affect calving traits was observed on chromosomes 4, 6, 12, 18, 20, and 25. The QTL intervals were generally smaller than those described in earlier linkage studies. The identification of calving trait-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms and mapping of the corresponding QTL in small chromosomal regions will facilitate the search for candidate calving performance genes and polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Linkage, linkage disequilibrium, and combined linkage and linkage disequilibrium analyses were performed to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting calving and conformation traits on Bos taurus autosome 18 (BTA18) in the German Holstein population. Six paternal half-sib families consisting of a total of 1,054 animals were genotyped on 28 genetic markers in the telomeric region on BTA18 spanning approximately 30 Mb. Calving traits, body type traits, and udder type traits were investigated. Using univariately estimated breeding values, maternal and direct effects on calving ease and stillbirth were analyzed separately for first- and further-parity calvings. The QTL initially identified by separate linkage and linkage disequilibrium analyses could be confirmed by a combined linkage and linkage disequilibrium analysis for udder composite index, udder depth, fore udder attachment, front teat placement, body depth, rump angle, and direct effects on calving ease and stillbirth. Concurrence of QTL peaks and a similar shape of restricted log-likelihood ratio profiles were observed between udder type traits and for body depth and calving traits, respectively. Association analyses were performed for markers flanking the most likely QTL positions by applying a mixed model including a fixed allele effect of the maternally inherited allele and a random polygenic effect. Results indicated that microsatellite marker DIK4234 (located at 53.3 Mb) is associated with maternal effects on stillbirth, direct effects on calving ease, and body depth. A comparison of effects for maternally inherited DIK4234 alleles indicated a favorable, positive correlation of maternal and direct effects on calving. Additionally, the association of maternally inherited DIK4234 marker alleles with body depth implied that conformation traits might provide the functional background of the QTL for calving traits. For udder type traits, the strong coincidence of QTL peaks and the position of the QTL in a region previously reported to harbor QTL for somatic cell score indicated that effects of QTL for udder type traits might be correlated with effects of QTL for udder health traits on BTA18. Our results suggest that loci in the middle to telomeric region on BTA18 with effect on conformation traits may also contribute to the genetic variance of calving and udder health traits. Further analyses are required to identify the causal mutations affecting conformation and calving traits and to investigate the correlation of effects for loci associated with conformation, calving, and udder health traits.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to 1) detect QTL across the cattle genome that influence the incidence of clinical mastitis and somatic cell score (SCS) in Danish Holsteins, and 2) characterize these QTL for pleiotropy versus multiple linked quantitative trait loci (QTL) when chromosomal regions affecting clinical mastitis were also affecting other traits in the Danish udder health index or milk production traits. The chromosomes were scanned using a granddaughter design where markers were typed for 19 to 34 grandsire families and 1,373 to 2,042 sons. A total of 356 microsatellites covering all 29 autosomes were used in the scan. Among the across-family regression analyses, 16 showed chromosome-wide significance for the primary traits incidence of clinical mastitis in first (CM1), second (CM2), and third (CM3) lactations, and SCS. Regions of chromosomes 5, 6, 9, 11, 15, and 26 were found to affect CM and regions of chromosomes 5, 6, 8, 13, 22, 23, 24, and 25 affected SCS. Markers on chromosomes 6, 11, 15, and 26 can be used to perform marker-assisted selection on CM without a direct negative selection on milk yield, because no effects were detected on the milk traits. Comparing multi-trait models assuming either a pleiotropic QTL affecting 2 traits or 2 QTL each affecting 1 trait gave some evidence to distinguish between these models. For Bos taurus autosome 5, the most likely models were a pleiotropic QTL affecting CM2, CM3, and SCS, and a linked QTL affecting fat yield index. For Bos taurus autosome 9, the most likely model is a pleiotropic QTL affecting CM1 and CM2 at approximately 8 cM.  相似文献   

Impaired fertility is the main reason for involuntary culling of dairy cows in Sweden. The objective of this study was to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing fertility and calving traits in the Swedish dairy cattle population. The traits analyzed were number of inseminations, 56-d nonreturn rate, interval from calving to first insemination, fertility treatments, heat intensity score, stillbirth, and calving performance. A genome scan covering 20 bovine chromosomes was performed using 145 microsatellite markers. The mapping population consisted of 10 sires and their 417 sons in a granddaughter design. Nine of the sires were of the Swedish Red Breed, and one was a Swedish Holstein. Least squares regression was used to map loci affecting the analyzed traits, and permutation tests were used to set significance thresholds. Cofactors were used in the analyses of individual chromosomes to adjust for QTL found on other chromosomes. The use of cofactors increased both the number of QTL found and the significance level. In the initial analysis, we found 13 suggestive QTL that were mapped to chromosomes 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 20, and 29. When cofactors were included, 30 QTL were detected on chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 18, 19, 22, and 25, in addition to the 8 previously mentioned chromosomes. Some of the results from the cofactor analysis may be false positives and require further validation. In conclusion, we were able to map several QTL affecting fertility and calving traits in Swedish dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Data from the joint Nordic breeding value prediction for Danish and Swedish Holstein grandsire families were used to locate quantitative trait loci (QTL) for female fertility traits in Danish and Swedish Holstein cattle. Up to 36 Holstein grandsires with over 2,000 sons were genotyped for 416 microsatellite markers. Single trait breeding values were used for 12 traits relating to female fertility and female reproductive disorders. Data were analyzed by least squares regression analysis within and across families. Twenty-six QTL were detected on 17 different chromosomes. The best evidence was found for QTL segregating on Bos taurus chromosome (BTA)1, BTA7, BTA10, and BTA26. On each of these chromosomes, several QTL were detected affecting more than one of the fertility traits investigated in this study. Evidence for segregation of additional QTL on BTA2, BTA9, and BTA24 was found.  相似文献   

Fourteen microsatellite markers with a coverage of 63.5 cM on bovine chromosome 6 were selected, and 26 sire families with 2,260 daughters were analyzed for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting 5 milk production traits in a Chinese Holstein population. In the analyses across 26 families and within the largest significant families with a one-QTL model fitted, a QTL near BMS470 was detected that affected fat yield at the 5% experiment-wide significance level. When a 2-QTL model was fitted in the across-family analysis, it was found that there might exist 2 QTL affecting the 3 yield traits, although the exact or empirical thresholds for the significance testing were unknown. In all analyses, the results for milk yield and protein yield were generally consistent, which might have resulted from the same genetic background for milk and protein yield.  相似文献   

Lameness is an important factor for culling animals. Strong legs and feet improve herd life of dairy cows. Therefore, many countries include leg and feet conformation traits in their breeding programs, often as early predictors of longevity. However, few countries directly measure lameness related traits to include these in a breeding program. Lameness indices in 3 different lactations and 5 leg conformation traits (rear legs side view, rear legs rear view, hock quality, bone quality, and foot angle) were measured on granddaughters of 19 Danish Holstein grandsires with 33 to 105 sons. A genome scan was performed to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) based on the 29 autosomes using microsatellite markers. Data were analyzed across and within families for QTL affecting lameness and leg conformation traits. A regression method and a variance component method were used for QTL detection. Two QTL each for lameness in the first [Bos taurus autosome (BTA); BTA5, BTA26] and second (BTA19, BTA22) lactations were detected. For the 5 different leg conformation traits, 7 chromosome-wise significant QTL were detected across families for rear legs side view, 5 for rear legs rear view, 4 for hock quality, 4 for bone quality, and 1 for foot angle. For those chromosomes where a QTL associated with 2 different traits was detected (BTA1, BTA11, BTA15, BTA26, and BTA27), a multitrait-1-QTL model and a multitrait-2-QTL model were performed to characterize these QTL as single QTL with pleiotropic effects or distinct QTL.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting health traits in Swedish dairy cattle. A genome scan covering 17 chromosomes was performed. Ten grandsire families were used in a granddaughter design. Nine of the families belonged to the Swedish Red and White breed, which is related to other Nordic Ayrshire breeds, and one family was of the Swedish Holstein breed. A total of 417 bulls were genotyped for 116 microsatellite markers distributed over 17 chromosomes. Daughter yield deviations for clinical mastitis, somatic cell count (SCC), and other diseases (OD) were included in the analysis. Least squares interval mapping using putative QTL as cofactors was applied both within and across grandsire families. Significance thresholds were set by permutation tests. In the across-family analysis, we detected 8 suggestive QTL and 3 QTL significant at the genome level. The QTL affecting clinical mastitis were found on 3 chromosomes (9, 11, and 25), 4 QTL for SCC were found (on chromosomes 5, 9, 11, and 23), and we detected 4 QTL for OD (on chromosomes 9, 11, 15, and 25). In addition, we found several QTL that segregated within single families but where the QTL effect was not significant in the across-family analysis. In conclusion, we were able to locate QTL for all 3 analyzed traits, and overlapping QTL for several traits were observed.  相似文献   

We report putative quantitative trait loci affecting female fertility and milk production traits using the merged data from two research groups that conducted independent genome scans in Dairy Bull DNA Repository grandsire families to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting economically important traits. Six families used by both groups had been genotyped for 367 microsatellite markers covering 2713.5 cM of the cattle genome (90%), with an average spacing of 7.4 cM. Phenotypic traits included PTA for pregnancy rate and daughter deviations for milk, protein and fat yields, protein and fat percentages, somatic cell score, and productive life. Analysis of the merged dataset identified putative quantitative trait loci that were not detected in the separate studies, and the pregnancy rate PTA estimates that recently became available allowed detection of pregnancy rate QTL for the first time. Sixty-one putative significant marker effects were identified within families, and 13 were identified across families. Highly significant effects were found on chromosome 3 affecting fat percentage and protein yield, on chromosome 6 affecting protein and fat percentages, on chromosome 14 affecting fat percentage, on chromosome 18 affecting pregnancy rate, and on chromosome 20 affecting protein percentage. Within-family analysis detected putative QTL associated with pregnancy rate on six chromosomes, with the effect on chromosome 18 being the most significant statistically. These findings may help identify the most useful markers available for QTL detection and, eventually, for marker-assisted selection for improvement of these economically important traits.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, a dramatic decrease in reproductive performance has been observed in Holstein cattle and fertility problems have become the most common reason for a cow to leave the herd. The premature removal of animals with high breeding values results in both economic and breeding losses. For efficient future Holstein breeding, the identification of loci associated with low fertility is of major interest and thus constitutes the aim of this study. To reach this aim, a genome-wide combined linkage disequilibrium and linkage analysis (cLDLA) was conducted using data on the following 10 calving and fertility traits in the form of estimated breeding values: days from first service to conception of heifers and cows, nonreturn rate on d 56 of heifers and cows, days from calving to first insemination, days open, paternal and maternal calving ease, paternal and maternal stillbirth. The animal data set contained 2,527 daughter-proven Holstein bulls from Germany that were genotyped with Illumina's BovineSNP50 BeadChip (Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA). For the cLDLA, 41,635 sliding windows of 40 adjacent single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were used. At each window midpoint, a variance component analysis was executed using ASReml. The underlying mixed linear model included random quantitative trait locus (QTL) and polygenic effects. We identified 50 genome-wide significant QTL. The most significant peak was detected for direct calving ease at 59,179,424 bp on chromosome 18 (BTA18). Next, a mixed-linear model association (MLMA) analysis was conducted. A comparison of the cLDLA and MLMA results with special regard to BTA18 showed that the genome-wide most significant SNP from the MLMA was associated with the same trait and located on the same chromosome at 57,589,121 bp (i.e., about 1.5 Mb apart from the cLDLA peak). The results of 5 different cLDLA and 2 MLMA models, which included the fixed effects of either SNP or haplotypes, suggested that the cLDLA method outperformed the MLMA in accuracy and precision. The haplotype-based cLDLA method allowed for a more precise mapping and the definition of ancestral and derived QTL alleles, both of which are essential for the detection of underlying quantitative trait nucleotides.  相似文献   

A whole-genome scan to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for functional traits was performed in the German Holstein cattle population. For this purpose, 263 genetic markers across all autosomes and the pseudoautosomal region of the sex chromosomes were genotyped in 16 granddaughter-design families with 872 sons. The traits investigated were deregressed breedingvalues for maternal and direct effects on dystocia (DYSm, DYSd) and stillbirth (STIm, STId) as well as maternal and paternal effects on nonreturn rates of 90 d (NR90m, NR90p). Furthermore, deregressed breeding values for functional herd life (FHL) and daughter yield deviation for somatic cell count (SCC) were investigated. Weighted multimarker regression analyses across families and permutation tests were applied for the detection of QTL and the calculation of statistical significance. A ten percent genomewise significant QTL was localized for DYSm on chromosome 8 and for SCC on chromosome 18. A further 24 putative QTL exceeding the 5% chromosomewise threshold were detected. On chromosomes 7, 8, 10, 18, and X/Yps, coincidence of QTL for several traits was observed. Our results suggest that loci with influence on udder health may also contribute to genetic variance of longevity. Prior to implementation of these QTL in marker assisted selection programs for functional traits, information about direct and correlated effects of these QTL as well as fine mapping of their chromosomal positions is required.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to estimate the proportion of total genetic variance attributed to a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on Bos taurus autosome 6 (BTA6) for milk production traits in the German Holstein dairy cattle population. The analyzed chromosomal region on BTA6 spanned approximately 70 cM, and contained 6 microsatellite markers. Milk production data were obtained from routine genetic evaluation for 4500 genotyped German Holstein bulls. Technical aspects related to the estimation of model parameters for a large data set from routine genotype recording were outlined. A fixed QTL model and a random QTL model were introduced to incorporate marker information into parameter estimation and genetic evaluation. Estimated QTL variances, expressed as the ratio of QTL to polygenic variances, were 0.04, 0.03, and 0.07 for milk yield; 0.06, 0.08, and 0.14 for fat yield; and 0.04, 0.04, and 0.11 for protein yield, in the first 3 parities, respectively. The estimated QTL positions, expressed as distances from the leftmost marker DIK82, were 18, 31, and 17 cM for milk yield; 25, 17, and 9 cM for fat yield; and 16, 30, and 17 cM for protein yield in the 3 respective parities. Because the data for the parameter estimation well represented the current population of active German Holstein bulls, the QTL parameter estimates have been used in routine marker-assisted genetic evaluation for German Holsteins.  相似文献   

A whole genome scan of Finnish Ayrshire was conducted to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting milk production. The analysis included 12 half-sib families containing a total of 494 bulls in a granddaughter design. The families were genotyped with 150 markers to construct a 2764 cM (Haldane) male linkage map. In this study interval mapping with multiple-marker regression approach was extended to analyse multiple chromosomes simultaneously. The method uses identified QTL on other chromosomes as cofactors to increase mapping power. The existence of multiple QTL on the same linkage group was also analyzed by fitting a two-QTL model to the analysis. Empirical values for chromosome-wise significance thresholds were determined using a permutation test. Two genome-wise significant QTL were identified when chromosomes were analyzed individually, one affecting fat percentage on chromosome (BTA) 14 and another affecting fat yield on BTA12. The cofactor analysis revealed in total 31 genome-wise significant QTL. The result of two-QTL analysis suggests the existence of two QTL for fat percentage on BTA3. In general, most of the identified QTL confirm results from previous studies of Holstein-Friesian cattle. A new QTL for all yield components was identified on BTA12 in Finnish Ayrshire.  相似文献   

Fourteen Brazilian dairy Gyr sire families with 657 daughters were analyzed for quantitative trait loci (QTL) on chromosome 6 by using a daughter design for 5 economic traits: milk, fat, and protein production, fat and protein percentage. The cows and sires were genotyped for 27 microsatellites with average spacing between markers of 4.9 cM. In the analyses across 14 families, for the largest significant families, and within family, a QTL was located for milk yield and fat yield close to marker BMS2508 at the 5% chromosome-wide significance level across families and 1% chromosome-wide within families. For fat percentage, a QTL near DIK4482 was identified at the 5% chromosome-wide significance level when all families were analyzed together and at the 1% chromosome-wide significance level within the largest significant families. The different analyses yielded results that were generally consistent for milk yield, fat yield, and fat percentage. The order of the markers in the derived map was consistent with that in the consensus map. Some QTL and candidate genes in dairy cattle for milk production traits are probably preserved in Bos taurus and Bos indicus.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(3):1925-1941
Although the quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 18 (BTA18) associated with paternal calving ease and stillbirth in Holstein Friesian cattle and its cross has been known for over 20 years, to our knowledge, the exact causal genetic sequence has yet escaped identification. The aim of this study was to re-examine the region of the published QTL on BTA18 and to investigate the possible reasons behind this elusiveness. For this purpose, we carried out a combined linkage disequilibrium and linkage analysis using genotyping data of 2,697 German Holstein Friesian (HF) animals and subsequent whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data analyses and genome assembly of HF samples. We confirmed the known QTL in the 95% confidence interval of 1.089 Mbp between 58.34 and 59.43 Mbp on BTA18. Additionally, these 4 SNPs in the near-perfect linkage disequilibrium with the QTL haplotype were identified: rs381577268 (on 57,816,137 bp, C/T), rs381878735 (on 59,574,329 bp, A/T), rs464221818 (on 59,329,176 bp, C/T), and rs472502785 (on 59,345,689 bp, T/C). Search for the causal mutation using short and long-read sequences, and methylation data of the BTA18 QTL region did not reveal any candidates though. The assembly showed problems in the region, as well as an abundance of segmental duplications within and around the region. Taking the QTL of BTA18 in Holstein cattle as an example, the data presented in this study comprehensively characterize the genomic features that could also be relevant for other such elusive QTL in various other cattle breeds and livestock species as well.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting the risk of clinical mastitis (CM) and QTL affecting somatic cell score (SCS) exhibit pathogen-specific effects on the incidence of mastitis. Bacteriological data on mastitis pathogens were used to investigate pathogen specificity of QTL affecting treatments of mastitis in first parity (CM1), second parity (CM2), and third parity (CM3), and QTL affecting SCS. The 5 most common mastitis pathogens in the Danish dairy population were analyzed: Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Escherichia coli, coagulase-negative staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus uberis. Data were analyzed using 2 approaches: an independence test and a generalized linear mixed model. Three different data sets were used to investigate the effect of data sampling: all samples, only samples that were followed by antibiotic treatment, and samples from first-crop daughters only. The results showed with high certainty that 2 QTL affecting SCS exhibited pathogen specificity against Staph. aureus and E. coli, respectively. The latter result might be explained by a pleiotropic QTL that also affects CM2 and CM3. Less certain results were found for QTL affecting CM. A QTL affecting CM1 was found to be specific against Strep. dysgalactiae and Staph. aureus, a QTL affecting CM2 was found to be specific against E. coli, and finally a QTL affecting CM3 was found to be specific against Staph. aureus. None of the QTL analyzed was found to be specific against coagulase-negative staphylococci and Strep. uberis. Our results show that particular mastitis QTL are highly likely to exhibit pathogen-specificity. However, the results should be interpreted carefully because the results are sensitive to the sampling method and method of analysis. Field data were used in this study. These kind of data may be heavily biased because there is no standard procedure for collecting milk samples for bacteriological analysis in Denmark. Furthermore, using only the mean SCS from d 10 to 180 after parturition may lead to truncated effects of SCS-QTL when samples collected after d 180 are used. Additionally, repeated samples were used, which could boost the difference in incidence of pathogens between daughters of sires inheriting the positive and negative QTL allele, respectively. However, the magnitude of these effects in this study is unclear.  相似文献   

An extension of our previous genome scan of a North American Holstein-Friesian population was conducted to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting conformation traits. Resource families consisted of 1404 sons of 10 elite sires. Genome coverage was estimated to be 2713.5 cM (90%) for 406 markers using a granddaughter design. Regression interval mapping was used to detect QTL affecting 22 conformation traits, including body, udder, feet and legs, and dairy conformation as well as calving ease. Analysis of the families jointly identified 41 chromosome-wise significant QTL influencing conformation traits and 3 significant QTL influencing calving ease on 20 chromosomes. The false discovery rate method was used to account for multiple testing and 3/4 of the suggestive and 5/6 of significant QTL should be real effects. Fourteen of the 44 QTL were significant at the genome-wise level. Comparison of these results with other published reports identifies common QTL affecting conformation traits. Regions on 10 chromosomes appear to affect multiple traits, including conformation, milk production, and somatic cell score, within these particular US Holstein families. Additional work is needed to determine the precise locations of the QTL and select positional candidate genes influencing these traits.  相似文献   

A marker-assisted selection program (MAS) has been implemented in dairy cattle in France. The efficiency of such a selection program depends on the use of correct genetic parameters for the marked quantitative trait loci (QTL). Therefore, the objective of this study was to estimate the proportion of genetic variance explained by 4 QTL described in previous studies (these QTL are segregating on chromosomes 6, 14, 20, and 26). Genotypes for 11 markers were available for 3,974 bulls grouped within 54 sire families of the French Holstein population undergoing MAS. The parameters were estimated for 4 QTL and 5 dairy traits: milk, fat and protein yields, and fat and protein percentages. The proportion of genetic variance explained by the QTL ranged from as low as 0.03 to 0.36%. Both lack of marker informativity and poor monitoring of QTL transmission might limit the accuracy of estimation. The QTL explained a larger proportion of genetic variance for milk composition traits. The QTL on chromosome 14 and chromosomes 6 and 20 have their largest influence on fat and protein percentages, respectively. The overall proportions of genetic variance explained by the QTL were 27.0, 30.7, 24.1, 48.2, and 33.6% for milk, fat and protein yields, and fat and protein percentages, respectively. These results clearly indicated that a large part of the genetic variance is explained by a small number of QTL and that their use in MAS might be beneficial for dairy cattle breeding programs.  相似文献   

Before implementing selection based on quantitative trait loci (QTL) for fertility, it is important to determine the existence of correlated effects between the fertility QTL and QTL with effects on production traits. When a QTL is detected for a trait that is a composite of subtraits, it is of interest to validate which of the subtraits are affected by the QTL. Phenotypic and marker data were collected from 34 grandsire families from the Danish Holstein population. First, the trait data for “fertility treatments” were separated into their underlying subtraits: uterine infections, antibiotics placed in the placenta, and abortions. In addition, retained placenta was selected for analysis because it is related to uterine infections. A genome scan was performed using 416 microsatellite markers for the fertility treatment subtraits and retained placenta, and an additional genome scan for milk production traits conditional on the QTL regions for the subtraits and retained placenta was conducted. Second, we selected 24 genomic regions harboring QTL for fertility traits from a previous study. A QTL scan for milk production traits conditional on the selected regions was conducted. We found that 16 selected genomic regions containing a QTL for fertility (including the fertility treatment subtraits and retained placenta) also harbored QTL for milk yield or milk composition traits. Furthermore, 12 QTL regions corresponding to 9 different fertility traits (including the fertility treatment subtraits) did not harbor a QTL for milk production or milk composition traits; that is, the region was specific for the fertility trait. The genome scan for the fertility treatment subtraits did not correspond to the QTL found for fertility treatments. No QTL were detected for the subtrait abortion, however genome scans for retained placenta revealed 4 different QTL.  相似文献   

Pure Holstein calves and Montbeliarde-sired crossbred calves from multiparous Holstein dams were compared for gestation length, calf weight at birth, calving difficulty, and stillbirth in 2 research herds of the University of Minnesota. The Montbeliarde-sired calves from multiparous Holstein dams had significantly longer gestation lengths (283.2 d) than Holstein-sired calves from Holstein dams (278.4 d), and Montbeliarde-sired calves from multiparous Holstein dams had significantly greater calf weight at birth (48.3 kg) compared with Holstein-sired calves from Holstein dams (43.3 kg). However, calves sired by Montbeliarde bulls were not significantly different from calves sired by Holstein bulls for calving difficulty and stillbirth. In addition, Jersey × Holstein crossbred cows mated to Montbeliarde artificial insemination (AI) bulls were compared with pure Holstein cows mated to Holstein AI bulls for gestation length, calf weight at birth, calving difficulty, and stillbirth at their first 3 calvings. Gestation length was significantly longer for Jersey × Holstein cows bred to Montbeliarde bulls than for pure Holstein cows bred to Holstein bulls at first calving (280.3 versus 277.7 d) and second and third calving (282.2 versus 278.6 d); however, Jeresy × Holstein cows bred to Montbeliarde AI bulls were not significantly different from pure Holstein cows bred to Holstein AI bulls for calf weight at birth, calving difficulty, and stillbirth at the first 3 calvings.  相似文献   

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