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Based on the Green's function method, we investigate the interplay between Majorana zero mode (MZM) and Andreev bound states (ABSs) in a quantum dot molecule side coupled to a topological superconducting nanowire with a pair of MZMs forming a Josephson junction. Since the strong electron–hole asymmetry induced by the nanowire with a topologically non-trivial phase, the MZM suppress the ABSs. The suppression induced by the MZM is robust against the Coulomb repulsion. The interplay between the MZM and the ABSs in Josephson junction presents a feasible experimental means for distinguish between the presence of MZM and ABSs.  相似文献   

王素新  李玉现  刘建军 《中国物理 B》2016,25(3):37304-037304
Andreev reflection(AR) in a normal-metal/quantum-dot/superconductor(N–QD–S) system with coupled Majorana bound states(MBSs) is investigated theoretically. We find that in the N–QD–S system, the AR can be enhanced when coupling to the MBSs is incorporated. Fano line-shapes can be observed in the AR conductance spectrum when there is an appropriate QD–MBS coupling or MBS–MBS coupling. The AR conductance is always e~2/2h at the zero Fermi energy point when only QD–MBSs coupling is considered. In addition, the resonant AR occurs when the MBS–MBS coupling roughly equals to the QD energy level. We also find that an AR antiresonance appears when the QD energy level approximately equals to the sum of the QD–MBS coupling and the MBS–MBS coupling. These features may serve as characteristic signatures for the probe of MBSs.  相似文献   

王素新  李玉现  王宁  刘建军 《物理学报》2016,65(13):137302-137302
研究了连接在正常金属电极和超导电极之间的耦合Majorana束缚态(MBSs)T形双量子点结构中的Andreev反射.研究发现,对于T形双量子点结构,当入射能量等于边耦合量子点能级时Andreev反射电导出现Fano振荡,连接MBSs之后,零费米能附近出现一对新的Fano型振荡峰.如果忽略两个MBSs之间的相互作用,零费米能点的Andreev反射电导为定值1/2G_0(G_0=2e~2/h),不受量子点能级、双量子点之间耦合强度以及量子点与MBSs之间的耦合强度的影响.此外,在没有耦合MBSs的T形双量子点结构中,调节双量子点间的耦合强度可以使零费米能附近的Andreev反射电导出现由共振带向反共振带的转变,而耦合MBSs之后,又可以使反共振消失转而出现新的共振峰.  相似文献   

《中国物理 B》2021,30(7):78505-078505
We present a phase-and spin-dependent manipulation of leakage of a Majorana mode into a double quantum dot. We study the density of states(DOS) to show the effect of phase change factor on the Majorana leakage into(out) of a double quantum dot. The DOS is derived from the Green's function of the quantum dot by the equation of motion method, and exhibits a formant structure when φ = 0, 2π and a resonance shape when φ = 0.5π and 1.5π. Also, it changes more strongly under the spin-polarized coefficient than the non-polarized lead. Such a theoretical model can be modified to explore the spin-dependent effect in the hybrid Majorana quantum dot system.  相似文献   

《中国物理 B》2021,30(7):77307-077307
We theoretically study the transport properties in the T-shaped double-quantum-dot structure, by considering the dot in the main channel to be coupled to the Majorana bound state(MBS) at one end of the topological superconducting nanowire.It is found that the side-coupled dot governs the effect of the MBS on the transport behavior. When its level is consistent with the energy zero point, the MBS contributes little to the conductance spectrum. Otherwise, the linear conductance exhibits notable changes according to the inter-MBS coupling manners. In the absence of inter-MBS coupling, the linear conductance value keeps equal to e~2/2 h when the level of the side-coupled dot departs from the energy zero point. However,the linear conductance is always analogous to the MBS-absent case once the inter-MBS coupling comes into play. These findings provide new information about the leakage effect of MBSs in quantum-dot structures.  相似文献   

赵华  张国锋  殷雯  梁九卿 《中国物理》2004,13(6):938-941
We have studied the dynamical behaviours of two electrons confined in a double quantum dot driven by rotating magnetic fields in terms of the theory of Lewis-Riesenfeld Hermitian invariants for the explicitly time-dependent Hamiltonian. The coherent spin oscillations in the dot provide a generation source for spin current. Exact solutions obtained allow us to investigate the dynamical properties of the spin localization for various initial localized states.  相似文献   

《Current Applied Physics》2015,15(10):1278-1285
We investigate the electron transport through a quantum dot connected with two ferromagnetic leads, by coupling one Majorana doublet laterally to the quantum dot. It is found that Majorana doublet keeps the value of zero-bias conductance to be independent of the shift of structural parameters, including dot level, relative lead-magnetization direction, and magnetic field on the dot. Even in the cases of asymmetric dot-lead couplings, the zero-bias conductance is weakly dependent on the relative lead-magnetization direction. On the other hand, when Majorana doublet is replaced by Majorana singlet, the zero-bias conductance value becomes sensitive to the structural parameters. Via analyzing the respective particle motion processes, the different influences of Majorana doublet and singlet are explained. We believe that this work can be helpful for understanding the peculiar properties of Majorana doublet.  相似文献   

We theoretically study the spin-dependent transport properties of anAharonov-Bohm (AB) interferometer composed by a T-shaped quantum dot (QD)embedded in Majorana bound states (MBS). We use the equation of motion method tocalculate the conductance across the interferometer. We note that the conductance exhibitssensitive dependence on the MBS-QD coupling strength as well as the polarization strengthof the leads when the phase factor of AB ring changes periodically. The conductance shows a transitionfrom resonance to anti-resonance when the MBS-QD coupling strength changes from small to large. Also, there is different p-dependence conductance when the leads alignment changesfrom parallel to anti-parallel. These findings suggest that such a model could be used for a sensitivedetection of MBS interactions, exploiting the high sensitivity of conductance to the AB phase in theinterferometer.  相似文献   

张平  薛其坤  谢心澄 《物理》2004,33(4):238-241
从理论上研究了相互作用量子点在外部旋转磁场下的非平衡自旋输运性质,研究结果表明,量子点中的相干自旋振荡可以导致自旋电流的产生,当计入库仑关联相互作用后,近藤共振效应受外部进动磁场的影响很强,特别是当磁场的进动频率与塞曼能移满足共振条件时,每个自旋近藤峰就会劈裂为两个自旋共振峰的叠加,在低温强耦合区,这种近藤型共隧穿过程对自旋电流带来重要贡献。  相似文献   

We present a spin current generator based on a T-shaped double quantum dot (TDQD) molecule connected with two leads, and the coherent spin-flip effect is taken into account within the TDQD. The spin current from the right output terminal is obtained, more importantly, the properties of the spin current are investigated in detail, these results offer us a way to manipulate the spin current with the system parameters.  相似文献   

常博  梁九卿 《中国物理 B》2011,20(1):17307-017307
We have studied the quantum fluctuations of inelastic spin-electron scattering in quantum dot with an embedded biaxial single molecule-magnet and particularly investigated the zero-frequency shot noise and Fano factor in different magnetic fields. It is found that the shot noise and Fano factor exhibit a stepwise behaviour as bias increases in the presence of interaction between the electron and molecule-magnet for a weak magnetic field. As magnetic field becomes strong, a dip is displayed in the shot-noise-bias curve due to the suppression of inelastic shot noise caused by the quantum tunneling of magnetisation. Because of the spontaneous inelastic tunneling at zero bias, a small shot noise occurs, which results in the case of Fano factor F >> 1. Moreover, our results show that the sweeping speed can also influence the shot noise and Fano factor obviously.  相似文献   

周洋  郭健宏 《物理学报》2015,64(16):167302-167302
Majorana费米子是其自身的反粒子, 在拓扑量子计算中有着重要的应用. 利用粒子数表象下的量子主方程方法, 研究双量子点与Majorana费米子混合结构的电子输运特性, 特别是散粒噪声. 有无Majorana费米子耦合的电流与散粒噪声存在明显差别: 有Majorana费米子耦合时稳态电流差呈反对称, 噪声谱呈现相干振荡并且低频噪声显著增强. 量子点与Majorana费米子对称弱耦合时, 零频噪声由"峰"变为"谷", 并且"边谷"展宽逐渐减小; 当对称强耦合时, 零频噪声的谷深增加, "边谷"向高频端移动. 改变系统与电极的耦合强度时, 零频噪声由谷变成峰. 因此, 稳态电流结合散粒噪声可以探测双量子点结构中Majorana费米子是否存在.  相似文献   

《Current Applied Physics》2015,15(4):520-527
We present a comprehensive analysis about the transport properties of a quantum dot (QD) system with a side-coupled Majorana zero mode. Our calculation result shows that when the coupling manners between the two leads and QDs are identical, the local Andreev reflection and the interlead normal tunneling have the same magnitude at the zero-bias limit. Accordingly, the zero-bias conductance value is always equal to e2/2h, which is exactly one half of the resonant-tunneling conductance. This result is independent of the level number and the level distribution in the single-QD case, and in the coupled-QD case it is irrelevant to the geometry of the QD molecule. The universal transport property is a powerful evidence for the feasibility to detect the MBSs based on a QD circuit. This result also means that the QD condition is not a key factor to achieve the detection. On the other hand, if the decoupling phenomenon appears, the Majorana zero mode may play a trivial role in contributing to the conductance property.  相似文献   

江兆潭  仲成成 《中国物理 B》2016,25(6):67302-067302
We investigate the quantum transport properties through a special kind of quantum dot(QD) system composed of a serially coupled multi-QD-pair(multi-QDP) chain and side-coupled Majorana bound states(MBSs) by using the Green functions method,where the conductance can be classified into two kinds:the electron tunneling(ET) conductance and the Andreev reflection(AR) one.First we find that for the nonzero MBS-QDP coupling a sharp AR-induced zero-bias conductance peak with the height of e~2/h is present(or absent) when the MBS is coupled to the far left(or the other) QDP.Moreover,the MBS-QDP coupling can suppress the ET conductance and strengthen the AR one,and further split into two sub-peaks each of the total conductance peaks of the isolated multi-QDPs,indicating that the MBS will make obvious influences on the competition between the ET and AR processes.Then we find that the tunneling rate ΓLis able to affect the conductances of leads L and R in different ways,demonstrating that there exists a ΓL-related competition between the AR and ET processes.Finally we consider the effect of the inter-MBS coupling on the conductances of the multi-QDP chains and it is shown that the inter-MBS coupling will split the zero-bias conductance peak with the height of e~2/h into two sub-peaks.As the inter-MBS coupling becomes stronger,the two sub-peaks are pushed away from each other and simultaneously become lower,which is opposite to that of the single QDP chain where the two sub-peaks with the height of about e~2/2h become higher.Also,the decay of the conductance sub-peaks with the increase of the MBS-QDP coupling becomes slower as the number of the QDPs becomes larger.This research should be an important extension in studying the transport properties in the kind of QD systems coupled with the side MBSs,which is helpful for understanding the nature of the MBSs,as well as the MBS-related QD transport properties.  相似文献   

《Physics letters. A》2020,384(24):126607
We study spin-dependent electron transport properties of a thermally driven interacting quantum dot. When an external magnetic field is applied to the quantum dot, the effective transmissions of spin-up and spin-down electrons are separated from each other and have a perfect mirror symmetry with respect to the incident energy at a certain gate voltage. A pure spin current can be induced in the system and modulated by a magnetic field. Under certain magnetic field strengths, a larger pure spin current can be obtained at gate voltages with the values in a range, not just at a specific voltage. These results indicate that the system can be worked as a pure spin current generator.  相似文献   

王启文  红兰 《物理学报》2012,61(1):17107-017107
在考虑Rashba自旋-轨道耦合的条件下, 采用二次幺正变换和变分方法研究了二维抛物量子点中由于电子与体纵光学声子的耦合作用形成的极化子在基态Zeeman分裂能级上的自旋弛豫过程.这一过程主要是通过吸收或发射一个形变势或压电声学声子完成.具体分析了强、弱耦合两种极限下极化子自旋弛豫率与外磁场、量子点半径、Landau因子参数、Rashba自旋轨道耦合参数的变化关系. 关键词: 自旋弛豫 极化子 Rashba自旋轨道耦合 量子点  相似文献   

琚鑫  郭健宏 《物理学报》2011,60(5):57302-057302
本文利用非平衡格林函数运动方程方法,研究了与两个电极耦合在一起的三耦合量子点系统的微分电导及量子干涉的AB振荡问题.通过理论计算发现,由于量子点上的局域态密度的不同从而导致系统电导或隧穿性质的不同,而且量子点间耦合强度、量子点能级等都会对输运性质产生影响. 关键词: 量子点 非平衡格林函数 运动方程 局域态密度  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of Majorana bound states on the ac response of a quantum resistor-capacitor circuit which is composed of a topological superconducting wire whose two ends are tunnel-coupled to a lead and a spinless quantum dot, respectively. The Majorana states formed at the two ends of the wire are found to suppress completely or enhance greatly the dissipation, depending on the strength of the overlap between two Majorana modes and/or the dot level. We compare the relaxation resistance and the quantum capacitance of the system with those of non-Majorana counterparts to find that the effects of the Majorana state on the ac response are genuine and cannot be reproduced in ordinary fermionic systems.  相似文献   

《中国物理 B》2021,30(9):97401-097401
We investigate the spin-related currents and tunnel magnetoresistance through a quantum dot, which is side-coupled with a Majorana fermion zero mode and two thermal-driven ferromagnetic electrodes. It is found that the interplay of Majorana fermion and electrodes' spin polarization can induce a nonlinear thermal-bias spin current. This interplay also decreases the total magnitude of spin or charge current, in either parallel or antiparallel configuration. In addition, a thermal-driven negative tunnel magnetoresistance is found, which is an unique feature to characterize Majorana fermion.With large temperature difference, a step phenomenon is observed in gate tuned spin-up current. When the coupling between quantum dot and topological superconductor is strong enough, this step will evolve into a linear relation, revealing Majorana fermion's robustness.  相似文献   

李睿 《物理学报》2015,64(16):167303-167303
半导体量子点中的电子自旋具有较长相干时间以及可扩展性的特点, 在近十几年来引起了人们的广泛兴趣. 人们常常利用电子自旋共振技术来对单个自旋进行操纵. 这样不但需要一个静磁场来使电子产生赛曼劈裂, 同时还需要一个与之垂直的局域振荡磁场. 但是, 在实验上产生足够强且具有固定频率的局域磁场是比较困难的. 后来人们发现, 局域的振荡电场也可以操纵单个电子自旋, 也就是所谓的电偶极自旋共振. 众所周知, 自旋只有自旋磁矩, 不会与电场有任何直接的相互作用. 所以, 电偶极自旋共振的发生必须依赖于某些媒质. 这些媒质包括:量子点材料中的自旋轨道耦合作用, 量子点中的局域磁场梯度, 以及量子点中电子自旋与核自旋的超精细相互作用. 这些媒质能诱导出自旋与电场之间间接的相互作用, 从而外电场操纵单个电子自旋得以实现. 本文总结归纳了目前半导体量子点系统中发生电偶极自旋共振的三种主要物理机理.  相似文献   

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