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Using tropical cyclone (TC) best track and intensity of the western North Pacific data from the Joint TyphoonWarning Center (JTWC) of the United States and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data for the period of 1992-2002, the effects of vertical wind shear on TC intensity are examined. The samples were limited to the westward or northwestward moving TCs between 5°N and 20°N in order to minimize thermodynamic effects. It is found that the effect of vertical wind shear between 200 and 500 hPa on TC intensity change is larger than that of the shear between 500 and 850 hPa, while similar to that of the shear between 200 and 850 hPa. Vertical wind shear may have a threshold value, which tends to decrease as TC intensifies. As the intensifying rate of TC weakens, the average shear increases. The large shear has the obvious trend of inhibiting TC development. The average shear of TC which can develop into typhoon (tropical depression or tropical storm) is below 7 m s-1 (above 8 m s-1).  相似文献   

This work studies the impact of the vertical shear of gradient wind (VSGW) in the free atmosphere on the tropical cyclone boundary layer (TCBL). A new TCBL model is established, which relies on five- force balance including the pressure gradient force, Coriolis force, centrifugal force, turbulent friction, and inertial deviation force. This model is then employed to idealize tropical cyclones (TCs) produced by DeMaria's model, under different VSGW conditions (non-VSGW, positive VSGW, negative VSGW, and VSGW increase/decrease along the radial direction). The results show that the free-atmosphere VSGW is particularly important to the intensity of TC. For negative VSGW, the total horizontal velocity in the TCBL is somewhat suppressed. However, with the maximum radial inflow displaced upward and outward, the radial velocity notably intensifies. Consequently, the convergence is enhanced throughout the TCBL, giving rise to a stronger vertical pumping at the TCBL top. In contrast, for positive VSGW, the radial inflow is significantly suppressed, even with divergent outflow in the middle-upper TCBL. For varying VSGW along the radial direction, the results indicate that the sign and value of VSGW is more important than its radial distribution, and the negative VSGW induces stronger convergence and Ekman pumping in the TCBL. which favors the formation and intensification of TC.  相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋强度与环境气流切变关系的气候分析   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
采用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和JTwC(美国关岛联合台风警报中心)资料,对1974~2004年5~10月西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)强度和环境风垂直切变进行了趋势特征、振荡周期和空间结构分析.结果表明:西北太平洋热带风暴强度以上TC的最大风速和环境风垂直切变在时间上有相反的变化趋势,弱的环境风垂直切变有利于TC强度的增大;前12 h的环境风垂直切变对TC强度的发展影响最大.环境风垂直切变在两北太平洋TC最强的年份表现为环境风切变值小,TC发生密集;最弱的年份表现为环境风切变值大,TC发生稀疏.  相似文献   

Vertical wind shear fundamentally influences changes in tropical cyclone (TC) intensity. The effects of vertical wind shear on tropical cyclogenesis and evolution in the western North Pacific basin are not well understood. We present a new statistical study of all named TCs in this region during the period 2000-2006 using a second-generation partial least squares (PLS) regression technique. The results show that the lower-layer (between 850 hPa and 10 m above the sea surface) wind shear is more important than the commonly analyzed deep-layer shear (between 200 and 850 hPa) for changes in TC intensity during the TC intensification period. This relationship is particularly strong for westerly low-level shear. Downdrafts induced by the lower-layer shear bring low θ e air into the boundary layer from above, significantly reducing values of θ e in the TC inflow layer and weakening the TC. Large values of deep-layer shear over the ocean to the east of the Philippine Islands inhibit TC formation, while large values of lower-layer shear over the central and western North Pacific inhibit TC intensification. The critical value of deep-layer shear for TC formation is approximately 10 ms-1 , and the critical value of lower-layer shear for TC intensification is approximately ±1.5 ms-1 .  相似文献   

影响我国北方热带气旋的若干统计特征   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国气象局出版的1949—1994年台风年鉴资料,在大量普查的基础上,定义进入30°N以北、125°E以西热带气旋为影响我国北方的热带气旋。根据其后期移动路径的不同划分为:沿海北上、沿海转向、登陆北上、登陆填塞、登陆转向及西折6类。最后,对各类不同路径的热带气旋的气候特征及产生的暴雨区和暴雨强度做了详细的分析  相似文献   

2008年西北太平洋热带气旋活动特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王瑾  柯宗建  江吉喜 《气象》2009,35(12):44-50
对2008年西北太平洋及我国南海热带气旋的活动特征进行总结,并从多方面分析其成因.结果指出:2008年西北太平洋热带气旋活动的主要特征为生成总数少,源地集中,位置偏西;登陆数多、时间早;登陆地点偏南、时间集中等.其原因主要在于:在热带气旋的多发期副热带高压面积偏大、强度偏强、西伸脊点异常偏西,且脊线偏南,造成西北太平洋热带地区盛行偏东风,不利于热带扰动的生成和发展;同时,也使得在其南侧生成的热带气旋易在偏东气流的引导下登陆我国南方.另外,季风槽、垂直风切变、海表温度和热带辐合带上的对流活动等因子的异常分布都不利于热带气旋在西北太平洋东部海域生成,直接导致这一年热带气旋生成总数明显偏少,源地显著偏西.  相似文献   

The present study investigates modulation of western North Pacific(WNP) tropical cyclone(TC) genesis in relation to different phases of the intraseasonal oscillation(ISO) of ITCZ convection during May to October in the period 1979-2008.The phases of the ITCZ ISO were determined based on 30-80-day filtered OLR anomalies averaged over the region(5-20 N,120-150 E).The number of TCs during the active phases was nearly three times more than during the inactive phases.The active(inactive) phases of ISO were characterized by low-level cyclonic(anticyclonic) circulation anomalies,higher(lower) midlevel relative humidity anomalies,and larger(smaller) vertical gradient anomalies of relative vorticity associated with enhanced(weakened) ITCZ convection anomalies.During the active phases,TCs tended to form in the center of the ITCZ region.Barotropic conversion from the low-level mean flow is suggested to be the major energy source for TC formation.The energy conversion mainly depended on the zonal and meridional gradients of the zonal flow during the active phases.However,barotropic conversion weakened greatly during the inactive phases.The relationship between the meridional gradient of absolute vorticity and low-level zonal flow indicates that the sign of the absolute vorticity gradient tends to be reversed during the two phases,whereas the same sign between zonal flow and the absolute vorticity gradient is more easily satisfied in the active phases.Thus,the barotropic instability of low-level zonal flow might be an important mechanism for TC formation over the WNP during the active phases of ISO.  相似文献   

Comparison of Three Tropical Cyclone Intensity Datasets   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Analyzed in this paper are the 16-yr (1988-2003) tropical cyclone (TC) intensity data from three major forecast centers of the western North Pacific, i.e., China Meteorological Administration (CMA), Regional Specialized Meteorological Center Tokyo (RSMC Tokyo), and Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) of the United States. Results show that there are significant discrepancies (at 1% significance level) in the intensity of TCs among the three centers, with a maximum difference for the same TC over 30 m s-1. The flight reconnaissance over TC can minish the discrepancy to some extent. A climatic and persistent prediction model is set up to study the impact of initial data from different forecast centers on the prediction of TC intensity. It is obtained that the root mean square error (RMSE) of a 4-yr independent test is the largest using data from JTWC, while the smallest using data from RSMC Tokyo. Average absolute deviation in 24-h intensity prediction is 2.5 m s-1 between CMA and RSMC Tokyo data, and 4.0 m s-1 between CMA and JTWC data, with a maximum deviation reaching 21 m s-1. Such a problem in the initial value increases the difficulty in intensity prediction of TCs over the western North Pacific.  相似文献   

The effects of environmental vertical wind shear(VWS)on the intensity and rainfall asymmetries in Tropical Storm(TS)Bilis(2006)have been analyzed based on TRMM/TMI-estimated surface rainfall data,QuikSCAT wind fields,850-and 200-hPa winds of the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis,precipitation data at 5-min intervals from automatic weather stations over mainland China,and the best track data of TS Bilis(2006). The results show that the simultaneous and 6-hour-lagged correlation coeffcients between VWS and storm intensity(the minimum central sea level pressure)are 0.59145 and 0.57438(P0.01),respectively.The averaged VWS was found to be about 11 m s-1 and thus suppressed the intensification of Bilis(2006). Distribution of precipitation in Bilis(2006)was highly asymmetric.The azimuthally-averaged rainfall rate in the partial eyewall,however,was smaller than that in a major outer rainband.As the storm intensified,the major rainband showed an unusual outward propagation.The VWS had a great impact on the asymmetric distribution of precipitation.Consistent with previous modeling studies,heavy rainfall generally occurred downshear to downshear-left of the VWS vector both near and outside the eyewall,showing a strong wavenumber-one asymmetry,which was amplified as the VWS increased.  相似文献   

Idealized numerical simulations are conducted in this study to comparatively investigate the characteristics of the stratiform sector in the outer rainbands of tropical cyclones(TCs) in lower-and upper-layer vertical wind shear(VWS)with moderate magnitude. Consistent with the results in previous studies, the outer rainband stratiform sector of the TCs simulated in both experiments is generally located downshear left. Upper-layer VWS tends to produce stronger asymmetric outflow at upper levels in...  相似文献   

刘爱鸣  林毅  吴幸毓 《气象》2010,36(9):29-35
利用热带气旋资料和天气图、卫星云图等观测资料,统计分析了1949-2008年入侵台湾岛及邻近区域的热带气旋出现的各类异常路径的时间、空间分布规律及成因。结果表明,异常路径的形成是环境流场和台湾地形共同作用的结果,在特定的环流形势下,台湾地形的影响,导致入侵这一带区域的热带气旋结构及其周围的气压场和流场发生变化,并可能诱生出地形槽或低压。热带气旋出现左折、右折、打转和诱生低压发展取代原热带气旋的异常路径,发生在不同地点的异常路径,地形和环境作用的主次关系不同。  相似文献   

Convectively coupled equatorial Rossby waves(ERW)modulate tropical cyclone activities over tropical oceans.This study presents a survey of the statistical relationship between intraseasonal ERWs and tropical cyclone genesis(TCG)over major global TC basins using four-decade-long outgoing longwave radiation(OLR)and TC best-track datasets.Intraseasonal ERWs are identified from the OLR anomalies using an empirical orthogonal function(EOF)analysis method without imposing equatorial symmetry.We find that westward-propagating ERWs are most significant in four tropical ocean basins over the summer hemisphere and that ERWs exhibit similar northeast-southwest(southeast-northwest)tilted phase lines in the northern(southern)hemisphere,with an appreciable poleward advance of wave energy in most TC basins.The EOF-based ERW indices quantitatively show that ERWs significantly modulate TC genesis.The convectively active(suppressed)phases of ERWs coincide with increased(reduced)TCG occurrences.The TCG modulation by ERWs achieves the maximum where the ERWs propagate through the climatological TCG hotspots.As a result,the total number of TCG occurrences in the TC basins varies significantly according to the ERW phase.The ERW-TCG relationship is significant over the northwestern Pacific Ocean,northeastern Pacific Ocean,and the northern Indian Ocean during the northern summer seasons.In the southern summer season,the ERW-TCG relationship is significant over the southern Indian Ocean,Indonesian-Australia basin,and the southwestern Pacific Ocean.However,ERW activities are weak in the main TC development region of the Atlantic Ocean;and the impact on Atlantic TCG appears to be insignificant.  相似文献   

张定媛  田晓阳  贾朋群 《气象》2018,44(12):1628-1634
热带气旋(TC)位居全球十大自然灾害之首,受到世界范围内的广泛重视。为了解当前国际上TC预报的整体水平,更好地审视我国TC预报的进展及在国际上的位置,基于主要国家和国际机构的TC预报性能评估项目,本文对近年来各预报中心的TC业务预报水平进行了客观对比分析。结果表明,过去十几年来,我国的TC路径预报水平有大幅度提高,已经跻身世界先进行列。各国对TC强度预报性能的提升预计还会经历一个漫长的过程,未来台风风雨预报的评估发展值得期待。  相似文献   

混合层深度对热带气旋强度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李杰  蒋小平  元慧慧  王骥鹏 《气象》2010,36(4):27-29
利用建立的中尺度海气耦合模式进行一组敏感性试验,以考察初始混合层深度对热带气旋(TC)强度的影响。试验结果表明,初始混合层深度对TC最大强度和增强时间影响都较大。一般来说,初始混合层越深,模拟的TC最大强度越大,TC增强时间越长。另外,TC与混合层深度的关系并不是线性的。当混合层较浅时,TC强度对其变化更为敏感。  相似文献   

浙江时间多尺度台风暴雨增幅特征的统计研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
余贞寿  冀春晓  董美莹  邱金晶 《气象》2017,43(12):1496-1506
本文提出基于欧拉坐标方法的多时间尺度热带气旋(TC)暴雨增幅及极端暴雨增幅的概念来研究沿海地区TC暴雨增幅,从浙江省内67个国家级台站的整点时刻逐小时降水资料提取1973—2015年影响浙江的135个TC个例的逐1、3、6、12、24 h(1~24 h)降水增量样本,结合TC中心位置和强度信息,统计得到:浙江1~24 h时间分辨率下出现TC极端暴雨增幅阈值分别为29.1、51.9、88.3、103.9和123.9 mm;不同时间分辨率下浙江TC暴雨增幅频次具有比较一致的月际变化、年际变化、长期线性趋势特征,不同时长的TC暴雨增幅的日变化不尽相同;浙江发生TC暴雨增幅和极端暴雨增幅主要出现频率最高的地区是温州南部和台州南部。影响浙江台风9类路径都有可能发生TC暴雨增幅,除了舟山以北登陆类外,其他路径也均有可能发生TC极端暴雨增幅,TC暴雨增幅和TC极端暴雨增幅均以椒江到福清登陆类路径占比最多;TC中心位于浙江温台交界附近和福建东北部沿海时浙江最易发生TC暴雨增幅和极端暴雨增幅;不同分辨率下TC暴雨增幅和TC极端暴雨增幅发生频率最高的离TC中心距离是不同的,但TC暴雨增幅极大值均出现在距离台风中心600~700 km范围内;不同时间分辨率的TC暴雨增幅和TC极端暴雨增幅出现频率最高的是TC的东北象限,其次是西北象限,增幅极大值均出现在东北象限。另外,TC暴雨增幅和极端暴雨增幅均与TC强度有一定关系,从各时长平均来看,最易发生TC暴雨增幅的是强热带风暴级,最易发生TC极端暴雨增幅的是热带低压级。  相似文献   

热带气旋经过台湾岛强度变化特征   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
董林  端义宏 《气象》2008,34(7):10-14
用中国气象局整编的1949-2006年共58年的<台风年鉴>或<热带气旋年鉴>资料,将资料线性插值到1小时,挑选出经过台湾岛的热带气旋(TC),用统计分析的方法,揭示TC经过台湾岛时的强度变化特征.结果表明,TC从东侧登陆台湾岛损失的强度为西侧登陆损失强度的2倍以上;TC登陆时的路径方向与台湾中央山脉长轴的交角越接近垂直,其过岛损失的强度越小,在岛逗留的时间越短;TC登陆台湾岛东侧时强度损耗与TC登陆前其自身的强度呈正相关,而登陆台湾岛西侧则没有明显的统计规律;TC从台湾西侧登陆时不但出现强度不变或者增强的几率更大,而且强度增强也更多.  相似文献   

Based on gradient wind equations,including frictional force,and considering the effect of the movement of a tropical cyclone on wind speed,the Fujita Formula is improved and further simplified,and the numerical scheme for calculating the maximum wind speed radius and wind velocity distribution of a moving tropical cyclone is derived.In addition,the effect of frictional force on the internal structure of the tropical cyclone is discussed.By comparison with observational data,this numerical scheme demonstrate...  相似文献   

风垂直切变和下滑倾斜涡度发展   总被引:42,自引:10,他引:42       下载免费PDF全文
吴国雄  蔡雅萍 《大气科学》1997,21(3):273-282
本文根据绝热无摩擦的饱和湿空气具有湿位涡守恒的特征,研究湿斜压过程中涡旋垂直涡度的发展。由于传统的等熵位涡分析的应用受等熵面倾斜的限制,本文进而发展了Z坐标及P坐标中的倾斜涡度发展理论。指出在梅雨锋南侧暖湿区的北端,以及梅雨锋北边界附近,湿等熵面十分陡立,是涡旋发展及暴雨发生的重要地区。还证明了倾斜涡度发展的必要条件和充分条件。指出在对流不稳定的饱和大气中,倾斜涡度发展必伴有低空急流存在。对1991年6月12~15日江淮流域暴雨过程的诊断表明,湿位涡分析,尤其是等压面上湿位涡量Pm1和Pm2的分析不仅在中高纬有效,在低纬度及低对流层均十分有效,是暴雨诊断和预报的有力工具。  相似文献   

用风廓线资料分析热带气旋“帕布”的风场结构   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
使用香港风廓线资料,进行时空转换,得到热带气旋“帕布”近香港时的水平和垂直风场剖面结构:气旋近地面层风场以径向风为主;气旋东西两侧水平风场结构明显不同,东侧偏东风明显,西侧随高度增加切向风不断增强,并监测到东北风急流的向下传播;尽管两侧风场结构不同,水平风速却表现出较好的对称性,但气旋西侧由于急流的存在,风速总体较东侧高;近中心上升气流明显偏于中心西侧,下沉气流总体较上升气流要强,且更对称。  相似文献   

文章分析了1949—2010年发生在西北太平洋上的热带气旋的空间分布特征。并利用趋势分析、小波分析和滑动t检验方法分析了热带气旋的年际变化特征、季节变化特征、周期特征和突变特征。结果表明:西北太平洋热带气旋多生成于5~25°N,110~170°E的海域。频数的年际变化存在三个阶段,月际变化明显,集中出现在7—10月。整个时域上10~15a的波动明显,并经历了三次突变过程。62a间强热带风暴生成最多,台风次之,热带风暴最少。热带气旋强度的年变化不明显。热带气旋强度越强,频数最大值的月份出现越晚。亚洲季风和西太平洋副高对热带气旋的产生起很大的作用。  相似文献   

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