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铺层方式对织物渗透率的影响   总被引:18,自引:10,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
增强材料的渗透率是研究和模拟RTM工艺的关键参数。采用单向玻璃纤维织物,在恒定的注射压力下,通过记录树脂在织物内流动前缘椭圆长、短轴随时间的变化,利用Darcy定律测定了不同铺层方式下织物的渗透率,研究了铺层方式对织物渗透率的影响。实验证明,铺层方式改变时,织物的渗透率大小和主轴方向发生改变,其关系符合椭圆的叠加原理。   相似文献   

对作为吸能元件的纤维增强复合材料圆柱壳的吸能特性进行了试验研究。制备了不同铺层角度和不同引发方式的玻璃纤维/聚酯树脂基圆柱壳,通过对该圆柱壳进行动态试验,探求铺层方式和引发方式对该吸能元件吸能效果的影响,以及该复合材料层合壳体压溃过程的破坏机理。  相似文献   

铺层角度偏差对曲面复合材料结构固化变形的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了铺层角度偏差对某变厚度曲面结构复合材料固化变形的影响。对铺层角度偏差的来源进行了归纳,采用考虑热膨胀和固化收缩的固化变形计算模型,对该变厚度的复合材料曲面层合板结构的固化变形进行了计算,计算结果与试验结果较为吻合,表明了计算模型的准确性。采用均匀试验设计方法,得到了该曲面结构铺层角度偏差在5°以内变化时的实验方案,对实验设计的计算结果进行了回归分析,结果显示,对于该曲面复合材料结构,总体上铺层角度偏差对固化变形的影响不大,相对的,-45°的铺层偏差对固化变形的影响较大,90°的铺层偏差对固化变形的影响较小。  相似文献   

开展了大展弦比复合材料机翼气动弹性综合优化设计研究,以复合材料层合板铺层厚度为设计变量,以多种气动弹性约束与强度/应变约束为限制条件对结构进行优化设计,从铺层比例和铺层非均衡两方面分析了蒙皮铺层参数的影响。研究表明: 在满足综合约束的条件下,随着0°铺层比例的增加,翼尖变形略微减小,颤振速度略有下降,副翼效率变化不大; 蒙皮铺层非均衡程度主要影响机翼静气动弹性能,随着蒙皮非均衡引起的机翼刚轴绕翼根向前缘逐渐偏转,翼尖垂直变形变化不明显,但翼尖负扭转变形的绝对值加大,副翼效率下降。  相似文献   

复合材料层合板的铺层几何对结构声传输的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
采用基于复合材料一阶剪切理论-Mindilin理论的板单元和基于Rayleigh表面分方程的边界元,对嵌在无限障板上的复合材料层合板在低频简谐平面声波斜入射情况下,建立了考虑流体结构耦合的传声计算模型,并利用该模型计算研究了对称角铺设、反对称角铺设和正交铺设等不同铺设方式对层合板传声损失的影响以及在板侧流体介质分别为空气和水时层合板的传声特性,指出层合板的铺层几何对其传声损失有较大影响,应在设计中引起注意。  相似文献   

针对不同搭接长度和铺层方式的碳纤维增强树脂(CFRP)复合材料层合板单搭胶接结构进行了拉伸试验,观察了试件的受力过程和失效形态,获得了载荷-位移曲线;同时基于连续损伤力学模型和三维Hashin失效准则模拟了CFRP复合材料层合板的层内损伤形成和演化,并利用内聚力模型来模拟层间及胶层的失效损伤,对CFRP复合材料层合板单搭胶接结构在拉伸作用下的失效强度和损伤机制进行了预测,通过对比验证了该数值方法的有效性;通过数值试验比较不同搭接长度和铺层方式的单搭胶接结构及双搭胶接结构的连接强度和损伤行为,并提出了一种优化的CFRP复合材料层合板胶接结构。结果表明:CFRP复合材料层合板胶接结构的极限失效载荷随着搭接长度的增大逐渐增加并趋于稳定值,且结构的失效形式逐渐从胶层自身剪切失效过渡到邻近胶层的层合板层间分层失效;CFRP复合材料层合板胶接结构的连接强度和损伤行为随着铺层方式的不同而改变,通过对3种铺层方式的对比和分析,得到性能最好的铺层方式是[03/903]2S;在搭接长度为5~20 mm时,通过对搭接长度进行优化,得到单搭胶接结构的最优搭接长度是17 mm,双搭胶接结构的最优搭接长度是19.3 mm,与搭接长度为20 mm相比,单搭胶接结构和双搭胶接结构的连接强度分别提高了13.26%和0.43%。   相似文献   

使用热压罐制备[45/-45]4s、[0/90]4s和[0/45/-45/90]2s三种铺层方式的CFRP层合板,然后在室温下与Al胶接制备出单搭接试样。使用电子万能试验机、数字图像相关法(DIC)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等手段测量胶接接头的拉伸载荷-位移曲线和应变分布并观察断口形貌。基于试验数据分析不同铺层方式下CFRP-Al单搭接接头的拉伸性能,研究了铺层方式对CFRP-Al单搭接接头胶接性能的影响和铺层方式胶接接头的破坏机制。结果表明,在拉伸过程中[45/-45]4s试样出现塑性变形阶段其拉伸位移最大,而[0/45/-45/90]2s和[0/90]4s试样的拉伸位移较小且发生了脆性断裂。铺层方式从[45/-45]4s到[0/45/-45/90]2s再到[0/90]4s,试样的极限载荷和纤维束断裂数量增加、层间剪切力减小、应变集中程度和分层破坏程度降低。  相似文献   

童小伟  黄妙华 《材料导报》2017,31(Z1):477-480, 500
对碳纤维复合材料保险杠碰撞性能进行研究,并进行铺层优化设计。先在HyperStudy中进行试验设计获得大量试验数据,然后采用HyperKriging方法构建近似模型,随后采用遗传算法进行铺层优化,最后将最优解重新代入原模型,进行运算验证。相对于原钢制保险杠,优化后的碳纤维复合材料保险杠有更佳的安全性能,且质量显著减轻,减轻63.3%。碳纤维复合材料对于汽车碰撞安全性及轻量化具有重要的研究意义。  相似文献   

制备了多种铺层方式的连续玻璃纤维/聚丙烯(GF/PP)复合材料波纹夹芯板,并研究了GF/PP复合材料波纹夹芯板的平压性能和弯曲性能。结果显示:面板相同时,增加芯板厚度可大大增加夹芯板整体的平压性能;芯板相同时,面板的铺层方式对夹芯板的平压性能有一定影响,且面板含有0°和90°铺层的波纹夹芯板具有最高的平压模量,为59.55 MPa,而单纯增加面板厚度对提升波纹夹芯板的平压性能影响不大;面板铺层方式对弯曲性能具有较大影响,面板为0°铺层的波纹夹芯板具有最高的横向弯曲模量,为783.66 MPa,面板为90°铺层的波纹夹芯板具有最高的纵向弯曲模量,为732.09 MPa;面板为单向铺层(0°或90°铺层)时,会使夹芯板另一方向(纵向或横向)的弯曲性能形成短板。   相似文献   

铺层拼接层合板的抗拉强度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对复合材料结构设计中遇到含铺层拼接的层合板强度预测问题,本文设计了含铺层交错拼接区的碳/双马复合材料层合板试件,采用拉伸试验方法测定了该材料的力学性能,得到了不同拼接长度层合板的抗拉强度。试验结果表明,铺层拼接状态差异对复合材料层合板的承载能力有显著影响,文中根据试验结果建立了抗拉强度随拼接长度变化的经验公式,为复合材料层合板结构的铺层设计和强度分析提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

复合材料层合板连接件力学性能影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在位移载荷作用下,基于二维有限元模型,通过编写材料失效准则和刚度退化规则的ABAQUS用户子程序USFLD,并考虑剪切非线性效应,分析了一般铺层下配合间隙、挤压面切向摩擦系数和开孔形状对复合材料层合板单钉螺栓连接力学性能的影响。结果表明:小的配合间隙、大的挤压面切向摩擦系数和开孔形状采用圆孔时均有利于提高连接强度。  相似文献   

铺层混杂对复合材料层压板侵彻性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用MTS和冲击侵彻测试装置,研究了由芳香族聚酰胺纤维、高强聚乙烯醇纤维制成的织物通过不同铺层方式与酚醛/PVB树脂复合的层压板的准静态和冲击侵彻性能。结果表明,芳香族聚酰胺织物层的加入能显著提高高强维纶织物树脂复合材料层压板的准静态侵彻刚度。随着芳纶混杂体积分数的提高,铺层混杂复合材料层压板的准静态侵彻阻力、穿孔能量(或单位面密度穿孔能量)将随之增加。从防护装具性能/重量比和性能/价格比的角度考虑,在芳香族聚酰胺与高强聚乙烯醇织物铺层混杂复合材料层压板中,高强聚乙烯醇纤维混杂体积分数可以确定为20%左右。  相似文献   

A polymer fabric reinforced composite is a high performance material, which combines strength of the fibres with the flexibility and ductility of the matrix. For a better drapeability, the tows of fibres are interleaved, resulting the woven fabric, used as reinforcement. The complex geometric shape of the fabric is of paramount importance in establishing the deformability of the textile reinforced composite laminates. In this paper, an approach based on Classical Lamination Theory (CLT), combined with Finite Element Methods (FEM), using Failure Analysis and Internal Load Redistribution, is utilised, in order to compare the behaviour of the material under specific loads. The main goal is to analyse the deformability of certain types of textile reinforced composite laminates, using carbon fibre satin as reinforcement and epoxy resin as matrix. This is accomplished by studying the variation of the in-plane strains, given the fluctuation of several geometric parameters, namely the width of the reinforcing tow, the gap between two consecutive tows, the angle of laminae in a multi-layered configuration and the tows fibre volume fraction.  相似文献   

胶接修理是效率较高、应用较广的复合材料结构修补技术。对采用不同参数进行挖补和贴补修理的复合材料层合板的拉伸性能进行实验研究。结果表明:挖补修理实验件的强度恢复率约为66%~91%,贴补修理实验件的强度恢复率约为44%~61%。在挖补修理实验件中,减小挖补斜度、采用双面挖补、使用热压罐固化,在贴补修理实验件中,采用双面贴补、增大补片尺寸,均可得到更高的强度恢复率。在实验基础上建立的有限元模型,能够有效预测实验件的失效载荷、破坏模式,并可分析实验件的应力分布和渐进损伤过程,为设计修理方案提供参考。  相似文献   

The influence of compression and shear loads on the strength of composite laminates with z-pins is evaluated parametrically using a 2D Finite Element Code (FLASH) based on Cosserat couple stress theory. Meshes were generated for three unique combinations of z-pin diameter and density. A laminated plate theory analysis was performed on several layups to determine the bi-axial stresses in the zero degree plies. These stresses, in turn, were used to determine the magnitude of the relative load steps prescribed in the FLASH analyses. Results indicated that increasing pin density was more detrimental to in-plane compression strength than increasing pin diameter. Compression strengths of lamina without z-pins agreed well with a closed form expression derived by Budiansky and Fleck. FLASH results for lamina with z-pins were consistent with the closed form results, and FLASH results without z-pins, if the initial fiber waviness due to z-pin insertion was added to the fiber waviness in the material to yield a total misalignment. Addition of 10% shear to the compression loading significantly reduced the lamina strength compared to pure compression loading. Addition of 50% shear to the compression indicated shear yielding rather than kink band formation as the likely failure mode. Two different stiffener reinforced skin configurations with z-pins, one quasi-isotropic and one orthotropic, were also analyzed. Six unique loading cases ranging from pure compression to compression plus 50% shear were analyzed assuming material fiber waviness misalignment angles of 0, 1, and 2°. Compression strength decreased with increased shear loading for both configurations, with the quasi-isotropic configuration yielding lower strengths than the orthotropic configuration.  相似文献   

The response of a laminated plate to internal acoustic emission events is examined in detail. The plate consists of four layers of a unidirectional fiber composite material arranged in a cross-ply configuration. The sources considered include a vertical line couple, a horizontal line couple and a line double couple without moment. The latter is produced by the combination of two equal and opposite line couples and may be associated with a shear dislocation in the plane of the laminate. The particular response presented here is that of the normal upper surface displacement. Four different orientations of the line sources relative to the core fiber direction are considered. The sources may be located at any depth within the plate and results are shown for three locations, namely, the upper interface, the midplane and the lower interface. The receiver is positioned on the upper surface at a known distance from the line of action of the source. When this distance is small relative to the depth of the plate, it is possible to associate some of the peaks and troughs present in the response with the arrival of individual rays. At larger distances, the disturbance arises from the propagating Rayleigh Lamb modes.  相似文献   

应用超声C扫描系统对SiCp Al复合材料进行无损检测 ,提供了一种能够直观显示复合材料内部缺陷截面图的检测方法。可以根据所得到的图形确定材料中缺陷的尺寸和形状 ,并根据缺陷形状和分布判定缺陷的性质。  相似文献   

对层板复合材料在拉伸 -拉伸疲劳载荷作用下的初始静刚度、初始静强度、剩余刚度、剩余强度、疲劳寿命进行了实验研究 ,取得了大量的有意义的实验数据 ,分析了层板复合材料的初始静刚度、初始静强度和疲劳寿命的概率分布 ,讨论了层板复合材料在不同应力水平下剩余刚度随疲劳循环周次的衰减变化及损伤破坏的形式 ,得到了一些有意义的结论  相似文献   

On the Viscoelastic Response of Composite Laminates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present work deals with the determination of theviscoelastic properties of composite laminates based on the viscoelasticbehaviour of the single lamina. A viscoelastic lamination theory isdeveloped assuming that the lamina stiffness matrix is fully complex andfrequency dependent.For the measurement of the complete setof frequency dependent viscoelastic properties of the single lamina(i.e. complex moduli and Poisson's ratio) a new methodology has beenintroduced, based on the free and forced vibration of unidirectional and[45/–45] ns composite laminates.Allmeasurements have been performed both in air and in vacuum. Since thevibration amplitude was very small, in order to fulfil linearityrequirements, the results do not show any significant difference due toair damping.The effects of experimental errors on theevaluation of the viscoelastic properties of the single lamina have alsobeen discussed.  相似文献   

周曦  周克印  姚恩涛 《计测技术》2006,26(3):10-12,34
在传统超声波检测的基础上,利用小波变换将超声检测回波信号分解成不同频带上的信号成分,通过分析这些不同频带上的焊接界面回波和底面回波,结合爆炸焊接复合板不同结合界面对超声波传播的影响,检测出爆炸复合板界面的结合形态.钢钛爆炸焊接复合板的实验室检测结果表明,该方法具有检测方便、检测周期短和不破坏材料整体性的优点.  相似文献   

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