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大气中CO_2及其他“温室”气体不断增加,它们已开始增暖地球了吗? 科学家们急切地期待问题的答案,他们还尝试验证气候模式,以便预报在未来一个世纪里,由于温室气体的作用,气温将上升.一般认为,温室气体捕获从地球逃逸的热,并重新释放给地球,继而使地球增暖.就这一答案,科学家们一直未能确信的一个原因是,过去对地球温度的估计几乎只是基于覆盖地球三分之一的陆地资料.  相似文献   

本文综合国内外有关资料, 从全球气候系统辐射能量平衡原理出发, 概述了影响全球气候长期变化的几个主要外部强迫因素:大气上界辐射变化( 地球轨道形状变化和太阳活动) 、温室气体变化、气溶胶和火山活动、下垫面物理景观变化。分别论述了他们对气候变化的影响机制、辐射效应及作用效果。这些因素多与人类活动有关。  相似文献   

外强迫对北半球冬季大气环流年代际变化影响的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
利用IAP/LASG GOALS模式模拟研究了人类活动和太阳活动对北半球冬季大气环流年代际变化的影响。模拟结果表明,温室气体是影响大气环流变化的一个基本因子,即考虑了温室气体浓度变化的GOALS模式可以很好地反映近50年来大气环流年代际变化的基本特征,同时由于太阳活动和硫酸盐气溶胶的影响,使得大气环流年代际变化的模拟结果更接近观测事实。东亚大槽和北美大槽1960年代中后期明显偏强及1980年代后期显著减弱,以及从1960年代开始西伯利亚高压的减弱和北太平洋涛动(NPO)的增大趋势。最后初步分析了该模式对中国东部气候变化的影响,该模式亦能较好地反映中国东部气候的年代际变化特征:1960年代中后期明显的偏冷时期和1980年代中期开始的显著增暖期。  相似文献   

大气层中温室气体的增加,将会引起全球性的气候变化,进而导致生态、经济、政治方面的严重后果,对温室效应与气候变化关系的研究,已成为世界瞩目的刻不容缓的问题。1温室效应对全球气候影响及预测对全球气候变化的研究表明,人类活动使大气中温室气体(二氧化碳、甲烷、臭氧、氟氯烃、氧化氮、二氧化硫和水汽等)浓度不断增加,使全球温度升高、气候变暖。如果人类不能有效地控制这些温室气体的排放,这种趋势将持续,其增暖效应陆地比海洋强,高纬比低纬显著。全球气候持续变暖将对海平面升高、水资源、农业生态、林业及人类健康等带来…  相似文献   

气候变化的归因与预估模拟研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
本文总结了近五年来中国科学院大气物理研究所在气候变暖的归因模拟与预估研究上的主要进展。研究表明,利用海温、太阳辐射和温室气体等实际强迫因子驱动大气环流模式,能够较为合理地模拟全球平均地表气温在20世纪的演变,但是难以模拟出包括北大西洋涛动/北极涛动和南极涛动在内的高纬度环流的长期变化趋势。利用温室气体和硫酸盐气溶胶等“历史资料”驱动气候系统模式,能够较好地模拟出20世纪后期的全球增暖,但如果要再现20世纪前期(1940年代)的变暖,还需同时考虑太阳辐射等自然外强迫因子。20世纪中国气温演变的耦合模式模拟技巧,较之全球平均情况要低;中国气候在1920年代的变暖机理目前尚不清楚。对于近50年中国东部地区“南冷北暖”、“南涝北旱”的气候变化,基于大气环流模式特别是区域气候模式的数值试验表明,夏季硫酸盐气溶胶的负辐射效应超过了温室气体的增暖效应,从而对变冷产生贡献。但现有的数值模拟证据,不足以说明气溶胶增加对“南涝北旱”型降水异常有贡献。20世纪中期以来,青藏高原主体存在明显增温趋势,温室气体浓度的增加对这种增暖有显著贡献。多模式集合预估的未来气候变化表明,21世纪全球平均温度将继续增暖,增温幅度因不同排放情景而异;中国大陆年均表面气温的增暖与全球同步,但增幅在东北、西部和华中地区较大,冬季升温幅度高于夏季、日最低温度升幅要强于日最高温度;全球增暖有可能对我国中东部植被的地理分布产生影响。伴随温室气体增加所导致的夏季平均温度升高,极端温度事件增多;在更暖的气候背景下,中国大部分地区总降水将增多,极端降水强度加大且更频繁发生,极端降水占总降水的比例也将增大。全球增暖有可能令大洋热盐环流减弱,但是减弱的幅度因模式而异。全球增暖可能不是导致北太平洋副热带-热带经圈环流自20世纪70年代以来变弱的原因。文章同时指出了模式预估结果中存在的不确定性。  相似文献   

使用各国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第一工作组(WG1)2001年科学评估报告中给出的7个全球气候系统模式(CCC、CCSR、CSIRO、DKRZ、GFDL、HADL、NCAR),对20世纪中国西北地区气候变化作检测表明,从观测计算得到的近百年中国西北地区气候变暖0.75℃和近50年气候变暖0.88℃,很可能与人类活动造成大气中温室气体浓度增加以及硫化物气溶胶增加有联系.所有模式的控制试验没有表现出明显的增暖趋势,但是,根据20世纪的排放,所有模式模拟出温室气体增加或温室气体与硫化物气溶胶增加,造成西北地区变暖平均为0.34~1.57℃/100 a和0.90~1.86℃/50 a.所有模式对21世纪中国西北地区气候变化的计算表明,21世纪由于人类活动排放温室气体增加,以及温室气体和硫化物气溶胶增加,西北地区气温将可能平均升高2.79~4.50℃/100a.对21世纪未来降水变化的分析表明,由于温室气体增加,以及由于温室气体和硫化物气溶胶增加,未来西北地区降水将可能增加48~60 mm/100a.由于全球气候模式在模拟区域尺度气候变化上存在较大的不确定性,以及人类活动排放的多样性,因此,对未来的预测展望存在不确定性.  相似文献   

气溶胶与气候   总被引:34,自引:8,他引:26  
气溶胶粒子对气候系统的辐射平衡有重要影响。气溶胶对气候的影响可分为两大方面,即直接影响和间接影响。直接影响指大气中的气溶胶粒子吸收和散射太阳辐射和地面射出长波辐射从而影响地-气辐射收支。模式计算表明,人类活动引起大气气溶胶增加倾向于使地球表面降温,工业化以来,气溶胶增加引起的地面变冷趋势可部分抵销温室气体增加引起的地表温度上升。气溶胶对气候的间接影响是指气溶胶浓度变化会影响云的形成,而云的变化反过来对气候有巨大影响,这方面至今还没有定量结果。    相似文献   

气溶胶对青藏高原气候变化影响的数值模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用美国大气研究中心(NCAR)提供的2组数值试验结果对比,分析了只考虑温室气体增加(1%CO2试验)和综合考虑大气温室气体与气溶胶持续增加(50yrs试验)条件下,青藏高原地区地表温度、积雪深度及其他气候要素的变化,并在此基础上探讨了大气气溶胶含量变化对高原气候变化的可能影响.分析结果表明:只考虑大气CO2含量每年增加1%的变化时,青藏高原相对邻近地区地表温度显著增加,春、夏、秋及冬季地表温度线性增温率均表现出随着海拔高度升高而增强.例如,在海拔1.5~2 km,3~3.5 km和4.5~5 km范围内对应的冬季增温趋势分别为0.29 ℃/10 a,0.36 ℃/10 a和0.50 ℃/10 a.在温室气体引起的高原增暖过程中地表积雪深度普遍降低,且高海拔地区的积雪减少愈加明显.当综合考虑气溶胶和温室气体含量共同增加时,青藏高原地表增暖相对偏弱,春、夏和秋季增温也随海拔高度上升而加强,但冬季地面增温幅度随海拔上升反而下降,海拔1.5~2 km,3~3.5km和4.5~5 km范围内对应的冬季增温趋势分别为0.02 ℃/10 a,-0.03 ℃/10 a和-0.13 ℃/10 a.对比分析发现,大气气溶胶增加造成青藏高原冬季增温不明显甚至出现变冷趋势,地面积雪也随之增多,这可能歪曲了青藏高原地区气候变暖对海拔高度的依赖性.  相似文献   

曾晓梅 《气象科技》2006,34(3):305-305
新的气候模拟表明,人类活动引起的土地覆被变化可能会引起亚马逊地区的由温室气体导致的增暖加剧,而使中纬地区的温室增暖抵消达25%~50%。NCAR的模拟证明了全球变化模式中考虑土地覆被的重要性。该成果发表于2005年12月9日的Science杂志。该模拟是由堪萨斯大学的Johannes Fedde  相似文献   

在气候学家能够说明大气中的温室气体是否的确开始使地球表面增暖之前,也许已过了十年或几十年.但是科学团体并没有只坐在温度表前,等待升温的发生.美国一些科研机构的领导人去年12月指出:“我们相信,全球环境变化将会是下一世纪最为迫切的国际问题”.  相似文献   

Climate sensitivity to cloud optical properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A radiative–convective model was developed to investigate the sensitivity of climate to cloud optical properties and the related feedback processes. This model demonstrates that the Earth's surface temperature increases with cloud optical depth when the clouds are very thin but decreases with cloud optical depth when the cloud shortwave (solar) radiative forcing is larger than the cloud longwave (terrestrial) radiative forcing. When clouds are included in the model, the magnitude of the greenhouse effect due to a doubling of the CO2 concentration varies with the cloudoptical depth: the thicker the clouds, the weaker the greenhouse warming. In addition, a small variation in the cloud droplet size has a larger impact on the equilibrium state temperature in the lower atmosphere than the warming caused by a doubling of the CO2 concentration: a 2% increase in the average cloud droplet size per degree increase in temperature doubles the warming caused by the doubling of the CO2 concentration. These findings suggest that physically reliable correlations between the cloud droplet size and macrophysical meteorological variables such as temperature, wind and water vapor fields are needed on a global climate scale to assess the climate impact of increases in greenhouse gases.  相似文献   

The IAP/LASG GOALS coupled model is used to simulate the climate change during the 20th century using historical greenhouse gases concentrations, the mass mixing ratio of sulfate aerosols simulated by a CTM model, and reconstruction of solar variability spanning the period 1900 to 1997. Four simulations, including a control simulation and three forcing simulations, are conducted. Comparison with the observational record for the period indicates that the three forcing experiments simulate reasonable temporal and spatial distributions of the temperature change. The global warming during the 20th century is caused mainly by increasing greenhouse gas concentration especially since the late 1980s; sulfate aerosols offset a portion of the global warming and the reduction of global temperature is up to about 0.11℃ over the century; additionally, the effect of solar variability is not negligible in the simulation of climate change over the 20th century.  相似文献   

气溶胶气候效应的一维模式分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
赵凤生  石广玉 《大气科学》1994,18(Z1):902-909
本文首先采用一线辐射对流模式,分析了乡村型、城市型气溶胶和平流层气溶胶含量增加对全球地表气温的直接影响以及硫酸盐粒子含量增加对全球地表气温的间接影响。然后利用考虑了海洋热惯性作用的EBM/BD模式,模拟了近百年来由于大气中硫酸盐粒子含量变化、火山爆发和大气温室气体浓度增加共同引起的全球地表平均气温变化。结果表明:气溶胶的气候效应在地气系统辐射收支和全球气温变化研究中起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of global warming on the savannization of the tropical land region and also examines the relative roles of the impact of the increase of greenhouse gas concentration and future changes in land cover on the tropical climate. For this purpose, a mechanistic–statistical–dynamical climate model with a bidirectional interaction between vegetation and climate is used. The results showed that climate change due to deforestation is more than that due to greenhouse gases in the tropical region. The warming due to deforestation corresponds to around 60% of the warming in the tropical region when the increase of CO2 concentration is included together. However, the global warming due to deforestation is negligible. On the other hand, with the increase of CO2 concentration projected for 2100, there is a lower decrease of evapotranspiration, precipitation and net surface radiation in the tropical region compared with the case with only deforestation. Differently from the case with only deforestation, the effect of the changes in the net surface radiation overcomes that due to the evapotranspiration, so that the warming in the tropical land region is increased. The impact of the increase of CO2 concentration on a deforestation scenario is to increase the reduction of the areas covered by tropical forest (and a corresponding increase in the areas covered by savanna) which may reach 7.5% in future compared with the present climate. Compared with the case with only deforestation, drying may increase by 66.7%. This corroborates with the hypothesis that the process of savannization of the tropical forest can be accelerated in future due to global warming.  相似文献   

 Two simulations with a global coupled ocean-atmosphere circulation model have been carried out to study the potential impact of solar variability on climate. The Hoyt and Schatten estimate of solar variability from 1700 to 1992 has been used to force the model. Results indicate that the near-surface temperature simulated by the model is dominated by the long periodic solar fluctuations (Gleissberg cycle), with global mean temperatures varying by about 0.5 K. Further results indicate that solar variability and an increase in greenhouse gases both induce to a first approximation a comparable pattern of surface temperature change, i.e., an increase of the land-sea contrast. However, the solar-induced warming pattern in annual means and summer is more centered over the subtropics, compared to a more uniform warming associated with the increase in greenhouse gases. The observed temperature rise over the most recent 30 and 100 years is larger than the trend in the solar forcing simulation during the same period, indicating a strong likelihood that, if the model forcing and response is realistic, other factors have contributed to the observed warming. Since the pattern of the recent observed warming agrees better with the greenhouse warming pattern than with the solar variability response, it is likely that one of these factors is the increase of the atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration. Received: 14 October 1996 / Accepted: 9 May 1997  相似文献   

空气污染与气候变化   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
近50年来,全球气候变化主要由大气温室气体浓度的日益增加引起,而空气污染主要由悬浮于空气中的大气气溶胶粒子造成,它们都主要由矿物燃料的燃烧排放形成.近年的研究表明,大气气溶胶粒子也具有气候效应:一是通过散射和吸收太阳光,减少到达地面的太阳辐射而具有降冷作用,可抵消一部分由温室气体造成的变暖作用;二是可以作为云中凝结核改变云微物理过程和降水性质,改变大气的水循环.大气气溶胶对于经济社会的许多方面,如农业、水资源、人体健康、城市化等也表现出重要的影响.由于空气污染和气候变化在很大程度上有共同的原因,即主要都是由矿物燃料燃烧的排放造成,因而减轻和控制空气污染与减少温室气体排放保护气候在行动上应是一致的.为了从经济上得到最大的节约和获得双赢的效果,应该采取协同应对空气污染和气候变化的减排战略,即应该采取统一的而不是分离的科学研究和应对战略.  相似文献   

The popular picture of the greenhouse effect emphasises the radiation transfer but fails to explain the observed climate change. An old conceptual model for the greenhouse effect is revisited and presented as a useful resource in climate change communication. It is validated against state-of-the-art data, and nontraditional diagnostics show a physically consistent picture. The earth’s climate is constrained by well-known and elementary physical principles, such as energy balance, flow, and conservation. Greenhouse gases affect the atmospheric optical depth for infrared radiation, and increased opacity implies higher altitude from which earth’s equivalent bulk heat loss takes place. Such an increase is seen in the reanalyses, and the outgoing long-wave radiation has become more diffuse over time, consistent with an increased influence of greenhouse gases on the vertical energy flow from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. The reanalyses further imply increases in the overturning in the troposphere, consistent with a constant and continuous vertical energy flow. The increased overturning can explain a slowdown in the global warming, and the association between these aspects can be interpreted as an entanglement between the greenhouse effect and the hydrological cycle, where reduced energy transfer associated with increased opacity is compensated by tropospheric overturning activity.  相似文献   

全球变暖趋缓研究进展   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
近十几年来,全球年平均表面温度上升趋势显示出停滞状态,即全球变暖趋缓,这引起了国际社会的广泛关注,同时也引发了对全球变暖的质疑,各国气候学家正努力就全球变暖趋缓的事实、原因及其可能影响展开研究。本文综述了目前国内外对全球变暖趋缓的研究结果。多数科学家认可近十几年来全球变暖停滞的事实,并认为太阳活动处于低位相、大气气溶胶(自然和人为)增加以及海洋吸收热量是变暖停滞的可能影响因子,其中海洋(尤其是700米以下的深海)对热量的储存可能是变暖停滞的关键。国际耦合模式比较计划第5阶段中的模式并未精确地描述各种有利降温影响因子的近期位相演变,因而其模拟的近期增暖趋势较观测偏强。由此推断,变暖停滞主要是自然因素造成的,并且预测变暖趋缓将在近几年或几十年内结束(依赖于太平洋年代际振荡的位相转变),未来气温将仍主要受到温室气体增加的影响而表现出明显的上升趋势。因此,目前的全球变暖趋缓不大可能改变到本世纪末全球大幅度变暖带来的风险。本综述展望未来的研究热点包括:精确估算全球气温和海洋热含量的变率及其不确定性,海洋年代际信号(太平洋以及大西洋的年代际振荡)的转型机制,存储在深海的热量将在何时返回海洋表面及其对区域气候的潜在影响。  相似文献   

The long-term trends of total surface solar radiation(SSR),surface diffuse radiation,and surface air temperature were analyzed in this study based on updated 48-yr data from 55 observational stations in China,and then the correlation between SSR and the diurnal temperature range(DTR) was studied.The effect of total solar radiation on surface air temperature in China was investigated on the basis of the above analyses.A strong correlation between SSR and DTR was found for the period 1961-2008 in China.The highest correlation and steepest regression line slope occurred in winter,indicating that the solar radiation effect on DTR was the largest in this season.Clouds and water vapor have strong influences on both SSR and DTR,and hence on their relationship.The largest correlations between SSR and DTR occurred in wintertime in northern China,regardless of all-day(including clear days and cloudy days) or clear-day cases.Our results also showed that radiation arriving at the surface in China decreased significantly during 1961-1989(dimming period),but began to increase during 1990-2008(brightening period),in agreement with previous global studies.The reduction of total SSR offset partially the greenhouse warming during 1961-1989.However,with the increase of SSR after 1990,this offsetting effect vanished;on the contrary,it even made a contribution to the accelerated warming.Nonetheless,the greenhouse warming still played a controlling role because of the increasing of minimum and mean surface temperatures in the whole study period of 1961-2008.We estimated that the greenhouse gases alone may have caused surface temperatures to rise by 0.31-0.46℃(10 yr) 1 during 1961-2008,which is higher than previously estimated.Analysis of the corresponding changes in total solar radiation,diffuse radiation,and total cloud cover indicated that the dimming and brightening phenomena in China were likely attributable to increases in absorptive and scattering aerosols in the atmosphere,respectively.  相似文献   

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