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Models for contaminant transport in streams commonly idealize transient storage as a well mixed but immobile system. These transient storage models capture rapid (near‐stream) hyporheic storage and transport, but do not account for large‐scale, stage‐dependent interaction with the alluvial aquifer. The objective of this research was to document transient storage of phosphorus (P) in coarse gravel alluvium potentially influenced by large‐scale, stage‐dependent preferential flow pathways (PFPs). Long‐term monitoring was performed at floodplain sites adjacent to the Barren Fork Creek and Honey Creek in northeastern Oklahoma. Based on results from subsurface electrical resistivity mapping which was correlated to hydraulic conductivity data, observation wells were installed both in higher hydraulic conductivity and lower hydraulic conductivity subsoils. Water levels in the wells were monitored over time, and water samples were obtained from the observation wells and the stream to document P concentrations at multiple times during high flow events. Contour plots indicating direction of flow were developed using water table elevation data. Contour plots of total P concentrations showed the alluvial aquifer acting as a transient storage zone, with P‐laden stream water heterogeneously entering the aquifer during the passage of a storm pulse, and subsequently re‐entering the stream during baseflow conditions. Some groundwater in the alluvial floodplains had total P concentrations that mirrored the streams' total P concentrations. A detailed analysis of P forms indicated that particulate P (i.e. P attached to particulates greater than 0·45 µm) was a significant portion of the P transport. This research suggests the need for more controlled studies on stage‐dependent transient storage in alluvial systems. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Anisotropy and heterogeneity of hydraulic conductivity (K) are seldom considered in models of mire hydrology. We investigated the effect of anisotropy and heterogeneity on groundwater flow in bog peat using a steady‐state groundwater model. In five model simulations, four sets of K data were used. The first set comprised measured K values from an anisotropic and heterogeneous bog peat. These data were aggregated to produce the following simplified data sets: an isotropic and heterogeneous distribution of K; an isotropic and homogeneous distribution; and an anisotropic and homogeneous distribution. We demonstrate that, where anisotropy and heterogeneity exist, groundwater flow in bog peat is complex. Fine‐scale variations in K have the potential to influence patterns and rates of groundwater flow. However, for our data at least, it is heterogeneity and not anisotropy that has the greater influence on producing complex patterns of groundwater flow. We also demonstrate that patterns and rates of groundwater flow are simplified and reduced when measured K values are aggregated to create a more uniform distribution of K. For example, when measured K values are aggregated to produce isotropy and homogeneity, the rate of modelled seepage is reduced by 28%. We also show that when measured K values are used, the presence of a drainage ditch can increase seepage through a modelled cross‐section. Our work has implications for the accurate interpretation of hydraulic head data obtained from peat soils, and also the understanding of the effect of drainage ditches on patterns and rates of groundwater flow. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Runoff from boreal hillslopes is often affected by distinct soil boundaries, including the frozen boundary and the organic‐mineral boundary (OMB), where highly porous and hydraulically conductive organic material overlies fine‐grained mineral soils. Viewed from the surface, ground cover appears as a patchwork on sub‐meter scales, with thick, moss mats interspersed with lichen‐covered, silty soils with gravel inclusions. We conducted a decameter‐scale subsurface tracer test on a boreal forest hillslope in interior Alaska to quantify locations and mechanisms of transport and storage in these soils, focusing on the OMB. A sodium bromide tracer was added as a slug addition to a pit and sampled at 40 down‐gradient wells, screened primarily at the OMB and within a 7 × 12 m well field. We maintained an elevated head in the injection pit for 8.5 hr to simulate a storm. Tracer breakthrough velocities ranged from <0.12 to 0.93 m hr?1, with the highest velocities in lichen‐covered soils. After 12 hr and cessation of the elevated head, the tracer coalesced and was only detected in thick mosses at a trough in the OMB. By 24 hr, approximately 17% of the tracer mass could be accounted for. The majority of the mass loss occurred between 4 and 12 hr, while the tracer was in contact with lichen‐covered soils, which is consistent with tracer transport into deeper flow paths via preferential flow through discrete gravelly areas. Slow breakthroughs suggest that storage and exchange also occurred in shallow soils, likely related to saturation and drainage in fine‐grained mineral soils caused by the elevated hydraulic head. These findings highlight the complex nature of storage and transmission of water and solutes from boreal hillslopes to streams and are particularly relevant given rapid changes to boreal environments related to climate change, thawing permafrost and increasing fire severity.  相似文献   

In alluvial coastal aquifers, finer sediments are preferentially deposited along the downstream direction, so the hydraulic conductivity is generally heterogeneous and changes with distance from the coastline. To investigate the influence of aquifer heterogeneity on seawater‐groundwater interaction, a new two‐dimensional model characterising groundwater flow in an aquifer‐aquitard system was developed assuming that the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer linearly increases with the distance from the coastline along the inland direction. A closed‐form analytical solution was derived using the separation‐of‐variables method. Comparing the new solution with the numerical solution by comsol Multiphysics (Sweden) based on the finite‐element method, one can see that the new solution agreed with the numerical solution very well except at the early time. We found that both aquitard leakance and the heterogeneity factor (b) could result in the propagation bias. The propagation bias represents the inconsistency between the theoretical calculation and the observed strong attenuation and small time lag between the head and tide fluctuations. The attenuation decreased with perpendicular distance from the coastline (x‐axis), whereas the time lag increased with distance along the x‐axis. The relationship between the time lag and the distance along the x‐axis seemed to be linear when b was 0.001 m?1, whereas it obeyed a power function when b was greater than 0.01 m?1. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We explore the fluvial response to faulting in three low‐gradient, sand‐bed rivers in south‐eastern Louisiana, USA, that flow across active normal faults from footwall (upstream) to hangingwall (downstream). We calculate sinuosity, migration rate and migration direction in order to identify anomalies spatially associated with fault scarps. In two of the rivers we model one‐dimensional steady water flow to identify anomalies in surface water slope, width‐to‐depth ratio, and shear stress. In each of these rivers there is one location where flow modeling suggests potential channel incision through the footwall, as indicated by relatively high surface water slopes and shear stress values. In one of these footwall locations, the river straightens and width‐to‐depth ratios decrease, likely contributing to higher surface water slopes and shear stress. This is in contrast to previous studies that have proposed increased sinuosity across fault footwalls and decreased sinuosity across hangingwalls. However, in two hangingwall locations we also observe relatively less sinuous channels. Other planform changes on the hangingwall include topographic steering of channels along and towards the fault and one example of an avulsion. The most notable anomaly in migration rate occurs on the hangingwall of a fault where a river has cut off a meander loop. Although fluvial response to faulting varies here, comparatively large and small channels exhibit similar responses. Further, Pleistocene fault slip rates are orders of magnitude lower than the channel migration rates, suggesting that faulting should not be a major influence on the fluvial evolution. Nonetheless, notable channel anomalies exist near faults, suggesting that recent fault slip rates are higher than Pleistocene rates, and/or that low‐gradient alluvial channels are more sensitive to faulting than previous studies have suggested. Rivers appear to be influenced by faulting in this setting, however background rates of meander loop cutoff may be just as influential as faulting. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dynamics and the surface evolution of a post‐LGM debris‐flow‐dominated alluvial fan (Tartano alluvial fan), which lies on the floor of an alpine valley (Valtellina, Northern Italy), have been investigated by means of an integrated study comprising geomorphological field work, a sedimentological study, photointerpretation, quantitative geomorphology, analysis of ancient to modern cartography and consultation of historical documents and records. The fan catchment meteoclimatic, geological and geomorphological characteristics result in fast rates of geomorphic reorganization of the fan surface (2 km2). The dynamics of the fan are determined by the alternation of low‐return period catastrophic alluvial events dominated by non‐cohesive debris flows triggered by extreme rainstorms which caused aggradation and steepening of the fan and avulsion of its main channel, with periods of low to moderate streamflow discharge punctuated by low‐ to intermediate‐magnitude flood events, causing slower but steady topographic reworking. The most ancient parts of the fan surface date back at least to the first half of the 19th century, but most of the fan surface has been restructured after 1911, mainly during the debris‐flow‐dominated events of 1911 and 1987. Phases of rapid fan toe incision and fan degradation have been recognized; since the 1930s or 1940s, the Tartano fan has been subjected to a state of deep entrenchment and narrowing of the main trunk channel and distributary area. Post‐Little Ice Age climate change and present‐day surface uplift rates have been considered as possible explanations for the observed geomorphic evolution, but tectonic or climatic controls cannot account for the order of magnitude of the erosional pace. Anthropogenic controls plausibly override the natural ones: in particular, the building of a dam in the late 1920s, about 2 km upstream of the fan, seems to have triggered fan dissection, having altered the sediment discharge through sediment retention. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hydrogeological behaviour of fault zones in carbonate aquifers is often neglected in conceptual and numerical models. Furthermore, no information is available regarding the relationships between piezometric levels when significant compartmentalization occurs due to the occurrence of low‐flow fault zones. The aim of this study was to refine the conceptualization of subsurface flow in faulted carbonate aquifers and to analyse relationships between sub‐basins within a compartmentalized aquifer system in Southern Italy. The interactions between compartments that straddle low‐flow faults were investigated over four hydrologic years using a statistical approach to compare (i) the hydraulic heads within two wells located up‐ and down‐gradient of tectonic discontinuities as well as (ii) the rainfall and piezometric levels. The results of this study suggest that a set of barriers exists between the wells, and, therefore, the total head loss observed between the wells (approximately 80 m) should be distributed across several aquitards, with one aquitard exhibiting a relatively high permeability or low degree of integrity. Due to slight differences in permeability, transient conditions in aquitards can occur over relatively short periods, which is in agreement with the results of the statistical data analysis. Consequently, rather than being caused by pure aquitards, aquifer system compartmentalization likely results from slight differences in the permeability between lower‐permeability fault zones and adjacent higher‐permeability protoliths. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To investigate the source, flow paths, and chemistry of rich resources of high‐quality, shallow groundwater in the alluvial fan between the Tedori and Sai rivers in central Japan, we analysed stable isotope ratios of H, O, and Sr and concentrations of major dissolved ions and trace elements in groundwater, river water, and paddy water. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the groundwater are related to near‐surface geology: groundwater in sediment from the Tedori River has high 87Sr/86Sr ratios (>0.711), whereas that from the Sai River in the north of the fan has low 87Sr/86Sr ratios (<0.711). δ2H and δ18O values and 87Sr/86Sr ratios indicate that groundwater in the central and southern fans is recharged by the Tedori River, whereas recharge in the north is from the Sai River. Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, HCO3?, and SO42? concentrations and δ2H and δ18O values in the groundwater are high in the central fan and, except for the northern area, tend to increase with distance from the Tedori River. There are linear relationships between 87Sr/86Sr ratio and the reciprocal concentrations of Sr2+, Mg2+, and Ca2+. These geochemical characteristics suggest that as groundwater recharged from the Tedori River flows towards the central fan, it mixes with waters derived from precipitation and paddy water that have become enriched in these components during downward infiltration. These results are consistent with our hydrological analysis and numerical simulation of groundwater flow, thus verifying the validity of the model we used in our simulation of groundwater flow. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hyporheic zone (HZ) has the capability to eliminate and attenuate nutrients and contaminants in riverine systems. Biogeochemical reactions and the potential elimination of contaminants are strongly controlled by the flow paths and dynamics in the HZ. Nevertheless, an easily applicable method for the field determination of flow patterns in the HZ is still lacking. Therefore, a heat pulse technique, which traces the movement of a short heat pulse in the upper part of the HZ and other sand beds, was developed. Five rods are vertically driven into the sediment of the streambed; one rod with a heater as point source located in about 10‐cm sediment depth and four rods with four temperature sensors in 3 cm distance, arranged concentrically with 7 cm diameter around the heating rod. Subsequently, a heat pulse is applied and the resulting breakthrough curves are indicative of flow velocities and flow directions in the streambed. A rough data analysis procedure is also suggested. In addition, laboratory experiments were performed to test the heat pulse technique. These experiments were validated based on coupled numerical modelling of flow and heat transport. First field tests of the method prove that the method is easily applicable under field conditions. These first field tests showed highly complex flow patterns with flow velocities from 1·8 to 4·9 cm min?1 and flow directions from parallel to surface flow to opposite to surface flow. This suggests the need for a robust method to quantify hyporheic flow patterns in situ. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Anisotropy and heterogeneity of hydraulic conductivity (K) are suspected of greatly affecting rates and patterns of ground‐water seepage in peats. A new laboratory method, termed here the modified cube method, was used to measure horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kh and Kv) of 400 samples of bog peat. The new method avoids many of the problems associated with existing field and laboratory methods, and is shown to give relatively precise measurements of K. In the majority of samples tested, Kh was much greater than Kv, indicating that the bog peat was strongly anisotropic. Log10Kh, log10Kv, and log10 (Kh/Kv) were found to vary significantly with depth, although none of the relationships was simple. We comment on the scale dependency of our measurements. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The impact of urbanization on stream channels is of interest due to the growth of cities and the sensitivity of stream morphology and ecology to hydrologic change. Channel enlargement is a commonly observed effect and channel evolution models can help guide management efforts, but the models must be used in the proper geologic and climatic context. Semi‐alluvial channels characterized by a relatively thin alluvial layer over clay till and a convex channel profile in a temperate climate are not represented in currently available models. In this study we: (i) assess channel enlargement; and (ii) propose a channel evolution model for an urban semi‐alluvial creek in Toronto, Canada. The system is 90% developed with an imperviousness of approximately 47%. Channel enlargement is assessed by comparing 50 year old construction surveys, a recent survey of a relic channel, low‐precision surveys of channel change over a 15 year period, and high‐precision surveys over a three year period. The enlargement ratio of the channel since 1958 is 2.6, but could be as high 8.2 in comparison with the pre‐urban channel. When the increase in flow capacity is considered, the enlargement ratio is 1.9 since 1958 and up to 6.0 in comparison with the pre‐urban channel. Channel enlargement continues in the contemporary channel at an estimated rate of 0.23 m2/year. A five stage model is presented to describe channel evolution in the lower reaches. In this model the coarse lag material from glacial sources provides a natural resilience to the bed and incision occurs only after the increased flows from urbanization are combined with higher slopes as a result of channel straightening or avulsions. Further research should be done to assess stream behaviour close to an identified geologic control point. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fine‐scale dynamics of groundwater flow were studied in a 1·5 ha peatland in central New York. Measurements of the hydraulic head throughout a detailed network of piezometer clusters revealed spatial and temporal variability in the direction of groundwater flow at a very fine (within a few metres) scale of analysis. Within the small wetland, there were areas of groundwater recharge, discharge and lateral flow. Such patterns of groundwater flow frequently reversed or changed due to fluctuations of only a few centimetres in hydraulic head. Specific conductance, deuterium signatures and calcium concentrations of groundwater corroborated the groundwater flow patterns determined with hydraulic head measurements and illustrated the influence of source water chemistry and evaporation on different layers in the peat column. The control of peat chemistry by such fine‐scale groundwater flow may have important implications for plant community composition and diversity in groundwater‐fed peatlands. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment grains in a bedrock‐alluvial river will be deposited within or adjacent to a sediment patch, or as isolated grains on the bedrock surface. Previous analysis of grain geometry has demonstrated that these arrangements produce significant differences in grain entrainment shear stress. However, this analysis neglected potential interactions between the sediment patches, local hydraulics and grain entrainment. We present a series of flume experiments that measure the influence of sediment patches on grain entrainment. The flume had a planar bed with roughness that was much smaller than the diameters of the mobile grains. In each experiment sediment was added either as individual grains or as a single sediment pulse. Flow was then increased until the sediment was entrained. Analysis of the experiments demonstrates that: (1) for individual grains, coarse grains are entrained at a higher discharge than fine grains; (2) once sediment patches are present, the different in entrainment discharge between coarse and fine grains is greatly reduced; (3) the sheltering effect of patches also increases the entrainment discharge of isolated grains; (4) entire sediment patches break‐up and are eroded quickly, rather than through progressive grain‐by‐grain erosion; (5) as discharge increases there is some tendency for patches to become more elongate and flow‐aligned, and more randomly distributed across the bed. One implication of this research is that the critical shear stress in bedrock‐alluvial channels will be a function of the extent of the sediment cover. Another is that the influence of sediment patches equalizes critical shear stresses between different grain sizes and grain locations, meaning that these factors may not need to be accounted for. Further research is needed to quantify interactions between sediment patches, grain entrainment and local hydraulics on rougher bedrock surfaces, and under different types of sediment supply. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study used a two‐dimensional steady‐state finite‐element groundwater flow model to simulate groundwater flow in two Newfoundland blanket peat complexes and to examine flow system sensitivity to changes in water table recharge and aquifer properties. The modelling results were examined within the context of peat‐forming processes in the two complexes. Modelled flow compared favourably with observed flow. The sensitivity analyses suggested that more highly decomposed bog peat along bog margins probably has/had a positive impact on net peat accumulation within bog interiors. Peat with lower hydraulic conductivity along bog margins effectively impedes lateral drainage, localizes water table drawdown to extreme bog margins, and elevates water tables along bog interiors. Peat formation and elevated water tables in adjacent poor fens/laggs currently rely on placic and ortstein horizons impeding vertical drainage and water flow inputs from adjacent bogs. Modest reductions in atmospheric recharge were found to govern bog‐flow‐system geometries in a way that would adversely affect paludification processes in adjacent fens/laggs. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We evaluated sources and pathways of groundwater recharge for a heterogeneous alluvial aquifer beneath an agricultural field, based on multi‐level monitoring of hydrochemistry and environmental isotopes of a riverside groundwater system at Buyeo, Korea. Two distinct groundwater zones were identified with depth: (1) a shallow oxic groundwater zone, characterized by elevated concentrations of NO3? and (2) a deeper (>10–14 m from the ground surface) sub‐oxic groundwater zone with high concentrations of dissolved Fe, silica, and HCO3?, but little nitrate. The change of redox zones occurred at a depth where the aquifer sediments change from an upper sandy stratum to a silty stratum with mud caps. The δ18O and δ2H values of groundwater were also different between the two zones. Hydrochemical and δ18O? δ2H data of oxic groundwater are similar to those of soil water. This illustrates that recharge of oxic groundwater mainly occurs through direct infiltration of rain and irrigation water in the sandy soil area where vegetable cropping with abundant fertilizer use is predominant. Oxic groundwater is therefore severely contaminated by agrochemical pollutants such as nitrate. In contrast, deeper sub‐oxic groundwater contains only small amounts of dissolved oxygen (DO) and NO3?. The 3H contents and elevated silica concentrations in sub‐oxic groundwater indicate a somewhat longer mean residence time of groundwater within this part of the aquifer. Sub‐oxic groundwater was also characterized by higher δ18O and δ2H values and lower d‐excess values, indicating significant evaporation during recharge. We suggest that recharge of sub‐oxic groundwater occurs in the areas of paddy rice fields where standing irrigation and rain water are affected by strong evaporation, and that reducing conditions develop during subsequent sub‐surface infiltration. This study illustrates the existence of two groundwater bodies with different recharge processes within an alluvial aquifer. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrological responses in a zero‐order basin (ZOB), a portion of whose discharge emerged via preferential flow through soil pipes, were examined over a 2‐year period in Peninsular Malaysia to elucidate primary stormflow generation processes. Silicon (Si) and specific conductance (EC) in various runoff components were also measured to identify their sources. ZOB flow response was dependent on antecedent precipitation amount; runoff increased linearly with precipitation during events >20 mm in relatively wet antecedent moisture conditions. Runoff derived from direct precipitation falling onto saturated areas accounted for <0·2% of total ZOB flow volume during the study period, indicating the predominance of subsurface pathways in ZOB flow. ZOB flow (high EC and low Si) was distinct from perennial baseflow via bedrock seepage (low EC and high Si) 5 m downstream of the ZOB outlet. Pipe flow responded quickly to ZOB flow rate and was characterized by a threshold flow capacity unique to each pipe. Piezometric data and pipe flow records demonstrated that pipes located deeper in the soil initiated first, followed by those at shallower depths; initiation of pipe flow corresponded to shallow groundwater rise above the saprolite‐soil interface. Chemical signatures of pipe flow were similar to each other and to the ZOB flow, suggesting that the sources were well‐mixed soil‐derived shallow groundwater. Based upon the volume of pipe flow during storms, the combined contribution of the pipes monitored accounted for 48% of total ZOB flow during the study period. Our results suggest that shallow groundwater, possibly facilitated by preferential flow accreted above the saprolite–soil interface, provides dominant stormflow, and that soil pipes play an important role in the rapid delivery of solute‐rich water to the stream system. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Preferential flow pathways, such as soil pipes, are usually present in the soil of slopes. Subsurface flow through the soil pipes affects the subsurface drainage system and is responsible for sediment removal from slopes. However, a record of the inner structure of soil pipes has rarely been reported for slopes. A fibrescope examination of the morphology and flow phases in soil pipes in hillslopes underlain by a Quaternary sand–gravel formation provided the following information: the main pores of the soil pipes ran mostly parallel with the slope gradient; the cross‐sections of the soil pipes were approximately circular; and occurred on a few occasions; with some triple junctions being present. In addition, both full flow and partly full‐depth conditions occurred simultaneously in the soil pipe. The full flow condition has long been used in hydrological studies to model the pipe flow mechanism. Both the full flow condition and the partly full‐depth condition, however, must be examined closely in order to evaluate the subsurface hydrology in heterogeneous soil and the hydrogeomorphological processes of subsurface hydraulic erosion. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Gang Liu  Fuguo Tong  Bin Tian 《水文研究》2019,33(26):3378-3390
This work introduces water–air two‐phase flow into integrated surface–subsurface flow by simulating rainfall infiltration and run‐off production on a soil slope with the finite element method. The numerical model is formulated by partial differential equations for hydrostatic shallow flow and water–air two‐phase flow in the shallow subsurface. Finite element computing formats and solution strategies are presented to obtain a numerical solution for the coupled model. An unsaturated seepage flow process is first simulated by water–air two‐phase flow under the atmospheric pressure boundary condition to obtain the rainfall infiltration rate. Then, the rainfall infiltration rate is used as an input parameter to solve the surface run‐off equations and determine the value of the surface run‐off depth. In the next iteration, the pressure boundary condition of unsaturated seepage flow is adjusted by the surface run‐off depth. The coupling process is achieved by updating the rainfall infiltration rate and surface run‐off depth sequentially until the convergence criteria are reached in a time step. A well‐conducted surface run‐off experiment and traditional surface–subsurface model are used to validate the new model. Comparisons with the traditional surface–subsurface model show that the initiation time of surface run‐off calculated by the proposed model is earlier and that the water depth is larger, thus providing values that are closer to the experimental results.  相似文献   

Agricultural use of soils implies tillage and often compaction and therefore influences processes on soil surface and affects infiltration of water into the subsoil. Although many studies on soil surface processes or flow patterns in soils exist, works relating both are rare in literature. We did two tracer experiments with Brilliant Blue FCF on a tilled and compacted plot and a non‐tilled one to investigate water storage on the soil surface during simulated rainfall and changes of soil microtopography, to analyse the associated flow patterns in the soil and to relate both to tillage and compaction. Our results show that storage was larger on the tilled and compacted plot than on the non‐tilled one. After tillage, transport processes above the plough pan were partly disconnected from those underneath because macropores were disrupted and buried by the tillage operation. However, preferential flow along cracks occurred on both plots and the macropores buried below the tillage pan still functioned as preferential flow paths. Therefore, we conclude that the studied soil is susceptible to deep vertical solute propagation at dry conditions when cracks are open, irrespective of tillage and compaction. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seepage meters modified for use in flowing water were used to directly measure rates of exchange between surface and subsurface water in a gravel‐ and cobble bed river in western Pennsylvania, USA (Allegheny River, Qmean = 190 m3/s) and a sand‐ and gravel‐bed river in Colorado, USA (South Platte River, Qmean = 9·7 m3/s). Study reaches at the Allegheny River were located downstream from a dam. The bed was stable with moss, algae, and river grass present in many locations. Median seepage was + 0·28 m/d and seepage was highly variable among measurement locations. Upward and downward seepage greatly exceeded the median seepage rate, ranging from + 2·26 (upward) to ? 3·76 (downward) m/d. At the South Platte River site, substantial local‐scale bed topography as well as mobile bedforms resulted in spatial and temporal variability in seepage greatly in exceedence of the median groundwater discharge rate of 0·24 m/d. Both upward and downward seepage were recorded along every transect across the river with rates ranging from + 2·37 to ? 3·40 m/d. Despite a stable bed, which commonly facilitates clogging by fine‐grained or organic sediments, seepage rates at the Allegheny River were not reduced relative to those at the South Platte River. Seepage rate and direction depended primarily on measurement position relative to local‐ and meso‐scale bed topography at both rivers. Hydraulic gradients were small at nearly all seepage‐measurement locations and commonly were not a good indicator of seepage rate or direction. Therefore, measuring hydraulic gradient and hydraulic conductivity at in‐stream piezometers may be misleading if used to determine seepage flux across the sediment‐water interface. Such a method assumes that flow between the well screen and sediment‐water interface is vertical, which appears to be a poor assumption in coarse‐grained hyporheic settings. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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