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Biocrust effects on soil infiltration have attracted increasing attention in dryland ecosystems, but their seasonal variations in infiltrability have not yet been well understood. On the Chinese Loess Plateau, soil infiltrability indicated by saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of biocrusts and bare soil, both on aeolian sand and loess soil, was determined by disc infiltrometer in late spring (SPR), midsummer (SUM), and early fall (FAL). Then their correlations with soil biological and physiochemical properties and water repellency index (RI) were analysed. The results showed that the biocrusts significantly decreased Ks both on sand during SPR, SUM, and FAL (by 43%, 66%, and 35%, respectively; P < .05) and on loess (by 42%, 92%, and 10%, respectively; P <.05). As compared with the bare soil, the decreased Ks in the biocrusted surfaces was mostly attributed to the microorganism biomass and also to the increasing content of fine particles and organic matter. Most importantly, both the biocrusts and bare soil exhibited significant (F ≥ 11.89, P ≤ .003) seasonal variations in Ks, but their patterns were quite different. Specifically, the Ks of bare soil gradually decreased from SPR to SUM (32% and 42% for sand and loess, respectively) and FAL (29% and 39%); the Ks of biocrusts also decreased from SPR to SUM (59% and 92%) but then increased in FAL (36% and 588%). Whereas the seasonal variations in Ks of the biocrusts were closely correlated with the seasonal variations in RI, the RI values were not high enough to point at hydrophobicity. Instead of that, the seasonal variations of Ks were principally explained by the changes in the crust biomass and possibly by the microbial exopolysaccharides. We conclude that the biocrusts significantly decreased soil infiltrability and exhibited a different seasonal variation pattern, which should be carefully considered in future analyses of hydropedological processes.  相似文献   

Giora J. Kidron 《水文研究》2016,30(11):1665-1675
Known also as ‘islands of fertility’, under‐canopy habitats in arid and semiarid regions experience reduced radiation, milder temperatures, lower evaporation, higher organic matter and sometimes even high‐biomass biocrusts. By shielding the soil from direct raindrop impact (and thus preventing the formation of a physical crust (PC)), but providing longer surface wetness duration that facilitate longer biocrust activity, the under‐canopy habitat affects runoff and subsequently sediment yield. In an attempt to evaluate the shrub role in runoff and sediment yields on biocrusted surfaces that lack PC, triplicate plots were established and monitored in the Nizzana Research Site (NRS) during 1990–1995 at the under‐canopy of (a) undisturbed biocrust (CUC), (b) disturbed (rodent pits and tunnels) biocrust (DUC) and (c) on non‐shaded biocrust that served as control (COT). The data showed high variability in between the plots, with runoff and sediment yields following the pattern COT > CUC > DUC. However, while significant differences characterized the sediment yields of DUC and COT and CUC and COT, only DUC yielded significantly lower amounts of runoff than COT, while runoff at COT and CUC did not exhibit significant differences. Multiple regression analysis showed that biocrust cover and weighed chlorophyll best explained runoff yield. Overall, runoff of all plots yielded a significant high correlation with the biocrust cover (r2 = 0.91) and weighed chlorophyll content (r2 = 0.77), with significantly high correlation being also obtained between runoff and sediment yields (r2 = 0.74). It is concluded that unlike non‐biocrusted surfaces where shrubs may affect runoff yield by preventing the formation of PC and thus runoff generation, high‐biomass biocrust at NRS acts to compensate for the absence of PC and may yield, during certain events, comparable amounts of runoff to that of non‐shaded habitats. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Precipitation is often the sole source of water replenishment in arid and semi‐arid areas and, thus, plays a pertinent role in sustaining desert ecosystems. Revegetation over 40 years using mainly Artemisia ordosica and Caragana korshinskii at Shapotou Desert Experimental Research Station near Lanzhou, China, has established a dwarf‐shrub and microbiotic soil crust cover on the stabilized sand dunes. The redistribution of infiltrated moisture through percolation, root extraction, and evapotranspiration pathways was investigated. Three sets of time‐domain reflectometry (TDR) probes were inserted horizontally at 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 cm depths below the ground surface in a soil pit. The three sets of TDR probes were installed in dwarf‐shrub sites of A. ordosica and C. korshinskii community with and without a microbiotic soil crust cover, and an additional set was placed in a bare sand dune area that had neither vegetation nor a microbiotic soil crust present. Volumetric soil moisture content was recorded at hourly intervals and used in the assessment of infiltration for the different surface covers. Infiltration varied greatly, from 7·5 cm to more than 45 cm, depending upon rainfall quantity and soil surface conditions. In the shrub community area without microbiotic soil crust cover, infiltration increased due to preferential flow associated with root tunnels. The microbiotic soil crust cover had a significant negative influence on the infiltration for small rainfall events (~10 mm), restricting the infiltration depth to less than 20 cm and increasing soil moisture content just beneath the soil profile of 10 cm, whereas it was not as strong or clear for larger rainfall events (~60 mm). For small rainfall events, the wetting front depth for the three kinds of surface cover was as follows: shrub community without microbiotic soil crust > bare area > shrub community with microbiotic soil crust. In contrast, for large rainfall events, infiltration was similar in shrub communities with and without microbiotic soil crust cover, but significantly higher than measured in the bare area. Soil water extraction by roots associated with evapotranspiration restricted the wetting front penetration after 1 to 3 h of rainfall. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Giora J. Kidron 《水文研究》2015,29(7):1783-1792
Contrary to humid areas where runoff takes place following the saturation of the soil column, runoff in arid and semiarid zones takes place when rain intensities exceed the infiltration capability of the upper soil crust, whether physical crust or microbiotic crust (MC). This type of overland flow, known as Hortonian overland flow (HOF), is not fully understood, especially in the case of MC. In particular, little is known regarding the effect of crust thickness and its fine (silt and clay) content on runoff generation, with some scholars claiming that runoff generation is positively correlated with crust thickness and fine content. In an attempt to determine the effect of crust thickness and to assess the role played by the silt and clay on runoff generation, a set of field and lab experiments were undertaken on MCs inhabiting sand dunes in the Negev Desert (Israel). These included sprinkling experiments coupled with measurements of the physical (thickness, silt and clay) and biological (chlorophyll, protein, total carbohydrates) properties of 0.5–10‐mm‐thick crusts. The data showed that runoff generation took place on surfaces as thin as ~0.5–0.7 mm only, and was not correlated with the fine (silt and clay) content. The implications for HOF and for arid ecosystems are discussed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although extensive data exist on runoff erosion and rates for non‐sandy hillslopes, data for arid dune slopes are scarce, owing to the widespread perception that the high infiltrability of sand will reduce runoff. However, runoff is generated on sandy dunes in the Hallamish dune field, western Negev Desert, Israel (P ≈ 95 mm) due to the presence of a thin (usually 1–3 mm) microbiotic crust. The runoff in turn produces erosion. Sediment yield was measured on ten plots (140–1640 m2) on the north‐ and south‐facing slopes of longitudinal dunes. Two plots facing north and two facing south were subdivided into three subplots. The subplots represented the crest of the active dune devoid of crust, the extensively crusted footslope of the dune, and the midslope section characterized by a patchy crust. The remaining plots extended the full length of the dune slope. No runoff and consequently no water‐eroded sediments were obtained from the crest subplots devoid of crust. However, runoff and sediment were obtained from the mid‐ and footslope crusted subplots. Sediment yield from the footslope subplots was much higher than from the midslopes, despite the higher sediment concentration that characterized the midslope subplots. The mean annual sediment yield at the Hallamish dune field was 432 g per metre width and was associated with high average annual concentrations of 32 g l?1. The data indicate that owing to the presence of a thin microbiotic crust, runoff and water erosion may occur even within arid sandy dune fields. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Giora J. Kidron 《水文研究》1999,13(11):1665-1682
Runoff is one of the main water sources responsible for water redistribution within a given ecosystem. Water redistribution is especially important in arid regions, and may be of great importance on sandy dunes, where the likelihood of runoff is low owing to the high infiltration rates of sand. Redistribution of water may significantly affect plant and animal distribution, and may explain vegetation patterns within an ecosystem. Runoff yield over sandy dune slopes in the western Negev Desert was measured under natural conditions during 1990–1994. The magnitude of runoff yield on different slope sections and on north and south exposures was established. The results demonstrate that while slope position controlled the microbiotic crust cover, crust cover and crust biomass controlled the amounts of runoff obtained. Whereas no runoff was measured on the upper dune sections devoid of crust, only meagre quantities were measured on the midslope sections, characterized by discontinuous crust cover. Substantially larger amounts were, however, obtained at the bottoms of the slopes, characterized by continuous crust cover. North‐facing slopes, usually characterized by a chlorophyll a content of 29–41 mg m−2, yielded on average 3·2 times more runoff than south‐facing footslopes, characterized by a 17 mg m−2 chlorophyll a content. Whereas microbiotic crust was found to be responsible for runoff generation, additional water supply owing to runoff may also explain the occurrence of a high biomass crust and the dense vegetation belt at the dune–interdune interface of the northern exposure, where runoff tends to collect. Thus, whereas crust may reduce infiltration in certain habitats, runoff generated by crust may also be responsible for the promotion of crust growth in other habitats. Runoff may also be used to promote vegetation growth at the dune footslopes. The possibility of using runoff to facilitate agroforestry is discussed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Data concerning runoff and sediment yield in arid zones is of prime importance for hydrologists, geomorphologists, pedologists, ecologists and landscape engineers. For data comparison and extrapolations, runoff and sediment yield are often presented in mass per unit area. Runoff and sediment yield collected on dune slopes over a wide range of plot sizes during 1990–1994 in the Negev Desert, Israel, showed that the contributing area was mainly confined to a narrow belt at the bottom of the slopes. It was therefore hypothesized that the very short rain bursts, capable of runoff generation, may result in a scale effect (SE). Indeed, average duration of duration of consecutive medium and high rain intensities which are potentially above the surface infiltration rate ranged between 2.2 and 3.0 minutes, implying that flow connectivity is largely limited. Based on the intermittent character of the rain spells capable of runoff generation it is argued that SE is an inherent outcome of the rain properties. Yet, it is further argued that the magnitude of the SE is surface‐dependent. As a result, it is argued that the conventional way for runoff and sediment yield presentation as mass per unit area implies theoretical misconceptions and may cause gross overestimation in extrapolation and the presentation of runoff and sediment yield in mass per unit width of the slope is suggested. The accuracy of the two extrapolation methods are compared to the actual runoff and sediment yield collected in the field. The data show that extrapolation based on runoff (or sediment) yield per plot width deviates from the actual amounts collected by a factor of 1·1 to 1·3 only while deviating by a factor of 4·2 to 5·6 and 10·7 to 11·8 if the extrapolation is based on large and small plots, respectively. Theoretical and practical reasons for presentation of runoff and sediment yield as mass per unit width are discussed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sandstone structural landscapes in the semi‐arid Torrollones de Gabarda area (Province of Huesca, NE Spain) are often covered by a well developed biological soil crust of lichens, mosses and cyanobacteria and black coatings on vertical surfaces. By using scanning electron microscopy with backscattered detector imaging, the biological soil crust studied evidenced high activity in the sandstone–crust interface. Processes such as physical disintegration, etching and dwelling as well as biomineralization by calcium oxalate and ?xation of mineral particles by extracellular polymeric substances were observed. On the horizontal sandstone surfaces these processes may cause the occurrence of gnammas and the development of a protective coating that favours intense ?aking when the crust is disturbed. On the sandstone cliffs, columnar and tafoni weathering development is clearly guided by the protective action of the biological soil crust. These qualitative observations are important to develop methodologies to address their quantitative importance in geomorphological processes in semi‐arid landscapes. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Planting of sand‐binding vegetation in the Shapotou region on the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert began in 1956. The revegetation programme successfully stabilized formerly mobile dunes in northern China, permitting the operation of the Baotou‐Lanzhou railway. Long‐term monitoring has shown that the revegetation programme produced various ecological changes, including the formation of biological soil crusts (BSCs). To gain insight into the role of BSCs in both past ecological change and current ecological evolution at the revegetation sites, we used field measurements and HYDRUS‐1D model simulations to investigate the effects of BSCs on soil hydrological processes at revegetated sites planted in 1956 and 1964 and at an unplanted mobile dune site. The results demonstrate that the formation of BSCs has altered patterns of soil water storage, increasing the moisture content near the surface (0–5 cm) while decreasing the moisture content in deeper layers (5–120 cm). Soil evaporation at BSC sites is elevated relative to unplanted sites during periods when canopy coverage is low. Rainfall infiltration was not affected by BSCs during the very dry period that was studied (30 April to 30 September 2005); during periods with higher rainfall intensity, differences in infiltration may be expected due to runoff at BSC sites. The simulated changes in soil moisture storage and hydrological processes are consistent with ongoing plant community succession at the revegetated sites, from deep‐rooted shrubs to more shallow‐rooted herbaceous species. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A. Cerd 《水文研究》1998,12(4):661-671
Soil erosion and runoff rates are assumed to be highly dependent on slope position. However, little knowledge exists about the hydrogeomorphological processes at the pedon scale that support this idea. In order to assess the hydrological and erosional behaviour of soils at different slope positions, simulated rainfall experiments (55 mm was applied during one hour) were carried out on a south-facing slope with underlying limestone in south-east Spain. In the mean terms, the erosion rates (9 g m2 hr−1) and the runoff coefficients (12%) were very low at the scale of measurement (0·25 m2). The slope position does not affect erosion rates when the measurements are carried out under extreme dry conditions during summer. The low runoff rates found in summer under thunderstorms of high intensity (5 year return period) and the runon into surfaces with higher infiltration rates resulted in no detectable direct surface runoff (Hortonian) at the slope scale. This implies that erosion as a consequence of surface overland flow will only take place during events of high magnitude (55 mm hr−1) and low frequency (>5 years). Vegetation is the most important factor determining the soil erosion and runoff rates within the slope. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Evaporation of soil moisture is one of the most important processes affecting water availability in semiarid ecosystems. Biological soil crusts, which are widely distributed ground cover in these ecosystems, play a recognized role on water processes. Where they roughen surfaces, water residence time and thus infiltration can be greatly enhanced, whereas their ability to clog soil pores or cap the soil surface when wetted can greatly decrease infiltration rate, thus affecting evaporative losses. In this work, we compared evaporation in soils covered by physical crusts, biological crusts in different developmental stages and in the soils underlying the different biological crust types. Our results show that during the time of the highest evaporation (Day 1), there was no difference among any of the crust types or the soils underlying them. On Day 2, when soil moisture was moderately low (11%), evaporation was slightly higher in well‐developed biological soil crusts than in physical or poorly developed biological soil crusts. However, crust removal did not cause significant changes in evaporation compared with the respective soil crust type. These results suggest that the small differences we observed in evaporation among crust types could be caused by differences in the properties of the soil underneath the biological crusts. At low soil moisture (<6%), there was no difference in evaporation among crust types or the underlying soils. Water loss for the complete evaporative cycle (from saturation to dry soil) was similar in both crusted and scraped soils. Therefore, we conclude that for the specific crust and soil types tested, the presence or the type of biological soil crust did not greatly modify evaporation with respect to physical crusts or scraped soils. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Shrub-induced spatial heterogeneity of soil and hydrological properties are common in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. To examine the influence of shrubs on spatial patterns of soil physical, chemical and hydrological properties, the typical sand-fixation species, Caragana korshinskii, was studied in the Shapotou area of the Tengger Desert, China. Miniature cylinder infiltrometers were used to quantify the spatial variations of infiltration rate in the soils, and were installed at 20-cm intervals around the shrubs. Meanwhile, soil samples were collected at 0–5 cm depth every 10 cm to analyse their physical and chemical properties and soil moisture content. The results indicate that the various measured parameters showed a gradational change from sub-canopy to open space. The establishment of shrubs formed obvious “fertile islands” where more soil nutrients collected. The total nitrogen (TN), soil organic matter (SOM), electrical conductivity (EC) and surface soil moisture content decreased gradually from around shrub stems to the interspace. The sand content around shrub stems was significantly higher (< 0.05), and decreased gradually from the centre towards the outside microsites. The silt and clay contents showed opposite variability characteristics. The variation of soil bulk density was less within 140 cm distance from the stem, and no abrupt change was found at the shrub’s drip line. No significant tendency was found for the soil pH values. The steady infiltration rates declined with increasing stem distance and then tended to be stable, and no abrupt change occurred at the position of the overhead canopy margin. The increase of infiltration rate was rapid nearer to the stem; the variability trend can be fitted by a log-log (power function) model. This study indicated the gradational change in soil and hydrological properties, which was not consistent with the binary division of shrubs into “canopy” and “interspace” zones.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   

Soil surface crusts are widely reported to favour Hortonian runoff, but are not explicitly represented in most rainfall‐runoff models. The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of soil surface crusts on infiltration and runoff modelling at two spatial scales, i.e. the local scale and the plot scale. At the local scale, two separate single ring infiltration experiments are undertaken. The first is performed on the undisturbed soil, whereas the second is done after removal of the soil surface crust. The HYDRUS 2D two‐dimensional vertical infiltration model is then used in an inverse modelling approach, first to estimate the soil hydraulic properties of the crust and the subsoil, and then the effective hydraulic properties of the soil represented as a single uniform layer. The results show that the crust hydraulic conductivity is 10 times lower than that of the subsoil, thus illustrating the limiting role the crust has on infiltration. Moving up to the plot scale, a rainfall‐runoff model coupling the Richards equation to a transfer function is used to simulate Hortonian overland flow hydrographs. The previously calculated hydraulic properties are used, and a comparison is undertaken between a single‐layer and a double‐layer representation of the crusted soil. The results of the rainfall‐runoff model show that the soil hydraulic properties calculated at the local scale give acceptable results when used to model runoff at the plot scale directly, without any numerical calibration. Also, at the plot scale, no clear improvement of the results can be seen when using a double‐layer representation of the soil in comparison with a single homogeneous layer. This is due to the hydrological characteristics of Hortonian runoff, which is triggered by a rainfall intensity exceeding the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil surface. Consequently, the rainfall‐runoff model is more sensitive to rainfall than to the subsoil's hydrodynamic properties. Therefore, the use of a double‐layer soil model to represent runoff on a crusted soil does not seem necessary, as the increase of precision in the soil discretization is not justified by a better performance of the model. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Giora J. Kidron 《水文研究》2016,30(13):2237-2246
Mainly attributed to goat and sheep trampling, the sand dunes at the Israeli and the Egyptian sides of the border present contrasting geomorphological conditions. In an attempt to assess the trampling effect upon vegetation, runoff and sediment yield, two pairs of plots and miniplots (each pair contains a trampled plot and a control) were constructed during 1991 and monitored during 1991–1995. In order to assess the impact on vegetation, three pairs of vegetation plots, subjected to light, medium and heavy trampling, were established during 1993 and monitored. In addition, the effect of the micro structures created by the goat hooves (mounds and depressions) were studied in three pairs of plots subjected to medium trampling during 1993 and monitored during 1993–1996. As far as trampling intensity is concerned, the findings indicate an increase in species diversity, density and biomass from the intact crusted surface to the plots subjected to light and medium trampling with a decrease thereafter at the plots subjected to heavy trampling. As for the micro scale, the findings indicate significantly higher plant biomass for the first 2 years at the hooves‐formed mini mounds and mini depressions in comparison to intact crusted surfaces, with no significant difference during the third year. Significantly lower runoff and sediment yields characterized the trampled plots implying a reduction in water redistribution. The data point to the differential effect that trampling has upon plants and soil. While increasing annual plant growth along the slope, it hinders runoff flow to the footslope, negatively affecting water availability for footslope vegetation. Recovery, as also supported by chlorophyll and microrelief measurements, was scale dependent (attributed to differential supply of aeolian sand) with estimated recovery for the plots and miniplots being 4–5 and 8–10 years, respectively. The data indicate that upon the cessation of grazing and under similar precipitation regime, recovery time of the biocrust in the Sinai sand dunes may be short, within 5–6 years. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

太湖流域土地利用变化的水文响应模拟   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
李恒鹏  杨桂山  金洋 《湖泊科学》2007,19(5):537-543
以城市化快速发展的太湖流域为研究对象,采用1985、1995和2000年TM/ETM土地利用解译资料,应用区域尺度单元格网分布式水文模型,进行长序列水文模拟,定量评估太湖流域土地利用变化及其水文响应特征,为流域用地规划、水资源管理以及灾害防治提供决策参数.研究显示,自1985年到2000年,太湖流域城镇面积扩展了40.38%,增加量占太湖流域总面积的3.88%.在1980-2000年的雨情下,全流域土地利用变化导致产流量平均增加4.11%,约为7.56×108 m3,最高值为11.76%,约为10.0×108 m3.受土地利用变化空间差异影响,产流量增加具有较大区域差异,城镇快速扩展的苏锡常地区和浦东浦西地区,土地利用变化导致产流量平均增加为10.07%和7.03%,最高增量达20%-30%.  相似文献   

Problems related to scale continue to be at the forefront of research in hydrology. Past research into issues of scale has focused mainly on digital elevation model grid size, the appropriate number and size of sub‐areas for subdividing a watershed, parameter transferability between watersheds and appropriate scales for linking hydrological and general circulation models. Much less attention has been given to the effects of scale on the representation of land cover and hydrological model response. Recent studies with respect to changes in land cover and hydrologic response have tended to focus on the issue of land cover maturity and the conversion of land through agricultural and forestry practices. The focus of this study is to examine the impact of the level of detail at which land cover is represented in modelling the hydrological response of Wolf Creek Basin in northwest Canada. A grid‐based land cover map with a spatial resolution of 30 m is coarsened or smoothed using several common grid‐based methods of aggregating categorical data, including: pixel thinning, modal smoothing and modal aggregation. A majority rule method based on polygons is also applied to the 30 m base cover. The SLURP hydrologic model is calibrated for the base cover and used as a reference for comparing simulations for the coarsened or ‘generalized’ land cover maps. Results of the simulations are compared to examine the sensitivity of hydrologic response to generalized land cover information. Comparisons of the SLURP model runs for Wolf Creek suggest that reducing the level of detail of land cover information generally has a limited effect on hydrologic response at the outlet. However, results for averages of water balance components across the basin suggest that the local variability of hydrologic response is affected in general. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recently disturbed and ‘control’ (i.e. less recently disturbed) soils in the Mojave Desert were compared for their vulnerability to wind erosion, using a wind tunnel, before and after being experimentally trampled. Before trampling, control sites had greater cyanobacterial biomass, soil surface stability, threshold friction velocities (TFV; i.e. the wind speed required to move soil particles), and sediment yield than sites that had been more recently disturbed by military manoeuvres. After trampling, all sites showed a large drop in TFVs and a concomitant increase in sediment yield. Simple correlation analyses showed that the decline in TFVs and the rise in sediment yield were significantly related to cyanobacterial biomass (as indicated by soil chlorophyll a). However, chlorophyll a amounts were very low compared to chlorophyll a amounts found at cooler desert sites, where chlorophyll a is often the most important factor in determining TFV and sediment yield. Multiple regression analyses showed that other factors at Fort Irwin were more important than cyanobacterial biomass in determining the overall site susceptibility to wind erosion. These factors included soil texture (especially the fine, medium and coarse sand fractions), rock cover, and the inherent stability of the soil (as indicated by subsurface soil stability tests). Thus, our results indicate that there is a threshold of biomass below which cyanobacterial crusts are not the dominant factor in soil vulnerability to wind erosion. Most undisturbed soil surfaces in the Mojave Desert region produce very little sediment, but even moderate disturbance increases soil loss from these sites. Because current weathering rates and dust inputs are very low, soil formation rates are low as well. Therefore, soil loss in this region is likely to have long‐term effects. Published in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Biological soil crust (BSC), as a groundcover, is widely intergrown with grass. The effects of grass combined with BSCs on slope hydrology and soil erosion during rainfall are still unclear. In this study, simulated rainfall experiments were applied to a soil flume with four different slope cover treatments, namely, bare soil (CK), grass cover (GC), BSC, and GC + BSC, to observe the processes of runoff and sediment yield. Additionally, the soil moisture at different depths during infiltration was observed. The results showed that the runoff generated by rainfall for all treatments was in the following order: BSC > GC + BSC > CK > GC. Compared with CK, GC promoted infiltration, and BSC inhibited infiltration. The BSCs obviously inhibited infiltration at a depth of 8 cm. When the rainfall continued to infiltrate down to 16 and 24 cm, the effects of grass on promoting infiltration were stronger than those of BSCs on inhibiting infiltration. Compared with CK, the flow velocity of the BSC, GC and GC + BSC treatments was reduced by 62.8%, 32.3% and 68.3%, respectively. The BSCs and grass increased the critical shear stress by increasing the resistance. Additionally, the average sediment yield of GC and both treatments with BSCs was reduced by 80.8% and >99%, respectively, compared with CK. The soil erosion process was dominated by the soil detachment capacity in the CK, BSC and GC + BSC treatments, while the GC treatment showed a transport-limited process. This study provides a scientific basis for the reasonable spatial allocation of vegetation in arid and semiarid areas and the correction of vegetation cover factors in soil erosion prediction models.  相似文献   

Animal treading can change soil physical properties, and thus is an important factor in hydrological modelling. We investigated the impacts of animal treading on infiltration by using a series of rainfall simulation experiments at Whatawhata Research Center, Waikato, New Zealand. The study identified significant variables for estimating soil steady‐state infiltration at a micro‐site (0·5 m2) and fitted the Green and Ampt equation by modifying or including variables for soil and water parameters and animal activities on grazing paddocks. A regression function for estimating steady‐state infiltration rate was created for each of four scenarios: between tracks (inter‐track), track, easy slope with ash soil, and easy slope with clay soil. Significant variables included the number of days after treading, antecedent soil moisture, field capacity, percentage of bare ground, bulk density, and the high degree of soil damage (damage not compacted). Regression models explained more than 71% of the variance in steady‐state infiltration for three scenarios, but only 53% for the easy slope with clay soil. The remodified Green and Ampt equation provided satisfactory estimation of infiltration for all scenarios (accuracy > 80%), and thus enables us to use the modified model for Waikato hill country pastures of different topography, soil physical condition, season and grazing management. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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