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The main objective of this paper was the characterization of the reservoir (Abu Roash G dolomite) in terms of acoustic impedance from surface seismic data complemented by available well logs. To reach our target, a two-step procedure was followed: first, identification of the reservoir signatures using synthetic seismogram using Strata program in Hampson–Russell software and second, applying inversion technique to the post-stack seismic data using Strata program in Hampson–Russell software to obtain acoustic impedance profiles and maps. This procedure was applied to 12 3D seismic lines (six cross-lines, and six in-lines) from Horus field in Western Desert in Egypt after converting them from analog state to SEGY format by vectorization. Five wells had been used in this study. The outcome of this paper is an improved subsurface image of seismic data and achieving the reservoir characterization in a good way.  相似文献   

The present study aims mainly to delineate and outline the regional subsurface structural and tectonic framework of the buried basement rocks of Abu El Gharadig Basin, Northern Western Desert, Egypt. The potential field data (Bouguer gravity and total intensity aeromagnetic maps) carried out in the Abu El Gharadig Basin had been analyzed together with other geophysical and geological studies. The execution of this study is initiated by transformation of the total intensity aeromagnetic data to the reduced to pole (RTP) magnetic map. This is followed by applying several transformation techniques and various filtering processes through qualitative and quantitative analyses on both of the gravity and magnetic data. These techniques include the qualitative interpretation of gravity, total intensity magnetic and RTP magnetic maps. Regional–residual separation is carried out using the power spectrum. Also, the analytic signal and second vertical derivative techniques are applied to delineate the hidden anomalies. Aeromagnetic anomalies in the area reflect significant features on the basement tectonics, on the deep-seated structures and on the shallow-seated ones. Major faults and intrusions in the area are indicated to be mainly along the NE–SW, NW–SE, ENE–WSW and E–W directions. The Bouguer gravity map indicates major basement fracturing, as well as variations in the sedimentary basins and ridges and subsequent tectonic disturbances. The most obvious anomalous trends on the gravity map, based on their frequencies and amplitudes, are along the NE–SW, ENE–WSW, E–W and NW–SE trends. The main of Abu EL Gharadig Basin depositional center does not show sharp variations, because of the homogeneity of the marine rocks and the great basement depths.  相似文献   

Five radiolitid rudist species are described from the Turonian sequence of Abu Roash area. They are recognized in three rudist biostromes that occur in two informal members of Abu Roash Formation; the Rudist- and the Actaeonella-bearing limestone–marl members. The three biostromes show autochthonous and parautochthonous fabrics and moderate to high packing potential. The first rudist biostrome at the base of the Rudist-bearing limestone–marl member (Middle Turonian) contains Durania gaensis, Praeradiolites ponsianus and Bournonia fourtaui. The second biostrome in the same member consists of Bournonia roashensis. The third biostrome that recognized in the Actaeonella-bearing limestone–marl member (Late Turonian) consists of Durania arnaudi. Rudist biostromes in the Rudist-bearing limestone–marl member were deposited on subtidal rudist shoals with moderate to high energy versus that of the Actaeonella-bearing limestone–marl member that deposited in low to moderate energy on deeper part of subtidal rudist shoals. The exposed Turonian succession at Abu Roash area could be divided into three depositional sequences bounded by three sequence boundaries (paleosols and angular unconformity).The first rudist biostrome in the Rudist-bearing limestone–marl member represents the lower part of the transgressive systems tract of the first depositional sequence. The deepening upward trend of the transgressive systems tract is due to increase of accommodation space in transgressive context during relative sea-level rise episode. On the other hand, the second rudist biostrome in the Rudist-bearing limestone–marl member and the third rudist biostrome in the Actaeonella-bearing limestone–marl member are in shallowing-upward set sequence forming the highstand systems tract of the first and third depositional sequences. This indicates that, the accommodation space was being filled more rapidly than was being created during the highstand stage.  相似文献   

The Shoushan Basin is an important hydrocarbon province in the northern Western Desert, Egypt, but the burial/thermal histories for most of the source rocks in the basin have not been assigned yet. In this study, subsurface samples from selected wells were collected to characterize the source rocks of Alam El-Bueib Formation and to study thermal history in the Shoushan Basin. The Lower Cretaceous Alam El-Bueib Formation is widespread in the Shoushan Basin, which is composed mainly of shales and sandstones with minor carbonate rocks deposited in a marine environment. The gas generative potential of the Lower Cretaceous Alam El-Bueib Formation in the Shoushan Basin was evaluated by Rock–Eval pyrolysis. Most samples contain sufficient type III organic matter to be considered gas prone. Vitrinite reflectance was measured at eight stratigraphic levels (Jurassic–Cretaceous). Vitrinite reflectance profiles show a general increase of vitrinite reflectance with depth. Vitrinite reflectance values of Alam El-Bueib Formation range between 0.70 and 0.87 VRr %, indicating a thermal maturity level sufficient for hydrocarbon generation. Thermal maturity and burial histories models predict that the Alam El-Bueib source rock entered the mid-mature stage for hydrocarbon generation in the Tertiary. These models indicate that the onset of gas generation from the Alam El-Bueib source rock began in the Paleocene (60 Ma), and the maximum volume of gas generation occurred during the Pliocene (3–2 Ma).  相似文献   

Igneous rocks of Nusab El Balgum are formed as an elongated complex mass covering an area of about 4 km?×?12.5 km (50 km2), in the NNE-SSW direction of the Tarfawi-Qena-South Sinai trend, which is a branch of the Trans-African shear zone at the intersection with the Kalabsha fault, which is a branch from Guinean-Nubian lineaments. The continuous reactivation of these two major weakness zones from the late Triassic to recent times has created many generations of the magma batches. The exposed granitic rocks of these batches at Nusab El Balgum were represented by the fresh peralkaline granite (youngest) and hydrothermally altered granites (oldest). The fresh peralkaline granite takes the form of a small stock composed essentially of perthites, quartz, sodic pyroxenes, amphiboles (secondary), and rare albite according to the proportion of presence, respectively. The accessory minerals are zircon, bastnaesite-(Ce), columbite-(Fe), magnetite, barite, and sphalerite. The geochemical study indicated that this granite is peralkaline, ferroan, A-type (specifically belongs to the A1-subgroup), anorogeny, emplaced in a within-plate, and crystallized at relatively shallow depth from the alkali basaltic magma similar to the OIBs. Furthermore, it is enriched in the HFSE (e.g., Th, U, Nb, REE, and Zr). The hydrothermally altered granites are formed as an incomplete ring shape and a small stock. They were formed during the late Cretaceous age and were altered due to the hydrothermal solutions from the continuous reactivation affected weakness zones and the new magmatic batches. The hydrothermally altered granites are extremely rich in HFSE found in the accessory minerals such as zircon (different in shape, size, and contains inclusions of bastnaesite and columbite), columbite-(Fe&Mn), rare gittinsite, pyrochlore minerals (ceriopyrochlore and plumbopyrochlore) carlosbarbosaite, changbaiite, bastnaesite-(Ce), monazite-(Ce), stetindite, cerianite-(Ce), thorite, and uranothorite. These rocks were subjected to many highly superimposed hydrothermal alteration types, including propylitic, sericitic, potassic, silicification, argillic, and Fe-Mn oxy-hydroxides. The hydrothermal solutions with low temperatures and containing F1? and CO32?, PO43? and H2O caused redistribution; transportation and redeposition of the HFSE in these rocks, in addition to the clay minerals and K-metasomatism, were formed. The relations between the silicification index (SI?=?SiO2/(SiO2 + Al2O3) and Zr, Nb, Th, U, LREE, and HREE are positive but they become negative with the K-metasomatism.  相似文献   

El Bahariya Oasis is a part of the great groundwater reservoir of the Western Desert of Egypt. The different stratigraphic units, the water-bearing zones, aquifer potentiality conditions, and the favorable locations for drilling new wells were evaluated by carrying out 24 Schlumberger vertical electrical soundings (VESs), along with the data of some wells drilled in the near vicinity of the measuring sites. The results of the interpreted field data revealed the presence of ten distinctive subsurface geoelectric layers; a thin surface, dry loose sand and gravel, sandy clay and shale interclations, saturated coarse sand layer, shale and clay, and saturated fine sandstone and saturated coarse sandstone. The aquifer is a multilayer aquifer with different thicknesses represented by the fourth, sixth, eighth, and tenth geoelectric layers. Results also revealed that the thicknesses of the water-bearing horizons increase towards the east direction, consequently the aquifer potentiality increases. Therefore, the best production well locations are in that direction. Depth to water starts from 40 m at VES no. 14 and increases gradually toward the east to reach 66 m at VES no. 5. Hydrogeochemical analysis of two groundwater samples taken from Ein El Ezza and well no. 2 showed that groundwater in the study area is suitable for agricultural purposes but not for human consumption due to the high iron content. Recommendations concerning site selection for drilling new productive groundwater wells are given.  相似文献   

The future development of agriculture, industry, and civil activity planned to be in the Western Desert. This strategy need to the groundwater resource. Vertical electrical soundings (VES) and electromagnetic (TEM) measurements conducted in the El Bawiti, northern Bahariya Oasis. The measurements give detailed information about the geometry of the different hydrogeological layers in the aquifer system and depth to them. A total of 22 VES and TEM were carried out within El Bawiti area. Thirty-one sub soil samples were collected from eight sites to determine the chemical characteristics and address the effects of lithogenic source and anthropogenic activity on them. The geoelectrical measurements and borehole information indicate the presence of five geoelectrical units, from top to base; the surface cover, sand and shale, upper aquifer (Nubian sandstone), sand and shale, and lower aquifer (Nubian sandstone). Surface cover was equally distributed in thickness and composed of dry sand, gravel, and clay deposits. The regional resistivity of the upper aquifer increased in the southwestern part and decline in the northern, eastern, southern, and western parts. The decline in the resistivity reflects the high water yields and potentiality, as well as low salinity. The resistivity of the lower aquifer increased due the northwestern part and the southwestern part. The information collected during this research provides valuable data for estimating the fresh- to brackish-water resources and for development of a groundwater management plan. The integrated analyses carried out represent a significant and cost-effective method for delineating the main aquifer in this area. In turn, future well locations can be placed with more confidence than before, in accordance with the evaluation of the potentiality of the groundwater aquifers in the area. The electrical conductivity of the soil ranges from 302 to 8,490 μS/cm, increases in the western and central-northern parts. It is attributed to the location from the salt-affected soils (playa), the relatively lower elevation units (depressions) and the position in landscape in the Oasis. Sodium adsorption ratio ranges from 0.44 to 11 and the exchangeable sodium ratio ranges from 0.11 to 5. The estimated magnesium hazard fluctuated below 50%. The statistical analyses were accomplished in soil chemistry and discussed.  相似文献   

The study area lies to the east of Qattara Depression at the north of the Western Desert, Egypt. It is bounded by latitudes 29°00?? and 30°00?? N and longitudes 28°00?? and 29°30?? E, including Abu Gharadig basin, which is the most petroliferous basin in the Egyptian Western Desert. Numerous exploratory wells show that the area is characterized by a thick sedimentary section, unconformably overlying the basement rocks. The main objective of the present study is to outline the structural parameters controlling the area under consideration. Aeromagnetic and gravity data were subjected to the analytic signal, 3D Euler deconvolution and edge enhancement techniques. The Analytic signal and 3D Euler deconvolution were utilized mainly to locate the main subsurface contact zones and to determine the depth and structural indices of the expected causative subsurface structural elements. However, the edge enhancement technique was used with various windows to enhance the edges of subsurface structures. The structural indices were estimated to be ranging between 0.16 and 0.26, indicating that the area is mainly controlled by faults. The depth of these structural elements was also estimated to be ranging between <1.37 and 5.29?km. It has been shown that the structural elements of the study area have different directions, trending E-W, ENE, NW, and N-S.  相似文献   

Gabal El Sela area lies in the extreme southeastern part of the eastern desert in Egypt. It is covered by basement rocks of different compositions. The detailed work in this area covers about 4 km2 and it is represented mainly by coarse younger granite as a curved shape extended in NE–SW direction and dissected by many faults in various trends; some of them are invaded by dykes especially the lamprophyre dykes in the ENE–WSW trend. Detailed geological, structural, and radiometric investigations are carried out on the area. The radiometric data are statistically analyzed and the results show that the total count radiometric map reflects six separate anomalies. The field work revealed that four anomalies are related to lamprophyre dykes, the other two anomalies are structurally controlled by NE–SW and E–W faults. These anomalies are followed by some trenches which traced and measured in detail exhibiting the possible extension of these anomalies with depth. These measurements show that lamprophyre dyke has the highest reading of radioactivity, it reaches 270 Ur in the surface and to 6,300 in the trenches. While the granite of the sela area is considered possesses high level of radioactivity, where its radioactivity ranges from 19.9 to 81 Ur with an average of about 32 Ur.  相似文献   

The ironstone succession at El Gedida-Ghorabi-Naser area of El Bahariya depression is subdivided into lagoonal manganiferous mud and fossiliferous ironstone consisting mainly of hematite and goethite-hydrogoethite. The application of the ASD field spectroradiometer measurements (spectral range) in the ASTER data led to the interpretation of the presence of ferruginous units as quartzitic sandstone, gluconitic sandy clay, and pink marly limestone. The existing iron ore minerals in the iron ore localities were also classified into high Mn hematite, low Mn hematite, goethite, hydrogoethite as well as low- and high-grade Hematite and Barite. Quartz, feldspars, rutile, and clay minerals (e.g., kaolinite and illite) are mainly associated with the iron ore. Accessory minerals of manganese, e.g., psilomelane and pyrolusite, were also present. The Barite mineral is recorded as a common mineral association with the iron ore deposits at El Gedida and Ghorabi localities. The stratigraphical units investigated in the study area include the oldest gravely clayey sandstones of the Bahariya Formation overlain by the fossiliferous and oolitic limestones of the El-Hamra, Qazzun, and Naqb Formations. Quartztic sandstones and clayey sandstones of the Radwan Formation and youngest Quaternary sediments of sandy-clayey materials were often found as intermittent cover and overburden in unconformity surfaces over the iron ore bands.  相似文献   

Optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and back-scattered electron imaging (BSE) have been used to determine the mineralogical composition of the uraniferous iron and manganese oxides and the associated U-minerals hosted in biotite granite that occurred north east Gabal El Sela area south Eastern Desert, Egypt. These mineralizations were found as veinlets fractures filling associated with strongly kaolinitic alteration of the coarse-grained biotite granite. XRD determined that the geothite mineral form the main constituent of uraniferous iron oxide in addition to tapiolite, and kaolinite minerals, where as uraniferous manganese oxide composed of pyrolusite, ramsdellite, and cryptomelane. BSE confirmed that the associated uranium minerals represented by uranothorite, kazolite, and zentime in addition to columbite-bearing minerals. Uranothorite and columbite-bearing minerals are the most abundant minerals in this mineralization. Petrographically, biotite granite is composed mainly of quartz, in addition to K-feldspars, biotite and muscovite with minor zircon, garnet, apatite, uranium-rich thorite and iron oxide. Petrochemical studies and tectonic discrimination diagrams for this granite reveal that they are classified as granite to alkali feldspar granite, originated from calc-alkaline magma having peraluminous nature and developed in within-plate tectonic environment. Field radiometric measurements revealed the localization of two high radiometric anomalies associated with iron and manganese oxides, within this anomaly uranium content range from 65 to 85 ppm. Alpha Track-etch Detectors of radon gas registrations revealed high track density reach up to 15,448.7 Bq/m3.  相似文献   

Eleven sites comprising 76 core samples of Lower (sandstone) and Middle (limestone) Miocene age were collected from the northeastern tip of the Qattara depression in the north of the Western Desert of Egypt. The majority of samples showed weak to very weak remanent magnetization with geothite, haematite and titanomagnetite as the main magnetic carriers. However, with a careful detailed thermal demagnetization, they yielded stable, probably primary, magnetization. The resultant overall mean direction of 2.9°/31.2° with α95=2.3° corresponds to a palaeomagnetic pole position of 76.5°N and 198.0°E with A95=2.0°, which seems to agree with other known African Miocene poles. This result implies that the Qattara area has been stable at least since Early Miocene. The presence of goethite as the main magnetic carrier supports the assumption that weathering has been playing an important role in the development and shaping of the depression.  相似文献   

The El Sela area is a part of the basement complex of the Eastern Desert of Egypt and the Pan-African Shield. The area comprises outcrops of dismembered ophiolites thrust over arc volcano-sedimentary sequence and intruded by different syn- to post-tectonic granitoids. Structural analysis of the area enabled the separation and definition of four structural episodes: (E1) folding–thrusting episode associated with the cratonization of the arc/inter-arc rock association and the intrusion of the syntectonic (Older) granites. (E2) Upright folding episode associated with the compression and shortening to the ENE–WSW direction which is different from the NNW–SSE shortening direction during E1; at the end of E2, late tectonic granites were intruded. (E3) Post-tectonic granitic intrusion episode: two mica granite and granitic dikes were intruded during this episode. (E4) Fracturing, faulting, and post-granitic dike extrusion episodes caused different faults that took place after cratonization until the present. There are three generations of folds during ductile deformation (E1 and E2). The F2 folds are nearly coaxial (along ENE–WSW trend) with the F1 folds. The F3 folding is displayed by folds generally trending NNW–SSE. Therefore, the ENE–WSW and NNW–SSE trends can considered as preexisting discontinuities and mechanical anisotropy of the crust in the following structure episodes. Brittle deformation (E3 and E4) reveals the importance of those trends which control the multi-injections and many alteration features in the study area. During reactivation, a simple shear parallel to the inherited ductile fabrics was responsible for the development of mineralized structures along the ENE–WSW and NNW–SSE trends. So they can be considered as paleochannel trends for deep-seated structures and can act as a good trap for uranium and/or other mineral resources. Most of the uranium anomalies are delineated along ENE–WSW and NNW–SSE shear zones where quartz-bearing veins bounded the lamprophyre dike and microgranites and dissected them in relation to the successive fracturation and brecciation corresponding to the repeated rejuvenation of the structures. Therefore, the structural controls of the uranium mineralizations in the El Sela area appear to be related to the interaction between inherited ductile fabrics and overprinting brittle structures.  相似文献   

The plateau east of the Nile Valley at El Minia, Egypt, has been chosen for the siting of El Minia El Gedida city. Problems of underground caves suggested the need for integral geological, geotechnical and environmental hazard studies to examine the suitability of the area as a building site.Geologically, the area is formed of a thick sequence of Middle Eocene fossiliferous limestones and chalk with some layers of sandy, cherty and marly limestones. These rocks have heterogeneous physical and mechanical properties and fall within the weak to very weak range of limestones. Their mode of failure is almost of the brittle type developing extension, wedge and single shear type fractures. The mechanical properties are controlled by their physical, geological and mineralogical properties. They increase with density and dolomite content and decrease with porosity and calcite content. Empirical equations for some of these relations as well as the relation between field measures of rebound index and compressive strength are presented.Both regional and detailed structural analyses revealed the presence of major and minor normal faults and fractures trending in NW and NE directions. The NW faults are dominant. They define the topographic escarpments in the area. Most of the caves are aligned along major faults of this trend. Faults, fracture distribution and structural hazard maps of the area are presented. Paleostress tectonic analysis of these fractures suggests that the NW and NE faults are extensional due to tectonic stress which changes from normal to parallel to the Red Sea at different geologic times starting in post Middle Eocene. The similarity of this paleotectonic setting to present Red Sea tectonics points out the possibility of future rejuvenation of these faults.Topographically, the area lies in shallow surface drainage basins. The topographical risk is increased by fracturing and it should be considered if the area is subjected to a long period of heavy rainfall. Radiometrically, El Minia El Gedida city represents one of the lowest natural radioactivity areas within the safe limits recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP).  相似文献   

Uraniferous iron grains occur in some radioactive granite plutons in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Modal analysis of these grains indicates that weight abundance of uraniferous grains amounts to 17.50%, 18.00% and 26.00% of the total accessory heavy minerals of the uranium-mineralized samples of Gabal Gattar, El Missikat and El Erediya, respectively. These grains are mainly restricted to shear zones associated with strong hematitization, and occur either as fracture fillings or as interstitial grains among the main rock-forming minerals. Uraniferous iron grains are mainly composed of uranophane and β-uranophane coated and stained with limonite. These grains represent the main radioactive minerals in addition to the bright canary yellow to yellow uranophane and β-uranophane mineral grains. The data obtained on scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe analysis confirm the abundance of iron in the darker colored varieties with respect to the light colored varieties. This mode of occurrence of the uranium minerals requires special consideration during mineral processing by physical means.  相似文献   

The present study deals with geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of three younger granite varieties (coarse-grained biotite-muscovite granites (CBG), garnetiferous muscovite granites (GMG) and Abu Aggag biotite granites (AAG)) in El-Hudi area, east of Aswan, southeastern desert of Egypt. Mineral chemistry and whole rock chemistry data revealed that all granites have high SiO2 (70.8-74.7 wt.%), Al2O3 (12.8-14.3 wt.%), Na2O and K2O (>3.2 wt.%) contents with high Na2O/K2O ratios (~>1). Plagioclase feldspars range in composition from albite to oligoclase (An9-27) in CBG, oligoclase (An13-18) in GMG and albite (An2-6) in AAG. Potash feldspars are mainly perthitic microcline and exhibit chemical formulae as (Or93-96 Ab7-4 An0) in CBG, (Or95-98 Ab5-2 An0) in GMG and (Or82-98 Ab18-2 An0) in AAG. Biotites from CBG and GMG are enriched in (Mg and Ti) and depleted in (Al, Fe, Mn and K) compared with those of AAG. Biotites from CBG and GMG had been derived from calc-alkaline magma, whereas those from AAG had been derived from peraluminous magma. Chlorites from CBG and GMG are Mg-Fe bearing, while that from AAG is Fe-rich chlorite (chamosite). The CBG and GMG are Mg-rich monzogranites originated from high-K calc-alkaline magma with metaluminous to mildly peraluminous nature. The AAG are Fe-rich monzogranites to syenogranites generated from high-K calc-alkaline peraluminous magma. Both CBG and GMG are late- to post-orogenic granites, while the AAG are post-orogenic granites. All three granite varieties are considered as evolved I-type granites, formed under low to moderate water pressures (~ 0.5-7 kbars) and relatively high ranges of crystallization temperatures (~700-890°C). They were generated from partial melting of crustal materials at lower (CBG >30 km depth) and intermediate (GMG & AAG ~20-30 km depth) levels. The crystal fractionation was the predominant process during differentiation of parent magmas of these granites. Geochemical characteristics manifest that AAG represent the highly fractionated member of magma cycle differs from that produced CBG and GMG. The CBG are relatively enriched in both U and Th existing only within the accessory minerals such as zircon, sphene, and allanite.  相似文献   

The Campanian-Lower Paleogene successions exposed at the Kharga Oasis contain well-preserved gastropods. Nineteen gastropod species are identified and described in detail. Two new species are established: Gisortia khargaensis from the lower Eocene El Rufuf Formation and Ornopsis? barisensis from the lower Paleocene Kurkur Formation. In addition to, Turritella (Torquesia) derbesi Coquand is recorded herein for the first time from Egypt. The studied gastropods belonging to four clades: Sorbeoconcha (Metacerithium abictiforme (Wanner), Mesalia hofana Mayer-Eymar, Mesalia sp., Turritella (Torquesia) derbesi Coquand, Turritella (Torquesia) forgemoli Coquand, Turritella kaserensis Hewaidy and Azab, Turritella sp.), Littorinimorpha (Cypraedia bullina Oppenheim, Gisortia khargaensis nov. sp., Natica farafrensis Wanner, Aporrhais schweinfurthi (Quaas), Drepanocheilus bicarinatus Abbass, Drepanocheilus? sp., Anchura? unicarinatus (Abbass), Epitonium sp.), Neogastropoda (Ornopsis? barisensis nov. sp., Rostellana daniensis (Quaas), Vouta sp.), and Heterobranchia (Avellana cretacea Quaas).  相似文献   

Palynological and palynofacies analyses were carried out on some Cretaceous samples from the Qattara Rim-1X borehole, north Western Desert, Egypt. The recorded palynoflora enabled the recognition of two informal miospore biozones arranged from oldest to youngest as Elaterosporites klaszii-Afropollis jardinus Assemblage Zone (mid Albian) and Elaterocolpites castelainii–Afropollis kahramanensis Assemblage Zone (late Albian–mid Cenomanian). A poorly fossiliferous but however, datable interval (late Cenomanian–Turonian to ?Campanian–Maastrichtian) representing the uppermost part of the studied section was also recorded. The palynofacies and visual thermal maturation analyses indicate a mature terrestrially derived organic matter (kerogen III) dominates the sediments of the Kharita and Bahariya formations and thus these two formations comprise potential mature gas source rocks. The sediments of the Abu Roash Formation are mostly dominated by mature amorphous organic matter (kerogen II) and the formation is regarded as a potential mature oil source rock in the well. The palynomorphs and palynofacies analyses suggest deposition of the clastics of the Kharita and Bahariya formations (middle Albian and upper Albian–middle Cenomanian) in a marginal marine setting under dysoxic–anoxic conditions. By contrast, the mixed clastic-carbonate sediments of the Abu Roash Formation (upper Cenomanian–Turonian) and the carbonates of the Khoman Formation (?Campanian–Maastrichtian) were mainly deposited in an inner shallow marine setting under prevailing suboxic–anoxic conditions as a result of the late Cenomanian and the Campanian marine transgressions. This environmental change from marginal to open (inner shelf) basins reflects the vertical change in the type of the organic matter and its corresponding hydrocarbon-prone types. A regional warm and semi-arid climate but with a local humid condition developed near/at the site of the well is thought to have prevailed.  相似文献   

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