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现有研究者采用威胁建模和安全分析系统的方法评估和预测软件定义网络(software defined network, SDN)安全威胁,但该方法未考虑SDN控制器的漏洞利用概率以及设备在网络中的位置,安全评估不准确。针对以上问题,根据设备漏洞利用概率和设备关键度结合PageRank算法,设计了一种计算SDN中各设备重要性的算法;根据SDN攻击图和贝叶斯理论设计了一种度量设备被攻击成功概率的方法。在此基础上设计了一种基于贝叶斯攻击图的SDN安全预测算法,预测攻击者的攻击路径。实验结果显示,该方法能够准确预测攻击者的攻击路径,为安全防御提供更准确的依据。  相似文献   

随着网络的发展,网络安全评估成为网络维护中不可或缺的组成部分,尽管攻击图、攻击树和其他技术已被广泛地用于预测所有漏洞,但仍然缺少一个有效的手段来量化地分析网络安全.介绍一个新方法构建一个带标记的攻击图,图中的每个节点都被标注了一个概率值用来说明该漏洞被成功利用的可能性,每条边都代表了漏洞间的关联.采用通用漏洞评分系统(CVSS)作为基础计算每个漏洞被利用的概率,采用贝叶斯网络计算累积的概率,并用一些典型场景评估了该方法的有效性和准确性.  相似文献   

随着互联网的迅速发展,网络安全问题越来越严重,分析及预测网络安网络安全态势,对于网络安全具有重要意义。本文在网络安全态势量化的的基础上,改进贝叶斯算法,提出一种改进型贝叶斯正则化BP神经网络模型的网络安全态势预测方法,通过模拟网络环境进行数据分析,验证了该预测方法可以减小了训练误差和预测误差,提高了对网络安全态势预测精度,证明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

Aiming at analyzing the influence of multi-step attack,as well as reflecting the system’s security situation accurately and comprehensively,a network security situation evaluation method for multi-step attack was proposed.This method firstly clustered security events into several attack scenes,which was used to identify the attacker.Then the attack path and the attack phase were identified by causal correlation of every scene.Finally,combined with the attack phase as well as the threat index,the quantitative standard was established to evaluate the network security situation.The proposed method is assessed by two network attack-defense experiments,and the results illustrate accuracy and effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

针对目前主机安全评估方法中无法准确计算主机安全值,忽略攻击图中主机关联性等问题,提出一种基于攻击图的主机安全评估方法.首先,生成主机攻击图,从漏洞自身、时间、环境和操作系统可利用性4个角度量化原子攻击概率并计算主机攻击概率.然后,根据专家先验评估和相关性定权法计算主机资产重要性,依据攻击图中主机间的关联关系计算主机的拓...  相似文献   

In order to solve the problem of insufficient accuracy of current network security situation prediction methods,a new network security situation prediction model was proposed based on self-correcting coefficient smoothing.Firstly,a network security assessment quantification method was designed to transform the alarm information into situation real value time series based on the entropy correlation degree.Then,the adaptive solution of the static smoothing coefficient was calculated and the predicted initial value was obtained by using the variable domain space.Finally,based on the error category,the time-changing weighted Markov chain was built to modify the initial network situation prediction result and the prediction accuracy was further raised.The prediction model was tested with LL_DOS_1.0 dataset and the experimental results show that the proposed model has higher adaptability and prediction accuracy for network situation time series.  相似文献   

基于攻击图模型的网络安全评估研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了利用攻击图模型方法分析计算机网络攻击行为的基本原理,给出了攻击图生成算法。研究了利用攻击图对网络系统安全性进行风险分析的方法。通过一个虚拟的网络环境对攻击图生成算法和网络系统的安全性分析评估方法进行了验证。  相似文献   

To improve the accuracy of the network security situation, a security situation automatic prediction model based on accumulative data preprocess and support vector machine (SVM) optimized by covariance matrix adaptive evolutionary strategy (CMA-ES) is proposed. The proposed model adopts SVM which has strong nonlinear ability. Also, the hyper parameters for SVM are optimized through the CMA-ES which owns good performance in finding optimization automatically. Considering the irregularity of network security situation values, we accumulate the original sequence, so that the internal rules of discrete data can be revealed and it is easy to model. Simulation experiments show that the proposed model has faster convergence-speed and higher prediction accuracy than other extant prediction models.  相似文献   

The security incidents ion networks are sudden and uncertain, it is very hard to precisely predict the network security situation by traditional methods. In order to improve the prediction accuracy of the network security situation, we build a network security situation prediction model based on Wavelet Neural Network (WNN) with optimized parameters by the Improved Niche Genetic Algorithm (INGA). The proposed model adopts WNN which has strong nonlinear ability and fault-tolerance performance. Also, the parameters for WNN are optimized through the adaptive genetic algorithm (GA) so that WNN searches more effectively. Considering the problem that the adaptive GA converges slowly and easily turns to the premature problem, we introduce a novel niche technology with a dynamic fuzzy clustering and elimination mechanism to solve the premature convergence of the GA. Our final simulation results show that the proposed INGA-WNN prediction model is more reliable and effective, and it achieves faster convergence-speed and higher prediction accuracy than the Genetic Algorithm-Wavelet Neural Network (GA-WNN), Genetic Algorithm-Back Propagation Neural Network (GA-BPNN) and WNN.  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术的高速发展,互联网技术的应用越来越广泛.很快,由传统的防单机病毒,人们更加意识到网络安全的重要性.很多类型的攻击每天都在增加,保护计算机和网络安全是关键问题.MANET在计算机技术方面定义为移动自组网络的工作组,全称为Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks.本文描述了网络安全机密向量、网络安全完整性向量和网络安全可用性向量,并提出了MANET中的主要攻击类型.  相似文献   

针对目前传统入侵检测系统难以得出网络攻击行为之间存在的关联关系问题,以攻击图表示模型为指引,提出一种基于贝叶斯网络的攻击事件智能发掘模型。本文以先验知识建立贝叶斯攻击行为关联图。基于属性相似度聚合网络攻击行为,针对网络攻击场景设计高效的ExApriori算法发掘攻击行为间的关联规则,并建立攻击行为组集。利用贝叶斯攻击行为关联图的参数对攻击行为组集进行计算,实现对攻击事件的发掘。实验表明,本模型能有效提取网络攻击事件及发现攻击路径,为网络攻击事件的发现与应对措施提供理论支持和技术支撑。  相似文献   

陈龙  吕磊  杨旭东 《电讯技术》2022,62(4):517-525
针对灰色关联分析算法无法定量评估样本、没有充分考虑到待评估指标间的关联性和决策者的期望问题,提出了一种基于改进的CRITIC(Criteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation)的灰色关联网络安全态势评估算法,借助于改进CRITIC的主客观赋权与TOPSIS(Te...  相似文献   

In view of the characteristics of internal fixed business logic,inbound and outbound network access behavior,two classes and four kinds of abnormal behaviors were defined firstly,and then a multi-step attack detection method was proposed based on network communication anomaly recognition.For abnormal sub-graphs and abnormal communication edges detection,graph-based anomaly analysis and wavelet analysis method were respectively proposed to identify abnormal behaviors in network communication,and detect multi-step attacks through anomaly correlation analysis.Experiments are carried out on the DARPA 2000 data set and LANL data set to verify the results.The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively detect and reconstruct multi-step attack scenarios.The proposed method can effectively monitor multi-step attacks including unknown feature types.It provides a feasible idea for detecting complex multi-step attack patterns such as APT.And the network communication graph greatly reduces the data size,it is suitable for large-scale enterprise network environments.  相似文献   

计算机网络安全评估建模研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张涛  胡铭曾  云晓春  张永铮 《通信学报》2005,26(12):100-109
安全性分析研究工作需要把计算机网络与安全相关的系统资源和安全因素抽取出来建立一种面向安全性分析的安全模型。从安全需求的类别、等级和面临的主要威胁出发,分析了系统设备、访问权限、主体连接关系和弱点,从攻击者目的是提升特权的角度对攻击作了形式化的描述。针对计算机系统的安全故障树方法和网络信息系统的攻击图方法应用了这一安全分析建模工作。  相似文献   

传统电力网络攻击范围预测技术的预测范围不够广,导致电力网络安全性提升效果不明显。为此,提出基于细胞自动机模型的电力网络攻击预测技术。搭建电力细胞自动机模型,将细胞自动机中的细胞看作电力细胞,建立细胞活力值转换规则,将其与攻击者执行攻击概率相结合,预测电力细胞的发展变化。根据中心电力细胞及邻域电力细胞的变化趋势预测电力网络攻击。实验结果表明:在时间因素影响下,提出的基于细胞自动机模型电力网络攻击预测技术的预测攻击节点位置与原始节点基本一致,预测后负荷切除量始终在100 MW以下,本文所提技术的有效性更好。  相似文献   

Aiming at the problem of ignoring the impact of attack cost and intrusion intention on network security in the current network risk assessment model,in order to accurately assess the target network risk,a method of network intrusion intention analysis based on Bayesian attack graph was proposed.Based on the atomic attack probability calculated by vulnerability value,attack cost and attack benefit,the static risk assessment model was established in combination with the quantitative attack graph of Bayesian belief network,and the dynamic update model of intrusion intention was used to realize the dynamic assessment of network risk,which provided the basis for the dynamic defense measures of attack surface.Experiments show that the model is not only effective in evaluating the overall security of the network,but also feasible in predicting attack paths.  相似文献   

传统电网安全漏洞攻击图存在预测误差大、耗时长的问题,导致电网运行成本较高.为此,提出基于知识图谱的电网安全漏洞扩展攻击图研究方法.建立电网安全漏洞的挖掘关联规则与漏洞判断矩阵,获取出现安全漏洞概率最大的路径;追踪出现安全漏洞的异常数据来源;对电网安全漏洞处拓扑扫描与漏洞扫描,生成电网安全漏洞扩展攻击图.研究结果表明:在...  相似文献   

针对光网络攻击易被发现的问题,提出一种基于信号延迟插入的光网络攻击方式。该方法在不改变链路光学性能的基础上,利用信号延迟在系统中引起较高的串扰,极大的降低了系统的性能。仿真和实验结果表明攻击后目标光链路的误码性能大幅劣化而其光域内参数几乎没有变化,具有较好的隐蔽性和良好的攻击效果。  相似文献   

近几年,网络信息技术发展迅速,并逐渐进入社会各行各业的发展中,不仅改变着人们的生产方式,同时也改变了人们的生活方式,给人们衣食住行带来了很大的方便。但是应该看到网络在给人们带来极大便利的同时也存在较大的安全隐患,威胁人们的隐私和网络安全。所以必须要对网络安全态势进行分析和预测,找到一种合理的算法进行态势分析,建立科学的网络安全态势模型,为网络管理者做出安全防护的决策提供有效信息,提高网络安全度。这里主要利用卡尔曼算法进行网络安全态势预测方法的分析,并分析该算法的优越性。  相似文献   

针对复杂多步攻击检测问题,研究面向云计算环境的攻击场景构建方法.首先,构建了动态概率攻击图模型,设计了概率攻击图更新算法,使之能够随着时空的推移而周期性更新,从而适应弹性、动态性的云计算环境.其次,设计了攻击意图推断算法和最大概率攻击路径推断算法,解决了误报、漏报导致的攻击场景错误、断裂等不确定性问题,保证了攻击场景的...  相似文献   

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