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The Youshashan Fault lies in the south flank of Yingxiongling anticline, southwestern margin of Qaidam Basin. The Yingxiongling anticline is one of the most active neotectonics, situated at the front of folds expanding southward in the Qaidam Basin. Research on the paleoseimology and Late Quaternary slip rate of this fault is important for hazard assessment and understanding tectonic deformation in this area. We excavated a 27-m-long trench across the Youshashan fault where a pressure bridge formed on the Holocene alluvial fans, measured a profile of the fold scarp created by the fault west of the Youshashan mountain, and collected several samples of finer sands for luminescence dating. Analysis of these data shows that(1) The Youshashan Fault is a Holocene active feature. The fold scarp in the basin indicates that this fault has been active along a same surface trace since at least mid-late Pleistocene. At least two paleoseismic events are revealed by trenching, both occurred in Holocene. The latest event Ⅱ in the trench happened after 500a. The current information fails to confidently support that it is the 1977 Mangya M6.4 earthquake, but cannot excludes the possibility of it is related to this earthquake. The other event Ⅰ occurred about between 1 000a to 4 000a. Erosion after the event Ⅰ prevents us to constrain the event age and to identify more events further. (2)The vertical slip rate of the Youshashan fault is about(0.38±0.06)mm/a since mid-late Pleistocene. Comparing with relative speeds of GPS sites across the Yingxiongling anticline suggests that the Youshashan fault is an important structure which is accommodating crustal shortening in this region.  相似文献   

宗务隆山南缘断裂位于柴达木盆地东北缘,是祁连山南缘与柴达木盆地的边界逆断裂,对其晚第四纪活动性进行研究对于理解祁连山地区应变分配模式以及该地区断裂向柴达木盆地内部的挤压扩展过程具有重要意义。文中通过遥感影像解译和野外地质调查,结合GPS地形剖面测量以及宇宙成因核素与光释光定年,对宗务隆山南缘断裂拜京图和蓄集乡等段落开展了详细的研究。综合分析拜京图和蓄集乡地区不同期次洪积扇的垂直位错以及相应地貌面的年龄,得到宗务隆山南缘断裂晚第四纪以来的平均垂直滑动速率为(0. 41±0. 05) mm/a,水平缩短速率为0. 47~0. 80mm/a,约占祁连山地区地壳缩短速率的10%。这些结果有助于进一步理解祁连山地区的应变分配模式以及柴达木盆地北缘地区的构造变形机制。  相似文献   

With the continuous collision of the India and Eurasia plate in Cenozoic, the Qilian Shan began to uplift strongly from 12Ma to 10Ma. Nowadays, Qilian Shan is still uplifting and expanding. In the northern part of Qilian Shan, tectonic activity extends to Hexi Corridor Basin, and has affected Alashan area. In the southern part of Qilian Shan, tectonic activity extends to Qaidam Basin, forming a series of thrust faults in the northern margin of Qaidam Basin and a series of fold deformations in the basin. The southern Zongwulong Shan Fault is located in the northeastern margin of Qaidam Basin, it is the boundary thrust fault between the southern margin of Qilian Shan and Qaidam Basin. GPS studies show that the total crustal shortening rate across the Qilian Shan is 5~8mm/a, which absorbs 20% of the convergence rate of the Indian-Eurasian plate. Concerning how the strain is distributed on individual fault in the Qilian Shan, previous studies mainly focused on the northern margin of the Qilian Shan and the Hexi Corridor Basin, while the study on the southern margin of the Qilian Shan was relatively weak. Therefore, the study of late Quaternary activity of southern Zongwulong Shan Fault in southern margin of Qilian Shan is of great significance to understand the strain distribution pattern in Qilian Shan and the propagation of the fault to the interior of Qaidam Basin. At the same time, because of the strong tectonic activity, the northern margin of Qaidam Basin is also a seismic-prone area. Determining the fault slip rate is also helpful to better understand the movement behaviors of faults and seismic risk assessment.Through remote sensing image interpretation and field geological survey, combined with GPS topographic profiling, cosmogenic nuclides and optically stimulated luminescence dating, we carried out a detailed study at Baijingtu site and Xujixiang site on the southern Zongwulong Shan Fault. The results show that the southern Zongwulong Shan Fault is a Holocene reverse fault, which faulted a series of piedmont alluvial fans and formed a series of fault scarps.The 43ka, 20ka and 11ka ages of the alluvial fan surfaces in this area can be well compared with the ages of terraces and alluvial fan surfaces in the northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau, and its formation is mainly controlled by climatic factors. Based on the vertical dislocations of the alluvial fans in different periods in Baijingtu and Xujixiang areas, the average vertical slip rate of the southern Zongwulong Shan Fault since late Quaternary is(0.41±0.05)mm/a, and the average horizontal shortening rate is 0.47~0.80mm/a, accounting for about 10% of the crustal shortening in Qilian Shan. These results are helpful to further understand the strain distribution model in Qilian Shan and the tectonic deformation mechanism in the northern margin of Qaidam Basin. The deformation mechanism of the northern Qaidam Basin fault zone, which is composed of the southern Zongwulong Shan Fault, is rather complicated, and it is not a simple piggy-back thrusting style. These faults jointly control the tectonic activity characteristics of the northern Qaidam Basin.  相似文献   

小江断裂带第四纪晚期左旋走滑速率及其构造意义   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
位于中国西南的小江 (Xiaojiang)断裂带作为康定 (Kangding)断裂带的南段 ,在青藏块体向SE方向挤出的过程中起着重要的作用。根据断错地貌以及这些断错地貌14 C年代或热释光年代 ,推算了小江断裂带第四纪晚期的左旋走滑速率。小江断裂带可以分为 3段 ,其中段由平行的两条断层组成。西支断层和东支断层的左旋走滑速率分别为 7.0~ 9.0mm/ yr和 6 .0~ 7.5mm/yr。简单相加 ,就可以推算出小江 (Xiaojiang)断裂带总的左旋走滑速率为 13 0~ 16 5mm/ yr,与康定断裂带北段的鲜水河 (Xianshuihe)断层的走滑速率大致相当 ,约等于康定 (Kangding)断裂带中段的安宁河 (Anninghe)断层及则木河 (Zemuhe)断层的两倍。这个结果可能暗示了在康定断裂带中段 ,可能存在着其他断层以解消另外一半的滑动速率。最有可能的断层是位于康定断裂带中段以东几十公里的普雄河 -布拖 (Puxionghe Butuo)断层  相似文献   

龙门山前山断裂北段晚第四纪活动性研究   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16  
5月12日汶川8.0级地震沿龙门山断裂带中央断裂映秀—石坎段、前山断裂白鹿—汉旺段形成了典型的逆断层-褶皱地震地表形变带,两侧构筑物遭受了毁灭性的破坏。中央断裂地震地表形变带突破了以往所认识的断裂活动分段边界,向北扩展了约60km,余震亦具有从中段向北段迁移的趋势。龙门山断裂带北段在此次地震中地表有什么影响或破坏?该段晚第四纪是否有过地震活动?在前人工作的基础上,我们对前山断裂北段的地震地表特征和晚第四纪活动性进行了详细的地质地貌调查,并重点选择2个影像线性特征清晰、震害较强烈的疑似地点进行了探槽揭露,以期为解决这些问题以及灾后重建积累翔实可靠的基础资料及获得相应的初步认识。主要结论是:前山断裂北段地质地貌、构造、5月12日汶川8.0级地震的地表表现等与其南侧的灌县-安县断裂(中段)均存在显著差异,晚第四纪活动迹象不明显,前山断裂晚第四纪活动段可能终止在永安镇往南一带;永安镇一带前人认为的"活动断裂陡坎"应为侵蚀河岸  相似文献   

The Beiluntai Fault is a Holocene active fault. It is the boundary between southern Tian Shan and Tarim Basin. Since the late Quaternary, steady activities of the Beiluntai fault have resulted in offsets, folds, and uplift of pluvial terraces. We used the high-resolution RTK topographic surveys to reveal that the fault scarp morphology on the Akeaiken(Ak) segment and Zhuanchang(Zc) segment of the Beiluntai fault. We found that the crustal shortening of Ak and Zc segments are dominated by thrusting and folding-uplift, respectively. We employed th optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) dating method to develop a new chronology for the different pluvial terraces, indicating that they formed at 49.14~58.51, 27±3, 13.72~14.64, 7.13±0.88, (3.32±0.43) ka, respectively. These data permitted to estimate the crustal shortening rate(about 2.4mm/a) remains largely constant on the Ak segment, while the crustal shortening rate of Zc segment was 1.43~1.81mm/a since the Fan4 pluvial terraces was abandoned. Compared with the Ak segment, the crustal shortening rate of the Zc segment declined obviously. This shows that the NS-trending crustal shortening rate of the Beituntai fault decreased gradually from west to east. A comprehensive comparison of the reverse fault-fold belt system in the front of southern Tian Shan also indicates that the crustal shortening rate drops from west to east.  相似文献   

The Shanxi Graben System is one of the intracontinental graben systems developed around the Ordos Block in North China since the Cenozoic, and it provides a unique natural laboratory for studying the long-term tectonic history of active intracontinental normal faults in an extensional environment. Comparing with the dense strong earthquakes in its central part, no strong earthquakes with magnitudes over 7 have been recorded historically in the Jin-Ji-Meng Basin-and-Range Province of the northern Shanxi Graben System. However, this area is located at the conjunction area of several active-tectonic blocks(e.g. the Ordos, Yan Shan and North China Plain blocks), thus it has the tectonic conditions for strong earthquakes. Studying the active tectonics in the northern Shanxi Graben System will thus be of great significance to the seismic hazard assessment. Based on high-resolution remote sensing image interpretations and field investigations, combined with the UAV photogrammetry and OSL dating, we studied the late Quaternary activity and slip rate of the relatively poorly-researched Yanggao-Tianzhen Fault(YTF)in the Jin-Ji-Meng Basin-and-Range Province and got the followings: 1)The YTF extends for more than 75km from Dashagou, Fengzhen, Inner Mongolia in the west to Yiqingpo, Tianzhen, Shanxi Province in the east. In most cases, the YTF lies in the contact zone between the bedrock mountain and the sediments in the basin, but the fault grows into the basin where the fault geometry is irregular. At the vicinity of the Erdun Village, Shijiudun Village, and Yulinkou Village, the faults are not only distributed at the basin-mountain boundary, we have also found evidence of late Quaternary fault activity in the alluvial fans that is far away from the basin-mountain boundary. The overall strike of the fault is N78°E, but the strike gradually changes from ENE to NE, then to NWW from the west to the east, with dips ranging from 30° to 80°. 2)Based on field surveys of tectonic landforms and analysis of fault kinematics in outcrops, we have found that the sense of motion of the YTF changes along its strikes: the NEE and NE-striking segments are mainly normal dip-slip faults, while the left-laterally displaced gullies on the NWW segment and the occurrence characteristics of striations in the fault outcrop indicate that the NWW-striking segment is normal fault with minor sinistral strike-slip component. The sense of motion of the YTF determined by geologic and geomorphic evidences is consistent with the relationship between the regional NNW-SSE extension regime and the fault geometry. 3)By measuring and dating the displaced geologic markers and geomorphic surfaces, such as terraces and alluvial fans at three sites along the western segment of the YTF, we estimated that the fault slip rates are 0.12~0.20mm/a over the late Pleistocene. In order to compare the slip rate determined by geological method with extension rate constrained by geodetic measurement, the vertical slip rates were converted into horizontal slip rate using the dip angles of the fault planes measured in the field. At Zhuanlou Village, the T2 terrace was vertically displaced for(2.5±0.4)m, the abandonment age of the T2 was constrained to be(12.5±1.6)ka, so we determined a vertical slip rate of(0.2±0.04)mm/a using the deformed T2 terrace and its OSL age. For a 50°dipping fault, it corresponds to extension rate of(0.17±0.03)mm/a. At Pingshan Village, the vertical displacement of the late Pleistocene alluvial fan is measured to be(5.38±0.83)m, the abandonment age of the alluvial fan is(29.7±2.5)ka, thus we estimated the vertical slip rate of the YTF to(0.18±0.02)mm/a. For a 65° dipping fault, it corresponds to an extension rate of(0.09±0.01)mm/a. Ultimately, the corresponding extensional rates were determined to be between 0.09mm/a and 0.17mm/a. Geological and geodetic researches have shown that the northern Shanxi Graben System are extending in NNW-SSE direction with slip rates of 1~2mm/a. Our data suggests that the YTF accounts for about 10% of the crustal extension rate in the northern Shanxi Graben System.  相似文献   

The Yumen Fault lies on the west segment of the north Qilian Fault belt and adjacent to the Altyn-Tagh Fault,in the north margin of the Tibet Plateau.The tectonic location of the Yumen fault is special,and the fault is the evidence of recent activity of the northward growth of Tibetan plateau.In recent twenty years,many researches show the activity of the Yumen Fault became stronger from the early Pleistocene to the Holocene.Because the Yumen Fault is a new active fault and fold belt in the Qilian orogenic belt in the north margin of the Tibet Plateau,it is important to ascertain its slip rate and the recurrence interval of paleoearthquakes since the Late Pleistocene.Using the satellite image interpretation of the Beida river terrace,the GPS measurement of alluvial fans in front of the Yumen Fault and the trench excavation on the fault scarps,two conclusions are obtained in this paper.(1) The vertical slip rate of the Yumen Fault is about 0.41~0.48mm/a in the Holocene and about 0.24~0.30mm/a in the last stage of the late Pleistocene.(2) Since the Holocene epoch,four paleoearthquakes,which happened respectively in 6.12~10.53ka,3.6~5.38ka,1.64~1.93ka and 0.63~1.64ka,ruptured the surface scarps of the Yumen Fault.Overall,the recurrence interval of the paleoseismic events shortens gradually and the activity of the Yumen Fault becomes stronger since the Holocene.Anther characteristic is that every paleoearthquake probably ruptured multiple fault scarps at the same time.  相似文献   

滇西北通甸-巍山断裂中段的晚第四纪滑动速率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通甸-巍山断裂属于红河断裂带的分支断裂,目前对该断裂中段的晚第四纪活动特征研究较少。野外地质地貌调查和年代学研究结果表明,通甸-巍山断裂中段是以右旋走滑运动为主,兼有张性正断的全新世活动断裂,其最新活动时代距今约2.2ka。晚更新世中晚期以来断裂中段平均水平滑动速率为1.25mm/a,全新世晚期以来垂直运动趋于增强。该研究不仅为该断裂的地震危险性评价工作提供了基础资料,而且有助于理解川滇菱形块体西南边界构造变形的空间分配特点  相似文献   

用岷江都江堰—汶川段晚第四纪阶地面的变形量估算了龙门山断裂带中段的滑动速率。岷江及其支流发育3级晚第四纪河流阶地,阶地面的年龄分别约为10,20,50kaBP。阶地纵剖面在茂汶-汶川断裂、北川-映秀断裂和江油-灌县断裂处有明显的垂直变形。断裂活动具有间歇性特点,晚第四纪以来有过3期活动,其起始时间分别为50,20,10kaBP。依据各级阶地面年龄和变形量估算的茂汶-汶川断裂、北川-映秀断裂和江油-灌县断裂晚第四纪逆冲滑动速率分别为0.5,0.6~0.3,0.2mm/a;据阶地走滑位错估算的茂汶-汶川断裂和北川-映秀断裂的晚第四纪右旋走滑速率均约为1mm/a。现代河床之下发育很厚的河流堆积物表明,龙门山的构造抬升经历了较为复杂的过程  相似文献   

Pangusi-Xinxiang Fault is a great-scale, deep-incising buried active fault in the southern margin of the Taihang Mountains. In order to find out the location, characteristics, structure and activities of Pangusi-Xinxiang Fault, shallow reflection profiles with six lines crossing the buried faults were carried out. In this paper, based on the high-resolution seismic data acquisition technology and high-precision processing technology, we obtained clear images of underground structures. The results show that Pangusi-Xinxiang Fault is a near EW-trending Quaternary active fault and its structural features are different in different segment. The middle part of the fault behaves as a south-dipping normal fault and controls the north boundary of Jiyuan sag; The eastern part of the fault is a north-dipping normal fault and a dividing line of Wuzhi uplift and Xiuwu sag. The shallow seismic profiles reveal that the up-breakpoint of the Pangusi-Xinxiang Fault is at depth of 60~70m, which offsets the lower strata of upper Pleistocene. We infer that the activity time of this fault is in the lower strata of late Pleistocene. In this study, not only the location and characteristics of Pangusi-Xinxiang Fault are determined, but also the reliable geological and seismological evidences for the fault activity estimation are provided.  相似文献   

焉耆盆地是塔里木盆地东北缘天山山间的重要坳陷区,盆地北缘发育的和静逆断裂-褶皱带是一条现今活动强烈的逆断裂-褶皱带,对其第四纪以来缩短量和隆升量的计算有利于分析该区域的构造活动情况,对缩短速率和隆升速率的估计可以与天山造山带其他区域的活动速率进行横向对比,从而反映出焉耆盆地在天山晚新生代构造变形的作用。在深部资料不足的情况下,对背斜形态完整、构造样式简单的和静逆断裂-褶皱带,利用地表可获得的地层和断层产状,通过恢复褶皱几何形态,计算褶皱的缩短量、隆升量和断层滑动量,得到逆断裂-褶皱带早更新世晚期(1.8Ma)、中更新世(780ka)和晚更新世中期(80ka)以来的缩短量分别为1.79km、0.88km和26m,初步估计的缩短速率分别为0.99mm/a、1.13mm/a和0.33mm/a。显示和静逆断裂-褶皱带自开始形成以来构造活动强度并不一致。与地壳形变观测结果对比,作为南天山东段最主要的坳陷区,焉耆盆地吸收了这一区域(86°~88°E)的大部分地壳缩短,且主要表现为盆地北缘新生逆断裂-褶皱带的强烈变形。  相似文献   

龙陵-瑞丽断裂(南支)北段晚第四纪活动性特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
遥感影像解译和野外地质地貌调查表明,龙陵-瑞丽断裂(南支)北段是以左旋走滑为主兼张性正断的区域性活动断裂。根据一些断错地貌点的大比例尺填图、实地测量及其年代学分析,确定了该断裂为全新世活动断裂,断裂晚更新世以来的平均水平滑动速率为2.2mm/a,平均垂直滑动速率为0.6mm/a;全新世以来的平均水平滑动速率为1.8~3.0mm/a,平均垂直滑动速率为0.5mm/a。断裂晚更新世以来的滑动速率在不同的时间尺度上变化不大,反映了该断裂晚更新世以来的活动强度比较平稳  相似文献   

中国新疆天山博阿断裂晚第四纪右旋走滑运动特征   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
沈军  汪一鹏  李莹甄  姜慧  向志勇 《地震地质》2003,25(2):183-194,T001
利用遥感资料 ,通过野外实地考察并结合气候地貌事件的分析 ,对斜切北天山、长逾70 0km的博阿断裂 (博罗科努 -阿齐克库都克断裂 )的右旋走滑运动进行了定量研究。该断裂分为西部NW向断裂和东部NWW向断裂。西部NW向断裂长近 2 5 0km ,向西北延伸进入哈萨克斯坦 ,右旋走滑速率可达 5mm/a ;由 4~ 5个断裂段组成 ,其上发育 3~ 4条古地震或历史地震形变带 ,显示具有发生 7.5级地震的能力。东部NWW向断裂右旋走滑速率 1~ 1.4mm/a ;其上发现小规模古地震形变带 ,显示具备发生 7级左右地震的能力。该断裂与山前的逆冲推覆构造之间构成典型的挤压区应变分配形式 ,即在斜向挤压作用下 ,变形分配为山前的逆冲推覆构造和山内的走滑断裂  相似文献   

The Fodongmiao-Hongyazi Fault (FHF)is one of the most active faults of the northern Qilian thrust fault zone. The 1609 Hongyazi M7 1/4 earthquake occurred on the east segment of the FHF, an area with a complex geometry at the Mayinghe River site. The seismogenic pattern of this earthquake revealed by complex surface ruptures remains unclear. In this paper, we focus on active tectonic deformation around the Hujiatai anticline (HA)in the Mayinghe River site. Combining with topographic survey via dGPS across deformed terraces and alluvial fans, a field survey of the geological section across the HA, the characteristics of the active fold and several sub-faults were constrained. Meanwhile, combined with the seismic reflection profiles passing through the anticline, the correspondence relationship between surface expressions of this tectonic and the deep structure was discussed. According to our research, the HA is a result of northward propagation of the range-front thrust fault F1. At the same time, a thrust fault F2 with dextral strike-slip motion and a thrust fault F4 were formed on the east side and north side of the HA, respectively. These two active faults accommodated local deformation. Trench results and 14C dating reveal that the 1609 Hongyazi M7 1/4 earthquake ruptured the T1 terrace in the Huangcaoba site. Combined with previous field investigations and literature about the 1609 Hongyazi earthquake, we suggest that this earthquake occurred on the range-front fault F1, and the depth of the hypocenter may be about 8~22km.  相似文献   

The Ebomiao Fault is a newly discovered active fault near the block boundary between the Tibetan plateau and the Alashan Block. This fault locates in the southern margin of the Beishan Mountain, which is generally considered to be a tectonically inactive zone, and active fault and earthquake are never expected to emerge, so the discovery of this active fault challenges the traditional thoughts. As a result, studying the new activity of this fault would shed new light on the neotectonic evolution of the Beishan Mountain and tectonic interaction effects between the Tibetan plateau and the Alashan Block. Based on some mature and traditional research methods of active tectonics such as satellite image interpretation, trenches excavation, differential GPS measurement, Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle Photogrammetry(UAVP), and Optical Stimulated Luminescence(OSL)dating, we quantitatively study the new activity features of the Ebomiao Fault.
Through this study, we complete the fault geometry of the Ebomiao Fault and extend the fault eastward by 25km on the basis of the 20km-fault trace identified previously, the total length of the fault is extened to 45km, which is capable of generating magnitude 7 earthquake calculated from the empirical relationships between earthquake magnitude and fault length. The Ebomiao Fault is manifested as several segments of linear scarps on the land surface, the scarps are characterized by poor continuity because of seasonal flood erosion. Linear scarps are either north- or south-facing scarps that emerge intermittently. Fourteen differential GPS profiles show that the height of the north-facing scarps ranges from (0.22±0.02)m to (1.32±0.1)m, and seven differential GPS profiles show the height of south-facing scarps ranging from (0.33±0.1)m to (0.64±0.1)m. To clarify the causes of the linear scarps with opposite-facing directions, we dug seven trenches across these scarps, the trench profiles show that the south-dipping reverse faults dominate the north-facing scarps, the dipping angles range from 23° to 86°. However, the south-facing scarps are controlled by south-dipping normal faults with dipping angles spanning from 60° to 81°.
The Ebomiao Fault is dominated by left-lateral strike-slip activity, with a small amount of vertical-slip component. From the submeter-resolution digital elevation models(DEM)constructed by UAVP, the measured left-lateral displacement of 19 gullies in the western segment of the Ebomiao Fault are(3.8±0.5)~(105±25)m, while the height of the north-facing scarps on this segment are(0.22±0.02)~(1.32±0.10)m(L3-L7), the left-lateral displacement is much larger than the scarp height. In this segment, there are three gullies preserving typical left-lateral offsets, one gully among them preserves two levels of alluvial terraces, the terrace riser between the upper terrace and the lower terrace is clear and shows horizontal offset. Based on high-resolution DEM interpretation and displacement restoration by LaDiCaoz software, the left-lateral displacement of the terrace riser is measured to be(16.7±0.5)m. The formation time of the terrace riser is approximated by the OSL age of the upper terrace, which is (11.2±1.5)ka BP at (0.68±0.03)m beneath the surface, and(11.4±0.6)ka at (0.89±0.03)m beneath the surface, the OSL age (11.2±1.5)ka BP at (0.68±0.03)m beneath the surface is more close to the formation time of the upper terrace because of a nearer distance to sediment contact between alluvial fan and eolian sand silt. Taking the (16.7±0.5)m left-lateral displacement of the terrace riser and the upper terrace age (11.2±1.5)ka, we calculate a left-lateral strike-slip rate of(1.52±0.25)mm/a for the Ebomiao Fault. The main source for the slip rate error is that the terrace risers on both walls of the fault are not definitely corresponded. The north wall of the fault is covered by eolian sand, we can only presume the location of terrace riser by geomorphic analysis. In addition, the samples used to calculate slip rate before were collected from the aeolian sand deposits on the north side of the fault, they are not sediments of the fan terraces, so they could not accurately define the formation age of the upper terrace. This study dates the upper terrace directly on the south wall of the fault.
Since the late Cenozoic, the new activity of the Ebomiao Fault may have responded to the shear component of the relative movement between the Tibetan plateau and the Alashan Block under the macroscopic geological background of the northeastern-expanding of the Tibetan plateau. The north-facing fault scarps are dominated by south-dipping low-angle reverse faults, the emergence of this kind of faults(faults overthrusting from the Jinta Basin to the Beishan Mountain)suggests the far-field effect of block convergence between Tibetan plateau and Alashan Block, which results in the relative compression and crustal shortening. As for whether the Ebomiao Fault and Qilianshan thrust system are connected in the deep, more work is needed.  相似文献   

The 2014 Jinggu M6.6 earthquake attacked the Jinggu area where few historical earthquakes had occurred and little study has been conducted on active tectonics. The lack of detailed field investigation on active faults and seismicity restricts the assessment of seismic risk of this area and leads to divergent view points with respect to the seismotectonics of this earthquake, so relevant research needs to be strengthened urgently. In particular, some studies suggest that this earthquake triggered the activity of the NE-trending faults which have not yet been studied. By the approaches of remote sensing image interpretation, structural geomorphology investigation and trench excavation, we studied the late Quaternary activity of the faults in the epicenter area, which are the eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin and the Yixiang-Zhaojiacun Fault, and drew the conclusions as follows: (1)The eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin originates around the Naguai village in the southeastern margin of Yongping Basin,extending northward across the Qiandong, Tianfang, and ending in the north of Tiantou. The fault is about 43km long, striking near SN. The linear characteristic of the fault is obvious in remote sensing images. Structural geomorphological phenomena, such as fault troughs, linear ridges and gully dislocations, have developed along the faults. There are several dextral-dislocated gullies near Naguai village, with displacements of 300m, 220m, 146m, 120m and 73m, respectively, indicating that the fault is a dextral strike-slip fault with long-term activity. In order to further study the activity of the fault, a trench was excavated in the fault trough, the Naguai trench. The trench reveals many faults, and the youngest strata offseted by the faults are Holocene, with 14C ages of(1 197±51)a and(1 900±35)a, respectively. All those suggest that it is a Holocene active fault. (2)The Yixiang-Zhaojiacun Fault starts at the southeast of the Jinggu Basin, passes through Xiangyan, Yixiang, Chahe, and terminates at the Zhaojiacun. The total length of the fault is about 60km, and is a large-scale NE-trending fault in the Wuliangshan fault zone. Four gullies are synchronously sinistrally dislocated at Yixiang village, with the displacements of 340m, 260m, 240m and 240m, indicating that the fault is a long-term active sinistral strike-slip fault. A trench was excavated in a fault trough in Yixiang village. The trench reveals a small sag pond and a fault. The fault offsets several strata with clear dislocation and linear characteristic. The thickness of strata between the two walls of fault does not match, and the gravels are oriented along fault plane. The offset strata have the 14C age of(2 296±56)a, (3 009±51)a, and(4 924±45)a, respectively, and another two strata have the OSL age of(1.8±0.1)ka, (8.6±0.5)ka respectively, by which we constrained the latest paleoearthquake between(1.8±0.1)ka(OSL-Y01)and(378±48)a BP(CY-07). This again provides further evidence that the fault is a Holocene fault with long-term activity. (3)Based on the distribution of aftershocks and the predecessor research results, the 2014 Jinggu M6.6 earthquake and the M5.8, M5.9 strong aftershocks are regarded as being caused by the eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin, which is part of the Wuliangshan fault zone. The seismogenic mechanism is that the stress has been locked, concentrated and accumulated to give rise to the quakes in the wedge-shaped area near the intersection of the SN and NE striking faults, which is similar to the seismogenic mechanism in the southwest of Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

Strike-slip fault plays an important role in the process of tectonic deformation since Cenozoic in Asia. The role of strike-slip fault in the process of mountain building and continental deformation has always been an important issue of universal concern to the earth science community. Junggar Basin is located in the hinterland of Central Asia, bordering on the north the Altay region and the Baikal rift system, which are prone to devastating earthquakes, the Tianshan orogenic belt and the Tibet Plateau on the south, and the rigid blocks, such as Erdos, the South China, the North China Plain and Amur, on the east. Affected by the effect of the Indian-Eurasian collision on the south of the basin and at the same time, driven by the southward push of the Mongolian-Siberian plate, the active structures in the periphery of the basin show a relatively strong activity. The main deformation patterns are represented by the large-scale NNW-trending right-lateral strike-slip faults dominated by right-lateral shearing, the NNE-trending left-lateral strike-slip faults dominated by left-lateral shearing, and the thrust-nappe structure systems distributed in piedmont of Tianshan in the south of the basin. There are three near-parallel-distributed left-lateral strike-slip faults in the west edge of the basin, from the east to the west, they are:the Daerbute Fault, the Toli Fault and the Dongbielieke Fault. This paper focuses on the Dongbielieke Fault in the western Junggar region. The Dongbielieke Fault is a Holocene active fault, located at the key position of the western Junggar orogenic belt. The total length of the fault is 120km, striking NE. Since the late Quaternary, the continuous activity of the Dongbielieke Fault has caused obvious left-lateral displacement at all geomorphologic units along the fault, and a linear continuous straight steep scarp was formed on the eastern side of the Tacheng Basin. According to the strike and the movement of fault, the fault can be divided into three segments, namely, the north, middle and south segment. In order to obtain a more accurate magnitude of the left-lateral strike-slip displacement and the accumulative left-lateral strike-slip displacement of different geomorphic surfaces, we chose the Ahebiedou River in the southern segment and used the UAV to take three-dimensional photographs to obtain the digital elevation model(the accuracy is 10cm). And on this basis, the amount of left-lateral strike-slip displacement of various geological masses and geomorphic surfaces(lines)since their formation is obtained. The maximum left-lateral displacement of the terrace T5 is(30.7±2.1)m and the minimum left-lateral displacement is(20.1±1.3)m; the left-lateral displacement of the terrace T4 is(12±0.9)m, and the left-lateral displacement of the terrace T2 is(8.7±0.6)m. OSL dating samples from the surface of different level terraces(T5, T4, T2 and T1)are collected, processed and measured, and the ages of the terraces of various levels are obtained. By measuring the amount of left-lateral displacements since the Late Quaternary of the Dongbielieke Fault and combining the dating results of the various geomorphic surfaces, the displacements and slip rates of the fault on each level of the terraces since the formation of the T5 terrace are calculated. Using the maximum displacement of(30.7±2.1)m of the T5 terrace and the age of the geomorphic surface on the west bank of the river, we obtained the slip rate of(0.7±0.11)mm/a; similarly, using the minimum displacement of(20.1±1.3)m and the age of the geomorphic surface of the east bank, we obtained the slip rate of(0.46±0.07)mm/a. T5 terrace is developed on both banks of the river and on both walls of the fault. After the terraces are offset by faulting, the terraces on foot wall in the left bank of the river are far away from the river, and the erosion basically stops. After that, the river mainly cuts the terraces on the east bank. Therefore, the west bank retains a more accurate displacement of the geomorphic surface(Gold et al., 2009), so the left-lateral slip rate of the T5 terrace is taken as(0.7±0.11)mm/a. The left-lateral slip rate calculated for T4 and T2 terraces is similar, with an average value of(0.91±0.18)mm/a. In the evolution process of river terraces, the lateral erosion of high-level terrace is much larger than that of low-level terrace, so the slip rate of T4 and T2 terraces is closer to the true value. The left-lateral slip rate of the Dongbielieke Fault since the late Quaternary is(0.91±0.18)m/a. Compared with the GPS slip rate in the western Junggar area, it is considered that the NE-trending strike-slip motion in this area is dominated by the Dongbielieke Fault, which absorbs a large amount of residual deformation while maintaining a relatively high left-lateral slip rate.  相似文献   

新的证据显示,位于祁连山西段酒西盆地南部的玉门断裂的最新活动时代为晚更新世末,并兼有一定的走滑分量.这一结果表明,酒西盆地块体周边断裂的活动具有同时性的特点,酒西盆地块体可能发生过顺时针旋转.  相似文献   

Traditional method to generate Digital Elevation Model (DEM)through topographic map and topographic measurement has weak points such as low efficiency, long operating time and small range. The emergence of DEM-generation technology from high resolution satellite image provides a new method for rapid acquisition of large terrain and geomorphic data, which greatly improves the efficiency of data acquisition. This method costs lower compared with LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), has large coverage compared with SfM (Structure from Motion). However, there is still lack of report on whether the accuracy of DEM generated from stereo-imagery satisfies the quantitative research of active tectonics. This research is based on LPS (Leica Photogrammetry Suit)software platform, using Worldview-2 panchromatic stereo-imagery as data source, selecting Kumishi Basin in eastern Tianshan Mountains with little vegetation as study area. We generated 0.5m resolution DEM of 5-km swath along the newly discovered rupture zone at the south of Kumishi Basin, measured the height of fault scarps on different levels of alluvial fans based on the DEM, then compared with the scarp height measured by differential GPS survey in the field to analyze the accuracy of the extracted DEM. The results show that the elevation difference between the topographic profiles derived from the extracted DEM and surveyed by differential GPS ranges from -2.82 to 4.87m. The shape of the fault scarp can be finely depicted and the deviation is 0.30m after elevation correction. The accuracy of measuring the height of fault scarps can reach 0.22m, which meets the need of high-precision quantitative research of active tectonics. It provides great convenience for rapidly obtaining fine geometry, profiles morphology, vertical dislocations of fault and important reference for sites selection for trench excavation, slip rate, and samples. This method has broad prospects in the study of active tectonics.  相似文献   

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