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现场比较诱蚊诱卵器与传统幼虫监测效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
目的比较诱蚊诱卵器与传统幼虫指数监测结果,分析它们之间的关系。方法于2004年3月至2005年11月在广东省佛山和揭阳市,在选定的试验现场随机从每5户家庭中选择1户布放1个诱蚊诱卵器,在医院、学校、机关事业单位、工厂和公园花圃的环境,按每25~50m距离布放1个诱蚊诱卵器。同时调查室内及室外或诱蚊诱卵器周围5m的积水容器和蚊虫孳生容器数。结果在居民住户、医院、学校、机关事业单位、工厂和公园花圃共布放14902个诱蚊诱卵器,有效回收14648个,捕获白纹伊蚊962只,致乏库蚊5只,白纹伊蚊占99.5%;诱蚊诱卵器阳性932个,诱蚊诱卵指数为6.36;诱蚊密度指数为1.03±0.89,每个诱蚊诱卵器捕获蚊虫数0~10只。同时调查14902个住户或单位(以诱蚊诱卵器为中心周围5m范围环境)的积水容器8537个,蚊虫阳性容器844个,布雷图指数为5.66,房屋指数为3.87,容器指数为9.89,可见相同环境开展调查,诱蚊诱卵指数是布雷图指数的1.12倍,是房屋指数的1.64倍,是容器指数的0.64倍。结论在社区登革热媒介监测中诱蚊诱卵指数和布雷图指数、房屋指数及容器指数存在正相关关系,且诱蚊诱卵指数与布雷图指数相接近。  相似文献   

目的观察诱蚊诱卵器在伊蚊密度较高的沿海地区监测效果,为合理使用及评价诱蚊诱卵器提供依据。方法在选定的现场随机每5户家庭中选择1户布放3~4个诱蚊诱卵器,同时调查住户室内外的积水容器蚊虫孳生情况。结果共布放1027个诱蚊诱卵器,有效回收939个,诱蚊诱卵器阳性43个,诱蚊诱卵指数(MOI)为4.6;同时调查住户324户,阳性积水数217个,布雷图指数(BI)为67.0,MOI远低于BI,且与BI无相关性(r=0.449,P〉0.05)。结论环境卫生条件对诱蚊诱卵器监测结果影响较大,如何提高诱蚊诱卵器对蚊虫的诱捕能力,应用于高蚊虫密度地区的监测,仍有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

目的掌握诱蚊诱卵器在不同高度、不同环境中对白纹伊蚊的诱捕效果,为应用诱蚊诱卵器提供科学依据。方法诱蚊诱卵器法。将诱蚊诱卵器同时垂直放在地面、距地面1.0及1.5m处,取得结果后,选择不同环境大规模开展试验。结果在地面、1.0及1.5m处诱蚊诱卯器阳性指数分别为6.43、3.09和1.54;布放在花木公司、学校、医院、机关单位、居室内外的诱蚊诱卵器都能诱到白纹伊蚊,诱蚊诱卵器阳性指数最高是花木公司为19.85,最低是居室内为2.88,平均9.04。结论布放在有花草树木地面上的诱蚊诱卵器对白纹伊蚊引诱力最强,诱蚊诱卵器阳性指数顺序:地面〉1.0m〉1.5m。可在有花草树木的地面或住户阳台上选择适宜位置布放诱蚊诱卵器进行白纹伊蚊密度监测。  相似文献   

诱蚊诱卵器与诱卵杯现场监测效果的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
目的通过诱蚊诱卵器和诱卵杯在现场的平行性试验,分析两者对伊蚊的引诱效果以及是否存在相关关系,进一步评估诱蚊诱卵器现场监测伊蚊的效果。方法2004年8-11月和2005年2-8月,选择广州的一个校园,将准备好的诱蚊诱卵器和诱卵杯每隔50m平行布放在阴凉隐蔽的场所,两个距离在1m左右,每月交替摆放位置,布放后4和7d检查诱蚊诱卵结果。结果诱蚊诱卵器和诱卵杯布放4d时,阳性指数分别是35.5和56.7,布放7d时阳性指数分别是53.3和71.5,诱卵杯布放7d时的诱卵指数是诱蚊诱卵器布放4d时诱卵指数的2倍。诱蚊诱卵器可以诱集成蚊,布放4d,回收662个诱蚊诱卵器,诱伊蚊密度指数为1.21±1.12,每个诱捕蚊虫为0~8只;布放4d的诱蚊诱卵器诱卵指数与诱卵杯布放7d的诱卵指数存在正相关关系,r=0.838,P=0.001,y=25.548+1.312x。结论诱蚊诱卵器法直接通过诱蚊诱卵指数敏感地反映实际成蚊密度的变化和季节消长,诱蚊诱卵指数与目前国际通用的诱卵杯诱卵指数存在正相关关系。  相似文献   

目的 观察诱蚊诱卵器在监测白纹伊蚊密度时水质对该蚊诱蚊诱卵的影响,同时评价该监测方法的实用效果.方法 在2012年7-8月白纹伊蚊数量高峰季节,选择深圳市某医院花园作为试验现场,用诱蚊诱卵器对白纹伊蚊进行诱蚊诱卵试验,比较评价其诱捕白纹伊蚊成蚊、卵的效果.结果 共布放240个诱蚊诱卵器,有效回收230个,诱卵阳性率为37.39%,诱蚊阳性率为18.26%,成蚊逃逸率为51.16%;试验发现生态水(自然环境积水)对白纹伊蚊诱卵率显著高于瓶装矿泉水(x2=13.79,P<0.01);以是否有幼虫孵化作为衡量诱卵阳性结局的金指标,发现诱蚊诱卵器监测方法观察的白纹伊蚊产卵阳性率与实际产卵阳性率一致性较高(Kappa=0.828,P<0.01),该法监测白纹伊蚊产卵灵敏度为82.56%,特异度为97.92%,试验得到的ROC曲线下面积为0.902(0.853~0.952).结论 诱蚊诱卵器监测白纹伊蚊诱卵效果较佳,但捕蚊效果不甚理想;不同水质对诱蚊诱卵器监测白纹伊蚊效果不同;诱蚊诱卵器监测伊蚊产卵有较好的实用价值.  相似文献   


2022年8月在上海市闵行区进行第一轮试验,采用人诱法选择 1个绿化面积较大的白纹伊蚊密度较高的小区作为试验场所,根据容器的材质、颜色、孔洞的大小、形状、位置、顶盖颜色等进行随机点位布放65只新的试验容器,连续观察7 d并记录蚊、卵的诱捕结果。2022年9月进行第二轮试验,制作最佳容器后,将140只新型容器与140只传统容器进行对比实验。采用SPSS 22.5软件进行统计分析。


预实验的3类容器布放的第4天(D4)和第7天(D7)诱蚊诱卵的效果有明显变化。一类容器中200 mL杯身上设3个圆形孔洞的容器诱蚊诱卵效果最好,诱蚊/卵阳性率为45.5%(5/11)、其他杯型诱蚊/卵阳性率为12.0%(6/50),两者差异有统计学意义(χ2=45.443,P<0.001)。二类容器显示圆型和椭圆形孔洞诱蚊效果较好为55.6%(5/9)。三类容器提示悬挂式抗风能力强,3个圆形孔洞的诱蚊效果最佳为66.7%(2/3),且容器壁不宜使用毛糙材质,因易造成蚊逃逸。结合3种容器,应制作顶端透明、侧边上方1/3设为黑色且开3个圆洞的新型容器。在排除人为因素的情况下新型容器的有效回收率较传统容器高,诱蚊诱卵效果与传统容器相当(χ2D4=0.197,P=0.658;χ2D7=0.125,P=0.724),且具有防雨防风防侧翻的优势。




【目的】比较诱蚊诱卵器法与人诱停落法在同一环境伊蚊监测结果的一致性。【方法】5—10月每月中旬选择上海市崇明区4个乡镇,采用诱蚊诱卵器法监测一次,于布放诱蚊诱卵器的第4天(回收诱蚊诱卵器当日)及布放诱蚊诱卵器的第14天分别进行一次人诱停落法监测。【结果】经Pearson相关分析,诱蚊诱卵指数(MOI)和停落指数(布放诱蚊诱卵器第4天)相关性具有统计学意义,相关系数为0.908(P<0.05);MOI和停落指数(布放诱蚊诱卵器第14天)的相关性也具有统计学意义,相关系数为0.981(P<0.05)。【结论】在白纹伊蚊密度较低的情况下,诱蚊诱卵器法与人诱停落法有较好的相互替代性,可根据具体情况选择使用。诱蚊诱卵器法可以反映白纹伊蚊成蚊的密度,这种反映可对应监测当日和监测后10天。  相似文献   

目的观察白纹伊蚊密度监测时诱蚊诱卵指数(mosquito and oviposition positive index,MOI)和伊蚊成蚊停落指数(landing index,LI)变化趋势,分析不同生境和时期下2种监测方法指标(MOI和LI)相关性及风险等级评估一致性。方法2021年6—9月,每月在上海市松江区15个街道、镇监测点运用诱蚊诱卵器法监测伊蚊密度,在放置诱蚊诱卵器的7 d前、当天以及回收7 d后分别开展人诱停落法监测,计算MOI和LI7 d前、LI当天、LI7 d后,采用Spearman相关进行MOI与LI7 d前、LI当天、LI7 d后的相关分析,Kappa检验进行风险评估一致性评价,灰色关联度方法分析与温度、湿度、风速的关联程度。结果6—9月上海市松江区MOI和LI均呈现先升后降变化趋势,MOI在8月达到最高值19.46,平均LI在7月达到最高值3.51,轮胎聚集地、公园密度较高,学校、医院密度低于其他生境。MOI与LI7 d前...  相似文献   

目的探讨媒介伊蚊监测工作中诱蚊诱卵器监测的影响因素,初步分析各因素的影响程度。方法选择杨浦区境内两处条件类似的监测点,比较光照、高度、颜色、剩余水量对诱蚊诱卵器监测结果的影响。结果有光照的诱蚊诱卵器诱蚊密度(1.75)小于阴暗处的诱蚊诱卵器(2.00),统计检验P=0.027。结论有无光照对诱蚊指数存在显著影响。  相似文献   

目的 研究上海市青浦区不同街镇、不同生境白纹伊蚊诱蚊诱卵指数在高峰期的分布,为白纹伊蚊防治提供科学依据。方法 采用诱蚊诱卵器法开展白纹伊蚊密度监测。使用SPSS 17.0软件进行统计分析,ArcGIS 10.8软件进行空间聚集性分析。结果 试验期间,7月29日周平均诱蚊诱卵指数最高,为14.72,不同周的差异有统计学意义(χ2=167.77,P<0.01);街镇5平均诱蚊诱卵指数最高,为8.99,不同街镇差异无统计学意义(χ2=10.55,P=0.31);不同生境中,其他外环境平均诱蚊诱卵指数最高,为11.57,不同生境差异有统计学意义(χ2=106.85,P<0.01);各街镇平均诱蚊诱卵指数全局Moran’s I指数为0.065(P=0.789)。结论 应持续加强科学灭蚊工作,以降低白纹伊蚊密度及传病风险。  相似文献   

The health benefits of physical activity are many and well known. Those hoping to promote public health are therefore understandably keen on encouraging physical exercise. This commentary considers the role of qualitative research in this undertaking, given a context in which medical researchers have more commonly taken a quantitative approach to the motivations that are thought to underpin exercise. Our core argument is that studies concerned with how particular environments are inhabited by particular groups of exercisers could play a more central part in public health promotion. In making this case, and by way of an introduction to this Health and Place special issue, we present a series of statements that we think could usefully guide the further development of this work. Specifically, we argue for further attention to: the ways in which different material settings play into the exercise experience; how many of the exercise practices that we may hope to understand sit rather uneasily with the idea of sport; the subtleties of how sociality features in contemporary exercise practices; the physical pleasures that come from exercise; and how exercise practices are both acquired by individuals and evolve as a whole. In so doing, the aim is to encourage relevant researchers to engage more directly in conversation with health promoters instead of either being indifferent to, or critical of, them.  相似文献   

Ever since the emergence of SARS, when we were reminded that the nature of health care practitioners' duty to care is greatly contested, it has remained a polarizing issue. Discussions on the nature and limits of health care practitioners' duty to care during disasters and public health emergencies abounds the literature, ripe with arguments seeking to ground its foundations. However, to date there has been little public engagement on this issue. This study involved three Townhall meetings held between February 2008 and May 2010 in three urban settings in Canada in order to probe lay citizens' views about ethical issues related to pandemic influenza, including issues surrounding the duty to care. Participants included Canadian residents aged 18 and over who were fluent in English. Data were collected through day-long facilitated group discussions using case scenarios and focus group guides. Participant's views were organized according to several themes, including the following main themes (and respective sub-themes): 1. Legitimate limits; a) competing obligations; and b) appeal to personal choice; and 2. Legitimate expectations; a) reciprocity; and b) enforcement and planning. Our findings show that participants moved away from categorical notions of the duty to care towards more equivocal and often normative views throughout deliberations. Our analysis contributes a better understanding of the constitutive nature of the duty to care, defined in part by taking account of public views. This broadened understanding can further inform the articulation of acceptable norms of duty to care and policy development efforts. What is more, it illustrates the urgent need for policy-makers and regulators to get clarity on obligations, responsibilities, and accountability in the execution of HCPs' duty to care during times of universal vulnerability.  相似文献   

BackgroundHealth workforce planners in many high-income countries are considering policy strategies to retain home and overseas-trained health professionals. There is a lack of evidence on how hospitals can successfully integrate and retain skilled overseas professionals in relevant work roles. This study aimed to explore the integration and retention experiences of skilled American physician assistants/associates working in English hospitals.MethodsA qualitative study using semi-structured telephone interviews was undertaken in spring 2017 and spring 2018. Data were coded and analysed using thematic analysis. The study was framed within a theoretical model of role development.ResultsNineteen physician assistants/associates participated in interviews at timepoint one, and seventeen at timepoint two, across seven English hospitals. Four themes were identified in the integration and retention processes experienced by participants: motivations and expectations, seeking role identity, acceptance and integration, and establishing a niche role. Supervising doctors appeared instrumental in creating opportunities through training and system adjustment that enabled development of niche roles; offering an effective match between participant skills and interests, and medical/surgical team or organisational needs. Whether or not they had a niche role influenced the decision of participants to remain or leave.ConclusionIntegration approaches that maximise the value of the skilled health professional to the medical/surgical team and support retention, including development of optimum roles, require time and resources.  相似文献   



Knowledge translation (KT) is becoming common vocabulary, but as a concept it is not clearly defined. Many related terms exist; these are often used interchangeably and given multiple interpretations. While there is a growing body of literature exploring these concepts, using it to inform public health practice, strategy, research and education is challenging given the range of sources and need for local ‘contextual fit’. This study explores how various public health stakeholders make sense of, and experience, KT and related concepts.

Study design

A qualitative mapping study using a phenomenographic approach.


Thirty-four academics, students and practitioners working in public health across the north east of England participated in six focus groups and five one-to-one interviews. Discussions were audio-recorded, transcribed and analysed using a thematic framework approach. The framework drew on findings from reviews of the existing literature, whilst allowing unanticipated issues to emerge.


Three main themes were identified from the stakeholder discussions:
Definitions: there was some agreement in terms of meanings and interpretations of core concepts relating to KT, although stakeholders spoke of the differing ‘languages’ across disciplines and sectors;
Process issues: access to funding, targeted messages, the nature of the evidence base, and wider contextual factors were identified as barriers or facilitators to KT; and
People: various KT roles and responsibilities were highlighted for the different stakeholder groups.


This study has enabled further development of theoretical understandings of the KT discourses at play in public health, and identified the ways in which these may be bound by discipline and context. Ironically, the findings suggest that terms such as knowledge translation, transfer and exchange are seen as themselves requiring translation, or at least debate and discussion.  相似文献   

Self-completed questionnaires (usually distributed by post) and visual analogue scales (VAS) are common means for collecting valuations for hypothetical EQ-5D health states. Although opportunities for respondents to comment on aspects of the exercise are often included, these data have rarely been the focus of analyses. This paper, therefore, reports on solicited and unsolicited written comments received in a New Zealand survey in 1999 to which 1360 people responded of whom approximately 50% made comments. The comments were systematically analysed via an inductive process that allowed principal themes to emerge with respect to understanding the peculiarities of respondents' valuations, particularly common 'data problems', and their perceptions as to the adequacy or otherwise of the EQ-5D classification system. From our findings we conclude that the valuation exercise imposes a substantial cognitive burden on respondents and many do not understand it (for a variety of reasons documented in the paper). Also, although there is some evidence for expanding the EQ-5D (generic) health-related quality of life dimensions, more research as to whether this holds for a larger sample and across cultural settings is needed. We offer recommendations for future research into understanding respondents' cognitive processes and possible revisions to the design and administration of the EQ-5D.  相似文献   



Improving uptake of NHS Health Checks has become a priority in England, but there is a lack of data on the perceptions of programme non-attenders. This study aimed to explore how non-attenders of NHS Health Checks perceive the programme, identify reasons for non-attendance and inform strategies to improve uptake.


This qualitative study involved individuals registered at four general practices in Stoke-on-Trent, UK, who had not taken up their invitation to a NHS Health Check. Semi-structured face-to-face and telephone interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim for Thematic Analysis.


Interviews were completed with 19 males and 22 females (mean age 52.9 ± 8.5 years), who were socio-demographically representative of the non-attender population. Four main themes identified related to: the positive perception of the Health Check concept among non-attenders; the perceived lack of personal relevance; ineffective invitation method and appointment inconvenience were common barriers; previous experience of primary care can influence uptake.


Fundamental requirements for improving uptake are that individuals recognise the personal relevance of Health Checks and that attendance is convenient. Incorporating more sophisticated and personalised risk communication as part of the invitation could increase impact and promote candidacy. Flexibility and convenience of appointments should be considered by participating general practices.  相似文献   

ObjectiveAn informed, timely referral from a generalist practitioner has the potential to facilitate care for a patient seeking an abortion. However it is unclear what barriers, if any, generalist practitioners perceive in this process. The objective of this study was to qualitatively characterize abortion referral patterns among generalist practitioners.Study designWe conducted individual interviews with generalist practitioners practicing at Northwestern Medicine, encompassing four hospitals across the greater Chicago metropolitan area. The interview guide focused on abortion-related topics including: referral patterns, attitudes about providing referrals, and specifics of the abortion referral process. We analyzed the data for content and themes using an inductive approach.ResultsWe completed 37 interviews. Practitioners in all fields and practice sites were willing to provide abortion referrals. Practitioners perceived barriers in the referral process, with a lack of knowledge chief among them. Further, practitioners saw abortion referrals as more burdensome than other specialty referrals.ConclusionGeneralist practitioners are willing to provide abortion referrals, but perceive multiple barriers in the abortion referral process. Generalist practitioners can help to ensure their patients receive timely and quality abortion care if they feel prepared and empowered to assist with these referrals.  相似文献   

目的 研究医务人员对症状监测工作的认识.方法 采取定性研究方法,在武汉市承担的卫生部/WHO"提高突发公共卫生事件早期预警能力项目-提高呼吸道传染病早期发病能力"现场监测工作结束后,就监测点医院项目参与人员对症状监测的认识、项目实施过程中存在的问题等情况等进行了调查.结果 医务人员认为症状监测能在早期预警中发挥重要的作用,是传统疾病监测的重要补充;但在完全手工登记、报告的情况下,在门诊量大的医院较难坚持.结论 与医院信息系统结合的电子化监测应成为症状监测发展方向.  相似文献   

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