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‘Bartlett’ and ‘d’Anjou’ pears treated with 300 nl l–1 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) did not soften to eating quality within 7 d, a desirable ripening period. A pre-conditioning method was evaluated as a means to re-initiate the softening ability of pears prior to marketing. Fruit were treated with 1-MCP and stored at –1°C in regular air, or in a controlled atmosphere for 2 – 9 months. After storage, fruit were pre-conditioned with nine temperature (10°, 15° or 20°C) and time (5, 10 or 20 d) combinations. Pre-conditioned fruit were then assessed for ripening ability following storage for 14 d at 20°C. The ripening ability of 1-MCP-treated ‘Bartlett’ fruit recovered in response to many pre-conditioning combinations of 10° – 20°C for 10 – 20 d, as indicated by a decrease in flesh firmness to 27 N or lower. The requirements for pre-conditioning regimes are storage atmosphere- and time-dependent. For ‘d’Anjou’ pears, no pre-conditioning combination resulted in re-initiating the ripening of fruit treated with 300 nl l–1 1-MCP. However, when the 1-MCP dose was 50 nl l–1, ‘d’Anjou’ pears ripened over an extended shelf-period with a substantial decrease in superficial scald. The results indicate that treatment with 1-MCP at approx. 50 nl l–1, combined with a pre-conditioning prior to marketing, is a potential means to control scald in ‘d’Anjou’ fruit. Re-initiation of ripening occurred concomitantly with a substantial increase in ethylene production. The control of superficial scald by 1-MCP in ‘d’Anjou’ pears was due to the inhibition of the biosynthesis of -farnesene and conjugated trienes.  相似文献   


Sweet cherries obtained from a rain-protected orchard were subjected to various controlled atmosphere storage conditions for up to seven weeks. Quality parameters responded differentially to various CA-conditions: changes in fruit firmness, sugar content and colour were mostly not significant. However, the storage conditions exerted significant impact on other parameters such as respiration rate, RQ, ATP- and ADP-concentrations. Air-stored fruits respired at significant higher rates than CA or ultra low oxygen-stored fruits. Moreover, the impact of CA-storage conditions persisted even after a conditioning period of 36 h at room temperature. The ATP and ADP concentrations of sweet cherries behaved similarly, where a combination of reduced O2 and very high CO2 concentration (12% or above) resulted in highly reduced ATP-concentration in the fruit tissue. A taste panel considered fruits stored under 6% CO2 + 2% O2 as good, although there was a strong indication that it is better to store sweet cherries for a limited time (up to five weeks) under a low O2 concentration combined with a high CO2 concentration (12%) or under a high O2 concentration combined with a very high CO2 (18%).  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》1986,28(4):369-378
The use of rapid establishment of temperature and CA storage conditions, as well as ethylene removal to reduce loss of firmness and ground colour, during storage of apples (Malus domestica Borkh, ‘Cox's Orange Pippin’) in <1% CO2 + 1.25% O2 at 3.5°C was investigated. Samples subjected to rapid establishment (RE) of storage conditions had a higher peel chlorophyll content after 5 months storage, but not after 8 months, than samples from containers where the conditions had been established at a rate typical of normal, well-maintained commercial stores (CR). RE samples were considered firmer than CR by a sensory panel in February but not in May, while penetrometer readings were the same on both occasions. RE samples which had additionally been subjected to a pre-harvest daminozide spray and ethylene removal during storage (LE) were firmer, had a higher peel chlorophyll content and, on the green parts of the surface, a lower Hunter “b” value in February than both CR and RE samples. The effects of LE on chlorophyll and ground colour were maintained until May, but in both February and May only the ground colour effect was maintained during a simulated marketing period of 14 days at 10°C in air following storage.  相似文献   


We explored the potential of deficit irrigation (DI) applied at different times during the growing season for improving fruit quality and storage potential of ‘Braeburn’ apple growing in a commercial orchard. Because DI often reduces fruit size, effects of fruit size on fruit quality were also examined. The irrigation treatments were: commercially irrigated control (C), early deficit irrigation (EDI) applied from 63 to 118 d after full bloom (DAFB), and late decifit irrigation (LDI) applied from 118 DAFB to final harvest on 201 DAFB. Both EDI and LDI improved fruit quality in terms of increases in: dry-matter concentration (DMC) at harvest, flesh firmness, total soluble solids, and total soluble sugars both at harvest and after storage. The DI fruit had less weight loss during storage than did C fruit. Deficit irrigation affected the concentrations of a few individual aroma volatiles but not total volatile concentration. Incidence of physiological disorders was not affected by irrigation treatments. Mean fruit weight was lower in DI than in C but the difference was not significant. Among the quality attributes studied, only firmness and DMC were affected by fruit size with their values being higher in smaller fruit.  相似文献   


Yield and fruit quality parameters were studied during three years in a rootstock trial with ‘Mutsu’ apple. M.9 provided the highest total yield per tree as well as the highest quantity of intermediate and yellow fruit as compared with J.9, M.26 and B.9. Within similar colour categories, significant differences among rootstocks were also recorded for fruit starch degradation pattern (SDP), firmness, titratable acidity (TA), and soluble solids concentrations (SSC). Generally, the lowest SDP and highest fruit firmness was found in fruits from trees on rootstocks M.26 and B.9. The highest TA was found in fruits from trees on rootstocks M.26 and J.9 and the highest SSC in fruits from trees on rootstocks J.9 and B.9. However, considerable variations among years were also recorded. Correlation coefficients between rootstock and several yield and quality parameters revealed high correlation to SSC for green fruit and TA for medium and yellow fruit and some correlation to yield and number of fruits per tree.  相似文献   


Fresh ‘Patterson’ apricot was harvested at three fruit maturity levels and characterized with measurements of flesh colour, Brix, acidity and levels of specific sugars. Fruit from the three maturity classes were sun-dried under uniform conditions. Dry fruit was again analysed for the content of specific sugars before cold storage. Stored fruit were sampled periodically for colour coordinates L*, C* and H° during an eight-month period. The study was repeated for two harvest seasons. In each season, significant differences (P≤0.05) were observed between the three fruit maturity classes for Brix, acidity, C* and H8. Levels of specific sugars varied significantly (P≤0.01) with regard to fruit maturity class, tissue type and fruit status. Regression analysis of colour coordinate changes during the storage period indicated significant (P≤0.05) differences in rate of colour shift of L*, C* and H8 relative to fruit maturity class. While dried fruit of the immature class was of substandard quality after the storage period, both medium and most mature dry fruit were of sufficient quality to warrant marketing even after eight months of cold storage.  相似文献   

Pruning in late summer was compared with winter pruning on mature 23-year-old spur pruned trees of Cox’s Orange Pippin on M.2 rootstock. Two nitrogen treatments were superimposed, namely a standard dressing of 126 units N (sulphate of ammonia) applied in March as compared with 288 units N (nitrate of soda) applied in mid-August at the time of summer pruning. Summer pruning reduced trunk girth increment, advanced blossom development, increased the amount of red colour on the fruits and drastically reduced the incidence of bitter pit in stored fruit. The treatments did not affect cropping. Nitrogen treatments had no overall effect upon the incidence of bitter pit, but in the first season, when bitter pit was most prevalent, high levels of N applied in August reduced the amount, a similar trend being recorded the following year.  相似文献   


Bitter pit incidence in Bramley apples that were cooled prior to either slow (three weeks) or rapid (one day) establishment of controlled atmosphere (CA) conditions (9% CO2, 12% O2) was 14.7 and 3.2% respectively. Bruise susceptibility was also reduced by rapid CA establishment although the rate of fruit softening was unaffected. The control of bitter pit by pre-storage treatment with 15–25% CO2 for one to three weeks was no better than by rapid establishment of CA, although bruise susceptibility was further reduced by some treatments. Some pre-storage treatments caused injury to the apple skin and flesh (brownheart). The extent to which fruits were injured was dependent on CO2 concentration and the duration of CO2 treatment. There was some evidence that early picked fruit not cooled prior to CO2 treatment was more severely injured both internally and externally by CO2 than that harvested later and cooled prior to treatment.  相似文献   


The effects of light, moderate, or heavy thinning (5, 10, or 20 cm between fruit, respectively), conducted before (7 d or 15 d), during, or after (7 d or 15 d) pit hardening (PH), on the incidence of split pits, fruit yield, fruit quality characteristics, and leaf mineral contents, were studied in the canning peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch.) cultivar ‘Andross’ over two growing seasons. The percentage of fruit with split pits increased by 58.2% in heavily-thinned trees compared with moderately- or lightly-thinned trees, and by 22.9% for the earliest time of thinning (15 d before PH) compared with thinning during, or after PH. Fruit fresh weight (FW) was greater in moderately- and heavily-thinned trees compared with lightly-thinned trees, but yields were similar among the different crop-load treatments. The latest time of thinning (15 d after PH) also had a negative impact on yield at first harvest and on total yield, fruit FW, and delayed fruit ripening compared to thinning during, and 15 d before PH. Total anti-oxidant capacities and phenolic contents were usually greater in fruit from heavily-thinned compared with lightly- or moderately-thinned trees only when thinning was conducted during, or 15 d after PH. Moreover, anti-oxidant levels were highest in fruit from the earliest-thinned trees. There was no significant effect of crop load, or of time of thinning application treatment on fruit colour, or on the K, P, Fe, Mn, and Cu contents of leaf tissues. In conclusion, light or moderate thinning during PH resulted in minimal split pits during processing, and in optimal yields and fruit quality characteristics in the canning peach cultivar ‘Andross’.  相似文献   


Growth, yield, and leaf nutrient concentrations were measured in ‘Hass’ avocado (Persea americana Mill.) trees grown on one of ten clonally-propagated rootstocks (‘Borchard’, ‘D9’, ‘Duke 7’, G1033, G755A, G755B, G755C, ‘Thomas’, ‘Topa Topa’, or ‘Toro Canyon’) over a 10-year period in southern California. After 10 years, trees on ‘Borchard’ were larger than trees on all other rootstocks. Trees on all rootstocks displayed an alternate-bearing pattern, typical of avocado. Alternate-bearing was most pronounced in trees grafted onto ‘Topa Topa’ and ‘Toro Canyon’. Rootstocks in the G755 series had the lowest alternate-bearing index, but also had the lowest yields.Trees on ‘Duke 7’ and ‘Borchard’ had the highest cumulative yields, and trees on G755A, G755B, and G755C had the lowest yields. Differences in yield were due to differences in the number of fruit per tree, not individual fruit weight. When yield was evaluated in terms of canopy efficiency (kg fruit m–3), no rootstock outperformed ‘Duke 7’, the industry standard rootstock. Leaf concentrations of all nutrients examined (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Zn, Cl, Mn, B, Fe, and Cu) were within, or close to the recommended ranges. P, Ca, and S were higher, and Fe was lower in high-yielding years in all rootstocks.  相似文献   


‘Elstar’ is the latest-maturing commercial apple cultivar grown in Norway, with high fruit quality when properly managed. In May 2006, an experiment with four different crop loads [2, 4 ,6, or 8 flowers or fruitlets cm–2 trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA), respectively] was established at two different stages [first bloom (FB), or 20-mm diameter fruitlets] and compared to unthinned control trees. Fruit growth was measured on individual fruit for each treatment throughout the season at weekly intervals. Thinning at FB gave a significantly lower final percentage fruit set than thinning to the same cropping level at the 20-mm fruitlet stage. However, fruit weights and soluble solids contents (SSC) were significantly higher, and the background fruit colour improved when trees were thinned at FB. The final number of fruit at harvest was less than the amount established at FB, or at the 20-mm fruitlet stage. There were significant differences between treatments in final fruit numbers per TCSA, which reflected the different crop loads. Fruit weights and SSC values were highest with the lowest crop load, and decreased with increasing crop loads. There was also a strong crop-load effect on the extent of return bloom per tree in the subsequent year. Trees thinned at FB had significantly more flower clusters than those thinned at the 20-mm fruitlet stage of. Untreated control trees had the lowest number of flower clusters. The amount of return bloom declined with increasing crop load. Second year crop loads and fruit weights were highest when trees were thinned at FB to two or four apples cm?2 TCSA in the previous year. Trees with the highest crop load had the lowest crop load in the following year. Fruit quality was generally high for all treatments.  相似文献   


Studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of drought during flowering for both container- and field-grown trees, and during fruit development for container-grown trees, on subsequent growth, flowering, yield and quality of the custard apple ‘African Pride’ in subtropical Australia. Moderate drought (ψL=–1.5 MPa) reduced shoot growth by 20–30% and increased the number of flowers per lateral by about 40% compared with well-watered controls due to reduced apical dominance and increased lateral branching. Overall fruit set was not adversely affected by drought. Drought also increased the number of fruit harvested per tree by 47% compared with well-watered controls. This response was mainly due to the increase in flower number per tree. Drought reduced average fruit size by 11% possibly due to effects on cell division in the first 4–6 weeks after fruit set or on net carbon assimilation. In summary, mild to moderate drought during the flowering period and fruit set increased flowering without adversely affecting fruit set, but decreased fruit size.  相似文献   

Plant growth regulators play a vital role in fruit growth and development. However, effects of compounds belonging to the group of brassinosteroids have not been fully investigated in sweet cherries. One relatively new and one commonly applied growth regulator, 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide and GA3, respectively, were tested on ‘Summit’ and ‘Regina’ sweet cherries to determine the effects on fruit quality and physiological disorders. The substances were applied with a handgun sprayer at full bloom and at the beginning of fruit development (shuck split) for a 2-year period. GA3 was applied at the concentrations of 25, 50, 100 mgL?1 and 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide at 0.05, 0.1, 0.5 mgL?1. A combined application of 100 mgL?1 GA3 + 0.1 mgL?1 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide was also applied. Effects of GA3 and 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide on fruit weight and size were evident for the concentrations applied and between the seasons for both of the cultivars. Combination of the both growth regulators and 100 mgL?1 GA3 alone produced longer fruits compared to the control trees in ‘Regina’. The 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide applications increased the firmness of the flesh slightly, but not to a great degree, compared to the GA3 applications alone. The brightness of the red color was better with GA3 applications in ‘Summit’ and ‘Regina’. Brassinosteroid caused the fruits to have comparably dull red color. Total soluble solid contents of the cultivars were influenced by the substances and the year of the application. Stem resistance to separation from the fruit was under the influence of both treatments and seasons. In general, 22S, 23S-Homobrassinolide provided better stem resistance than the GA3 applications. There were no effects of the substances on the development of physiological disorders.  相似文献   


Apogee® sprays were applied to mature ‘Bartlett’ pear (Pyrus communis L.) trees as single or multiple sprays during the growing seasons of 1999 to 2003 at concentrations of 420 g ha–1 (125 mg –1) or 840 g ha–1 (250 mg–1): both reduced vegetative shoot growth. Two sprays of 840 g ha–1 applied 3–3.5 weeks apart were most effective and reduced shoot growth by approximately 40%. An application made 2 d after fall bloom was ineffective and led to more vegetative shoot growth. Single sprays of Apogee® made within 9–28 d after full bloom (DAFB) were equally effective in reducing vegetative shoot growth. Bourse shoot growth was reduced 43% by 3 April, 2001 (8 DAFB) treatment of 840 g ha–1 when bourse and vegetative shoots ranged from 2.5 to 7.5 cm in length. Subsequent single applications of 840 g ha–1 Apogee® (on April 12 or 23, 2001) did not reduce bourse shoot growth significantly. Vegetative shoot growth was also reduced by 12% (9 d after treatment) and by 38% (approximately one month after treatment) by 840 g ha–1 Apogee® applied on 3 April, 2001, (8 DAFB). In 2002, bourse shoot growth was controlled most effectively by split applications (840 + 420 g ha–1 or 840 2 g ha–1, 9 April and 24 May) and by 840 g ha–1 Apogee®, applied at 2.5 to 7.5 cm shoot growth (9 April). These split applications, as well as girdling, decreased shoot strikes in 2002, the year after treatment. Split applications of 840 g ha–1 Apogee® made in April to early May were most effective in controlling both vegetative and bourse shoot growth in most years, although single applications of Apogee® were effective in some years. Subsequent flushes of shoots tended to be controlled by split applications with the second application timed to the emergence of new shoots. Apogee® was not consistently effective in reducing the incidence of Type I or Type V secondary flowers in these trials. Single or multiple sprays of Apogee® had no measurable or consistent effect on return bloom, fruit size or shape, firmness, percentage soluble solids, or yield per tree over the period of these experiments. Apogee® appears to have promise as a shoot growth control agent in ‘Bartlett’ pear growing in California, USA, without deleterious effects.  相似文献   

Fruit pigmentation in ripening cv. Gala, Schniga’ apples was monitored under the influence of fertigation weekly during 21 July–31 August 2009, i.e. 34 days before and 7 days after the optimal harvest date in Slovenia. The soil was a heavy loam clay with high humus content (2.8 %) and high acidity (low pH 4.9). The spectral indices NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and NAI (Normalized Anthocyanin Index) were obtained by a PA 1101 on attached fruit on the transition between the ground and blush colour of the fruit surface. NAI increased slowly from 0.25 to 0.6 two weeks prior to optimum maturity. NDVI values fell from 0.9 to 0.2 before and during ripening, with significant changes starting ca. 3 weeks before and during the week after the optimum harvest date. Fertigation delayed fruit ripening viz harvest date by ca. 4 days. Fertigation delayed changes in the intensity of the fruit’s epidermal pigments, expressed as NDVI for 1 week and NAI for 4 weeks, respectively, but had no significant effect on fruit colour or NDVI and NAI values at the optimal harvest date. At this time, those fruits from the fertigated trees were firmer with a lower starch index compared with the un-fertigated control. Statistically, highly significant correlations were found (p?≤?0.01) (r?=?0.35 to r?=?0.91, R2?=?0.11–0.83) between all the studied spectral and standard parameters i.e. fruit fresh firmness, soluble solids content and starch index.  相似文献   


Trial work over a two year period examined the aquatic herbicide endothal as a blossom thinner in conjunction with 6-benzyladenine (CyLex?) as a post-bloom thinner. The aim was to develop an effective thinning programme using endothal and CyLex?, to examine any interactions between the two chemicals, and to assess the impact of endothal on fruit quality. Time of application of endothal was shown to be critical in achieving a satisfactory level of thinning. Multiple applications of lower chemical rates were also successful, and may have potential to provide an effective programme for cultivars with long flowering periods, which are traditionally most difficult to thin. Addition of a surfactant to the spray mix significantly increased the thinning effect of endothal, resulting in severe over-thinning. This work has demonstrated that endothal is an effective thinner of red ‘Delicious’ apples. It is most effective when applied twice during the blossom period, the first application at 20% bloom and the second at 80% bloom. There is no advantage in increasing the concentration above 1.0 cm3 dm-3 (v/v). Endothal can also be effectively combined in a programme with the post-bloom thinner CyLex? applied at 150 mg l”1 at a spray volume of 12001 ha-1. Addition of CyLex? to the spray programme has the added benefits of increasing fruit weight and size. Fruit sugar content and firmness were both increased by application of endothal. The greater the number of applications the higher the firmness and sugar content of the fruit. Both these findings are additional benefits to the thinning effect. Both pip number and fruit length/diameter ratio were slightly reduced by endothal. Cylex and some endothal treatments increased the incidence of fruit russet.  相似文献   


‘Sunrise’ papaya fruit harvested at two stages of maturity [colour break (< 10% yellow peel colour) and 25% yellow peel colour] were treated with 100 nl l–1 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) to determine its effects on ripening, on the activities and levels of gene expression of polygalacturonase (PG), pectin methyl esterase (PME), and βgalactosidase ( βGal), and on the degradation of cell wall components. 1-MCP delayed ripening and the onset of the climacteric, although the peak in the respiration rate was almost the same as that in untreated control fruit. Colour-break fruit treated with 1-MCP exhibited a continuous increase in ethylene production, but at a lower rate than in control fruit. Consequently, 1-MCP-treated fruit ripened with a concomitant reduction in firmness, which was accompanied by an increase in PG and βGal enzyme activities and gene expression. On the other hand, fruit treated with 1-MCP at the 25% yellow stage exhibited lower levels of ethylene production and developed pulp with a rubbery texture at the ripe stage which was attributed to reduced PG, βGal, and PME enzyme activities and gene expression. This was consistent with the higher level of cell wall polysaccharides measured in 1-MCP-treated fruit. The above results indicated that ‘Sunrise’ papaya fruit can be treated with 1-MCP at the colour break stage since they have a greater capacity to recover from the effects of 1-MCP than fruit treated at the 25% yellow stage.  相似文献   


To study the effects of prohexadione-calcium (Pro-Ca) on fruit quality, an experiment was performed in 2002 in which trees were treated with two different concentrations of Pro-Ca and left with different crop-loads. Increasing levels of thinning resulted in smaller yields, but greater fruit sizes, which followed a curvilinear pattern when plotted against crop-load. The soluble solids content and titratable acidity of fruits decreased linearly with increasing crop-load. Fruit skin chromaticity values also changed. Luminescence increased, while a* values decreased linearly with increasing crop-load, indicating more reddish and darker coloured fruits on trees subjected to very heavy thinning. In addition, the concentrations of soluble sugars in fruits changed with the level of cropping; fructose and glucose concentrations increased with crop-load, while sorbitol and sucrose decreased. The application of Pro-Ca shortly after full-bloom inhibited shoot elongation growth, but did not result in changes in yield or in any of the fruit quality parameters analysed.  相似文献   


The influence of exogenously applied indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) on root and shoot development of leafy cuttings was analysed in Prunus cerasus P. canescens ‘GiSelA 5’, a dwarfing cherry rootstock, in two successive years. Compared to control cuttings, IBA application (4 g l–1 in 2003; 2.5 g l–1 in 2004) caused higher indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) accumulation in the cutting bases, but that did not influence the percentage of rooted cuttings, nor their survival in either year. However, IBA inhibited callus formation and, consequently, influenced the quality of the developed cuttings. Callus formation impeded root development, reducing the number of main roots, and inhibited the growth of the cuttings, reducing the average total length of shoots formed by individual cuttings. Callus formation was most reduced in the cuttings in the second experimental year, with high initial IAA concentrations.  相似文献   

Leaf mineral composition as affected by different rootstocks, cultivars, training systems and their combinations was measured during 1987 and 1988. Trees on M.7 had significantly higher concentrations of N, P and Fe, whereas those on MM. 106 maintained higher values of K, Ca, Mg and Mn during both years. Between cultivars, Red ‘Delicious’ showed greater accumulation of N, P, Mg and Fe but K and Cu levels were found to be more in Starking ‘Delicious’. All mineral nutrients except Ca and Mg accumulated more in spindle-bush trained trees than those under modified central leader system. The Mineral composition of Starking ‘Delicious’ grafted on M.7 rootstock and trained as a spindle bush produced the best yield efficiency and fruit quality, and fell within the normal range.  相似文献   

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