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Abstract— The Ocotillo IAB iron meteorite contains small silicate inclusions consisting of olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, chromian diopside, plagioclase, magnesiochromite, apatite, troilite and metal. The ferromagnesian silicates have a small range of Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios that are not due to zoning. These phases appear to be not well equilibrated. The FeO content of magnesiochromite is lower than values normally seen in silicate assemblages in IAB iron meteorites. The minerals in Ocotillo are generally like silicate assemblages in other IAB meteorites, covering similar composition ranges and exhibiting a metamorphic (granoblastic) texture. An estimate was made of the bulk composition of Ocotillo silicate inclusions. The bulk composition is close to that of ordinary chondrites with the exception of a deficiency in CaO that might be due to a sampling problem associated with the method used to estimate the bulk composition.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Mbosi iron meteorite contains millimeter size silicate inclusions. Mbosi is an ungrouped iron meteorite with a Ge/Ga ratio >10, which is an anomalous property shared with the five-member IIF iron group, the Eagle Station pallasites and four other ungrouped irons. Neither the IIF group nor the four other ungrouped irons are known to have silicate inclusions. Chips from three Mbosi inclusions were studied, but most of the work concentrated on a whole 3.1 mm circular inclusion. This inclusion consists of a mantle and a central core of different mineralogies. The mantle is partially devitrified quartz-normative glass, consisting of microscopic crystallites of two pyroxenes and plagioclase, which are crystalline enough to give an x-ray powder diffraction pattern but not coarse enough to permit analyses of individual minerals. The core consists of silica. The bulk composition does not match any known meteorite type, although there is a similarity in mode of occurrence to quartz-normative silicate inclusions in some HE irons. Mbosi silicate appears to be unique. The bulk rare earth element (REE) pattern of the mantle is flat at ? 7×C1; the core is depleted in REE but shows a small positive Eu anomaly. The O-isotope composition of bulk silicate lies on a unit slope mixing line (parallel and close to the C3 mixing line) that includes the Eagle Station pallasites and the iron Bocaiuva (related to the IIF irons); all of these share the property of having Ge/Ga ratios >10. It is concluded that Mbosi silicate represents a silica-bearing source rock that was melted and injected into metal. Melting occurred early in the history of the parent body because the metal now shows a normal Widmanstätten structure with only minor distortion that was caused when the parent body broke up and released meteorites into interplanetary space. The cause of Ge/Ga ratios being >10 in these irons is unknown. The fact that silicates in Mbosi, Bocaiuva (related to IIF irons) and the Eagle Station trio of pallasites, all characterized by a Ge/Ga ratio >10, lie on a unit slope mixing line in the O-isotope diagram suggests that their origins are closely related. The C3 chondrites appear to be likely precursors for silicates in Mbosi, Bocaiuva and the Eagle Station pallasites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Abundances and isotopic compositions of noble gases in metal and graphite of the Bohumilitz IAB iron meteorite were measured. The abundance ratios of spallogenic components in metal reveal a 3He deficiency which is due to the diffusive loss of parent isotopes, that is, tritium (Tilles, 1963; Schultz, 1967). The diffusive loss likely has been induced by thermal heating by the Sun during cosmic‐ray exposure (~160 Ma; Lavielle et al, 1999). Thermal process such as impact‐induced partial loss may have affected the isotopic composition of spallogenic Ne. The 129Xe/131Xe ratio of cosmogenic components in the metal indicates an enhanced production of epi‐thermal neutrons. The abundance ratios of spallogenic components in the graphite reveal that it contained small amounts of metal and silicates. The isotopic composition of heavy noble gases in graphite itself was obtained from graphite treated with HF/HCl. The isotopic composition of the etched graphite shows that it contains two types of primordial Xe (i.e., Q‐Xe and El Taco Xe). The isotopic heterogeneity preserved in the Bohumilitz graphite indicates that the Bohumilitz graphite did not experience any high‐temperature event and, consequently, must have been emplaced into the metal at subsolidus temperatures. This situation is incompatible with an igneous model as well as the impact melting models for the IAB‐IIICD iron meteorites as proposed by Choi et al. (1995) and Wasson et al (1980).  相似文献   

Abstract— The Raghunathpura iron meteorite fell on 20 November 1986 around 8 p.m.; it weighed 10.2 kg. It is a group IIA hexahedrite based on metallographic, x-ray diffraction and chemical studies. Eighteen major, minor and trace elements were determined using classical, atomic-absorption spectrometry and semiquantitative spectrographic procedures.  相似文献   

Abstract– The Old Woman meteorite, discovered in March 1976 by two prospectors searching for a fabled lost Spanish gold mine in mountains ~270 km east of Los Angeles, has achieved the status of a legend among meteorite hunters and collectors. The question of the ownership of the 2753 kg group IIAB meteorite, the second largest ever found in the United States (34°28′N, 115°14′W), gave rise to disputes involving the finders, the Bureau of Land Management, the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, the State of California, the California members of the U.S. Congress, various museums in California, the Smithsonian Institution, and the Department of Justice. Ultimately, ownership of the meteorite was transferred to the Smithsonian under the powers of the 1906 Antiquities Act, a ruling upheld in a U.S. District Court and a U.S. Court of Appeals. After additional debate, the Smithsonian removed a large cut for study and curation, and for disbursement of specimens to qualified researchers. The main mass was then returned to California on long‐term loan to the Bureau of Land Management’s Desert Discovery Center in Barstow. The Old Woman meteorite litigation served as an important test case for the ownership and control of meteorites found on federal lands. The Old Woman meteorite appears to be structurally unique in containing both hexahedral and coarsest octahedral structures in the same mass, unique oriented schreibersites within hexahedral areas, and polycrystalline parent austenite crystals. These structures suggest that different portions of the meteorite may have transformed via different mechanisms upon subsolidus cooling, making the large slices of Old Woman promising targets for future research.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have carried out noble gas measurements on graphite from a large graphite‐metal inclusion in Canyon Diablo. The Ne data of the low‐temperature fractions lie on the mixing line between air and the spallogenic component, but those of high temperatures seem to lie on the mixing line between Ne‐HL and the spallogenic component. The Ar isotope data indicate the presence of Q in addition to air, spallogenic component and Ar‐HL. As the elemental concentration of Ne in Q is low, we could not detect the Ne‐Q from the Ne data. On the other hand, we could not observe Xe‐HL in our Xe data. As the Xe concentration and the Xe/Ne ratio in Q is much higher than that in the HL component, it is likely that only the contribution of Q is observed in the Xe data. Xenon isotopic data can be explained as a mixture of Q, air, and “El Taco Xe.” The Canyon Diablo graphite contains both HL and Q, very much like carbonaceous chondrites, retaining the signatures of various primordial noble gas components. This indicates that the graphite was formed in a primitive nebular environment and was not heated to high, igneous temperatures. Furthermore, a large excess of 129Xe was observed, which indicates that the graphite was formed at a very early stage of the solar system when 129I was still present. The HL/Q ratios in the graphite in Canyon Diablo are lower than those in carbonaceous chondrites, indicating that some thermal metamorphism occurred on the former. We estimated the temperature of the thermal metamorphism to about 500–600 °C from the difference of thermal retentivities of HL and Q. It is also noted that “El Taco Xe” is commonly observed in many IAB iron meteorites, but its presence in carbonaceous chondrites has not yet been established.  相似文献   

Abstract— The petrography and mineral and bulk chemistries of silicate inclusions in Sombrerete, an ungrouped iron that is one of the most phosphate‐rich meteorites known, was studied using optical, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) techniques. Inclusions contain variable proportions of alkalic siliceous glass (?69 vol% of inclusions on average), aluminous orthopyroxene (?9%, Wo1–4Fs25–35, up to ?3 wt% Al), plagioclase (?8%, mainly An70–92), Cl‐apatite (?7%), chromite (?4%), yagiite (?1%), phosphate‐rich segregations (?1%), ilmenite, and merrillite. Ytterbium and Sm anomalies are sometimes present in various phases (positive anomalies for phosphates, negative for glass and orthopyroxene), which possibly reflect phosphate‐melt‐gas partitioning under transient, reducing conditions at high temperatures. Phosphate‐rich segregations and different alkalic glasses (K‐rich and Na‐rich) formed by two types of liquid immiscibility. Yagiite, a K‐Mg silicate previously found in the Colomera (IIE) iron, appears to have formed as a late‐stage crystallization product, possibly aided by Na‐K liquid unmixing. Trace‐element phase compositions reflect fractional crystallization of a single liquid composition that originated by low‐degree (?4–8%) equilibrium partial melting of a chondritic precursor. Compositional differences between inclusions appear to have originated as a result of a “filter‐press differentiation” process, in which liquidus crystals of Cl‐apatite and orthopyroxene were less able than silicate melt to flow through the metallic host between inclusions. This process enabled a phosphoran basaltic andesite precursor liquid to differentiate within the metallic host, yielding a dacite composition for some inclusions. Solidification was relatively rapid, but not so fast as to prevent flow and immiscibility phenomena. Sombrerete originated near a cooling surface in the parent body during rapid, probably impact‐induced, mixing of metallic and silicate liquids. We suggest that Sombrerete formed when a planetesimal undergoing endogenic differentiation was collisionally disrupted, possibly in a breakup and reassembly event. Simultaneous endogenic heating and impact processes may have widely affected silicate‐bearing irons and other solar system matter.  相似文献   

On February 24, 1979, a deeply oxidized mass of iron meteorite was excavated from bauxite at an open cut mine on the Gove Peninsula, Northern Territory, Australia. The meteorite, measuring 0.75–1 m in diameter and of unknown total weight, was found at coordinates 12°15.8′S, 136°50.3′E. On removal from the ground, the meteorite is reported to have disintegrated rapidly. A preliminary analysis at the mine laboratory reportedly gave 8.5 wt% Ni. A modern analysis of oxidized material gave Ni = 32.9, Co = 3.67 (both mg g?1), Cr = 168, Cu = 195, Ga = 22.5, Ge = <70, As = 4.16, W = 1.35, Ir = 10.5, Pt = 21.2, Au = 0.672 (all μg g?1), Sb = <150, and Re = 844 (both ng g?1). Competent fragments of oxidized material retain a fine to medium Widmanstätten pattern with an apparent average bandwidth of 0.5 mm (range 0.2–0.9 mm in plane section). Primary mineralogy includes rare γ–taenite and daubréelite, and secondary minerals produced by weathering include awaruite (with up to 78.5 wt% Ni) and an, as yet, unnamed Cu‐Cr‐bearing sulfide with the ideal formula CuCrS2 that is hitherto unknown in nature. Deep weathering has masked many of the features of the meteorite; however, the analysis normalized to the analyses of fresh iron meteorites favors chemical group IIIAB. The terrestrial age of the meteorite is unknown, although it is likely to be in the Neogene (2.5–23 Ma), which is widely accepted as the major period of bauxite formation in the Northern Territory of Australia. Gove is the second authenticated relict meteorite found in Australia.  相似文献   

Abstract— Olivines in chondrules of the Allende CV3 carbonaceous chondrite contain two types of micron sized silicate melt inclusions: clear glass (type I) and devitrified glass (type II) inclusions. Many of the type I inclusions contain a gas bubble of variable size. Type II inclusions can be transparent (IIa), with or without a gas bubble, and brown (type IIb), with a gas bubble. A number of inclusions were measured with the Raman microprobe to detect possible presence of carbon. Carbon in the form of graphite was detected only in type II inclusions. Compositions of 11 inclusions were determined with the electron microprobe and proton microprobe in search for possible explanation of this preference of carbon for devitrified inclusions. All of the measured inclusions are rich in Si, Al and Ca. No significant differences between the compositions of the two types of inclusions were found. The data suggest that the inclusions formed from the melt trapped in growing olivine crystals, which themselves crystallized from a silicon rich, gas bearing melt. There is no coherent relation between the occurrence of graphite and the gas abundance in the original melt, as indicated by the sizes of gas bubbles. Therefore, carbon was not combined in a gaseous species (e.g., CO). It must have been preferentially dissolved in some domains of the melt.  相似文献   

Rare-earth elements in a whole-rock sample and in major components of the Allende meteorite were investigated; for a few samples, abundances of Ba, Sr, Ca, and Al were also determined. Of the materials investigated in the present work, CaAl-rich inclusions G and O seem to be of the greatest significance. In spite of the minor difference in mineralogy between them, the apparent chondrite-normalized RE pattern is much different between these two inclusions. (Yb and Eu in inclusion G appear exceptionally irregular). This observation is inferred to reflect a rather subtle difference in condition of condensation. It is also worthwhile to note that, while two portions (pink and white) of the inclusion G show similar aspects in the abundances of lithophile trace elements investigated, they show a remarkable difference at the same time. The white portion (Gw) of inclusion G can be considered to be a mixture of chondritic material and highly fractionated material like the faintly pink portion (Gp) picked from the same inclusion. This would suggest the possibility that the Gp-like material was produced from chondritic dust.The “matrix” separated from Allende was found to be fractionated with respect to the RE abundances relative to representative chondrite. It has also a very high value for the Ba abundance.  相似文献   

Abstract– Tucson is an enigmatic ataxitic iron meteorite, an assemblage of reduced silicates embedded in Fe‐Ni metal with dissolved Si and Cr. Both, silicates and metal, contain a record of formation at high temperature (~1800 K) and fast cooling. The latter resulted in the preservation of abundant glasses, Al‐rich pyroxenes, brezinaite, and fine‐grained metal. Our chemical and petrographic studies of all phases (minerals and glasses) indicate that they have a nebular rather than an igneous origin and give support to a chondritic connection as suggested by Prinz et al. (1987) . All silicate phases in Tucson apparently grew from a liquid that had refractory trace elements at approximately 6–20 × CI abundances with nonfractionated (solar) pattern, except for Sc, which was depleted (~1 × CI). Metal seems to have precipitated before and throughout silicate aggregate formation, allowing preservation of all evolutionary steps of the silicates by separating them from the environment. In contrast to most chondrites, Tucson documents coprecipitation of metal and silicates from the solar nebula gas and precipitation of metal before silicates—in accordance with theoretical condensation calculations for high‐pressure solar nebula gas. We suggest that Tucson is the most metal‐rich and volatile‐element‐poor member of the CR chondrite clan.  相似文献   

Veins containing carbonates, hydrous silicates, and sulfates that occur within and between grains of augite and olivine in the Nakhla meteorite are good evidence for the former presence of liquid water in the Martian crust. Aqueous solutions gained access to grain interiors via narrow fractures, and those fractures within olivine whose walls were oriented close to (001) were preferentially widened by etching along [001]. This orientation selective dissolution may have been due to the presence within olivine of shock‐formed [001](100) and [001]{110} screw dislocations. The duration of etching is likely to have been brief, possibly less than a year, and the solutions responsible were sufficiently cool and reducing that laihunite did not form and Fe liberated from the olivine was not immediately oxidized. The pores within olivine were mineralized in sequence by siderite, nanocrystalline smectite, a Fe‐Mg phyllosilicate, and then gypsum, whereas only the smectite occurs within augite. The nanocrystalline smectite was deposited as submicrometer thick layers on etched vein walls, and solution compositions varied substantially between and sometimes during precipitation of each layer. Together with microcrystalline gypsum the Fe‐Mg phyllosilicate crystallized as water briefly returned to some of the veins following desiccation fracturing of the smectite. These results show that etching of olivine enhanced the porosity and permeability of the nakhlite parent rock and that dissolution and secondary mineralization took place within the same near‐static aqueous system.  相似文献   

Abstract— ‐Iron meteorites exhibit a large range in Ni concentrations, from only 4% to nearly 60%. Most previous experiments aimed at understanding the crystallization of iron meteorites have been conducted in systems with about 10% Ni or less. We performed solid metal/liquid metal experiments to determine the effect of Ni on partition coefficients for 20 trace elements pertinent to iron meteorites. Experiments were conducted in both the end‐member Ni‐S system as well as in the Fe‐Ni‐S system with intermediate Ni compositions applicable to high‐Ni iron meteorites. The Ni content of the system affects solid metal/liquid metal partitioning behavior. For a given S concentration, partition coefficients in the Ni‐S system can be over an order of magnitude larger than in the Fe‐S system. However, for compositions relevant to even the most Ni‐rich iron meteorites, the effect of Ni on partitioning behavior is minor, amounting to less than a factor of two for the majority of trace elements studied. Any effect of Ni also appears minor when it is compared to the large influence S has on element partitioning behavior. Thus, we conclude that in the presence of an evolving S‐bearing metallic melt, crystallization models can safely neglect effects from Ni when considering the full range of iron meteorite compositions.  相似文献   

Abstract— Sychevka is a relatively unweathered 65-kg iron meteorite that was found in Russia in 1988. The microstructure, mineralogy and bulk composition of Sychevka as revealed by optical microscopy, electron microprobe and instrumental neutron activation analysis indicate that this meteorite is a group-IIIAB medium octahedrite. Sychevka consists of (in vol%): kamacite (82.5), plessite (16), schreibersite (1.5), and rare grains of chromite and troilite.  相似文献   

A slab of the Willamette ungrouped iron contains elongated troilite nodules (up to ~2 × 10 cm) that were crushed and penetrated by wedges of crushed metal during a major impact event. What makes this sample unique is the contrast between the large amount of shock damage and the very small (~1%) amounts of shock melting in the large troilite nodules. The postshock temperature was low, probably ?960 °C. The Widmanstätten pattern has been largely obscured by an episode of postshock annealing that caused recrystallization of the kamacite. The shock and thermal history of Willamette includes (1) initial crystallization and formation of multicentimeter‐size troilite nodules from trapped melt, (2) impact‐induced melting of metal‐sulfide assemblages to form lobate taenite masses a few hundred micrometers in size, (3) impact‐crushing of the nodules and jamming of metal wedges into them, (4) simultaneous crushing of metal grains adjacent to sulfide throughout the meteorite, (5) postshock annealing causing minor recrystallization of metal and troilite, and (6) a late‐stage shock event (and additional annealing) producing Neumann lines in the kamacite.  相似文献   

Abstract— The first occurrence of stishovite in an iron meteorite, Muonionalusta (group IVA), is reported. The mineral occurs intimately mixed with amorphous silica, forming tabular grains up to ?3 mm wide, with a hexagonal outline. It was identified using X‐ray diffraction and Raman microspectroscopy. The unit‐cell parameters of stishovite are a = 4.165(3) Å and c = 2.661(6) Å, and its chemical composition is nearly pure SiO2. Raman spectra show relatively sharp bands at 231 and 754 cm?1 and a broad band with an asymmetric shape and a maximum around 500 cm?1. The rare grains are found within troilite nodules together with chromite, daubreelite, and schreibersite. From their composition and morphology, and by comparisons with silica inclusions in, e.g., the Gibeon IVA iron, we conclude that these rare grains represent pseudomorphs after tridymite. The presence of stishovite in Muonionalusta is suggested to reflect shock metamorphic conditions in the IVA parent asteroid during a cosmic impact event.  相似文献   

Abstract The Manitouwabing meteorite whose trace constituents have not been previously quantified was analysed for Au, As, Ga, Ge, Ir, Ni, Os, Pd, Pt, Rh and Ru. Our data confirm that it belongs to subgroup IIIA of the IIIAB group and on the basis of the much higher concentrations of As, Ir, Os, Pt, Rh and Ru, it is not paired with Madoc as had previously been proposed.  相似文献   

The refractive indices of graphite, silicate and iron, which are believed to be candidates for interstellar dust grains, are shown to exhibit large experimental uncertainties. The Mie scattering theory has been used to demonstrate how errors in the refractive indices are manifested in the extinction curves for small spheres in the wavelength range from 0.1 μm to 2 μm. It is found that the transmitted errors in the extinction curves are wavelength dependent: for graphite, significant errors occur in the far ultraviolet part of the extinction curve; for silicates, in the near ultraviolet; while for iron the error is relatively small in the wavelength range considered.  相似文献   

Abstract— Characterization of the microstructural features of the metal of the Santa Catharina meteorite was performed using a variety of electron optical techniques. Sample USNM#6293 is chemically homogeneous on the micron scale and has a Ni content of 28.2 wt.%. Its microstructure is similar to that of the Twin City ataxite and contains clear taenite II, i.e., fcc taenite with domains of tetrataenite, < 10 nm in size. Sample USNM#3043 is a more typical Santa Catharina specimen with dark and light regions as observed with the light optical microscope. The dark regions are inhomogeneous and contain 45–50 wt.% Ni and 7–12 wt.% O. The light regions are homogeneous and contain 35 wt.% Ni and no detectable oxygen. The microstructure is that of cloudy zone, i.e., islands of tetrataenite, ~20 nm in size, in a honeycomb matrix. The honeycomb phase contains Ni rich oxide in the dark regions and contains metal, fcc taenite, in the light regions. The original metal structure of USNM#3043 is cloudy zone which formed during cooling into the low temperature miscibility gap of the Fe-Ni phase diagram. The dark regions were developed from the metal by selective corrosion of the honeycomb structure, transforming it into Ni containing oxides, possibly non-stoichiometric Fe2NiO4 while retaining the tetrataenite islands. Using the results of this study, many of the existing discrepancies concerning the microstructure of Santa Catharina can be explained.  相似文献   

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