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Brain temperature was measured at various depths beneath the pial surface in patients with hydrocephalus of varying aetiology. Temperature increased gradually with depth in all patients, with the highest temperature found in the ventricle. The difference between intraventricular and rectal temperatures (delta v-r) was greater in patients who underwent continuous ventricular drainage than in patients who underwent ventriculoperitoneal shunt (continuous ventricular drainage; 1.2 (SD 0.40) degrees C, mean (SD), n=5 v ventriculoperitoneal shunt; 0.4 (SD 0.45) degrees C, n=16; p< 0.05). The difference between intracerebral and rectal temperatures (delta b2-r) was also greater in patients with continuous ventricular drainage than in patients with ventriculoperitoneal shunt (continuous ventricular drainage; 0.1 (SD 0.86) degrees C, n=5 v ventriculoperitoneal shunt; -0.7 (0.86) degrees C, n=16; p< 0.05). Among patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus, these differences were greater in the patients with better outcomes after shunt surgery than in the less improved group (delta v-r; 0.7 (SD 0.27) degrees C, n=7 v 0.1 (SD 0.40) degrees C, n=5, p< 0.01, delta b2-r; -0.2 (SD 0.61) degrees C, n=7 v -1.4 (0.90) degrees C, n=5, p< 0.01).  相似文献   

In recognition of the importance of environmental specimen banking (ESB) as an important component of the described ongoing real-time environmental and health-related monitoring programmes, a proposal for a planned ESB pilot study in the Czech Republic is presented. Selection of biomonitors, analytes, sampling techniques and sites is discussed, especially with regard to the possible harmonization with ESB already operational abroad. Availability of validated analytical techniques for determination of up to 30 elements using nuclear and spectroscopic techniques, including speciation of several metals, and of the most important organic pollutants employing various chromatographic techniques in biological and environmental samples is demonstrated.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The authors report the case of an internal rotation of the lower limb, lately ascribed to a posterior placement of the acetabular component during total hip arthroplasty. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A 58 years old female had an irreducible internal rotation of the right hip 3 years after total hip arthroplasty for arthritis. When the hip was extended, the lower limb showed an irreducible internal rotation of 45 degrees. In flexion of the hip this rotation disappeared. AP radiograms showed femur and femoral stem in internal rotation, a healed fracture of the acetabulum, and the acetabular component seemed to be in correct position. On CT scan the acetabular component was 4 cm posterior to the anatomic location, although there was no abnormal anteversion of the stem and acetabular component. Revision, with relocation of the acetabular component, corrected lower limb rotation. DISCUSSION: Posterior position of the acetabular component has not been described as a cause of lower limb malrotation. Normally the strength of the external hip rotators muscles is three times as important as of the internal rotators. The transverse acetabular fracture led to backwards placement of the acetabular component and yelded in an automatic internal rotation of the femur, because the trochanter kept an anatomical position in the horizontal plane. The posteriorised rotation center of the hip had changed the balance of the different rotator muscles, some of them, originally external rotators, becoming internal rotators.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors sought to describe the use of the testimony method of psychotherapy in a group of traumatized adult refugees from genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina. METHOD: The subjects were 20 Bosnian refugees in Chicago who gave written informed consent to participate in a case series study of testimony psychotherapy. All subjects received testimony psychotherapy, averaging six sessions, approximately 90 minutes, weekly or biweekly. Subjects received standardized instruments for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, traumatic events, global functioning, and prior psychiatric history. The instruments were administered before treatment, at the conclusion of the treatment, and at the 2- and 6-month follow-ups. RESULTS: The posttreatment assessments demonstrated significant decreases in the rate of PTSD diagnosis, PTSD symptom severity, and the severity of reexperiencing, avoidance, and hyperarousal symptom clusters. Depressive symptoms demonstrated a significant decrease, and there was a significant increase in scores on the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale. Two-month and 6-month follow-up assessments demonstrated further significant decreases in all symptoms and an increase in scores on the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale. CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study provides preliminary evidence that testimony psychotherapy may lead to improvements in PTSD and depressive symptoms, as well as to improvement of functioning, in survivors of state-sponsored violence.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Cholyl-lysyl-fluorescein is a fluorescent analogue of the natural bile acid, cholyl glycine. In vivo and in vitro studies showed that this analogue has many biological characteristics similar to cholyl glycine. In this study we analysed cholyl-lysyl-fluorescein plasma clearance in six healthy volunteers as a potential quantitative liver function test. METHODS: The compound in water for injection was administered as an i.v. bolus in the dose of 0.02 mg/kg b.w. RESULTS: The plasma elimination curve showed rapid, intermediate and slow phases of clearance. Half-life (T1/2 time) for the first (t1/2 1st phase), second (t1/2 2nd phase) and third (t1/2 3rd phase) phases of elimination was 1.7+/-0.9 min, 6.7+/-1.6 min and 68+/-17 min, respectively. Ninety-minute plasma retention (% dose/l plasma) was 2.2%. Cholyl-lysyl-fluorescein volume of distribution and residual fluorescence after 60 min were similar to the data obtained by others for natural or radiolabelled bile acids. In five out of six healthy volunteers a 25-fold higher dose of cholyl-lysyl-fluorescein (0.5 mg/kg b.w.) was injected to estimate the safety margins of the compound. This dose was eliminated at a disappearance rate similar to that of the dose of 0.02 mg/kg b.w. and did not cause any adverse reactions. Serum liver tests measured before and after injection did not change significantly. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that cholyl-lysyl-fluorescein clearance is similar to the clearance of endogenous natural bile acids and may potentially offer a new, dynamic test of liver function.  相似文献   

1. Artists use many materials composed of the same chemicals that cause major occupational health problems in industry. 2. The majority of artists are unaware of the potential hazards in the materials and processes they use. 3. The pilot study revealed that greater than 90% of the amateur photographers did not use safety precautions in the darkroom. 4. The most common perceived barrier to the use of safety precautions was the lack of knowledge about chemical safety.  相似文献   

A force transducer was developed to measure bite force in dogs. A total of 101 readings was obtained from 22 pet dogs ranging in size from 7 to 55 kg. Bite forces ranged from 13 to 1394 Newtons with a mean for all dogs of 256 Newtons and a median of 163 Newtons. Most measurements fell within the low end of the range, with 55% of the biting episodes less than 200 Newtons and 77% less than 400 Newtons.  相似文献   

Early enteral nutrition in gastrointestinal surgery: a pilot study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hot tar burns compose a unique class of thermal injury, because removal of this highly sticky compound may be very difficult without inflicting additional tissue damage. Early removal of tar facilitates assessment of the burn and improves patient comfort. Although the use of many substances for the painless removal of tar has been described, we used sunflower oil effectively in the treatment of four tar burn patients. This first report describes the practical and successful use of sunflower oil which was easily obtained from the hospital kitchen.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is made on clinical grounds, and the availability of a simple and sensitive quantitative index of the disease might aid in the routine diagnosis. The aim of this study was to assess whether linear measures of brain atrophy as detected by magnetic resonance imaging can be helpful in the differentiation of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease from nondemented elderly. Measures of global (bifrontal index and interuncal distance) and hippocampal (minimum thickness of the medial temporal lobe, hippocampal height, width of the choroid fissure, and width of the temporal horn) atrophy were taken from 26 cases and 21 controls. Measures of hippocampal atrophy were the most sensitive in the differentiation of cases from controls, and among them width of the temporal horn yielded the highest sensitivity, predicting the disease in 73% of cases with 95% specificity. A compound measure comprising width of the temporal horn, width of the choroid fissure, and hippocampal height increased sensitivity to 85%. These results suggest that selected simple indices of hippocampal atrophy might be useful in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Involvement of mechanical factors in osteoarthrosis (OA) has been well documented. For OA of the human lower limb, the impulse imparted at heelstrike has been suggested as a pathogenic factor. It has also been reported that there is a large amount of variation in the level of impulse experienced by different individuals, and it is suggested that those who experience large impulses are at a greater risk of developing OA. The current study investigated gait patterns of 12 normal subjects to establish the gait determinants responsible for producing large impulses at heelstrike. The results suggest that subtle variations in the early part of the swing phase pattern are responsible for large differences in the impulse experienced at heelstrike; the usually reported gait variables mask these variations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: There are few reports on the efficacy of treatment programs for women with postpartum depression, despite the long-term nature of this disorder. This study describes a pilot evaluation of a treatment program with educational, social support and cognitive-behavioural components. METHOD: Ten women with persistent depression originating in the postpartum period were offered a 10-week group treatment program and compared to a wait-list control group. RESULTS: Following treatment, a significant improvement in depression was demonstrated on the Edinburgh Post-Natal Depression Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, and Profile of Mood States. Several common factors in women suffering from postpartum depression were also identified, as were drop-out characteristics. CONCLUSION: These results are encouraging and suggest that a cognitive-behavioural group program might be effective as a treatment for depression in the postpartum period. However, further detailed studies are required to conform this pilot study.  相似文献   

A small pilot survey (n = 113) by questionnaire of the fathers of a sample of children under one year of age was undertaken in order to investigate the involvement of fathers with infant feeding and their attitudes to the method of feeding adopted. The response rate was 72% overall and 79% when the partners of 'single parent' mothers were excluded. Nearly 30% of respondents had not discussed the method of feeding with anyone, but over 60% had discussed it with their partner. 64% of fathers sometimes helped with feeding their child and 17% said that they always helped. The majority of fathers did not mind their partner breast feeding in front of friends or relatives but 42% did not like them feeding in front of strangers and over half did not like them breast feeding in a public place. From this study, based on relatively small numbers, we conclude that fathers may feel left out of infant feeding. They should be given more opportunity to become involved from an early stage and take part in the decision about the method of infant feeding to be adopted.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This pilot study compared data obtained using traditional methods of visual dental screenings in a school setting with data obtained using an intraoral camera and transmitted to a distant location via telehealth technology. METHODS: For the study, 137 schoolchildren were screened using traditional methods. Two months later, 32 children were randomly selected and rescreened in a single day using the intraoral camera and the telehealth system. The measurement indices used were deft/DMFT. RESULTS: A comparison revealed no significant difference in the data collected by the two screening methods. The percentage agreement between the methods ranged from 89% to 100%. CONCLUSION: In under-serviced or remote areas, the telehealth system may allow for accurate identification of oral conditions and act as a means of consultation at a distance between specialists, general dental practitioners, dental hygienists and individual patients.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to illustrate how the Neuman systems model guided a pilot study with ventilator-dependent patients. Mechanical ventilation was the external stressor to which these subjects reacted. The interaction of Neuman's client system variables was investigated to see which variables most influenced the weaning process. The pilot served to link model concepts with research variables and to identify appropriate procedures and tools for data collection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To preserve postoperative digestive function in patients with esophageal carcinoma, jejunal or colonic segments on long vascular pedicles are transplanted and anastomosed between the esophagus and residual stomach. A postoperative survey showed pedicled jejunum transplantation to be superior in terms of digestive and absorptive functions, intraesophageal pressure, pH, and the quality of life of long-term postoperative survivors. Anastomotic leakage and necrosis of the pedicled intestinal graft are occasional complications; circulatory disorders of the pedicled intestine are a probable cause of both complications. STUDY DESIGN: To simulate pedicled jejunum transplantation, we prepared pedicled colonic segments from dogs and measured blood flow volume at the cut end of the oral side of the colonic segments using the hydrogen clearance method and at the nutrient vascular pedicle with an electromagnetic blood flowmeter. RESULTS: Resection of excess colon increased blood flow volume per unit weight of the colonic segment. CONCLUSIONS: It is essential to resect excess intestine and keep only the minimum length of pedicled intestinal graft needed for reconstruction of the esophagus.  相似文献   

The advances made by the use of a telemetric system in the study of bone strain in a free-moving horse are reported. A rosette strain gauge was bonded to the craniomedial aspect of the metacarpus of the horse. Attachment of a miniature FM transmitter to lead wires facilitated telemetric transmission of of resistance changes which corresponded to limb movement. During 3 different gaits, the trace pattern remained similar, although frequency and amplitude varied. The tracings were similar to those reported in other species in which nontelemetric transmission was used.  相似文献   

The necessity of a circadian pacemaker, the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), for survival was evaluated in a population of approximately 65 wild eastern chipmunks, Tamias striatus. The research involved over 3000 h of field-work between May 1995 and October 1997 on a study site at Mountain Lake Biological Station, Virginia. The 28 chipmunks randomly designated as project animals included 10 SCN-lesioned chipmunks, 5 surgical controls (sham-lesioned), and 13 intact controls. Visual observation, live trapping, and radio telemetric tracking were used to assess 6 aspects of survival and reproduction. Upon release after surgery, every animal returned to its den site and was able to maintain its home territory. In warm months from May through October, all chipmunks were active above ground with a strictly day-active pattern. During the remaining cold months, they were normothermic but relatively torpid in their underground dens for extended periods of time. Short-term mortality for the initial 3 months included only a single intact control chipmunk; loss for the extended period from August 1995 to October 1996 was 40% for the SCN-lesioned animals, 0% for surgical controls, and 15.4% for the intact controls. Survival differences were not significant between surgical control and intact control groups but were significant (alpha = .10) between SCN-lesioned and pooled control groups. Annual body weight patterns were similar for both groups. Most individuals in both SCN-lesioned and control groups were reproductively active in the spring and fall breeding periods. Lack of major differences may be attributable to the exceptionally favorable conditions for survival such as a very abundant fall acorn crop, medium population size, and absence of heavy predation.  相似文献   

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