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A marine bacterium, identified as a pseudomonad, isolated from Suberea creba Bergquist, 1995 (Porifera, Dictyoceratida, Verongida, Aplysinellidae) collected along the eastern coast of New Caledonia, gave in culture phenazine-alpha-carboxamide, 2-n-heptylquinol-4-one, 2-n-nonylquinol-4-one, 2-n-(1'E-nonenyl)quinol-4-one, 3-n-heptyl-3-hydroxyquinolin-2,4-dione, a N-oxide-2-n-heptylquinoline derivative, and a benzyldiketopiperazine. None of these products could be detected, at the HPLC-UV sensitivity level, in the sponge extracts, which contained instead (+)-aerothionin, homoaerothionin, (+)-aeroplysinin-1, dibromo-, bromochloro-, and dichloroverongiaquinol. 2-n-Heptylquinol-4-one, (+)-aeroplysinin-1, and dibromoverongiaquinol showed strong antibacterial activity in vitro. The latter also proved promising for mariculture, rivaling chloramphenicol as an antibacterial agent in cultures of Pecten maximus larvae, while being nontoxic according to the Artemia salina test.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of the wild-type p53 expression in normal and tumor cells, we have constructed a recombinant adenovirus vector (E1 minus) expressing human wild-type p53 cDNA (AdWTp53). Infection of normal and tumor cells of lung and mammary epithelial origin with AdWTp53 resulted in high levels of wild-type p53 expression. Production of p53 protein following infection was dependent on the dose of AdWTp53 with maximum amounts of p53 produced following infection with 50 plaque-forming units/cell. AdWTp53 infection inhibited the growth of all human cell lines studied. However, tumor cells that were null for p53 prior to infection (H-358 and MDA-MB-157) and tumor cells that expressed mutant endogenous p53 protein (MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-453) were more sensitive to AdWTp53 cytotoxicity than cells that contained the wild-type p53 (MCF-7, MCF-10, 184B5, and normal mammary epithelial cells). All cells exhibited WAF1/Cip1 mRNA and protein induction following AdWTp53 infection. AdWTp53-induced cytotoxicity of human tumor cell lines expressing mutant p53 was mediated by apoptosis as revealed by nucleosomal DNA fragmentation analysis. No detectable nucleosomal DNA fragmentation was observed following AdWTp53 infection of human cells expressing wild-type p53. These data suggest that endogenous p53 status is a determinant of AdWTp53-mediated cell killing of human tumor cells.  相似文献   

In many cell types, p53-mediated growth inhibition is dependent on induction of p21, which is an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases that are required for cell cycle progression. Failure of mutant p53 proteins to transactivate p21 may lead to uncontrolled proliferation. Because many ovarian cancers have mutations in the p53 gene, we examined p21 levels in normal and malignant ovarian epithelial cells to determine whether p21 expression is dependent on wild-type p53. Normal ovarian epithelial cells and two ovarian cancer cell lines with wild-type p53 expressed readily detectable levels of p21, whereas in p53 null and mutant cell lines, expression of p21 was diminished strikingly. A correlation between the status of the p53 gene and p21 expression also was noted in 23 primary epithelial ovarian cancers. Normal levels of p21 RNA were seen in 4/7 (57%) cancers with wild-type p53, whereas 14/16 (88%) cancers with mutant p53 had reduced p21 expression (P < 0.05). In addition, we found that lambda-irradiation of normal and malignant ovarian epithelial cells with wild-type, but not mutant, p53 resulted in induction of p21. These data are suggestive that induction of p21 is a feature of p53-mediated growth inhibition in normal ovarian epithelial cells. Conversely, mutation of the p53 gene in ovarian cancers usually is associated with decreased p21 expression. The lack of an absolute correlation between p21 expression and the status of the p53 gene in ovarian cancers is consistent with other studies that have suggested that p21 may also be regulated by p53-independent pathways.  相似文献   

p53 activity is essential for normal development in Xenopus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: The tumor suppressor p53 plays a key role in regulating the cell cycle and apoptosis in differentiated cells. Mutant mice lacking functional p53 develop normally but die from multiple neoplasms shortly after birth. There have been hints that p53 is involved in morphogenesis, but given the relatively normal development of p53 null mice, the significance of these data has been difficult to evaluate. To examine the role of p53 in vertebrate development, we have determined the results of blocking its activity in embryos of the frog Xenopus laevis. RESULTS: Two different methods have been used to block p53 protein activity in developing Xenopus embryos--ectopic expression of dominant-negative forms of human p53 and ectopic expression of the p53 negative regulator, Xenopus dm-2. In both instances, inhibition of p53 activity blocked the ability of Xenopus early blastomeres to undergo differentiation and resulted in the formation of large cellular masses reminiscent of tumors. The ability of mutant p53 to induce such developmental tumors was suppressed by co-injection with wild-type human or wild-type Xenopus p53. Cells expressing mutant p53 activated zygotic gene expression and underwent the mid-blastula transition normally. Such cells continued to divide at approximately normal rates but did not form normal embryonic tissues and never underwent terminal differentiation, remaining as large, yolk-filled cell masses that were often associated with the neural tube or epidermis. CONCLUSIONS: In Xenopus, the maternal stockpile of p53 mRNA and protein seems to be essential for normal development. Inhibiting p53 function results in an early block to differentiation. Although it is possible that mutant human p53 proteins have a dominant gain-of-function or neomorphic activity in Xenopus, and that this is responsible for the development of tumors, most of the evidence indicates that this is not the case. Whatever the basis of the block to differentiation, these results indicate that Xenopus embryos are a sensitive system in which to explore the role of p53 in normal development and in developmental tumors.  相似文献   

Over an 18-month period (June 1993-December 1994), all patients presenting with a subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) were considered for magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) as part of their investigation. Our experience to date leads us to believe that anterior midline aneurysms can be confidently and rapidly diagnosed with MRA alone without recourse to invasive intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography. This assumes, of course, that images can be obtained; some patients cannot be investigated by MR because of the presence of metallic foreign bodies; in a small proportion without anaesthesia the images will be so degraded as to be valueless and some patients will be judged unsuitable from the outset because of their clinical state. In 30 patients, a diagnosis of an anterior midline aneurysm was made on MRA and 21 of these patients underwent surgery on the MR images alone. Surgery, undertaken via a midline approach in these 21 patients, confirmed the MR findings.  相似文献   

The multiple genetic hit model of cancer predicts that normal individuals should have stable populations of cancer-prone, but noncancerous, mutant cells awaiting further genetic hits. We report that whole-mount preparations of human skin contain clonal patches of p53-mutated keratinocytes, arising from the dermal-epidermal junction and from hair follicles. These clones, 60-3000 cells in size, are present at frequencies exceeding 40 cells per cm2 and together involve as much as 4% of the epidermis. In sun-exposed skin, clones are both more frequent and larger than in sun-shielded skin. We conclude that, in addition to being a tumorigenic mutagen, sunlight acts as a tumor promoter by favoring the clonal expansion of p53-mutated cells. These combined actions of sunlight result in normal individuals carrying a substantial burden of keratinocytes predisposed to cancer.  相似文献   

A patient with xeroderma pigmentosum group C was extensively examined for mutations in the p53 gene in normal skin exposed to varying degrees of sunlight and in excisional biopsies of basal cell cancer, squamous cell cancer, and squamous cell dysplasia. Seventy-three samples were analyzed by microdissection of small cell clusters, followed by PCR and direct DNA sequencing. In skin taken from areas that most likely had never been exposed to the sun, no mutations were found. However, in skin exposed to the sun, we observed a multitude of mutations in the p53 gene. UV light-induced mutations were found in all types of lesions, as well as in clusters of morphologically normal epidermal cells. Twenty-nine distinct mutations were found in exons 5-8, all missense or nonsense, of which 27 (93%) were UV-specific C --> T or CC --> TT transitions at dipyrimidine sites of the nontranscribed strand. Two types of normal skin areas containing p53 mutations were observed: areas that stain strongly with p53 antibody (p53 patches) and those that do not stain. Because no silent or intron mutations were found in these cell clusters, the alterations in the p53 gene of morphologically normal cells are likely to have resulted in a selective growth advantage. The poor correlation between mutations and morphological phenotypes demonstrates that p53 mutations alone do not determine the phenotypes observed.  相似文献   

The p53 tumor suppressor gene has been shown to play an important role in determining cell fate. Overexpression of wild-type p53 in tumor cells has been shown to lead to growth arrest or apoptosis. Previous studies in fibroblasts have provided indirect evidence for a link between p53 and senescence. Here we show, using an inducible p53 expression system, that wild-type p53 overexpression in EJ bladder carcinoma cells, which have lost functional p53, triggers the rapid onset of G1 and G2/M growth arrest associated with p21 up-regulation and repression of mitotic cyclins (cyclin A and B) and cdc2. Growth arrest in response to p53 induction became irreversible within 48-72 h, with cells exhibiting morphological features as well as specific biochemical and ultrastructural markers of the senescent phenotype. These findings provide direct evidence that p53 overexpression can activate the rapid onset of senescence in tumor cells.  相似文献   

In the interleukin-3 (IL-3)-dependent lymphoid cell line DA-1, functional p53 is required for efficient apoptosis in response to IL-3 withdrawal. Activation of p53 in these cells, by either DNA damage or p53 overexpression, results in a vital growth arrest in the presence of IL-3 and in accelerated apoptosis in its absence. Thus, IL-3 can control the choice between p53-dependent cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis. Here we report that the cross-talk between p53 and IL-3 involves joint control of pRb cleavage and degradation. Depletion of IL-3 results in caspase-mediated pRb cleavage, occurring preferentially within cells which express functional p53. Moreover, pRb can be cleaved efficiently by extracts prepared from DA-1 cells but not from their derivatives which lack p53 function. Inactivation of pRb through expression of the human papillomavirus (HPV) E7 oncogene overrides the effect of IL-3 in a p53-dependent manner. Our data suggest a novel role for p53 in the regulation of cell death and a novel mechanism for the cooperation between p53 and survival factor deprivation. Thus, p53 makes cells permissive to pRb cleavage, probably by controlling the potential activity of a pRb-cleaving caspase, whereas IL-3 withdrawal provides signals that turn on this potential activity and lead to the actual cleavage and subsequent degradation of pRb. Elimination of a presumptive anti-apoptotic effect of pRb may then facilitate conversion of p53-mediated growth arrest into apoptosis.  相似文献   

While cellular transformation by small DNA tumour viruses usually involves targeting the product of the p53 tumour suppressor gene by a virally encoded protein, none of the three polyoma virus (Py) specified T antigens have been observed to interact with p53. We show that primary mouse embryo fibroblasts and REF52 cells, which resemble primary cells in requiring co-operating oncogenes for transformation, cannot be transformed by the Py oncogene, middle T-antigen (PyMT), alone. These cells can be transformed by the complete Py early region, which encodes the Py large, middle and small T-antigens. We find that PyMT can transform rodent cells lacking a functional p53 protein (p53 null mouse embryo fibroblasts and DN-REF52 cells which contain a dominant negative p53). In Py transformed REF52 cells (Py-REF52) there is no significant accumulation of p53 protein, as opposed to SV40 transformed REF52 cells (SV-REF52) in which the amount of steady state p53 protein is elevated. However accumulation of p53 is observed following exposure of Py-REF52 cells to u.v. Treatment of Py-REF52 cells with X-rays results in a rapid increase in the levels of the p53-induced proteins p21/WAF1 and MDM2. In untransformed REF52 cells, X-irradiation causes p53 activation, which results in induction of both G1/S and G2/M blocks. In SV-REF52 and DN-REF52 cells, p53 abrogation results in the absence of both the G1/S and G2/M blocks. Only the absence of a G1/S block is observed in Py-REF52 cells exposed to X-irradiation. Together these results indicate that in contrast to most other DNA tumour viruses, Py does not appear to interfere with the DNA damage induced transactivation activities of the p53 protein but absence of a functional p53 protein can mediate transformation by the PyMT oncogene in the absence of other co-operating oncogenes. Possible modes of transformation by Py are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To document that a polyclonal antiserum to calretinin, a 29-kd calcium-binding protein, consistently decorates normal and tumor mesothelial cells in cytologic preparations. STUDY DESIGN: Thirty-three archival cytologic specimens from eight patients with histologically confirmed malignant mesothelioma and 13 from patients with metastatic serous effusions were destained and then immunostained with anticalretinin antiserum. For investigation of cell suspensions, four pleural fluids were incubated with anticalretinin antiserum. After cytocentrifugation the specimens were stained in accordance with the alkaline phosphatase anti-alkaline phosphatase (APAAP) method. For electron microscopic examination the cell suspensions were then incubated with gold-labeled antirabbit antibody. RESULTS: The diagnostic sensitivity of this new immunocytochemical approach reached 100% for the eight malignant mesotheliomas investigated. Only 3 of the 13 adenocarcinomas metastatic to the serous membranes included in this study were weakly reactive, accounting for 81% specificity. Binding of anticalretinin antiserum to living mesothelial cells was consistently documented in all four cases investigated. CONCLUSION: Calretinin is a very useful marker for positive identification of normal and tumor mesothelial cells in serous effusions.  相似文献   

Telomerase activity is detected in the majority of human tumors and provides a mechanism to escape from proliferative limitations due to telomere loss. Similar to other studies, telomerase activity was detected with a modified telomeric repeat amplification protocol in the majority (76%) of 49 human breast cancer specimens, including most (75%) ductal carcinoma in situ specimens. There were no correlations between telomerase activity and tumor stage or estrogen/progesterone receptor status. In four of seven invasive tumors, telomerase expression seemed to be heterogeneous because not all microdissected regions were telomerase positive. Low levels of telomerase activity were also detected in a minority (17%) of breast specimens from patients without evidence of cancer. These findings suggest that telomerase activation can occur early in breast cancer progression and may be periodically down-regulated during subsequent progression.  相似文献   

The integrin family consists of broadly expressed cell surface adhesion receptors, each member of which is composed of a non-covalently linked alpha/beta heterodimer. Integrin receptors are involved in the interaction with matrix proteins and may contribute to invasion and metastasis of carcinomas. To examine the biological role integrins play in colorectal carcinoma we compared the expression of integrin alpha- and beta-subunits in situ and in vitro. Eight newly established cell lines derived from immunohistochemically characterized colorectal carcinomas together with two sublines obtained after nude mouse passage and the commonly used colon carcinoma lines HT-29, SW480, SW620, and COLO 205 were investigated by immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry. The carcinomas in situ expressed alpha 1-, alpha 2-, alpha 3-, alpha 6-, alpha v- and beta 1-subunits in variable amounts while being devoid of alpha 4, alpha 5, and beta 3. The individual integrin profile of the tumour in tissue was essentially maintained in vitro. However, a neo expression of the alpha 5 chain was found, together with an induction or increase in alpha 1, alpha 2, alpha 3, alpha v and beta 1 levels. No decrease in integrin subunit expression was observed. Standard-serum and serum-free medium revealed no striking differences in alpha- and beta-chain expression in the cell lines HT-29 and COLO 205. In serum-free medium, SW480 showed a slight increase of alpha 1 and alpha 5 and a decrease of alpha 3 and alpha v while SW620 expressed more alpha 1. We conclude that the great variability of adhesion receptor expression of the integrin family in colorectal carcinomas in situ is essentially maintained in vitro, although culture conditions which are only marginally influenced by serum factors unpredictably lead to some increase in expression or even induction of several integrin subunits.  相似文献   

A p53 variant protein (p53as) generated from alternatively spliced p53 RNA is expressed in normal and malignant mouse cells and tissues, and p53as antigen activity is preferentially associated with the G2 phase of the cell cycle, suggesting that p53as and p53 protein may have distinct properties. Using p53as and p53 proteins translated in vitro, we now provide evidence that p53as protein has efficient sequence-specific DNA-binding ability. DNA binding by p53 protein is inefficient in comparison and requires activation. Furthermore, p53as and p53 proteins formed hetero-oligomers when co-translated in vitro, resulting in inactivation of p53as DNA-binding activity. Gel filtration indicated that p53as translated in vitro, like p53, formed tetramers. In support of a functional role of p53as in cells, p53as/p53 hetero-oligomers were coimmunoprecipitated from mouse cells, and both protein forms were detectable in nuclear extracts by electrophoretic mobility shift assays. These results suggest that the biochemical functions of p53 are mediated by interaction between two endogenous protein products of the wild-type p53 gene.  相似文献   

The production and evaluation of non-radioactive probes for the detection of 'Candidatus Liberobacter asiaticum' and 'Candidatus Liberobacter africanum', the two bacterial species associated with citrus huanglongbing (greening) disease is described. Two DNA fagments, In 2.6 and AS 1.7, obtained previously from the beta operons of 'Candidatus Liberobacter asiaticum' and 'Candidatus Liberobacter africanum', respectively, were the starting materials for production of the two non-radioactive probes. These digoxigenin (DIG)-labelled probes were generated by PCR incorporation of DIG-11-dUTP, yielding In 1.7-DIG and AS 1.7-DIG. Probe In 1.7-DIG was hybridized with DNAs extracted from 24 field-collected samples in Bali (Indonesia). The membrane on which the DNAs were blotted was first hybridized with radioactive probe 32P-In 2.6. After the hybridization results were recorded, the radioactive probe was removed, and the membrane hybridized with DIG-labelled probe In 1.7-DIG. Identical results were obtained for 23 samples. One sample was positive with the DIG-labelled probe and negative with the 32P-labelled probe. However, cross-hybridization of In 1.7-DIG with DNA from L. africanum was higher than that obtained with the radioactive probe. This cross-hybridization could be eliminated by raising the temperature of the stringent washing step. No field samples from Africa being available, probe AS 1.7-DIG was dot-blot hybridized against DNAs extracted from leaves of greenhouse-kept citrus plants from different geographical origins and infected with one or other Liberobacter species. The data showed that AS 1.7-DIG hybridized with L. africanum with a sensitivity equivalent to that of the radioactive probe.  相似文献   

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