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宁夏杂草稻的遗传多样性及其亲缘关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以宁夏杂草稻、选育品种、地方品种共143份水稻种质为试验材料,进行主要农艺性状的的表型鉴定评价,并利用24对SSR引物进行不同类型水稻种质的遗传多样性比较、遗传相似性和聚类分析。表型评价表明,宁夏杂草稻表现为矮秆和早熟,表型变异范围较大;多数杂草稻种皮呈红色,颖壳呈秆黄色,均落粒。SSR标记分析结果,共检测到141个等位基因,每个位点等位基因数目变异在3~11个,平均为5.8333个;Nei's基因多样性指数变幅为0.2241~0.8065,平均为0.5219。杂草稻种质的等位基因数、有效等位基因数、Shannon指数均高于选育品种和地方品种。在不同来源杂草稻群体中,来自吴忠和永宁东河的杂草稻Nei's基因多样性指数最高,分别为0.4912和0.4814,而来自青铜峡的杂草稻Nei's基因多样性指数最低,为0.2802。相似性分析表明,杂草稻与地方品种高度相似,相似系数高达0.9585,而杂草稻与选育品种的相似性较低,其相似系数为0.4584;选育品种与地方品种的相似系数只有0.3560。聚类分析表明,参试材料分为3个类群,其中选育品种单独聚类于第Ⅰ类群,其遗传背景明显区别于杂草稻和地方品种;第Ⅱ类包括大部分杂草稻和地方品种,不同来源杂草稻及地方品种间分布比较均匀;第Ⅲ类是由小部分杂草稻和地方品种组成。宁夏杂草稻的分布没有明显的区域性,宁夏杂草稻与地方品种高度融合且遗传相似性很高。  相似文献   

利用88对籼粳特异性分子标记对收集于我国东北三省的35份杂草稻和36份栽培稻遗传基础及籼粳分化进行研究,结果表明上述标记能够高效地鉴别稻属资源的籼粳属性,共检测到156个等位基因,平均有效等位基因(Na)为1.773。遗传多样性分析表明,东北地区杂草稻多样性水平略高于当地栽培稻,其中杂草稻的等位基因数(Na)、杂合度(He)、基因多样性(Hsk)以及多态性信息含量(PIC)分别为1.659、0.006、0.076和0.085,而东北栽培稻分别为1.557、0.004、0.060和0.067。遗传结构和聚类分析结果表明,东北地区杂草稻与栽培稻具有较近的亲缘关系,均存在一定程度的籼粳分化。进一步对籼粳血缘进行相对量化分析发现,杂草稻的籼型基因型频率(F_i=0.050)略高于当地栽培稻(F_i=0.043)。东北三省籼型基因型频率变化趋势为:辽宁杂草稻(0.062)辽宁栽培稻(0.058)吉林栽培稻(0.048)黑龙江杂草稻(0.041)吉林杂草稻(0.024)黑龙江栽培稻(0.020)。  相似文献   

生物多样性的起源演化及亚洲栽培稻的分类   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本定义的生物多样性包括基因多样性、物种多样性及生态系统多样性。生命起源后到人类明40亿年的地球发展史可划分为前生命的化学进化、生物学进化和人类化进化与生物学进化并行3个阶段,并着重阐述了生物多样性演化中起关键性作用的蓝菌、维管植物与人类三类生物的重要地位和作用,以及地球上生态系统的4次明显扩展。最后以亚洲栽培稻为例说明其历经万年的起源与演化所形成的遗传多样性与分类。  相似文献   

普通野生稻和亚洲栽培稻遗传多样性的研究   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28  
用44个RFLP标记对来自中国、印度、泰国等亚洲10个国家的普通野生稻(简称普野,下同)和来自多个国家的75个栽培稻品种,从多态位点的比率、等位基因数、平均杂合度及平均基因多样性等多个方面,比较了不同国家和不同地区的普通野生稻、栽培稻灿粳亚种及栽培与普野之间遗传多样性的差异。结果表明:中国普野的遗传多样性最大;其次是印度普野;南亚普野的平均基因多样性大于东南亚普野;而多态位点的比率、等位基因数及基  相似文献   

中国栽培稻遗传多样性中心和起源研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本研究对中国栽培稻6个地理分布群的700份古老地方栽培品种进行9个多态性等位酶基因位点的遗传多样性分析.结果表明籼稻和粳稻的平均基因多样性均以云南最大,淮河上游次之,黄河以北最小.中国栽培稻有3个遗传多样性中心:云南,长江中游-淮河上游,华南.长江中游-淮河上游可能是中国栽培稻的起源中心.结合考古学资料及前人的工作,认为云南不是中国栽培稻的起源中心,而可能是中国起源中心衍生的一个次生中心并受到南亚中心的强烈影响.  相似文献   

为揭示长期不同施肥管理措施下农田生态系统生物多样性的变化规律,作者于2006年4月在太湖地区一个长期肥料试验定位监测田,运用群落生态学方法研究了7种长期不同施肥处理持续20年后对水稻-油菜两熟制油菜田杂草群落多样性的影响。试验区共记录到杂草17种,隶属于11科。不同施肥处理小区中杂草种类以单施化肥区(6种)和施化肥+全年秸秆区(5种)最少,纯氮肥区最高(12种);以看麦娘(Alopecurus aequalis)、日本看麦娘(A.japonicus)、菵草(Beckmannia syzigachne)、牛繁缕(Malachium aquaticum)、野老鹳草(Geranium carolinianum)等5种发生密度较大,它们分别在不同施肥小区中占据优势。长期不同施肥措施下,田间杂草群落的物种多样性有明显差异:纯氮肥区Shannon-Wiener指数显著大于其他小区,但Simpson优势度指数最低;不施肥区(对照区)和纯氮肥区Pielou均匀度指数显著高于其他施肥处理区;施化肥+秸秆还田显著提高了田间杂草的优势度。田间杂草群落的优势种组成也发生了一定变化,Whittaker指数表明施化肥+夏季秸秆还田和单施化肥的影响最显著,常规施肥和施化肥+秋季秸秆还田次之,而施化肥+全年秸秆还田和单施氮肥没有显著影响。Sφrenson群落相似性指数及聚类分析结果也得到同样的结论。本文研究结果表明,单施化肥(平衡施用N、P、K肥)、常规施肥和化肥配施秸秆处理均能显著改变田间杂草群落的组成,降低某些优势杂草在群落中的优势地位,从而抑制其发生危害程度。  相似文献   

以中国75个杂草稻种群及其对应采样田的水稻品种为试验材料,研究了不同处理(破除休眠与不破除休眠、常温25℃与低温15℃、7 d测定和14 d测定)对种子发芽率的影响。结果表明,杂草稻的发芽率与对应采样点水稻品种的发芽率呈现极显著相关性。杂草稻破除休眠处理的发芽率显著或极显著高于不破除休眠处理。破除休眠与不破除休眠下,15℃处理的杂草稻种子发芽率均显著高于对应采样田的水稻品种,证明杂草稻相对于采样田水稻品种具有更强的耐冷性,可能进化出了新的耐冷性机制。25℃处理下杂草稻和对应水稻品种的发芽率均与纬度呈显著或极显著负相关,表明休眠性有随着纬度的降低而减弱的趋势。  相似文献   

2000~2003年连续4年研究了稻鸭共作条件下田间杂草群落的特征及其动态变化规律。结果表明,在长期稻鸭共作条件下,田间杂草密度逐年降低,下降趋势符合阻滞模型y=k+a·ebx,模型参数b反映了杂草种群的下降速率。在稻田6种主要杂草中,水虱草(Fimbristylis miliaceae)、陌上菜(Lindernia procumbens)、丁香蓼(Ludwigia prostrata)种群数量降低较快,鸭舌草(Monochoria vaginalis)、异型莎草(Cyperus difformis)次之,稗(Echinochloa crusgalli)最慢。稻鸭共作使稻田杂草群落的物种多样性持续降低,群落均匀度提高,群落相似性与稻鸭共作前相比逐年降低。说明稻鸭共作改变了田间杂草的群落结构,有利于限制杂草的发生危害。随着稻鸭共作的连年进行,对田间杂草的控制效果逐渐上升,4年后达99%以上。稻鸭共作是稻田替代化学除草的一种非常有效的生物、生态控草措施,具有显著的经济和生态效益。  相似文献   

非洲菊新品种DUS测试数量性状分级及形态性状多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对非洲菊品种11个数量性状进行了分级研究,利用54个形态性状对22个非洲菊品种进行了多样性分析。结果表明:11个数量性状可进行5个或者7个连续分布的分级,分别建立3~7或者2~8的不完整尺度;54个形态性状在22个非洲菊品种中检测到162个等位变异,平均每个性状检测到3.0个,平均有效等位变异数目为2.0209(1.0000~3.9672);Shannon's多样性指数平均为0.7578(0~1.4650)。22个非洲菊品种相似系数分布在0.67~0.86,当相似系数为0.70时,22个非洲菊品种可分为3类。花序类型为单瓣的品种和外轮舌状小花上表面颜色数量为2种的品种能和其他品种有效的区分。  相似文献   

薏苡种子形态性状多样性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
薏苡是优质的药食兼用作物。本研究对我国36份薏苡种质的种子形态性状进行了主成分分析和聚类分析。结果表明,36份薏苡种质具有较高的形态性状多样性。不同薏苡种质的4个种子质量性状间存在差异。单因素方差分析显示11个种子数量性状在不同薏苡种质间呈极显著差异。数量性状的变异系数在8.43%~68.01%之间,种壳与外种皮重量的变异系数最大而种仁长度的变异系数最小。主成分分析将36份薏苡种质分为中部及南部栽培种质、北部栽培种质和野生种质3大类,3类种质的形态特征存在明显差异。聚类分析将36份薏苡种质分为5大类群,即中部及南部栽培种质、北部栽培种质和3个类群野生种质。初步筛选出6份可能具有较高抗肿瘤活性的薏苡种质FJNJ、TJ-BK-1、TJ-BK-2、MY-BK-1、MY-BK-2和JYSD。  相似文献   

Yu GQ  Bao Y  Shi CH  Dong CQ  Ge S 《Biochemical genetics》2005,43(5-6):261-270
Weedy rice refers to populations of usually annual Oryza species that diminish farmer income through reduction of grain yield and lowered commodity value at harvest. The genetic diversity and population genetic structure of weedy rice in Liaoning Province were studied by RAPD and SSR markers. The results indicate that the level of genetic diversity of Liaoning weedy rice is very low, with polymorphic loci being only 3.70% (RAPDs) and 47.62% (SSRs). On the other hand, high genetic differentiation was found among populations, in particular between two regions (Shenyang and Dandong), with Fst values of 0.746 (RAPDs) and 0.656 (SSRs), suggesting that more than two thirds of the genetic variation resides among regions. Combined with our investigations of cultural traditions, the low level of genetic diversity in Liaoning Province is attributed to its narrow genetic background enhanced by exchanges of cultivar seeds, whereas the high genetic differentiation between the two regions is most likely the result of different founding parents and gene flow from local rice varieties to weedy rice. The rice cultivars in the two regions are all local varieties and are different genetically. A comparison of the two marker systems demonstrates that SSR is more informative and powerful in terms of the assessment of genetic variability, although both RAPD and SSR provide useful genetic information on weedy rice.  相似文献   

Weeds and crops that grow together often confront similar types of environmental stress, especially drought stress. Weedy rice (Oryza sativa f. spontanea) and cultivated rice (O. sativa L.) provide a unique pair consisting of a weed and a conspecific model crop that can be used to study the drought tolerance of plants across a large distributional range. The investigation on weedy rice's damage to paddy fields showed that it was more serious in dry direct seeding than water direct seeding. Compared with water direct seeding, the seeds of cultivated rice and weedy rice in dry direct seeding will absorb water and germinate under the condition of insufficient soil moisture. Our hypothesis is that weedy rice seeds have evolved stronger germination ability than coexisting cultivated rice under water stress, so that they can obtain more growth space in the early stage in dry direct seeding and thus obtain higher fitness. Seeds of weedy rice populations and coexisting rice cultivars were collected from 61 sites across China and were germinated with 20% polyethylene glycol‐6000 to simulate drought stress. Two drought response indices, which assessed germination rate and germination index, plus one germination stress tolerance index, indicated significantly greater drought tolerance in weedy rice populations than in coexisting rice cultivars (P < 0.01). Drought tolerance for the three indexes were indica weedy rice > indica rice cultivars, japonica weedy rice > japonica rice cultivars, and indica weedy rice > japonica rice cultivars. These results indicate that weedy rice populations show stronger drought stress tolerance than coexisting rice cultivars at various sites, specifically during the seed germination period. Furthermore, Pearson's correlation found that drought response of weedy rice populations and coexisting rice cultivars were significantly different with these environmental factors: latitude, altitude, annual mean precipitation, mean annual temperature, mean precipitation in the sowing month, mean temperature in the sowing month, and sowing methods. Weedy rice shows different patterns of drought tolerance variation across geographical (latitude and altitude) and environmental (precipitation) gradients compared to coexisting rice cultivars. This study suggests that weedy rice might have evolved new drought tolerance and could provide a useful source of genetic resources for improving drought tolerance of crop cultivars and breeding direct seeded cultivars to reduce the usage of seeds in direct seeding.  相似文献   

Origins and population genetics of weedy red rice in the USA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Londo JP  Schaal BA 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(21):4523-4535
Weedy red rice (Oryza sativa spontonea) is a persistent and problematic weed of rice culture worldwide. A major hypothesis for the mechanism of production of this weed in South and Southeast Asia is hybridization between cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) and wild rice (Oryza rufipogon). However, weedy red rice can often be found outside the range of O. rufipogon leaving questions on the origin and process behind weedy rice infestations. In the USA, weedy red rice was first documented as early as 1846 and has continued to affect rice production areas. In this study, we attempt to identify the origin and population structure of weedy red rice sampled from the USA using both DNA sequence data from a neutral nuclear locus as well as microsatellite genotype data. Results suggest that two major accessions of weedy rice exist, strawhull and blackhull, and these forms may both hybridize with the cultivated rice of the USA, O. sativa japonica. Using population assignment of multilocus genotype signatures with principal component analysis and structure, an Asian origin is supported for US weedy rice. Additionally, hybridization between strawhull and blackhull varieties was inferred and may present the opportunity for the production of new weedy forms in the future.  相似文献   

Control of weeds in cultivated crops is a pivotal component in successful crop production allowing higher yield and higher quality. In rice‐growing regions worldwide, weedy rice (Oryza sativa f. spontanea Rosh.) is a weed related to cultivated rice which infests rice fields. With populations across the globe evolving a suite of phenotypic traits characteristic of weeds and of cultivated rice, varying hypotheses exist on the origin of weedy rice. Here, we investigated the genetic diversity and possible origin of weedy rice in California using 98 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and an Rc gene‐specific marker. By employing phylogenetic clustering analysis, we show that four to five genetically distinct biotypes of weedy rice exist in California. Analysis of population structure and genetic distance among individuals reveals diverse evolutionary origins of California weedy rice biotypes, with ancestry derived from indica, aus, and japonica cultivated rice as well as possible contributions from weedy rice from the southern United States and wild rice. Because this diverse parentage primarily consists of weedy, wild, and cultivated rice not found in California, most existing weedy rice biotypes likely originated outside California.  相似文献   

杂草稻是一类重要的稻属种质资源,具有耐寒、耐旱、耐瘠薄等优良特性.本文以88份中国北方杂草稻资源和4份栽培稻为材料,研究了中国北方杂草稻的光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度等光合与水分生理特性及其相互关系.结果表明: 北方杂草稻资源的光合和水分生理特性存在较大差异,具有丰富的多样性.杂草稻的光合速率变化范围在12.47~28.67 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1,瞬时水分利用效率的变化范围在1.39~3.40 mg·g-1.光合参数中,胞间CO2浓度的变异系数最小,气孔导度的变异系数最大.光合速率与蒸腾速率、气孔导度呈极显著的二次曲线关系,光合速率与胞间CO2浓度呈显著的直线关系,瞬时水分利用效率与蒸腾速率、气孔导度呈极显著的二次曲线关系.可用杂草稻材料的优越性能对栽培稻进行品种改良.  相似文献   

Weedy rice is the same biological species as cultivated rice (Oryza sativa); it is also a noxious weed infesting rice fields worldwide. Its formation and population‐selective or ‐adaptive signatures are poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the phylogenetics, population structure and signatures of selection of Korean weedy rice by determining the whole genomes of 30 weedy rice, 30 landrace rice and ten wild rice samples. The phylogenetic tree and results of ancestry inference study clearly showed that the genetic distance of Korean weedy rice was far from the wild rice and near with cultivated rice. Furthermore, 537 genes showed evidence of recent positive or divergent selection, consistent with some adaptive traits. This study indicates that Korean weedy rice originated from hybridization of modern indica/indica or japonica/japonica rather than wild rice. Moreover, weedy rice is not only a notorious weed in rice fields, but also contains many untapped valuable traits or haplotypes that may be a useful genetic resource for improving cultivated rice.  相似文献   

Rice is often found as various weedy forms in temperate or newly cultivated rice growing regions throughout the world. The emergence of these forms in the absence of true wild rice remains unclear. A genetic analysis of domestication-related traits (weed syndrome) has been conducted to better understand the appearance of these plants in rice fields. A doubled haploid (DH) population was derived from a cross between a japonica variety and a weedy plant collected in Camargue (France) to set up a genetic linkage map consisting of 68 SSR and 31 AFLP loci. Five qualitative traits related to pigmentation of different organs and 15 developmental and morphological quantitative traits were scored for genes and QTLs mapping. Despite a good reactivity in anther culture and a high fertility of the DH lines, segregation distortions were observed on chromosomal segments bearing gametophytic and sterility genes and corresponded to various QTLs evidenced in indica×japonica distant crosses. Mapping of the coloration genes was found to be in agreement with the presence of several genes previously identified and according to the genetic model governing the synthesis and distribution of anthocyan pigment in the plant. In addition, the main specific traits of weedy forms revealed the same genes/QTLs as progeny derived from a cross between Oryza sativa and its wild progenitor O. rufipogon. A large variation for most characters was found in the DH population, including transgressive variation. Significant correlations were observed between morphology and traits related to weeds and corresponded to a distinct colocalization of most of the QTLs on a limited number of chromosomal regions. The significance of these results on the origin of weedy forms and the de-domestication process is discussed. Received: 25 February 2000 / Accepted: 14 April 2000  相似文献   

Questions : Woody encroachment in savannas has been associated with changing taxonomic composition and ecosystem function. Interestingly, there is little understanding of how encroachment impacts plant functional diversity and how those changes relate to plant demography, a crucial mediator between taxonomic composition and ecosystem function. Location : Southeastern Brazil. Methods: Using a landscape scale fire suppression experiment in a diverse Brazilian savanna, we quantify how change in species composition over seven years impacted vegetative and reproductive tree functional diversity as determined by new recruits, dead and surviving trees. Results: Over seven years, tree above-ground biomass increased by 15%, while total species richness did not change. Despite minor changes, species composition remained overall similar (82%), with few species contributing significantly to plot dissimilarity over time. There were small changes in vegetative traits, where the community-weighted mean increased in maximum tree height (↑ 2.1%) and specific leaf area (↑ 5.3%), and decreased in wood density (↓ 1.3%) and bark thickness (↓ 9.4%). Changes in reproductive traits were larger than in vegetative traits, with an increase in the prevalence of monoecy (↑ 32.6%), dioecy (↑ 44.2%), large seeds (↑ 20.3%), animal-mediated seed dispersal (↑ 4.9%) and pollination by very small insects (↑ 45.5%), and a decrease in the prevalence of hermaphroditism (↓ 9%), small seeds (6.8%) and pollination by small insects (12.5%). The overall decrease in bark thickness and increase in monoecy and dioecy were mainly driven by characters of the new recruits, while the overall increase in specific leaf area (SLA) and decrease in small seeds appeared largely determined by the loss of trees possessing those traits. Conclusions: Encroachment leads to changes that are likely increasing ecosystem vulnerability to fire and drought. Further, the compositional changes observed appear to drive marked change in reproductive traits, indicating increasing dependence on animals for dispersal and reproduction. Understanding post-hoc encroachment impacts in an era of widespread pervasive encroachment is fundamental to reconciling ecosystem functions such as nutrient cycling and pollination services as there is a loss of species with open ecosystem life-history strategies. Among savannas, there remains an urgent need to understand relationships between woody cover and ecosystem function to determine thresholds in woody cover promoting resilient savanna ecosystems.  相似文献   

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