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正1月21日,公安部在新闻发布会上公布了十起打击侵犯知识产权和制售伪劣商品犯罪的典型案件。福建"2.22"假冒伪劣妇幼用品案2013年3月21日,公安部指挥河北、浙江、安徽、福建、湖北、四川等地公安机关,同步展开"2.22"假冒妇幼用品案收网行动,抓获犯罪  相似文献   

浅析交通事故原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着社会经济的增长,人们生活水平的提高,人们的购买力不断增强,机动车保有量和道路机动车流量聚增,道路交通各要素与日益增强的交通需求矛盾突出,道路交通事故呈上升态势,交通安全状况令人担忧,严重的影响社会经济的正常发展,危及人们的财产和生命安全,因而重点分析和研究交通事故多发点段和危险路段频发交通事故的原因并采取相应的对策,是当前道路交通安全管理的一大课题。  相似文献   

从我国目前煤矿安全生产的现状出发,从不同角度切入,例如采煤产业自身的特点、煤矿资源的现状和市场需求以及采煤安全事故的相关统计资料等方面,对我国采煤安全事故多发的原因进行了深度地分析和研究,并从政府和企业的立场出发,结合分析事故多发原因所得的结果较为客观的提出了相应的对策建议,以期对煤矿的安全生产提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

邬翠萍 《硅谷》2008,(21):169-169
"配了电脑跑了娃娃."安徽的人大代表余的娜在2006年两会议政时说:"村里好点的教师跑到乡镇,乡镇好点的跑到县里了,县里好点的跑到城里了."……  相似文献   

新的世纪,我们对教师研究开始关注起来,教师的职业倦怠问题是教师研究的重要问题,在国外研究已经比较多,并且引起了广泛的关注,对于我国而言这项研究刚刚起步,仍有许多的不足之处。本文在前人研究的基础上进行总结分析,探讨关于教师职业倦怠的原因极其应对策略。  相似文献   

文章就会计信息失真的原冈及治理对策进行了论述,并提出了从制定高质量的会计准则,防患人为因素等主客观方面下功夫才能见到实效.  相似文献   

目前,我国中小企业已经成为最具竞争力的经济力量之一。然而,中小企业所面临的融资困境却成为制约其发展的主要瓶颈。本文对中小企业融资难的原因进行分析,并提出了解决措施。  相似文献   

煤矿皮带机的主要功能是通过移动输送带完成煤炭等相关物品的运输操作,但在运输过程中经常出现皮带偏差现象,导致皮带磨损严重,影响其使用性能。该文以煤矿皮带机为主要研究对象,阐述了偏差出现的常见问题,提出了针对性的治理策略。供实际生产参考借鉴。  相似文献   

浅析企业人才流失的原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着市场经济的发展和经济全球化的到来,人力资源的流动性越来越强,人才的流动有愈演愈烈之势。频繁的人才流失必然会给企业带来不可估量的损失。目前,人才流失问题已经引起了社会的广泛重视。  相似文献   

本文针对当前基层图书馆服务质量低的现状及原因,提出了相应的改善图书馆服务质量的对策。要完善服务保障机制,扩大服务覆盖面;增强图书馆的宣传力度;树立良好的服务理念,提高馆员的综合素质,切实有效地提高服务质量。  相似文献   

Pricing strategies for information goods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Digital or information goods are becoming the norm across a wide variety of industries including books, music, entertainment, gaming and education. Due to the fact that the marginal cost of producing or reproducing information goods is very low, it is much easier to customise and personalise them for individual users. Furthermore, sellers of these information goods are increasingly using bundling and versioning strategies to appropriate a greater share of the surplus. This paper examines recent research on pricing of information goods with particular focus on customisation, bundling and versioning strategies adopted by information goods providers. The paper highlights both game-theoretic as well as optimisation models that not only provide different perspectives, but also examine issues of information goods pricing at different levels of abstraction and complexity.  相似文献   

In today’s very competitive business environment, one way that companies endeavour to cut their costs is by reducing inventory. In addition to the use of inventory management, retailers of fashion goods usually employ dynamic pricing to influence market demand, such as non-periodic clearance sales or markdowns to increase sales volume and deplete stocks of goods. This paper deals with the specific demand style of fashion goods under the condition in which partial backlogging is allowed and the number of replenishments is constrained in order to fit in the real world situation of limited supply. The optimal replenishment quantities and the corresponding intervals are obtained with consideration of customers’ reserve prices and their influence on demand. In addition, discrete dynamic pricing is considered to frequently change the product prices to meet the customer requirements in different periods and to avoid high inventory holding costs from unsold products. A numerical example is used to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach, and sensitivity analyses are performed to investigate the important factors that influence the replenishment cycle and profit.  相似文献   

The principle of uniformity in national and international transport regulations has now been widely recognized and implemented. Most features of the regulations are now fully operational e.g. in respect of classification, permitted packagings and maximum quantities, labelling etc. So far as packaging standards are concerned, 1990 is scheduled as the end of the transitional period. The major problem anticipated, that of the vast numbers of combination packagings needing testing and certifying, has hopefully been reduced to a level consistent with safety by the development of the UN limited quantity provisions, their adoption in the IMDG Code and the similar provisions in RID/ADR. The outstanding questions relate to air transport. Non-specification packagings have been acceptable in air transport under the transitional packaging arrangements since the ICAO Technical Instructions came into effect in 1983/84: these are often far larger in size than those covered in Chapter 15 of the UN Recommendations. As far as is known, the use of these non-specification packagings has not given rise to problems in air transport. It is hoped that the ICAO Dangerous Goods Panel will adopt practical limited quantity provisions from 31 December 1990.  相似文献   

随着信息获取变得越来越方便快捷,消费者策略行为在日常生活中变得越来越普遍。同时,产品的易腐蚀性使得时间敏感的消费者的选择更复杂。本文研究存在策略型消费者的易腐蚀性产品最优定价问题。垄断厂商在一定时期内销售有限个产品,消费者根据效用最大化原则选择自身的最优购买时机。本文分为不补充库存和补充库存两种情形。研究表明,厂商与消费者之间存在博弈均衡,厂商公布定价策略后,存在最优的阈值函数划分消费者结构。消费者的策略行为对厂商利润有重大影响,厂商可以根据市场需求状况和消费者时间敏感程度通过适当的库存和价格设定来减少消费者策略行为带来的损失。补充库存只有在市场需求较大的时候才优于不补充库存情形。  相似文献   

Uncertainty in incident rates for trucks carrying dangerous goods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the uncertainty associated with release and fire incident rates for trucks in transit carrying dangerous goods. The research extends the treatment of uncertainty beyond sensitivity analysis, low–best–high estimates and confidence intervals, and represents the uncertainty through probability density functions. The analysis uses Monte Carlo simulations to propagate the uncertainty in the input variables through to the resulting release and fire incident rates. The paper illustrates how we can combine information on accident and non-accident releases and fires to generate probability density functions for the total expected releases and fires per billion vehicle kilometres for trucks carrying dangerous goods.  相似文献   

The Dangerous Goods Regulations currently do not include limit leakage rates or sensitivity requirements for industrial leak testing procedures that are equivalent to the bubble test, which is the prescribed test method for design type testing of dangerous goods packagings. During series production of such packagings, various methods are used, which often do not meet the requirements of the bubble test with regard to important criteria. Sensitivity, flow direction, pressure level and automatability are particularly important factors when selecting a suitable industrial leak testing method. The following methods are in principle both suitable and equally effective as the bubble test: pressure rise test (vacuum chamber), ultrasonic bubble leak detection and gas detection methods (pressure technique by accumulation and vacuum chamber technique). To ensure a uniform test level during design type testing and production line leak testing and therefore a comparable safety level as required by the Dangerous Goods Regulations, it is necessary to include a more precise specification in these regulations. This requires, on the one hand, information about the sensitivity of the bubble test and, on the other hand, the inclusion of a list of suitable, equally effective industrial test methods with their specific boundary conditions.  相似文献   

Packagings for the transport of dangerous goods are tested by four tests:- free fall, leakproofness, hydraulic pressure and stacking. However, the test procedures can be interpreted in different ways, particularly the stacking test. Some test authorities apply a guided load to the top of the package and others, including the LNE in France, use non-guided loads. The objective of recent research carried out at LNE was to evaluate the risk (in terms of stack stability for dangerous goods packagings) if the stacking tests are performed with guided loads rather than non-guided loads. The stacking tests were carried out on a limited number of plastic drums (200 of four types) submitted for qualification testing using the above four tests, with either guided or non-guided loads. From the results we conclude that:
  • i for the transport of dangerous goods of Danger Group I, the field of use is not altered when tested by either procedure.
  • ii with goods of Danger Groups II and III, the use of either procedure does not alter the position as far as transport is concerned. However, there is a risk in warehousing: the non-guided procedure being preferred.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an automatic identification technology, relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags. This technology is being used in enterprise supply chain management‐related applications to improve the efficiency of inventory tracking and management. However, this technology has not been able to realize its promised potential because of several factors, such as lack of congruous worldwide standards, privacy issues and less than perfect read rates in supply chain applications. This research aimed to evaluate the readability issues commonly faced by tagged cases of palletized consumer products. The variables studied in this research were product‐package type, tag type, tag location on cases, pallet pattern and forklift speed through a RFID portal representative of a dock door in a warehouse. To determine which variables were the most significant, a binary logistic regression was run. The number of tags read was inputted for the number of events and total number of products per pallet as the number of trials. The variables product content, pallet pattern, and speed, and all interactions were then included in the model. It was observed that readability greatly varies for different product‐package systems, with paper towels producing near‐perfect reads, followed by bottled water and carbonated soda cans. The slower the forklift truck speed, the better the readability across the board, and the best pallet patterns were dependent on the product‐package type. For bottled water, the best pallet pattern was column, and for carbonated soda, the interlocking pattern. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A variety of industries handling perishable goods is faced with the challenge of reducing lead times in order to ensure the best possible freshness of products at the point of sales. Considering a short-term multi-day planning horizon, the implementation of quantitative optimisation approaches with a continuous-time representation is most appropriate for planning and scheduling. However, as the quality measures are usually standardised by discrete grades, coordination take thresholds of maximum delivery times into account. For this purpose, a new mixed-integer linear programming model is developed. It enables to assess complete material flows, whose formal composition originates in a method based on power sets on the one hand, but additionally allows for the exact scheduling of partial material flows between sites. Specific transportation conditions that need to be imposed with respect to shelf-life are included. The efficiency of the model is confirmed by comparison with an equivalent mixed-integer linear formulation that uses path variables for modelling complete material flows. Besides an illustrative example motivated by the real-life problem of a fresh produce company supplying a wholesaler group, both model formulations are validated within a numerical analysis composed of 10 scenarios with different numbers of suppliers, warehouses, markets and product variants. Each scenario includes six instances with randomly generated data. As a result of the computations using high-performance hardware and software, it was shown that the formulation based on power sets was superior in each instance, as it enabled determining optimal solutions within significantly reduced computation times.  相似文献   

The objective of the MITRA (monitoring and intervention for the transportation of dangerous goods) project was to prototype a new operational system for monitoring the transportation of dangerous goods in Europe based on regional responsibilities. This concept, based on systems used in air traffic control, aims to provide civil security centres with real-time knowledge of the position and contents of dangerous vehicles circulating in their area of responsibility, and, in the event of a dangerous situation, to issue warnings, alerts and crisis management information, thereby allowing intervention teams to react immediately with maximum safety. The project was funded by the European Commission under the 6th Framework Programme (STREP--specific targeted research project--under the Information Society Technologies priority). It started on 1 September 2004 and ended on 31 October 2006. This paper presents the results of this project and the conclusions derived from the field tests carried out in Germany and in the French/Spanish border region in order to test the proposed operational system.  相似文献   

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