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Dairy cows are negatively affected by the introduction of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), and consequently, produce less milk. Existing literature on potential milk production losses is based on relatively outdated data and hardly evaluates milk production loss in relation to a new BVDV infection in a surveillance system. This study determined the annual and quarterly loss in milk production of BVDV introduction in 3,126 dairy herds participating in the Dutch BVDV-free program between 2007 and 2017. Among these herds, 640 were “breakdown-herds” that obtained and subsequently lost their BVDV-free status during the study period, and 2,486 herds obtained and retained their BVDV-free status during the study period. Milk yields before and after BVDV introduction were compared through annual and quarterly linear mixed models. The fixed variables for both models included herd type (breakdown-herd or free-herd), bovine viral diarrhea status (on an annual and quarterly basis), year, season, and a random herd effect. The dependent variable was the average daily milk yield on the test day. To define the possible BVDV-introduction dates, 4 scenarios were developed. In the default scenario, the date of breakdown (i.e., loss of the BVDV-free status) was assumed as the BVDV-introduction date. For the other 3 scenarios, the BVDV-introduction dates were set at 4, 6, and 9 mo before the date of breakdown, based on the estimated birth date of a persistently infected calf. In the default scenario, the loss in milk yield due to BVDV introduction occurred mainly in the first year after breakdown, with a reduction in yield of 0.08 kg/cow per day compared with the last year before breakdown. For the other 3 scenarios, the greatest yield reduction occurred in the second year after BVDV introduction, with a loss of 0.09, 0.09, and 0.1 kg/cow per day, respectively. For the first 4 quarters after BVDV introduction in the default scenario, milk yield loss was 0.14, 0.09, 0.02, and 0.08 kg/cow per day, respectively. These quarterly results indicated that milk yield loss was greatest in the first quarter after BVDV introduction. Overall, BVDV introduction had a negative, but on average a relatively small, effect on milk yield for herds participating in the BVDV-free program. This study will enable dairy farmers and policymakers to have a clearer understanding of the quantitative milk production effect of BVDV on dairy farms in a control program.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine long-term responses in dairy herds after vaccination with 1 of 3 inactivated bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) vaccines with regard to antibodies against p80 protein in bulk tank milk samples, as detected by ELISA. In the present study, 29 dairy herds were vaccinated with Bovilis BVD (MSD Animal Health, Milton Keynes, UK), 11 with Hiprabovis Balance (Laboratorios Hipra, Amer, Spain), and 9 with Pregsure BVD (Zoetis, Florham Park, NJ). In these herds, bulk tank milk samples were collected and examined at the time of the first vaccination and every 6 mo during a 3-yr period. Samples were analyzed with a commercial ELISA test for the p80 protein of BVDV. The results demonstrated that vaccination affected the level of antibodies against p80. Hence, vaccination status should be taken into consideration when interpreting bulk tank milk antibody tests.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this research was to determine associations among seropositivity for bovine leukemia virus (BLV), bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP), and Neospora caninum (NC) and each of 3 outcome variables (305-d milk, fat, and protein production) in Canadian dairy cattle. Serum samples from up to 30 randomly selected cows from 342 herds on monthly milk testing were tested for antibodies against BLV (IDEXX ELISA; IDEXX Corporation, Westbrook, ME), MAP (IDEXX or Biocor ELISA; Biocor Animal Health, Inc., Omaha, NE), and NC (IDEXX or Biovet ELISA; Biovet Inc., St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada). Up to 5 unvaccinated cattle over 6 mo of age were tested for virus-neutralizing antibodies to the Singer strain of type 1 BVDV. Dairy Herd Improvement records were obtained electronically for all sampled cows. Linear mixed models with herd and cow as random variables were fit, with significant restricted maximum likelihood estimates of outcome effects being obtained, while controlling for potential confounding variables. Bovine leukemia virus seropositivity was not associated with 305-d milk, 305-d fat, or 305-d protein production. Cows in BVDV-seropositive herds (at least one unvaccinated animal with a titer ≥1:64) had reductions in 305-d milk, fat, and protein of 368, 10.2, and 9.5 kg, respectively, compared with cows in BVDV-seronegative herds. Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis seropositivity was associated with lower 305-d milk of 212 kg in 4+-lactation cows compared with MAP-seronegative 4+-lactation cows. Neospora caninum seropositivity in primiparous cows was associated with lower 305-d milk, fat, and protein of 158, 5.5, and 3.3 kg, respectively, compared with NC-seronegative primiparous cows. There were no interactions among seropositivity for any of the pathogens and their effects on any of the outcomes examined, although the low MAP seroprevalence limited this analysis. Results from this research will contribute to understanding the economic impacts of these pathogens and justify their control.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(8):5636-5658
In this scoping review, we characterized the literature reporting on the testing of bulk milk samples to detect microorganisms other than bacteria that can cause diseases in dairy cattle, including viruses, helminths, algae, and protozoa. A search strategy was completed by screening databases, conference proceedings, animal health agency websites, disease surveillance program websites, and handbooks of cattle-related diagnostic tests for potentially relevant articles. Two reviewers independently screened articles in English, Portuguese, or Spanish; original studies reporting on the testing of farm-level, unprocessed bulk milk samples for presence of pathogens or specific antibodies against agents other than bacteria that can cause diseases in cows were retained. From all studies, we used spreadsheets to extract relevant information, including pathogen screened, test used, and country of origin of bulk milk samples. Additionally, for studies reporting sufficient data to estimate test characteristics, we extracted detailed information about herd eligibility, testing protocol, and herd-level infection definition. A total of 8,829 records were identified, from which 1,592 were retained and assessed for eligibility, and 306 were included. Bovine viral diarrhea virus, Fasciola hepatica, Ostertagia ostertagi, and bovine herpesvirus 1 were the most frequently screened agents, reported from 107, 45, 45, and 33 studies, respectively. Sensitivity of bulk milk ELISA to detect herds with animals infected by bovine herpesvirus 1 ranged from 2 to 100%, and was affected mostly by antigen selection, cut-off adopted, herd vaccination status, and seroprevalence of lactating cows. Bulk milk ELISA had very high specificity to detect herds free of bovine leukemia virus, and varying sensitivity to detect herds with infected animals, which depended on the within-herd seroprevalence of lactating cattle. As for bovine viral diarrhea virus, in general, the sensitivity of bulk milk ELISA was moderate to high (>80%) when infection status was defined based on presence of persistently infected cattle or a high proportion of seropositive lactating cattle. Nevertheless, bulk milk ELISA was not able to distinguish infected and noninfected herds based on presence of seropositive unvaccinated weanlings. The PCR or quantitative PCR protocols employed had very low sensitivities (<40%) and very high specificities (>95%) to classify bovine viral diarrhea virus infection status of dairy herds. Sensitivity and specificity of bulk milk ELISA to classify herds with regards to presence of F. hepatica- or O. ostertagi-parasitized cattle were generally high and driven mostly by the definition of herd infection status. Conversely, bulk milk ELISA demonstrated varying characteristics to detect herds with or without Dictyocaulus viviparus-parasitized cattle, depending primarily on the antigen selected and presence of cattle with clinical signs of lungworm infection.  相似文献   

Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is a production-limiting disease common in North American dairy herds. To make evidence-based recommendations to Canadian dairy producers and their consultants regarding cost and financial benefits of BLV on-farm control, an economic model that takes the supply-managed milk quota system into account is necessary. Alberta-specific input variables were used for the presented analysis. A decision tree model program was used to evaluate economic aspects of decreasing a 40% BLV within-herd prevalence on dairy farms by implementing various control strategies over 10 yr. Investigated strategies were (1) all management strategies, including 3 options for colostrum management; (2) some management strategies; (3) test and cull; and (4) test and segregate. Each of these strategies was compared with a no control on-farm approach. The prevalence for this no-control approach was assumed to stay constant over time. Each control strategy incurred specific yearly cost and yielded yearly decreases in prevalence, thereby affecting yearly partial net revenue. Infection with BLV was assumed to decrease milk production, decrease cow longevity, and increase condemnation of carcasses at slaughter from cattle with enzootic bovine leukosis, thereby decreasing net revenue. Cows infected with BLV generated a yearly mean partial net revenue of Can$7,641, whereas noninfected cows generated Can$8,276. Mean cost for the control strategies ranged from Can$193 to Can$847 per animal over 10 yr in a 146-animal herd. Net benefits of controlling BLV on farm, as compared with not controlling BLV, per cow in a 146-animal herd over a 10-yr period for each strategy was: Can$1,315 for all management strategies (freezer); Can$1,243 for all management strategies (pasteurizer); Can$785 for all management strategies (powdered colostrum); Can$1,028 for some management strategies; Can$1,592 for test and cull; and Can$1,594 for test and segregate. Consequently, on-farm BLV control was financially beneficial. Even though negative net benefits were possible and expected for some iterations, our sensitivity analysis highlighted the overall robustness of our model. In summary, this model provided evidence that Canadian dairy farmers should be encouraged to control BLV on their farm.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(1):576-588
Bovine leukemia virus (BLV), which causes enzootic bovine leukosis and immunosuppression, is widely prevalent on Japanese dairy farms. However, in the absence of a national eradication scheme with compensation programs, it is important to estimate BLV-associated economic losses to raise farmers' awareness. Mastitis (includes both clinical and subclinical) is a common disease in the dairy industry and the most common reason for culling. We hypothesized that immunosuppression due to BLV predisposes subclinical mastitis. A retrospective cohort study was conducted to trace Holstein cows at 9 commercial dairy farms in the Nemuro and Kushiro regions of Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan, where monitoring of BLV proviral load is routine. Information regarding Dairy Herd Improvement data, parity number, and delivery day was collected at each farm. Cows with no confirmed infection with BLV during lactation were defined as non-infected. Low-proviral-load and high-proviral-load (H-PVL) cows were defined as those in which proviral load was below and over 2,465 copies/50 ng of DNA, respectively, or 56,765 copies/105 cells, respectively, throughout the lactation period. Survival analysis was performed using the frailty model to estimate the hazard ratio of subclinical mastitis for BLV infection status using data from 1,034 dairy cows after adjusting for parity number and delivery season as confounding factors. Kaplan–Meier survivor curves demonstrated that half of the H-PVL cows developed subclinical mastitis within 52 d after calving. The hazard ratio of subclinical mastitis for H-PVL cows was 2.61 times higher than that of non-infected cows. In 2017, there were 264,443 clinical mastitis cases in Hokkaido. Using field and published data, annual economic losses were estimated using Monte Carlo simulation. The economic loss due to mastitis associated with BLV infection per H-PVL cow was $418.59 (¥43,952), with the annual economic loss in Hokkaido Prefecture due to mastitis caused by BLV infection estimated at $6,097,225 (¥640,208,633). In summary, H-PVL cows were more susceptible to subclinical mastitis than non-infected and low-proviral-load cows, and mastitis due to BLV infection was projected to cause significant economic losses.  相似文献   

We developed a custom bovine leukemia virus (BLV) control program for the Alberta dairy industry, consisting of a risk assessment and a comprehensive list of best management practices (BMP) aimed at prevention of BLV transmission between cattle. This control program was implemented on 11 farms for approximately 1 yr. Blood samples were collected from all cattle ≥12 mo old, and serum was tested with a commercial ELISA. Risk assessments were performed on each farm, risk-connected on-farm management was identified, and management changes expected to prevent transmission of BLV between cattle were suggested by the first author and agreed upon with each farmer. Throughout the following year, all participating farmers were visited multiple times to identify and overcome barriers to implementation and to monitor progress. After approximately 1 yr of implementing BLV control, all cattle ≥12 mo old on farm with a negative or no previous test result were sampled, and the within-herd prevalence was determined. The median number of cattle on farm that were ≥12 mo was 195 (range 110–524). The initial prevalence averaged 39% (13–66%). On average, 5 BMP (3–7) were suggested to each farmer. On average, 4 BMP (1–7) were implemented. At the second sampling, the average within-herd prevalence of all animals that tested positive (including the previous sampling) was 36% (12–62%). Eight farms reduced their within-herd BLV prevalence, within-herd prevalence stayed constant on 1 farm, and it increased on 1 farm. The remaining farm terminated their participation before the second sampling. The number of seroconversions per farm ranged from 3 to 109, highlighting the success of some producers to minimize new infections. The risk assessment was proven to be a valuable tool to identify flaws in on-farm management, although risk assessment score was unrelated to the within-herd BLV prevalence. Finally, it appeared that implementation of BMP aimed at prevention of BLV transmission between cattle could reduce within-herd BLV prevalence when farmers committed to their implementation.  相似文献   

Studies in young animals have shown an association between vitamin deficiencies and increased risk of infectious disease; however, there is a paucity of information regarding the effect of acute infection on the vitamin status of the vitamin-replete neonate. To characterize the effects of acute infection on vitamin D and E status of the neonate, 6 vitamin-replete preruminant Holstein bull calves were experimentally infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV; strain BVDV2-1373). Six mock-inoculated calves served as controls. Sustained pyrexia, leukopenia, and asynchronous increases in serum haptoglobin and serum amyloid A characterized the response of calves to infection with BVDV. Infection was also associated with increased serum IFN-γ, IL-2, and IL-6 concentrations. During the last 8 d of the 14-d postinoculation period, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and α-tocopherol concentrations in infected calves decreased by 51 and 82%, respectively. The observed inverse association between vitamin D and E status and serum amyloid A in infected calves suggests that the infection-induced acute phase response contributed to the reduced vitamin status of these animals. Additional studies are necessary to determine if the negative effect of infection on status are unique to this specific infection model or is representative of preruminant calf’s response to acute infection. Studies are also needed to characterize mechanisms underlying infection-related changes in vitamin D and E status and to determine whether additional vitamin D or E supplementation during an acute infection diminishes disease severity and duration in the young animal.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(9):7764-7772
Mycoplasma bovis is an important pathogen causing pneumonia, mastitis, and arthritis in cattle, leading to reduced animal welfare and economic losses worldwide. In this cross-sectional study, we investigated the prevalence of M. bovis in bulk tank milk (BTM) and herd characteristics associated with a positive antibody test result in Swedish dairy herds. Bulk tank milk samples from all Swedish dairy herds (n = 3,144) were collected and analyzed with ID Screen antibody ELISA and PCR. Information on herd characteristics was collected from the national Dairy Herd Improvement database. To identify herd characteristics associated with the presence of antibodies in BTM, logistic regression was used in 4 different models. The apparent herd-level prevalence of M. bovis infection based on antibodies in BTM was 4.8%, with large regional differences ranging from 0 to 20%. None of the BTM samples was positive by PCR. All the antibody-positive herds were situated in the south of Sweden. The logistic regression model showed that larger herds had higher odds of detectable antibodies in BTM (herd size >120 cows, odds ratio = 8.8). An association was also found between antibodies in BTM and both a higher late calf mortality (2–6 mo) and a higher young stock mortality (6–15 mo). This study showed a clear regional difference in the apparent prevalence of M. bovis infection based on antibodies. The relatively low prevalence of M. bovis in Sweden is a strong motivator for the cattle industry to take steps to prevent further spread of the infection. It is essential that the M. bovis status of free herds be known, and the regional differences shown in this study suggest that testing is highly recommended when live cattle from high-prevalence areas are being introduced into herds. We do not recommend using PCR on BTM to detect infected herds, owing to the low detection frequency in this study.  相似文献   

The medium-term effects of permanent or random exposure to stray voltage applied to the water trough were evaluated on milk production and stress physiology in lactating dairy cows. Seventy-four Holstein cows were assigned during two 8-wk experimental periods to 1 of 3 treatments. The treatments were permanent exposure to voltage (PERM, 1.8 V, n = 23) applied to the water trough, random exposure to voltage (RAND, 1.8 V, 36 h/wk, n = 25), and no exposure to voltage (control, n = 26). On the first day of voltage exposure, PERM cows had higher activity levels than control cows (9.8 ± 2.70 vs. −2.3 ± 2.74 14-s periods of movement/h). During the eighth week of exposure, RAND cows had higher activity levels than control cows (4.2 ± 3.64 vs. −7.7 ± 3.54 14-s periods of movement/h) and higher milk cortisol concentration than PERM cows (0.21 ± 0.024 vs. 0.14 ± 0.020 ng/mL). No differences were observed between treatments for cortisol response after an ACTH challenge during the seventh week of exposure. No effects of voltage exposure were observed on production traits and daily water intake. There was a transient decrease in milk yield on the second day of exposure in PERM cows (−1.4 ± 0.74 kg) and on the third day of exposure in RAND cows (−3.5 ± 1.03 kg) compared with control cows. In dairy cows, permanent or random exposure to stray voltage (1.8 V; 3.6 mA) could induce a transient stress response. Moreover, unpredictable voltage exposure could be considered a mild stressor, with slight modifications in stress physiology and activity but no impairment in production in the medium term.  相似文献   

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