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The objective of this study was to determine the effect of beet pulp (BP) and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) on silage fermentation quality and in vitro ruminal dry matter (DM) digestion of vegetable residues, including white cabbage, Chinese cabbage, red cabbage, and lettuce. Silage was prepared using a small-scale fermentation system, and treatments were designed as control silage without additive or with BP (30% fresh matter basis), LAB inoculant Chikuso-1 (Lactobacillus plantarum, 5 mg/kg, fresh matter basis), and BP + LAB. In vitro incubation was performed using rumen fluid mixed with McDougall's artificial saliva (at a ratio of 1:4, vol/vol) at 39°C for 6 h to determine the ruminal fermentability of the vegetable residue silages. These vegetable residues contained high levels of crude protein (20.6-22.8% of DM) and moderate levels of neutral detergent fiber (22.7-33.6% of DM). In all silages, the pH sharply decreased and lactic acid increased, and the growth of bacilli, coliform bacteria, molds, and yeasts was inhibited by the low pH at the early stage of ensiling. The silage treated with BP or LAB had a lower pH and a higher lactic acid content than the control silage. After 6 h of incubation, all silages had relatively high DM digestibility (38.6-44.9%); in particular, the LAB-inoculated silage had the highest DM digestibility and the lowest methane production. The vegetable residues had high nutritional content and high in vitro DM digestibility. Also, both the addition of a LAB inoculant and moisture adjustment with BP improved the fermentation quality of the vegetable residue silages. In addition, LAB increased DM digestibility and decreased ruminal methane production.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to select lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains isolated from silage and assess their effect on the quality of maize silage. The LAB strains were inoculated into aqueous extract obtained from maize to evaluate their production of metabolites and pH reduction. The ability to inhibit the pathogenic and silage-spoilage microorganisms’ growth was evaluated. Nine LAB strains that showed the best results were assessed in polyvinyl chloride experimental silos. The inoculation of the LAB strains influenced the concentration of lactic and acetic acids and the diversity of Listeria. The inoculation of silages with Lactobacillus buchneri (UFLA SLM11 and UFLA SLM103 strains) resulted in silages with greater LAB populations and improvements after aerobic exposure. The UFLA SLM11 and SLM103 strains identified as L. buchneri showed to be promising in the treatment of maize silage.  相似文献   

Alfalfa silages from 2 similar trials were analyzed for in vitro ruminal gas production. In both trials, there were 15 treatments: alfalfa treated at ensiling with 1 of 14 lactic acid bacterial inoculants or untreated alfalfa. First-cut (477 g of dry matter/kg) and second-cut (393 g of dry matter/kg) alfalfa were ensiled in glass jars for a minimum of 35 d at room temperature (∼22°C). At opening, a portion of each silage was wet-ground with a mixer. Each silage was then assessed for in vitro ruminal gas production in 3 replicate runs with the wet-ground silage, 1 on the fresh silage and 2 on frozen and thawed silage. In vitro gas production was measured in 160-mL sealed serum vials incubated at 39°C. One gram of silage was incubated with 17.1 mL of nutrient solution, 0.9 mL of reducing solution, and 12 mL of ruminal inoculum (1:2 vol.vol mixture of rumen fluid and buffer). Gas production was measured manually by using a pressure gauge at 3, 6, 9, 24, 48, and 96 h. At 96 h, the rumen fluid was analyzed for pH and volatile fatty acids. In the 2 trials, the untreated control silage produced either numerically the highest or one of the highest levels of gas production per unit of dry matter incubated. In first-cut silage, 9 of the inoculant treatments at 9 h and 4 treatments at 96 h had reduced gas production compared with the control. In second-cut silage, 10 inoculant treatments at both 9 and 96 h had reduced gas production compared with the control. Furthermore, in first-cut silage, the fraction of total gas production at 3, 6, and 9 h was numerically the highest for the control, and only 4 treatments were not significantly lower than the control at 9 h. In second-cut silage, 2 of 14 inoculated treatments produced faster fractional rates of gas production than the control, but most inoculated treatments had numerically slower fractional rates (4 significant) in the first 9 h. The in vitro fermented wet-ground control silages had one of the highest acetate:propionate ratios in both trials, significantly higher than 12 and 8 of the inoculated treatments in first- and second-cut silage, respectively. The response in acetate:propionate ratio in both cuts was similar, even though the control silage was highest in lactic acid in one trial and lowest in the other. Overall, inoculation of crops at ensiling appears to affect in vitro ruminal fermentation of wet-ground silages, even in the absence of large effects during silage fermentation.  相似文献   

玉米乳酸菌饮料的工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以玉米为原料,采用全酶法糖化工艺与多株乳酸菌互生发酵相结合的方法,在37℃条件下对玉米酶解液发酵48h。发酵液经过滤后加适量的砂糖、柠檬酸及复合稳定剂,可调制成酸甜可口、富含多种氨基酸的乳酸发酵饮料。  相似文献   

The objectives were to examine the aflatoxin B1 (AFB1)-binding capacity of silage bacteria and factors affecting the responses. Experiments 1 and 2 examined the effects of bacterial strain and population on the AFB1-binding capacity of 10 bacteria. When applied at 106 cfu/mL to an in vitro medium, only Lactobacillus plantarum PT5B bound the AFB1 and the binding capacity was low (4%). When applied at 109 cfu/mL, all 10 bacteria bound AFB1, but L. plantarum R2014 (Lp) and EQ12, Lactobacillus buchneri R1102 (Lb), and Pediococcus acidilactici R2142 and EQ01 (Pa) had the greatest capacity (23.9 to 33%). Experiment 3 examined the AFB1-binding capacity of viable and nonviable (HCl-treated) forms of Lp, Lb, and Pa at different pH. Nonviable Lb and Lp, but not Pa, increased AFB1 binding. Binding of AFB1 was greatest at pH 2.5 and least at pH 8. As the nonviable Lb and Lp that bound AFB1 in experiment 3 would not be effective silage inoculants, experiment 4 examined effects of benign versus severe treatments (85 vs. 100°C; pH 2.5 vs. <1) on the viability of Lp, Lb, and Pa. The population of bacteria was reduced from 9 to 4 log cfu/mL by treatment with HCl at pH 2.5 and to 2 log cfu/mL by 85 or 100°C, whereas acidification at pH <1 eliminated the bacteria. Experiment 5 determined the effect of the ensiling duration and benign treatment methods [37 (viable cells) or 85°C (heated cells) or acidification with HCl at pH 2.5 (acid-treated cells)] on binding of AFB1 and silage quality during the fermentation of corn forage. Corn forage was ensiled after treatment with only deionized water (control), AFB1 (30 µg/kg of fresh forage), or a mixture of AFB1 and 109 cfu/g of each of the treated bacteria. Adding AFB1 alone to corn forage reduced the pH decline during the first 3 d of ensiling and increased or tended to increase butyric acid concentration and final pH after ensiling for 21 d. Bacterial inoculation inhibited these negative effects. The fermentation profile of silage treated with Lb and Pa did not differ from those of the control silage. In all silages treated with the toxin, the AFB1 concentration decreased linearly (from 30 to ≤0.35 µg/kg) within 3 d of ensiling. Certain silage bacteria can bind AFB1 but the efficacy depends on several factors.  相似文献   

Inoculated silages sometimes improve cattle performance, possibly because of probiotic effects of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) silage inoculants. The cause of improved animal performance following feeding with inoculated silage is unclear. One issue in studying this phenomenon is to find out whether LAB pass from silage into the rumen fluid and survive in it. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether LAB from inoculated and uninoculated silages pass into the rumen fluid in vitro. Wheat and corn silages, uninoculated or inoculated with 1 of 10 commercial silage inoculant LAB, were prepared in glass jars. After ensiling, a 2.5-g silage sample was added to 25 mL of heat-sterilized or strained rumen fluid together with 5 g/L glucose, and incubated for 48 h at 39 degrees C. Analysis of the incubated rumen fluid included pH measurement, enumeration of LAB, and determination of lactic acid and volatile fatty acids (VFA). The pH of the rumen fluid decreased during incubation; both heat-sterilized and strained rumen fluid contained large numbers of LAB. The heat-sterilized rumen fluid contained lactic acid in addition to VFA, whereas the strained rumen fluid contained only VFA. The results indicate that LAB pass from silage samples into the rumen fluid in vitro and survive there. Their interactions with rumen microorganisms should be studied further to understand how some silage inoculant LAB exhibit probiotic effects in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Natural populations of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and silage fermentation of vegetable residues were studied. Fifty-two strains of LAB isolated from cabbage, Chinese cabbage, and lettuce residues were identified and characterized. The LAB strains were gram-positive and catalase-negative bacteria, which were divided into 6 groups (A to F) according to morphological and biochemical characteristics. The strains in group A were rods that did not produce gas from glucose and formed the d and l isomers of lactate. Groups B and C were homofermentative cocci that formed l-lactic acid. Groups D, E, and F were heterofermentative cocci that formed d-lactic acid. Based on 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis, group A to F strains were identified as Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactococcus piscium, Lactococcus lactis, Leuconostoc citreum, Weissella soli and Leuconostoc gelidum, respectively. The prevalent LAB, predominantly homofermentative lactobacilli, consisted of Lactobacillus plantarum (34.6%), Weissella soli (19.2%), Leuconostoc gelidum (15.4%), Leuconostoc citreum (13.5%), Lactococcus lactis (9.6%), and Lactococcus piscium (7.7%). Lactobacillus plantarum was the dominant member of the LAB population in 3 types of vegetable residues. These vegetable residues contained a high level of crude protein (20.2 to 28.4% of dry matter). These silages prepared by using a small-scale fermentation system were well preserved, with low pH and a relatively high content of lactate. This study suggests that the vegetable residues contain abundant LAB species and nutrients, and that they could be well preserved by making silage, which is a potentially good vegetable protein source for livestock diets.  相似文献   

以麦胚为原料,利用复合乳酸菌发酵研制麦胚乳酸菌发酵饮品。以离心沉淀率为评价指标,优化稳定剂含量;采用单因素试验及正交试验,优化麦胚乳酸菌发酵饮品工艺条件,并测定其理化指标。结果表明,最佳稳定剂为羟丙基二淀粉磷酸酯0.5%、琼脂0.2%;最佳发酵工艺条件为嗜热链球菌(Streptococcus thermophiles)、保加利亚乳杆菌(Lactobacillus bulgaricus)、乳双歧杆菌(Bifidobacterium lactis)、鼠李糖乳杆菌(Lactobacillus rhamnosus)、植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)、嗜酸乳杆菌(Lactobacillus acidophilus)、干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus casei)按照配比1∶1∶1∶1∶1∶1∶1制备发酵剂,接种量0.03%,发酵时间24 h,发酵温度 42 ℃。在此最佳条件下,麦胚乳酸菌发酵饮品为乳酪色,质地黏稠,口感细腻,总蛋白3.53 g/100 g,总膳食纤维2.12 g/100 g,维生素E 1.28 mg/100 g,亚油酸669 mg/100 g,α-亚麻酸75.8 mg/100 g,乳酸活菌数2.1×109 CFU/mL。  相似文献   

The economic damage that results from aerobic deterioration of silage is a significant problem for farm profitability and feed quality. This paper quantifies the dry matter (DM) and nutritional losses that occur during the exposure of corn and sorghum silages to air over 14 d and assesses the possibility of enhancing the aerobic stability of silages through inoculation with lactic acid bacteria (LAB). The trial was carried out in Northern Italy on corn (50% milk line) and grain sorghum (early dough stage) silages. The crops were ensiled in 30-L jars, without a LAB inoculant (C), with a Lactobacillus plantarum inoculum (LP), and with a Lactobacillus buchneri inoculum (LB; theoretical rate of 1 × 106 cfu/g of fresh forage). The pre-ensiled material, the silage at silo opening, and the aerobically exposed silage were analyzed for DM content, fermentative profiles, yeast and mold count, starch, crude protein, ash, fiber components, 24-h and 48-h DM digestibility and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) degradability. The yield and nutrient analysis data of the corn and sorghum silages were used as input for Milk2006 to estimate the total digestible nutrients, net energy of lactation, and milk production per Mg of DM. The DM fermentation and respiration losses were also calculated. The inocula influenced the in vitro NDF digestibility at 24 h, the net energy for lactation (NEL), and the predicted milk yield per megagram of DM, whereas the length of time of air exposure influenced DM digestibility at 24 and 48 h, the NEL, and the predicted milk yield per megagram of DM in the corn silages. The inocula only influenced the milk yield per megagram of DM and the air exposure affected the DM digestibility at 24 h, the NEL, and the milk yield per megagram of DM in the sorghum silages. The milk yield, after 14 d of air exposure, decreased to 1,442, 1,418, and 1,277 kg/Mg of DM for C, LB, and LP corn silages, respectively, compared with an average value of 1,568 kg of silage at opening. In the sorghum silages, the milk yield, after 14 d of air exposure, decreased to 1,226, 1,278, and 1,250 kg/Mg of DM for C, LB, and LP, respectively. When the estimated milk yield per megagram of harvested DM of corn and sorghum silage were related to mold count, it was shown that the loss of potential milk production occurred when the mold count exceeded 4 log cfu/g of silage, and it was almost halved when the mold count reached values greater than 8 log cfu/g of silage. Inoculation with L. buchneri, at a rate of 1 × 106 cfu/g of fresh forage, enhanced the stability of the silage after exposure to air, and, consequently, contributed to maintaining the nutritional value of the harvested forage over time, for air exposure up to 7 d.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of applying different bacterial inoculants to corn silage at the time of ensiling on the performance of lactating dairy cows. Corn plants were harvested at 35% dry matter (DM), chopped, and ensiled in 2.4-m-wide bags after application of (1) no inoculant (CON); (2) Biotal Plus II (B2) containing Pediococcus pentosaceus and Propionibacteria freudenreichii; (3) Buchneri 40788 (BUC) containing Lactobacillus buchneri; or (4) Buchneri 500 (B500) containing Pediococcus pentosaceus and L. buchneri. All inoculants were supplied by Lallemand Animal Nutrition (Milwaukee, WI). Each of the 4 silages was included in separate total mixed rations consisting of 44% corn silage, 50% concentrate, and 6% alfalfa hay (DM basis). Fifty-two lactating Holstein cows were stratified according to milk production and parity and randomly assigned at 22 d in milk to the 4 dietary treatments. Cows were fed for ad libitum consumption and milked twice daily for 49 d. Dietary treatment did not affect intakes (kg/d) of DM (20.0), crude protein (CP; 3.7), neutral detergent fiber (NDF; 5.7), or acid detergent fiber (ADF; 3.6), or digestibility (%) of DM (73.9) or CP (72.4). However, NDF digestibility was lower in cows fed B2 compared with those fed other diets (45.3 vs. 53.0%). Consequently, cows fed B2 had lower digestible NDF intake (kg/d) than those fed other diets (2.5 vs. 3.0 kg/d). Dietary treatment did not affect milk yield (32.3 kg/d), efficiency of milk production (1.61), concentrations of milk fat (3.18%) and protein (2.79%), or yields of milk fat (1.03 kg/d) and protein (1.26 kg/d). Inoculant application to corn silage did not affect milk yield or feed intake of cows.  相似文献   

Ensiling alfalfa with silage additives containing lactic acid bacteria and enzymes increased fiber digestibility of fresh but not wilted alfalfa in 90 day ensiling, and resulted in a rapid, controlled homolactic fermentation of both fresh and wilted alfalfa. The enzyme treatment was most effective in ensiling fresh cut alfalfa using a cocktail of cellulase, hemicellulase and pectinase enzymes with lactic acid bacteria inoculum containing Pediococcus, Lactobacillus and Streptococcus spp.  相似文献   

黑小麦乳酸菌饮料的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以黑小麦、牛乳为原料,用驯化的乳酸菌进行发酵制成营养丰富,酸甜适度黑小麦乳酸菌饮料,文中介绍了菌种驯化方法,加工工艺及操作要点,并研究了黑小麦乳酸菌饮料的发酵条件为:蔗糖添加量为2%,接种量为3%,发酵温度43℃,发酵时间7-8h。  相似文献   

Wheat silages are the major roughage for high-producing lactating dairy cows in Israel; therefore, their quality is important. The main objective of the current study was to determine the preservation status and nutritional quality of commercial wheat silages in Israel. An additional objective was to develop predictive equations for dry matter digestibility (DMD) and neutral detergent fiber digestibility (NDFD) based on chemical composition of the silages, which would permit estimation of the digestibility from chemical composition. A total of 143 commercial wheat silages were sampled and analyzed for 3 yr. Fourteen random samples that were not included in the regression analysis were used to validate the equations by the bias and error of the model. Results revealed that wheat silages were quite sensitive to aerobic exposure; additives resulted in some improvement of the aerobic stability. After choosing the significant terms from ash, crude protein (CP), NDF, acid detergent fiber (ADF), and acid detergent lignin (ADL) by PROC STEPWISE of SAS, the following prediction equations were obtained from all 143 samples: DMD = 86.3 + (0. 70 × CP) − (0.46 × ADF) − (1.67 × ADL); and NDFD = 20.3 + (1.00 × CP) + (1.16 × NDF) − (0.88 × ADF) − (2.25 × ADL). The bias and the error of the prediction model for DMD were approximately 0.006 and 0.065, respectively; the bias and error for NDFD were approximately 0.007 and 0.118, respectively. It was concluded that the prediction model for DMD was quite adequate, whereas that for NDFD was less acceptable.  相似文献   

Enterococcus faecalis CA 6, E faecium CA 10, E casseliflavus CA 13, Weissella paramesenteroides CA 14, Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides CA 17, Pediococcus pentosaceus CA 21, P acidilactici CA 25 and Lactobacilus plantarum CA 28 isolated from forage crops were characterised and their effects on silage fermentation were studied. Strains CA 6, CA 10 and CA 13 grew only at relatively high pH (above 5.0), while strains CA 21, CA 25 and CA 28 were able to grow at pH values below 4.0. Strain CA 25 grew at 50 °C, but the others did not grow at above 45 °C. These strains were used as inoculants for perennial ryegrass silage ensiled at 25 or 45 °C. At 25 °C all strains significantly (P < 0.01) reduced the pH value and butyric acid content and greatly increased the lactic acid content compared with the control, particularly strains CA 21, CA 25 and CA 28. At 45 °C strain CA 25 markedly improved the fermentation quality of silage, but the others did not. These silages had a lower lactic acid content and a higher proportion of L (+)‐ to total lactic acid than equivalent silages kept at 25 °C. The results confirmed that at 25 °C P pentosaceus CA 21, P acidilactici CA 25 and L plantarum CA 28 were the most effective, whereas at 45 °C only P acidilactici CA 25 had a beneficial effect on silage fermentation quality. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

甜高粱青贮饲料中乳酸菌最佳添加剂量的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究自制复合乳酸菌制剂对甜高粱秸秆青贮品质的影响,以探讨自制复合乳酸菌制剂对甜高粱秸秆青贮的最佳添加剂量。以甜高粱秸秆为材料,分别接种0.5mL/kg、1.0mL/kg、1.5mL/kg、2.0mL/kg、2.5mL/kg的自制菌剂和一定比例的台湾、美国商品青贮 菌剂,并以不加菌剂为空白对照(CK)进行青贮,青贮后检测分析评价。添加自制菌剂后,乳酸含量明显提高(P<0.05),中性洗涤纤 维含量显著降低(P<0.05),氨基酸态氮/总氮含量下降。添加量为1.5mL/kg时,乳酸含量最高,较对照高了177.15%,较美国、台湾分 别高出29.90%、31.18%;粗蛋白含量最高,比对照高了25.61%,比美国、台湾分别高出13.51%、8.91%;同时,1.5mL/kg处理组总糖含量 较美国、台湾高出14.01%、6.81%。经综合评价,自制乳酸菌剂可提高甜高梁青贮发酵品质,最佳添加量为1.5mL/kg。  相似文献   

The antioxidant activities of the fermented wheat gluten hydrolysates with different fermentation times were investigated to elucidate the impact of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) fermentation on the wheat gluten hydrolysates. Prior to LAB fermentation, wheat gluten was deamidated by hydrochloric acid and then hydrolysed by pancreatin to 12 and 24 h, respectively. Results showed that LAB fermentation had significant impacts on the enzymatic efficiency and antioxidant activities of wheat gluten. The degree of hydrolysis and protein recovery of hydrolysates gradually increased and then reached maximum values, respectively, when fermenting with LAB for 36 h. The hydrolysis degree and protein recovery of fermented pancreatin 24‐h hydrolysates were larger than that of the fermented pancreatin 12‐h hydrolysates during the whole fermentation. The antioxidant activity analysis revealed a marked increase and improvement in the scavenging activities of 1,1‐Diphenyl‐2‐picrylhydrazyl·radicals, hydroxyl radicals and oxygen radical absorbance capacity, while the scavenging activities of ABTS+ radical decreased as the fermentation time extended. The antioxidant activities of pancreatin 24‐h hydrolysates were higher than that of the pancreatin 12‐h hydrolysates during the whole LAB fermentation.  相似文献   

该研究以13株食品常见乳酸菌为研究对象,考察酸和盐胁迫对其活性的影响,探究这13株乳酸菌的最适酸、盐生长条件及耐酸、耐盐能力。结果表明,适当的低盐浓度(1%、2%)对部分乳酸菌的生长有促进作用,植物乳杆菌和副干酪乳杆菌的最适盐浓度为1%,保加利亚乳杆菌和嗜酸乳杆菌的最适盐浓度为2%;盐浓度进一步增大,13株乳酸菌的生长受到抑制;盐浓度为10%时,除戊糖片球菌、乳酸乳球菌乳酸亚种、嗜热链球菌和乳酸片球菌外,其余9株菌的生长抑制率都>95%。当pH值为5~7时,13株乳酸菌都生长良好,pH=6时,7株乳酸菌活性均最高;随着酸胁迫的增强,13株乳酸菌生长受抑制程度增大;pH为1~3时,13株乳酸菌的生长抑制率都>90%,高盐及高酸对9株杆菌的抑制作用强于4株球菌。  相似文献   

Three corn hybrids (Pioneer 36F30, Mycogen TMF2450, and Mycogen TMF2404) were compared for yield and quality traits, and lactation performance and apparent digestibility by Holstein cows. The three corn silages were harvested at a target of 33 to 35% dry matter. Before harvest, six corn plants were randomly selected for plant fractionation. Grain-to-stover ratios were 0.92, 0.70, and 0.95 for the 36F30, TMF2450, and TMF2404 corn plants, respectively. Fifty-two multiparous Holstein cows were placed on a 120-d lactation trial after a 21-d covariate diet. Cows were blocked by calving date and randomly assigned within block to one of three dietary treatments, containing approximately 40% (dry matter basis) corn silage. Milk yield, milk components, and dry matter intake did not differ among dietary treatments. In vitro true and neutral detergent fiber digestibilities were numerically higher for TMF2404 than the other corn silage hybrids. Apparent total-tract crude protein and neutral detergent fiber digestibilities, as measured by acid insoluble ash, were higher for TMF2450 than the other two hybrids, but starch digestibility was not different between the corn silage dietary treatments. Although small differences in nutrient content and digestibility existed among corn silage hybrids, inclusion of these leafy hybrids in lactating cow diets at 40% of the dietary dry matter did not have a significant impact on lactation performance of dairy cattle.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the relationship between in vitro and in vivo CH4 production by cows fed corn silage (CS)-based rations. In vivo CH4 production was measured in climate respiration chambers using 8 rumen-cannulated Holstein-Friesian cows. In vitro CH4 production was measured using rumen fluid from the 8 cows that were fully adapted to their respective experimental rations. The animals were grouped in 2 blocks, and randomly assigned to 1 of the 4 total mixed rations (TMR) that consisted of 75% experimental CS, 20% concentrate, and 5% wheat straw [dry matter (DM) basis]. The experimental CS were prepared from whole-plant corn that was harvested at either a very early (25% DM), early (28% DM), medium (32% DM), or late (40% DM) stage of maturity. The 4 experimental TMR and the corresponding CS served as substrate in 2 separate in vitro runs (each run representing 1 block of 4 animals) using rumen fluid from cows fed the TMR in question. No relationship was found between in vivo CH4 production and in vitro CH4 production measured at various time points between 2 and 48 h. None of the in vitro gas production (GP) and CH4 production parameters was influenced by an interaction between substrate and origin of rumen fluid. In vitro measured 48-h GP was not affected by the maturity of whole-plant corn, irrespective whether CS alone or as part of TMR was incubated in adapted rumen inoculum. Incubation of the experimental TMR did not affect the kinetics parameters associated with gas or CH4 production, but when CS alone was incubated the asymptote of GP of the soluble fraction was slightly decreased with increasing maturity of CS at harvest. In vitro CH4 production expressed as a percent of total gas was not affected by the maturity of whole-plant corn at harvest. Several in vitro parameters were significantly affected (GP) or tended to be affected (CH4) by diet fed to donor cows. It was concluded that the current in vitro technique is not suitable to predict in vivo CH4 production from CS-based rations.  相似文献   

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