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本研究分别对中国美利奴羊(新疆型)体格大品系和毛质好品系制定出综合选择指数I1=1.97x1 3.32x2(x1为体重,x2为毛量)和I2=2.2x1 0.67x2(x1为弯曲评分,x2为毛量),使用效果表明,两个选择指数实用性较为理想。  相似文献   

本文分析了中国美利奴羊 (新疆军垦型 )不同部位、年龄、品系羊毛长度 ,用最小显著极差法(LSR法 )进行多重比较。结果表明 ,不同部位毛长由长到短顺序为肩 >侧 >股 >背 >腹 ,体侧、肩与腹、背有极显著差异 (P <0 .0 1 )。不同年龄羊毛长度从高到低顺序为 1 .5~ 3.5~ 2 .5~ 4 .5~ 5.5~ 6.5~ 7.5岁 ,育成羊羊毛长度明显高于其它年龄羊只 ,2 .5、3.5、4 .5、5.5岁间羊毛长度无显著差异 ,但 2 .5、3.5、4 .5、与 7.5岁间差异极显著 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,.5.5岁与 7.5岁 ,2 .5、3.5与 6.5岁间差异显著 (P <0 .0 5)。A、M、D系间毛长差异不显著 ,但与U、X系间差异极显著 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,U系与X系差异极显著 (P >0 .0 1 )。  相似文献   

为系统了解中国美利奴羊(新疆型)毛质好品系(下称毛质系)和体格大品系(下称体大系)毛纤维物理性能,我们于1991年和1994年分别对巩乃斯种羊场两品系公母羊的毛纤维物理性能,进行了分析研究,如果如下。  相似文献   

本文对中国美利奴羊(新疆军垦型)多胎品系数量性状的遗传力、表型相关进行了初步研究,建立了回归方程,用相关指数对回归方程进行效果分析。此类型的早期性状如断奶体重变异系数大(20.8%)、遗传力高(0.51),与周岁体重(0.7032)、周岁毛量(0.6612)高度正相关(P<0.010,与周岁体重的相关指数较高(0.4945),断奶重估计周岁体重、周岁毛量效果较好,是早期选择的重要性状,应加强羔羊的培育,以充分发挥其生产潜力。  相似文献   

紫泥泉种羊场选育的中国美利奴羊 (新疆军垦型 )细型、超细型品系羊体重 (41.6 3kg)、毛密度 (6 52 7根 /cm2 )、净毛率 (59.0 5% )等经济性状分别与非品系 (46 .0 7kg、5870根 /cm2 、6 1.53% )比较差异不显著 (P >0 .0 5) ,细度性状 (18.6 1μm)与非品系 (2 1.2 0 μm)比较差异极显著 (P <0 .0 1)。体尺与非品系比较差异不显著 ,符合中国美利奴羊标准  相似文献   

中国美利奴羊(新疆型)主要性状生长发育规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过分析中国美利奴羊(新疆型)母羊从断乳、1.5岁的体重、羊毛长度、产毛量等性状的生长发育规律,结果表明从断乳到1.5岁期间,体重、毛长发育较快,1.5岁以后,羊毛长度、体重增长趋缓,羊毛弯曲明显程度评分、油汗颜色评分两性状在整个生长发育阶段趋于稳定。  相似文献   

品系群体近交系数为 11.76 % ,三个世代近交增长速度分别为 1.8%、2 .5%、0 .91%。近交系数在控制强度以下 ,但一、二世代近交强度过高  相似文献   

品系主要经济性状随着羊毛纤维直径减小均呈现不同程度下降趋势。遗传力除断奶毛长为低遗传力 ,其它性状为中、高遗传力 ;在表型相关上 ,羊毛纤维直径与初生重为正相关 ,与其它性状为负相关 ;在遗传相关上 ,羊毛纤维直径与其它性状间都为负相关  相似文献   

采用巩乃斯种羊场中国美利奴羊(新疆型)肉用类型1995年4月—2001年4月周岁母羊生产性状的鉴定成绩和同年的剪毛测定结果。根据半同胞遗传协方差,对其部分生产性状的遗传规律做了分析。结果是剪毛后体重、剪毛量、毛长、目测羊毛细度遗传力分别为0.519、0.416、0.466、0.325。通过相关分析揭示了剪毛后体重、剪毛量、毛长、目测羊毛细度之间的表型相关与遗传相关。  相似文献   

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is an intractable neuropathic painful disorder affecting one or less commonly more than one limb, disproportionate to or even without clear noxious event. It may occur without or with peripheral nerve injury, thus classifying such syndrome into type I or II, respectively. It was previously referred to as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) or Sudek's atrophy. We had reported this case as right wrist CRPS-I in 62 year old male patient, presented with severe unexplained acute right wrist pain and periarticular distal forearm soft tissue swelling, preliminary clinically diagnosed as septic arthritis. After full radiological examinations, CRPS type I was reported after exclusion of all other similar clinico-radiological presentations. The patient was treated conservatively with successful response.  相似文献   

目的:评价健身气功.八段锦对社区2型糖尿病(T2 DM)伴抑郁患者抑郁症状与生活质量的影响。方法:随机抽取北京市社区297例T2 DM患者,运用抑郁自评量表(SDS)筛查其中伴发抑郁症状者;再将69例T2 DM伴抑郁症状的患者随机分为八段锦组(n=33)和社区护理组(n=36)。八段锦组在接受社区健康教育的基础上,规律练习健身气功.八段锦,每周练习3~5天,每次练习2遍,2遍之间休息2min,连同准备活动和整理运动,一次练习在40min左右,每周集中练习1次。社区护理组仅接受社区健康教育。研究周期均为12周。分别在干预前、干预第6周和第12周,应用自评抑郁量表(SDS)和2型糖尿病人生活质量量表(DMQLS)评价两组患者抑郁症状和生活质量,并抽取静脉血检测糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)。结果:八段锦组干预后第6周和第12周时SDS均值较干预前降低(P<0.05),社区护理组干预前后差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),八段锦组第12周SDS均值低于社区护理组(P<0.05)。八段锦组第12周DMQLS总分均值及心理维度、满意度维度均值低于社区护理组(P<0.05)。八段锦组第12周HbA1c均值低于社区护理组(P<0.05)。结论:长期规律练习健身气功.八段锦可有效改善T2 DM伴抑郁患者的抑郁症状,提高其生活质量,尤其是在心理维度和满意度维度方面,并可帮助患者稳定血糖水平。  相似文献   



To test the effects of heart rate, body mass index (BMI) and noise level on interscan and interobserver variability of coronary artery calcium (CAC) scoring on a prospective electrocardiogram (ECG)-triggered 64-slice CT.

Materials and Methods

One hundred and ten patients (76 patients with CAC) were scanned twice on prospective ECG-triggered scans. The scan parameters included 120 kV, 82 mAs, a 2.5 mm thickness, and an acquisition center at 45% of the RR interval. The interscan and interobserver variability on the CAC scores (Agatston, volume, and mass) was calculated. The factors affecting the variability were determined by plotting it against heart rate, BMI, and noise level (defined as the standard deviation: SD).


The estimated effective dose was 1.5 ± 0.2 mSv. The mean heart rate was 63 ± 12 bpm (range, 44-101 bpm). The patient BMIs were 24.5 ± 4.5 kg/m2 (range, 15.5-42.3 kg/m2). The mean and median interscan variabilities were 11% and 6%, respectively by volume, and 11% and 6%, respectively, by mass. Moreover, the mean and median of the algorithms were lower than the Agatston algorithm (16% and 9%, respectively). The mean and median interobserver variability was 10% and 4%, respectively (average of algorithms). The mean noise levels were 15 ± 4 Hounsfield unit (HU) (range, 8-25 HU). The interscan and interobserver variability was not correlated with heart rate, BMI, or noise level.


The interscan and interobserver variability of CAC on a prospective ECG-triggered 64-slice CT with high image quality and 45% of RR acquisition is not significantly affected by heart rate, BMI, or noise level. The volume or mass algorithms show reduced interscan variability compared to the Agatston scoring (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

吕仕超  张军平 《转化医学杂志》2014,3(3):158-161,179
冠心病是临床常见的心血管疾病之一,其患病率呈上升趋势。抗血小板治疗是冠心病最重要的治疗方法,可以有效减少心血管事件的发生。尽管经皮冠状动脉介入治疗开拓了冠心病治疗的全新局面,但是介入前后抗血小板治疗仍是至关重要的。随着抗血小板药物的广泛应用,抵抗现象或非特异性治疗反应下降逐渐引起重视;而联合用药的出现,使得出血等不良反应也随之增加。活血化瘀类中药防治冠心病疗效肯定,且不良反应少,因而临床上大多数冠心病患者至少服用一种活血化瘀类中成药,有的甚至服用多种。然而活血化瘀中药种类复杂,剂型不一,活血化瘀中药与抗血小板药物联用防治冠心病尚需大样本、多中心、前瞻性随机对照研究去评价其疗效和安全性,同时也亟待明确联合用药的机制,为临床合理、规范的联合用药提供依据。  相似文献   

目的:探讨内镜治疗70岁以上高危重症急性胆管炎(ACST)患者的临床应用价值。方法:70岁以上高危ACST84例,分成外科手术组(n=48)及内镜治疗组(n=36),观察治疗结果。结果:临床治愈72例,其中手术治疗组治愈率81.2%,内镜治疗组治愈率91.6%;与手术治疗组比较,内镜治疗组病死率由18.8%降至9.1%,并发症发生率由37.5%降至13.9%,平均引流时间由39.4天降至18.6天,总治疗时间由46.2天缩短至22.8天。结论:内镜治疗是高龄高危ACST患者的首选治疗方法,具有操作简便、微创、安全有效的特点,尤其适用于一般情况差、伴发多器官功能不全综合征(MODS)以及有胆道手术史者。  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the reproducibility of imaging and analysis for bone mineral density (BMD) determination using digital computer-assisted X-ray radiogrammetry (DXR; Pronosco X-posure, version V.2, Sectra Pronosco, Denmark); to verify potential factors that influence BMD extrapolation such as tube voltage, film-focus distance (FFD), film quality and brand (Kodak T-MAT-Plus, Konika SRH, Agfa Scopix), imaging technology (conventional, digital), imaging system (Kodak, Agfa) and exposure level (mAs); and to clarify whether DXR analysis based on printouts of digital images is comparable to analysis of conventional images.Design and patients The hand of a cadaver was X-rayed using varied parameters: 4–8 mAs, 40–52 kV, 90–130 cm FFD. Radiographs under standardised conditions were performed 10 times using a conventional machine (Philips Super 80 CP) and the printouts of a digital system (Digital Diagnost Philips Optimus) for the analysis of reproducibility. One image was scanned and analysed 10 times additionally for imaging reproducibility.Results Reliability error of the system for the imaging process using conventional radiographs-rays was 0.49% (standard conditions: 6 mAs, 40 kV, 1 m FFD), using printouts of digital images was 2.89% (4 mAs, 42 kV, 1 m FFD) and regarding the analysis process was 0.22%. BMD calculation is not affected by alterations in FFD (precision error 1.21%), mAs (0.83%) or film quality/brand (0.38%), but differs significantly depending on tube voltage (2.70%). The system was not able to analyse conventional images with tube voltages of 49/52 kV.Conclusion DXR technology is stable with most of the tested parameters. Normative data should exclusively be used for calculations using similar tube voltage or correction factors. All other parameters had no significant influence on the BMD calculation. Reproducibility is high. For technical reasons it is not recommended to use the printouts of digital images for BMD determination.  相似文献   


Purpose: To investigate the effects of electromagnetic pulses (EMP) on associative learning in mice and test a preliminary mechanism for these effects.

Materials and methods: A tapered parallel plate gigahertz transverse electromagnetic (GTEM) cell with a flared rectangular coaxial transmission line was used to expose male BALB/c mice to EMP (peak-intensity 400 kV/m, rise-time 10 ns, pulse-width 350 ns, 0.5 Hz and total 200 pulses). Concurrent sham-exposed mice were used as a control. Associative learning, oxidative stress in the brain, serum chemistry and the protective action of tocopherol monoglucoside (TMG) in mice were measured, respectively.

Results: (1) Twelve hour and 1 day post EMP exposure associative learning was reduced significantly compared with sham control (p < 0.05) but recovered at 2 d post EMP exposure. (2) Compared with the sham control, lipid peroxidation of brain tissue and chemiluminescence (CL) intensity increased significantly (p < 0.05), while the activity of the antioxidant enzymes Superoxide Dismutase [SOD], Glutathione [GSH], Glutathione Peroxidase [GSH-Px], Catalase [CAT]) decreased significantly (p < 0.05) at 3 h, 6 h, 12 h and 1 d post EMP exposure. All these parameters recovered at 2 d post EMP exposure. (3) No significant differences between the sham control group and EMP exposed group were observed in serum cholesterol and triglycerides. (4) Pretreatment of mice with TMG showed protective effects to EMP exposure.

Conclusions: EMP exposure significantly decreased associative learning in mice and TMG acted as an effective protective agent from EMP exposure. This mechanism could involve an increase of oxidative stress in brain by EMP exposure.  相似文献   

Population studies were carried out on German and Turkish individuals from South-West Germany using the short tandem repeat (STR) systems HumFibra (n = 138 Turkish and 1161 German individuals) and HumACTBP2 (n = 202 Turkish and 1338 German individuals). After electrophoresis 19 alleles could be identified for HumFibra and 55 for HumACTBP2. No significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed. Received: 11 February 1998 / Received in revised form: 4 May 1998  相似文献   

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