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利用LAHET和MCNP程序对ADS散裂中子靶进行模拟计算。因靶的基本物理性质随束流和靶形状的变化而改变,所以首先评估了源强和靶的几何形状对靶性质的可能影响,然后计算长1.2m、直径为0.6m的圆柱形液态铅靶在1GeV质子轰击下,靶内中子的产生和泄漏及能量的沉积等。与文献数据、实验数据进行了比较,符合良好。计算结果还表明:源强和几何的选择对中子产生和泄漏可产生较大影响;用液态铅作散裂靶时,中子产额和泄漏额较高,且泄漏能谱在可利用范围内,但能量沉积在靶中的分布极不均匀,这可能给传热带来问题。  相似文献   

利用蒙卡程序DCM/CEM对ADS标准散裂中子靶进行了计算。计算了长0.6 m,直径0.2 m的圆柱形208Pb靶,在0.1~1.6 GeV的质子轰击下,Pb靶发生散裂反应产生的中子产额及表面的中子注量、能谱分布以及靶内能量沉积分布,解释了以前的实验结果。计算结果与文献数据、实验数据进行了比较,符合良好,对进一步进行ADS堆芯设计具有较好的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

散裂中子靶能量沉积研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用SHIELD程序研究了中高能质子入射在长0.6m、直径0.2m的圆柱形铅靶上的第入射质子产生的能量沉积。同时计算了靶材料分别为Be、C、Al、Cu、Pb和贫化铀的每个射质子产生的能量沉积沿轴向分布。计算结果与实验数据符合很好。分别对束流为10mA、能量为1.5Ge质子点入射、散焦入射散理解靶能量沉积引起的靶内功率密度分布进行了研究。  相似文献   

与传统加速器驱动次临界系统(ADS)采用金属靶作为散裂中子靶的设计不同,加速器驱动次临界熔盐堆(AD-MSRs)采用靶堆一体的设计,直接使用燃料熔盐作为散裂中子靶。由于熔盐靶的中子学性能直接影响AD MSRs的能量放大系数、核废物的嬗变和核燃料增殖的效率,所以本研究基于MCNPX程序,详细计算了高能质子轰击氟盐和氯盐两种熔盐靶产生的散裂中子产额、散裂中子能谱、能量沉积分布以及散裂产物等中子学性能,并与液态Pb和铅铋共熔体(LBE)两种液态金属靶进行了对比。计算结果表明,熔盐靶在散裂中子产额上与液态金属靶有一定的差距,但熔盐靶内能量沉积分布的梯度较小,更有利于靶区的热量导出。与液态Pb和LBE靶相比,熔盐靶的散裂产物中包含更多的气体以及高质量数的α发射体核素。  相似文献   

利用不同的程序对ADS散裂靶进行了模拟计算。用SNSP,SHIELD,DCM\CEM(Dubna Cascade Model\Cascade EvaporationMode)和LAHET等程序计算了长60 cm,直径20 cm的圆柱形铅靶,分别在800,1000,1500 and 2000 MeV的质子轰击下所产生的泄漏中子产额和能谱分布。模拟结果与实验数据进行了比较,对泄漏中子产额而言,SNSP模拟的结果与实验符合较好,SHIELD,DCM\CEM和LAHET计算的泄漏中子能谱分布比较一致。  相似文献   

为研究加速器驱动的次临界系统(ADS)散裂靶的散裂中子学特性,采用Geant4计算不同能量质子轰击铅铋靶产生的泄漏中子产额、能谱、轴向积分分布。模拟得到1 GeV质子对应的靶的优化尺寸及优化后泄漏中子谱,计算结果可为ADS散裂靶件和堆芯设计提供参考。  相似文献   

考虑了不同入射能量的质子和中子轰击W、Pb靶,利用SHIELD程序系统,研究了我国未来可能使用的靶体的辐射损伤截面、原子位移截面和原子位移率,并同Wechsler的研究结果进行了比较。同时,对1.6GeV的质子沿中心轴线入射长60cm、直径20cm厚铅靶在不同部位引起的辐射损伤进行了研究,得到合理的结果。  相似文献   

散裂中子源靶站和中子散射谱仪的概念设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文介绍了可应用于多学科应用的散裂中子源(CSNS)靶站和中子散射谱仪概念设计的进展。CSNS靶站将由重水冷却多片钨靶,铍/铁反射体和铁/重混凝土生物屏蔽体组成。采用三个WING型慢化器:水(室温),液体甲烷(100K)和液体氢(20K),设有18个水平中子孔道。MonteCarlo模拟显示优化的靶截面高宽比为1:2.5左右。额定的100kW核功率的质子束轰击后,慢化器处钨靶溢出的脉冲中子通量约为2.4×1016cm?2·s?1。有限元方法计算表明,钨靶体内的总发热量是47kJ/s。即使使用截面较小的钨靶,在通常的水冷速率下,靶体温度也仅略高于90°C。靶体的热应力形变最大不超过0.2mm。根据经济实用原则选择建造粉末衍射仪、小角散射仪、反射仪及直接几何非弹性散射仪等四类有代表性的中子散射谱仪,就能覆盖>80%的中子散射研究领域。  相似文献   

作为核能可待续发展的一种新技术,加速器驱动洁净能源(ADS)是当前国内外的研究热点。ADS需要约1018S-1中子驱动次临界装置,散裂中子源是 ADS一个关键部分。散裂中子源的束窗、靶和其它结构材料受到大剂量的中子或质子的照射,辐照损伤非常严重。 不锈钢和钨是重要的散裂中子源的束窗材料、靶材料和结构材料。本工作采用重离子辐照模拟研究了高剂量中子和质于辐照在800C退火的国产改进型316L不锈钢(MSS)、普通不锈钢(SS)和钨(W)产生的辐照效应。辐照采用85 MeV19F或80 MeV 12C,辐照在室温下进行。辐照剂量分别为:W,2.0和20.0dpa(每个原子的位移数);SS,2.28和22.8dpa:MSS,30dpa。辐照产生的辐射损伤采用正电子湮没寿命方法检测。图1和图2分别是正电子湮没  相似文献   

散裂靶中子的能谱对加速器驱动次临界系统的倍增因数和嬗变率等影响很大,计算表明散裂靶中子谱在MeV能区与裂变中子谱相近。本文利用活化法测量临界装置的泄漏中子谱和中子注量率,提出了用In、Al、Mg、Ti、Au、Zn、Ni、Rh、Fe和Co等活化箔测量散裂靶中子能谱和中子注量率的方案。结果表明,将活化箔在散裂靶中子场中辐照5h,中子注量最高达5×1014 cm-2量级,辐照后1h内取出活化箔,根据半衰期的长短安排测量顺序,可测量散裂靶的中子能谱和中子注量率。  相似文献   

The MEGAPIE project, aiming at the construction and operation of a megawatt liquid lead-bismuth spallation target, constitutes the first step in demonstrating the feasibility of liquid heavy metal target technologies as spallation neutron sources. In particular, MEGAPIE is meant to assess the coupling of a high power proton beam with a window-concept heavy liquid metal target. The experiment has been set at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland and, after a 4-month long irradiation, has provided unique data for a better understanding of the behavior of such a target under realistic irradiation conditions. A complex neutron detector has been developed to provide an on-line measurement of the neutron fluency inside the target and close to the proton beam. The detector is based on micrometric fission chambers and activation foils. These two complementary detection techniques have provided a characterization of the neutron flux inside the target for different positions along its axis. Measurements and simulation results presented in this paper aim to provide important recommendations for future accelerator driven systems (ADS) and neutron source developments.  相似文献   

A feasibility study on natural uranium spallation target in accelerator-driven system (ADS) for minor actinide (MA) transmutation was performed. As a result of comparative study of uranium and lead-bismuth (PbBi) targets in the bare case without blanket surrounding, it was found that uranium target had better neutron generation performance, but limited by the geometrical size due to high neutron absorption in 238U. In ADS for MA transmutation, uranium used as target instead of PbBi also absorbs neutrons passing the target area.More realistic concept of pin type uranium spallation target cooled by liquid PbBi was considered aiming at enhancing spallation target performance in terms of neutron generation efficiency and operation temperature. The uranium pin target design had nothing better effects on neutron balance of such system than a conventional PbBi target in ADS and it was concluded that uranium target was not suitable for the full-scale ADS.  相似文献   

The Lead-Bismuth Eutectic(LBE) spallation target has been considered as one of the two alternatives for the spallation target for China Initiative Accelerator-Driven System.This paper reports the preliminary study on physical feasibility of a U-type LBE target with window.The simulation results based on Monte Carlo transport code MCNPX indicate that the spallation neutron yield is about 2.5 per proton.The maximum spallation neutron flux is observed at about 3 cm below the lowest part of the window.When the LBE target is coupled with the reactor,the reactor neutrons from the fission reaction increased the neutron field significantly.The energy deposition of highenergy protons is the main heat source;the spallation neutrons and reactor neutrons contribute only a small fraction.The maximum energy deposition in the LBE is about 590 W/cm~3 and that in the target window is about319 W/cm~3.To estimate the lifetime of the target window,we have calculated the radiation damages.The maximum displacement production rate in the target window is about10 dpa/FPY.The hydrogen and helium production rates generated during normal operation were also evaluated.By analyzing the residual nucleus in the target during the steady operation,we estimated the accumulated quantities of the extreme radioactivity toxicant ~(210)Po in the LBE target loop.The results would be helpful for the evaluation of the target behavior and will be beneficial to the optimization of the target design work of the experimental facilities.  相似文献   

The neutron multiplication parameters: neutron multiplication M, subcritical multiplication factor ks, external source efficiency φ*, play an important role for numerical assessment and reactor power evaluation of an accelerator-driven system (ADS). Those parameters can be evaluated by using the measured reaction rate distribution in the subcritical system. In this study, the experimental verification of this methodology is performed in various ADS cores; with high-energy (100 MeV) proton–tungsten source in hard and soft neutron spectra cores and 14 MeV D–T neutron source in soft spectrum core. The comparison between measured and calculated multiplication parameters reveals a maximum relative difference in the range of 6.6–13.7% that is attributed to the calculation nuclear libraries uncertainty and accuracy for energies higher than 20 MeV and also dependent on the reaction rate distribution position and count rates. The effects of different core neutron spectra and external neutron sources on the neutron multiplication parameters are discussed.  相似文献   

Neutron energy,fluence rate,angular distributions and dose equivalent rate distributions around the thick Be,Cu,Au targets bombarded by 50MeV/u ^18O-ion were measured using a threshold detector activation method.At the same time,the neutron yields of ^18O-ion and the neutron emission rates in the forward direction were obtained approximately.  相似文献   

The relationship between flow field characteristics and geometrical structures is an important issue in designing liquid metal spallation target for accelerator-driven sub-critical system (ADS). Upward spiral flow target (USFT) is a new type ADS windowless target in which an impeller is employed to generate upward spiral flow and regulate internal flow field. The impeller comprises a central shaft and several identical blades, and its geometry is very crucial for designing the target. In this paper, series models with different geometric parameters of the shaft and the blades are simulated by ANSYS CFX to analyse the distributions of internal flow field and the dimensions of stagnation zone in USFT. The results show that the shaft plays a primary role in guiding the upward flow while the blades are significant for generating the spiral flow. Finally, an optimized model with preferred geometric parameters is obtained by comparing the overall simulation results. The whole research has foundational signification for further studying USFT.  相似文献   

The crucial problem for radiation shielding design at heavy ion accelerator facilities with beam energies of several GeV/n is the source term problem. Experimental data on double differential neutron yields from thick targets irradiated with high-energy uranium nuclei are lacking. At present there are not many Monte Carlo multipurpose codes that can work with primary high-energy uranium nuclei. These codes use different physical models for simulating nucleus–nucleus reactions. Therefore, verification of the codes with available experimental data is very important for selection of the most reliable code for practical tasks. This paper presents comparisons of the FLUKA, GEANT4 and SHIELD code simulations with experimental data on neutron production at 1 GeV/n 238U beam interaction with a thick Fe target.  相似文献   

The distribution of neutrons produced by the reaction of 50MeV/u ^12C-ion on a thick Cu target are studied.The neutrons are measured with threshold activation detectors.Al.F,C,Al and In activation samples were used to measure neutrons with energy greater than 7,11,20,50MeV and thermal neutrons,respectively,The fluence rate,energy and angular distributions of neutrons,total neutron yield of 12C-ion and the emission rate in the forward direction of neutrons over 11 and 20MeV were obtained.  相似文献   

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