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To determine the suitability of a new colostrum substitute derived from goat serum and to determine the amount of colostral IgG needed to achieve serum IgG concentration > 800 mg/dl, twin kids from 14 does were fed colostrum or a colostrum substitute. The volume of colostrum or colostrum substitute fed was calculated so that half the kids in each group received IgG at a low dosage (1.5 g/kg of body weight) and the other half received IgG at a high dosage (3 g/kg). Kids were bottle fed the colostrum or colostrum substitute and then fed pooled goat's milk until 18 hours old, at which time they were allowed to nurse their dams. Does were milked manually every 2 hours after parturition until specific gravity of mammary secretions was < 1.02, the specific gravity of goat's milk. Serum IgG concentration of each kid was determined by means of single radial immunodiffusion at birth and 12, 18, and 24 hours and 7, 21, and 42 days after birth. Kids were weighed at each blood collection and monitored for illness daily. None of the kids had measurable serum IgG concentrations at birth. Mean serum IgG concentration was significantly higher in kids fed colostrum than in kids fed colostrum substitute at all times, except days 7 and 42 (P < 0.05). By 24 hours after birth, serum IgG concentration was > 800 mg/dl in all kids fed colostrum, in 4 of 7 kids fed the substitute at the higher dosage, and in 2 of 7 kids fed the substitute at the lower dosage.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In connection with a study on the prophylaxis of infectious diarrhea with specific egg yolk antibodies, the systemic availability of colostral bovine immunoglobulin G (bIgG) and chicken immunoglobulin Y (IgY) after feeding egg powder was investigated on 26 newborn calves from 23 different farms. Blood was sampled daily and at the same day time from these calves in the first 14 days of life. During the feeding of colostrum, the mean bIgG concentration was highest at day 1 post natum with a value of 9.3 mg/ml serum. Thereafter, the mean bIgG level was reduced continuously to a significant lower concentration of 4.9 mg/ml serum at day 12 post natum and remained nearly constant at 5.2 mg/ml till to the end of the observation period. Total protein concentrations in the serum did not change and plateaued at a mean value of 56.2 mg/ml (SD 11.2). The number of colostrum meals had no significant effect on the mean bIgG concentrations during that period. The individual variation of bIgG concentrations was very high on every day of the sampling period. The mean coefficient of variation was at 52.1 % (SD 5.7). After having described the individual bIgG concentration curves mathematically with a regression curve, two groups with significantly different bIgG elimination constants (k) could be obtained. Thus in one group (n = 10) with k-values of < -0.02 a mean half time of serum bIgG of 24.3 days (SD 4.6) was calculated. In the other group of calves (n = 16) with elimination constants of k > -0.02, a mean half time of 68.5 days (SD 36.7) could be calculated, possibly because these calves started earlier with their endogenous bIgG production. Additionally, to 18 of these calves 20 g egg powder with an IgY concentration of 15 mg/g was fed up to day 14. Calves had a maximal mean IgY concentration of 1.9 micrograms/ml serum if egg powder feeding started already during the first 12 hours of life. Starting at a later time resulted in a significant reduction of IgY levels. For example, the mean initial IgY concentration dropped to 0.035 micrograms/ml serum after having had the first egg powder application between 25 and 48 hours post natum. Using the individual IgY elimination constant derived from a regression analysis (r2 = 0.84) of the IgY concentration curve, a mean IgY half time of 5.0 days (SD 2.5) could be calculated. To prevent the absorption of heterologous antibodies and consecutively, also to prevent a possible systemic effect, egg powder for prophylactic purposes in newborn calves should be fed after the first 24, better 48 hour, post natum. Most important for the prophylactic effect of specific antibodies on infectious diarrhea is not their systemic but their high local intestinal availability.  相似文献   

Fat-soluble vitamins and their metabolites modulate immune function in a variety of animal species. The objective of the present study was to determine the role of fat-soluble vitamins in colostrum and milk in the development of specific aspects of immune function in the calf during the 1st wk postpartum. During this period, control calves (n = 6) were fed normal colostrum and milk, and calves in the treatment group (n = 6) were fed skimmed colostrum and skimmed milk supplemented with coconut oil. Treated calves did not experience the progressive increase in concentrations of retinol, beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, or retinoic acids in serum that was observed in control calves. Acquisition of passive immunity, which is indicated by concentrations of immunoglobulin G1 in serum, was unaffected by treatment. Composition and functional capacities of populations of blood mononuclear leukocytes that were collected from birth to 7 d postpartum were also unaffected by treatment. Major changes in the function and composition of mononuclear leukocyte populations from all calves occurred during the experimental period and were unrelated to the concentrations of fat-soluble vitamins in serum. Populations of blood mononuclear leukocytes from calves were functionally hyporesponsive and compositionally different from populations of blood mononuclear leukocytes from adult nongravid cows. These differences likely reflected the immaturity of the immune system of the neonatal calf and may contribute to the increased susceptibility of the calf to infectious disease.  相似文献   

Eighty-five unsuckled newborn calves, were fed 1.5 L of colostrum of known IgG concentration at either 2, 4, 6 or 8 hours after birth with no additional colostrum feeding. Another group of 11 calves were left with their dam for 16 hours after birth, before separation. Blood samples were taken from all calves 24 hours after colostrum feeding or separation from the dam and serum Ig concentrations were measured by electrophoresis. There were no significant differences in mean serum Ig concentrations between calves fed at the different times after birth. Three of the 11 calves left to suckle were hypogammaglobulinaemic. Other calves in this group had higher serum Ig concentrations than the means of all other groups. All groups had mean serum Ig concentrations higher than the suggested minimum concentration required for adequate calf health. There were a number of calves that did not reach the suggested minimum serum concentration after feeding, but calf mortality was low and all calves were healthy apart from a slight scour for a few weeks after birth. There was no significant relationship between serum Ig concentration 24 to 48 hours after birth and either calf mortality or average growth rate over an 8- to 10-month period.  相似文献   

1. Centrifugation in density gradients was used to study the fragments produced during intraluminal and intracellular digestion, after the injection of 125I-labelled immunoglobulin G (IgG) into different regions of the small intestine of 14 to 15-day-old (pre-closure) and 24-day-old (post-closure/ rats. 2. After injection into the proximal small intestine and into the ileum of pre-closure animals, the bulk of the radioactivity recorded for gut washes and gut homogenates was located at 4S-7S. The serum from animals which had received injections into the proximal small intestine had high radioactivity and one peak at 7S; the serum from animals which had received injections into the ileum had low radioactivity and no activity in the 7S region. 3. After injection into the proximal small intestine of post-closure animals, the bulk of the radioactivity recorded for gut wash samples was located at 3-5S--5S. Gut homogenates had peak activity at 2-5S--4S. Thus large molecular weight products can be absorbed by the proximal enterocytes of post-closure rats and degraded. The sera of these animals had low radioactivity. 4. After injection into the distal small intestine of post-closure animals, the bulk of the radioactivity recorded for gut wash and gut homogenate samples was located at 4S-7S and in this respect the radioactivity plots resembled those for (2) above. Serum radioactivity was low. 5. The effect of precipitation with trichloroacetic acid and incubation with specific antiserum upon the radioactivity of gut washes, gut homogenates and serum samples was recorded. 6. The relevance of these findings to studies on the transmission of protein by the rat small intestine is discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate effectiveness of an allicin-based product in neonatal calves inoculated with Cryptosporidium parvum. DESIGN: Randomized controlled study. ANIMALS: 43 neonatal calves. PROCEDURE: Calves were inoculated with 1.5 x 10(8) or 7.5 x 10(5) C parvum oocysts within 2 days after birth. Calves were given an allicin-based product once after inoculation or daily for 7 days after inoculation or were not treated. Calves that developed diarrhea were treated by administration of the product. Fecal consistency scores and weight gains were statistically evaluated. RESULTS: Mean daily weight gain and severity of diarrhea in calves 4 to 21 days old were unaffected by prophylactic use of the product. However, intensive prophylactic administration may have delayed onset of C parvum-induced diarrhea in calves inoculated with the lower dose of oocysts. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Administration of an allicin-based product did not alter duration of C parvum-induced diarrhea or enhance weight gain in neonatal calves. However, intensive prophylactic administration of an allicin-based product may delay onset of diarrhea in calves exposed to C parvum oocysts.  相似文献   

Bone marrow cells from suddenly dying people can produce interferon in response to incoulation of an inducer. The interferon obtained in bone marrow cells did not differ by its properties from the reference preparation. the lots of bone marrow interferon which had been prepared were not inferior in the antiviral activity to leukocyte interferon or were even superior to it. It is suggested that bone marrow cells be used for preparation of human interferon.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether Mycobacterium paratuberculosis could survive in colostrum after pasteurization. Additionally, this study investigated the effect pasteurization had on IgG concentration in colostrum. ANIMALS: Colostrum samples were collected from cattle (beef and dairy) owned by the state of Ohio. PROCEDURE: Colostrum was divided into aliquots and inoculated with variable concentrations of M paratuberculosis (ATCC No. 19698: 10(4), 10(3), and 10(2) colony-forming units/ml). Half the samples at each concentration were subjected to pasteurization temperatures (63 C) for 30 minutes and the remainder were kept at approximately 20 to 23 C. All samples were incubated (Herrold's egg yolk medium with and without mycobactin J) and observed for growth during the next 16 weeks. Additionally, the IgG concentration of colostrum was determined by radioimmunoassay before and after pasteurization. Samples that coagulated at pasteurization temperatures were mechanically resuspended before measurement of IgG concentration. RESULTS: Growth of M paratuberculosis was retarded but not eliminated by pasteurization. Growth was observed in all unpasteurized samples incubated on Herrold's egg yolk medium with mycobactin J but in only 2 of 18 pasteurized samples similarly cultured. Growth from pasteurized samples appeared 5 to 9 weeks after growth was observed from nonpasteurized samples. Mean colostral IgG concentration was 44.4 g/L in nonpasteurized samples and 37.2 g/L in pasteurized samples, a decrease of 12.3%. High-quality colostrum (> 48 g of IgG/L) had a significantly greater loss of IgG concentration than did colostrum of lesser quality (P = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Pasteurization lessened, but did not eliminate, growth of M paratuberculosis from experimentally inoculated colostrum samples. Pasteurization resulted in a significant decrease in colostral IgG concentration but not to an unmanageable level that would preclude the colostrum's use for passive transfer of immunity. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Colostrum is macrophage rich and may serve as a source of M paratuberculosis infection to calves. Pasteurization of colostrum may lessen the risk of infection, but will not totally eliminate M paratuberculosis.  相似文献   

Neonatal Jersey calves (n = 96) were used to evaluate effects of housing (individual hutches or wooden pens in a barn) and colostrum feeding (calves were separated from the dam and fed 2 L of colostrum in nipple-bottles or allowed to nurse the dam for 3 d) on the prevalence of selected organisms in feces. Prevalence of Cryptosporidium and Eimeria were reduced, and prevalence of rotavirus tended to be reduced, when calves were housed in hutches. Prevalence of coronavirus was unaffected by treatment. Weekly prevalence of Giardia was increased when calves were left to nurse the dam for 3 d. Mean prevalence of Cryptosporidia (wk 1 to 4), Eimeria (wk 4 to 5), Giardia, rotavirus, and coronavirus (wk 1 to 5) were 34.7, 20.6, 27.1, 15.8, and 4.9%, respectively. Escherichia coli (K99 positive) were observed in 3 of 174 samples cultured. Methods of housing and colostrum feeding affected acquisition of enteropathogens in this study.  相似文献   

Serum IgG1 concentrations of calves less than 3 weeks old and dying from infectious disease were significantly lower (P less than 0.01) than those of clinically normal calves. Fifty percent of the dead calves had serum IgG1 concentrations that were more than 2 standard deviations below the normal mean, and an additional 35% had IgG1 concentrations that were more than 1 standard deviation below the normal mean. Low IgG1 concentrations were attributed to failures in passive transfer of colostral immunoglobulin. The few calves dying of noninfectious causes generally had normal serum immunoglobulin concentrations. The results of this study emphasize the importance of adequate colostral intake and absorption to the neonatal calf. In view of the large numbers of calves that die from neonatal infection each year, it may be assumed that failure in passive transfer, as reflected by low serum immunoglobulin concentrations, is one of the most important factors influencing neonatal calf mortality.  相似文献   

A chromatographic fractionation method has been developed for the production of a liquid-stable anti-D immunoglobulin product for intravenous and intramuscular use. An immunoglobulin fraction, highly enriched with anti-D immunoglobulins, was isolated by cation-exchange column chromatography and further polished, first by anion-exchange chromatography, followed by an aluminium hydroxide gel treatment. The process includes two specific steps for virus inactivation and removal, namely S/D treatment and nanofiltration. The overall anti-D process yield is about 56%. The final product is stabilised with human albumin and glycine and placed in ready-to-use syringes. The anti-D product was shown to be stable in liquid state for at least 30 months at 4 degrees C.  相似文献   

Sodium azide (NaN3, AZ) is a potent inhibitor and uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation as well as a nitrovasodilator after being converted to nitric oxide (NO). We studied the effect of intratubular application of AZ on loop of Henle reabsorption and tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF) employing renal micropuncture experiments in nephrons with superficial glomeruli of anesthetized Munich-Wistar-Fromter rats. During perfusion of Henle's loop downstream from an obstructing wax block, AZ (3x10(-5) mol/l and 3x10(-4) mol/l) concentration-dependently increased early distal tubular flow rate and sodium and potassium ion concentration (V(ED), [Na+]ED, [K+]ED). In comparison, application of furosemide (10(-4) mol/l), the action of which is restricted to the water-impermeable thick ascending limb of Henle's loop (TALH) and the macula densa, similarly increased [Na+]ED and [K+]ED, but did not affect V(ED). The effect of AZ on loop of Henle reabsorption appeared to be predominantly localized upstream to the TALH since (1) AZ significantly inhibited net fluid reabsorption (the latter being completely abolished at 3x10(-4) mol/l), (2) the effect of AZ on [Na+]ED and [K+]ED could be mimicked by perfusing the Henle's loop at a flow rate that caused a comparable increase in V(ED) (reflecting a comparable load to TALH), and (3) the effects of AZ and furosemide were additive. In spite of the increase in [Na+]ED and [K+]ED, intratubular application of AZ caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of TGF response, the latter being assessed as the fall in early proximal tubular stop flow pressure during perfusion of Henle's loop at increasing flow rate. Like AZ and furosemide, the NO donor sodium nitroprusside (10(-4) mol/l) blunted the TGF response, but in contrast to furosemide or AZ, it caused a minor decrease in V(ED), without changing [Na+]ED or [K+]ED. The inhibitory effect of AZ on TGF was abolished by the NO scavenger carboxy PTIO. In summary, AZ inhibits both reabsorption in the water-permeable segment of Henle's loop and the TGF response. The effect on reabsorption may be linked to metabolic inhibition rather than NO release, whereas the blunted TGF response appears to involve conversion to NO.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop an automated turbidimetric immunoassay (TIA) for measurement of bovine IgG. SAMPLE POPULATION: 24 bovine serum samples. PROCEDURE: IgG concentration was determined by use of the TIA, and results were compared with those of the radial immunodiffusion (RID) method. Variables were determined, using commercially available reagents and a clinical biochemical analyzer. For the TIA, polyclonal goat anti-bovine IgG (Fc specific) serum, bovine IgG calibrator serum, and polyethylene glycol reaction buffer were used. Sample concentrations were determined by the instrument, using the linear regression method of least squares. The accuracy of this assay was validated by referencing to a purified bovine IgG standard and by recovery of control standards. Parallelism was documented by assay linearity and serial sample dilution linearity. Interference resulting from hemolyzed samples was examined. RESULTS: The TIA method correlated positively (r = 0.9957) and significantly (P < 0.05) with the RID method, yielding a regression equation with slope of 0.78708 and y-intercept of 1.02102. Bias attributable to hemolysis was not observed. CONCLUSIONS: The TIA method is automated, accurate, and precise for bovine serum IgG quantification. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This assay provides sample results in approximately 10 minutes and may be used as an alternative to the manual RID method.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether treatment with a commercially available nonspecific immunomodulating biologic product would alter the clinical course of disease in neonatal calves. DESIGN: Systematically randomized, controlled cohort study. ANIMALS: 200 Holstein bull calves 1 to 5 days old. PROCEDURE: Assessments were performed that included evaluation of fecal consistency, attitude, appetite, and hydration status. Calves with abnormal results were enrolled in the study. Calves were systematically assigned to control or treatment groups (100 calves/group). Calves in the treatment group were given a single i.v. injection of the biologic product at the time of enrollment, whereas control calves were not given the product. Calves were assessed daily for 5 days to evaluate fecal consistency, attitude, appetite, hydration status, and rectal temperature. Assessments were made without knowledge of group assignment. RESULTS: Treatment with the immunomodulating product was not associated with a decrease in the number of calves that had moderate or severe departures from clinically normal conditions for attitude, appetite, or hydration on days 1 though 5, compared with control calves. Fecal consistency scores were significantly greater for treated calves on days 1 (P = 0.03) and 5 (P = 0.02), compared with scores for control calves. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Administration of the nonspecific immunomodulating biologic product did not significantly affect outcome of clinical disease for calves in the treated group, compared with calves in the control group. On the basis of results of this study, we cannot recommend use of the nonspecific immunomodulating biologic product for the treatment of undifferentiated diarrheal disease in neonatal calves.  相似文献   

The protective effect of egg yolk and colostrum powders prepared from hens and cows vaccinated with inactivated bovine coronavirus (BCV) antigen was evaluated in a challenge model with a virulent BCV strain. Twenty three calves from BCV-free herds were randomly divided into control and several treatment groups. All calves were orally challenged with 1 x 10(9) TCID50 of the virulent Kakegawa strain of BCV at 24 to 36 h after birth. Calves in treatment groups received either egg yolk powder or cow colostrum containing BCV specific antibodies. Daily treatment with these antibody preparations started 6 h until 7 days post-challenge. Control calves which received no antibody had severe diarrhea and all died within 6 days after infection. In contrast, calves fed milk containing egg yolk or colostrum with neutralization titers of 1:2560 or 1:10,240 respectively all survived and had positive weight gain unlike the other treatment groups. These results indicate that the orally administered egg yolk and colostrum powders protected against BCV-induced diarrhea in neonatal calves and that the egg yolk used provided a higher degree of protection compared to colostrum powder on a titer basis. Treatment with whole egg yolk from immunized hens therefore provides a more efficacious alternative to the existing methods of specific passive protection against BCV.  相似文献   

Effects on metabolic and endocrine traits of feeding colostrum on d 1 and 2, then mature milk up to d 7, or glucose or water on d 1, colostrum on d 2 and 3 and then mature milk up to d 7 were studied in calves. Calves fed colostrum within the first 24 h after birth had significantly higher rectal temperatures, heart rates and respiratory frequencies than calves provided only water or glucose. Significantly elevated plasma nonesterified fatty acid and bilirubin concentrations on d 1 and 2 of life in calves fed only water on d 1 compared with calves of the other groups mirrored reduced energy intake. Fecal consistency was significantly higher during wk 1 of life, and gastrin and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide increased only on d 1 and/or 2 of life in calves already fed colostrum on d 1, expressing improved functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Significantly higher plasma globulin levels up to d 7 in calves fed colostrum on d 1 than in those starting colostrum intake only on d 2 demonstrated significantly enhanced efficiency of gamma-globulin absorption. Furthermore, significantly higher circulating glucose, albumin, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I concentrations and significantly lower urea levels in calves fed colostrum on d 1 compared with those fed colostrum starting on d 2 of life indicated stimulation of anabolic processes. In conclusion, colostrum intake by calves within the first 24 h of life is needed not only for an adequate immune status, but also to produce the additional important and favorable effects on metabolic and endocrine traits and on vitality.  相似文献   

The anti-allergic activity of the carboxyamidemethylated Fc fragment (CM-Fc) from human serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) was studied using sheep red blood cell-induced delayed type hypersensitivity in mice (SRBC-DTH). CM-Fc suppressed the DTH response when administered 30 min before, or 4 h after the SRBC challenge, but not when administered 8 h or more after the challenge. The Fc fragment showed no activity. CM-Fc administration 30 min before the challenge was unable to suppress the DTH response in the cyclophosphamide (CY)-treated mice. However, adoptive transfer of splenocytes from mice treated with CM-Fc to CY-pretreated mice caused suppression of the SRBC-DTH response. These results suggest that CM-Fc suppressed the DTH response by mediating the function of CY-susceptible cells.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of different concentrations of calcium on the contractile responses of isolated strips of rabbit bladder detrusor to various forms of stimulation after 2 h incubation in the presence of substrate and oxygen depletion (in vitro ischaemia), followed by 1 h of recovery. The resultant contractile responses were correlated with the level of lipid peroxidation as determined by malonedialdehyde (MDA) concentration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Isolated strips of rabbit bladder detrusor smooth muscle were incubated in Tyrode's solution containing different concentrations of calcium (0-5.4 mmol/L). The effect of 2 h of incubation in oxygen- and substrate-free medium (in vitro ischaemia), followed by a 1-h incubation in the presence of oxygen and substrate, on the contractile responses to field stimulation, carbachol and KCl were determined. The effects of repetitive stimulation (15 s of stimulation at 32 Hz applied every 5 min during the 2-h experimental period) were also assessed. RESULTS: The contractile responses to all stimuli increased as the extracellular calcium concentration was increased from 0.6 to 5.4 mmol/L. A 2 h exposure to in vitro ischaemia, followed by a return to normal solution, resulted in a diminished response to all stimuli. This contractile dysfunction was least in the presence of calcium chelator (EGTA) and greatest in the presence of 5.4 mmol/L calcium. Repetitive stimulation during in vitro ischaemia also exacerbated the contractile dysfunction. Lipid peroxidation increased during in vitro ischaemia in proportion to the calcium concentration and was enhanced by repetitive stimulation during this period. Regardless of the incubation conditions, the reduction in the contractile response was significantly greater for field-stimulated tissues than for those stimulated with carbachol or KCl. CONCLUSIONS: These results show that the magnitude of contractile dysfunction induced by incubation in the presence of substrate and oxygen depletion is reduced in the presence of low calcium concentrations, increased in the presence of high calcium levels and increased in the presence of repetitive stimulation. In addition, the level of lipid peroxidation after the recovery period was proportional to the magnitude of contractile dysfunction present.  相似文献   

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