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在单件订货型生产过程的计划、控制及管理中,生产能力的评估具有十分重要的意义和作用.生产能力包括两个方面:一是技术和设备性能相关的生产能力,一是生产时间相关的生产能力.前者主要是定性的,相对来说易于评估;后者是定量的,由于单件订货型生产的特点,使得这种生产能力成为任务相关的.通过对单件订货型生产中生产时间相关生产能力特点的分析,针对设备和工序任务,提出了基于任务的生产能力的概念及一些相关的定义;并进一步给出了生产能力的计算算法.  相似文献   

国内传统中小生产企业面临的市场需求复杂多变,其生存和发展受到极大挑战.在人工作业系统中,生产线的产能主要取决于工人的数量、掌握技能数及技能水平.在备货型生产模式下,对于只生产单产品的生产线,当计划期内产品需求随机波动性特征明显时,将导致产能与需求的不匹配.考虑工人的薪酬、培训成本,需求工时小于基本产能的库存成本,需求工时处于基本产能与最大产能之间的加班成本,需求工时超过最大产能的加班及外包成本,以员工多技能及各工序生产速率平衡为基础,对计划期初生产线所需的工人数量进行决策,构建总生产成本优化模型,采用极值法对最优解进行求解及分析.通过算例验证了模型的有效性,对员工薪酬、库存成本、加班成本、外包成本系数以及产品单件工时、需求均值及标准差等进行了敏感性分析,得出的结论是:产品单件总工时、需求均值对最优工人数量及总生产成本影响很大,其他各类成本系数对其也有一定影响.尽可能降低单件总工时、提高需求预测准确性等有利于企业控制生产成本.  相似文献   

如何运用数理统计方法对单件、小批量生产进行工序质量控制,已经是重型、矿山、工程机械行业这一类具有单件、小批、多品种生产特点企业,提高产品质量,推行全面质量管理急待解决的问题。本文将从理论和方法上进行某些探讨,力图为具有这种生产特点的企业,找到一条能够运用数理统计方法进行工序质量控制的有效途径。 (一) 对于单件、小批、多品种生产特点的企业来说,如果同时做到如下五条: 第一、选定一台机床(车、刨、镗、铣、磨、钻床)为一个工程,对它进行控制; 第二、对该机床所加工的同一材质(钢号)的产品进行特性值测量记录; 第三、进行…  相似文献   

多品种多批次冲压工序质量控制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单件小批生产方式条件下的工序质量控制问题,一直是生产过程质量控制的难点。如何在现有的统计质量控制方法基础上,结合单件少批生产方式的特点,系统地提出适用于此种生产组织方式的工序技师质量控制方法,是一种有益的尝试。本文以某企业冲压件(多种产品)的工序质量控制为例,对原始数据进行了转换处理,使多品种产品数据得以在统一口径下进行运算、处理。实践证明本文提出的方法符合冲压工序运行的实际,有较强的实用性。  相似文献   

[本刊讯]按照全国统计方法应用标准化技术委员会第四分委员会成立会议纪要的要求,单件、小批生产控制目标准制订学术讨论会于八三年五月二十三日至二十六日在沈阳重型机器厂召开。参加会议的单位有中国科学院系统科学研究所、上海电机厂、青岛汽轮机厂、大连起重机厂、三机部17  相似文献   

我厂生产可锻铸铁管子零件.近年来,生产规模的迅速扩大、产品产量的大幅度增长、产品原材料价格的不断提高,给流动资金的周转与使用带来了新问题.特别对我厂这种工序多、生产线长、品种规格繁多的单件小批量生产方式的发展中企业,合理地控制在制品、半成品的流量和存量,压缩生产资金的占用,更成为内部挖掘、提高经济效益的重要手段. 一、证实问题的存在 87年底,我们将84年以来的管件年产量与生产资金平均占用量这两组数字进行对比: 表1中两组数据的对比,表明生产资金年均占用额并非,同步增长,比速相差几个数级.但由于近年来,产品原材料价格…  相似文献   

洪涝灾害经常会造成溃坝溃堤,进而引发泥石流灾害,造成国家和人民生命财产的严重损失,物体填堵方法是有效解决溃坝溃堤问题的一种手段,主要针对物体填堵时在何处投放物体最有效的问题进行了解决.在合理假设的前提下,通过对试验模型中各单件相关数据进行分析并参考相关资料,得出影响重物在水中运动的主要因素,包括流体结构、投放高度、投放方式、物体形状等.然后按照物体是否完全浸入水中把运动过程分成两个阶段,再分别从垂直和水平两个运动方向考虑,利用已知的试验数据和相关知识,建立了能够适应不同情况的、描述重物水中运动过程的数学模型.以大实心方砖为例进行分析,利用Matlab对所建的模型进行求解,对比拟合试验数据得到的和所建模型得到的运动方程,从而可以计算出离散时间点的相对误差,其值大约为8%-13%,符合容许条件,证明所建模型还是比较合理的.  相似文献   

CES生产函数与投资控制模型   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:3  
本文讨论了 C-D生产函数和 CES生产函数模型 ,同时针对边界条件用 CES生产函数表示的投资控制模型进行了分析 ,证明了该投资控制模型解的存在性和唯一性  相似文献   

随机需求环境下研究柔性制造系统的经济生产批量(Economic Production Quantity,EPQ)模型的最优生产策略问题.在假设需求满足马尔可夫性且为需求状态依赖的条件下,根据顾客的需求程度对市场需求进行状态划分,建立了马氏需求模型,对系统未来的需求提出了科学的预测方法.在该模型的基础上,结合柔性制造系统的理论,构建了柔性生产下马氏需求EPQ模型.利用函数的凸性研究了新的EPQ模型的最优解的存在性,进而提出模型的最优(P,Q,T)策略.模型的数值算例表明,利用最优(P,Q,T)策略可以提高制造系统的生产率、缩短产品生产周期及实现小批量的生产模式.  相似文献   

研究了不确定条件下的生产计划问题,当企业面临多种产品消耗的单位产能、单位生产利润以及企业的总产能和交货期等均为不确定变量时,如何确定出的各种产品的合理的投产量,以使得企业在规定的交货期内获得最大的收益.引入了三元区间数来描述生产计划模型中的各种变量,建立了相应的三元区间线性规划模型;然后利用三元区间线性规划的有关知识简化了该模型,求出了其弱最优解.模型与传统的生产计划模型相比更贴近生产的实际过程,能为生产决策者提供更好的技术支持.  相似文献   

The paper presents a generalized economic manufacturing quantity model for an unreliable production system in which the production facility may shift from an ‘in-control’ state to an ‘out-of-control’ state at any random time (when it starts producing defective items) and may ultimately break down afterwards. If a machine breakdown occurs during a production run, then corrective repair is done; otherwise, preventive repair is performed at the end of the production run to enhance the system reliability. The proposed model is formulated assuming that the time to machine breakdown, corrective and preventive repair times follow arbitrary probability distributions. However, the criteria for the existence and uniqueness of the optimal production time are derived under general breakdown and uniform repair time (corrective and preventive) distributions. The optimal production run time is determined numerically and the joint effect of process deterioration, machine breakdowns and repairs (corrective and preventive) on the optimal decisions is investigated for a numerical example.  相似文献   

An integrated production inventory model is considered in this paper, for a flow shop type multiproduct batch production system, with a multifacility structure. Instantaneous production is allowed in each facility. The model aims to determine simultaneously the optimal manufacturing cycle for the multiple products and the corresponding optimal procurement policies for the raw material. The cycle concept of multiproduct batch processing is extended to multifacility system and is integrated with the concept of production-inventory system for a single product, single facility system.  相似文献   

在回顾现有典型资源环境系统开发利用模型的基础上 ,引入系统平衡理论建立了区域资源环境系统物质流动的动态模型 ,并在随后对该模型展开了分析 .  相似文献   

This paper considers the joint supplier selection, replenishment and manufacturing control problem in a dynamic stochastic context. This problem is characterized by conflicting interests between suppliers, the manufacturer, and clients, which raise the need for coordination and information sharing. This paper contributes to the discourse mainly by developing and resolving an integrated mathematical model leading to information sharing strategies for supplier selection, replenishments and production activities. This is an optimal control problem with state constraints and hybrid dynamics. A dynamic stochastic model is thus proposed, and the optimality conditions obtained are then solved numerically. It is shown that the problem considered leads to a modified state-dependent multi-level (s, S) policy for the supplier selection and replenishment strategy and a base-stock policy for the production activities. The fact that these control policies are coupled confirms the necessity of considering the interactions present in the system in an integrated model. The obtained results show clearly that it is always profitable to consider multiple suppliers to make replenishment and production decisions. Moreover, it is shown that the availability rates of the supply chain actors and the replenishment lead time are important parameters to consider when choosing the best supplier.  相似文献   

Sarker和Parija(1996)建立了生产系统最优生产批量和原材料订购决策模型。然而他们的模型仅局限于单阶段生产系统,本文将他们的模型扩展到多阶段生产系统,我们首先建立了使整个多阶段生产系统总成本最小的各阶段最优生产批量、原材料订购批量及阶段之间的运输批量模型,然后分析了原材料订购费、半成品运费及设备安装费的敏感性。最后,我们结合实例综合分析了原材料订购费、半成品运输费和设备安装费的变化及最小值点取整后对原材料订购决策、最优生产批量和总成本的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper, we address component recovery under the condition of limited resources from the OEM's (Original Equipment Manufacturer's) standpoint. We develop a linear programming model for a hybrid remanufacturing and manufacturing system for production planning problems with deterministic returns. In this paper, a data set from an OEM that both remanufactures and manufactures the products is used to demonstrate the performance of the proposed model. Subsequently, an analysis of the impact of the remanufactured product’s price and the quantity of returns on revenue and total cost will be discussed. We have found that uncertain factors of manufacturing influence the profit and uncertain factors of remanufacturing influence the production planning, such as the rate of the yield on component remanufacturing and the quantity of returns.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new scheduling method for manufacturing system based on the Timed Petri Net model and a reactive fast graph search algorithm. The following two typical problems are addressed in this paper. (1) Minimization of the maximum completion time. (2) Minimization of the total tardiness. As for the problem (1), a new search algorithm which combines the RTA and a rule-based supervisor is proposed. As for problem (2), the original Petri Net model is converted to its reverse model and the algorithm developed for the problem (1) is applied, regarding the due date as the starting time in the reverse model. Some numerical experiments are carried out to demonstrate usefulness of our algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper, a method is given for determining the optimum production quantity for a two-stage production system. The method assumes that a lot size is manufactured through two production stages with only one set-up at each stage. A production lot is manufactured in a number of sub-batches of sizes which reduce the total manufacturing cycle time of a production lot. The production quantity is considered 'optimum' when the sum of all the costs is minimized.  相似文献   

Sarker and Parija have developed a model for obtaining the optimal batch size for a single-product manufacturing system operating under a fixed-quantity, periodic delivery policy. In this work, the model is extended to a multi-product situation and a single-facility scheduling scheme is developed for the system. Two situations are considered—one with fixed setup cost and the other with variable setup cost. It is observed that setup cost variability is beneficial to the system under certain conditions.  相似文献   

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