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县以下工业企业消灭无标生产的主要措施1开展消灭无标生产工作要做到责任落实。省、自治区、直辖市技术监督局统筹规划,组织推动。开展消灭无标生产工作的县,要成立由技术监督、乡镇企业及有关行业主管部门、经济综合部门参加、主管县长为组长的消灭无标生产工作领导...  相似文献   

赣榆县政府召开消灭无标生产工作动员大会今年3月5日,赣榆县人民政府召开全县消灭无标生产工作的动员大会,各乡(镇)、各有关主管部门领导参加了会议。县政府分管工业副县长就消灭无标生产工作的重要意义、目标任务、具体要求、实施办法做了重要讲话,并与各乡(镇)...  相似文献   

企业、产品、标准三者是相辅相成的,任一项变化,势必导致标准覆盖率和有效性发生变化。由此可见,消灭无标生产工作是一项长期不断深化、不断提高的过程。在这个过程中,如何保证企业拥有足够的有效标准,关键在于消灭无标生产工作必须时刻紧扣一个“动”字,即只有紧紧抓住消灭无标生产工作之动态,才能确保标准的有效性和覆盖率长期稳定在95%以上,才能达到消灭无标生产的根本目的按标准组织生产和出厂检验,提高产品质量,促进经济发展。本文根据几年来在消灭无标生产工作中摸索出来的经验,就如何开展消灭无标生产动态管理作一些探讨。一、动态类…  相似文献   

根据国家质检总局的统一部署,山东省胶州市于1995年首批开展了消灭无标生产试点工作,1996年6月顺利通过了全国消灭无标生产试点验收,荣获“全国消灭无标生产县(市)”荣誉称号。在成功试点的基础上,他们及时将消灭无标生产工作作为重要工作内容,大力实施质量兴市战略,对企业产品实行标准强化动态管理,有效巩固和深化了试点成果,2000年10月顺利通过了原国家质量技术监督局组织的复查验收。促使该市企业标准化工作发生了质的飞跃,有力杜绝了无标生产现象。一、创新工作思路,牢固树立质量兴市意识消灭无标生产是一个…  相似文献   

从我厂实践谈企业如何消灭无标生产毛雁峡(江苏海安重型剪床厂)近几年,由于厂领导对标准化工作的重视以及厂标准化部门的努力,使我厂标准化工作尤其是消灭无标生产工作已初见成效。特别是1996年,借南通市消灭无标生产活动的东风,加大了消灭无标生产工作力度,以...  相似文献   

创建消灭无标生产市为振兴南通经济服务︵南通市技术监督局︶许建平1996年6月,南通市被国家标准化行政管理部门确定为全国地级市中首家消灭无标生产试点市。一年来,按照国家对消灭无标生产工作的总体部署和要求,在市政府的正确领导下,加强领导,深入宣传,突出重...  相似文献   

我市于 1997年 9月通过了国家级消灭无标生产试点县 (市 )验收。全市 12 90家工业企业 ,2 196个产品 ,标准覆盖率达到99 18%。所取得的成绩和做法 ,得到了验收组领导和专家的充分肯定。消灭无标生产工作通过验收后 ,摆在我们面前的课题是 :“如何巩固消灭无标生产成果 ,如何深入抓好标准实施工作。”带着这两个问题 ,我局从 1998年起 ,重点抓了三个方面的工作 ,一是实施标准动态管理 ,二是实施质量振兴工程 ,三是坚持和完善联络员制度。一、实施标准动态管理通过消灭无标验收后 ,企业产品标准仍然是动态的 ,如果不加强管理 ,就会出现新的无…  相似文献   

为全面贯彻省、市、县政府关于消灭无标生产工作会议精神,落实抚宁县消灭无标生产工作计划,预期达到消灭无标生产验收标准,抚宁县技术监督局按照本县消灭无标生产的具体实施步骤,在全县范围内全面、系统地开展了消灭无标生产工作。半年多来,该局共计发放执行标准证书...  相似文献   

近日,潍坊市的昌邑、高密、诸城顺利通过了山东省技术监督局组织的消灭无标生产试点县试收。验收组对三市消灭无标生产工作作了充分肯定,认为三市消灭无标生产工作扎实有效,达到了预期的目标。主要体现在:(1)坚持监督与服务相结合。三市自开展消灭无标生产工作以来,共为企业提供咨询服务3000多人次,帮助企业制定标准376项,先后为企业培训标准化检查员2000余人次。(2)企业执行标准齐全有效,检测手段明显提高,为产品质量提高打下了基础。昌邑市国家、省监督抽查产品合格率由试点前的95.3%提高到96.1%;诸…  相似文献   

枣阳市是去年被国家质量技术监督局列入1997年度全国消灭无标生产试点县(市)的。该市政府十分重视消灭无标生产工作,把此项工作作为该市“质量兴市”活动的一个重要内容,市政府成立了以分管工业的副市长为组长、市政府各有关部门负责经济工作的领导任成员的消灭无...  相似文献   

Gender differences in publication productivity in psychology in India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An analysis of gender differences in psychology in India provides quantitative and qualitative assessment of R&D output contributed by psychologists with the indication of the trend of growth, skewness, relatedness, co-authorship pattern of productivity.  相似文献   

The system for Metrology in Chemistry in Germany is described. At the national standards level, a network of high-level chemistry institutes coordinated by the national metrology institute, PTB, provides the primary references for chemical measurements. A dissemination mechanism employs chemical calibration laboratories accredited within the framework of the German Calibration Service (DKD). They act as “multipliers” between the national standards level and the user level by providing the user with calibration means which are traceable to the SI via national standards. Traceability structures in clinical chemistry, electrochemistry, elemental analysis and gas analysis are described  相似文献   

Natural radioactivity in drinking water was determined in population-based random study of 472 private wells. The mean concentrations of (222)Rn, (226)Ra, (234)U, (238)U, (210)Pb and (210)Po in drilled wells were 460, 0.05, 0.35, 0.26, 0.04 and 0.05 Bq l(-1), and in wells dug in the soil were 50, 0.016, 0.02, 0.015, 0.013 and 0.007 Bq l(-1), respectively. Approximately 10% of the drilled wells exceeded a radon concentration of 1000 Bq l(-1) and 18% a uranium concentration of 15 microg l(-1). The mean annual effective dose from natural radionuclides for a drilled well user was 0.4 mSv and 0.05 mSv for a user of a well dug in the soil. The effective dose arising from (222)Rn was 75% of the total of all natural radionuclides for drilled well users. As regards long-lived radionuclides, (210)Po and (210)Pb caused the largest portion of the effective dose. The dose arising from (238)U, (234)U and (226)Ra was only 8% of the total of all natural radionuclides.  相似文献   

Activity concentrations of (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K in 45 samples of different building materials used in Iraq were measured using gamma-spectroscopy system based on high-purity germanium detector with an efficiency of 40 %. Radium equivalent activity, air-absorbed dose rate, annual effective dose, external and internal hazard indices and alpha index due to radon inhalation originating from building materials were measured to assess the potential radiological hazard associated with these building materials. The activity concentrations of the natural radionuclides (226)Ra, (232)Th and 40K were found to range from below detection limit (BDL) to 223.7 ± 9, BDL to 93.0 ± 3 and BDL to 343.1 ± 12, respectively. Values of average radium equivalent activity, air-absorbed dose rate, indoor and outdoor annual effective doses, external and internal hazard indices and alpha index ranged from 6.5 to 124.9, 16.2 to 89.5 (nGy h(-1)), 0.08 to 0.44 mSv, 0.02-0.11 mSv, 0.09 to 0.53, 0.13 to 0.69 and 0.03 to 0.62, respectively. These values indicate a low dose. Therefore, the building materials used in the current study are quite safe to be used as building materials.  相似文献   

The stability of pump-turbines is of great importance to the operation of pumped storage power (PSP) stations. Both hydraulic instabilities and operational instabilities have been reported in PSP stations in China. In order to provide a reference to the engineers and scientists working on pump-turbines, this paper summarizes the hydraulic instabilities and performance characteristics that promote the operational instabilities encountered in pump-turbine operations in China. Definitions, analytical methods, numerical and experimental studies, and main results are clarified. Precautions and countermeasures are also provided based on a literature review. The gaps between present studies and the need for engineering practice are pointed out.  相似文献   

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