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目的 评价脉搏指示连续心排血量(PiCCO)技术在肝移植术中的应用价值.方法 25例行原位肝移植术的终末期肝病患者,ASA Ⅲ或Ⅳ级.记录术中PiCCO监测数据,并与Swan-Ganz漂浮导管血流动力学监测结果比较.结果 与切皮前比较,无肝前期各项监测指标无显著变化,无肝期全心舒张末期容积指数(GEDI)、胸腔内血容积指数(ITBI)、每搏输出量指数(SVI)和心脏指数(CI)均显著降低(P<0.01),每搏输出量变异(SVV)和脉压变异(PPV)较大(P<0.01),新肝期CI显著增加(P<0.01),肺血管通透性指数(PVPI)增加(P<0.05).通过温度稀释法共测得数据200组.其中,PiCCO所测得的CI(PCI)与导管法显示的CI相关良好(r=0.84,P<0.01).结论 PiCCO技术能较准确的反映心脏前负荷以及肺血管通透性的变化.  相似文献   

连续温度稀释法测定心排血量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定心排血量(CO)的方法有无创和有创两种,但比较公认的是通过插入Swan-Ganz漂浮导管,应用温度稀释法测定CO,传统方法只能间断测量,而连续温度稀释法测定心排血量(CCO),具有无创、正确及连续计算和分析的功能,简便、直观,其动态变化对重危病人的诊断和治疗有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

目的 观察脉搏指示连续心排血量(PiCCO)技术在肺移植术中及术后的应用并评价其价值.方法 行肺移植术的患者11例,其中6例行单肺移植术,5例行序贯式双肺移植术.诱导麻醉后,经颈内和锁骨下静脉穿刺置入中心静脉导管和Swan-Ganz漂浮导管,取左侧股动脉穿刺置入PiCCO导管.记录麻醉后双肺通气时、单肺通气时、肺动脉夹闭时、肺动脉开放时、术毕、术后8h和术后24h的血流动力学数据及PiCCO监测数据.结果 单肺通气时和肺动脉夹闭时的心输出量和间断心输出量低于双肺通气时(P<0.05),肺动脉开放时和术毕的心输出量和间断心输出量高于单肺通气时和肺动脉夹闭时(P<0.05),心输出量与间断心输出量的相关系数为0.84(P<0.01).单肺通气时和肺动脉夹闭时的肺动脉压明显高于双肺通气时(P<0.05),肺动脉开放时和术毕的肺动脉压则明显低于单肺通气时和肺动脉夹闭时(P<0.05).单肺通气时和肺动脉夹闭时的脉压变异明显高于双肺通气时(P<0.05).全心舒张末期容积指数、胸腔内血容积指数与每搏输出量指数相关(r=0.69,P<0.01),中心静脉压、肺动脉楔压与每搏输出量指数不相关,血管外肺水指数与肺血管通透性指数相关(r=0.82,P<0.01).结论 肺移植术中及术后应用PiCCO技术可反映血流动力学变化,同时反映心脏前负荷以及肺血管通透性的变化,指导液体输入和呼吸机模式的调整.  相似文献   

目的探讨脉搏指示连续心排血量监测技术(pulse indicator continuous cardiac output,Pjcc0)在脓毒症休克患者血流动力学监测中的临床价值。方法2012年1~8月,前瞻性队列研究比较常规监测(n=12)与Hcc0监测(n=19)脓毒症休克患者的血流动力学,应用PiccO监测指导脓毒症休克患者的液体复苏、血管收缩药和正性肌力药物的使用。结果2组脓毒症休克患者性别、年龄、原发病、既往病史、多器官功能不全综合征(MODs)的发生和发生MODs器官数、急性生理学及慢性健康状况评分系统(APAcHE)Ⅱ、脓毒症相关器官衰竭评分(s0FA)、应用去甲肾上腺素剂量和入Icu后7天总的输液量差异均无显著性,Picc0组初始平均动脉压(MAP)明显低于常规组[(52.00±5.00)mmHgvs.(59.58±3.42)mmHg,k4.603,P=O.000],而对于Picco组存在心功能损害的患者应用正性肌力药治疗后达到与常规组相同的MAP达标值[(68.00±2.43)mmHgvs.(68.58±2.88)mmHg,t=0.607,P=0.549],2组MAP达标值差异无显著性。结论在Picco监测指导下,可以对于存在心功能损害的患者应用正性肌力药物,而不是仅应用血管收缩药升高血压。  相似文献   

Lester  A.  Critchley Anna  Lee Anthony  M.  -H.  Ho 《麻醉与镇痛》2012,(5):78-91
目前有很多种可提供连续读数而非间断读数的心排血量(cardiac output,CO)监测仪。与旧标准相比,Bland-Altman法已成为验证其性能的标准方法。然而,Bland-Altman法只能评价仪器精确度,而不能评价仪器检测心排血量连续变化的能力(趋势能力)。目前对如何进行趋势能力或趋势分析评价尚未达成一致意见。因此,我们进行了文献综述,对1997—2009年之间发表的关于比较连续CO测量方法的文献实施筛选,入选的文献根据测量技术和统计学方法进行分组。我们对分析趋势能力的文献进行了回顾以期寻找一种令人满意的统计学方法。入选的文献共有202篇。最常用的方法是脉搏波形法(69篇)、多普勒法(54篇)、生物阻抗法(38篇)以及经肺或连续热稀释法(27篇)。有41篇文献涉及到CO趋势变化,其中仅23篇提供了深入分析。有几种常用的统计方法:时间曲线图、回归分析、使用CO变化(ACO)的Bland-Altman法以及使用△CO的变化方向来确定一致性的四象限曲线图。该曲线图可通过排除小值数据而进一步精简,采用受试者操作特征曲线来定义排除范围。在动物实验中经常选用可靠的参照标准如主动脉流量探头,并可用回归分析或时间曲线图来显示变化趋势。临床研究中由于数据采集点较少(每个受试者8-10个点)而会存在更多的问题,一致意见是采用有排除范围的四象限曲线图,并应用一致性分析。使用15%排除范围时一致率〉92%表明良好的变化趋势。有人提出一种在极坐标图上显示数据变化趋势(△CO)的新方法,通过与水平轴线所成的角度表示一致性,到中心的距离表示△CO,与Bland-Altman法类似,能够用数据的垂直界限来评价变化趋势。  相似文献   

连续温度稀释法心排血量的测定方法改进了Swan-Ganz导管,在相当于右心室处嵌入一热释放器,热释放器在安全范围内连续地按非随机双侧序列将能释放入血,经右心室血液稀释后,随右室收缩,血液流到导管顶端,该处温度感受器由于血温下降的程度而产生一系列电位变化,可产生与注射冷盐水相似的温度稀释曲线,从而计算出肺动脉内血流速度并计算心排血量,本文还讨论了温度释放方法、温度释放器的安全性、影响准确性因素、临床  相似文献   

连续温度稀释法心排血量的测定方法改进了Swan-Ganz导管,在相当于右心室处嵌入一热释放器,热释放器在安全范围内连续地按非随机双侧序列将能释放入血,经右心室血液稀释后,随右室收缩,血液流到导管顶端,该处温度感受器由于血温下降的程度而产生一系列电位变化,可产生与注射冷盐水相似的温度稀释曲线,从而计算出肺动脉内血流速度并计算心排血量,本文还讨论了温度释放方法、温度释放器的安全性、影响准确性因素、临床应用。  相似文献   

目的与方法:20例心脏手术病人采用连续温度稀释法进行转术期CO和S^-vO2测定。结果:(1)CCO从诱导后至CPB启动明显降低,CPB后升高,关胸后下降,术后2h降至最低,随后缓慢升高,48h后显著升高;(2)CCO和ICO高度相关,r=0.932(n=40);(3)机器S^-vO2和血气S^-vO2高度相关,r=0.954(n=31)。结论:(1)本法测定CO和S^-vO2标准可靠;(2)动态  相似文献   

目的:探讨脉搏指示连续心排出量(PICCO)技术在休克液体复苏中的临床应用价值。方法:选取2011年6月-11月8例IC的患者.运用PICCO容量性指标指导液体复苏.记录PICCO容量性指标心率(HR).平均动脉压(MAP).心排出量指数(CI).心功能指数(CFI),全心舒张末期容积指数(GEDI).外周血管阻力指数(SVRI).血管外肺水含量指数(ELWI).血管通透性指数(PVPI)液体复苏前后的变化。同时监测复苏前、后动脉血气分析.乳酸及碱剩余值及急性生理和慢性健康评分(APACHEII)。结果:心率(HR)降低.平均动脉压、心排出量指数、心功能指数、全心舒张末期容量指数.外周血管阻力指数增高。且有统计学意义(P〈0.05);血管外肺水指数(ELWI)血管通透性指数(PVPI)无明显增加(P〉0.05)。复苏前及复苏24h乳酸浓度、乳酸清除率、碱剩余及急性生理和慢性健康评分APACHEII较复苏前有明显差异(P〈0.01)。结论:采用PICCO容量监护仪对休克患者进行血流动力学监测。可有效协助液体复苏及维护患者生命体征的稳定。PICCO容量性指标能较准确.可靠地评估患者容量状态。对休克液体复苏具有重要价值。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aims of this study were to determine the agreement between pulmonary artery thermodilution (PA-TD), transpulmonary thermodilution (TP-TD) and the pulse contour method, and to test the ability of the pulse contour method to track changes in cardiac output. METHODS: Cardiac output was determined twice before cardiac surgery with both PA-TD and TP-TD. The precision (two standard deviations of the difference between repeated measurements) and agreement of the two methods were calculated. Post-operatively, cardiac output was determined with the PA-TD and pulse contour methods, and the bias and limits of agreement were again calculated. Finally, in patients with heart rates below 60 beats/min or a cardiac index of less than 2.5 l/min/m2, atrial pacing was started and the haemodynamic consequences were monitored with the PA-TD and pulse contour methods. RESULTS: Twenty-five patients were included. The precisions of PA-TD and TP-TD were 0.41 l/min [95% confidence interval (CI), +/- 0.07] and 0.48 l/min (95% CI, +/- 0.08), respectively. The bias and limits of agreement between PA-TD and TP-TD were - 0.46 l/min (95% CI, +/- 0.11) and +/- 1.10 l/min (95% CI, +/- 0.19), respectively. Post-operatively, the bias and limits of agreement between the PA-TD and pulse contour methods were 0.07 l/min and +/- 2.20 l/min, respectively. The changes in cardiac output with atrial pacing were in the same direction and of the same magnitude in 15 of the 16 patients. CONCLUSION: The precision of cardiac output measurements with PA-TD and TP-TD was very similar. The transpulmonary method, however, overestimated the cardiac output by 0.46 l/min. Post-operatively, cardiac output measurements with the PA-TD and pulse contour methods did not agree, but the pulse contour method reliably tracked pacing-induced changes in cardiac output.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Experimental studies in adults and in animals have reported that estimation of the intracardiac volumes by arterial thermodilution is a more reliable method of blood volume estimation than pressure measurement. The objective of this study has been to analyze the values of cardiac function and blood volume in an infant animal model using the arterial thermodilution technique. METHODS: A total of 202 measurements of cardiac output were performed by femoral arterial thermodilution in 38 Maryland piglets weighing between 8 and 16 kg, to determine the normal values of blood volume obtained by arterial thermodilution (PiCCO method) in an infant animal model. The following parameters were measured: blood volume [global end-diastolic volume index (GEDVI), total intrathoracic blood index (ITBI), extravascular lung water index (ELWI), systolic volume index (SVI)] and parameters of cardiac and vascular function [systolic volume index (SVI), cardiac function index (CFI), left ventricular contractility (Dp/dtmax), and systemic vascular resistance index) (SVRI)]. RESULTS: The cardiac index, 4.3 +/- 1.2 l x min(-1) x m(2), was within the normal range. The GEDVI, 198 +/- 48.6 ml x m(2), and ITBI, 574.1 +/- 113.4 ml x m(2), were lower than the normal values reported in adults, whereas the ELWI, 16.3 +/- 5.2 ml x kg(-1), was higher. CONCLUSIONS: Intrathoracic and intracardiac volume values obtained by arterial thermodilution are lower than those considered normal in the adult, whereas the extravascular lung water is higher. These values must be taken into account when the PiCCO method is used in small children.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Assessment of cardiac output (CO) by the indocyanine green (ICG) dye dilution technique (IDD) with transcutaneous signal detection may be a less invasive alternative to the pulmonary artery catheter (PAC). The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy and reliability of the DDG2001 analyzer (Nihon Kohden Corp, Tokyo, Japan) using a finger (IDDf) and a nose (IDDn) sensor as compared with the thermodilution technique by PAC. METHODS: In 31 consecutive patients after routine cardiac surgery, CO measurements were performed by IDD compared with the thermodilution technique following postoperative haemodynamic stabilization in the intensive care unit. Repeated measurements were made at 30-min intervals. CO was determined by iced water bolus (IWB: mean of three repeated injections) and IDDf or IDDn, respectively (mean of three repeated ICG injections). RESULTS: Thirty-three per cent of all measurements for IDDf and 9% for IDDn failed due to a missing signal detection. Mean bias for IDDf to IWB was -0.5 l min(-1).m(-2) (limits of agreement: -1.8/0.8 l min(-1).m(-2)) and for IDDn to IWB was -0.1 l min(-1).m(-2) (limits of agreement: -1.6/1.5 l min(-1).m(-2)). Correlation between IDDf and IWB (r = 0.2) was found to be inferior to the correlation between IDDn and IWB (r = 0.5). CONCLUSION: The IDD showed a systematic bias compared with the IWB and its performance was limited due to signal detection failure. Therefore, the DDG2001 analyzer cannot be recommended as a substitute for the PAC in routine monitoring of cardiac output after cardiac surgery.  相似文献   

Background: The pulmonary artery catheter is invasive and may cause seriouscomplications. A safe method of cardiac output (CO) measurementis needed. We have assessed the accuracy and reliability ofa recently marketed self-calibrating arterial pulse contourCO monitoring system (FloTrac/VigileoTM) in end-stage liverfailure patients undergoing liver transplant. The pattern ofalterations known as cirrhotic cardiomyopathy, and the transplantprocedure itself, provided an evaluation under varying clinicalconditions. Methods: The cardiac index was measured simultaneously by thermodilution(CITD: mean of four readings) using a pulmonary artery catheterand pulse contour analysis (CIV: mean value computed by theFloTrac/VigileoTM over the same time period). Readings weremade at 10 time-points during liver transplant surgery (T1–T5)and on the intensive care unit (T6–T10). CIV was computedusing the latest Vigileo software version 01.10. Results: A total of 290 paired readings from 29 patients were collected.Mean (SD) CITD was 5.2 (1.3) and CIV was 3.9 (0.9) litre min–1m–2, with a corrected for repeated measures bias betweenreadings of 1.3 (0.2) litre min–1 m–2 and 95% limitsof agreement of –1.5 (0.2) to 4.1 (0.3) litre min–1m–2. The percentage error (2SDBias/meanCITD) was 54%,which exceeded a 30% limit of acceptance. Low peripheral resistanceand increasing bias were related (r=0.69; P<0.001). The Vigileosystem failed to reliably trend CI data, with a concordancecompared with thermodilution below an acceptable level (at best68% of sequential readings). Conclusions: In cirrhotic patients with hyperdynamic circulation, the Vigileosystem showed a degree of error and unreliability higher thanthat considered acceptable for clinical purposes.  相似文献   

Intravenous fluid boluses guided by changes in stroke volume improve some outcomes after major surgery, but invasive measurments may limit use. From October 2016 to May 2018, we compared the agreement and trending ability of a photoplethysmographic device (Clearsight) with a PiCCO, calibrated by thermodilution, for haemodynamic variables in 20 adults undergoing major elective surgery. We analysed 4519 measurement pairs, including before and after 68 boluses of 250 ml crystalloid. The bias and precision of stroke volume measurement by Clearsight were −0.89 ± 4.78 ml compared with the invasive pulse-contour cardiac output device. The coefficient of agreement for stroke volume variation after fluid boluses between the two devices was 0.79 (‘strong’). Fluid boluses that increased stroke volume by ≥ 10% increased mean absolute volume (SD) and mean percentage (SD) stroke volume measurements similarly for the invasive pulse-contour cardiac output and Clearsight devices: 9 (4) ml vs. 8 (4) ml and 16% (8%) vs. 15% (10%), respectively, p > 0.05. The non-invasive Clearsight pulse-contour analysis was similar to an invasive pulse-contour device in measuring absolute and changing stroke volumes during major surgery.  相似文献   

Thermodilution determined right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) and cardiac output (CO) were measured in 48 critically ill patients requiring mechanical ventilation and inotropic and/or vasoactive drugs. The coefficient of variation on CO and RVEF were calculated from triple determinations. The average coefficient of variation based on 551 triple determinations was 12.6% for RVEF (range 2–51%) and 4.9% for CO (range 0–24%). If a 10% coefficient of variation was chosen as acceptable, 95% of the CO measurements were acceptable. The coefficient of variation on RVEF only fulfilled the 10% criteria in 46% of the measurements, but if the accepted level was raised to a 20% coefficient of variation, 90% of the measurements were acceptable. The measurement of RVEF and CO are used for calculation of e.g. right ventricular end diastolic volume (RVEDV). By applying the average coefficient of variation on RVEF and CO, the accumulated error on calculation of RVEDV was found to be 15%–+20% at worst. Before derived parameters such as RVEDV are interpreted or compared with previously obtained values, the accumulated error should be calculated. To ensure the quality of the measurements, our recommendation is always to calculate the coefficient of variation for each triple determination of RVEF and CO.  相似文献   

Since the technique of thermodilution (TD) cardiac output measurement, per se, causes hemodynamic alterations, the author examined whether the alterations elicited by iced injectate are augmented in the presence of acute blood loss or endotoxemia, compromized conditions frequently associated with critically ill patients. Acute blood loss (N = 8) and endotoxemia (N = 8) were induced by withdrawing arterial blood approximately 20–30 ml kg-1 over 30 min and by a slow intravenous infusion of E. coli endotoxin 2.5-3.0 mg kg-l over 10 min, respectively, in anesthetized dogs. The magnitudes of decreases in mean arterial and pulmonary artery pressures during slowing of heart rate (HR) following injection of iced injectate 3 ml were slightly less in acute blood loss than in normovolemia, whereas in endotoxemia the degree of mean arterial pressure decrease during slowing of HR following iced injectate 3 ml was slightly less as compared with that before endotoxemia. However, the alterations in other hemodynamic variables following injection of iced injectate 3 ml were similar between dogs with and without acute blood loss or endotoxemia. No profound hemodynamic changes were observed during any TD cardiac output measurements under both conditions. Cardiac output estimated by TD correlated closely with pulmonary blood flow measured by electromagnetic flowmeter in endotoxemia (r > 0.9) but not during acute blood loss. These results indicate that TD cardiac output determination does not cause serious hemodynamic alterations in endotoxemia or acute blood loss, and can estimate right ventricular output accurately in endotoxemia but not in acute blood loss.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study addresses the question of whether the elevation of the mean arterial pressure and central venous pressure in response to pneumoperitoneum for laparoscopic surgery is caused by increases in central blood volume and/or cardiac output. METHODS: Eleven patients in good cardiopulmonary health and scheduled for laparoscopic cholecystectomy, with a mean age of 42 years, were included. After induction of anaesthesia with fentanyl and propofol, radial arterial and central venous lines were introduced. The central blood volume and cardiac output were determined by the indicator-dilution technique, using inline densitometric measurements of indocyanine green (ICG). The measurements were made before and after the establishment of pneumoperitoneum by insufflation of carbon dioxide to an intra-abdominal pressure level of 11-13 mmHg. RESULTS: The mean arterial pressure (62+/-6 mmHg) increased after induction of pneumoperitoneum by 40+/-26% (P<0.05) and the central venous pressure increased from 6+/-4 mmHg to 8+/-6 mmHg (P<0.05). The cardiac output (4.3+/-0.9 L/min) and central blood volume (1.5+/-0.5 L) were not affected by the induction of pneumoperitoneum. CONCLUSIONS: In healthy anaesthetized subjects, the elevation of mean arterial pressure and central venous pressure in response to pneumoperitoneum was not caused by enhancement in cardiac output or central blood volume.  相似文献   

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