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The oxygen binding properties of whole blood and hemoglobin were studied in three phylogenetically distant tropical teleosts inhabiting freshwater billabongs that exhibit marked seasonal oxygen stratification. The water breathing saratoga (Scleropages jardinii, Family Osteoglossidae), derived from an ancient divergence of the stem line leading to all other extant teleosts, has a low blood oxygen carrying capacity, Bohr and Root effect, and a high blood oxygen affinity. Erythrocytes contain a single major hemoglobin component, and equimolar concentrations of ATP and GTP. The tarpon (Megalops cyprinoides, Family Megalopidae), a facultative air-breather, has the highest blood oxygen carrying capacity and Bohr effect, and a low blood oxygen affinity and Root effect. Erythrocytes contain a single major hemoglobin and ATP as a putative regulator of hemoglobin oxygen affinity. Barramundi (Lates calcarifer, Family Centropomidae), is an obligate water-breather with intermediate blood oxygen binding properties, and the smallest Root effect. Erythrocytes contain at least 7 hemoglobins, and equimolar concentrations of ATP and GTP. Functional properties of these three blood oxygen transport systems are considered in terms of the respiratory environment and demand for oxygen. Our interpretation supports the hypothesis that the process of speciation can lead to divergence in physiological mechanisms, irrespective of past or present selection pressures.  相似文献   

Ninety‐three giant Queensland grouper, Epinephelus lanceolatus (Bloch), were found dead in Queensland, Australia, from 2007 to 2011. Most dead fish occurred in northern Queensland, with a peak of mortalities in Cairns in June 2008. In 2009, sick wild fish including giant sea catfish, Arius thalassinus (Rüppell), and javelin grunter, Pomadasys kaakan (Cuvier), also occurred in Cairns. In 2009 and 2010, two disease epizootics involving wild stingrays occurred at Sea World marine aquarium. Necropsy, histopathology, bacteriology and PCR determined that the cause of deaths of 12 giant Queensland grouper, three wild fish, six estuary rays, Dasyatis fluviorum (Ogilby), one mangrove whipray, Himantura granulata (Macleay), and one eastern shovelnose ray, Aptychotrema rostrata (Shaw), was Streptococcus agalactiae septicaemia. Biochemical testing of 34 S. agalactiae isolates from giant Queensland grouper, wild fish and stingrays showed all had identical biochemical profiles. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of isolates confirmed all isolates were S. agalactiae; genotyping of selected S. agalactiae isolates showed the isolates from giant Queensland grouper were serotype Ib, whereas isolates from wild fish and stingrays closely resembled serotype II. This is the first report of S. agalactiae from wild giant Queensland grouper and other wild tropical fish and stingray species in Queensland, Australia.  相似文献   

Periodicity and timing of opaque zone formation in otoliths of introduced redbelly tilapia, Tilapia zillii (Gervais), in Crater Lake Nkuruba, Uganda, were validated using marginal increment. Age and growth were assessed through readings of biannuli in thin‐sectioned sagittal otoliths. Deposition of opaque zone formation in T. zillii otoliths was bimodal (March–May and September–November), corresponding to two seasonal peaks of precipitation characteristic of this equatorial region. Ages of T. zillii ranged from 2 to 8 years, with fish gillnetted offshore having a faster growth and attaining larger size‐at‐age than fish captured inshore in minnow traps, suggesting that use of multiple gears is needed when estimating the growth of T. zillii. Total instantaneous mortality (Z), estimated using catch curve analysis, was 0.74 for gillnetted fish and 0.71 for trapped fish. These estimates were at the low end of the total mortality reported for other tilapia species. Natural mortality (M) was estimated as 0.52–0.54 by applying Rikhter and Efanov's maximum age at maturity and Hoenig's maximum age methods, respectively. Fishing mortality (F) in Lake Nkuruba was 0.17–0.22, indicating a low exploitation level in the lake.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe two epizootics of high mortalities from infection with Streptococcus agalactiae, occurring in captive rays held in a marine display aquarium in south‐east Queensland, Australia, in 2009 and 2010. Five different species of rays were affected, including mangrove whiprays (Himantura granulata), estuary rays (Dasyatis fluviorum), eastern shovelnose rays (Aptychotrema rostrata), white‐spotted eagle rays (Aetobatus narinari) and blue‐spotted mask rays (Neotrygon kuhlii). This report describes the history of both epizootics including collection, quarantine and husbandry of rays, the disease epizootics, clinico‐pathological features of the disease, antimicrobial therapy, autogenous vaccine production, and laboratory studies including clinical and histopathology, bacteriology, PCR, molecular serotyping and sequencing of the bacterium S. agalactiae.  相似文献   

The growth and morphological development including fins, spine distribution and pigmentation of larval and juvenile of hatchery‐reared yellow puffer, Chonerhinos naritus were described to provide essential information on the early life history of this species. The total length (TL) of newly hatched larvae was 3.42 ± 0.23 (mean ± SD) mm, reaching 5.66 ± 0.38 mm on 5 days after hatched (DAH), 7.80 ± 0.28 mm on 11 DAH, 9.88 ± 0.40 mm on 27 DAH and 10.92 ± 0.58 mm on 30 DAH. The yolk was completely absorbed in preflexion larvae at 4 DAH. The mouth opening started at 3 DAH of yolk sac larvae, while the teeth appeared starting from preflexion larvae at 7 DAH. Overall aggregate fin ray numbers including caudal fin attained full complement in postflexion larvae at 27 DAH. Several melanophores with appearance of small stellate were first appeared dorsally on the head of flexion larvae at 13 DAH, expanded at the dorsal region of the head, above the eye in juveniles at 30 DAH. The spines first appeared in preflexion larvae of C. naritus at 7 DAH, covering the ventral skin region below pectoral fin base and expanded to the ventral part of the body and nearly covered the whole abdomen region before the anus and below the eyes in juveniles. C. naritus remain as larvae for approximately 29 days, during which they metamorphose to the juvenile stage prior to sexual maturation. Observations in larvae development of C. naritus revealed similar characteristics with other Tetraodontidae species.  相似文献   

  • 1. Variation in age, shell growth, and demographic responses of two endangered mussel species, Epioblasma brevidens and Epioblasma capsaeformis, and a third non‐listed species, Lampsilis fasciola, were studied from 2004–2008 in a 32‐km reach of the Clinch River, TN.
  • 2. Observed maximum age and length of E. brevidens was 28 yr and 71.5 mm for males and 15 yr and 56.6 mm for females; of E. capsaeformis, 12 yr and 54.6 mm for males and 9 yr and 48.6 mm for females; and of L. fasciola, 45 yr and 91.3 mm for males and 24 yr and 79.8 mm for females.
  • 3. Estimated population size was ~46 000 individuals for E. brevidens, ~862 000 individuals for E. capsaeformis, and ~33 000 individuals for L. fasciola.
  • 4. Mean recruitment per year of 1 yr‐olds ranged from 12.0% to 24.0% for E. brevidens, 4.2% to 56.6% for E. capsaeformis, and 10.0% to 38.5% for L. fasciola, and mean annual population growth rate was 21.0%, 31.3%, and ? 24.3%, respectively.
  • 5. Juveniles were detectable but temporally and spatially variable in occurrence, and a significant proportion of the age‐class structure of each species. Recruitment was exceptionally high for E. capsaeformis during years when discharge was low in spring and summer.
  • 6. Population size, growth, recruitment, and mortality rates of the shorter‐lived E. capsaeformis were correspondingly higher than those of E. brevidens and L. fasciola.
  • 7. The federal recovery plan for E. brevidens and E. capsaeformis identifies quantification of demographic variables as a critical step toward meeting the recovery needs of each species. The data collected in this study begin to meet these needs and can be used to monitor and evaluate population performance of each species. Published in 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

New cultured ornamental fish namely Lake Kurumoi rainbowfish Melanotaenia parva (Allen) run into reduced of colour performances when reared in the aquaria, consequently, fish feed must be added with carotenoids as a pigment source. The aim of this study was to evaluate the digestibility, growth and pigmentation of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and lutein in diet. Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of dry matter, lipid, protein, carotenoids, growth and pigmentation were studied in twenty fish after 14 and 56 days of observation. The single‐dose supplementation of 100 mg/kg of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin, or lutein diets on fish was fed by apparent satiation. The basal diet without carotenoids was used as control. The result showed that the ADC of carotenoids of test diets was higher compared to control. Fish fed astaxanthin diet had higher survival rate (96.67 ± 2.89%), colour measurements of lightness (57.60 ± 7.46%), a*‐values (4.66 ± 1.20), total carotenoids content in skin (33.75 ± 5.02 mg/kg) and muscle (2.16 ± 0.74 mg/kg). Astaxanthin also increased the growth after 14 days (2.00% ± 0.19%/days) but there was no significantly different at the end of experiment. The yellowish‐orange colour performance was more rapidly achieved by fish fed astaxanthin diet after 28 days experimentation. These values suggested that dietary carotenoids were required and astaxanthin diet was superior to other diets for skin pigmentation of Lake Kurumoi rainbowfish.  相似文献   

The brown shrimp, Crangon crangon, is the most important target of the coastal crustacean fisheries in the German Bight. In order to evaluate the relation between the abundance of ovigerous females and larvae in spring and the recruitment success in autumn, we first analysed the seasonal appearance of ovigerous females and larvae from weekly samples throughout 2012. The spawning season in the German Bight extends over several months comprising multiple unsynchronized spawning events. The minimum shares of ovigerous females appeared in early autumn, and the highest shares in late winter bearing mostly early egg stages. We defined the putative start of the reproductive cycle for November when the frequency of ovigerous females started to increase. There was no distinct separation between winter and summer eggs, but a continuous transition between large eggs spawned in winter (the early spawning season) and batches of smaller eggs in spring and summer. Larval densities peaked in April/May. Consequently, regular annual larval surveys from 2013 to 2016 were scheduled for April/May and extended to six transects covering the inner German Bight. Ovigerous females were most abundant in shallow waters above the 20‐m isobaths, which also explained regional differences in abundance between the regions off North Frisia and East Frisia. No relation was obvious between the number of larvae in spring and recruited stock in autumn. Due to the short lifespan of C. crangon, the combination of various abiotic factors and predator presence seems to be the principal parameters controlling stock size.  相似文献   

We studied the movement of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in four small streams in northern Colorado using mark-recapture methods and weirs. The recapture rates of marked adult trout were low for all streams, and large numbers of unmarked adult trout, apparently immigrants, were found each year. Significantly more trout, immigrated into sections that were experimentally modified by installing low log dams, which increased depth, pool volume and the amount of overhead cover. The number of immigrant and resident trout was significantly related to the amount of cover in the sections. Resident trout were larger than immigrants in all streams in the last year of sampling. Most mobile brook trout moved upstream during summer on the two streams where weirs were operated, and upstream migrants were significantly larger than downstream migrants on both streams. We suggest that a high degree of movement may be an adaptive response by brook trout to the heterogeneous nature of small mountain streams.  相似文献   

A comprehensive knowledge of migratory behaviour is paramount for the effective management and conservation of fishes in coastal drainages. The Australian smelt (Retropinna semoni) is a common fish distributed throughout coastal and inland drainages in south‐eastern Australia. Multiple life history patterns (potamodromy, facultative diadromy, estuarine residence) in the southern regions of its geographic distribution have been reported, and it is possible that some of these differences reflect characteristic behaviours of cryptic species within the group. To elucidate the life history patterns of smelt at the northern extent of their range and to identify any differences in migratory behaviour between two genetically distinct lineages (“SEQ‐N”, “SEQ‐S”) in this region, the movement patterns of Australian smelt were assessed using otolith chemistry. No evidence of marine residence was found based on otolith Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca transects for either group, suggesting that both are non‐diadromous. Significant differences in multi‐elemental otolith chemistry signatures were found among rivers and between paired sites within some rivers, suggesting no connectivity among drainages and limited dispersal of individuals over large spatial scales within rivers. These findings provide key insights into the migratory patterns of northern Australian smelt populations and, in combination with previous research, suggest that life history variation in the Australian smelt complex may occur primarily at the intra‐population level rather than among genetically distinct lineages. Conservation and management strategies for Australian smelt should take limited dispersal and individual life history variation into consideration in order to protect the components of this important species complex.  相似文献   

Abstract – We examined the expected changes in the life history trajectory of an Arctic species, broad whitefish, in the lower Mackenzie River between an anadromous population with spawning migrations of 350–450 km and a potamodromous population with spawning migrations of 5–12 km. Based on life history theory we predicted that the anadromous population would have faster growth, later age-at-maturity, and greater reproductive investment than the potamodromous population. Early in its life the anadromous population had faster growth than the potamodromous but later growth was slower. Age-at-maturity was greater in the anadromous population than the potamodromous. Reproductive investment was higher in the anadromous population. We conclude that the broad whitefish did not conclusively follow the pattern of variation observed between migratory and relatively sedentary populations in temperate zones. Fecundity was greater in the migratory population but not conclusively linked to age-at-maturity or growth-rate differences.  相似文献   

Abstract— We compared the early life history of black crappie ( Pomoxis nigromaculatus ) in Richmond (an impoundment) and Brant (a natural lake) lakes during 1994-1996. We expected variable recruitment (i. e., missing year classes) in the natural lake and more consistent recruitment in the impoundment. Larval black crappie abundance was always higher in Richmond Lake than Brant Lake. Peak abundance of larval black crappie was highest during 1994 in both waters. However, peak larval abundance did not correspond with fall trap-net catch per unit effort (CPUE) of age-0 black crappie, which was highest during 1995. Thus, recruitment of black crappie was not simply a function of the number of larvae hatched. Similar trends in catches of age-0 black crappie with the ichthyoplankton trawl and trap nets for both water bodies during 1994-1996 suggest that broad environmental factors similarly affected reproduction and recruitment in Richmond and Brant lakes.  相似文献   

We investigated the implications of early maturation in a central Ontario population of pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) by comparing the growth trajectory, body condition, lipid to body weight ratio and past growth history of mature and immature females through the 1992 growing season. Pumpkinseeds were sampled from Beloporine Lake from May 28 to July 24 and on November 20, just prior to freeze-up of the lake. Prior growth history and length at age were determined by backcalculation from scale annuli. Nearly all females age 3 and older had matured in 1992, so we focused on age 2 females (22% mature). Females that matured at age 2 were significantly larger at the end of their first year of life than those that did not mature at age 2, although there was no significant difference between groups in the prior year's growth rate. The mature age 2 females were significantly larger than immatures, at the beginning and end of their third growing season, but not during the June 2 - July 19 breeding season. The condition factor of mature females was higher than that of immature females on all but one collection date. However, the mean somatic lipid-to-body weight ratio was higher in immature females on all sample dates and significantly higher over the grwing season. We conclude that the costs of early maturation include lack of length and weight gain during the breeding season, and loss of stored lipid. The latter may be associated with increased overwinter mortality.  相似文献   

1. The spatial distribution of the most important subtidal habitats (coral reefs, coral carpets, seagrass meadows, sand with corals, macroids, mud, hardgrounds) and mangroves was mapped in northern Safaga Bay, Red Sea, Egypt. Coral communities were analysed separately for their ecological and spatial patterns. This, coupled with information about major current patterns in the bay, provides a framework on which to base impact predictions for planned developments or for those already underway. 2. Because the entire shoreline of northern Safaga Bay is earmarked for tourism development, the following impacts have already been observed and can be expected to worsen: dredging, coastal infilling, marina construction, alteration of inshore current patterns as a result of breakwater construction and eutrophication. 3. The maps of habitats could be used by management authorities to either license or forbid these activities in specific areas, thus avoiding damage to sensitive environments. Properly used, resource mapping is a powerful proactive management tool that allows resource managers to anticipate and avoid impacts at an early stage in the process. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Streams are under environmental pressures acting at different scales that influence the ecological organisation of their fish assemblages. However, the relative influence of the different scale‐related variables on assemblage composition and function is poorly understood. We evaluated the importance of local‐ and catchment‐scale environmental variables, as well as the spatial structure of the sampling sites, in shaping fish assemblages in Atlantic Forest streams. Local‐scale variables were those measured at the sampling sites, describing the local habitat conditions (e.g. depth, substrate type, altitude). Catchment‐scale variables were those integrating the upstream landscape of the sampling sites (e.g. catchment land use). Spatial distances were calculated from watercourse distance using principal coordinates of neighbour matrices. Altogether, 28 local and seven catchment variables were initially subjected to two processes of eliminating co‐linearity. Redundancy analysis was applied to the three matrices (spatial, local and catchment) to quantify the variance in the structure of the fish assemblages explained by each matrix. Local variables explained more variability in both taxonomic and functional assemblage structure, than catchment and spatial variables. Local variables also changed along the longitudinal gradient, which consequently influenced fish assemblage structure. This pattern was also influenced by anthropogenic alteration and non‐native species, which were more abundant in downstream sites. These results highlight the need to assess Atlantic Forest streams under different environmental scales, especially through the use of quantitative local‐scale metrics, and to consider the effects of longitudinal patterns in structuring fish assemblages when developing and implementing monitoring programmes, impact studies and conservation plans.  相似文献   

Variability in growth rates of larval haddock in the northern North Sea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The large-scale distribution of haddock ( Melanogrammus aeglefinus ) larvae in the northern North Sea was mapped in a grid survey carried out in late April 1996. A drifting buoy was deployed in the centre of one of the areas of concentration of larvae located off the east coast of the Shetland Isles, where intensive sampling was carried out for ≈ 10 days. Daily larval haddock growth variability, estimated from otolith microstructure analysis, was independent of the measured variability of the physical and biological environment of the larvae. The survey coincided with the onset of the spring plankton production bloom, and a likely explanation for the absence of environmental effects on larval growth was high food availability and larval feeding rates. Nevertheless, differences in growth were observed between cohorts, with larvae hatched later in the spring displaying higher growth at age than those hatched earlier. Particle-tracking modelling suggested that differences in temperature history between cohorts, on their own or compounded by a potential interaction between temperature and the development of plankton production, may explain the higher growth rate of the larvae hatched later in the season.  相似文献   

Abstract— The broad-finned galaxias, Galaxias brevipinnis , spawned during high flows in mid autumn. Spawning took place over inundated riparian areas where eggs were laid amongst substrate, mainly in the interstices of cobbles and pebbles. Between subsequent high flows, eggs were out of water for days or weeks, lying up to 7 m from the water's edge. When exposed, eggs and streamside substrate remained damp, shaded by surrounding forest. Hatching would only occur when eggs were inundated by a subsequent flood. In the field, most eggs had hatched within 30 days of the spawning period, but some remained unhatched for up to 60 days. In the laboratory, eggs remained unhatched for up to 57 days under moist conditions but out of water, and up to 120 days when kept in water. However those kept under drier conditions died. It would appear that riparian cover may be important in providing shaded and moist conditions for the survival of eggs in the wild. Evidence of some adult mortality following spawning was noted. Newly hatched larvae were carried to sea during high flows. Predation on eggs by both adult G. brevipinnis and introduced brown trout Salmo trutta Linnaeus was found to occur.  相似文献   

  1. The delimitation of conservation units may be supported by information on compositional (taxonomic), functional, and phylogenetic diversity of a given locality or region. In this context, systematic conservation planning and key biodiversity areas are promising approaches for biodiversity protection.
  2. Factors such as species representativeness and exclusivity may be used to identify geographical distribution patterns and select relevant areas for conservation at a local scale.
  3. This study aims to identify areas with rare and restricted fish species in mountain streams in Southern Brazil, using a method that unites ecological and biogeographical approaches.
  4. Seven river basins and 152 mountain streams in Southern Brazil were sampled to obtain data on the occurrence and abundance of 115 fish species. The rarity status of each species was determined and endemicity analysis was used to find areas of restricted species (ARS) with three cell sizes.
  5. Using larger cells, continuous areas were identified and supported by a higher proportion of rare fish species. Using smaller cells, discontinuous areas were identified within each of the river basins, where rare and endemic fish species occur. Most of the smaller areas relevant for protecting fish fauna were located outside of conservation units.
  6. Fundamental areas were selected for the protection of fish species in mountain streams in Southern Brazil. Both the method proposed and the areas with rare and restricted fish species identified may be used to support systematic conservation planning and to delimit new priority areas for conservation.

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