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  结论:(1)在整个试验过程中,与乙酸钠作为碳源相比,木薯酒糟及其厌氧发酵液在相同的运行条件下取得了更高的总氮( TN )去除率,分别为(72.4±3.2)%和(73.2±2.6)%,高于乙酸钠的(62.6±3.5)%。NUR 试验结果表明,木薯酒糟及其厌氧发酵液污泥的反硝化速率分别为5.49~5.99 g N/(kg MLVSS·h)和6.63~6.81 g N/(kg MLVSS·h),与其他研究中报道的食品工业废水的反硝化速率相当或略高。(2)以木薯酒糟及其厌氧发酵液作为碳源的系统发生了显著的反硝化聚磷现象,两体系中的反硝化聚磷菌分别占总聚磷菌的62.6%(86天)和61.8%(65天)。(3)以木薯酒糟上清液及其厌氧发酵液作为碳源的生物营养盐去除(SBR)系统均取得了良好稳定的脱氮除磷效果。在 BNR 工艺中投加木薯酒糟及其厌氧碱性发酵液作为外加碳源,不仅可以提高系统氮磷去除效果,还能解决这部分废水的处理问题,是一种很有潜力的替代碳源。  相似文献   

为了提高氧化沟脱氮除磷的效果,提出了改良型氧化沟工艺,并且进行了碳源投加量对除磷脱氮的影响的试验验证.首先,给出了合肥市某污水处理厂的工程概况,并且提出了试验材料与方法.其次,分析了改良型氧化沟工艺在该污水处理厂运行效果,试验表明:(1)碳源投加量越大,释磷量越大;(2)在厌氧时污泥释磷越充分,曝气时吸磷量越大,在曝气180min后,80mg/L碳源污泥吸磷量明显小于160mg/L碳源污泥吸磷量;(3)在180min,C:N=5:1时,其硝酸盐含量和亚硝酸盐含量均小于C:N=3:1时的含量,碳源越充足,硝化反硝化效果越好,最终TN含量越小.  相似文献   

Performance of biological phosphorus removal in the oxic-settling-anaerobic (OSA) process was investigated. Cell staining and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) were used to analyze characteristics and microbial community of sludge. Experimental results showed that phosphorus removal efficiency was near 60% and the amount of biological phosphorus accumulation in aerobic sludge of the OSA system was up to 26.9 mg/g. Biological phosphorus removal efficiency was partially inhibited by carbon sources in the continuous OSA system. Contrasted to the OSA system, biological phosphorus removal efficiency was enhanced by 14% and the average total phosphorus (TP) contents of aerobic sludge were increased by 0.36 mg/g when sufficient carbon sources were supplied in batch experiments. Staining methods indicated that about 35% of microorganisms had typical characteristics of phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs). FISH analysis demonstrated that PAOMIX-binding bacteria were predominant microbial communities in the OSA system, which accounted for around 28% of total bacteria.  相似文献   

A/O工艺与分段进水两种生物脱氮工艺的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从脱氮率、工艺运行以及节能角度对A/O工艺与分段进水2种生物脱氮工艺进行比较.结果表明,当污泥回流比为50%的条件下,分段进水工艺能达到高于80%的总氮去除率,但是A/O工艺只能达到40%.在污泥回流比为100%、硝化液回流比为200%的条件下,A/O工艺能够达到78.32%的总氮去除率,但是SVI值将达到143mL/g.而达到同样甚至更高的总氮去除率(81.1%),分段进水工艺的SVI值只有94.4mL/g.分段进水工艺中污泥膨胀得到很好的控制.分段进水工艺在适用性、脱氮率、运行稳定性方面优于A/O工艺.  相似文献   

A six-week experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of supplementing different enzyme cocktails in cornsoybean-byproduct diets on broiler chickens' growth performance and nutrient utilization. A total of 630 one-day-old Arbor Acre broiler chicks were randomly allocated to 7 experimental groups with 6 replicates of 15 chicks. The group of chicks serving as the control group were fed a basal diet made of mainly corn and soybean meal, mixed with a little fish meal, rapeseed meal and wheat bran. The other six groups were fed the same basal diet supplemented with each a different enzyme complex at the dosage of 0.75 kg enzyme in 1 t basal diet. At the same time, a metabolic trial was carded out on 42 chicks at the 27 d age. The results showed that the average daily mass gain (ADG) of chicks in the starter phase, age 1 d to 21 d, was improved by all enzyme complex supplements except the cocktail made of 230 IU/g α-amylase, 5.6 klU/g β-glucanase, 5.3 kIU/g cellulase, 15.5 kIU/g protease and 37.5 kIU/g xylanase. The enzyme cocktail made of 1.6 klU/g α-amylase, 80 klU/g protease and 1.6 kIU/g xylanase worked out the most significant difference (P〈0.05). Enzyme supplementation decreased the feed conversion ratio (FCR) by 2.78% to 3.98% (P〉0.05), indicating better utilization of nutritients. In the grower phase at the age from 22 d to 42 d, the enzyme cocktail made of 4.0 kIU/g β-glucanase, 3.8 kIU/g cellulase, 17.8 kIU/g protease, 4.5 kIU/g xylanase and 44 IU/g α-glactase, and that made of 240 IU/g α-amylase, 1.4.6 kIU/g β-glucanase, 2.0 kIU/g cellulase, 5.7 klU/g protease, 400 IU/g xylanase, 20 IU/g α- glactase and 200 IU/g phytase imporved chicks' ADG and FCR significantly (P〈0.05). These two cocktails also were shown to improve ADG and FCR in the entire period of broiler age from 1 d to 42 d. Exogenous digesting enzymes such as protease and amylase benefited the growth and nutrition utilization in young broilers in the starter phase but barely in the grower phase, indicat  相似文献   

1 Introduction a Water eutrophication becomes increasingly serious owing to untreated or illegally discharged domestic as well as industrial wastewater. Hopefully, more strict requirements for nitrogen and phosphorus removal have been set in new wastewate…  相似文献   

This paper uses theory from sociology of education to explore associations between mentors’ and senior colleagues’ perceptions of schoolwide collective responsibility and the frequency of their interactions with novice teachers. Survey data was collected from novice teachers, their mentors, and their school-based colleagues in 6 Michigan districts and 5 Indiana districts in 2007–2008. The findings suggest that mentors’ perceptions of collective responsibility for learning are strongly associated with their interactions with mentees, and that senior colleagues’ perceptions of schoolwide collective responsibility are also critical to their interactions with novice teachers. This study has implications for principals’ efforts to facilitate interactions between beginning teachers and their mentors and colleagues about core instructional issues.  相似文献   

Structure on Denitrification in a Bio-electrode ReactorTX1IntroductionIntensiveagricultureandindustrialwastewaterdis-chargedha...  相似文献   

Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B - This study was conducted to reveal the effects of silicon (Si) application on nutrient utilization efficiency by rice and on soil nutrient availability...  相似文献   

Effects of analogical processes on learning and misrepresentation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the facilitative effects of instructional analogies have been well-documented, research has ignored their potential role in the formation of domain-specific misconceptions. A model for predicting the likelihood of analogical misrepresentation is presented. The model assumes that two factors interact to influence the potential for misrepresentation: locus of generation (learner-generated or teacher-generated) and component analogical process (selection or mapping). The research reviewed provides support for the model's predictions that (a) selection difficulties increase the potential for misrepresentation under learner-generated conditions, and (b) mapping difficulties increase the potential for misrepresentation under teacher-generated conditions. Application of research findings with proportional analogies and analogical problem-solving to a systematic investigation of the effects of instructional and elaborative analogies is recommended.  相似文献   

温度对土壤有效磷测定结果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨显色温度对有效磷含量的影响,参照石灰性土壤有效磷的测定方法,在浸提过滤液中加入钼锑抗混合显色剂后,分别将恒温箱温度调至10、15、20、25、30℃,30min后用分光光度计在880nm波长下进行比色,测定其吸光值,然后计算有效磷的含量。结果表明:0~20cm和20~40cm土层的有效磷含量在显色温度为30℃最大,其次是25℃,但两者差异不大;温度为10、15、20℃时有效磷含量较低,并且与25℃和30℃时的测定值差异较大。显色适宜的温度应该为25~30℃。  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of child-caregiver ratio on the quality of caregiver-child interaction in child-care centers, 217 caregivers (ages 18-56 years) from 64 child care centers were observed during two structured play episodes: one with a group of three children and one with a group of 5 children. As predicted, a child-caregiver ratio of 3:1 produced a significantly higher quality of caregiver-child interaction than a ratio of 5:1 and particularly for younger children. Significant and meaningful effects were found for both the interactive behaviors of the caregivers and the children's well-being and cooperation. Significant correlations with caregiver-child interaction during lunchtime and throughout the remainder of the morning confirmed the ecological validity of the caregiver-child interactions observed during structured play episodes.  相似文献   

扫描电镜工作距离和加速电压与图像清晰度的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为阐明工作距离和电子束加速电压对扫描电镜图像清晰度的影响,实验比较了在不同的工作距离和加速电压条件下,大肠杆菌的扫描电镜图像清晰度和分辨率.并通过理论分析得出:工作距离缩短能加大入射角,导致图像分辨率提高;提高加速电压可增加样品中的二次电子发射,从而提高图像的清晰度,不过加速电压要适当,过低或偏高都会影响图像清晰度.  相似文献   

We conducted an experimental study to assess the effects of two physics-learning situations that differed in the type of teacher-student interactions that took place: evaluative or co-constructive. As found in various studies on physics teaching and social psychology, the results showed that co-constructive interactions generated a more effective learning context for students than evaluative ones did.  相似文献   

利用自行设计的相参源矢量网络分析仪,在高频电子线路课程中进行了实例教学。利用该仪器,对高频器件特性阻抗进行了实际测试。通过实验,学生对高频电子线路有了直观的认识。由于所设计的矢量网络分析仪成本低廉,可广泛应用到课堂教学上,极大提高了学生的学习兴趣,提高了教学效果。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effects of external reward in the form of prizes on the performance of college students in a paired-associate learning task in which subjects were asked to recall a real word associated with a nonsense word. Two groups, one of whom was offered a prize, received the S-R pairs with no aid (no mediators); and two groups, one of whom was offered a prize, received the S-R pairs with a sentence-pictorial aid mediator. Results of two-way ANOVA supported the hypothesis that the No Prize/Aided and No Prize/NonAided groups would exhibit performance of higher quality than the groups offered prizes. The dependent measure was number of correct responses over six trials.  相似文献   

通过比较试验,研究了黄淮平原玉米-小麦一年两熟农作制度下,玉米秸秆还田对土壤养分变化及小麦产量的影响.结果表明:苗期、返青期、拔节期、抽穗期、灌浆期、成熟期的土壤有机质和养分测定结果显示出差异,且随时间推移差异表现越明显;秸秆还田后有机质平均增加2.908 g/kg,有效氮平均增加7.163 mg/kg,有效磷平均增加2.635 mg/kg,有效钾平均增加15.485 mg/kg,土壤pH值基本不变;秸秆还田处理对冬小麦产量影响较大,增产7.91%.研究结果可为土壤可持续利用提供参考.  相似文献   

为明确洛宁烤烟中性致香物质状况及其土壤养分影响因素,以洛宁烤烟及对应土壤为材料,采用对比分析、灰色关联分析的方法,研究了洛宁烟区中性致香物质含量状况及其与土壤养分的关系.结果表明:(1)洛宁烤烟苯丙氨酸类降解产物、棕色化反应产物、类西柏烷类、新植二烯、总量高于津巴布韦烤烟,其中类西柏烷类较高,类胡萝卜素类降解产物相对较低;(2)土壤养分中速效钾含量对棕色化反应产物、类西柏烷类降解产物、总量影响最大;速效磷对苯丙氨酸类产物含量、类胡萝卜素降解产物影响最大;有效锌对新植二烯含量影响最大.  相似文献   

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