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王轶浩  陈展  周建岗  张媛媛 《生态学报》2021,41(13):5184-5194
马尾松对酸沉降危害极其敏感,生产实践中往往通过林分改造来应对酸沉降危害。为掌握酸雨区马尾松纯林改造对土壤酸化环境的影响及科学指导经营管理,采用空间代替时间的方法,对重庆铁山坪林场的马尾松纯林及其阔叶化改造后的香樟林、木荷林、马尾松×香樟混交林和马尾松×木荷混交林土壤养分、酸化特征及团聚体稳定性进行研究。结果表明:(1)除木荷混交林的腐殖质层土壤有机碳和全氮含量显著增加外,其他森林类型总体均减少(P<0.05);香樟林及其混交林的各层土壤全磷和全钾含量均增加,但木荷林及其混交林均减少(P<0.05)。(2)改造为香樟林及其混交林能显著提高土壤pH值、交换性盐基离子含量和盐基饱和度,降低交换性Al3+含量,但改造为木荷林及其混交林则总体对土壤酸化特征影响不明显(P>0.05)。(3)木荷林及其混交林淀积层的水稳性大团聚体含量增加,香樟林及其混交林则是微团聚体含量增加(P<0.05)。(4)改造对各森林类型腐殖质层和木荷林淋溶层及淀积层的土壤团聚体稳定性均无显著影响,但能增强马尾松混交林和香樟林淋溶层或淀积层的土壤团聚体稳定性(P<0.05)。综合来看,改造能改变土壤酸化环境,但各森林类型的影响不同,改造为香樟林或其混交林的改善效果总体好于木荷林或其混交林。因而对酸雨区马尾松纯林改造,还应根据改造树种特性及林分特征,科学确定相应的改造方法,尤其应注重改造林分的全过程抚育经营,以营造良好的林下环境。  相似文献   

施肥和增水对弃耕草地土壤酸中和容量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大气氮沉降增加是草地土壤酸化的主要原因。土壤酸缓冲性能作为评估土壤酸化的重要指标,对氮输入的响应受到降水与其他限制养分含量的影响。本研究以我国北方温带弃耕草地氮、磷、水添加试验13年后的土壤为对象,利用二次多项式模型拟合酸滴定曲线,计算了土壤酸缓冲容量(ABC)以及以pH 5.0和4.0为参比的土壤酸中和容量(ANC)。结果表明: 不增水处理下,单独加氮和同时添加氮磷均显著降低土壤pH,降低以pH 5.0和4.0为参比时的酸中和容量(ANCpH5.0和ANCpH4.0);单独加磷对土壤pH、ANCpH5.0和ANCpH4.0均无显著影响。增水处理下,加氮及加氮磷显著降低土壤pH、ANCpH5.0和ANCpH4.0;加磷显著降低土壤pH,但增加了ANCpH4.0,而对ANCpH5.0无显著影响。与不增水处理相比,增水处理对土壤pH、酸中和容量均具有显著的正效应。对于初始pH值不同的土壤,采用土壤酸中和容量比酸缓冲容量能更好地指示土壤抗酸化能力。  相似文献   

Analysis of data from the National Soil Inventory of England and Wales obtained between 1978 and 2003 shows widespread increases in soil pH – i.e., soils became less acid – across both countries during the survey period. In general, soil pH increased under all land uses. At least part of the increase and its regional variation could be explained by decreased sulphur deposition from the atmosphere. Changes in liming practices on arable land probably also contributed. The effect of decreased sulphur deposition was moderated by land use, soil properties – particularly soil pH and organic carbon content – and the level of past sulphur deposition.  相似文献   

曾清苹  何丙辉  毛巧芝  秦华军  李源  黄祺 《生态学报》2016,36(11):3244-3252
氮沉降对土壤呼吸的影响仍然存在着争论,需要进一步研究。选择重庆缙云山的马尾松林和柑橘林开展了氮添加实验,分别设置3个氮添加水平(低氮T_5:20 g N m~(-2)a~(-1),中氮T_(10):40 g N m~(-2)a~(-1)和高氮T_(15):60 g N m~(-2)a~(-1))和对照(T_0:0 g N m~(-2)a~(-1))共4个水平的处理,各林分每个处理各9次重复,每个处理量分4次,在每个季度开始各施1次。采用ACE(Automated Soil CO_2 Exchange Station,UK)自动土壤呼吸监测系统测定两林分土壤表层(0—10 cm)的呼吸、温度和湿度,分别在当年的7月、9月、11月、第2年的1月、2月、3月、5月、6月各连续测定4d,每天(8:00—18:00)4次,以揭示两种林分土壤呼吸对模拟氮沉降的季节动态响应及其差异性。结果表明:(1)柑橘林与马尾松林林下土壤表层呼吸表现出一致的季节变化动态趋势:夏季春季秋季冬季,但柑橘林土壤呼吸显著高于马尾松林(P0.05)。(2)总体上氮沉降抑制了2种林分土壤表层呼吸,而N沉降量大抑制程度越高。只在冬季土壤湿度低的马尾松林下氮沉降促进了土壤呼吸。(3)土壤温度与土壤呼吸有极显著的正相关指数关系(P0.01),而土壤水分与土壤呼吸有显著的二次模型拟合关系,但均受到氮沉降量处理的影响。综合分析表明,在亚热带山区2类森林下的典型案例结果支持氮沉降抑制土壤呼吸的认识。  相似文献   

Relations among nitrogen load, soil acidification and forest growth have been evaluated based on short‐term (<15 years) experiments, or on surveys across gradients of N deposition that may also include variations in edaphic conditions and other pollutants, which confound the interpretation of effects of N per se. We report effects on trees and soils in a uniquely long‐term (30 years) experiment with annual N loading on an un‐polluted boreal forest. Ammonium nitrate was added to replicated (N=3) 0.09 ha plots at two doses, N1 and N2, 34 and 68 kg N ha?1 yr?1, respectively. A third treatment, N3, 108 kg N ha?1 yr?1, was terminated after 20 years, allowing assessment of recovery during 10 years. Tree growth initially responded positively to all N treatments, but the longer term response was highly rate dependent with no gain in N3, a gain of 50 m3 ha?1 stemwood in N2 and a gain of 100 m3 ha?1 stemwood in excess of the control (N0) in N1. High N treatments caused losses of up to 70% of exchangeable base cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+) in the mineral soil, along with decreases in pH and increases in exchangeable Al3+. In contrast, the organic mor‐layer (forest floor) in the N‐treated plots had similar amounts per hectare of exchangeable base cations as in the N0 treatment. Magnesium was even higher in the mor of N‐treated plots, providing evidence of up‐lift by the trees from the mineral soil. Tree growth did not correlate with the soil Ca/Al ratio (a suggested predictor of effects of soil acidity on tree growth). A boron deficiency occurred on N‐treated plots, but was corrected at an early stage. Extractable NH4+ and NO3?were high in mor and mineral soils of on‐going N treatments, while NH4+ was elevated in the mor only in N3 plots. Ten years after termination of N addition in the N3 treatment, the pH had increased significantly in the mineral soil; there were also tendencies of higher soil base status and concentrations of base cations in the foliage. Our data suggest the recovery of soil chemical properties, notably pH, may be quicker after removal of the N‐load than predicted. Our long‐term experiment demonstrated the fundamental importance of the rate of N application relative to the total amount of N applied, in particular with regard to tree growth and C sequestration. Hence, experiments adding high doses of N over short periods do not mimic the long‐term effects of N deposition at lower rates.  相似文献   

No-till (NT) is a sustainable option because of its benefits in controlling erosion, saving labor, and mitigating climate change. However, a comprehensive assessment of soil pH response to NT is still lacking. Thus, a global meta-analysis was conducted to determine the effects of NT on soil pH and to identify the influential factors and possible consequences based on the analysis of 114 publications. When comparing tillage practices, the results indicated an overall significant decrease by 1.33 ± 0.28% in soil pH under NT than that under conventional tillage (p < .05). Soil texture, NT duration, mean annual temperature (MAT), and initial soil pH are the critical factors affecting soil pH under NT. Specifically, with significant variations among subgroups, when compared to conventional tillage, the soil under NT had lower relative changes in soil pH observed on clay loam soil (?2.44%), long-term implementation (?2.11% for more than 15 years), medium MAT (?1.87% in the range of 8–16℃), neutral soil pH (?2.28% for 6.5 < initial soil pH < 7.5), mean annual precipitation (?1.95% in the range of 600–1200 mm), in topsoil layers (?2.03% for 0–20 cm), with crop rotation (?1.98%), N fertilizer input (the same for NT and conventional tillage) of 100–200 kg N ha?1 (?1.83%), or crop residue retention (?1.52%). Changes in organic matter decomposition under undisturbed soil and with crop residue retention might lead to a higher concentration of H+ and lower of basic cations (i.e., calcium, magnesium, and potassium), which decrease the soil pH, and consequently, impact nutrient dynamics (i.e., soil phosphorus) in the surface layer under NT. Furthermore, soil acidification may be aggravated by NT within site-specific conditions and improper fertilizer and crop residue management and consequently leading to adverse effects on soil nutrient availability. Thus, there is a need to identify strategies to ameliorate soil acidification under NT to minimize the adverse consequences.  相似文献   

Kurka  Anne-Marie  Starr  Michael 《Plant and Soil》1997,192(2):167-179
Adjacent plots (1 m2) with and without communities of dwarf bamboo (Sasa), i.e. Sasa- and ref-plots, were selected in mountainous areas, which were relatively low in soil buffer capacity. The following parameters were studied: chemical properties of surface (0-30 cm) soil (at 6 sites), elemental abundances in the soil-Sasa ecosystem (at 6 sites), effect of artificial acid rain on the above two parameters (at 1 site), and chemical properties of throughfall and stemflow of Sasa (at 2 sites including one on a plain). Average values of pH(H2O), base saturation and the ratio of exchangeable (K+Mg+Ca)/exchangeable Al in surface soil were 4.35±0. 53, 25.2±14.3% and 0.41±0.28, respectively, in Sasa-plots and 4.26±0.63, 20.0±9.6%, and 0.28±0.13, respectively, in ref-plots. Though not significant, all soil parameters had higher values in Sasa-plots, i.e. x = ca. 0.1 unit, 5% and 0.13, respectively. When the abundance of elements (exchangeable cations in soil of 30 cm depth plus elements in litter and Sasa biomass) in the ecosystem was compared between the two plots, K (and often other basic cations) was higher in Sasa-plots than in ref-plots, whereas Al was lower. Artificial acid rain (1.5 L of 0.05 M H2SO4 applied monthly for 10 months) induced a reduction of Na, K, Mg and Ca in a ref-plot, but in a Sasa-plot only Na and K were reduced whereas Mg and Ca were completely retained. The composite samples of throughfall and stemflow of Sasa were ca. 0.5 higher in pH and richer in K, Mg and Ca than the ambient precipitation. The amounts (equivalents) of elements released by Sasa were in the order K > Ca > Mg. It was determined that about 87% and 98% of K, 76% and 87% of Ca, and 39% and 93% of Mg were of Sasa origin in the composite samples at a mountainous site (cambisol soil type) and a plain site (andosol soil type), respectively. Sasa communities may have a significant role in retention of basic cations in surface soil and prevention of soil acidification because of recycling elements in the soil-Sasa ecosystem.  相似文献   

土壤呼吸是陆地生态系统碳循环的重要组成部分.随着全球气候变暖趋势逐渐明显,土壤呼吸的时空变异及其对温度变化的响应已成为生态学研究的重要内容之一.利用LI-6400-09土壤碳通量观测仪,在江苏省南京林业大学下蜀实验基地,采用随机区组实验设计方法,连续两年测定了北亚热带次生栎林和火炬松人工林土壤呼吸的季节动态变化,结果表明:(1)两种林分内土壤呼吸速率均具有明显的季节波动,表现为:在最冷的1月份,土壤呼吸速率最低,随着土壤温度的升高,土壤呼吸速率也逐渐上升,在7、8月份达到最大值,随后又逐渐下降;(2)次生栎林月平均土壤呼吸速率在0.271~3.22μmolCO2 · m-2 · s-1之间,年变异幅度为11.88;火炬松人工林月平均土壤呼吸速率在0.336~3.06μmolCO2 · m-2 · s-1 ,年变异幅度为9.11;(3)次生栎林土壤呼吸的 Q10值在2.19至2.27之间,火炬松人工林土壤呼吸的Q10值在2.02至2.15之间,次生栎林土壤呼吸对温度的敏感性大于火炬松人工林;(4)土壤呼吸速率与不同深度层次土壤温度之间均呈显著性正相关,与土壤微生物生物量之间呈显著性负相关,而与土壤含水率、凋落物输入量之间相关不显著.研究结果初步阐明了江淮流域北亚热带典型森林植被土壤呼吸的季节动态特征及主要影响因子,为进一步揭示该区域森林土壤碳循环特点提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

As a rule, N-supply of mature Ardenne forest ecosystems is satisfactory. Mineralization rates of soil organic matter are generally high and nitrogen is not a frequent nor an important growth limiting factor. Light N-deficiency is likely to depend on unsatisfactory root absorbing power in very acid soils with dysmoder humus. For other major elements, especially for Mg, Ca and P, near optimal nutrition is rarely observed.During the late sixties, fertilizer experiments have shown that nutrition equilibrium of stands growing on acid soils, poor in exchangeable Mg, is very sensitive to artificial NH4-addition. Mg-deficiency symptoms have been induced. The present continuing atmospheric NH4 input is believed to produce similar but lasting nutritional stress which might be accentuated by additional acidity generated during nitrification of excess NH4. Evolving Mg deficiency leads to trees' death and developing forest decline is likely to enhance N-output under NO3-form.Awaiting adequate air purification, fertilizing should restore nutrition equilibrium in order to save damaged stands, to slow down soil acidification and to incorporate excess atmospheric N-input into improved biomass production.  相似文献   

黄永梅  段雷  靳腾  杨永  郝吉明 《生态学报》2006,26(3):786-792
为了确定酸化森林生态系统的修复效果,在重庆铁山坪的马尾松林内设立了6个10m×10m的样地,其中2个作为对照样地,另外4个分别在土壤表面施撒石灰石和菱镁矿粉末,各有2个重复。在处理前和处理1a后的生长季末各进行了一次植被观测,协方差分析和多重比较的结果显示投加修复剂对马尾松生长的影响已经初步显现,马尾松的胸径增量和针叶平均长度都有显著的增加,而针叶中Ca、Mg元素含量也表现出显著的差别。另外,立木更新的变化、细根生物量的增加和物种多度的变化也较明显,总体来说生态系统有恢复的趋势。土壤上层细根的增加较快,这与在土壤表面施撒修复剂,上层土壤的化学变化较显著是一致的。而两种修复剂对生态系统的影响也表现出明显的差异,相对而言,施撒菱镁矿的效果可能会更好。由于土壤修复的效果是长期的,其影响观测还将继续下去。  相似文献   

Potential soil acidification impacts of a proposed natural gas‐fired combined cycle power plant were assessed using an integrated approach coupling an atmospheric deposition model with soil acidification quantification. The deposition model was used to estimate the rates of nitrogen oxide (NOx) deposition on the air‐soil boundary. The expected changes in the soil column were then predicted by utilizing mechanistic and experimental methods, and the number of years required to reach critical pH values were predicted using the two methods mentioned above under different rates of acidic deposition. The number of years predicted by the mechanistic modeling approach was lower for all soils exhibiting calcareous character.  相似文献   

三倍体毛白杨速生林土壤养分因子及pH值动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵雪梅  孙向阳  王海燕  田赟  康向阳 《生态学报》2010,30(13):3414-3423
通过连续4a测定2年生三倍体毛白杨(B304)及其对照二倍体(1319)林地内0-20cm、20-40cm和40-60cm土层中土壤理化指标(包括pH值、有机质、全N、碱解N、全P、有效P、全K和速效K含量),以明确三倍体毛白杨种植对土壤养分及其理化性质的影响。试验结果表明,(1)在4a生长期内林地土壤的pH值呈现碱性增强变化;B304的平均pH值由8.13升至8.43,1319由8.12升至8.78,虽然二者没有显著差异,但三倍体对林地的pH值影响相对较小,更利于土壤酸碱平衡及土壤缓冲力的稳定性;(2)土壤中有机质及碱解N含量呈现先降低后升高的变化特点,品种间差异不显著;(3)在2006年,毛白杨林地土壤中有效P和速效K含量显著下降,降幅均为0-20cm20-40cm40-60cm;(4)年份、土层及年份和土层的交互作用对毛白杨土壤pH值及所测定的全部养分因子影响均达显著水平(P0.05);而品种、年份、土层三者的交互效应对土壤pH值、有机质、全N、全P和速效K的含量影响也达到了显著性水平。体现了三倍体毛白杨速生林种植对当地不同土层理化性质和养分因子影响的时间效应,生产中应采取积极措施改善或减缓土壤环境恶化,促进林木更好生长。  相似文献   

韩琳  王鸽 《生态学杂志》2012,31(8):1893-1902
以长白山阔叶红松混交林为研究对象,于2006—2008年原位模拟不同形态氮((NH4)2SO4、NH4Cl和KNO3)沉降水平(22.5和45kgN·hm-2·a-1),利用树脂芯法技术(resin-core incubation technique)测定了表层(有机层0~7cm)和土层(0~15cm)土壤氮素净矿化、净氨化和净硝化通量的季节和年际变化规律。同时,结合前人报道的有关林地碳、氮过程及其环境变化影响的结果,力求有效预估森林生态系统中氮素年矿化通量对大气氮沉降量和水热条件等因子变化的响应。结果表明,长白山阔叶红松林地土壤氮素年净矿化通量为1.2~19.8kgN·hm-2·a-1,2008年不同深度的土壤氮素年净矿化通量均显著高于2006和2007年(P<0.05)。随着模拟氮沉降量增加,土壤氮素净矿化通量也随之增加,尤其外源NH4+-N输入对净矿化通量的促进作用更为明显(P<0.05),但随着施肥年限的延长,这种促进作用逐渐减弱。与林地0~15cm土壤相比,氮沉降增加对0~7cm有机层氮素净氨化和净矿化通量的促进作用更为明显,尤其NH4Cl处理的促进作用更大。结合前人报道的野外原位观测结果,土壤氮素年净矿化通量随氮素沉降量的增加而增大,氮沉降量对不同区域森林土壤氮素净矿化通量的贡献率约为52%;氮沉降量(x1)和pH值(x2)可以解释区域森林土壤氮素年净矿化通量(y)变化的70%(y=0.54x1-18.38x2-109.55,R2=0.70,P<0.0001)。前人研究结果仅提供区域年均温度,未考虑积温的影响,这可能是造成年净矿化通量与温度无关的原因。今后的研究工作应该加强区域森林土壤积温观测,进而更加准确地预估森林土壤氮素的年净矿化通量。  相似文献   

Nitrogen deposition contributes to soil acidification in tropical ecosystems   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Elevated anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition has greatly altered terrestrial ecosystem functioning, threatening ecosystem health via acidification and eutrophication in temperate and boreal forests across the northern hemisphere. However, response of forest soil acidification to N deposition has been less studied in humid tropics compared to other forest types. This study was designed to explore impacts of long‐term N deposition on soil acidification processes in tropical forests. We have established a long‐term N‐deposition experiment in an N‐rich lowland tropical forest of Southern China since 2002 with N addition as NH4NO3 of 0, 50, 100 and 150 kg N ha?1 yr?1. We measured soil acidification status and element leaching in soil drainage solution after 6‐year N addition. Results showed that our study site has been experiencing serious soil acidification and was quite acid‐sensitive showing high acidification (pH(H2O)<4.0), negative water‐extracted acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and low base saturation (BS,< 8%) throughout soil profiles. Long‐term N addition significantly accelerated soil acidification, leading to depleted base cations and decreased BS, and further lowered ANC. However, N addition did not alter exchangeable Al3+, but increased cation exchange capacity (CEC). Nitrogen addition‐induced increase in SOC is suggested to contribute to both higher CEC and lower pH. We further found that increased N addition greatly decreased soil solution pH at 20 cm depth, but not at 40 cm. Furthermore, there was no evidence that Al3+ was leaching out from the deeper soils. These unique responses in tropical climate likely resulted from: exchangeable H+ dominating changes of soil cation pool, an exhausted base cation pool, N‐addition stimulating SOC production, and N saturation. Our results suggest that long‐term N addition can contribute measurably to soil acidification, and that shortage of Ca and Mg should receive more attention than soil exchangeable Al in tropical forests with elevated N deposition in the future.  相似文献   

大气氮沉降对阔叶林红壤淋溶水化学模拟研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在氮饱和的森林生态系统中,氮沉降的增加将导致NO3-淋溶的增加及土壤酸度的提高,从而影响土壤质量及林业的可持续发展。然而,大气氮沉降对我国南方红壤地区森林生态系统中土壤的影响研究还很少,尤其是氮沉降引起的土壤淋溶液化学组成方面。研究中,以中国科学院红壤生态实验站林草生态试验区阔叶林红壤为对象,在恒温(20℃)条件下,通过土壤淋洗柱(直径10cm、高60cm)进行了8个月间隙性淋溶试验,来模拟研究不同氮输入量(0、7.8、26mg月-1.柱-1和52mg月-1柱-1)对阔叶林红壤NO3-、NH4 、SO42-、H 和土壤盐基离子(Ca2 、Mg2 、K 和Na )的淋溶和土壤酸度的影响。结果表明,随氮输入量增加,淋溶液中NO3-、EC、H 和总盐基离子逐渐增加,但淋溶液中无NH4 。不同氮处理时,土壤有机氮总表观矿化量分别为189.6、263.9、372.8mg月-1.柱-1与554.2mg柱-1,氮输入明显促进了土壤有机氮的矿化,且土壤有机氮的表观矿化量与氮输入量间呈正线性相关(R2=0.997**)。无氮(0mg月-1柱-1)、低氮(7.8mg月-1柱-1)、中氮(26mg月-1柱-1)和高氮(52mg月-1柱-1)输入处理下,土壤交换态盐基淋溶总量分别占土壤交换性盐基总量的13.6、18.4、27.7%和48.1%。不同的盐基离子对氮输入的反应不同,Ca2 和Mg2 淋溶量随氮输入量的增加而增加,对Na 和K 则无明显影响。土壤交换态离子中随淋洗液输出最多的为Ca2 (无氮、低氮、中氮和高氮输入处理的土壤交换态输出量占土壤交换态的比例分别为22.6、31.4、46.7%和82.5%),其次为Na (无氮、低氮、中氮和高氮输入处理的土壤交换态输出量占土壤交换态的比例分别为16.0、10.7、17.6%和26.3%),最少的为Mg2 (无氮、低氮、中氮和高氮输入处理的土壤交换态输出量占土壤交换态的比例分别为5.0、6.9、11.1%和16.9%),几乎没有土壤交换性K 输出。与对照相比,有氮处理后土壤中硫酸根离子的淋失量明显减少(p<0.05)。表层土壤pH值随氮输入量的增加而显著下降,各处理间差异极显著(p<0.01)。可见,大气氮沉降的增加将加速阔叶林红壤的养分淋失和土壤酸化的程度。  相似文献   

The study examined the relationships between whole tree hydraulic conductance ( K tree) and the conductance in roots ( K root) and leaves ( K leaf) in loblolly pine trees. In addition, the role of seasonal variations in K root and K leaf in mediating stomatal control of transpiration and its response to vapour pressure deficit ( D ) as soil-dried was studied. Compared to trunk and branches, roots and leaves had the highest loss of conductivity and contributed to more than 75% of the total tree hydraulic resistance. Drought altered the partitioning of the resistance between roots and leaves. As soil moisture dropped below 50%, relative extractable water (REW), K root declined faster than K leaf. Although K tree depended on soil moisture, its dynamics was tempered by the elongation of current-year needles that significantly increased K leaf when REW was below 50%. After accounting for the effect of D on g s, the seasonal decline in K tree caused a 35% decrease in g s and in its sensitivity to D , responses that were mainly driven by K leaf under high REW and by K root under low REW. We conclude that not only water stress but also leaf phenology affects the coordination between K tree and g s and the acclimation of trees to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

To demonstrate the contribution of atmospheric ammonium to soil acidification in acid forest soils, a field study with13N-ammonium as tracer was performed in an oak-birch forest soil. Monitoring and analysis of soil solutions from various depths on the13N-ammonium and15N-nitrate contents, showed that about 54% of the applied15N-ammonium was oxidized to nitrate in the forest floor. Over a period of one year about 20% of the15N remained as organic nitrogen in this layer. The percentage15N enrichment in ammonium and nitrate were in the same range in all the forest floor percolates, indicating that even in extremely acid forest soils (pH < 4) nitrate formation from ammonium can occur. Clearly, atmospheric ammonium can contribute to soil acidification even at low soil pH.  相似文献   

王文杰  刘玮  孙伟  祖元刚  崔崧 《生态学报》2008,28(10):4750-4756
林下可再生生物质资源的利用是当今森林资源利用的热点,通过林床清理可以获得廉价可再生生物质资源,但其对林分土壤碳收支的影响尚不清楚。运用红外气体分析法(IRGA法)连续两年观测了林床清理对落叶松(Larix gmelinii)人工林土壤呼吸及物理性质的影响,并估算了林床清理生物质资源利用对落叶松人工林碳收支的影响。结果表明:林床清理能够降低落叶松人工林的土壤呼吸,2a的平均值由2.20μmol&#183;m^-2s^-1降低到1.18μmol&#183;m^-2s^-1,平均降低幅度1.02μmol&#183;m^-2s^-1,年呼吸总量由41.2μmol&#183;m^-2a^-1降至22.4μmol&#183;m^-2a^-1,而且,使土壤呼吸Q10值从2.33降低到2.22,R0值从0.61μmol&#183;m^-2s^-1降至0.36μmol&#183;m^-2s^-1;林床清理能够使林床土壤温度冬季低于对照,而夏季则有相反趋势,清理使得林床土壤湿度变化幅度加大,而且秋季和春季较对照低,而夏季偏高;林床清理使得表层土壤容重要比对照未清理样地高53%(P〈0.05),土壤非毛管孔隙度比未处理样地低49.5%(P〈0.001),毛管孔隙度较对照未清理降低约15%(P〈0.001)。林床清理导致林下生物质资源所储藏的碳非呼吸性释放约175.0mol&#183;m^-2,当考虑到林床清理导致的土壤呼吸的降低作用时,所测定的2a内土壤净碳支出由175.0mol&#183;m^-2降低至137.4mol&#183;m^-2。林床清理措施增加生物质资源利用和其所导致的土壤呼吸释放减少,能够减少非冉生资源利用导致的碳释放压力。但仍然需要注意到林床清理使得土壤物理结构发生改变,可能不利于落叶松的生长和落叶松林生态系统的稳定。  相似文献   

Göttlein  A.  Heim  A.  Matzner  E. 《Plant and Soil》1999,211(1):41-49
Chemical conditions in the rhizosphere in many respects are different from the bulk soil. Especially in acid forest soils aluminium chemistry at the soil root interface is of particular interest because of its importance for evaluating the risk of rhizotoxicity. In the present study we have used micro suction cups to collect soil solution from the rhizosphere of oak seedlings (Quercus robur L.) in high spatial resolution and capillary electrophoresis for the determination of major ions and Al3+. While the concentrations of nutrient cations, especially Ca2+ and Mg2+, decreased in the vicinity of growing roots the concentrations of Al3+ significantly increased. Al3+-ions were probably released when root-exuded protons were buffered by the soil. Their occurrence indicates, that the oak roots in our experiments had only limited capabilities to detoxify Al in their rhizosphere. The restriction of this effect to the very small soil compartment close to the roots suggests, that common soil analysis which neglect rhizosphere processes might greatly underestimate the in situ concentration of Al3+ near tree roots. Our experiments furthermore indicate, that also suberized roots have a significant influence on rhizosphere soil solution chemistry. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Global warming and changes in rainfall amount and distribution may affect soil respiration as a major carbon flux between the biosphere and the atmosphere. The objectives of this study were to investigate the site to site and interannual variation in soil respiration of six temperate forest sites. Soil respiration was measured using closed chambers over 2 years under mature beech, spruce and pine stands at both Solling and Unterlüß, Germany, which have distinct climates and soils. Cumulative annual CO2 fluxes varied from 4.9 to 5.4 Mg C ha?1 yr?1 at Solling with silty soils and from 4.0 to 5.9 Mg C ha?1 yr?1 at Unterlüß with sandy soils. With one exception soil respiration rates were not significantly different among the six forest sites (site to site variation) and between the years within the same forest site (interannual variation). Only the respiration rate in the spruce stand at Unterlüß was significant lower than the beech stand at Unterlüß in both years. Soil respiration rates of the sandy sites at Unterlüß were limited by soil moisture during the rather dry and warm summer 1999 while soil respiration at the silty Solling site tended to increase. We found a threshold of ?80 kPa at 10 cm depth below which soil respiration decreased with increasing drought. Subsequent wetting of sandy soils revealed high CO2 effluxes in the stands at Unterlüß. However, dry periods were infrequent, and our results suggest that temporal variation in soil moisture generally had little effect on annual soil respiration rates. Soil temperature at 5 cm and 10 cm depth explained 83% of the temporal variation in soil respiration using the Arrhenius function. The correlations were weaker using temperature at 0 cm (r2 = 0.63) and 2.5 cm depth (r2 = 0.81). Mean Q10 values for the range from 5 to 15 °C increased asymptotically with soil depth from 1.87 at 0 cm to 3.46 at 10 cm depth, indicating a large uncertainty in the prediction of the temperature dependency of soil respiration. Comparing the fitted Arrhenius curves for same tree species from Solling and Unterlüß revealed higher soil respiration rates for the stands at Solling than in the respective stands at Unterlüß at the same temperature. A significant positive correlation across all sites between predicted soil respiration rates at 10 °C and total phosphorus content and C‐to‐N ratio of the upper mineral soil indicate a possible effect of nutrients on soil respiration.  相似文献   

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