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Summary Isolated rat hepatocytes cultured on collagen coated plates exhibit a gradual fetal phenotypic change during time in culture. The fetal liver marker gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) was used to follow this change. Inasmuch as a significant overgrowth of nonparenchymal liver derived cells is seen frequently in primary cultures of hepatocytes, a technique was utilized that corrects for the presence of nonparenchymal cells. In media supplemented with either hydrocortisone (10−5 M) or nicotinamide (25 mM) the original epithelial morphology of hepatocytes was preserved for a longer period of time than in unsupplemented media. Hepatocytes in unsupplemented media exhibited an increase in GGT specific activity over time. Hydrocortisone (10−5 M) induced an increase in GGT activity compared to controls. Nicotinamide (25 mM) inhibited the increase in GGT activity compared to the unsupplemented hepatocytes. Our results indicate that GGT is regulated by hydrocortisone and nicotinamide. This study was supported by NIH Grant CA30241-01.  相似文献   

Taurocholate uptake by adult rat hepatocytes in primary culture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Adult rat hepatocytes were cultured on Petri dishes for 25--30 h prior to measuring their ability to transport taurocholate. A rapid uptake of the bile acid (25 muM) was observed: about 20% was accumulated in the cells within 15 min. The taurocholate transport was saturable with an apparent Km of 28 +/- 10 muM and a maximal velocity V of 0.07 +/- 0.02 nmol/(micrograms DNA x min). Uptake was shown to be energy dependent as it was inhibited about 65% by antimycin A (20 micrograms/ml). The monohydroxylated bile acid taurolithocholate and the dihydroxylated taurochenodeoxycholate inhibited taurocholate transport to about 30 and 40% resp. of the control. The transport process was strongly dependent on sodium ions. It is concluded that the characteristics of taurocholate uptake into adult rat hepatocytes are very similar either in freshly prepared cells or in hepatocytes which are cultured on Petri dishes for 25--30 h.  相似文献   

Density-dependent growth control of adult rat hepatocytes in primary culture   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Adult rat hepatocytes in primary culture, which show various liver functions, did not show any mitosis at confluent cell density, although they entered the S phase and remained in the G2 phase, judging by cytofluorometry, when insulin and epidermal growth factor (EGF) were added to 2-day cultures (Tomita, Y., Nakamura, T., & Ichihara, A. (1981) Exp. Cell Res. 135, 363-371). However, when the cell density was decreased by half or one third, the number of nuclei and cell number increased to 1.5-2.0 times that after culture for 35 h with insulin and EGF. Moreover, at these lower densities, DNA synthesis started much earlier, although at the usual high density DNA synthesis with these two hormones did not start until the hepatocytes had been cultured for over 40 h. These results suggest that proliferation of mature rat hepatocytes is regulated by the cell density. First, cells in G0 enter the G1 phase density-dependently; then cells in the G1 phase seem to be stimulated to enter the S phase by insulin and EGF, and a low cell density may permit cells after DNA synthesis to enter the M phase. DNA synthesis of rat hepatocyte cultures at low cell density was strongly inhibited by co-culture with a dense culture. Therefore, the density-dependent mechanism of hepatocyte proliferation seems to involve regulation by a soluble inhibitor(s) secreted by the hepatocytes into the culture medium.  相似文献   

Summary The survival of adult rat hepatocytes in monolayer culture was studied in the presence of different hormones (neurotensin, oxytocin, thyrotropin releasing hormone, luteinizing hormone releasing hormone, cholecalciferol, bradykinin, substance P, aldosterone, melanocyte stimulating hormone, 3,3′,5-triiodo-1-thyronine, corticosterone, human growth hormone, glucagon, insulin, progesterone, testosterone, estradiol, and dexamethasone phosphate) or growth factors (fetal bovine serum). For this purpose trypan blue exclusion, lactate dehydrogenase, and DNA and protein content were measured at 24 and 72 h of culture. 10−7 M Dexamethasone, a mixture of eight hormones, 10% fetal bovine serum, and a combination of the latter two supplements caused a more than 64% higher DNA content at 72 h when compared to control cultures. A striking agreement of these results with changes of lactate dehydrogenase leakage was observed, whereas trypan blue exclusion gave erratic results. Considerable changes of cell arrangement apparently specific for each supplement were ovserved by low magnification microscopy. It is concluded that glucocorticoids and fetal bovine serum have an outstanding effect on cell viability and that DNA or protein content or both are reliable indicators of cell viability in amitotic cultures.  相似文献   

The ureogenic action of epinephrine in hepatocytes from normal adult rats is mediated through activation of alpha 1-adrenoceptors. beta-Adrenoceptors in addition to alpha 1-adrenoceptors, became involved in mediating this effect in cells from animals treated with pertussis toxin. The accumulation of cyclic-AMP in response to epinephrine or isoproterenol was markedly increased in hepatocytes from pertussis-treated rats as compared to that observed in control cells. The accumulation of cyclic-AMP due to glucagon was also increased. It is suggested that pertussis toxin may release a constraint on adenylate cyclase activity by blocking the inhibitory coupling mechanism (Ni) or some other entity involved in the regulation of the activity of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence that administration of S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) protects hepatocytes against oxidative stress-mediated injury led us to evaluate the effect of SAMe on hepatocyte injury induced in culture by oxidant substance tert-butylhydroperoxide (1.5 mM tBHP) with regard to prevent mitochondrial injury. The pretreatment of hepatocyte culture with SAMe in doses of 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 25 and 50 mg/l for 30 min prevented the release of LDH from cells incubated for 30 min with tBHP in a dose dependent manner. The inhibitory effect of SAMe on lipid peroxidation paralleled the effect on cell viability. SAMe also moderated the decrease of the mitochondrial membrane potential induced by tBHP. Our results indicate that the inhibition of lipid peroxidation by SAMe can contribute to the prevention of disruption of both cellular and mitochondrial membranes. While the protective effect of SAMe against tBHP-induced GSH depletion was not confirmed, probably the most potent effect of SAMe on membranes by phospholipid methylation should be verified.  相似文献   

Addition of pepstatin, an inhibitor of acid protease, to 2-day cultures of rat hepatocytes rapidly inhibited the activity to hydrolyze hemoglobin (Hb), but did not affect the activity to hydrolyze α-N-benzoyl-dl-arginine-β-naphthylamide (BANA). On the other hand, addition of leupeptin, an inhibitor of thiol protease, inhibited the activity of BANA hydrolase and caused a sixfold increase in the activity of Hb hydrolase within 1 day. Neither protease inhibitor affected the rate of protein synthesis. Release of amino acids from hepatocytes into Hanks' salt solution was measured by the ninhydrin method. Pepstatin inhibited the release only 15% within 2 days, but leupeptin inhibited it 65% within 10 h. These two inhibitors had additive inhibitory effects on the release, suggesting that they inhibit the degradations of different groups of proteins. The inhibitory effect of leupeptin gradually decreased after 10 h, which is consistent with the observed induction of a protease activity mentioned above. A preferential involvement of leupeptin-sensitive protease in the degradation of proteins with longer half-lives was suggested from studies on [14C]leucine release from hepatocytes prelabeled for 30 h. On the other hand, the two inhibitors had similar effects on the release of [14C]leucine from hepatocytes labeled for only 1 h. Their inhibitory effects were again additive, but there was no reduction in the inhibition by leupeptin on prolonged incubation, suggesting that proteins with short half-lives were not substrates for the induced protease. These results suggest that in hepatocytes, proteins with longer half-lives are degraded more by cathepsin B than by cathepsin D, while those with short half-lives are degraded equally by these two proteases.  相似文献   

Fetal rat hepatocytes (day 19 of gestation) multiply in primary culture in arginine-free, hydrocortisone-containing chemically defined medium MX-82 supplemented either with epidermal growth factor (EGF) or insulin or both. In contrast, hepatocytes did not multiply under similar culture conditions using Dulbecco's minimum essential medium (DMEM). Cells underwent two divisions within 10 days in cultures maintained in MX-82 medium without a medium change, and cells grew to increased final cell densities when the medium was renewed every third day. When the medium MX-82 was enriched by the addition of lipids, intermediary metabolites, and trace metals (medium MX-83), cells grew to higher densities. In the absence of the growth factors, cells became quiescent and subsequently could be induced to synthesize DNA in response to EGF. With the increasing numbers of cells per dish, the growth response of the hepatocytes diminished. Levels of hepatocyte-specific albumin and alpha-fetoprotein mRNAs at day 0 were similar to those observed at day 10 in primary fetal rat hepatocyte cultures and were maintained at higher levels in medium MX-83 than in medium MX-82.  相似文献   

In order to gain morphological insights about the cell density dependency, hepatocytes cultured at a low cell density (less than about 0.1 X 10(5) nuclei (cm2)-1) and at a high cell density (greater than about 1 X 10(5) nuclei (cm2)-1) were examined ultrastructurally 24 h after plating (just prior to the beginning of DNA synthesis). The results were as follows: (i) glycogen rosettes disappeared completely in low density culture as compared with sections from an intact liver. In contrast, glycogen rosettes were still present in high density culture. (ii) Polysomes seemed increased in low density culture in comparison with those seen in sections from an intact liver and from the high density culture. (iii) In low density culture, the shape of mitochondria deviated from that of hepatocytes in an intact liver and the mitochondria often lost a characteristic close contact with rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER). (iv) In low density culture, bundles of filamentous structure were detected, which were not found in an intact liver or high density culture. The following features were found only in high density culture; (v) numerous villous cytoplasmic protrusions developed along the area facing adjacent cells, and seemed to intertwine with each other, and (vi) between the hepatocytes, only abortive junctions were found. These results indicate that the hepatocytes cultured at a low density express most of the characteristics of the hepatocytes in a regenerating liver and the features of the cells cultured at a high density are very similar to those of the hepatocytes in sections from an intact liver.  相似文献   

Isolated rat hepatocytes were used as an in vitro model to investigate A possible interaction between oxytetracycline (OXT) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). LDH leakage, RNA and protein synthesis and glycogen accumulation were measured in the presence of both drugs, either separately or in combination. The evolution of LDH leakage during the incubation was identical in untreated and treated cells. AFB1 inhibited RNA and protein synthesis at a concentration of 10–7 M and 10–6 M, respectively, and higher, whereas OXT did not influence RNA synthesis but inhibited protein synthesis at the highest tested concentration, 10–3 M. As far as glycogen is concerned, rats were injected with glucagon before sacrifice in order to obtain a constant synthesis rate in isolated hepatocytes. AFB1 inhibited the accumulation of glycogen from 10–6 M upward. This effect was never observed before 90 min of incubation. OXT had no effect on glycogen synthesis. In the presence of both drugs, no interaction was demonstrated as far as RNA and protein synthesis were concerned, but OXT opposed the inhibition induced by AFB1 on glycogen accumulation. If the in vivo protection, provided by OXT against AFBI-induced toxicity, is due to a direct interference in the toxic mechanisms of the mycotoxin, these results show that OXT does not influence the AFB1-inhibition of RNA and protein synthesis. The latter are early and sensitive parameters inhibited by AFB1. On the contrary, taking into consideration the results on glycogen accumulation, it seems more interesting to investigate further this metabolism.Abbreviations AFB1 Aflatoxin B1 - OXT Oxytetracycline - DMEM Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - LDH Lactate Dehydrogenase - DMSO Dimethyl Sulfoxide - BSA Bovine Serum Albumin  相似文献   

Summary Glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity was measured in adult rat hepatocytes during either pure culture or coculture with another rat liver cell type in various media. Addition of nicotinamide, selenium, or dimethylsulfoxide, deprivation of cyst(e)ie and the use of two complex media were tested. Whatever the conditions used, after a constant decrease during the first 24 h, GST remained active over the whole culture period (1–2 wk). However, various patterns were observed: GST activity either remained relatively stable to approximately 50% of the initial value or showed a moderate or strong increase. The highest values were found in pure hepatocyte cultures maintained in the presence of nicotinamide or dimethylsulfoxide. Similar changes were observed using 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene or 1,2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene as substrates for GST. Addition of 10−4 M indomethacin resulted in 37 to 60% inhibition of enzyme activity. Thus, these results demonstrate that GST remained expressed during culture but its levels markedly varied depending on the medium composition and type and age of culture. Y. V. was supported by Instituut voor Wetenschappel?k Onderzoek in Landbouw en Nijverheid. This work was supported by INSERM.  相似文献   

Summary Biopsy tissue of adult human liver was gently dissociated with collagenase followed by Dispase. By repeated low g centrifugation, a large number of almost pure, viable hepatocytes was obtained. This is the first report of a successful procedure for obtaining adult human hepatocytes for study in tissue culture. The isolated cells have the typical morphology of liver parenchyma, and these characteristics persist throughout the period of culturing. Evidence of their function is indicated by albumin synthesis. This procedure is now being used to study human hepatocyte functions in vitro and the effects of a variety of agents including carcinogens and viruses.  相似文献   

Polygonal networks, "geodomes", in cultured hepatocytes of adult rats were examined by both light and electron microscopy. On light microscopical examinations of specimens stained with Coomassie blue after the treatment with Triton X-100, the networks were detected 5 days after culture, which consisted of triangles arranged mainly in hexagonal patterns. They surrounded main cell body, looking like a headband, or were occasionally situated over nuclei, looking like a geodesic dome. Scanning electron microscopical observations after Triton treatment revealed that these structures were located underneath surface membrane. Transmission electron microscopical investigations revealed that the connecting fibers of networks consisted of microfilaments which radiated in a compact bundle from electron-dense vertices.  相似文献   

In freshly isolated parenchymal hepatocytes of adult rats, the beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol (Ip) did not stimulate cAMP formation, protein kinase activity, or glycogenolysis, although glucagon markedly stimulated all these activities. However, the beta-adrenergic response appeared when rat hepatocytes were cultured as monolayers. This response had already appeared after 2-h culture and increased during further culture. The appearance of the beta-adrenergic response during culture was blocked by cycloheximide, actinomycin D, or alpha-amanitin. Thus adult rat hepatocytes acquired marked ability to respond to Ip during culture through the syntheses of mRNA and protein. Freshly isolated hepatocytes from postnatal rats showed a high beta-adrenergic response that did not increase further during culture. This response gradually decreased during development and had almost disappeared about 60 days after birth. In plasma membranes prepared from freshly isolated cells of adult rats the basal and NaF-stimulated activities of adenylate cyclase (EC were similar to those of cultured cells and the enzyme activity was also stimulated by guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate. However, in plasma membranes of freshly isolated cells Ip scarcely stimulated adenylate cyclase, but glucagon did. The intact cells, whether they were freshly isolated or cultured, accumulated cAMP when exposed to cholera toxin. Moreover, the two subunits of GTP-binding regulatory protein (also named G/F or Ns site) were detected by [32P]ADP ribosylation with cholera toxin and [32P]NAD+ in freshly isolated cells as well as in cultured cells. These results indicate that freshly isolated and cultured hepatocytes of adult rats contain sufficient levels of all the components of the postreceptor-adenylate cyclase system for activity. However, the number of beta-adrenergic receptors measured by binding of [125I]iodocyanopindolol, a potent beta-adrenergic antagonist, was very low in purified plasma membranes of freshly isolated cells (20 fmol/mg of protein), and the number increased about 6-fold without change in the dissociation constant (Kd = 132 pM) when the cells were cultured for 7 h. This increase in beta-adrenergic receptor sites was completely abolished by cycloheximide and alpha-amanitin. Thus it is concluded that the unresponsiveness of adult rat hepatocytes to Ip was due to a very low amount of beta-adrenergic receptor and that the appearance of a beta-adrenergic response during primary culture was due to new synthesis of beta-adrenergic receptor through synthesis of mRNA.  相似文献   

Summary To establish parenchymal hepatocyte cell lines, we tried to subculture the primary hepatocytes isolated from adult rats. The hepatocytes were cultured in serum-free modified Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium supplemented with 10 mM nicotinamide and 10 ng/ml epidermal growth factor. When 6×105 cells were plated on 35-mm dishes coated with rat tail collagen, the cells proliferated and reached confluence at Day 6 to Day 8. The first subculture was carried out at Day 8 using 0.005% collagenase and gentle pipettings. Most cells were recovered and plated on the new dishes coated with the collagen (first passage). The attached cells could proliferate and reached near confluence when the cells occupied more than two-thirds of the dish surface. About a week after the first subculture, the second one was conducted. Although the number of the recovered cells was smaller than at the first passage, the cells could attach and proliferate to a certain extent. Thereafter, they were maintained for more than 2 mo. but they never overgrew. Albumin secretion into the culture medium was confirmed in the subcultured cells. Ultrastructurally, these subcultured cells possessed hepatic characteristics such as peroxisomes with a crystalline nucleoid and bile-canaliculus structures. When 10% fetal bovine serum and ascorbic acid 2-phosphate were added to the cells of the second passage, they began to proliferate very slowly. These proliferating cells were mainly mononucleate and had a small cytoplasm. In addition, some of them could differentiate into typical mature hepatocytes by forming a three-dimensional structure interacting with nonparenchymal cells. In this experiment, we showed the successful subculturing of parenchymal hepatocytes isolated from adult rats and provided evidence that the subcultured cells still have the potential to proliferate and to differentiate.  相似文献   

We describe in this paper a method for studying transient gene expression in a primary culture of adult rat hepatocytes. After isolation by collagenase perfusion, hepatocytes in a monolayer were transfected with foreign DNA by the calcium phosphate precipitation technique during the first 24 hours after plating. When they were transfected with a plasmid containing the gene for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase driven by the early promoter of simian virus 40, hepatocytes reproducibly expressed high levels of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT); this transient expression was much higher than that obtained with the rat hepatoma cell line H4II. Different medium conditions have been tested; an optimal level of CAT activity can be obtained using a serum-free, hormonally defined medium. Using these techniques, we have investigated the expression of liver-specific genes transferred into hepatocytes. We show that the L-pyruvate kinase promoter is active in these hepatocytes while it is silent in fibroblasts. Moreover, the use of serum-free medium may allow investigation of the role of hormones and nutrients in cells which respond normally to these effectors.  相似文献   

A transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) found in platelets strongly inhibited DNA synthesis of adult rat hepatocytes in primary culture stimulated by insulin plus EGF or by hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) from rat platelets, but not the syntheses of secretory and intracellular proteins by the cells. TGF-beta had no cytotoxic effect, as judged by phase-contrast microscopic examination of the cell morphology. The inhibition of DNA synthesis by TGF-beta was correlated with marked decrease in the labeling index. TGF-beta did not inhibit growth of hepatoma cell line. These findings indicate that TGF-beta is a strong growth inhibitor of adult rat hepatocytes and may block their shift from the G1 phase to the S phase. The physiological role of TGF-beta in inhibiting growth of adult hepatocytes during liver regeneration is discussed.  相似文献   

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