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目的 探讨社会支持对子宫切除术患者生活质量的影响.方法 对96例子宫切除术患者应用焦虑量表(SAS)和社会支持量表(SSRS)进行问卷调查,分析子宫切除术患者的社会支持与其生活质量的相关性.结果 子宫切除术患者社会支持与生活质量呈正性相关关系.结论 社会支持系统对子宫切除术患者的焦虑、抑郁症状有明显的改善作用,从而提高其生存质量.  相似文献   

目的 探讨社会支持对子宫切除术患者生活质量的影响.方法 对96例子宫切除术患者应用焦虑量表(SAS)和社会支持量表(SSRS)进行问卷调查,分析子宫切除术患者的社会支持与其生活质量的相关性.结果 子宫切除术患者社会支持与生活质量呈正性相关关系.结论 社会支持系统对子宫切除术患者的焦虑、抑郁症状有明显的改善作用,从而提高其生存质量.  相似文献   

目的评估全膀胱切除术后患者的社会支持及生活质量,并分析两者的相关性,以指导临床护理实践,为提高患者的生活质量提供参考依据。方法应用社会支持量表和Spitzer的生活质量评定表对48例全膀胱切除术后患者进行问卷调查。结果社会支持和生活质量总均分及两者各维度的相关性均有统计学意义(P均〈0.05),社会支持低的患者其生活质量较低。结论护士在临床实践中应尽可能调动患者的社会支持系统,发挥社会支持系统的作用,以提高患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

目的探讨支持性心理干预在子宫切除术患者中的应用效果,为临床护理提供参考。方法选取我院2012年10月至2013年2月收治的60例子宫切除术患者按照护理方法的不同分为观察组和对照组,对照组围术期采用常规护理,观察组采用支持性心理干预,比较两组的护理效果。结果观察组护理后的积极应对评分显著高于对照组,消极应对评分显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。观察组术后1个月在生理、心理、社会等方面的生活质量评分均显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论支持性心理干预改变了子宫切除术患者术后消极应对方式,保证了心理健康,提高了患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

目的评估全膀胱切除术后患者的社会支持及生活质量,并分析两者的相关性,以指导临床护理实践,为提高患者的生活质量提供参考依据.方法应用社会支持量表和Spitzer的生活质量评定表对48例全膀胱切除术后患者进行问卷调查.结果社会支持和生活质量总均分及两者各维度的相关性均有统计学意义(P均<0.05),社会支持低的患者其生活质量较低.结论护士在临床实践中应尽可能调动患者的社会支持系统,发挥社会支持系统的作用,以提高患者的生活质量.  相似文献   

目的:探讨予以子宫切除患者心理干预对其生活质量及社会支持状况的影响。方法:选取2015年1月~2019年1月收治的子宫切除患者86例,根据随机数字表法分成对照组与观察组各43例,对照组开展常规护理,观察组开展常规护理联合心理干预,比较两组干预前后社会支持状况及生活质量。结果:干预前,两组社会支持评估表、诺丁汉健康调查表评分比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05);干预3个月后,观察组社会支持评估表评分显著高于对照组,诺丁汉健康调查表评分显著低于对照组(P0.05)。结论:予以子宫切除患者心理干预能改善其社会支持状态,促进其生活质量的提高。  相似文献   

子宫切除术患者社会家庭支持与护理干预   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨子宫切除术患者的心理特征、社会家庭支持以及护理干预。方法:对2006-01/2006-12因子宫肌瘤行子宫切除术的125例患者进行个性化护理干预,主要护理干预措施有帮助患者赢得丈夫的理解和支持;加强与患者家属的联系;促进医护与患者间的相互交流;满足患者爱与归属的需要。结果:经过个性化护理干预,125例患者均顺利康复。结论:通过有效的护理干预,建立良好的社会家庭支持系统尤其是丈夫的支持,提高了患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨护理干预对全子宫切除患者生活质量的影响.方法 将100例全子宫切除患者随机分为干预组和对照组各50例,对照组给予常规入院指导和常规术前术后指导,干预组在常规护理基础上给予系统护理干预,比较2组术后3个月末的生活质量.结果 干预组术后3个月末生活质量显著优于对照组.结论 全子宫切除患者在住院期间给予系统的护理干预,可以提高患者术后生活质量.  相似文献   

侯军华  赵素萍 《现代护理》2004,10(4):302-303
目的明确喉切除术后对患者生活质量的影响因素.为实施护理干预提供参考依据。方法采用综合生活质量评定问卷对我院65例行全喉切除术的患者和50例健康人的生活质量进行调查。结果喉切除术对患者生活质量影响自大到小依次为:心理功能、躯体功能、社会功能、物质生活;而且观察组与对照组在躯体、心理、社会功能方面有显著差异。结论喉切除术后患者的生活质量受多种因素影响,护理人员应从各方面给予护理干预.增强患者战胜疾病的信心.提高患者术后有效的应对能力以改善其生活质量。  相似文献   

子宫切除术是治疗妇科疾病的常用而有效的方法。随着诊断技术的进步,越来越多的妇科疾病被早期发现,子宫良性肿瘤的发现率增加,且发现得早;某些妇科恶性肿瘤的发病率年轻化;使得子宫切除术的手术率增加;而且有年轻化的倾向。据文献报道,美国有超过25%的妇女在60岁以前接受了子宫切除术;我国还未有这方面的确切报道。面对如此多的术后病人,我们不得不考虑子宫切除术对病人的远期影响,特别是年轻病人的生活质量是否受到影响。这是病人及其家人在手术前所关心,手术后所担心的重要问题之一。  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the effect of social support to the quality of life of the patients with hepatocirrhosis. Methods 98 hepatocirrhosis patients in our hospital were divided into observation and control groups. Both the groups were accepted routine therapy and nursing while striving for social support for the patients of observation group, then having a whole evaluation to the status of patients, in the study early interference and health education were important. SSRE (Social Support Rating Scale) and SF - 36QOL made by America medi-cine graduate school to research and survey the two patients. Results The whole mark of social support (46.33 ±3.78) and the whole health of QOL (78.86±11.31 ) and every dimensionality of observation group were all bet-ter than those of control group (P<0.01) . Conclusions The social support can infect directly the QOL of pa-tients with hepatocirrhosis, all the doctors and nurses should recognition the system of social support, in order to improve the QOL of the patients.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the effect of social support to the quality of life of the patients with hepatocirrhosis. Methods 98 hepatocirrhosis patients in our hospital were divided into observation and control groups. Both the groups were accepted routine therapy and nursing while striving for social support for the patients of observation group, then having a whole evaluation to the status of patients, in the study early interference and health education were important. SSRE (Social Support Rating Scale) and SF - 36QOL made by America medi-cine graduate school to research and survey the two patients. Results The whole mark of social support (46.33 ±3.78) and the whole health of QOL (78.86±11.31 ) and every dimensionality of observation group were all bet-ter than those of control group (P<0.01) . Conclusions The social support can infect directly the QOL of pa-tients with hepatocirrhosis, all the doctors and nurses should recognition the system of social support, in order to improve the QOL of the patients.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the effect of social support to the quality of life of the patients with hepatocirrhosis. Methods 98 hepatocirrhosis patients in our hospital were divided into observation and control groups. Both the groups were accepted routine therapy and nursing while striving for social support for the patients of observation group, then having a whole evaluation to the status of patients, in the study early interference and health education were important. SSRE (Social Support Rating Scale) and SF - 36QOL made by America medi-cine graduate school to research and survey the two patients. Results The whole mark of social support (46.33 ±3.78) and the whole health of QOL (78.86±11.31 ) and every dimensionality of observation group were all bet-ter than those of control group (P<0.01) . Conclusions The social support can infect directly the QOL of pa-tients with hepatocirrhosis, all the doctors and nurses should recognition the system of social support, in order to improve the QOL of the patients.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the effect of social support to the quality of life of the patients with hepatocirrhosis. Methods 98 hepatocirrhosis patients in our hospital were divided into observation and control groups. Both the groups were accepted routine therapy and nursing while striving for social support for the patients of observation group, then having a whole evaluation to the status of patients, in the study early interference and health education were important. SSRE (Social Support Rating Scale) and SF - 36QOL made by America medi-cine graduate school to research and survey the two patients. Results The whole mark of social support (46.33 ±3.78) and the whole health of QOL (78.86±11.31 ) and every dimensionality of observation group were all bet-ter than those of control group (P<0.01) . Conclusions The social support can infect directly the QOL of pa-tients with hepatocirrhosis, all the doctors and nurses should recognition the system of social support, in order to improve the QOL of the patients.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the effect of social support to the quality of life of the patients with hepatocirrhosis. Methods 98 hepatocirrhosis patients in our hospital were divided into observation and control groups. Both the groups were accepted routine therapy and nursing while striving for social support for the patients of observation group, then having a whole evaluation to the status of patients, in the study early interference and health education were important. SSRE (Social Support Rating Scale) and SF - 36QOL made by America medi-cine graduate school to research and survey the two patients. Results The whole mark of social support (46.33 ±3.78) and the whole health of QOL (78.86±11.31 ) and every dimensionality of observation group were all bet-ter than those of control group (P<0.01) . Conclusions The social support can infect directly the QOL of pa-tients with hepatocirrhosis, all the doctors and nurses should recognition the system of social support, in order to improve the QOL of the patients.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the effect of social support to the quality of life of the patients with hepatocirrhosis. Methods 98 hepatocirrhosis patients in our hospital were divided into observation and control groups. Both the groups were accepted routine therapy and nursing while striving for social support for the patients of observation group, then having a whole evaluation to the status of patients, in the study early interference and health education were important. SSRE (Social Support Rating Scale) and SF - 36QOL made by America medi-cine graduate school to research and survey the two patients. Results The whole mark of social support (46.33 ±3.78) and the whole health of QOL (78.86±11.31 ) and every dimensionality of observation group were all bet-ter than those of control group (P<0.01) . Conclusions The social support can infect directly the QOL of pa-tients with hepatocirrhosis, all the doctors and nurses should recognition the system of social support, in order to improve the QOL of the patients.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the effect of social support to the quality of life of the patients with hepatocirrhosis. Methods 98 hepatocirrhosis patients in our hospital were divided into observation and control groups. Both the groups were accepted routine therapy and nursing while striving for social support for the patients of observation group, then having a whole evaluation to the status of patients, in the study early interference and health education were important. SSRE (Social Support Rating Scale) and SF - 36QOL made by America medi-cine graduate school to research and survey the two patients. Results The whole mark of social support (46.33 ±3.78) and the whole health of QOL (78.86±11.31 ) and every dimensionality of observation group were all bet-ter than those of control group (P<0.01) . Conclusions The social support can infect directly the QOL of pa-tients with hepatocirrhosis, all the doctors and nurses should recognition the system of social support, in order to improve the QOL of the patients.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the effect of social support to the quality of life of the patients with hepatocirrhosis. Methods 98 hepatocirrhosis patients in our hospital were divided into observation and control groups. Both the groups were accepted routine therapy and nursing while striving for social support for the patients of observation group, then having a whole evaluation to the status of patients, in the study early interference and health education were important. SSRE (Social Support Rating Scale) and SF - 36QOL made by America medi-cine graduate school to research and survey the two patients. Results The whole mark of social support (46.33 ±3.78) and the whole health of QOL (78.86±11.31 ) and every dimensionality of observation group were all bet-ter than those of control group (P<0.01) . Conclusions The social support can infect directly the QOL of pa-tients with hepatocirrhosis, all the doctors and nurses should recognition the system of social support, in order to improve the QOL of the patients.  相似文献   

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