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本文介绍了语义Web在个人计算机方面的一种新应用——语义桌面技术。首先介绍语义桌面的产生和发展历程,然后给出语义桌面的定义和体系结构,并且介绍了语义桌面的各个组成部分。接下来,介绍了语义桌面技术当前的研究现状,包括目前的研究项目和相关的开发工具。最后,对语义桌面技术将来发展的方向作了展望。  相似文献   

介绍了基于内容的语义桌面系统。系统对桌面数据进行区分,根据桌面内容的特点提供不同的语义查询;采用数据可视化技术展示桌面数据,记录用户的思路;提供数据共享功能,方便用户交换桌面数据;采用插件架构,允许用户方便地扩展功能。  相似文献   

个人计算机技术的不断发展使得传统的桌面检索和排序方式越来越不能满足用户的需求。本文给出了一种语义桌面环境下的桌面资源索引排序模型,并在PageRank和数据库的权威度传递图理论基础上提出了一种索引排序算法。与传统的检索排序方式相比,本方法能更好地反映查询与检索结果之间的相关程度以及结果的重要程度次序。实验表明,本方法在时间效率和空间占用方面均能适应目前普通个人计算机的处理能力。本方法在语义桌面以及桌面搜索等相关领域有着广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

Realizing the Web's full potential will require the development and support of agents that function as schedulers, planners, and searchers who, with minimal direction, can serve as an omnipresent staff of advisers, secretaries, brokers, and research assistants. Electronic commerce has brought this capability tantalizingly near. Organizations and individuals have connected an enormous variety of products and services to the Internet, making them accessible to other programs through simple communication protocols. Now the AI community must determine how it can build intelligent agents to exploit these services. One strategy would change the Web itself, making it accessible to existing AI modeling, and reasoning techniques. In this semantic Web, service and content providers would mark pages in accordance with standardized conventions designed to reduce ambiguity and make automated reasoning easier. The paper considers the development of a distributed intelligence and bringing agents to the Web. It discusses DAML-S which provides support for composite services, combinations of simpler services, or behaviors, and the coordination mechanisms, or reactive plans, used to combine those behaviors.  相似文献   

王权于  应时  吕国斌  赵楷 《计算机科学》2010,37(3):175-177181
语义程序变换是面向语义Web服务的软件设计方法的基础,语义程序只有通过程序变换后才能被运行环境执行和调用,然而目前还缺乏有效的语义程序变换方法。针对这一问题,基于语义编程语言SPL,提出了一种面向语义Web服务的语义程序变换方法。该方法通过对语义数据类型、语义规则、语义服务和语义流程等语义信息的有效变换,不仅提高了面向服务的程序设计的灵活性和健壮性,而且有助于提高业务流程的柔性和重用性。  相似文献   

语义桌面作为语义Web的一个重要分支,可以为个人计算机用户提供丰富的元数据,用以记录桌面文档的各种特征。这些特征包括文件的常规属性和与用户行为相关的属性,它们为桌面文档检索提供帮助。受到"概念图"理论的启发,本文提出了一种语义桌面环境下的文档检索算法。该算法能有效地利用语义桌面提供的元数据建立一种便于快速查找的文档索引结构,迅速地确定用户查询与桌面文档之间的投影算子。实验表明,该算法的时间效率比以往的基于匹配推理的投影算法有很大的提高,可以在很大程度上满足用户对桌面文档进行快速检索的需求。  相似文献   

随着计算机资源的爆炸性增长,传统的基于目录的资源管理方式已经不能很好满足用户的实际需求.语义桌面基于语义检索,提高了计算机资源查找的效率,并能挖掘出存在语义联系的不同资源.基于装备领域中各业务参谋分管业务的不同,提出建立满足业务需求和适合个人习惯的个人主观本体,实现基于语义桌面的语义检索功能.应用语义网和本体的相关知识,提出了装备领域的语义桌面体系结构,采用“骨架法”建立了适合语义桌面的个人主观本体,在此基础上实现语义桌面检索功能,大大提高了资源的检索效率.  相似文献   

Toward a Paradigm Shift in Social Computing: The ACP Approach   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In a sense, social computing is a new research field with a long history. Its origins trace back to the beginning of modern computing and landmark work such as Vannevar Bush's Memex, Douglas Engelbart's vision for integrating psychology and organizational development with computer technology advances, and J.C.R. Licklider's emphasis on computers as communication devices, not computing machines. Over the past decades, social software from email to blogs, has fundamentally changed how to live, work and interact with each other.  相似文献   

语义万维网的概念、方法及应用   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
近两年来,语义万维网(semanticweb)的研究逐渐引起了知识表示、逻辑编程、信息系统集成、web开发等各个领域的广泛关注。笔者在研究万维网环境下的领域知识表示及语义共享模式的过程中,阅读了大量有关语义万维网的文献资料,认为,语义万维网的研究将对传统web上信息的发布、存储和处理方式产生一场变革,但是语义万维网的概念、思想和方法还处于形成阶段,国内少有综述性的文献,对语义万维网及其相关技术的认识比较模糊。该文分析了语义万维网的起源、概念、技术框架,总结了语义万维网及相关工具的现状,并讨论了语义万维网技术在智能信息检索、企业间数据交换、知识管理以及万维网服务中的应用。  相似文献   

Employee suggestion systems are often used as a way to improve participation from members of the organization to help solve problems that cannot be solved through traditional organizational practices. In the government sector, employee involvement programs are the most difficult to implement mainly because management regularly changes with new administration and these changes bring about many short‐term management practices and systems. Toyota's approach to employee suggestion programs has been widely benchmarked and studied, yet there is little research to show that these practices can be applied or are successful in the public sector. This work uses a statistical data‐mining technique to compare which types of human resource management practices are prevalent in employee suggestion programs at Toyota and a target government organization. This work shows that Toyota emphasizes organization‐centered factors to stimulate employee participation in solving small problems that relate to an employee's job. On the contrary, government organizations tend to emphasize employee factors that make conditions right for employees to make larger improvements in their jobs that lead to improvements outside their work areas. Findings suggest that Toyota's approach to employee suggestion programs is not a way to weaken management's obligation to perform problem solving, but instead is another medium to highlight problems that do not require management's intervention. These new insights and others provide an increased understanding of employee suggestion programs in the public sector that are unique to manufacturing. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

探讨了Web服务及本体,介绍了本体描述语言OWL及本体开发工具protégé,提出了一种基于本体的语义匹配方法,通过与其它方法进行比较,分析了该方法的优点。  相似文献   

一种基于本体的语义匹配方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了Web服务及本体,介绍了本体描述语言OWL及本体开发工具protégé,提出了一种基于本体的语义匹配方法,通过与其它方法进行比较,分析了该方法的优点。  相似文献   

探讨了Web服务及本体,介绍了本体描述语言OWL及本体开发工具protégé,提出了一种基于本体的语义匹配方法,通过与其它方法进行比较.分析了该方法的优点。  相似文献   

Organizational knowledge typically comes from numerous independent sources, each with its own semantics. This paper describes a methodology by which information from large numbers of such sources can be associated, organized, and merged. The hypothesis is that a multiplicity of ontology fragments, representing the semantics of the independent sources, can be related to each other automatically without the use of a global ontology. That is, any pair of ontologies can be related indirectly through a semantic bridge consisting of many other previously unrelated ontologies, even when there is no way to determine a direct relationship between them. The relationships among the ontology fragments indicate the relationships among the sources, enabling the source information to be categorized and organized. An evaluation of the methodology has been conducted by relating numerous small, independently developed ontologies for several domains. A nice feature of the methodology is that common parts of the ontologies reinforce each other, while unique parts are deemphasized. The result is a consensus ontology.  相似文献   

根据各分布信息源信息单元实体类的语义相似度,对于信息单元实体类进行聚类,是半自动地进行本体映射、构建分布异构信息资源全局视图的重要步骤。本文面向分布信息资源统一信息视图构建需求,利用基于本体的元数据模型及语义相似度,在其基础上定义了语义聚类特征,基于语义聚类特征设计了一种基于语义特征树的混合层次聚类算法SCFBHCA。从理论和实验两个角度对SCFBHCA算法进行了分析,对比HCA和HCP,该算法具有增量式和扩展性且效率更高。  相似文献   

Although research on integrating semantics with the Web started almost as soon as the Web was in place, a concrete Semantic Web that is, a large-scale collection of distributed semantic metadata emerged only over the past four to five years. The Semantic Web's embryonic nature is reflected in its existing applications. Most of these applications tend to produce and consume their own data, much like traditional knowledge- based applications, rather than actually exploiting the Semantic Web as a large-scale information source. These first-generation semantic Web applications typically use a single ontology that supports integration of resources selected at design time.  相似文献   

在简述了当前计算桌面的特点和发展状况基础上,对未来计算桌面的特征和使用方式作了深入细致的分析,展现了计算桌面的未来发展趋势和应用前景,同时提出了一些未来发展中需要解决的问题,对促进计算桌面的进一步发展提供一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Anaphora is a discourse-level linguistic phenomenon.There is consensus that anaphora resolution shouldrely on prior sentences within the context of thediscourse. We propose to cast anaphora resolution asa semantic inference process in which a combination ofmultiple strategies, each exploiting different aspectsof linguistic knowledge, is employed to provide acoherent resolution of anaphora. A framework whichencompasses several salient linguistic parameters suchas grammatical role, proximity, repetition, sentencerecency and semantic cues is demonstrated. This workalso shows how an anaphora-resolution algorithm can beembedded within a framework which captures all theabove salient parameters, as well as remedies some ofthe inadequacies found in any monolithic resolutionsystem. A language-neutral semantic representationcharacterized by semantic cues is presented in orderto capture the distilled information after resolution.The effectiveness of the language-neutralrepresentation, both for machine translation andanaphora resolution, is demonstrated through a set ofsimulations and evaluations.  相似文献   

Order-sorted rewriting builds a nice framework to handle partially defined functions and subtypes. To be able to prove a critical-pair lemma and Birkhoff's completeness theorem, order-sorted rewriting was restricted to sort decreasing term rewriting systems. However, natural examples show that this approach is too restrictive.To solve this problem, we generalize well-sorted terms to semantically well-sorted terms and well-sorted substitutions to a restricted form of semantically well-sorted substitutions. Semantically well-sorted terms with respect to a set of equationsEare terms that denote well-defined elements in every algebra satisfyingE.We prove a critical-pair lemma and Birkhoff's completeness theorem for so-called range-unique signatures and arbitrary order-sorted rewriting systems. A transformation is given which allows us to obtain an equivalent range-unique signature from each non-range-unique one. We also show decidability and undecidability results.  相似文献   

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