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Let G be the group of isometries of the 2-sphere, the Euclidean plane or the hyperbolic plane, the group of similarities of the Euclidean plane or the group of Möbius transformations of the 2-sphere. In each instance we determine which conjugacy classes in G are amalgamated when we allow conjugation of the elements of G by homeomorphisms of the space on which G acts. Our results are related to recent work on the homeomeric classification of two-dimensional patterns.  相似文献   

Following Pareek a topological space X is called D-paracompact if for every open cover A of X there exists a continuous mapping f from X onto a developable T1-space Y and an open cover B of Y such that { f-1[B]|BB } refines A. It is shown that a space is D-paracompact if and only if it is subparacompact and D-expandable. Moreover, it is proved that D-paracompactness coincides with a covering property, called dissectability, which was introduced by the author in order to obtain a base characterization of developable spaces.  相似文献   

In this paper we obtain characterizations of metrizable spaces, paracompact M-spaces, Moore spaces and semimetrizable spaces in terms of the way those spaces are embedded in their Stone-?ech compactification. In addition, we give an internal characterization of paracompact M-spaces which we use in the proof of the embedding characterization.  相似文献   

Let R+ be the space of nonnegative real numbers. F. Waldhausen defines a k-fold end structure on a space X as an ordered k-tuple of continuous maps xf:XR+, 1 ? j ? k, yielding a proper map x:X → (R+)k. The pairs (X,x) are made into the category Ek of spaces with k-fold end structure. Attachments and expansions in Ek are defined by induction on k, where elementary attachments and expansions in E0 have their usual meaning. The category Ek/Z consists of objects (X, i) where i: ZX is an inclusion in Ek with an attachment of i(Z) to X, and the category Ek6Z consists of pairs (X,i) of Ek/Z that admit retractions XZ. An infinite complex over Z is a sequence X = {X1 ? X2 ? … ? Xn …} of inclusions in Ek6Z. The abelian grou p S0(Z) is then defined as the set of equivalence classes of infinite complexes dominated by finite ones, where the equivalence relation is generated by homotopy equivalence and finite attachment; and the abelian group S1(Z) is defined as the set of equivalence classes of X1, where XEk/Z deformation retracts to Z. The group operations are gluing over Z. This paper presents the Waldhausen theory with some additions and in particular the proof of Waldhausen's proposition that there exists a natural exact sequence 0 → S1(Z × R)→πS0(Z) by utilizing methods of L.C. Siebenmann. Waldhausen developed this theory while seeking to prove the topological invariance of Whitehead torsion; however, the end structures also have application in studying the splitting of a noncompact manifold as a product with R[1].  相似文献   

We prove that every finite group is the orientation-preserving isometry group of the complement of a hyperbolic link in the 3-sphere.  相似文献   

Oliver Baues 《Topology》2004,43(4):903-924
We give a new proof that compact infra-solvmanifolds with isomorphic fundamental groups are smoothly diffeomorphic. More generally, we prove rigidity results for manifolds which are constructed using affine actions of virtually polycyclic groups on solvable Lie groups. Our results are derived from rigidity properties of subgroups in solvable linear algebraic groups.  相似文献   

We generalize a result of Kramer, see [7, 10.7 and 10.10], on generalized quadrangles associated with isoparametric hypersurfaces of Clifford type to Tits buildings of type C2 derived from arbitrary isoparametric hypersurfaces with four distinct principal curvatures in spheres: two distinct points p and q of a generalized quadrangle associated with an isoparametric hypersurface in the unit sphere of a Euclidean vector space can be joined by a line K if and only if (pq)/||pq|| is a line. This line is orthogonal to K. Dually, two distinct lines L and K intersect if and only if (LK)/||LK|| is point. Received: 14 October 2005  相似文献   

Using side-by-side Sacks forcing, it is proved relatively consistent that the continuum is large and Martin's Axiom fails totally, that is, every c.c.c. space is the union of ?1 nowhere dense sets (equivelently, if P is a nontrivial partial ordering with the countable chain condition, then there are ?1 dense sets in P such that no filter in P meets them all).  相似文献   

Summary Suppose that an invariant (or an invariant notion) of some geometry is given, like the distance between two points, the cross ratio of four points, the tangential distance between two spheres (or like the notion of orthogonality, of order, of a circle). One may ask what are the functions preserving (or preserving partially) that invariant (invariant notion). Originating from this principle some functional equation problems are formulated, namely the functional equations of distance, of area, of angle preservance.Dedicated to the memory of Alexander M. Ostrowski on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth.  相似文献   

Projective or affine planes that are covered by subplanes in a prescribed manner are studied and classified. This provides a generalization of the concept of regular spread.This research begun while the second author was a C.N.R. visiting professor in Italy during May–June 1994.  相似文献   

Let X be a locally finite simplicial complex of dimension n, n? 5, equipped with a k-fold end structure [4] and consider a piecewise linear (n + 1)-dimensional manifold M that is proper homotopy equivalent to X × R by F:MX × R, where R is the set of real numbers. The question arises as to whether or not the manifold M can be split, i.e., written as M = N × R where N is a n-manifold and where there is a proper homotopy between F and (p1 ° F0) × id:N × RX × R, preserving the natural (k+1)-fold end structure, where F0 is F|N and p1 is the projection X × RX. Of particular significance is the fact that X is noncompact. When the construction of such splittings is attempted, algebraic obstructions arise, which vanish if and only if the construction can be completed. This paper develops such an obstruction theory by utilizing methods of L.C. Siebenmann and the k-fold end structures of F. Waldhausen.  相似文献   

We derive in a simple way some higher estimates of the number of every-where linearly independent cross-sections for even multiples of real vector bundles, and, more generally, for a certain class of homomorphism bundles, supposing that there exists at least one nowhere vanishing cross-section.  相似文献   

Collectionwise normal (CWN) and collectionwise Hausdorff (CWH) spaces have played an increasingly important role in topology since the introduction of these concepts by R.H. Bing in 1951 [3]. It has remained an open and frequently raised question as to whether CWH T3-spaces are CWN with respect to compact sets. Recently, a counterexample requiring the existence of measurable cardinals and having little additional topological structure was constructed by W.G. Fleissner and the author. In this paper, the author gives a simple example in ZFC of a CWH, first countable, perfect T3-space that is not CWN with respect to compact, metrizable sets, and, under Martin's Axiom, such an example that is also a Moore space. In addition, the author considers the analogous question for strongly collectionwise Hausdorff (SCWH) T3-spaces and characterizes the existence of SCWH T3-spaces that are not CWN with respect to compact sets in set-theoretic and box product formulations. The constructions utilized throughout the paper are of a general nature and several apparently new set-theoretic techniques for interchanging ‘points’ and ‘sets’ are introduced.  相似文献   

Main results proved: (i) EveryT 2, quasi-Nagata,-space is metrizable. (ii) Every regular,c-stratifiable, quasi-Nagata, quasi--space is metrizable.A few other theorems involvingc-semi-stratifiable spaces,W--spaces,c-Nagata spaces etc. are proved.  相似文献   

Generalizing theorems of Myers-Steenrod and of Hawking, we obtain characterizations for isometries and conformal mappings of pseudo-Riemannian spaces (M, g): Define a local distance function on convex normal neighbourhoods by (p, q) =g(exp p –1 q, exp p –1 q). Then every homeomorphismf locally preserving these functions is an isometry. If (M, g) has indefinite signature andf locally preserves distance zero, it is a conformal diffeomorphism.  相似文献   

Let be a non-Desarguesian semifield plane of order 2 n 26, and letG be the autotopism group relative to an autotopism triangle . We prove that ifG acts transitively on the non-vertex points on a side of , then is a generalized twisted field plane. A characterization of the generalized twisted field planes of characteristic 2 is also given.Research supported in part by NSF Grants RII-9014056, component IV of the EPSCoR of Puerto Rico grant and ARO grant for Cornell MSI.Research supported in part by NSF Grant No. DMS-9107372.  相似文献   

Let M denote a connected (n+1)-manifold (without boundary). We study laminated decompositions of M, by which we mean upper semicontinous decompositions G of M into closed, connected n-manifolds. In particular, given M with a lamination G and N, a locally flat, closed, n-dimensional submanifold, we determine conditions under which M admits another lamination GN with N?GN. For n ≠ 3 a sufficient condition is that i: NM be a homotopy equivalence. For n > 3 we give examples to show that i: NM being a homology equivalence is not sufficient. We also show how to replace the assumption of local flatness of N with a weaker cellularity criterion (n ? 4) known as the inessential loops condition. We then give examples illustrating the abundance of pathology if M is not assumed to have a preexisting lamination.  相似文献   

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