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The term “ring syndrome” was proposed to describe a phenotype of growth failure without major malformations due to a ring autosome. The growth failure is thought to be caused by instability of the ring chromosome leading to aneusomy and cell death. Most previous studies of ring chromosomes were based on standard cytogenetic banding techniques and were limited to microscopically detectable deletions in the ring chromosomes. We report on two patients with complete ring (4) and ring (9) chromosomes, respectively. The first was a 15-month-old girl and the second was a 16-month-old boy. They both presented with severe, symmetrical growth failure and normal psychomotor development in the absence of malformations. Their parents had a normal phenotype. The first case had a whorled pattern of hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation on part of the face and chest, and the second case had a patchy hyperpigmented rash on the trunk. Peripheral blood karyotype of the first patient was 46,XX,r(4)(p16.3q35.2) and of the second 45,XY,-9/46,XY,r(9)(p24q34.3). G-band analysis suggested no loss of material in the ring chromosomes. These findings were confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis using chromosome-specific subtelomeric probes. The common human telomeric sequences were intact in the first patient but absent in the second patient. The cytogenetic and FISH data in our two cases provide further evidence for the existence of a “complete ring” phenotype independent of the autosome involved. Pigmentary skin changes are a useful clinical sign of mosaicism caused by the ring instability. Am. J. Med. Genet. 87:384–390, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The availability of markers for the 17p11.2 region has enabled the diagnosis of Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS) by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). SMS is typically associated with a discernible deletion of band 17p11.2 upon cytogenetic analysis at a resolution of 400–550 bands. We present a case that illustrates the importance of using FISH to confirm a cytogenetic diagnosis of del(17)(p11.2). Four independent cytogenetic analyses were performed with different conclusions. Results of low resolution analyses of amniocytes and peripheral blood lymphocytes were apparently normal, while high resolution analyses of peripheral blood samples in two laboratories indicated mosaicism for del(17)(p11.2). FISH clearly demonstrated a 17p deletion on one chromosome of all peripheral blood cells analyzed and ruled out mosaicism unambiguously. The deletion was undetectable by flow cytometric quantitation of chromosomal DNA content, suggesting that it is less than 2 Mb. We conclude that FISH should be used to detect the SMS deletion when routine chromosome analysis fails to detect it and to verify mosaicism. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的 对1例9号环状染色体综合征患儿进行细胞分子遗传学分析,探索9号环状染色体与临床表型的关系.方法 采用染色体G显带核型分析和TelVision 9p探针和TelVision 9q探针进行双色荧光原位杂交,识别和定位1例9号环状染色体患儿.结果 患儿核型为45,X,-9/46,XX,r(9)(p24q34)/46,XX,r(9;9)(p24q34;p24q34)(4/92/4).双色荧光原位杂交显示9号环状染色体上没有杂交信号,提示9号环状染色体短臂末端缺失片段至少有115 kb,长臂末端缺失片段至少有95 kb.与其它报道的环状9号染色体综合征、9号染色体短臂和长臂部分单体综合征相比,本例患者兼有环状9号染色体综合征的临床特征以及9号染色体短臂和长臂部分单体综合征的一些特征.结论 由于缺失的断裂点之间亚显微结构的不同、环的不稳定性、基因与表型相互作用以及胎儿环境条件的不同等原因,具有相同断裂点的9号环状染色体综合征患者可以有不同的临床表型,单倍基因剂量不足对临床表型发挥了重大作用.  相似文献   

We report on the clinical and cytogenetic findings in 7 cases of inverted duplication of region 8p11.2-p23. The phenotype of inv dup (8p) compiled from this series and the literature (N = 29) consists of severe mental retardation (100%), minor facial alterations (97%), agenesis of the corpus callosum (80%), hypotonia (66%), orthopedic abnormalities (58%), scoliosis/kyphosis (40%), and congenital heart defect (26%). A telomeric deletion of region 8p23.3-pter was confirmed in 3 of our cases studied using fluorescent in situ hybridization with a telomeric probe for 8p. Thus, these karyotypes are inv dup del(8) (qter→p23.1::p23.1→p11.2:). Our findings sugest that most cases of inv dup(8p) probably have a telomeric deletion. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Eighteen girls with Aicardi syndrome were identified through a survey of neurologists, geneticists, and ophthalmologists. All had infantile seizures, developmental delay, agenesis of the corpus callosum (complete: 72%, partial: 28%), and characteristic chorioretinal lacunar lesions. Costovertebral defects including hemivertebrae, scoliosis, and absent or malformed ribs were present in 39%, cortical heterotopias were present in 50%, and microphthalmia was identified in a third. Cytogenetic investigation was carried out in all families. An unbalanced X;3 translocation, 46,X,der(X)t(X;3)(p22.3;p23)mat, was discovered in a girl with chorioretinal lacunar lesions characteristic of Aicardi syndrome, developmental delay, and infantile seizures. However, this child had a normal appearing corpus callosum on CT and magnetic resonance imaging scans and therefore did not meet the criteria for inclusion in the study. Chromosomes of all other patients and parents were normal. Findings at birth, age of seizure onset, treatment, and prognosis are discussed. The pedigree data from these 18 families demonstrated an unaffected male:female sib ratio of 1:1.7 and a 14% spontaneous abortion rate. The findings of this study support the contention that Aicardi syndrome is an X-linked dominant disorder with early embryonic lethality in hemizygous males and that all cases represent new mutations.  相似文献   

We report on a boy with mild dysmorphic features and developmental delay, in whom karyotyping showed an additional minute ring chromosome in 60% of metaphases. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with a centromere specific probe demonstrated that the ring chromosome contained the centromeric region of chromosome 20. The ring was highlighted completely using a chromosome 20 painting probe. A cosmid probe for 20p12-13 gave a positive signal and hybridization with an all-telomere probe showed one signal, suggesting a breakpoint in the 20p telomere. The results suggested that only a small part of 20q was involved in this ring. The ring was also detected in 18% of nuclei of a buccal smear. The phenotypic similarities of symptoms in the proband to patients with a (partial) trisomy 20p and the dissimilarities to symptoms in patients with (partial) trisomy 20q were in agreement with the FISH results.  相似文献   

目的探讨荧光原位杂交(fluorescencein situhybridization,FISH)和高分辨比较基因组杂交(highresolution-comparative genomic hybridization,HR-CGH)技术在闭经研究中的应用价值。方法17例原发闭经和1例继发闭经患者经常规妇科检查、B超及内分泌功能检查后,应用染色体核型分析,部分染色体异常患者采用FISH和HR-CGH技术相结合的分子-细胞遗传学检查诊断结果,并对其临床症状及发病机制进行了探讨。结果17例原发闭经患者中,7例为46,XX的正常女性核型;10例携带有异常染色体核型,所占比例为58.8%,其中3例为46,XY的女性患者,2例为45,X及45,X/46,XX的Turner's患者;其余5例均为携带有X染色体结构异常,包括X染色体部分单体、X等臂染色体和X/Y嵌合体等异常核型患者;1例继发性闭经患者为X染色体与常染色体易位的异常核型。结论应用FISH和HR-CGH技术与高分辨染色体显带技术,精确诊断患者的染色体核型,可为临床的诊断和治疗提供医学遗传学依据。  相似文献   

Complete monosomy 21 is claimed to be a rare chromosomal disorder in which the cytogenetic investigation is bedevilled by technical difficulties. We describe the disparate clinical features in two patients in whom an initial diagnosis of monosomy 21 was made by routine karyotyping. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) confirmed a translocation of chromosome 21 material to the short arm of chromosome 5 and to the X chromosome, respectively. The usefulness of FISH in the investigation of subtle chromosomal rearrangements is hereby demonstrated. These findings also cast doubt on the existence of "pure" monosomy 21 as an entity, and suggest that partial monosomy 21 is a more likely occurrence.  相似文献   

To fully characterize the numerous chromosomal aberrations in two human squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) of the lung, molecular cytogenetic characterization was carried out utilizing conventional banding analysis and multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (mFISH), providing simultaneous color discrimination of all 24 human chromosomes. Both tumors displayed complex aneuploid karyotypes with a host of numerical and structural chromosome abnormalities. Structural aberrations common to both SCCs included rearrangements of chromosomes 1, 3p, 7q, and 8q, contributing to net loss of chromosomal sequences on 1p, 3p, and 8p, and a net gain of 8q. The recently introduced mFISH technique enabled the disclosure of cryptic translocations and the chromosomal composition of previously unrecognized marker chromosomes. Furthermore, mFISH greatly enhanced the ability to delineate chromosomal breakpoints when integrating banding information from conventional banding analysis. Eventually, the application of mFISH as a powerful approach to refine complex tumor karyotypes is expected to result in a more detailed and complete picture of cytogenetic events associated with the development and progression of solid tumors.  相似文献   

We investigated relationships between DNA copy number aberrations and chromosomal structural rearrangements in 11 different cell lines derived from oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), spectral karyotyping (SKY), and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). CGH frequently showed recurrent chromosomal gains of 5p, 20q12, 8q23 approximately qter, 20p11 approximately p12, 7p15, 11p13 approximately p14, and 14q21, as well as losses of 4q, 18q, 4p11 approximately p15, 19p13, 8p21 approximately pter, and 16p11 approximately p12. SKY identified the following recurrent chromosomal abnormalities: i(5)(p10), i(5)(q10), i(8)(q10), der(X;1)(q10;p10), der(3;5)(p10;p10), and der(3;18)(q10;p10). In addition, breakpoints detected by SKY were clustered in 11q13 and around centromeric regions, including 5p10/q10, 3p10/q10, 8p10/q10 14q10, 1p10/1q10, and 16p10/16q10. Cell lines with i(5)(p10) and i(8)(q10) showed gains of the entire chromosome arms of 5p and 8q by CGH. Moreover, breakages near the centromeres of chromosomes 5 and 8 may be associated with 5p gain, 8q gain, and 8p loss in OSCC. FISH with a DNA probe from a BAC clone mapping to 5p15 showed a significant correlation between the average numbers of i(5)(p10) and 5p15 (R(2) = 0.8693, P< 0.01) in these cell lines, indicating that DNA copy number of 5p depends upon isochromosome formation in OSCC.  相似文献   

We report on a 15-year-old black boy with severe mental retardation, multiple congenital anomalies, and a supernumerary ring chromosome mosaicism. Fluorescence in situ hybridization with a chromosome 1 painting probe (pBS1) identified the ring as derived from chromosome 1. The karyotype was 46,XY/47,XY,+r(1)(p13q23). A review showed 8 reports of ring chromosome 1. In 5 cases, the patients had a non-supernumerary ring chromosome 1 resulting in partial monosomies of the short and/or long arm of chromosome 1. In 3 cases, the presence of a supernumerary ring resulted in partial trisomy of different segments of chromosome 1. In one of these cases the supernumerary ring was composed primarily of the centromere and the heterochromatic region of chromosome 1, resulting in normal phenotype. Our patient represents the third report of a supernumerary ring chromosome 1 resulting in abnormal phenotype. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的探讨荧光原位杂交技术在检测染色体数目异常与自然流产的关系及影响因素。方法应用荧光原位杂交技术对539例早期自然流产绒毛进行染色体数目异常检查及其与患者的年龄、流产次数之间的联系。结果539例流产绒毛标本中,共检测出133例染色体数目异常,其中常染色体三体最多,共计81例(60.9%);性染色体数目异常22例(16.5%);多倍体30例(22.5%);绒毛染色体数目异常与正常年龄组和高龄组之间的比较,高龄组异常发生率高;而流产次数3次及3次以上的染色体数目异常发生率(29.5%)高于流产次数为2次及2次以下者(20.3%)。结论染色体数目异常是胚胎停育流产的重要因素,其中以常染色体三体为主;胚胎停育与孕妇年龄有关;对于流产次数3次及3次以上的流产患者,建议检查绒毛染色体数目异常很有必要。  相似文献   

The different genetic alterations observed in diffuse and intestinal types of gastric cancer suggest that these two pathological types may represent different disease entities. We present two cases of primary gastric carcinoma, a well-differentiated intestinal type adenocarcinoma and a poorly differentiated diffuse type adenocarcinoma, both studied by a 24-color multiplex fluorescence in situ hybridization technique (M-FISH). The well-differentiated intestinal type adenocarcinoma exhibited fewer structural abnormalities with five noncomplex translocations, deletions of chromosomes 5q, 6q, and 17q and an i(8q). In the case of poorly differentiated diffuse carcinoma, structural abnormalities predominated and normal homologues were mostly absent. But there were also similarities between the two cases: translocations on 1p and 9p; structural abnormalities of chromosome 8 with consistent loss of 8p; structural abnormalities of 12q; partial loss of chromosome 17 and 18; and polysomy of chromosome 20. This study shows that M-FISH is valuable in identifying hidden structural abnormalities and could, therefore, be useful in the investigation of primary solid tumors.  相似文献   

We report on a male with mild learning disabilities who has a supernumerary marker chromosome. The marker chromosome was defined by fluorescence in situ hybridization as a ring X chromosome with breakpoints in the juxacentromeric region. Replication studies suggest that the ring X is late-replicating. However XIST, a gene in the X inactivation centre interval which is expressed exclusively from the inactive X chromosome, is not present on the marker, nor is it expressed in the patient's cells. These results are discussed with respect to karyotype-phenotype correlations and X inactivation. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis including multicolor spectral karyotyping (SKY) and interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was performed on 154 consecutive cases with suspected lymphoma. The cytogenetic results were reviewed in correlation with the final pathologic diagnosis. A diagnosis of lymphoma was established in 94 cases, with 16 Hodgkin lymphomas and 78 non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL). Cytogenetic results were obtained in 63 NHLs (81%); 61 of those showed abnormal karyotypes (97%). The t(14;18) or IGH-BCL2 fusion was detected in 83% (20/24) of follicular lymphomas and in 57% (12/21) of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL). The application of interphase FISH and SKY has contributed to a high detection rate of t(14;18) in DLBCLs. This study showed that genes at 1q25, 3p21, 3q21, 5q31, 6p23, 7q22, 8q11 approximately q12, 9q34, 11q23, 12q13, and 19q13.1 may have been involved as the less common changes in follicular lymphoma and DLBCL. Comparison of the recurrent secondary aberrations in the groups of follicular lymphoma and DLBCL revealed a pattern of clonal evolution from the changes rea(1)(p36), del(6q), +7, +12 or dup or trp(12)(q13q22), +der(18)t(14;18), and +21 in follicular lymphoma to the changes rea(1)(p36), del(6q), +6, +7, +9, rea(11)(q23), +12, -13 or del(13(q12q14), +18, +21, and +X in DLBCL. The clonal evolution of the secondary aberrations is thought to contribute to the progression of the disease. About 90% (16/18) of other types of NHL had abnormal karyotypes showing specific translocations or gene rearrangements consistent with the pathologic diagnosis. A comprehensive cytogenetics approach including SKY and interphase FISH using probes for specific genes, such as IGH, BCL2, CCND1, and ALK, is a very useful ancillary diagnostic tool for lymphomas. The combined approach also led to the identification of t(2;19)(p23;q13.1) as a new variant of t(2;5)(p23;q35) in a case of Ki-1-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma with a null cell phenotype.  相似文献   

目的建立稳定的荧光原位杂交(fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)技术并用于唐氏综合征的产前诊断.方法对126例孕17w~24w未培养羊水细胞进行FISH快速产前诊断,以培养羊水细胞常规G显带核型分析作为FISH检测结果对照.结果被检126例羊水未培养细胞均获得诊断结果,发现4例异常胎儿.3例为标准型唐氏综合征;另1例为嵌合体.FISH检测与常规核型分析结果一致.结论FISH用于唐氏综合征产前诊断具有快速、简便、所用样本量少的优势,结果准确可靠,可达到产前诊断要求,有较大临床应用价值.  相似文献   

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