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Tramadol is an analgesic and psychoactive drug that acts primarily upon the central nervous system where it alters brain function, resulting in temporary changes in perception, mood, consciousness and behavior. The aim of present study was to analyze the genotoxicity and repair capability of DNA after Tramadol exposure in albino mice (Mus musculus). For this purpose, forty mice were divided equally into four groups as; a control group (without drug) and three treatment groups that were treated with three doses of Tramadol as minimum dose group, Intermediate dose group and maximum dose group, corresponding to 25 mg/kg, 50 mg/kg and 75 mg/kg of body weight respectively. The dose was given orally for 15 days. After 15 days peripheral blood was drawn from half mice of each group and subjected to comet assay. While the remaining half mice were given a recovery period of 15 days and same procedure was used for blood collection and comet assay. Significant difference in various comet parameters was observed among control and exposed groups. Maximum damage was observed at highest concentration 75 mg/kg of Tramadol and minimum damage was observed at dose 25 mg/kg of Tramadol, while results of repaired mice group showed that repair capability of Tramadol was minor and recovery of Tramadol required a lot of time. It can be concluded that Tramadol cause genotoxicity that is dose dependent and has low repair capability.  相似文献   

The toxicity of trace metals is still incompletely understood. We have previously shown that a single oral dose of iron or copper induces genotoxic effects in mice in vivo, as detected by single cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay). Here, we report the effect of these metals on subchronic exposure. Mice were gavaged for six consecutive days with either water, 33.2 mg/kg iron, or 8.5 mg/kg copper. On the 7th day, the neutral and alkaline comet assays in whole blood and the bone marrow micronucleus (MN) test were used as genotoxicity and mutagenicity endpoints, respectively. Particle induced X-ray emission was used to determine liver levels of the metals. Females showed a slightly lower DNA damage background, but there was no significant difference between genders for any endpoint. Iron and copper were genotoxic and mutagenic. While copper was more genotoxic in the neutral version, iron was more genotoxic in the alkaline version of the comet assay. Copper induced the highest mutagenicity as evaluated by the MN test. Iron was not mutagenic to male mice. Iron is thought to induce more oxidative lesions than copper, which are primarily detected in the alkaline comet assay. Treatment with iron, but not with copper, induced a significant increase in the hepatic level of the respective metal, reflecting different excretion strategies.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation is known to produce a variety of cellular and sub cellular damage in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Present studies were undertaken to assess gamma ray induced DNA damage in different organs of the chick embryo using alkaline comet assay and peripheral blood micronucleus test. Further the suitability of chick embryo, as an alternative model for genotoxicity evaluation of environmental agents was assessed. Fertilized eggs of Rhode island red strain were exposed to 0.5, 1 and 2 Gy of gamma rays delivered at a dose rate of 0.316 Gy/min using a 60Co teletherapy machine. Peripheral blood smears were prepared from 8- to 11-day-old chick embryos for micronucleus test. Alkaline comet assay was performed on 11-day-old chick embryos in different organs such as the heart, liver, lung, blood, bone marrow, brain and kidney.Analysis of the data revealed a significant increase in the frequency of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes, micronucleated normochromatic erythrocytes and total micronucleated erythrocytes in the peripheral blood of gamma irradiated chick embryos at all the doses tested as compared to the respective controls. The polychromatic to normochromatic erythrocytes ratio which is an indicator of proliferation rate of hematopoetic tissue, decreased in the irradiated groups as compared to the controls. Data obtained from comet assay, clearly demonstrated a significant increase in DNA strand breaks in all the organs of irradiated chick embryos as compared to the respective controls. However, maximum damage was observed in the heart tissue on all the doses tested, followed by kidney, brain, lung, blood and liver. The lowest damage was observed in the bone marrow tissue. Both micronucleus test and comet assay were found to be suitable biomarkers for the evaluation of genotoxicity of gamma radiation in the chick embryo.  相似文献   

为从不同遗传终点检测苯胺对黑斑蛙(Rana nigromaculata)蝌蚪红细胞的遗传毒性,将黑斑蛙蝌蚪暴露于0、3.45、17.26、34.53、69.06μg/L不同浓度的苯胺96 h后,显微镜下观察红细胞形态和数目的变化,采用微核试验测定红细胞微核率,通过彗星试验测定彗星尾长和尾距的变化。从17.26μg/L浓度组开始出现红细胞变形拉长和细胞膜破裂,且随着苯胺浓度的增加而增多。另外,各浓度组蝌蚪红细胞数目随着苯胺溶液浓度的增加而逐渐减少,且与空白对照相比差异显著(P0.01)。微核试验结果显示,各浓度处理组微核率均显著高于空白对照组(P0.05),但由于苯胺所致的红细胞破裂和Heinz小体的影响,微核率和浓度之间并未出现明显的浓度-效应关系。彗星试验结果显示,不同浓度苯胺处理组与空白对照组相比,蝌蚪红细胞尾长和尾距均显著增加(P0.05或P0.01),并与处理浓度之间存在显著的浓度-效应关系。上述结果表明,苯胺可诱发黑斑蛙蝌蚪红细胞的染色体、DNA损伤,具有较强的遗传毒性效应;苯胺最高浓度处理组69.06μg/L蝌蚪红细胞DNA损伤水平与5 mg/L环磷酰胺相近,显现明显的DNA损伤,因此建议渔业水质标准对水体中苯胺限量的规定不应高于此值。  相似文献   

When chlorine is used as a disinfectant for drinking water it may react with organic materials present in or released by the water pipes and thus form by-products that may represent a genotoxic hazard. The aim of this study was to assess the potential genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of extracts of chlorinated drinking water supplied by local aquifers of two Italian towns, Plants 1 and 2, located in the sub-Alpine area and on the Po plain, respectively. The raw water fell within the legal limits with regards to its chemical and physical properties. Water from Plant 2 contained higher levels of total organics (TOC) and nitrate than water from Plant 1. Water was sampled at different points along the distribution networks to evaluate the influence of the system on the amount and quality of the by-products. Cytotoxic and genotoxic damage was assessed in freshly isolated human white blood cells (WBC) and Hep-G2 cells by use of the micronucleus (MN) test and the Comet assay to measure primary DNA damage. While they did not show significant cytotoxicity, all Plant 1 water concentrates induced short-time genotoxic effects on leukocytes at concentrations ≥1 Lequiv./mL. Plant 2 samples were able to induce cytotoxic effects in both Hep-G2 cells and leukocytes. Furthermore, although there was no significant increase in MN frequency, DNA migration was strongly increased both in human leukocytes (≥0.5 Lequiv./mL, 1 h treatment, water samples collected from all points) and in Hep-G2 cells (≥0.75 Lequiv./mL, 24 h treatment, tap water sampled at the nearest distribution point). The current use of these in vitro cytotoxicity/genotoxicity tests together with the normal chemical analyses could provide information to help water-works managers and health authorities evaluate drinking water quality and adopt strategies to reduce genotoxic compounds in tap water and prevent human exposure to these compounds.  相似文献   

Marine organisms have been shown to be potential sources of bioactive compounds with pharmaceutical applications. Previous chemical investigation of the nudibranch Tambja eliora led to the isolation of the alkaloid tambjamine D. Tambjamines have been isolated from marine sources and belong to the family of 4-methoxypyrrolic-derived natural products, which display promising immunosuppressive and cytotoxic properties. Their ability to intercalate DNA and their pro-oxidant activity may be related to some of the biological effects of the 4-methoxypyrrolic alkaloids. The aim of the present investigation was to determine the cytotoxic, pro-oxidant and genotoxic properties of tambjamine D in V79 Chinese hamster lung fibroblast cells. Tambjamine D displayed a potent cytotoxic effect in V79 cells (IC50 1.2 microg/mL) evaluated by the MTT assay. Based on the MTT result, V79 cells were treated with different concentrations of tambjamine D (0.6, 1.2, 2.4 and 4.8 microg/mL). After 24h, tambjamine D reduced the number of viable cells in a concentration-dependent way at all concentrations tested, assessed by the trypan blue dye exclusion test. The hemolytic assay showed that the cytotoxic activity of tambjamine D was not related to membrane disruption (EC50>100 microg/mL). Tambjamine D increased the number of apoptotic cells in a concentration-dependent manner at all concentrations tested according to acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining, showing that the alkaloid cytotoxic effect was related to the induction of apoptosis. MTT reduction was stimulated by tambjamine D, which may indicate the generation of reactive oxygen species. Accordingly, treatment of cells with tambjamine D increased nitrite/nitrate at all concentrations and TBARS production starting at the concentration corresponding to the IC50. Tambjamine D, also, induced DNA strand breaks and increased the micronucleus cell frequency as evaluated by comet and micronucleus tests, respectively, at all concentrations evaluated, showing a genotoxic risk induced by tambjamine D.  相似文献   

Acrylamide (AA) can be formed in certain foods by heating, predominantly from the precursor asparagine. It is a carcinogen in animal experiments, but the relevance of dietary exposure for humans is still under debate. There is substantial evidence that glycidamide (GA), metabolically formed from AA by Cyp 2E1-mediated epoxidation, acts as ultimate mutagenic agent. We compared the mutagenic potential of AA and GA in V79-cells, using the hprt mutagenicity-test with N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitroso-guanidine (MNNG) as positive control. Whereas MNNG showed marked mutagenic effectivity already at 0.5 μM, AA was inactive up to a concentration of 10 mM. In contrast, GA showed a concentration dependent induction of mutations at concentrations of 800 μM and higher. Human blood was used as model system to investigate genotoxic potential in lymphocytes by single cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay) and by measuring the induction of micronuclei (MN) with bleomycin (BL) as positive control. AA did not induce significant genotoxicity or mutagenicity up to 6000 μM. With GA, concentration dependent DNA damage was observed in the dose range of 300–3000 μM after 4 h incubation. Significant MN-induction was not observed with AA (up to 5000 μM) and GA (up to 1000 μM), whereas BL (4 μM) induced significantly enhanced MN frequencies. Thus, in our systems GA appears to exert a rather moderate genotoxic activity.  相似文献   

Coal is a mixture of a variety of compounds containing mutagenic and carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Exposure to coal is considered as an important non-cellular and cellular source of reactive oxygen species that can induce DNA damage. In addition, spontaneous combustion can occur in coal mining areas, further releasing compounds with detrimental effects on the environment. In this study the comet assay was used to investigate potential genotoxic effects of coal mining activities in peripheral blood cells of the wild rodents Rattus rattus and Mus musculus. The study was conducted in a coal mining area of the Municipio de Puerto Libertador, South West of the Departamento de Cordoba, Colombia. Animals from two areas in the coal mining zone and a control area located in the Municipio de Lorica were investigated. The results showed evidence that exposure to coal results in elevated primary DNA lesions in blood cells of rodents. Three different parameters for DNA damage were assessed, namely, DNA damage index, migration length and percentage damaged cells. All parameters showed statistically significantly higher values in mice and rats from the coal mining area in comparison to the animals from the control area. The parameter “DNA Damage Index” was found to be most sensitive and to best indicate a genotoxic hazard. Both species investigated were shown to be sensitive indicators of environmental genotoxicity caused by coal mining activities. In summary, our study constitutes the first investigation of potential genotoxic effects of open coal mining carried out in Puerto Libertador. The investigations provide a guide for measures to evaluate genotoxic hazards, thereby contributing to the development of appropriate measures and regulations for more careful operations during coal mining.  相似文献   

The effect of the use of an oral contraceptive (OC) on the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and on the response in the alkaline comet assay (single-cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE)) was investigated in 18 women taking contraceptive pills daily for 24 months. As controls, fertile women were included with regular menstrual cycles who received no OC drugs. A significant increase in the number of lymphocytes with DNA migration and an increased frequency of SCE per metaphase were observed in OC users as compared with their age-matched untreated controls (P<0.005). As higher incidences of spontaneous SCEs in peripheral blood lymphocytes have been reported to occur in females during pregnancy due to profound changes in the levels of certain sex hormones such as progesterone and estrogen, particularly during the last trimester, 17 pregnant women served as positive controls in this study in order to test the rate of genetic damage due to those changes. Higher frequencies of SCEs and comet responses were observed in pregnant women than in their matched controls. However, no statistically significant difference in DNA damage was observed between OC users and pregnant women (P>0.05). This study underscores the fact that prolonged and extensive use of these drugs in our daily life may be hazardous and also, that OC users should be aware of multifactorial risk factors (environmental, genetic and life style patterns) that may be responsible for additional DNA damage.  相似文献   

We have investigated the normal variations in basal DNA damage detected by Comet assay in leukocytes and micronucleated erythrocytes (MNE) using the Micronucleus test (MN) in peripheral blood cells from 45 female and male mice from different age groups (newborns, 3.5, 12, and 104 weeks) to clarify age and sex-related changes. Comparison of basal DNA damage detected by Comet assay showed significantly increased values in 104 weeks old mice in relation to the other ages (P < or = 0.01), and newborn mice showed higher values in MNE frequency when compared to all the other groups (P < or = 0.01). A positive correlation was observed between Damage Frequency (r =0.382, P = 0.010) and Damage Index (r = 0.640, P < 0.001) and age. Age was also correlated with the ratio of polychromatic erythrocytes/normachromatic erythrocytes (PCE/NCE) (r = -0.473, P = 0.001), and the MNE frequency was positively correlated with the ratio of PCE/NCE (r = 0.454, P = 0.002). These results suggest an age-related slow down of DNA repair efficiency of DNA damage and/or DNA damage accumulation. Furthermore, data on the spontaneous MNE frequency indicate that the reticuloendothelial system matures with age, and there is a close relationship between erythropoiesis and micronucleus induction in erythrocytes. The influence of sex in the parameters analyzed was less clear. In conclusion, age seems to influence in basal DNA damage and should be considered in genotoxicity studies using mice. Finally, comparisons between assays must be made with care when different cells are compared (e.g. leukocytes and erythrocytes), as found with the Comet assay and MN test.  相似文献   

Breast cancer may be initiated by environmental/dietary agents and human milk may act as an ex vivo indicator of in vivo exposure of mammary epithelial cells to genotoxins. Extracts of human milk from UK-resident women (n=7) were tested for their abilities to morphologically transform C3H/M2 mouse fibroblasts. Genotoxicities were assessed in the Salmonella typhimurium reverse-mutation assay in the presence of S9 using strains TA1538 and YG1019, and in metabolically-competent human MCL-5 cells with the micronucleus and with the alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assays. Two of the seven extracts were inactive in the transformation assay both in the presence or absence of S9, two appeared to be equally transforming either in the presence or absence of S9, and two other extracts induced increased transformation frequencies in the presence of S9. A seventh extract, tested only in the absence of S9, was inactive. Extracts were either active or inactive in at least three of the four tests applied. Four extracts were active or inactive in all four tests. The results suggest that human milk could be used as a resource for investigations of the as-yet-unidentified transforming agents previously detected in mammary lipid.  相似文献   

The genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of the antiviral drug, ribavirin, was studied in rat bone marrow by employing the micronucleus assay. Ribavirin in doses of 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100 and 200 mg/kg, and cyclophosphamide (CP) 40 mg/kg (only for sex-difference study) were injected intraperitoneally. Bone marrow was collected at 24 h and 48 h following the injection. To evaluate the recovery, the bone marrow was also sampled at 72 h from 20, 100 and 200 mg/kg treated rats. The micronucleus assay was conducted according to the standard procedure. Ribavirin elevated the incidence of micronuclei (except 10 mg/kg) in erythrocytes (P<0.01). The micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes showed the initial steep increase at 15 and 20 mg/kg dose level, then with the gradual increase, possibly due to the limited metabolism and action of higher doses. The incidence of micronucleated normochromatic erythrocytes was not dose dependent. The effect was more at 48 h than 24 h due to prolonged toxicity of the drug or its metabolites, and by 72 h, recovery was observed eventhough the genotoxicity was significant. The PCE% decreased as the dose was increased up to 75 mg/kg, then without much difference between two higher doses. Only 100 mg/kg ribavirin and CP showed more toxicity on male rats. Cytotoxicity was seen due to hindered erythropoiesis or cell destruction. Our findings suggest that ribavirin is genotoxic and cytotoxic agent for rat bone marrow.  相似文献   

Three different biomarkers: sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE), micronuclei (MN), and the Comet assay, were used to evaluate different kinds of genetic damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes from 34 male workers at Barcelona airport, exposed to low levels of hydrocarbons and jet fuel derivatives. The control group consisted of 11 unexposed men. We also investigated the ras p21 protein levels in plasma, in order to evaluate whether the ras gene could serve as a suitable potential marker of carcinogenic pollution in occupationally exposed cohorts. SCE and MN analyses failed to detect any statistically significant increase in the airport workers when compared with the controls, and in fact, the frequency of binucleated cells with MN in the exposed group was significantly lower than that obtained in the control. However, slight but significant differences in the mean comet length and genetic damage index were observed between the exposed and control groups when using the Comet assay. There were no statistically significant differences between both groups in p21 plasma levels. Smoking was shown to affect significantly both SCE and high frequency cells (HFC) in the exposed group.  相似文献   

Metformin (1-(diaminomethylidene)-3,3-dimethyl-guanidine), which is the most commonly prescribed oral antihyperglycaemic drug in the world, was reported to have several antioxidant properties such as the inhibition of advanced glycation end-products. In addition to its use in the treatment of diabetes, it has been suggested that metformin may be a promising anti-aging agent. The present work was aimed at assessing the possible protective effects of metformin against DNA-damage induction by oxidative stress in vitro. The effects of metformin were compared with those of N-acetylcysteine (NAC). For this purpose, peripheral blood lymphocytes from aged (n = 10) and young (n = 10) individuals were pre-incubated with various concentrations of metformin (10–50 μM), followed by incubation with 15 μM cumene hydroperoxide (CumOOH) for 48 h, under conditions of low oxidant level, which do not induce cell death. Protection against oxidative DNA damage was evaluated by use of the Comet assay and the cytokinesis-block micronucleus technique. Changes in the levels of malondialdehyde + 4-hydroxy-alkenals, an index of oxidative stress, were also measured in lymphocytes. At concentrations ranging from 10 μM to 50 μM, metformin did not protect the lymphocytes from DNA damage, while 50 μM NAC possessed an effective protective effect against CumOOH-induced DNA damage. Furthermore, NAC, but not metformin, inhibited DNA fragmentation induced by CumOOH. In contrast to the lack of protection against oxidative damage in lymphocyte cultures, metformin significantly protected the cells from lipid peroxidation in both age groups, although not as effective as NAC in preventing the peroxidative damage at the highest doses. Within the limitations of this study, the results indicate that pharmacological concentrations of metformin are unable to protect against DNA damage induced by a pro-oxidant stimulus in cultured human lymphocytes, despite its antioxidant properties.  相似文献   

The concern about DNA damage has directed efforts toward evaluating the genotoxic potential of physical and chemical agents. Since the extent of DNA damage is also related to the capacity of the organism in repairing the DNA, the advance of toxicological studies on this area depends on the characterization of the DNA repair mechanisms in the available models. The cellular zebrafish models, for example, replace mammalian cells to answer ecologically relevant questions on aquatic toxicology. So, the aim of the present study was to characterize the nucleotide excision repair (NER) and photoreactivation (PER) in two cellular models of Danio rerio liver, primary hepatocytes and ZF-L (Zebrafish Liver) cell line. We performed kinetic studies of the DNA damage levels after exposure to 6.8 J/m2 UVC using the T4-PDG modified Comet Assay, and determined the expression levels of important genes involved in NER, PER and base excision repair using RT-qPCR. It was observed that both ZF-L cell line and primary hepatocytes exhibit similar NER and PER activity. Primary hepatocytes showed similarities in the gene expression of most of the evaluated repair genes with the original tissue. These results indicate that both primary hepatocytes and ZF-L cells are useful models for toxicological studies aiming to evaluate NER and PER in hepatic cells. Moreover, the similarities in gene expression between the cellular models suggest that the ZF-L cells retain the DNA repair characteristics of the primary hepatocytes and, thus, could serve as replacement to this primary culture, reducing the use of animals in research.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the cytotoxic and genotoxic potential of alloxydim sodium using micronucleus (MN) assay, in human peripheral lymphocytes. MN assay was used to investigate the genotoxic effects of alloxydim sodium in human peripheral lymphocytes treated with 250, 500, 750, 1,000 µg/ml concentrations of alloxydim sodium for 24 and 48 h. Solvent, negative and positive controls were also used in the experiments in parallel. The obtained results were evaluated in statistical analyses by using Dunnett-t test (two sided) and p < 0.05 was accepted as significant. Alloxydim sodium significantly increased the MN formation compared with the negative control, at both 750 and 1,000 µg/ml concentrations and treatment periods. We also evaluated the nuclear division index (NDI) for cytotoxicity of this pesticide in the experiment, and finally observed a significant decrease of the NDI values at all concentrations of alloxydim sodium and at both treatment periods.  相似文献   

Methods are needed to assess exposure to genotoxins in humans and to improve understanding of dietary cancer prevention. The Comet assay was used to detect smoking-related exposures and dietary modulations in target tissues. Buccal scrapings, blood and faeces were collected from 38 healthy male volunteers (smokers and non-smokers) during a dietary intervention study with bread supplemented with prebiotics±antioxidants. GSTM1-genotype was determined with PCR. Buccal and peripheral lymphocytes were analysed for DNA damage using the Comet assay. Genotoxicity of faecal water (FW) was assayed in human colon HT29 clone 19A cells. 'Tail intensity' (TI) was used as a quantitative indicator of DNA damage in the Comet assay. Intervention with bread reduced DNA damage in lymphocytes of smokers (8.3±1.7% TI versus 10.2±4.1% TI, n=19), but not of non-smokers (8.6±2.8% TI versus 8.3±2.7% TI, n=15). Faecal water genotoxicity was reduced only in non-smokers (9.4±2.9% TI versus 18.9±13.1% TI, n=15) but not in smokers (15.5±10.7% TI versus 20.4±14.1% TI, n=13). The Comet assay was efficient in the detection of both smoking-related exposure (buccal cells) and efficacy of dietary intervention (faecal samples). Smokers and non-smokers profited differently from the intervention with prebiotic bread±antioxidants. Stratification of data by genotype enhanced specificity/sensitivity of the intervention effects and contributed important information on the role of susceptibility.  相似文献   

Methods are needed to assess exposure to genotoxins in humans and to improve understanding of dietary cancer prevention. The Comet assay was used to detect smoking-related exposures and dietary modulations in target tissues. Buccal scrapings, blood and faeces were collected from 38 healthy male volunteers (smokers and non-smokers) during a dietary intervention study with bread supplemented with prebiotics±antioxidants. GSTM1-genotype was determined with PCR. Buccal and peripheral lymphocytes were analysed for DNA damage using the Comet assay. Genotoxicity of faecal water (FW) was assayed in human colon HT29 clone 19A cells. ‘Tail intensity’ (TI) was used as a quantitative indicator of DNA damage in the Comet assay. Intervention with bread reduced DNA damage in lymphocytes of smokers (8.3±1.7% TI versus 10.2±4.1% TI, n=19), but not of non-smokers (8.6±2.8% TI versus 8.3±2.7% TI, n=15). Faecal water genotoxicity was reduced only in non-smokers (9.4±2.9% TI versus 18.9±13.1% TI, n=15) but not in smokers (15.5±10.7% TI versus 20.4±14.1% TI, n=13). The Comet assay was efficient in the detection of both smoking-related exposure (buccal cells) and efficacy of dietary intervention (faecal samples). Smokers and non-smokers profited differently from the intervention with prebiotic bread±antioxidants. Stratification of data by genotype enhanced specificity/sensitivity of the intervention effects and contributed important information on the role of susceptibility.  相似文献   

The choice of a suitable species to translate pollution signals into a quantitative monitor is a fundamental step in biomonitoring plans. Here we present the results of three years of biomonitoring at a new coal power plant in central Italy using three different aquatic and terrestrial wildlife species in order to compare their reliability as sentinel organisms for genotoxicity. The comet assay was applied to the common land snail Helix spp., the lagoon fish Aphaniusfasciatus, and the green frog Rana esculenta sampled in the area potentially exposed to the impact of the power station. The tissue concentration of some expected pollutants (As, Cd, Ni, Pb, Cr) was analysed in parallel samples collected in the same sampling sites. The three species showed different values in the comet assay (Tail Intensity) and different accumulation profiles of heavy metals. Aphanius fasciatus showed an increasing genotoxic effect over time that paralleled the temporal increase of the heavy metals, especially arsenic, and the highest correlation between heavy metals and DNA damage. Helix spp. showed levels of damage inversely related to the distance from the source of pollution and in partial accordance with the total accumulation of trace elements. On the contrary, Rana esculenta showed a low capability to accumulate metals and had inconsistent results in the comet test. The fish appeared to be the most efficient and sensitive species in detecting chemical pollution. Overall, both the fish and the snail reflected a trend of increasing pollution in the area surrounding the power plant across time and space [Current Zoology 60 (2): 308-321, 2014].  相似文献   

杀虫剂敌敌畏和除草剂丁草胺对斑腿树蛙蝌蚪的遗传毒性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
耿宝荣  姚丹  薛清清 《动物学报》2005,51(3):447-454
敌敌畏和丁草胺是我国农田中使用最普遍的杀虫剂和除草剂,这些农田化学物质对当地的水生动物及种群造成很大威胁.本文以广泛分布于我国南方农田区域的斑腿树蛙蝌蚪为研究对象,用碱性单细胞电泳方法(或慧星试验)对暴露在不同浓度的敌敌畏(2.08,4.16,6.24,8.32,10.40 mg/L)和丁草胺(0.1025,0.205,0.410,0.820,1.230 mg/L)溶液中的蝌蚪进行了遗传毒性的检测.结果表明在实验室条件下,随着农药浓度的增加,蝌蚪的DNA损伤(DNA尾长与尾宽比)随之增加;敌敌畏浓度为2.08 mg/L和丁草胺浓度为0.41 mg/L时,对蝌蚪造成显著的损伤,而且农药的剂量与蝌蚪的DNA损伤(DNA尾长与尾宽比)呈显著的线性关系敌敌畏,y=1.136±0.0083x,r=0.957,P<0.01;丁草胺,y=0.968±0.0093x,r=0.964,P<0.01.本研究表明这两种农药对我国的两栖动物具有遗传毒性作用;同时也表明,在检测环境污染物对蝌蚪的基因毒性方面,碱性单细胞电泳分析是一种合适的方法[动物学报 51(3)447-454,2005].  相似文献   

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